Fix(l10n): 🔠 Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>pull/460/head
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memories" : "Vzpomínky",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Rychlá, moderní sada pro správu fotek s pokročilými funkcemi",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Vzpomínky\n\n# Vzpomínky je okamžitě použitelné řešení pro správu fotek v rámci Nextcloud, nabízející pokročilé funkce jako jsou:\n\n- **📸 Časová osa**: Řadí fotky a videa podle data pořízení, získaného z Exif metadat.\n- **⏪ Převíjení**: Během okamžiku přeskočte na kdykoli v minulosti oživte své vzpomínky.\n- **🤖 Opatřování štítky pomocí strojového učení**: Seskupujte fotky podle lidí a objektů na nich (založeno na aplikaci [Rozpoznat]( a and [Rozpoznávání obličejů](\n- **🖼️ Alba**: Vytvářejte alba a seskupujte tak fotky a videa. Pak je sdílejte s ostatními.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Externí sdílení**: Sdílejte fotky a videa s lidmi mimo vámi využívanou instanci Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Podpora mobilních platforem**: Funguje na zařízeních různých podob a velikostí prostřednictvím webové aplikace.\n- **✏️ Úprava metadat**: Pohotově a snadno upravujte data fotek.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Fotky, kterými nechcete znepřehledňovat časovou osu ukládejte do oddělené složky.\n-**📹 Překódovávání videa**: Vzpomínky překódovávají videa a pro dosažení nejlepšího výkonu používají HLS\n- **🗺️ Mapa**: Zobrazte si fotky na mapě, označené přesným reverzním geokódováním.\n- **⚡️ Výkon**: Obecně, aplikace vzpomínky je velmi rychlá.\n\n## 🌐 Ukázka na Internetu\n\n- Pro získání představy jak vzpomínky vypadají a jak se ovládají, podívejte se na [veřejnou ukázku](\n- Tato ukázka je pouze pro čtení a může být pomalá (je provozováno na virt. stroji v rámci bezplatné úrovně na službě [Oracle Cloud](\n- Fotky pocházejí ze služby [Unsplash]( (autorství jednotlivých snímků viz každá ze složek).\n\n## 🚀 Instalace\n\n1. Nainstalujte aplikaci z Nextcloud katalogu aplikací.\n1. Proveďte doporučené [kroky nastavení](\n1. Spusťte příkaz `php ./occ memories:index` a vytvořte tak rejstříky metadat pro stávající fotky.\n1. Otevřete aplikaci 📷 Vzpomínky v Nextcloud a nastavte která složka obsahuje vaše fotky.",
"Settings" : "Nastavení",
"People (Recognize)" : "Lidé (rozpoznání)",
"People" : "Lidé",
@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Pozn.: označená oblast ořezu je menší než použitá změna rozlišení, což může způsobit snížení kvality",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Skutečná velikost (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Přizpůsobit velikost",
"Transcoding failed." : "Překódování se nezdařilo.",
"Direct" : "Přímo",
"Auto" : "Automaticky",
"Shared Folder" : "Sdílená složka",
@ -269,6 +267,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Soubory se nepodařilo stáhnout",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Nepodařilo se přidat soubory mezi oblíbené.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Některé soubory se nepodařilo označit jako oblíbené",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Nepodařilo se přidat {fileName} do oblíbených."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Nepodařilo se přidat {fileName} do oblíbených.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Vzpomínky\n\n# Vzpomínky je okamžitě použitelné řešení pro správu fotek v rámci Nextcloud, nabízející pokročilé funkce jako jsou:\n\n- **📸 Časová osa**: Řadí fotky a videa podle data pořízení, získaného z Exif metadat.\n- **⏪ Převíjení**: Během okamžiku přeskočte na kdykoli v minulosti oživte své vzpomínky.\n- **🤖 Opatřování štítky pomocí strojového učení**: Seskupujte fotky podle lidí a objektů na nich (založeno na aplikaci [Rozpoznat]( a and [Rozpoznávání obličejů](\n- **🖼️ Alba**: Vytvářejte alba a seskupujte tak fotky a videa. Pak je sdílejte s ostatními.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Externí sdílení**: Sdílejte fotky a videa s lidmi mimo vámi využívanou instanci Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Podpora mobilních platforem**: Funguje na zařízeních různých podob a velikostí prostřednictvím webové aplikace.\n- **✏️ Úprava metadat**: Pohotově a snadno upravujte data fotek.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Fotky, kterými nechcete znepřehledňovat časovou osu ukládejte do oddělené složky.\n-**📹 Překódovávání videa**: Vzpomínky překódovávají videa a pro dosažení nejlepšího výkonu používají HLS\n- **🗺️ Mapa**: Zobrazte si fotky na mapě, označené přesným reverzním geokódováním.\n- **⚡️ Výkon**: Obecně, aplikace vzpomínky je velmi rychlá.\n\n## 🌐 Ukázka na Internetu\n\n- Pro získání představy jak vzpomínky vypadají a jak se ovládají, podívejte se na [veřejnou ukázku](\n- Tato ukázka je pouze pro čtení a může být pomalá (je provozováno na virt. stroji v rámci bezplatné úrovně na službě [Oracle Cloud](\n- Fotky pocházejí ze služby [Unsplash]( (autorství jednotlivých snímků viz každá ze složek).\n\n## 🚀 Instalace\n\n1. Nainstalujte aplikaci z Nextcloud katalogu aplikací.\n1. Proveďte doporučené [kroky nastavení](\n1. Spusťte příkaz `php ./occ memories:index` a vytvořte tak rejstříky metadat pro stávající fotky.\n1. Otevřete aplikaci 📷 Vzpomínky v Nextcloud a nastavte která složka obsahuje vaše fotky.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Překódování se nezdařilo."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "Vzpomínky",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Rychlá, moderní sada pro správu fotek s pokročilými funkcemi",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Vzpomínky\n\n# Vzpomínky je okamžitě použitelné řešení pro správu fotek v rámci Nextcloud, nabízející pokročilé funkce jako jsou:\n\n- **📸 Časová osa**: Řadí fotky a videa podle data pořízení, získaného z Exif metadat.\n- **⏪ Převíjení**: Během okamžiku přeskočte na kdykoli v minulosti oživte své vzpomínky.\n- **🤖 Opatřování štítky pomocí strojového učení**: Seskupujte fotky podle lidí a objektů na nich (založeno na aplikaci [Rozpoznat]( a and [Rozpoznávání obličejů](\n- **🖼️ Alba**: Vytvářejte alba a seskupujte tak fotky a videa. Pak je sdílejte s ostatními.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Externí sdílení**: Sdílejte fotky a videa s lidmi mimo vámi využívanou instanci Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Podpora mobilních platforem**: Funguje na zařízeních různých podob a velikostí prostřednictvím webové aplikace.\n- **✏️ Úprava metadat**: Pohotově a snadno upravujte data fotek.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Fotky, kterými nechcete znepřehledňovat časovou osu ukládejte do oddělené složky.\n-**📹 Překódovávání videa**: Vzpomínky překódovávají videa a pro dosažení nejlepšího výkonu používají HLS\n- **🗺️ Mapa**: Zobrazte si fotky na mapě, označené přesným reverzním geokódováním.\n- **⚡️ Výkon**: Obecně, aplikace vzpomínky je velmi rychlá.\n\n## 🌐 Ukázka na Internetu\n\n- Pro získání představy jak vzpomínky vypadají a jak se ovládají, podívejte se na [veřejnou ukázku](\n- Tato ukázka je pouze pro čtení a může být pomalá (je provozováno na virt. stroji v rámci bezplatné úrovně na službě [Oracle Cloud](\n- Fotky pocházejí ze služby [Unsplash]( (autorství jednotlivých snímků viz každá ze složek).\n\n## 🚀 Instalace\n\n1. Nainstalujte aplikaci z Nextcloud katalogu aplikací.\n1. Proveďte doporučené [kroky nastavení](\n1. Spusťte příkaz `php ./occ memories:index` a vytvořte tak rejstříky metadat pro stávající fotky.\n1. Otevřete aplikaci 📷 Vzpomínky v Nextcloud a nastavte která složka obsahuje vaše fotky.",
"Settings" : "Nastavení",
"People (Recognize)" : "Lidé (rozpoznání)",
"People" : "Lidé",
@ -250,7 +249,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Pozn.: označená oblast ořezu je menší než použitá změna rozlišení, což může způsobit snížení kvality",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Skutečná velikost (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Přizpůsobit velikost",
"Transcoding failed." : "Překódování se nezdařilo.",
"Direct" : "Přímo",
"Auto" : "Automaticky",
"Shared Folder" : "Sdílená složka",
@ -267,6 +265,8 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Soubory se nepodařilo stáhnout",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Nepodařilo se přidat soubory mezi oblíbené.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Některé soubory se nepodařilo označit jako oblíbené",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Nepodařilo se přidat {fileName} do oblíbených."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Nepodařilo se přidat {fileName} do oblíbených.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Vzpomínky\n\n# Vzpomínky je okamžitě použitelné řešení pro správu fotek v rámci Nextcloud, nabízející pokročilé funkce jako jsou:\n\n- **📸 Časová osa**: Řadí fotky a videa podle data pořízení, získaného z Exif metadat.\n- **⏪ Převíjení**: Během okamžiku přeskočte na kdykoli v minulosti oživte své vzpomínky.\n- **🤖 Opatřování štítky pomocí strojového učení**: Seskupujte fotky podle lidí a objektů na nich (založeno na aplikaci [Rozpoznat]( a and [Rozpoznávání obličejů](\n- **🖼️ Alba**: Vytvářejte alba a seskupujte tak fotky a videa. Pak je sdílejte s ostatními.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Externí sdílení**: Sdílejte fotky a videa s lidmi mimo vámi využívanou instanci Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Podpora mobilních platforem**: Funguje na zařízeních různých podob a velikostí prostřednictvím webové aplikace.\n- **✏️ Úprava metadat**: Pohotově a snadno upravujte data fotek.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Fotky, kterými nechcete znepřehledňovat časovou osu ukládejte do oddělené složky.\n-**📹 Překódovávání videa**: Vzpomínky překódovávají videa a pro dosažení nejlepšího výkonu používají HLS\n- **🗺️ Mapa**: Zobrazte si fotky na mapě, označené přesným reverzním geokódováním.\n- **⚡️ Výkon**: Obecně, aplikace vzpomínky je velmi rychlá.\n\n## 🌐 Ukázka na Internetu\n\n- Pro získání představy jak vzpomínky vypadají a jak se ovládají, podívejte se na [veřejnou ukázku](\n- Tato ukázka je pouze pro čtení a může být pomalá (je provozováno na virt. stroji v rámci bezplatné úrovně na službě [Oracle Cloud](\n- Fotky pocházejí ze služby [Unsplash]( (autorství jednotlivých snímků viz každá ze složek).\n\n## 🚀 Instalace\n\n1. Nainstalujte aplikaci z Nextcloud katalogu aplikací.\n1. Proveďte doporučené [kroky nastavení](\n1. Spusťte příkaz `php ./occ memories:index` a vytvořte tak rejstříky metadat pro stávající fotky.\n1. Otevřete aplikaci 📷 Vzpomínky v Nextcloud a nastavte která složka obsahuje vaše fotky.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Překódování se nezdařilo."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memories" : "Erinnerungen",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Schnelle, moderne und fortschrittliche Fotoverwaltungssuite",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Erinnerungen\n\nMemories ist eine Fotoverwaltungs-App für Nextcloud mit erweiterten Funktionen, darunter:\n\n- **📸 Zeitleiste**: Fotos und Videos nach Aufnahmedatum sortieren, geparst aus Exif-Daten.\n- **⏪ Zurückspulen**: Springe sofort zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit und erlebe deine Erinnerungen erneut.\n- **🤖 KI-Tagging**: Gruppiere Fotos nach Personen und Objekten, unterstützt von den Apps [Recognize]( und [Facerecognition](\n\n- **🖼️ Alben**: Erstelle Alben, um Fotos und Videos zu gruppieren. Dann teile diese Alben mit anderen.\n- **📁 Ordner**: Durchsuche deine eigenen und freigegebenen Ordner mit einer ähnlichen, effizienten Zeitleiste.\n- **🎦 Diashow**: Zeige ganz einfach Fotos aus deinerr Chronik und deinen Ordnern an.\n- **📱 Mobiler Support**: Funktioniert auf Geräten jeder Form und Größe über die Web-App.\n- **✏️ Metadaten bearbeiten**: Bearbeite Exif-Daten auf Fotos schnell und einfach.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Speichere Fotos, die du nicht in deiner Chronik sehen möchtest, in einem separaten Ordner.\n- **📹 Videotranskodierung**: Memories transkodiert Videos und verwendet HLS für maximale Leistung.\n- **📷 RAW-Unterstützung**: Zeige RAW-Fotos von deiner Kamera mit der App [Camera RAW Previews]( an.\n.- **🗺️ Karte**: Zeige deine Fotos auf einer Karte, die mit genauer umgekehrter Geokodierung versehen ist.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories ist sehr schnell.\n\n## 🌐 Online-Demo\nUm eine Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, wie Erinnerungen aussehen und sich anfühlen, sehe dir die [öffentliche Demo]( an. Beachte, dass die Demo schreibgeschützt ist und möglicherweise langsam ist, da sie in einer von [Oracle Cloud] ( bereitgestellten Low-End-VM mit kostenlosem Kontingent ausgeführt wird. Fotonachweise gehen zu [Unsplash]( (Einzelnachweise findest du in jedem Ordner).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installiere die App aus dem Nextcloud App Store\n1. Führe `php ./occ memory:index` aus, um Metadaten-Indizes für vorhandene Fotos zu generieren.\n1. Öffne die App 📷 Erinnerungen in Nextcloud und lege das Verzeichnis mit deinen Fotos fest. Fotos aus diesem Verzeichnis werden in der Zeitleiste angezeigt, einschließlich aller Fotos in verschachtelten Unterverzeichnissen.\n1. Die Installation des [Vorschaugenerators]( zum Vorgenerieren von Miniaturansichten wird dringend empfohlen.",
"Settings" : "Einstellungen",
"People (Recognize)" : "Personen (erkennen)",
"People" : "Personen",
@ -251,7 +250,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Beachte, dass der ausgewählte Zuschneidebereich kleiner ist als die angewendete Größenänderung, was zu Qualitätseinbußen führen kann.",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tatsächliche Größe (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Größe anpassen",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodierung fehlgeschlagen",
"Direct" : "Direkt",
"Auto" : "Automatisch",
"Shared Folder" : "Geteilter Ordner",
