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Q: How can I run wayvnc in headless mode/over an SSH session?

A: Set the environment variables WLR_BACKENDS=headless and WLR_LIBINPUT_NO_DEVICES=1 before starting sway, then run wayvnc as normal.

Q: How can I pass my mod-key from Sway to the remote desktop session?

A: Create an almost empty mode in your sway config. Example:

mode passthrough {
	bindsym $mod+Pause mode default
bindsym $mod+Pause mode passthrough

This makes it so that when you press $mod+Pause, all keybindings, except the one to switch back, are disabled.

Q: Wayvnc changes Sway's keyboard layout. Can this be fixed?

A: This happens because of a bug in how the virtual keyboard protocol interacts with a feature in sway called smart keyboard grouping. This can be remedied by either putting wayvnc on a separate seat or turning off smart keyboard grouping in sway.

Putting wayvnc in its own seat is done like this:

swaymsg seat wayvnc fallback false # create a new seat
wayvnc --seat=wayvnc

Smart keyboard grouping can be turned off like this:

swaymsg seat seat0 keyboard_grouping none

Q: Not all symbols show up when I'm typing. What can I do to fix this?

A: Try setting the keyboard layout in wayvnc to the one that most closely matches the keyboard layout that you're using on the client side. An exact layout isn't needed, just one that has all the symbols that you use.