/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Jim Ramsay * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "json-ipc.h" #include "ctl-client.h" #include "ctl-commands.h" #include "ctl-server.h" #include "strlcpy.h" #include "util.h" #include "option-parser.h" #define LOG(level, fmt, ...) \ fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%d] <" level "> " fmt "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, \ ##__VA_ARGS__) #define WARN(fmt, ...) \ LOG("WARNING", fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) static bool do_debug = false; #define DEBUG(fmt, ...) \ if (do_debug) \ LOG("DEBUG", fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) const char* EVT_LOCAL_SHUTDOWN = "wayvnc-shutdown"; const char* EVT_LOCAL_STARTUP = "wayvnc-startup"; struct ctl_client { void* userdata; struct sockaddr_un addr; unsigned flags; char read_buffer[1024]; size_t read_len; bool wait_for_events; int fd; }; void ctl_client_debug_log(bool enable) { do_debug = enable; } struct ctl_client* ctl_client_new(const char* socket_path, void* userdata) { if (!socket_path) socket_path = default_ctl_socket_path(); struct ctl_client* new = calloc(1, sizeof(*new)); new->userdata = userdata; new->fd = -1; if (strlen(socket_path) >= sizeof(new->addr.sun_path)) { errno = ENAMETOOLONG; WARN("Failed to create unix socket: %m"); goto socket_failure; } strcpy(new->addr.sun_path, socket_path); new->addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; return new; socket_failure: free(new); return NULL; } static int wait_for_socket(const char* socket_path, int timeout) { bool needs_log = true; struct stat sb; while (stat(socket_path, &sb) != 0) { if (timeout == 0) { WARN("Failed to find socket path \"%s\": %m", socket_path); return 1; } if (needs_log) { needs_log = false; DEBUG("Waiting for socket path \"%s\" to appear", socket_path); } if (usleep(50000) == -1) { WARN("Failed to wait for socket path: %m"); return -1; } } if (S_ISSOCK(sb.st_mode)) { DEBUG("Found socket \"%s\"", socket_path); } else { WARN("Path \"%s\" exists but is not a socket (0x%x)", socket_path, sb.st_mode); return -1; } return 0; } static int try_connect(struct ctl_client* self, int timeout) { if (self->fd != -1) close(self->fd); self->fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (self->fd < 0) { WARN("Failed to create unix socket: %m"); return 1; } while (connect(self->fd, (struct sockaddr*)&self->addr, sizeof(self->addr)) != 0) { if (timeout == 0 || errno != ENOENT) { WARN("Failed to connect to unix socket \"%s\": %m", self->addr.sun_path); return 1; } if (usleep(50000) == -1) { WARN("Failed to wait for connect to succeed: %m"); return 1; } } return 0; } static int ctl_client_connect(struct ctl_client* self, int timeout) { // TODO: Support arbitrary timeouts? assert(timeout == 0 || timeout == -1); if (wait_for_socket(self->addr.sun_path, timeout) != 0) return 1; if (try_connect(self, timeout) != 0) return 1; return 0; } void ctl_client_destroy(struct ctl_client* self) { close(self->fd); free(self); } void* ctl_client_userdata(struct ctl_client* self) { return self->userdata; } static struct jsonipc_request* ctl_client_parse_args(struct ctl_client* self, enum cmd_type* cmd, struct option_parser* options) { struct jsonipc_request* request = NULL; json_t* params = json_object(); struct cmd_info* info = ctl_command_by_type(*cmd); if (option_parser_get_value(options, "help")) { json_object_set_new(params, "command", json_string(info->name)); *cmd = CMD_HELP; info = ctl_command_by_type(*cmd); goto out; } for (int i = 0; info->params[i].name != NULL; ++i) { const char* key = info->params[i].name; const char* value = option_parser_get_value(options, key); if (!value) continue; json_object_set_new(params, key, json_string(value)); } out: request = jsonipc_request_new(info->name, params); json_decref(params); return request; } static json_t* json_from_buffer(struct ctl_client* self) { if (self->read_len == 0) { DEBUG("Read buffer is empty"); errno = ENODATA; return NULL; } json_error_t err; json_t* root = json_loadb(self->read_buffer, self->read_len, 0, &err); if (root) { advance_read_buffer(&self->read_buffer, &self->read_len, err.position); } else if (json_error_code(&err) == json_error_premature_end_of_input) { if (self->read_len == sizeof(self->read_buffer)) { WARN("Response message is too long"); errno = EMSGSIZE; } else { DEBUG("Awaiting more data"); errno = ENODATA; } } else { WARN("Json parsing failed: %s", err.text); errno = EINVAL; } return root; } static json_t* read_one_object(struct ctl_client* self, int timeout_ms) { json_t* root = json_from_buffer(self); if (root) return root; if (errno != ENODATA) return NULL; struct pollfd pfd = { .fd = self->fd, .events = POLLIN, .revents = 0 }; while (root == NULL) { int n = poll(&pfd, 1, timeout_ms); if (n == -1) { if (errno == EINTR && self->wait_for_events) continue; WARN("Error waiting for a response: %m"); break; } else if (n == 0) { WARN("Timeout waiting for a response"); break; } char* readptr = self->read_buffer + self->read_len; size_t remainder = sizeof(self->read_buffer) - self->read_len; n = recv(self->fd, readptr, remainder, 0); if (n == -1) { WARN("Read failed: %m"); break; } else if (n == 0) { WARN("Disconnected"); errno = ECONNRESET; break; } DEBUG("Read %d bytes", n); DEBUG("<< %.*s", n, readptr); self->read_len += n; root = json_from_buffer(self); if (!root && errno != ENODATA) break; } return root; } static struct jsonipc_response* ctl_client_wait_for_response(struct ctl_client* self) { DEBUG("Waiting for a response"); json_t* root = read_one_object(self, 1000); if (!root) return NULL; struct jsonipc_error jipc_err = JSONIPC_ERR_INIT; struct jsonipc_response* response = jsonipc_response_parse_new(root, &jipc_err); if (!response) { char* msg = json_dumps(jipc_err.data, JSON_EMBED); WARN("Could not parse json: %s", msg); free(msg); } json_decref(root); jsonipc_error_cleanup(&jipc_err); return response; } static void print_error(struct jsonipc_response* response, const char* method) { printf("Error (%d)", response->code); if (!response->data) goto out; json_t* data = response->data; if (json_is_string(data)) printf(": %s", json_string_value(data)); else if (json_is_object(data) && json_is_string(json_object_get(data, "error"))) printf(": %s", json_string_value(json_object_get(data, "error"))); else json_dumpf(response->data, stdout, JSON_INDENT(2)); out: printf("\n"); } static void pretty_version(json_t* data) { printf("wayvnc is running:\n"); const char* key; json_t* value; json_object_foreach(data, key, value) printf(" %s: %s\n", key, json_string_value(value)); } static void pretty_client_list(json_t* data) { int n = json_array_size(data); printf("There %s %d VNC client%s connected%s\n", (n == 1) ? "is" : "are", n, (n == 1) ? "" : "s", (n > 0) ? ":" : "."); size_t i; json_t* value; json_array_foreach(data, i, value) { char* id = NULL; char* hostname = NULL; char* username = NULL; json_unpack(value, "{s:s, s?s, s?s}", "id", &id, "hostname", &hostname, "username", &username); printf(" client[%s]: ", id); if (username) printf("%s@", username); printf("%s\n", hostname ? hostname : ""); } } static void pretty_output_list(json_t* data) { int n = json_array_size(data); printf("There %s %d output%s%s\n", (n == 1) ? "is" : "are", n, (n == 1) ? "" : "s", (n > 0) ? ":" : "."); size_t i; json_t* value; json_array_foreach(data, i, value) { char* name = NULL; char* description = NULL; int height = -1; int width = -1; int captured = false; json_unpack(value, "{s:s, s:s, s:i, s:i, s:b}", "name", &name, "description", &description, "height", &height, "width", &width, "captured", &captured); printf("%s output[%s]: %s (%dx%d)\n", captured ? "*" : " ", name, description, width, height); } } static void pretty_print(json_t* data, struct jsonipc_request* request) { enum cmd_type cmd = ctl_command_parse_name(request->method); switch (cmd) { case CMD_VERSION: pretty_version(data); break; case CMD_GET_CLIENTS: pretty_client_list(data); break; case CMD_GET_OUTPUTS: pretty_output_list(data); break; case CMD_DISCONNECT_CLIENT: case CMD_SET_OUTPUT: case CMD_WAYVNC_EXIT: printf("Ok\n"); break; case CMD_EVENT_RECEIVE: case CMD_HELP: abort(); // Handled directly by ctl_client_run_command case CMD_UNKNOWN: json_dumpf(data, stdout, JSON_INDENT(2)); } } static void print_compact_json(json_t* data) { json_dumpf(data, stdout, JSON_COMPACT); printf("\n"); } static int ctl_client_print_response(struct ctl_client* self, struct jsonipc_request* request, struct jsonipc_response* response) { DEBUG("Response code: %d", response->code); if (response->data) { if (self->flags & CTL_CLIENT_PRINT_JSON) print_compact_json(response->data); else if (response->code == 0) pretty_print(response->data, request); else print_error(response, request->method); } return response->code; } static struct ctl_client* sig_target = NULL; static void stop_loop(int signal) { sig_target->wait_for_events = false; } static void setup_signals(struct ctl_client* self) { sig_target = self; struct sigaction sa = { 0 }; sa.sa_handler = stop_loop; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); } static void print_indent(int