@ -268,6 +266,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Dateien konnten nicht heruntergeladen werden",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Favorisieren von Dateien fehlgeschlagen",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Einige Dateien konnten nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} konnte nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} konnte nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Erinnerungen\n\nMemories ist eine Fotoverwaltungs-App für Nextcloud mit erweiterten Funktionen, darunter:\n\n- **📸 Zeitleiste**: Fotos und Videos nach Aufnahmedatum sortieren, geparst aus Exif-Daten.\n- **⏪ Zurückspulen**: Springe sofort zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit und erlebe deine Erinnerungen erneut.\n- **🤖 KI-Tagging**: Gruppiere Fotos nach Personen und Objekten, unterstützt von den Apps [Recognize]( und [Facerecognition](\n\n- **🖼️ Alben**: Erstelle Alben, um Fotos und Videos zu gruppieren. Dann teile diese Alben mit anderen.\n- **📁 Ordner**: Durchsuche deine eigenen und freigegebenen Ordner mit einer ähnlichen, effizienten Zeitleiste.\n- **🎦 Diashow**: Zeige ganz einfach Fotos aus deinerr Chronik und deinen Ordnern an.\n- **📱 Mobiler Support**: Funktioniert auf Geräten jeder Form und Größe über die Web-App.\n- **✏️ Metadaten bearbeiten**: Bearbeite Exif-Daten auf Fotos schnell und einfach.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Speichere Fotos, die du nicht in deiner Chronik sehen möchtest, in einem separaten Ordner.\n- **📹 Videotranskodierung**: Memories transkodiert Videos und verwendet HLS für maximale Leistung.\n- **📷 RAW-Unterstützung**: Zeige RAW-Fotos von deiner Kamera mit der App [Camera RAW Previews]( an.\n.- **🗺️ Karte**: Zeige deine Fotos auf einer Karte, die mit genauer umgekehrter Geokodierung versehen ist.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories ist sehr schnell.\n\n## 🌐 Online-Demo\nUm eine Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, wie Erinnerungen aussehen und sich anfühlen, sehe dir die [öffentliche Demo]( an. Beachte, dass die Demo schreibgeschützt ist und möglicherweise langsam ist, da sie in einer von [Oracle Cloud] ( bereitgestellten Low-End-VM mit kostenlosem Kontingent ausgeführt wird. Fotonachweise gehen zu [Unsplash]( (Einzelnachweise findest du in jedem Ordner).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installiere die App aus dem Nextcloud App Store\n1. Führe `php ./occ memory:index` aus, um Metadaten-Indizes für vorhandene Fotos zu generieren.\n1. Öffne die App 📷 Erinnerungen in Nextcloud und lege das Verzeichnis mit deinen Fotos fest. Fotos aus diesem Verzeichnis werden in der Zeitleiste angezeigt, einschließlich aller Fotos in verschachtelten Unterverzeichnissen.\n1. Die Installation des [Vorschaugenerators]( zum Vorgenerieren von Miniaturansichten wird dringend empfohlen.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodierung fehlgeschlagen"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "Erinnerungen",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Schnelle, moderne und fortschrittliche Fotoverwaltungssuite",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Erinnerungen\n\nMemories ist eine Fotoverwaltungs-App für Nextcloud mit erweiterten Funktionen, darunter:\n\n- **📸 Zeitleiste**: Fotos und Videos nach Aufnahmedatum sortieren, geparst aus Exif-Daten.\n- **⏪ Zurückspulen**: Springe sofort zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit und erlebe deine Erinnerungen erneut.\n- **🤖 KI-Tagging**: Gruppiere Fotos nach Personen und Objekten, unterstützt von den Apps [Recognize]( und [Facerecognition](\n\n- **🖼️ Alben**: Erstelle Alben, um Fotos und Videos zu gruppieren. Dann teile diese Alben mit anderen.\n- **📁 Ordner**: Durchsuche deine eigenen und freigegebenen Ordner mit einer ähnlichen, effizienten Zeitleiste.\n- **🎦 Diashow**: Zeige ganz einfach Fotos aus deinerr Chronik und deinen Ordnern an.\n- **📱 Mobiler Support**: Funktioniert auf Geräten jeder Form und Größe über die Web-App.\n- **✏️ Metadaten bearbeiten**: Bearbeite Exif-Daten auf Fotos schnell und einfach.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Speichere Fotos, die du nicht in deiner Chronik sehen möchtest, in einem separaten Ordner.\n- **📹 Videotranskodierung**: Memories transkodiert Videos und verwendet HLS für maximale Leistung.\n- **📷 RAW-Unterstützung**: Zeige RAW-Fotos von deiner Kamera mit der App [Camera RAW Previews]( an.\n.- **🗺️ Karte**: Zeige deine Fotos auf einer Karte, die mit genauer umgekehrter Geokodierung versehen ist.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories ist sehr schnell.\n\n## 🌐 Online-Demo\nUm eine Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, wie Erinnerungen aussehen und sich anfühlen, sehe dir die [öffentliche Demo]( an. Beachte, dass die Demo schreibgeschützt ist und möglicherweise langsam ist, da sie in einer von [Oracle Cloud] ( bereitgestellten Low-End-VM mit kostenlosem Kontingent ausgeführt wird. Fotonachweise gehen zu [Unsplash]( (Einzelnachweise findest du in jedem Ordner).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installiere die App aus dem Nextcloud App Store\n1. Führe `php ./occ memory:index` aus, um Metadaten-Indizes für vorhandene Fotos zu generieren.\n1. Öffne die App 📷 Erinnerungen in Nextcloud und lege das Verzeichnis mit deinen Fotos fest. Fotos aus diesem Verzeichnis werden in der Zeitleiste angezeigt, einschließlich aller Fotos in verschachtelten Unterverzeichnissen.\n1. Die Installation des [Vorschaugenerators]( zum Vorgenerieren von Miniaturansichten wird dringend empfohlen.",
"Settings" : "Einstellungen",
"People (Recognize)" : "Personen (erkennen)",
"People" : "Personen",
@ -249,7 +248,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Beachte, dass der ausgewählte Zuschneidebereich kleiner ist als die angewendete Größenänderung, was zu Qualitätseinbußen führen kann.",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tatsächliche Größe (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Größe anpassen",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodierung fehlgeschlagen",
"Direct" : "Direkt",
"Auto" : "Automatisch",
"Shared Folder" : "Geteilter Ordner",
@ -266,6 +264,8 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Dateien konnten nicht heruntergeladen werden",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Favorisieren von Dateien fehlgeschlagen",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Einige Dateien konnten nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} konnte nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} konnte nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Erinnerungen\n\nMemories ist eine Fotoverwaltungs-App für Nextcloud mit erweiterten Funktionen, darunter:\n\n- **📸 Zeitleiste**: Fotos und Videos nach Aufnahmedatum sortieren, geparst aus Exif-Daten.\n- **⏪ Zurückspulen**: Springe sofort zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit und erlebe deine Erinnerungen erneut.\n- **🤖 KI-Tagging**: Gruppiere Fotos nach Personen und Objekten, unterstützt von den Apps [Recognize]( und [Facerecognition](\n\n- **🖼️ Alben**: Erstelle Alben, um Fotos und Videos zu gruppieren. Dann teile diese Alben mit anderen.\n- **📁 Ordner**: Durchsuche deine eigenen und freigegebenen Ordner mit einer ähnlichen, effizienten Zeitleiste.\n- **🎦 Diashow**: Zeige ganz einfach Fotos aus deinerr Chronik und deinen Ordnern an.\n- **📱 Mobiler Support**: Funktioniert auf Geräten jeder Form und Größe über die Web-App.\n- **✏️ Metadaten bearbeiten**: Bearbeite Exif-Daten auf Fotos schnell und einfach.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Speichere Fotos, die du nicht in deiner Chronik sehen möchtest, in einem separaten Ordner.\n- **📹 Videotranskodierung**: Memories transkodiert Videos und verwendet HLS für maximale Leistung.\n- **📷 RAW-Unterstützung**: Zeige RAW-Fotos von deiner Kamera mit der App [Camera RAW Previews]( an.\n.- **🗺️ Karte**: Zeige deine Fotos auf einer Karte, die mit genauer umgekehrter Geokodierung versehen ist.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories ist sehr schnell.\n\n## 🌐 Online-Demo\nUm eine Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, wie Erinnerungen aussehen und sich anfühlen, sehe dir die [öffentliche Demo]( an. Beachte, dass die Demo schreibgeschützt ist und möglicherweise langsam ist, da sie in einer von [Oracle Cloud] ( bereitgestellten Low-End-VM mit kostenlosem Kontingent ausgeführt wird. Fotonachweise gehen zu [Unsplash]( (Einzelnachweise findest du in jedem Ordner).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installiere die App aus dem Nextcloud App Store\n1. Führe `php ./occ memory:index` aus, um Metadaten-Indizes für vorhandene Fotos zu generieren.\n1. Öffne die App 📷 Erinnerungen in Nextcloud und lege das Verzeichnis mit deinen Fotos fest. Fotos aus diesem Verzeichnis werden in der Zeitleiste angezeigt, einschließlich aller Fotos in verschachtelten Unterverzeichnissen.\n1. Die Installation des [Vorschaugenerators]( zum Vorgenerieren von Miniaturansichten wird dringend empfohlen.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodierung fehlgeschlagen"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memories" : "Erinnerungen",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Schnelle, moderne und fortschrittliche Fotoverwaltungssuite",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories (Erinnerungen)\n\nMemories ist eine Fotoverwaltungslösung für Nextcloud mit erweiterten Funktionen, darunter:\n\n- **📸 Zeitleiste**: Fotos und Videos nach Aufnahmedatum sortieren, ausgelesen aus Exif-Daten.\n- **⏪ Zurückspulen**: Springen Sie sofort zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit und erleben Sie Ihre Erinnerungen erneut.\n- **🤖 KI-Tagging**: Gruppieren Sie Fotos nach Personen und Objekten, unterstützt von [recognize]( und [facerecognition]( ).\n- **🖼️ Alben**: Erstellen Sie Alben, um Fotos und Videos zu gruppieren. Teilen Sie diese Alben dann mit anderen.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Externes Teilen**: Teilen Sie Fotos und Videos mit Personen außerhalb Ihrer Nextcloud-Instanz.\n- **📱 Mobiler Support**: Funktioniert auf Geräten jeder Form und Größe über die Web-App.\n- **✏️ Metadaten bearbeiten**: Bearbeiten Sie Daten auf Fotos schnell und einfach.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Speichern Sie Fotos, die Sie nicht in Ihrer Chronik sehen möchten, in einem separaten Ordner.\n- **📹 Videotranskodierung**: Memories transkodiert Videos und verwendet HLS für maximale Leistung.\n- **🗺️ Karte**: Zeigen Sie Ihre Fotos auf einer Karte an, die mit genauer umgekehrter Geokodierung versehen ist.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories ist sehr schnell.\n\n## 🌐 Online-Demo\n\n- Um eine Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, wie Erinnerungen aussehen und sich anfühlen, sehen Sie sich die [öffentliche Demo] ( an.\n- Die Demo ist schreibgeschützt und kann langsam sein (kostenlose Kontingent-VM von [Oracle Cloud](\n- Fotonachweise gehen zu [Unsplash]( (Einzelnachweise finden Sie in jedem Ordner).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installieren Sie die App aus dem Nextcloud App Store.\n1. Führen Sie die empfohlenen [Konfigurationsschritte] durch (\n1. Führen Sie `php ./occ memory:index` aus, um Metadaten-Indizes für vorhandene Fotos zu generieren.\n1. Öffnen Sie die App 📷 Erinnerungen in Nextcloud und legen Sie das Verzeichnis mit Ihren Fotos fest.",
"Settings" : "Einstellungen",
"People (Recognize)" : "Personen (erkennen)",
"People" : "Personen",
@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Beachten Sie, dass der ausgewählte Zuschneidebereich kleiner ist als die angewendete Größenänderung, was zu Qualitätseinbußen führen kann",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tatsächliche Größe (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Größe anpassen",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodierung fehlgeschlagen.",
"Direct" : "Direkt",
"Auto" : "Automatisch",
"Shared Folder" : "Geteilter Ordner",
@ -269,6 +267,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Dateien konnten nicht heruntergeladen werden",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Favorisieren von Dateien fehlgeschlagen.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Einige Dateien konnten nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} konnte nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} konnte nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories (Erinnerungen)\n\nMemories ist eine Fotoverwaltungslösung für Nextcloud mit erweiterten Funktionen, darunter:\n\n- **📸 Zeitleiste**: Fotos und Videos nach Aufnahmedatum sortieren, ausgelesen aus Exif-Daten.\n- **⏪ Zurückspulen**: Springen Sie sofort zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit und erleben Sie Ihre Erinnerungen erneut.\n- **🤖 KI-Tagging**: Gruppieren Sie Fotos nach Personen und Objekten, unterstützt von [recognize]( und [facerecognition]( ).\n- **🖼️ Alben**: Erstellen Sie Alben, um Fotos und Videos zu gruppieren. Teilen Sie diese Alben dann mit anderen.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Externes Teilen**: Teilen Sie Fotos und Videos mit Personen außerhalb Ihrer Nextcloud-Instanz.\n- **📱 Mobiler Support**: Funktioniert auf Geräten jeder Form und Größe über die Web-App.\n- **✏️ Metadaten bearbeiten**: Bearbeiten Sie Daten auf Fotos schnell und einfach.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Speichern Sie Fotos, die Sie nicht in Ihrer Chronik sehen möchten, in einem separaten Ordner.\n- **📹 Videotranskodierung**: Memories transkodiert Videos und verwendet HLS für maximale Leistung.\n- **🗺️ Karte**: Zeigen Sie Ihre Fotos auf einer Karte an, die mit genauer umgekehrter Geokodierung versehen ist.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories ist sehr schnell.\n\n## 🌐 Online-Demo\n\n- Um eine Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, wie Erinnerungen aussehen und sich anfühlen, sehen Sie sich die [öffentliche Demo] ( an.\n- Die Demo ist schreibgeschützt und kann langsam sein (kostenlose Kontingent-VM von [Oracle Cloud](\n- Fotonachweise gehen zu [Unsplash]( (Einzelnachweise finden Sie in jedem Ordner).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installieren Sie die App aus dem Nextcloud App Store.\n1. Führen Sie die empfohlenen [Konfigurationsschritte] durch (\n1. Führen Sie `php ./occ memory:index` aus, um Metadaten-Indizes für vorhandene Fotos zu generieren.