FAQ: Remove outdated Q

Andri Yngvason 2020-09-28 19:35:40 +00:00
parent 15c6768f4f
commit d235f9394b
1 changed files with 0 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -17,24 +17,6 @@ bindsym $mod+Pause mode passthrough
This makes it so that when you press $mod+Pause, all keybindings, except the one
to switch back, are disabled.
**Q: Wayvnc changes Sway's keyboard layout. Can this be fixed?**
A: This happens because of a bug in how the virtual keyboard protocol interacts
with a feature in sway called smart keyboard grouping. This can be remedied by
either putting wayvnc on a separate seat or turning off smart keyboard grouping
in sway.
Putting wayvnc in its own seat is done like this:
swaymsg seat wayvnc fallback false # create a new seat
wayvnc --seat=wayvnc
Smart keyboard grouping can be turned off like this:
swaymsg seat seat0 keyboard_grouping none
**Q: Not all symbols show up when I'm typing. What can I do to fix this?**
A: Try setting the keyboard layout in wayvnc to the one that most closely