level) { for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) printf(" "); } static bool json_has_content(json_t* root) { if (!root) return false; size_t i; const char* key; json_t* value; switch (json_typeof(root)) { case JSON_NULL: return false; case JSON_INTEGER: case JSON_REAL: case JSON_TRUE: case JSON_FALSE: return true; case JSON_STRING: return json_string_value(root)[0] != '\0'; case JSON_OBJECT: json_object_foreach(root, key, value) if (json_has_content(value)) return true; return false; case JSON_ARRAY: json_array_foreach(root, i, value) if (json_has_content(value)) return true; return false; } return false; } static void print_as_yaml(json_t* data, int level, bool needs_leading_newline) { size_t i; const char* key; json_t* value; bool needs_indent = needs_leading_newline; switch(json_typeof(data)) { case JSON_NULL: printf("\n"); break; case JSON_OBJECT: if (json_object_size(data) > 0 && needs_leading_newline) printf("\n"); json_object_foreach(data, key, value) { if (!json_has_content(value)) continue; if (needs_indent) print_indent(level); else needs_indent = true; printf("%s: ", key); print_as_yaml(value, level + 1, true); } break; case JSON_ARRAY: if (json_array_size(data) > 0 && needs_leading_newline) printf("\n"); json_array_foreach(data, i, value) { if (!json_has_content(value)) continue; print_indent(level); printf("- "); print_as_yaml(value, level + 1, json_is_array(value)); } break; case JSON_STRING: printf("%s\n", json_string_value(data)); break; case JSON_INTEGER: printf("%" JSON_INTEGER_FORMAT "\n", json_integer_value(data)); break; case JSON_REAL: printf("%f\n", json_real_value(data)); break; case JSON_TRUE: printf("true\n"); break; case JSON_FALSE: printf("false\n"); break; } } static void print_event(struct jsonipc_request* event, unsigned flags) { if (flags & CTL_CLIENT_PRINT_JSON) { print_compact_json(event->json); } else { printf("\n%s:", event->method); if (event->params) print_as_yaml(event->params, 1, true); else printf("<\n"); } fflush(stdout); } static void send_local_event(struct ctl_client* self, const char* name) { struct jsonipc_request* event = jsonipc_event_new(name, NULL); event->json = jsonipc_request_pack(event, NULL); print_event(event, self->flags); jsonipc_request_destroy(event); } static void send_startup_event(struct ctl_client* self) { send_local_event(self, EVT_LOCAL_STARTUP); } static void send_shutdown_event(struct ctl_client* self) { send_local_event(self, EVT_LOCAL_SHUTDOWN); } static ssize_t ctl_client_send_request(struct ctl_client* self, struct jsonipc_request* request) { json_error_t err; json_t* packed = jsonipc_request_pack(request, &err); if (!packed) { WARN("Could not encode json: %s", err.text); return -1; } char buffer[512]; int len = json_dumpb(packed, buffer, sizeof(buffer), JSON_COMPACT); json_decref(packed); DEBUG(">> %.*s", len, buffer); return send(self->fd, buffer, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL); } static struct jsonipc_response* ctl_client_run_single_command(struct ctl_client* self, struct jsonipc_request* request) { if (ctl_client_send_request(self, request) < 0) return NULL; return ctl_client_wait_for_response(self); } static int ctl_client_register_for_events(struct ctl_client* self, struct jsonipc_request* request) { struct jsonipc_response* response = ctl_client_run_single_command(self, request); if (!response) return -1; int result = response->code; jsonipc_response_destroy(response); if (result == 0) send_startup_event(self); return result; } static int ctl_client_reconnect_event_loop(struct ctl_client* self, struct jsonipc_request* request, int timeout) { if (ctl_client_connect(self, timeout) != 0) return -1; return ctl_client_register_for_events(self, request); } static int ctl_client_event_loop(struct ctl_client* self, struct jsonipc_request* request) { int result = ctl_client_register_for_events(self, request); if (result != 0) return result; self->wait_for_events = true; setup_signals(self); while (self->wait_for_events) { DEBUG("Waiting for an event"); json_t* root = read_one_object(self, -1); if (!root) { if (errno == ECONNRESET) { send_shutdown_event(self); if (self->flags & CTL_CLIENT_RECONNECT && ctl_client_reconnect_event_loop( self, request, -1) == 0) continue; } break; } struct jsonipc_error err = JSONIPC_ERR_INIT; struct jsonipc_request* event = jsonipc_event_parse_new(root, &err); json_decref(root); print_event(event, self->flags); jsonipc_request_destroy(event); } return 0; } static int ctl_client_print_single_command(struct ctl_client* self, struct jsonipc_request* request) { struct jsonipc_response* response = ctl_client_run_single_command(self, request); if (!response) return 1; int result = ctl_client_print_response(self, request, response); jsonipc_response_destroy(response); return result; } void ctl_client_print_command_list(FILE* stream) { fprintf(stream, "Commands:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < CMD_LIST_LEN; ++i) fprintf(stream, " - %s\n", ctl_command_list[i].name); fprintf(stream, "\nRun 'wayvncctl command-name --help' for command-specific details.