\n1. Öffnen Sie die App 📷 Erinnerungen in Nextcloud und legen Sie das Verzeichnis mit Ihren Fotos fest.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodierung fehlgeschlagen."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "Erinnerungen",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Schnelle, moderne und fortschrittliche Fotoverwaltungssuite",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories (Erinnerungen)\n\nMemories ist eine Fotoverwaltungslösung für Nextcloud mit erweiterten Funktionen, darunter:\n\n- **📸 Zeitleiste**: Fotos und Videos nach Aufnahmedatum sortieren, ausgelesen aus Exif-Daten.\n- **⏪ Zurückspulen**: Springen Sie sofort zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit und erleben Sie Ihre Erinnerungen erneut.\n- **🤖 KI-Tagging**: Gruppieren Sie Fotos nach Personen und Objekten, unterstützt von [recognize]( und [facerecognition]( ).\n- **🖼️ Alben**: Erstellen Sie Alben, um Fotos und Videos zu gruppieren. Teilen Sie diese Alben dann mit anderen.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Externes Teilen**: Teilen Sie Fotos und Videos mit Personen außerhalb Ihrer Nextcloud-Instanz.\n- **📱 Mobiler Support**: Funktioniert auf Geräten jeder Form und Größe über die Web-App.\n- **✏️ Metadaten bearbeiten**: Bearbeiten Sie Daten auf Fotos schnell und einfach.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Speichern Sie Fotos, die Sie nicht in Ihrer Chronik sehen möchten, in einem separaten Ordner.\n- **📹 Videotranskodierung**: Memories transkodiert Videos und verwendet HLS für maximale Leistung.\n- **🗺️ Karte**: Zeigen Sie Ihre Fotos auf einer Karte an, die mit genauer umgekehrter Geokodierung versehen ist.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories ist sehr schnell.\n\n## 🌐 Online-Demo\n\n- Um eine Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, wie Erinnerungen aussehen und sich anfühlen, sehen Sie sich die [öffentliche Demo] ( an.\n- Die Demo ist schreibgeschützt und kann langsam sein (kostenlose Kontingent-VM von [Oracle Cloud](\n- Fotonachweise gehen zu [Unsplash]( (Einzelnachweise finden Sie in jedem Ordner).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installieren Sie die App aus dem Nextcloud App Store.\n1. Führen Sie die empfohlenen [Konfigurationsschritte] durch (\n1. Führen Sie `php ./occ memory:index` aus, um Metadaten-Indizes für vorhandene Fotos zu generieren.\n1. Öffnen Sie die App 📷 Erinnerungen in Nextcloud und legen Sie das Verzeichnis mit Ihren Fotos fest.",
"Settings" : "Einstellungen",
"People (Recognize)" : "Personen (erkennen)",
"People" : "Personen",
@ -250,7 +249,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Beachten Sie, dass der ausgewählte Zuschneidebereich kleiner ist als die angewendete Größenänderung, was zu Qualitätseinbußen führen kann",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tatsächliche Größe (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Größe anpassen",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodierung fehlgeschlagen.",
"Direct" : "Direkt",
"Auto" : "Automatisch",
"Shared Folder" : "Geteilter Ordner",
@ -267,6 +265,8 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Dateien konnten nicht heruntergeladen werden",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Favorisieren von Dateien fehlgeschlagen.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Einige Dateien konnten nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} konnte nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} konnte nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories (Erinnerungen)\n\nMemories ist eine Fotoverwaltungslösung für Nextcloud mit erweiterten Funktionen, darunter:\n\n- **📸 Zeitleiste**: Fotos und Videos nach Aufnahmedatum sortieren, ausgelesen aus Exif-Daten.\n- **⏪ Zurückspulen**: Springen Sie sofort zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit und erleben Sie Ihre Erinnerungen erneut.\n- **🤖 KI-Tagging**: Gruppieren Sie Fotos nach Personen und Objekten, unterstützt von [recognize]( und [facerecognition]( ).\n- **🖼️ Alben**: Erstellen Sie Alben, um Fotos und Videos zu gruppieren. Teilen Sie diese Alben dann mit anderen.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Externes Teilen**: Teilen Sie Fotos und Videos mit Personen außerhalb Ihrer Nextcloud-Instanz.\n- **📱 Mobiler Support**: Funktioniert auf Geräten jeder Form und Größe über die Web-App.\n- **✏️ Metadaten bearbeiten**: Bearbeiten Sie Daten auf Fotos schnell und einfach.\n- **📦 Archiv**: Speichern Sie Fotos, die Sie nicht in Ihrer Chronik sehen möchten, in einem separaten Ordner.\n- **📹 Videotranskodierung**: Memories transkodiert Videos und verwendet HLS für maximale Leistung.\n- **🗺️ Karte**: Zeigen Sie Ihre Fotos auf einer Karte an, die mit genauer umgekehrter Geokodierung versehen ist.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories ist sehr schnell.\n\n## 🌐 Online-Demo\n\n- Um eine Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, wie Erinnerungen aussehen und sich anfühlen, sehen Sie sich die [öffentliche Demo] ( an.\n- Die Demo ist schreibgeschützt und kann langsam sein (kostenlose Kontingent-VM von [Oracle Cloud](\n- Fotonachweise gehen zu [Unsplash]( (Einzelnachweise finden Sie in jedem Ordner).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installieren Sie die App aus dem Nextcloud App Store.\n1. Führen Sie die empfohlenen [Konfigurationsschritte] durch (\n1. Führen Sie `php ./occ memory:index` aus, um Metadaten-Indizes für vorhandene Fotos zu generieren.\n1. Öffnen Sie die App 📷 Erinnerungen in Nextcloud und legen Sie das Verzeichnis mit Ihren Fotos fest.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodierung fehlgeschlagen."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memories" : "Memories",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos.",
"Settings" : "Settings",
"People (Recognize)" : "People (Recognise)",
"People" : "People",
@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Actual size (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Fit size",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transcoding failed.",
"Direct" : "Direct",
"Auto" : "Auto",
"Shared Folder" : "Shared Folder",
@ -269,6 +267,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Failed to download files",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Failed to favorite files.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Failed to favorite some files.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Failed to favorite {fileName}."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Failed to favorite {fileName}.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transcoding failed."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "Memories",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos.",
"Settings" : "Settings",
"People (Recognize)" : "People (Recognise)",
"People" : "People",
@ -250,7 +249,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Actual size (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Fit size",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transcoding failed.",
"Direct" : "Direct",
"Auto" : "Auto",
"Shared Folder" : "Shared Folder",
@ -267,6 +265,8 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Failed to download files",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Failed to favorite files.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Failed to favorite some files.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Failed to favorite {fileName}."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Failed to favorite {fileName}.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transcoding failed."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memories" : "Memories",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Suite rápida, moderna y avanzada para la gestión de fotografías",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories\n\nMemories es una solución con *baterías incluidas* para gestión de fotos en Nextcloud con algunas características avanzadas, incluyendo:\n\n- **📸 Línea de tiempo**: Organice fotos y videos por fecha, analizadas desde los datos Exif.\n- **⏪ Rebobinar**: Navegue a cualquier momento del pasado instantáneamente y reviva sus memorias.\n- **🤖 Etiquetado IA**: Agrupe fotos por persona y objetos utilizando IA, con la ayuda de [recognize]( y [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Álbumes**: Cree álbumes para agrupar fotos y videos en conjunto. Podrá entonces compartir estos álbumes con otros.\n **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Compartir externamente**: Comparta fotos y videos con personas fuera de su instancia Nextcloud.\n-- **📱 Soporte a Móviles**: Funciona con dispositivos de cualquier tamaño y forma a través de la aplicación web.\n- **✏️ Editar Metadatos**: Edite las fechas en las fotos de forma rápida y sencilla.\n- **📦 Archivar**: Almacene las fotos que no quiere ver en su línea de tiempo en una carpeta separada.\n- **📹 Conversión de video**: Memories convierte entre formatos de video y utiliza HLS para máximo rendimiento.\n**🗺️ Mapas**: Vea sus fotos en un mapa, etiquetadas mediante geo-codificación reversa precisa.\n- **⚡️ Rendimiento**: En general, Memories es extremadamente rápida.\n\n## 🌐 Demostración en línea\n\n- Para tener una idea de como se siente y se ve Memories, compruebe la [demostración pública]( \n- Tenga en cuenta que la demostración es de sólo lectura y podría ser lenta (se ejecuta en una VM en la nube de la capa gratuita de [Oracle Cloud]( \n- Los créditos de las fotos son para [Unsplash]( (para créditos individuales, refiérase a cada carpeta).\n\n## 🚀 Instalación\n\n1. Instale la aplicación desde la tienda de Nextcloud.\n2. Ejecute los [pasos recomendados de configuración](\n3. Ejecute `php ./occ memories:index` para generar los índices de metadatos para las fotos existentes.\n4. Abra la aplicación 📷 Memories en Nextcloud y especifique la carpeta que contiene sus fotos.",
"Settings" : "Ajustes",
"People (Recognize)" : "Personas (Recognize)",
"People" : "Personas",
@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Tenga en cuenta que el área a recortar es menor al redimensionamiento aplicado lo que puede causar pérdida de calidad",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tamaño actual (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Ajustar tamaño",
"Transcoding failed." : "Falló el transcoding",
"Direct" : "Directo",
"Auto" : "Auto",
"Shared Folder" : "Carpeta compartida",
@ -269,6 +267,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Fallo al descargar archivos",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Fallo al marcar archivos como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Fallo al marcar algunos archivos como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Fallo al marcar como favorito {fileName}."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Fallo al marcar como favorito {fileName}.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories\n\nMemories es una solución con *baterías incluidas* para gestión de fotos en Nextcloud con algunas características avanzadas, incluyendo:\n\n- **📸 Línea de tiempo**: Organice fotos y videos por fecha, analizadas desde los datos Exif.\n- **⏪ Rebobinar**: Navegue a cualquier momento del pasado instantáneamente y reviva sus memorias.\n- **🤖 Etiquetado IA**: Agrupe fotos por persona y objetos utilizando IA, con la ayuda de [recognize]( y [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Álbumes**: Cree álbumes para agrupar fotos y videos en conjunto. Podrá entonces compartir estos álbumes con otros.\n **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Compartir externamente**: Comparta fotos y videos con personas fuera de su instancia Nextcloud.\n-- **📱 Soporte a Móviles**: Funciona con dispositivos de cualquier tamaño y forma a través de la aplicación web.\n- **✏️ Editar Metadatos**: Edite las fechas en las fotos de forma rápida y sencilla.\n- **📦 Archivar**: Almacene las fotos que no quiere ver en su línea de tiempo en una carpeta separada.\n- **📹 Conversión de video**: Memories convierte entre formatos de video y utiliza HLS para máximo rendimiento.\n**🗺️ Mapas**: Vea sus fotos en un mapa, etiquetadas mediante geo-codificación reversa precisa.\n- **⚡️ Rendimiento**: En general, Memories es extremadamente rápida.\n\n## 🌐 Demostración en línea\n\n- Para tener una idea de como se siente y se ve Memories, compruebe la [demostración pública]( \n- Tenga en cuenta que la demostración es de sólo lectura y podría ser lenta (se ejecuta en una VM en la nube de la capa gratuita de [Oracle Cloud]( \n- Los créditos de las fotos son para [Unsplash]( (para créditos individuales, refiérase a cada carpeta).\n\n## 🚀 Instalación\n\n1. Instale la aplicación desde la tienda de Nextcloud.\n2. Ejecute los [pasos recomendados de configuración](\n3. Ejecute `php ./occ memories:index` para generar los índices de metadatos para las fotos existentes.\n4. Abra la aplicación 📷 Memories en Nextcloud y especifique la carpeta que contiene sus fotos.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Falló el transcoding"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "Memories",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Suite rápida, moderna y avanzada para la gestión de fotografías",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories\n\nMemories es una solución con *baterías incluidas* para gestión de fotos en Nextcloud con algunas características avanzadas, incluyendo:\n\n- **📸 Línea de tiempo**: Organice fotos y videos por fecha, analizadas desde los datos Exif.\n- **⏪ Rebobinar**: Navegue a cualquier momento del pasado instantáneamente y reviva sus memorias.\n- **🤖 Etiquetado IA**: Agrupe fotos por persona y objetos utilizando IA, con la ayuda de [recognize]( y [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Álbumes**: Cree álbumes para agrupar fotos y videos en conjunto. Podrá entonces compartir estos álbumes con otros.\n **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Compartir externamente**: Comparta fotos y videos con personas fuera de su instancia Nextcloud.\n-- **📱 Soporte a Móviles**: Funciona con dispositivos de cualquier tamaño y forma a través de la aplicación web.\n- **✏️ Editar Metadatos**: Edite las fechas en las fotos de forma rápida y sencilla.\n- **📦 Archivar**: Almacene las fotos que no quiere ver en su línea de tiempo en una carpeta separada.\n- **📹 Conversión de video**: Memories convierte entre formatos de video y utiliza HLS para máximo rendimiento.\n**🗺️ Mapas**: Vea sus fotos en un mapa, etiquetadas mediante geo-codificación reversa precisa.\n- **⚡️ Rendimiento**: En general, Memories es extremadamente rápida.\n\n## 🌐 Demostración en línea\n\n- Para tener una idea de como se siente y se ve Memories, compruebe la [demostración pública]( \n- Tenga en cuenta que la demostración es de sólo lectura y podría ser lenta (se ejecuta en una VM en la nube de la capa gratuita de [Oracle Cloud]( \n- Los créditos de las fotos son para [Unsplash]( (para créditos individuales, refiérase a cada carpeta).\n\n## 🚀 Instalación\n\n1. Instale la aplicación desde la tienda de Nextcloud.\n2. Ejecute los [pasos recomendados de configuración](\n3. Ejecute `php ./occ memories:index` para generar los índices de metadatos para las fotos existentes.\n4. Abra la aplicación 📷 Memories en Nextcloud y especifique la carpeta que contiene sus fotos.",
"Settings" : "Ajustes",
"People (Recognize)" : "Personas (Recognize)",
"People" : "Personas",
@ -250,7 +249,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Tenga en cuenta que el área a recortar es menor al redimensionamiento aplicado lo que puede causar pérdida de calidad",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tamaño actual (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Ajustar tamaño",
"Transcoding failed." : "Falló el transcoding",
"Direct" : "Directo",
"Auto" : "Auto",
"Shared Folder" : "Carpeta compartida",
@ -267,6 +265,8 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Fallo al descargar archivos",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Fallo al marcar archivos como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Fallo al marcar algunos archivos como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Fallo al marcar como favorito {fileName}."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Fallo al marcar como favorito {fileName}.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories\n\nMemories es una solución con *baterías incluidas* para gestión de fotos en Nextcloud con algunas características avanzadas, incluyendo:\n\n- **📸 Línea de tiempo**: Organice fotos y videos por fecha, analizadas desde los datos Exif.\n- **⏪ Rebobinar**: Navegue a cualquier momento del pasado instantáneamente y reviva sus memorias.\n- **🤖 Etiquetado IA**: Agrupe fotos por persona y objetos utilizando IA, con la ayuda de [recognize]( y [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Álbumes**: Cree álbumes para agrupar fotos y videos en conjunto. Podrá entonces compartir estos álbumes con otros.\n **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Compartir externamente**: Comparta fotos y videos con personas fuera de su instancia Nextcloud.\n-- **📱 Soporte a Móviles**: Funciona con dispositivos de cualquier tamaño y forma a través de la aplicación web.\n- **✏️ Editar Metadatos**: Edite las fechas en las fotos de forma rápida y sencilla.\n- **📦 Archivar**: Almacene las fotos que no quiere ver en su línea de tiempo en una carpeta separada.\n- **📹 Conversión de video**: Memories convierte entre formatos de video y utiliza HLS para máximo rendimiento.\n**🗺️ Mapas**: Vea sus fotos en un mapa, etiquetadas mediante geo-codificación reversa precisa.\n- **⚡️ Rendimiento**: En general, Memories es extremadamente rápida.\n\n## 🌐 Demostración en línea\n\n- Para tener una idea de como se siente y se ve Memories, compruebe la [demostración pública]( \n- Tenga en cuenta que la demostración es de sólo lectura y podría ser lenta (se ejecuta en una VM en la nube de la capa gratuita de [Oracle Cloud]( \n- Los créditos de las fotos son para [Unsplash]( (para créditos individuales, refiérase a cada carpeta).\n\n## 🚀 Instalación\n\n1. Instale la aplicación desde la tienda de Nextcloud.\n2. Ejecute los [pasos recomendados de configuración](\n3. Ejecute `php ./occ memories:index` para generar los índices de metadatos para las fotos existentes.\n4. Abra la aplicación 📷 Memories en Nextcloud y especifique la carpeta que contiene sus fotos.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Falló el transcoding"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
@ -218,7 +218,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Kontuan izan hautatutako mozte-eremua aplikatutako tamaina baino txikiagoa dela eta horrek kalitatea gutxitzea eragin dezakeela",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Benetako tamaina (% 100)",
"Fit size" : "Egokitu tamaina",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodifikazioak huts egin du.",
"Direct" : "Zuzena",
"Auto" : "Auto",
"Shared Folder" : "Partekatutako karpeta",
@ -234,6 +233,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "{fileName} lekuz aldatzeak huts egin du.",
"Failed to download files" : "Ezin izan dira fitxategiak deskargatu",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Fitxategiak gogoko egiteak huts egin du.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Ezin izan da {fileName} gogoko egin."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Ezin izan da {fileName} gogoko egin.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodifikazioak huts egin du."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -216,7 +216,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Kontuan izan hautatutako mozte-eremua aplikatutako tamaina baino txikiagoa dela eta horrek kalitatea gutxitzea eragin dezakeela",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Benetako tamaina (% 100)",
"Fit size" : "Egokitu tamaina",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodifikazioak huts egin du.",
"Direct" : "Zuzena",
"Auto" : "Auto",
"Shared Folder" : "Partekatutako karpeta",
@ -232,6 +231,7 @@
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "{fileName} lekuz aldatzeak huts egin du.",
"Failed to download files" : "Ezin izan dira fitxategiak deskargatu",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Fitxategiak gogoko egiteak huts egin du.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Ezin izan da {fileName} gogoko egin."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Ezin izan da {fileName} gogoko egin.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkodifikazioak huts egin du."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -227,7 +227,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saved image size (width x height)" : "Tallennetun kuvan koko (leveys x korkeus)",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Todellinen koko (100 %)",
"Fit size" : "Sovita koko",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkoodaus epäonnistui.",
"Direct" : "Suoraan",
"Auto" : "Automaattinen",
"Shared Folder" : "Jaa kansio",
@ -244,6 +243,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Tiedostojen lataus epäonnistui",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Tiedostojen asettaminen suosikeiksi epäonnistui.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Joidenkin tiedostojen määrittäminen suosikiksi epäonnistui.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Tiedoston {fileName} asettaminen suosikiksi epäonnistui."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Tiedoston {fileName} asettaminen suosikiksi epäonnistui.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkoodaus epäonnistui."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -225,7 +225,6 @@
"Saved image size (width x height)" : "Tallennetun kuvan koko (leveys x korkeus)",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Todellinen koko (100 %)",
"Fit size" : "Sovita koko",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkoodaus epäonnistui.",
"Direct" : "Suoraan",
"Auto" : "Automaattinen",
"Shared Folder" : "Jaa kansio",
@ -242,6 +241,7 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Tiedostojen lataus epäonnistui",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Tiedostojen asettaminen suosikeiksi epäonnistui.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Joidenkin tiedostojen määrittäminen suosikiksi epäonnistui.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Tiedoston {fileName} asettaminen suosikiksi epäonnistui."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Tiedoston {fileName} asettaminen suosikiksi epäonnistui.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Transkoodaus epäonnistui."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memories" : "Souvenirs",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Suite d'outils de gestion de photos rapide, moderne et avancée",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Souvenirs\n\nSouvenirs est une solution de gestion de photos *batteries incluses* pour Nextcloud dotée des fonctionnalités avancées, notamment :\n\n- **📸 Chronologie** : trier les photos et vidéos par date prise, analysées à partir des données EXIF.\n- **⏪ Retour** : remontez à n’importe quel moment du passé et revivez vos souvenirs.\n- **🤖 Étiquetage par AI** : groupez vos photos par personne et objet, alimentées par les applications [Recognize]( et [Reconnaissance faciale](\n- **🖼️ Albums** : créez des albums pour regrouper des photos et des vidéos, et partagez-les ensuite albums avec d’autres utilisateurs.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Partage externe** : partagez des photos et des vidéos avec des personnes extérieures à votre instance Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Compatibilité mobile** : fonctionne sur des appareils de toute forme et de toute taille via l’application Web.\n- **✏️ Édition des métadonnées** : modifier rapidement et facilement les dates sur les photos.\n- **📦 Archivage** : stockez les photos que vous ne voulez pas voir dans votre chronologie dans un dossier séparé.\n- **📹 Transcodage vidéo** : Souvenirs transcode les vidéos, en utilisant HLS pour une performance maximale.\n- **🗺️ Carte** : visualisez vos photos sur une carte, assorties d’un géocodage inverse précis.\n- **⚡️ Performance** : Souvenirs est très rapide.\n\n## 🌐 Démonstration en ligne\n\n- Pour vous faire une idée et apprécier Souvenirs, consultez la [démo publique] (\n- La démonstration est en lecture seule et peut être lente (machine virtuelle gratuite dans le [cloud Oracle] (\n- Les crédits photo vont à [Unsplash] ( (pour les crédits individuels, reportez-vous à chaque dossier).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installez l’application à partir du magasin d’applications Nextcloud.\n1. Effectuez les [étapes de configuration] recommandées (\n1. Exécutez `php . /occ memories:index` pour générer les index de métadonnées pour les photos existantes.\n1. Ouvrez l’application 📷 Souvenirs dans Nextcloud et configurez le répertoire contenant vos photos.",
"Settings" : "Paramètres",
"People (Recognize)" : "Personnes (Recognize)",
"People" : "Personnes",
@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Notez que la zone de recadrage sélectionnée est inférieure au redimensionnement appliqué, ce qui peut entraîner une baisse de qualité.",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Taille actuelle (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Adapter à la taille",
"Transcoding failed." : "Échec du transcodage.",
"Direct" : "Direct",
"Auto" : "Auto",
"Shared Folder" : "Dossier partagé",
@ -269,6 +267,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Échec du téléchargement des fichiers",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Échec de la mise en favoris des fichiers.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Échec de l'ajout en favoris de certains fichiers.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Échec de l'ajout aux favoris de {fileName}."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Échec de l'ajout aux favoris de {fileName}.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Souvenirs\n\nSouvenirs est une solution de gestion de photos *batteries incluses* pour Nextcloud dotée des fonctionnalités avancées, notamment :\n\n- **📸 Chronologie** : trier les photos et vidéos par date prise, analysées à partir des données EXIF.\n- **⏪ Retour** : remontez à n’importe quel moment du passé et revivez vos souvenirs.\n- **🤖 Étiquetage par AI** : groupez vos photos par personne et objet, alimentées par les applications [Recognize]( et [Reconnaissance faciale](\n- **🖼️ Albums** : créez des albums pour regrouper des photos et des vidéos, et partagez-les ensuite albums avec d’autres utilisateurs.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Partage externe** : partagez des photos et des vidéos avec des personnes extérieures à votre instance Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Compatibilité mobile** : fonctionne sur des appareils de toute forme et de toute taille via l’application Web.\n- **✏️ Édition des métadonnées** : modifier rapidement et facilement les dates sur les photos.\n- **📦 Archivage** : stockez les photos que vous ne voulez pas voir dans votre chronologie dans un dossier séparé.\n- **📹 Transcodage vidéo** : Souvenirs transcode les vidéos, en utilisant HLS pour une performance maximale.\n- **🗺️ Carte** : visualisez vos photos sur une carte, assorties d’un géocodage inverse précis.\n- **⚡️ Performance** : Souvenirs est très rapide.\n\n## 🌐 Démonstration en ligne\n\n- Pour vous faire une idée et apprécier Souvenirs, consultez la [démo publique] (\n- La démonstration est en lecture seule et peut être lente (machine virtuelle gratuite dans le [cloud Oracle] (\n- Les crédits photo vont à [Unsplash] ( (pour les crédits individuels, reportez-vous à chaque dossier).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installez l’application à partir du magasin d’applications Nextcloud.\n1. Effectuez les [étapes de configuration] recommandées (\n1. Exécutez `php . /occ memories:index` pour générer les index de métadonnées pour les photos existantes.\n1. Ouvrez l’application 📷 Souvenirs dans Nextcloud et configurez le répertoire contenant vos photos.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Échec du transcodage."