\n"); } void ctl_client_print_event_list(FILE* stream) { printf("Events:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < EVT_LIST_LEN; ++i) printf(" - %s\n", ctl_event_list[i].name); printf("\nRun 'wayvncctl help --event=event-name' for event-specific details.\n"); } static int print_command_usage(const char* cmd_name, struct option_parser* cmd_options, struct option_parser* parent_options) { struct cmd_info* info = ctl_command_by_name(cmd_name); printf("Usage: wayvncctl [options] %s [parameters]\n\n%s\n\n", cmd_name, info->description); option_parser_print_options(cmd_options, stdout); printf("\n"); option_parser_print_options(parent_options, stdout); enum cmd_type cmd = ctl_command_parse_name(cmd_name); if (cmd == CMD_EVENT_RECEIVE) { printf("\n"); ctl_client_print_event_list(stdout); } return 0; } static int print_event_details(const char* evt_name) { struct cmd_info* info = ctl_event_by_name(evt_name); if (!info) { WARN("No such event \"%s\"\n", evt_name); return 1; } printf("Event: %s\n\n%s\n", info->name, info->description); if (info->params[0].name != NULL) { printf("\nData fields:"); for (int i = 0; info->params[i].name != NULL; ++i) printf("\n %s=...\n %s\n", info->params[i].name, info->params[i].description); } return 0; } static int ctl_client_print_help(struct ctl_client* self, struct jsonipc_request* request, struct option_parser* cmd_options, struct option_parser* parent_options) { if (self->flags & CTL_CLIENT_PRINT_JSON) { WARN("JSON output is not supported for the \"help\" command"); return 1; } json_t* params = request->params; const char* cmd_name = NULL; const char* evt_name = NULL; if (params) json_unpack(params, "{s?s, s?s}", "command", &cmd_name, "event", &evt_name); if (cmd_name) return print_command_usage(cmd_name, cmd_options, parent_options); if (evt_name) return print_event_details(evt_name); ctl_client_print_command_list(stdout); printf("\n"); ctl_client_print_event_list(stdout); return 0; } int ctl_client_init_cmd_parser(struct option_parser* parser, enum cmd_type cmd) { struct cmd_info* info = ctl_command_by_type(cmd); if (!info) { printf("Invalid command"); return -1; } size_t param_count = 0; while (info->params[param_count].name != NULL) param_count++; // Add 2: one for --help and one to null-terminate the list struct wv_option* options = calloc(param_count + 2, sizeof(struct wv_option)); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) { struct wv_option* option = &options[i]; option->long_opt = info->params[i].name; option->help = info->params[i].description; option->schema = ""; } options[i].long_opt = "help"; options[i].short_opt = 'h'; options[i].help = "Display this help text"; option_parser_init(parser, options); parser->name = "Parameters"; return 0; } static void ctl_client_destroy_cmd_parser(struct option_parser* parser) { // const in the struct, but we allocated it above free((void*)parser->options); } int ctl_client_run_command(struct ctl_client* self, struct option_parser* parent_options, unsigned flags) { self->flags = flags; int result = 1; const char* method = option_parser_get_value(parent_options, "command"); enum cmd_type cmd = ctl_command_parse_name(method); if (cmd == CMD_UNKNOWN) { WARN("No such command \"%s\"\n", method); return 1; } struct option_parser cmd_options = { }; if (ctl_client_init_cmd_parser(&cmd_options, cmd) != 0) return 1; if (option_parser_parse(&cmd_options, parent_options->remaining_argc, parent_options->remaining_argv) != 0) goto parse_failure; struct jsonipc_request* request = ctl_client_parse_args(self, &cmd, &cmd_options); if (!request) goto parse_failure; if (cmd != CMD_HELP) { int timeout = (flags & CTL_CLIENT_SOCKET_WAIT) ? -1 : 0; result = ctl_client_connect(self, timeout); if (result != 0) return result; } switch (cmd) { case CMD_HELP: result = ctl_client_print_help(self, request, &cmd_options, parent_options); break; case CMD_EVENT_RECEIVE: result = ctl_client_event_loop(self, request); break; default: result = ctl_client_print_single_command(self, request); break; } jsonipc_request_destroy(request); parse_failure: ctl_client_destroy_cmd_parser(&cmd_options); return result; }