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "Souvenirs",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Suite d'outils de gestion de photos rapide, moderne et avancée",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Souvenirs\n\nSouvenirs est une solution de gestion de photos *batteries incluses* pour Nextcloud dotée des fonctionnalités avancées, notamment :\n\n- **📸 Chronologie** : trier les photos et vidéos par date prise, analysées à partir des données EXIF.\n- **⏪ Retour** : remontez à n’importe quel moment du passé et revivez vos souvenirs.\n- **🤖 Étiquetage par AI** : groupez vos photos par personne et objet, alimentées par les applications [Recognize]( et [Reconnaissance faciale](\n- **🖼️ Albums** : créez des albums pour regrouper des photos et des vidéos, et partagez-les ensuite albums avec d’autres utilisateurs.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Partage externe** : partagez des photos et des vidéos avec des personnes extérieures à votre instance Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Compatibilité mobile** : fonctionne sur des appareils de toute forme et de toute taille via l’application Web.\n- **✏️ Édition des métadonnées** : modifier rapidement et facilement les dates sur les photos.\n- **📦 Archivage** : stockez les photos que vous ne voulez pas voir dans votre chronologie dans un dossier séparé.\n- **📹 Transcodage vidéo** : Souvenirs transcode les vidéos, en utilisant HLS pour une performance maximale.\n- **🗺️ Carte** : visualisez vos photos sur une carte, assorties d’un géocodage inverse précis.\n- **⚡️ Performance** : Souvenirs est très rapide.\n\n## 🌐 Démonstration en ligne\n\n- Pour vous faire une idée et apprécier Souvenirs, consultez la [démo publique] (\n- La démonstration est en lecture seule et peut être lente (machine virtuelle gratuite dans le [cloud Oracle] (\n- Les crédits photo vont à [Unsplash] ( (pour les crédits individuels, reportez-vous à chaque dossier).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installez l’application à partir du magasin d’applications Nextcloud.\n1. Effectuez les [étapes de configuration] recommandées (\n1. Exécutez `php . /occ memories:index` pour générer les index de métadonnées pour les photos existantes.\n1. Ouvrez l’application 📷 Souvenirs dans Nextcloud et configurez le répertoire contenant vos photos.",
"Settings" : "Paramètres",
"People (Recognize)" : "Personnes (Recognize)",
"People" : "Personnes",
@ -250,7 +249,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Notez que la zone de recadrage sélectionnée est inférieure au redimensionnement appliqué, ce qui peut entraîner une baisse de qualité.",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Taille actuelle (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Adapter à la taille",
"Transcoding failed." : "Échec du transcodage.",
"Direct" : "Direct",
"Auto" : "Auto",
"Shared Folder" : "Dossier partagé",
@ -267,6 +265,8 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Échec du téléchargement des fichiers",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Échec de la mise en favoris des fichiers.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Échec de l'ajout en favoris de certains fichiers.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Échec de l'ajout aux favoris de {fileName}."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Échec de l'ajout aux favoris de {fileName}.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Souvenirs\n\nSouvenirs est une solution de gestion de photos *batteries incluses* pour Nextcloud dotée des fonctionnalités avancées, notamment :\n\n- **📸 Chronologie** : trier les photos et vidéos par date prise, analysées à partir des données EXIF.\n- **⏪ Retour** : remontez à n’importe quel moment du passé et revivez vos souvenirs.\n- **🤖 Étiquetage par AI** : groupez vos photos par personne et objet, alimentées par les applications [Recognize]( et [Reconnaissance faciale](\n- **🖼️ Albums** : créez des albums pour regrouper des photos et des vidéos, et partagez-les ensuite albums avec d’autres utilisateurs.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Partage externe** : partagez des photos et des vidéos avec des personnes extérieures à votre instance Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Compatibilité mobile** : fonctionne sur des appareils de toute forme et de toute taille via l’application Web.\n- **✏️ Édition des métadonnées** : modifier rapidement et facilement les dates sur les photos.\n- **📦 Archivage** : stockez les photos que vous ne voulez pas voir dans votre chronologie dans un dossier séparé.\n- **📹 Transcodage vidéo** : Souvenirs transcode les vidéos, en utilisant HLS pour une performance maximale.\n- **🗺️ Carte** : visualisez vos photos sur une carte, assorties d’un géocodage inverse précis.\n- **⚡️ Performance** : Souvenirs est très rapide.\n\n## 🌐 Démonstration en ligne\n\n- Pour vous faire une idée et apprécier Souvenirs, consultez la [démo publique] (\n- La démonstration est en lecture seule et peut être lente (machine virtuelle gratuite dans le [cloud Oracle] (\n- Les crédits photo vont à [Unsplash] ( (pour les crédits individuels, reportez-vous à chaque dossier).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Installez l’application à partir du magasin d’applications Nextcloud.\n1. Effectuez les [étapes de configuration] recommandées (\n1. Exécutez `php . /occ memories:index` pour générer les index de métadonnées pour les photos existantes.\n1. Ouvrez l’application 📷 Souvenirs dans Nextcloud et configurez le répertoire contenant vos photos.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Échec du transcodage."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Vegye figyelembe, hogy a kijelölt levágási terület kisebb mint az alkalmazott átméretezés, amely minőségcsökkenést okozhat",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tényleges méret (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Illeszkedő méret",
"Transcoding failed." : "Az átkódolás sikertelen.",
"Direct" : "Közvetlen",
"Auto" : "Automatikus",
"Shared Folder" : "Megosztott mappa",
@ -264,6 +263,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "A fájlok letöltése sikertelen",
"Failed to favorite files." : "A fájlok kedvencnek jelölése sikertelen.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Egyes fájlok kedvencnek jelölése sikertelen.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "A(z) {fileName} kedvencnek jelölése sikertelen."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "A(z) {fileName} kedvencnek jelölése sikertelen.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Az átkódolás sikertelen."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -245,7 +245,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Vegye figyelembe, hogy a kijelölt levágási terület kisebb mint az alkalmazott átméretezés, amely minőségcsökkenést okozhat",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tényleges méret (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Illeszkedő méret",
"Transcoding failed." : "Az átkódolás sikertelen.",
"Direct" : "Közvetlen",
"Auto" : "Automatikus",
"Shared Folder" : "Megosztott mappa",
@ -262,6 +261,7 @@
"Failed to download files" : "A fájlok letöltése sikertelen",
"Failed to favorite files." : "A fájlok kedvencnek jelölése sikertelen.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Egyes fájlok kedvencnek jelölése sikertelen.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "A(z) {fileName} kedvencnek jelölése sikertelen."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "A(z) {fileName} kedvencnek jelölése sikertelen.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Az átkódolás sikertelen."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memories" : "Minner",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Rask, moderne og avansert bildebehandlingspakke",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Minner\n\nMemories er en *batterier-inkludert* bildebehandlingsløsning for Nextcloud med avanserte funksjoner, inkludert:\n\n- **📸 Tidslinje**: Sorter bilder og videoer etter dato tatt, analysert fra Exif-data.\n- **⏪ Spol tilbake**: Hopp til et hvilket som helst tidspunkt i fortiden umiddelbart og gjenopplev minnene dine.\n- **🤖 AI-tagging**: Gruppebilder etter mennesker og objekter, drevet av [recognize]( og [facerecognition]( ).\n- **🖼️ Album**: Lag album for å gruppere bilder og videoer. Del deretter disse albumene med andre.\n- ** 🏻 🏻 Ekstern deling**: Del bilder og videoer med folk utenfor Nextcloud-forekomsten din.\n- **📱 Mobilstøtte**: Fungerer på enheter av enhver form og størrelse gjennom nettappen.\n- **✏️ Rediger metadata**: Rediger datoer på bilder raskt og enkelt.\n- **📦 Arkiv**: Lagre bilder du ikke vil se på tidslinjen din i en egen mappe.\n- **📹 Videotranskoding**: Minner omkoder videoer og bruker HLS for maksimal ytelse.\n- **🗺️ Kart**: Se bildene dine på et kart, merket med nøyaktig omvendt geokoding.\n- **⚡️ Ytelse**: Minner er veldig raskt.\n\n## 🌐 Online demo\n\n– For å få en ide om hvordan minner ser ut og føles, sjekk ut [offentlig demo](\n- Demoen er skrivebeskyttet og kan være treg (gratis VM fra [Oracle Cloud](\n- Bildekreditter gå til [Unsplash]( (for individuelle kreditter, se hver mappe).\n\n## 🚀 Installasjon\n\n1. Installer appen fra Nextcloud-appbutikken.\n1. Utfør de anbefalte [konfigurasjonstrinnene](\n1. Kjør `php ./occ memories:index` for å generere metadataindekser for eksisterende bilder.\n1. Åpne 📷 Minner-appen i Nextcloud og angi katalogen som inneholder bildene dine.\n ",
"Settings" : "Innstillinger",
"People (Recognize)" : "Mennesker (Gjenkjenne)",
"People" : "Mennesker",
@ -251,7 +250,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Vær oppmerksom på at det valgte beskjæringsområdet er lavere enn den valgte størrelsen, noe som kan føre til redusert kvalitet",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Faktisk størrelse (100 %)",
"Fit size" : "Tilpass størrelse",
"Transcoding failed." : "Omkoding mislyktes.",
"Direct" : "Direkte",
"Auto" : "Auto",
"Shared Folder" : "Delt mappe",
@ -268,6 +266,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Kunne ikke laste ned filer",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Kunne ikke velge favorittfiler.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Kunne ikke favoritt noen filer.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Kunne ikke favoritt {fileName}."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Kunne ikke favoritt {fileName}.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Minner\n\nMemories er en *batterier-inkludert* bildebehandlingsløsning for Nextcloud med avanserte funksjoner, inkludert:\n\n- **📸 Tidslinje**: Sorter bilder og videoer etter dato tatt, analysert fra Exif-data.\n- **⏪ Spol tilbake**: Hopp til et hvilket som helst tidspunkt i fortiden umiddelbart og gjenopplev minnene dine.\n- **🤖 AI-tagging**: Gruppebilder etter mennesker og objekter, drevet av [recognize]( og [facerecognition]( ).\n- **🖼️ Album**: Lag album for å gruppere bilder og videoer. Del deretter disse albumene med andre.\n- ** 🏻 🏻 Ekstern deling**: Del bilder og videoer med folk utenfor Nextcloud-forekomsten din.\n- **📱 Mobilstøtte**: Fungerer på enheter av enhver form og størrelse gjennom nettappen.\n- **✏️ Rediger metadata**: Rediger datoer på bilder raskt og enkelt.\n- **📦 Arkiv**: Lagre bilder du ikke vil se på tidslinjen din i en egen mappe.\n- **📹 Videotranskoding**: Minner omkoder videoer og bruker HLS for maksimal ytelse.\n- **🗺️ Kart**: Se bildene dine på et kart, merket med nøyaktig omvendt geokoding.\n- **⚡️ Ytelse**: Minner er veldig raskt.\n\n## 🌐 Online demo\n\n– For å få en ide om hvordan minner ser ut og føles, sjekk ut [offentlig demo](\n- Demoen er skrivebeskyttet og kan være treg (gratis VM fra [Oracle Cloud](\n- Bildekreditter gå til [Unsplash]( (for individuelle kreditter, se hver mappe).\n\n## 🚀 Installasjon\n\n1. Installer appen fra Nextcloud-appbutikken.\n1. Utfør de anbefalte [konfigurasjonstrinnene](\n1. Kjør `php ./occ memories:index` for å generere metadataindekser for eksisterende bilder.\n1. Åpne 📷 Minner-appen i Nextcloud og angi katalogen som inneholder bildene dine.\n ",
"Transcoding failed." : "Omkoding mislyktes."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "Minner",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Rask, moderne og avansert bildebehandlingspakke",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Minner\n\nMemories er en *batterier-inkludert* bildebehandlingsløsning for Nextcloud med avanserte funksjoner, inkludert:\n\n- **📸 Tidslinje**: Sorter bilder og videoer etter dato tatt, analysert fra Exif-data.\n- **⏪ Spol tilbake**: Hopp til et hvilket som helst tidspunkt i fortiden umiddelbart og gjenopplev minnene dine.\n- **🤖 AI-tagging**: Gruppebilder etter mennesker og objekter, drevet av [recognize]( og [facerecognition]( ).\n- **🖼️ Album**: Lag album for å gruppere bilder og videoer. Del deretter disse albumene med andre.\n- ** 🏻 🏻 Ekstern deling**: Del bilder og videoer med folk utenfor Nextcloud-forekomsten din.\n- **📱 Mobilstøtte**: Fungerer på enheter av enhver form og størrelse gjennom nettappen.\n- **✏️ Rediger metadata**: Rediger datoer på bilder raskt og enkelt.\n- **📦 Arkiv**: Lagre bilder du ikke vil se på tidslinjen din i en egen mappe.\n- **📹 Videotranskoding**: Minner omkoder videoer og bruker HLS for maksimal ytelse.\n- **🗺️ Kart**: Se bildene dine på et kart, merket med nøyaktig omvendt geokoding.\n- **⚡️ Ytelse**: Minner er veldig raskt.\n\n## 🌐 Online demo\n\n– For å få en ide om hvordan minner ser ut og føles, sjekk ut [offentlig demo](\n- Demoen er skrivebeskyttet og kan være treg (gratis VM fra [Oracle Cloud](\n- Bildekreditter gå til [Unsplash]( (for individuelle kreditter, se hver mappe).\n\n## 🚀 Installasjon\n\n1. Installer appen fra Nextcloud-appbutikken.\n1. Utfør de anbefalte [konfigurasjonstrinnene](\n1. Kjør `php ./occ memories:index` for å generere metadataindekser for eksisterende bilder.\n1. Åpne 📷 Minner-appen i Nextcloud og angi katalogen som inneholder bildene dine.\n ",
"Settings" : "Innstillinger",
"People (Recognize)" : "Mennesker (Gjenkjenne)",
"People" : "Mennesker",
@ -249,7 +248,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Vær oppmerksom på at det valgte beskjæringsområdet er lavere enn den valgte størrelsen, noe som kan føre til redusert kvalitet",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Faktisk størrelse (100 %)",
"Fit size" : "Tilpass størrelse",
"Transcoding failed." : "Omkoding mislyktes.",
"Direct" : "Direkte",
"Auto" : "Auto",
"Shared Folder" : "Delt mappe",
@ -266,6 +264,8 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Kunne ikke laste ned filer",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Kunne ikke velge favorittfiler.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Kunne ikke favoritt noen filer.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Kunne ikke favoritt {fileName}."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Kunne ikke favoritt {fileName}.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Minner\n\nMemories er en *batterier-inkludert* bildebehandlingsløsning for Nextcloud med avanserte funksjoner, inkludert:\n\n- **📸 Tidslinje**: Sorter bilder og videoer etter dato tatt, analysert fra Exif-data.\n- **⏪ Spol tilbake**: Hopp til et hvilket som helst tidspunkt i fortiden umiddelbart og gjenopplev minnene dine.\n- **🤖 AI-tagging**: Gruppebilder etter mennesker og objekter, drevet av [recognize]( og [facerecognition]( ).\n- **🖼️ Album**: Lag album for å gruppere bilder og videoer. Del deretter disse albumene med andre.\n- ** 🏻 🏻 Ekstern deling**: Del bilder og videoer med folk utenfor Nextcloud-forekomsten din.\n- **📱 Mobilstøtte**: Fungerer på enheter av enhver form og størrelse gjennom nettappen.\n- **✏️ Rediger metadata**: Rediger datoer på bilder raskt og enkelt.\n- **📦 Arkiv**: Lagre bilder du ikke vil se på tidslinjen din i en egen mappe.\n- **📹 Videotranskoding**: Minner omkoder videoer og bruker HLS for maksimal ytelse.\n- **🗺️ Kart**: Se bildene dine på et kart, merket med nøyaktig omvendt geokoding.\n- **⚡️ Ytelse**: Minner er veldig raskt.\n\n## 🌐 Online demo\n\n– For å få en ide om hvordan minner ser ut og føles, sjekk ut [offentlig demo](\n- Demoen er skrivebeskyttet og kan være treg (gratis VM fra [Oracle Cloud](\n- Bildekreditter gå til [Unsplash]( (for individuelle kreditter, se hver mappe).\n\n## 🚀 Installasjon\n\n1. Installer appen fra Nextcloud-appbutikken.\n1. Utfør de anbefalte [konfigurasjonstrinnene](\n1. Kjør `php ./occ memories:index` for å generere metadataindekser for eksisterende bilder.\n1. Åpne 📷 Minner-appen i Nextcloud og angi katalogen som inneholder bildene dine.\n ",
"Transcoding failed." : "Omkoding mislyktes."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memories" : "Memórias",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Conjunto de gerenciamento de fotos rápido, moderno e avançado",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memorias\n\nMemórias é uma solução de gerenciamento de fotos *baterias incluídas* para Nextcloud com recursos avançados, incluindo:\n\n- **📸Linha do tempo**: classifique fotos e vídeos por data de captura, analisados a partir de dados Exif.\n- **⏪ Retroceder**: salte para qualquer momento no passado instantaneamente e reviva suas memórias.\n- **🤖 Marcação de IA**: agrupe fotos por pessoas e objetos, usando [reconhecer]( e [reconhecimento facial](\n- **🖼️ Álbuns**: crie álbuns para agrupar fotos e vídeos. Em seguida, compartilhe esses álbuns com outras pessoas.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Compartilhamento Externo**: Compartilhe fotos e vídeos com pessoas fora de sua instância do Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Suporte móvel**: funciona em dispositivos de qualquer forma e tamanho por meio do aplicativo da web.\n- **✏️ Editar metadados**: Edite datas em fotos de forma rápida e fácil.\n- **📦 Arquivo**: armazene as fotos que você não deseja ver em sua linha do tempo em uma pasta separada.\n- **📹 Transcodificação de vídeo**: as memórias transcodificam vídeos e usam HLS para desempenho máximo.\n- **🗺️ Mapa**: visualize suas fotos em um mapa, marcado com geocodificação reversa precisa.\n- **⚡️ Desempenho**: As memórias são muito rápidas.\n\n## 🌐 Demonstração on-line\n\n- Para ter uma ideia de como são as memórias, confira a [demonstração pública](\n- A demonstração é somente leitura e pode ser lenta (VM de nível gratuito da [Oracle Cloud](\n- Os créditos das fotos vão para [Unsplash](https:\n\n## 🚀 Instalaçãop\n\n1. Instale o aplicativo na loja de aplicativos Nextcloud.\n1. Execute as [etapas de configuração] recomendadas (\n1. Execute `php ./occ memories:index` para gerar índices de metadados para fotos existentes.\n1. Abra o 📷 app Memórias no Nextcloud e defina o diretório que contém suas fotos.",
"Settings" : "Configurações",
"People (Recognize)" : "Pessoas (Reconhecer)",
"People" : "Pessoas",
@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Observe que a área de corte selecionada é menor que o redimensionamento aplicado, o que pode causar diminuição da qualidade",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tamanho real (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Encaixar tamanho",
"Transcoding failed." : "A transcodificação falhou.",
"Direct" : "Direto",
"Auto" : "Automático",
"Shared Folder" : "Pasta Compartilhada",
@ -269,6 +267,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Falha ao baixar arquivos",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Falha nos arquivos favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Falha ao adicionar alguns arquivos aos favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Falha ao favoritar {fileName}"
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Falha ao favoritar {fileName}",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memorias\n\nMemórias é uma solução de gerenciamento de fotos *baterias incluídas* para Nextcloud com recursos avançados, incluindo:\n\n- **📸Linha do tempo**: classifique fotos e vídeos por data de captura, analisados a partir de dados Exif.\n- **⏪ Retroceder**: salte para qualquer momento no passado instantaneamente e reviva suas memórias.\n- **🤖 Marcação de IA**: agrupe fotos por pessoas e objetos, usando [reconhecer]( e [reconhecimento facial](\n- **🖼️ Álbuns**: crie álbuns para agrupar fotos e vídeos. Em seguida, compartilhe esses álbuns com outras pessoas.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Compartilhamento Externo**: Compartilhe fotos e vídeos com pessoas fora de sua instância do Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Suporte móvel**: funciona em dispositivos de qualquer forma e tamanho por meio do aplicativo da web.\n- **✏️ Editar metadados**: Edite datas em fotos de forma rápida e fácil.\n- **📦 Arquivo**: armazene as fotos que você não deseja ver em sua linha do tempo em uma pasta separada.\n- **📹 Transcodificação de vídeo**: as memórias transcodificam vídeos e usam HLS para desempenho máximo.\n- **🗺️ Mapa**: visualize suas fotos em um mapa, marcado com geocodificação reversa precisa.\n- **⚡️ Desempenho**: As memórias são muito rápidas.\n\n## 🌐 Demonstração on-line\n\n- Para ter uma ideia de como são as memórias, confira a [demonstração pública](\n- A demonstração é somente leitura e pode ser lenta (VM de nível gratuito da [Oracle Cloud](\n- Os créditos das fotos vão para [Unsplash](https:\n\n## 🚀 Instalaçãop\n\n1. Instale o aplicativo na loja de aplicativos Nextcloud.\n1. Execute as [etapas de configuração] recomendadas (\n1. Execute `php ./occ memories:index` para gerar índices de metadados para fotos existentes.\n1. Abra o 📷 app Memórias no Nextcloud e defina o diretório que contém suas fotos.",
"Transcoding failed." : "A transcodificação falhou."
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "Memórias",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Conjunto de gerenciamento de fotos rápido, moderno e avançado",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memorias\n\nMemórias é uma solução de gerenciamento de fotos *baterias incluídas* para Nextcloud com recursos avançados, incluindo:\n\n- **📸Linha do tempo**: classifique fotos e vídeos por data de captura, analisados a partir de dados Exif.\n- **⏪ Retroceder**: salte para qualquer momento no passado instantaneamente e reviva suas memórias.\n- **🤖 Marcação de IA**: agrupe fotos por pessoas e objetos, usando [reconhecer]( e [reconhecimento facial](\n- **🖼️ Álbuns**: crie álbuns para agrupar fotos e vídeos. Em seguida, compartilhe esses álbuns com outras pessoas.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Compartilhamento Externo**: Compartilhe fotos e vídeos com pessoas fora de sua instância do Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Suporte móvel**: funciona em dispositivos de qualquer forma e tamanho por meio do aplicativo da web.\n- **✏️ Editar metadados**: Edite datas em fotos de forma rápida e fácil.\n- **📦 Arquivo**: armazene as fotos que você não deseja ver em sua linha do tempo em uma pasta separada.\n- **📹 Transcodificação de vídeo**: as memórias transcodificam vídeos e usam HLS para desempenho máximo.\n- **🗺️ Mapa**: visualize suas fotos em um mapa, marcado com geocodificação reversa precisa.\n- **⚡️ Desempenho**: As memórias são muito rápidas.\n\n## 🌐 Demonstração on-line\n\n- Para ter uma ideia de como são as memórias, confira a [demonstração pública](\n- A demonstração é somente leitura e pode ser lenta (VM de nível gratuito da [Oracle Cloud](\n- Os créditos das fotos vão para [Unsplash](https:\n\n## 🚀 Instalaçãop\n\n1. Instale o aplicativo na loja de aplicativos Nextcloud.\n1. Execute as [etapas de configuração] recomendadas (\n1. Execute `php ./occ memories:index` para gerar índices de metadados para fotos existentes.\n1. Abra o 📷 app Memórias no Nextcloud e defina o diretório que contém suas fotos.",
"Settings" : "Configurações",
"People (Recognize)" : "Pessoas (Reconhecer)",
"People" : "Pessoas",
@ -250,7 +249,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Observe que a área de corte selecionada é menor que o redimensionamento aplicado, o que pode causar diminuição da qualidade",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tamanho real (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Encaixar tamanho",
"Transcoding failed." : "A transcodificação falhou.",
"Direct" : "Direto",
"Auto" : "Automático",
"Shared Folder" : "Pasta Compartilhada",
@ -267,6 +265,8 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Falha ao baixar arquivos",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Falha nos arquivos favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Falha ao adicionar alguns arquivos aos favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Falha ao favoritar {fileName}"
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Falha ao favoritar {fileName}",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memorias\n\nMemórias é uma solução de gerenciamento de fotos *baterias incluídas* para Nextcloud com recursos avançados, incluindo:\n\n- **📸Linha do tempo**: classifique fotos e vídeos por data de captura, analisados a partir de dados Exif.\n- **⏪ Retroceder**: salte para qualquer momento no passado instantaneamente e reviva suas memórias.\n- **🤖 Marcação de IA**: agrupe fotos por pessoas e objetos, usando [reconhecer]( e [reconhecimento facial](\n- **🖼️ Álbuns**: crie álbuns para agrupar fotos e vídeos. Em seguida, compartilhe esses álbuns com outras pessoas.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Compartilhamento Externo**: Compartilhe fotos e vídeos com pessoas fora de sua instância do Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Suporte móvel**: funciona em dispositivos de qualquer forma e tamanho por meio do aplicativo da web.\n- **✏️ Editar metadados**: Edite datas em fotos de forma rápida e fácil.\n- **📦 Arquivo**: armazene as fotos que você não deseja ver em sua linha do tempo em uma pasta separada.\n- **📹 Transcodificação de vídeo**: as memórias transcodificam vídeos e usam HLS para desempenho máximo.\n- **🗺️ Mapa**: visualize suas fotos em um mapa, marcado com geocodificação reversa precisa.\n- **⚡️ Desempenho**: As memórias são muito rápidas.\n\n## 🌐 Demonstração on-line\n\n- Para ter uma ideia de como são as memórias, confira a [demonstração pública](\n- A demonstração é somente leitura e pode ser lenta (VM de nível gratuito da [Oracle Cloud](\n- Os créditos das fotos vão para [Unsplash](https:\n\n## 🚀 Instalaçãop\n\n1. Instale o aplicativo na loja de aplicativos Nextcloud.\n1. Execute as [etapas de configuração] recomendadas (\n1. Execute `php ./occ memories:index` para gerar índices de metadados para fotos existentes.\n1. Abra o 📷 app Memórias no Nextcloud e defina o diretório que contém suas fotos.",
"Transcoding failed." : "A transcodificação falhou."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
@ -225,7 +225,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Обратите внимание, что выбранная область обрезки меньше примененного изменения размера, что может привести к снижению качества",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Фактический размер (100%)",
"Fit size" : "По размеру окна",
"Transcoding failed." : "Ошибка транскодирования.",
"Direct" : "Личное",
"Auto" : "Автоматически",
"Shared Folder" : "Опубликованная Папка",
@ -242,6 +241,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Не удалось скачать файлы",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Не удалось добавить файлы в избранное.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Некоторые файлы не удалось добавить в избранное ",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Не удалось добавить файл «{fileName}» в избранное."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Не удалось добавить файл «{fileName}» в избранное.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Ошибка транскодирования."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);");
@ -223,7 +223,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Обратите внимание, что выбранная область обрезки меньше примененного изменения размера, что может привести к снижению качества",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Фактический размер (100%)",
"Fit size" : "По размеру окна",
"Transcoding failed." : "Ошибка транскодирования.",
"Direct" : "Личное",
"Auto" : "Автоматически",
"Shared Folder" : "Опубликованная Папка",
@ -240,6 +239,7 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Не удалось скачать файлы",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Не удалось добавить файлы в избранное.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Некоторые файлы не удалось добавить в избранное ",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Не удалось добавить файл «{fileName}» в избранное."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Не удалось добавить файл «{fileName}» в избранное.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Ошибка транскодирования."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);"
@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quality" : "Kakovost",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Prava velikost (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Prilagodi velikosti",
"Transcoding failed." : "Prekodiranje je spodletelo.",
"Direct" : "Neposredno",
"Auto" : "Samodejno",
"Shared Folder" : "Mapa v souporabi",
@ -206,6 +205,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to move files." : "Premikanje datotek je spodletelo.",
"Could not move {fileName}, target exists." : "Datoteke {fileName} ni mogoče premakniti, ker cilj že obstaja.",
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "Premikanje datoteke {fileName} je spodletelo.",
"Failed to download files" : "Prejemanje datotek je spodletelo."
"Failed to download files" : "Prejemanje datotek je spodletelo.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Prekodiranje je spodletelo."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);");
@ -192,7 +192,6 @@
"Quality" : "Kakovost",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Prava velikost (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Prilagodi velikosti",
"Transcoding failed." : "Prekodiranje je spodletelo.",
"Direct" : "Neposredno",
"Auto" : "Samodejno",
"Shared Folder" : "Mapa v souporabi",
@ -204,6 +203,7 @@
"Failed to move files." : "Premikanje datotek je spodletelo.",
"Could not move {fileName}, target exists." : "Datoteke {fileName} ni mogoče premakniti, ker cilj že obstaja.",
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "Premikanje datoteke {fileName} je spodletelo.",
"Failed to download files" : "Prejemanje datotek je spodletelo."
"Failed to download files" : "Prejemanje datotek je spodletelo.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Prekodiranje je spodletelo."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memories" : "Anılar",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Hızlı, modern ve gelişmiş fotoğraf yönetimi uygulaması",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Anılar\n\nAnılar, Nextcloud için \"pilleriyle birlikte\" gelen ve aşağıdaki gibi gelişmiş özellikleri bulunan bir fotoğraf yönetimi uygulamasıdır:\n\n- **📸 Zaman tüneli**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri çekildikleri tarihe göre sıralayabilir, Exif verilerine göre ayrıştırabilirsiniz.\n- **⏪ Geri sarma**: Geçmişte herhangi bir zamana atlayabilir ve anılarınızı yeniden yaşayabilirsiniz.\n- **🤖 Yapay zeka ile etiketleme**: [recognize]( tarafından desteklenen yapay zeka ile fotoğrafları insanlara ve nesnelere göre gruplayabilirsiniz.\n- **🖼️ Albümler**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri birlikte gruplandırmak için albümler oluşturabilirsiniz. Daha sonra bu albümleri başkalarıyla paylaşabilirsiniz.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Dış paylaşım**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri Nextcloud bulut sunucunuzun dışındaki kişilerle paylaşabilirsiniz.\n- **📱 Mobil desteği**: Web uygulaması üzerinden farklı şekil ve boyuttaki aygıtlarda kullanabilirsiniz.\n- **✏️ Üst verileri düzenleme**: Fotoğraflardaki tarihleri hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde düzenleyebilirsiniz.\n- **📦 Arşiv**: Zaman tünelinizde görmek istemediğiniz fotoğrafları ayrı bir klasörde saklayabilirsiniz.\n- **📹 Görüntü dönüştürme**: Anılar görüntüleri dönüştürebilir ve en iyi başarım için HLS kullanır.\n- **🗺️ Harita**: Fotoğraflarınızı harita üzerinde coğrafi kodu ile etiketlenmiş olarak görüntüleyebilirsiniz.\n- **⚡️ Başarım**: Anılar uygulaması çok hızlıdır.\n\n## 🌐 Çevrimiçi Deneme\n\n- Anılar uygulamasının nasıl göründüğü ve nasıl hissettirdiği hakkında bir fikir edinmek için [genel deneme]( sitesine göz atın.\n- Deneme sitesi salt okunurdur ve yavaş olabilir ([Oracle Cloud üzerinde]( ücretsiz VM paketini kullanır).\n- Fotoğraf hakkında emeği geçenler için [Unsplash]( adresine bakabilirsiniz (bireysel eeği geçenler için her klasöre bakın).\n\n## 🚀 Kurulum\n\n1. Uygulamayı Nextcloud uygulama mağazasından yükleyin.\n1. Önerilen [yapılandırma adımlarını]( gerçekleştirin.\n1. var olan fotoğrafların üst veri dizinlerini oluşturmak için `php ./occ memory:index` komutunu yürütün.\n1. Nextcloud üzerinde 📷 Anılar uygulamasını açın ve fotoğraflarınızın bulunduğu klasörü ayarlayın.",
"Settings" : "Ayarlar",
"People (Recognize)" : "Kişiler (tanı)",
"People" : "Kişiler",
@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Seçilmiş kırpma alanı uygulanan yeniden boyutlandırma alanından küçük. Bu durum görsel kalitesinin düşmesine neden olabilir.",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Gerçek boyut (%100)",
"Fit size" : "Boyutu sığdır",
"Transcoding failed." : "Kod dönüştürülemedi.",
"Direct" : "Doğrudan",
"Auto" : "Otomatik",
"Shared Folder" : "Paylaşılmış klasör",
@ -269,6 +267,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Dosyalar indirilemedi",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Dosyalar sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Bazı dosyalar sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Anılar\n\nAnılar, Nextcloud için \"pilleriyle birlikte\" gelen ve aşağıdaki gibi gelişmiş özellikleri bulunan bir fotoğraf yönetimi uygulamasıdır:\n\n- **📸 Zaman tüneli**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri çekildikleri tarihe göre sıralayabilir, Exif verilerine göre ayrıştırabilirsiniz.\n- **⏪ Geri sarma**: Geçmişte herhangi bir zamana atlayabilir ve anılarınızı yeniden yaşayabilirsiniz.\n- **🤖 Yapay zeka ile etiketleme**: [recognize]( tarafından desteklenen yapay zeka ile fotoğrafları insanlara ve nesnelere göre gruplayabilirsiniz.\n- **🖼️ Albümler**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri birlikte gruplandırmak için albümler oluşturabilirsiniz. Daha sonra bu albümleri başkalarıyla paylaşabilirsiniz.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Dış paylaşım**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri Nextcloud bulut sunucunuzun dışındaki kişilerle paylaşabilirsiniz.\n- **📱 Mobil desteği**: Web uygulaması üzerinden farklı şekil ve boyuttaki aygıtlarda kullanabilirsiniz.\n- **✏️ Üst verileri düzenleme**: Fotoğraflardaki tarihleri hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde düzenleyebilirsiniz.\n- **📦 Arşiv**: Zaman tünelinizde görmek istemediğiniz fotoğrafları ayrı bir klasörde saklayabilirsiniz.\n- **📹 Görüntü dönüştürme**: Anılar görüntüleri dönüştürebilir ve en iyi başarım için HLS kullanır.\n- **🗺️ Harita**: Fotoğraflarınızı harita üzerinde coğrafi kodu ile etiketlenmiş olarak görüntüleyebilirsiniz.\n- **⚡️ Başarım**: Anılar uygulaması çok hızlıdır.\n\n## 🌐 Çevrimiçi Deneme\n\n- Anılar uygulamasının nasıl göründüğü ve nasıl hissettirdiği hakkında bir fikir edinmek için [genel deneme]( sitesine göz atın.\n- Deneme sitesi salt okunurdur ve yavaş olabilir ([Oracle Cloud üzerinde]( ücretsiz VM paketini kullanır).\n- Fotoğraf hakkında emeği geçenler için [Unsplash]( adresine bakabilirsiniz (bireysel eeği geçenler için her klasöre bakın).\n\n## 🚀 Kurulum\n\n1. Uygulamayı Nextcloud uygulama mağazasından yükleyin.\n1. Önerilen [yapılandırma adımlarını]( gerçekleştirin.\n1. var olan fotoğrafların üst veri dizinlerini oluşturmak için `php ./occ memory:index` komutunu yürütün.\n1. Nextcloud üzerinde 📷 Anılar uygulamasını açın ve fotoğraflarınızın bulunduğu klasörü ayarlayın.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Kod dönüştürülemedi."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "Anılar",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Hızlı, modern ve gelişmiş fotoğraf yönetimi uygulaması",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Anılar\n\nAnılar, Nextcloud için \"pilleriyle birlikte\" gelen ve aşağıdaki gibi gelişmiş özellikleri bulunan bir fotoğraf yönetimi uygulamasıdır:\n\n- **📸 Zaman tüneli**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri çekildikleri tarihe göre sıralayabilir, Exif verilerine göre ayrıştırabilirsiniz.\n- **⏪ Geri sarma**: Geçmişte herhangi bir zamana atlayabilir ve anılarınızı yeniden yaşayabilirsiniz.\n- **🤖 Yapay zeka ile etiketleme**: [recognize]( tarafından desteklenen yapay zeka ile fotoğrafları insanlara ve nesnelere göre gruplayabilirsiniz.\n- **🖼️ Albümler**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri birlikte gruplandırmak için albümler oluşturabilirsiniz. Daha sonra bu albümleri başkalarıyla paylaşabilirsiniz.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Dış paylaşım**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri Nextcloud bulut sunucunuzun dışındaki kişilerle paylaşabilirsiniz.\n- **📱 Mobil desteği**: Web uygulaması üzerinden farklı şekil ve boyuttaki aygıtlarda kullanabilirsiniz.\n- **✏️ Üst verileri düzenleme**: Fotoğraflardaki tarihleri hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde düzenleyebilirsiniz.\n- **📦 Arşiv**: Zaman tünelinizde görmek istemediğiniz fotoğrafları ayrı bir klasörde saklayabilirsiniz.\n- **📹 Görüntü dönüştürme**: Anılar görüntüleri dönüştürebilir ve en iyi başarım için HLS kullanır.\n- **🗺️ Harita**: Fotoğraflarınızı harita üzerinde coğrafi kodu ile etiketlenmiş olarak görüntüleyebilirsiniz.\n- **⚡️ Başarım**: Anılar uygulaması çok hızlıdır.\n\n## 🌐 Çevrimiçi Deneme\n\n- Anılar uygulamasının nasıl göründüğü ve nasıl hissettirdiği hakkında bir fikir edinmek için [genel deneme]( sitesine göz atın.\n- Deneme sitesi salt okunurdur ve yavaş olabilir ([Oracle Cloud üzerinde]( ücretsiz VM paketini kullanır).\n- Fotoğraf hakkında emeği geçenler için [Unsplash]( adresine bakabilirsiniz (bireysel eeği geçenler için her klasöre bakın).\n\n## 🚀 Kurulum\n\n1. Uygulamayı Nextcloud uygulama mağazasından yükleyin.\n1. Önerilen [yapılandırma adımlarını]( gerçekleştirin.\n1. var olan fotoğrafların üst veri dizinlerini oluşturmak için `php ./occ memory:index` komutunu yürütün.\n1. Nextcloud üzerinde 📷 Anılar uygulamasını açın ve fotoğraflarınızın bulunduğu klasörü ayarlayın.",
"Settings" : "Ayarlar",
"People (Recognize)" : "Kişiler (tanı)",
"People" : "Kişiler",
@ -250,7 +249,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Seçilmiş kırpma alanı uygulanan yeniden boyutlandırma alanından küçük. Bu durum görsel kalitesinin düşmesine neden olabilir.",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Gerçek boyut (%100)",
"Fit size" : "Boyutu sığdır",
"Transcoding failed." : "Kod dönüştürülemedi.",
"Direct" : "Doğrudan",
"Auto" : "Otomatik",
"Shared Folder" : "Paylaşılmış klasör",
@ -267,6 +265,8 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Dosyalar indirilemedi",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Dosyalar sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Bazı dosyalar sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Anılar\n\nAnılar, Nextcloud için \"pilleriyle birlikte\" gelen ve aşağıdaki gibi gelişmiş özellikleri bulunan bir fotoğraf yönetimi uygulamasıdır:\n\n- **📸 Zaman tüneli**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri çekildikleri tarihe göre sıralayabilir, Exif verilerine göre ayrıştırabilirsiniz.\n- **⏪ Geri sarma**: Geçmişte herhangi bir zamana atlayabilir ve anılarınızı yeniden yaşayabilirsiniz.\n- **🤖 Yapay zeka ile etiketleme**: [recognize]( tarafından desteklenen yapay zeka ile fotoğrafları insanlara ve nesnelere göre gruplayabilirsiniz.\n- **🖼️ Albümler**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri birlikte gruplandırmak için albümler oluşturabilirsiniz. Daha sonra bu albümleri başkalarıyla paylaşabilirsiniz.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 Dış paylaşım**: Fotoğrafları ve görüntüleri Nextcloud bulut sunucunuzun dışındaki kişilerle paylaşabilirsiniz.\n- **📱 Mobil desteği**: Web uygulaması üzerinden farklı şekil ve boyuttaki aygıtlarda kullanabilirsiniz.\n- **✏️ Üst verileri düzenleme**: Fotoğraflardaki tarihleri hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde düzenleyebilirsiniz.\n- **📦 Arşiv**: Zaman tünelinizde görmek istemediğiniz fotoğrafları ayrı bir klasörde saklayabilirsiniz.\n- **📹 Görüntü dönüştürme**: Anılar görüntüleri dönüştürebilir ve en iyi başarım için HLS kullanır.\n- **🗺️ Harita**: Fotoğraflarınızı harita üzerinde coğrafi kodu ile etiketlenmiş olarak görüntüleyebilirsiniz.\n- **⚡️ Başarım**: Anılar uygulaması çok hızlıdır.\n\n## 🌐 Çevrimiçi Deneme\n\n- Anılar uygulamasının nasıl göründüğü ve nasıl hissettirdiği hakkında bir fikir edinmek için [genel deneme]( sitesine göz atın.\n- Deneme sitesi salt okunurdur ve yavaş olabilir ([Oracle Cloud üzerinde]( ücretsiz VM paketini kullanır).\n- Fotoğraf hakkında emeği geçenler için [Unsplash]( adresine bakabilirsiniz (bireysel eeği geçenler için her klasöre bakın).\n\n## 🚀 Kurulum\n\n1. Uygulamayı Nextcloud uygulama mağazasından yükleyin.\n1. Önerilen [yapılandırma adımlarını]( gerçekleştirin.\n1. var olan fotoğrafların üst veri dizinlerini oluşturmak için `php ./occ memory:index` komutunu yürütün.\n1. Nextcloud üzerinde 📷 Anılar uygulamasını açın ve fotoğraflarınızın bulunduğu klasörü ayarlayın.",
"Transcoding failed." : "Kod dönüştürülemedi."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memories" : "回憶",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "快速、現代且進階的照片管理套裝軟體",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# 回憶\n\n回憶是一個有進階功能的 *超強* Nextcloud 相片管理解決方案,包含了以下功能:\n\n- **📸 時間軸**:從 Exif 資料中按拍攝日期對照片與影片進行排序。\n- **⏪ 倒帶**:立刻跳回過去的任何時間,重溫您的回憶。\n- **🤖 AI 標記**:使用 [recognize]( 與 [facerecognition]( 應用程式提供的按人物與物體對照片進行分組。\n- **🖼️ 相簿**:建立相簿以將照片與影片分組。然後將這些相簿與其他人分享。\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 外部分享**:與您 Nextcloud 站台以外的人們分享照片與影片。\n- **📱 行動裝置支援**:透過網路應用程式在任何形狀與大小的裝置上運作。\n- **✏️ 編輯詮釋資料**:快速輕鬆地編輯照片上的 Exif 日期。\n- **📦 封存**:將您不想在時間軸中看到的照片儲存在單獨的資料夾中。\n- **📹 視訊轉換編碼**:回憶可以轉換視訊編碼並使用 HLS 來取得最大效能。\n- **🗺️ 地圖**:在地圖上檢視您的照片,並使用準確的反向地理編碼來標記。\n- **⚡️ 效能**:本應用程式超快。\n\n## 🌐 線上展示\n\n- 想看看本應用程式的外觀與感覺,請見[公開展示](\n- 展示站是唯讀的,可能會有點慢(來自 [Oracle Cloud]( 的免費層級虛擬機器)。\n- 照片則歸功於 [Unsplash](若要檢視單獨的署名,請參見每個資料夾中的資訊)。\n\n\n## 🚀 安裝\n1. 從 Nextcloud 應用程式商店安裝應用程式\n1. 執行建議的[設定步驟](。\n1. 執行 `php ./occ memories:index` 以產生既有照片的詮釋資料索引。\n1. 在 Nextcloud 開啟 📷 回憶應用程式並設定包含您照片的目錄。",
"Settings" : "設定",
"People (Recognize)" : "人物(Recognize)",
"People" : "人物",
@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "請注意,選定的裁剪區域低於套用的調整大小,這可能會導致品質下降",
"Actual size (100%)" : "實際大小 (100%)",
"Fit size" : "調整大小",
"Transcoding failed." : "轉碼失敗。",
"Direct" : "私信",
"Auto" : "自動",
"Shared Folder" : "分享資料夾",
@ -269,6 +267,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "下載檔案失敗。",
"Failed to favorite files." : "加入最愛失敗。",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "將部份檔案加入最愛失敗。",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "將 {fileName} 加入最愛失敗。"
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "將 {fileName} 加入最愛失敗。",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# 回憶\n\n回憶是一個有進階功能的 *超強* Nextcloud 相片管理解決方案,包含了以下功能:\n\n- **📸 時間軸**:從 Exif 資料中按拍攝日期對照片與影片進行排序。\n- **⏪ 倒帶**:立刻跳回過去的任何時間,重溫您的回憶。\n- **🤖 AI 標記**:使用 [recognize]( 與 [facerecognition]( 應用程式提供的按人物與物體對照片進行分組。\n- **🖼️ 相簿**:建立相簿以將照片與影片分組。然後將這些相簿與其他人分享。\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 外部分享**:與您 Nextcloud 站台以外的人們分享照片與影片。\n- **📱 行動裝置支援**:透過網路應用程式在任何形狀與大小的裝置上運作。\n- **✏️ 編輯詮釋資料**:快速輕鬆地編輯照片上的 Exif 日期。\n- **📦 封存**:將您不想在時間軸中看到的照片儲存在單獨的資料夾中。\n- **📹 視訊轉換編碼**:回憶可以轉換視訊編碼並使用 HLS 來取得最大效能。\n- **🗺️ 地圖**:在地圖上檢視您的照片,並使用準確的反向地理編碼來標記。\n- **⚡️ 效能**:本應用程式超快。\n\n## 🌐 線上展示\n\n- 想看看本應用程式的外觀與感覺,請見[公開展示](\n- 展示站是唯讀的,可能會有點慢(來自 [Oracle Cloud]( 的免費層級虛擬機器)。\n- 照片則歸功於 [Unsplash](若要檢視單獨的署名,請參見每個資料夾中的資訊)。\n\n\n## 🚀 安裝\n1. 從 Nextcloud 應用程式商店安裝應用程式\n1. 執行建議的[設定步驟](。\n1. 執行 `php ./occ memories:index` 以產生既有照片的詮釋資料索引。\n1. 在 Nextcloud 開啟 📷 回憶應用程式並設定包含您照片的目錄。",
"Transcoding failed." : "轉碼失敗。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "回憶",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "快速、現代且進階的照片管理套裝軟體",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# 回憶\n\n回憶是一個有進階功能的 *超強* Nextcloud 相片管理解決方案,包含了以下功能:\n\n- **📸 時間軸**:從 Exif 資料中按拍攝日期對照片與影片進行排序。\n- **⏪ 倒帶**:立刻跳回過去的任何時間,重溫您的回憶。\n- **🤖 AI 標記**:使用 [recognize]( 與 [facerecognition]( 應用程式提供的按人物與物體對照片進行分組。\n- **🖼️ 相簿**:建立相簿以將照片與影片分組。然後將這些相簿與其他人分享。\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 外部分享**:與您 Nextcloud 站台以外的人們分享照片與影片。\n- **📱 行動裝置支援**:透過網路應用程式在任何形狀與大小的裝置上運作。\n- **✏️ 編輯詮釋資料**:快速輕鬆地編輯照片上的 Exif 日期。\n- **📦 封存**:將您不想在時間軸中看到的照片儲存在單獨的資料夾中。\n- **📹 視訊轉換編碼**:回憶可以轉換視訊編碼並使用 HLS 來取得最大效能。\n- **🗺️ 地圖**:在地圖上檢視您的照片,並使用準確的反向地理編碼來標記。\n- **⚡️ 效能**:本應用程式超快。\n\n## 🌐 線上展示\n\n- 想看看本應用程式的外觀與感覺,請見[公開展示](\n- 展示站是唯讀的,可能會有點慢(來自 [Oracle Cloud]( 的免費層級虛擬機器)。\n- 照片則歸功於 [Unsplash](若要檢視單獨的署名,請參見每個資料夾中的資訊)。\n\n\n## 🚀 安裝\n1. 從 Nextcloud 應用程式商店安裝應用程式\n1. 執行建議的[設定步驟](。\n1. 執行 `php ./occ memories:index` 以產生既有照片的詮釋資料索引。\n1. 在 Nextcloud 開啟 📷 回憶應用程式並設定包含您照片的目錄。",
"Settings" : "設定",
"People (Recognize)" : "人物(Recognize)",
"People" : "人物",
@ -250,7 +249,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "請注意,選定的裁剪區域低於套用的調整大小,這可能會導致品質下降",
"Actual size (100%)" : "實際大小 (100%)",
"Fit size" : "調整大小",
"Transcoding failed." : "轉碼失敗。",
"Direct" : "私信",
"Auto" : "自動",
"Shared Folder" : "分享資料夾",
@ -267,6 +265,8 @@
"Failed to download files" : "下載檔案失敗。",
"Failed to favorite files." : "加入最愛失敗。",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "將部份檔案加入最愛失敗。",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "將 {fileName} 加入最愛失敗。"
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "將 {fileName} 加入最愛失敗。",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# 回憶\n\n回憶是一個有進階功能的 *超強* Nextcloud 相片管理解決方案,包含了以下功能:\n\n- **📸 時間軸**:從 Exif 資料中按拍攝日期對照片與影片進行排序。\n- **⏪ 倒帶**:立刻跳回過去的任何時間,重溫您的回憶。\n- **🤖 AI 標記**:使用 [recognize]( 與 [facerecognition]( 應用程式提供的按人物與物體對照片進行分組。\n- **🖼️ 相簿**:建立相簿以將照片與影片分組。然後將這些相簿與其他人分享。\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 外部分享**:與您 Nextcloud 站台以外的人們分享照片與影片。\n- **📱 行動裝置支援**:透過網路應用程式在任何形狀與大小的裝置上運作。\n- **✏️ 編輯詮釋資料**:快速輕鬆地編輯照片上的 Exif 日期。\n- **📦 封存**:將您不想在時間軸中看到的照片儲存在單獨的資料夾中。\n- **📹 視訊轉換編碼**:回憶可以轉換視訊編碼並使用 HLS 來取得最大效能。\n- **🗺️ 地圖**:在地圖上檢視您的照片,並使用準確的反向地理編碼來標記。\n- **⚡️ 效能**:本應用程式超快。\n\n## 🌐 線上展示\n\n- 想看看本應用程式的外觀與感覺,請見[公開展示](\n- 展示站是唯讀的,可能會有點慢(來自 [Oracle Cloud]( 的免費層級虛擬機器)。\n- 照片則歸功於 [Unsplash](若要檢視單獨的署名,請參見每個資料夾中的資訊)。\n\n\n## 🚀 安裝\n1. 從 Nextcloud 應用程式商店安裝應用程式\n1. 執行建議的[設定步驟](。\n1. 執行 `php ./occ memories:index` 以產生既有照片的詮釋資料索引。\n1. 在 Nextcloud 開啟 📷 回憶應用程式並設定包含您照片的目錄。",
"Transcoding failed." : "轉碼失敗。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memories" : "回憶",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "快速、現代且進階的照片管理套裝軟體",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# 回憶\n\n回憶是一個有進階功能的 *超強* Nextcloud 相片管理解決方案,包含了以下功能:\n\n- **📸 時間軸**:從 Exif 資料中按拍攝日期對照片與影片進行排序。\n- **⏪ 倒帶**:立刻跳回過去的任何時間,重溫您的回憶。\n- **🤖 AI 標記**:使用 [recognize]( 與 [facerecognition]( 應用程式提供的按人物與物體對照片進行分組。\n- **🖼️ 相簿**:建立相簿以將照片與影片分組。然後將這些相簿與其他人分享。\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 外部分享**:與您 Nextcloud 站台以外的人們分享照片與影片。\n- **📱 行動裝置支援**:透過網路應用程式在任何形狀與大小的裝置上運作。\n- **✏️ 編輯詮釋資料**:快速輕鬆地編輯照片上的 Exif 日期。\n- **📦 封存**:將您不想在時間軸中看到的照片儲存在單獨的資料夾中。\n- **📹 視訊轉換編碼**:回憶可以轉換視訊編碼並使用 HLS 來取得最大效能。\n- **🗺️ 地圖**:在地圖上檢視您的照片,並使用準確的反向地理編碼來標記。\n- **⚡️ 效能**:本應用程式超快。\n\n## 🌐 線上展示\n\n- 想看看本應用程式的外觀與感覺,請見[公開展示](\n- 展示站是唯讀的,可能會有點慢(來自 [Oracle Cloud]( 的免費層級虛擬機器)。\n- 照片則歸功於 [Unsplash](若要檢視單獨的署名,請參見每個資料夾中的資訊)。\n\n\n## 🚀 安裝\n1. 從 Nextcloud 應用程式商店安裝應用程式\n1. 執行建議的[設定步驟](。\n1. 執行 `php ./occ memories:index` 以產生既有照片的詮釋資料索引。\n1. 在 Nextcloud 開啟 📷 回憶應用程式並設定包含您照片的目錄。",
"Settings" : "設定",
"People (Recognize)" : "人物 (Recognize)",
"People" : "人物",
@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "請注意,選定的裁剪區域低於套用的調整大小,這可能會導致品質下降",
"Actual size (100%)" : "實際大小 (100%)",
"Fit size" : "合適大小",
"Transcoding failed." : "轉換編碼失敗。",
"Direct" : "直接",
"Auto" : "自動",
"Shared Folder" : "已分享的資料夾",
@ -269,6 +267,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "下載檔案失敗",
"Failed to favorite files." : "加入最愛檔案失敗。",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "將部份檔案加入最愛失敗。",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "將 {fileName} 加入最愛失敗。"
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "將 {fileName} 加入最愛失敗。",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# 回憶\n\n回憶是一個有進階功能的 *超強* Nextcloud 相片管理解決方案,包含了以下功能:\n\n- **📸 時間軸**:從 Exif 資料中按拍攝日期對照片與影片進行排序。\n- **⏪ 倒帶**:立刻跳回過去的任何時間,重溫您的回憶。\n- **🤖 AI 標記**:使用 [recognize]( 與 [facerecognition]( 應用程式提供的按人物與物體對照片進行分組。\n- **🖼️ 相簿**:建立相簿以將照片與影片分組。然後將這些相簿與其他人分享。\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 外部分享**:與您 Nextcloud 站台以外的人們分享照片與影片。\n- **📱 行動裝置支援**:透過網路應用程式在任何形狀與大小的裝置上運作。\n- **✏️ 編輯詮釋資料**:快速輕鬆地編輯照片上的 Exif 日期。\n- **📦 封存**:將您不想在時間軸中看到的照片儲存在單獨的資料夾中。\n- **📹 視訊轉換編碼**:回憶可以轉換視訊編碼並使用 HLS 來取得最大效能。\n- **🗺️ 地圖**:在地圖上檢視您的照片,並使用準確的反向地理編碼來標記。\n- **⚡️ 效能**:本應用程式超快。\n\n## 🌐 線上展示\n\n- 想看看本應用程式的外觀與感覺,請見[公開展示](\n- 展示站是唯讀的,可能會有點慢(來自 [Oracle Cloud]( 的免費層級虛擬機器)。\n- 照片則歸功於 [Unsplash](若要檢視單獨的署名,請參見每個資料夾中的資訊)。\n\n\n## 🚀 安裝\n1. 從 Nextcloud 應用程式商店安裝應用程式\n1. 執行建議的[設定步驟](。\n1. 執行 `php ./occ memories:index` 以產生既有照片的詮釋資料索引。\n1. 在 Nextcloud 開啟 📷 回憶應用程式並設定包含您照片的目錄。",
"Transcoding failed." : "轉換編碼失敗。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "回憶",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "快速、現代且進階的照片管理套裝軟體",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# 回憶\n\n回憶是一個有進階功能的 *超強* Nextcloud 相片管理解決方案,包含了以下功能:\n\n- **📸 時間軸**:從 Exif 資料中按拍攝日期對照片與影片進行排序。\n- **⏪ 倒帶**:立刻跳回過去的任何時間,重溫您的回憶。\n- **🤖 AI 標記**:使用 [recognize]( 與 [facerecognition]( 應用程式提供的按人物與物體對照片進行分組。\n- **🖼️ 相簿**:建立相簿以將照片與影片分組。然後將這些相簿與其他人分享。\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 外部分享**:與您 Nextcloud 站台以外的人們分享照片與影片。\n- **📱 行動裝置支援**:透過網路應用程式在任何形狀與大小的裝置上運作。\n- **✏️ 編輯詮釋資料**:快速輕鬆地編輯照片上的 Exif 日期。\n- **📦 封存**:將您不想在時間軸中看到的照片儲存在單獨的資料夾中。\n- **📹 視訊轉換編碼**:回憶可以轉換視訊編碼並使用 HLS 來取得最大效能。\n- **🗺️ 地圖**:在地圖上檢視您的照片,並使用準確的反向地理編碼來標記。\n- **⚡️ 效能**:本應用程式超快。\n\n## 🌐 線上展示\n\n- 想看看本應用程式的外觀與感覺,請見[公開展示](\n- 展示站是唯讀的,可能會有點慢(來自 [Oracle Cloud]( 的免費層級虛擬機器)。\n- 照片則歸功於 [Unsplash](若要檢視單獨的署名,請參見每個資料夾中的資訊)。\n\n\n## 🚀 安裝\n1. 從 Nextcloud 應用程式商店安裝應用程式\n1. 執行建議的[設定步驟](。\n1. 執行 `php ./occ memories:index` 以產生既有照片的詮釋資料索引。\n1. 在 Nextcloud 開啟 📷 回憶應用程式並設定包含您照片的目錄。",
"Settings" : "設定",
"People (Recognize)" : "人物 (Recognize)",
"People" : "人物",
@ -250,7 +249,6 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "請注意,選定的裁剪區域低於套用的調整大小,這可能會導致品質下降",
"Actual size (100%)" : "實際大小 (100%)",
"Fit size" : "合適大小",
"Transcoding failed." : "轉換編碼失敗。",
"Direct" : "直接",
"Auto" : "自動",
"Shared Folder" : "已分享的資料夾",
@ -267,6 +265,8 @@
"Failed to download files" : "下載檔案失敗",
"Failed to favorite files." : "加入最愛檔案失敗。",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "將部份檔案加入最愛失敗。",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "將 {fileName} 加入最愛失敗。"
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "將 {fileName} 加入最愛失敗。",
"# Memories\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize]( and [facerecognition](\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Works on devices of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates on photos quickly and easily.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Memories transcodes videos and uses HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Memories is very fast.\n\n## 🌐 Online Demo\n\n- To get an idea of what memories looks and feels like, check out the [public demo](\n- The demo is read-only and may be slow (free tier VM from [Oracle Cloud](\n- Photo credits go to [Unsplash]( (for individual credits, refer to each folder).\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store.\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](\n1. Run `php ./occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# 回憶\n\n回憶是一個有進階功能的 *超強* Nextcloud 相片管理解決方案,包含了以下功能:\n\n- **📸 時間軸**:從 Exif 資料中按拍攝日期對照片與影片進行排序。\n- **⏪ 倒帶**:立刻跳回過去的任何時間,重溫您的回憶。\n- **🤖 AI 標記**:使用 [recognize]( 與 [facerecognition]( 應用程式提供的按人物與物體對照片進行分組。\n- **🖼️ 相簿**:建立相簿以將照片與影片分組。然後將這些相簿與其他人分享。\n- **🫱🏻🫲🏻 外部分享**:與您 Nextcloud 站台以外的人們分享照片與影片。\n- **📱 行動裝置支援**:透過網路應用程式在任何形狀與大小的裝置上運作。\n- **✏️ 編輯詮釋資料**:快速輕鬆地編輯照片上的 Exif 日期。\n- **📦 封存**:將您不想在時間軸中看到的照片儲存在單獨的資料夾中。\n- **📹 視訊轉換編碼**:回憶可以轉換視訊編碼並使用 HLS 來取得最大效能。\n- **🗺️ 地圖**:在地圖上檢視您的照片,並使用準確的反向地理編碼來標記。\n- **⚡️ 效能**:本應用程式超快。\n\n## 🌐 線上展示\n\n- 想看看本應用程式的外觀與感覺,請見[公開展示](\n- 展示站是唯讀的,可能會有點慢(來自 [Oracle Cloud]( 的免費層級虛擬機器)。\n- 照片則歸功於 [Unsplash](若要檢視單獨的署名,請參見每個資料夾中的資訊)。\n\n\n## 🚀 安裝\n1. 從 Nextcloud 應用程式商店安裝應用程式\n1. 執行建議的[設定步驟](。\n1. 執行 `php ./occ memories:index` 以產生既有照片的詮釋資料索引。\n1. 在 Nextcloud 開啟 📷 回憶應用程式並設定包含您照片的目錄。",
"Transcoding failed." : "轉換編碼失敗。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
Reference in New Issue