/* * Copyright (c) 2019 - 2021 Andri Yngvason * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "neatvnc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sys/queue.h" // TODO: Align pixel formats struct coord { int x, y; }; struct fb_side_data { struct pixman_region16 damage; LIST_ENTRY(fb_side_data) link; }; LIST_HEAD(fb_side_data_list, fb_side_data); struct draw { int width; int height; uint32_t format; pixman_image_t* whiteboard; uint32_t* whiteboard_buffer; struct nvnc_display* display; struct nvnc_fb_pool* fb_pool; struct fb_side_data_list fb_side_data_list; }; static struct nvnc_fb* create_cursor() { static char ascii_art[] = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXXX " "XXXXXXX " "XXXXXX " "XXXXX " "XXXX " "XXX " "XX " "X "; struct nvnc_fb* fb = nvnc_fb_new(32, 32, DRM_FORMAT_RGBA8888, 32); assert(fb); uint32_t colour = 0x0000ffff; uint32_t* pixels = nvnc_fb_get_addr(fb); for (int i = 0; i < 32 * 32; ++i) { pixels[i] = ascii_art[i] != ' ' ? colour : 0; } return fb; } static void fb_side_data_destroy(void* userdata) { struct fb_side_data* fb_side_data = userdata; LIST_REMOVE(fb_side_data, link); pixman_region_fini(&fb_side_data->damage); free(fb_side_data); } static int coord_distance_between(struct coord a, struct coord b) { float x = abs(a.x - b.x); float y = abs(a.y - b.y); return round(sqrt(x * x + y * y)); } static void damage_all_buffers(struct draw* draw, struct pixman_region16* region) { struct fb_side_data *item; LIST_FOREACH(item, &draw->fb_side_data_list, link) pixman_region_union(&item->damage, &item->damage, region); } static void update_vnc_buffer(struct draw* draw, struct pixman_region16* frame_damage) { struct nvnc_fb *fb = nvnc_fb_pool_acquire(draw->fb_pool); assert(fb); struct fb_side_data* fb_side_data = nvnc_get_userdata(fb); if (!fb_side_data) { fb_side_data = calloc(1, sizeof(*fb_side_data)); assert(fb_side_data); /* This is a new buffer, so the whole surface is damaged. */ pixman_region_init_rect(&fb_side_data->damage, 0, 0, draw->width, draw->height); nvnc_set_userdata(fb, fb_side_data, fb_side_data_destroy); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&draw->fb_side_data_list, fb_side_data, link); } pixman_image_t* dstimg = pixman_image_create_bits_no_clear( PIXMAN_r8g8b8x8, draw->width, draw->height, nvnc_fb_get_addr(fb), 4 * draw->width); /* Clip region is set to limit copying to only the damaged region. */ pixman_image_set_clip_region(dstimg, &fb_side_data->damage); pixman_image_composite(PIXMAN_OP_OVER, draw->whiteboard, NULL, dstimg, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, draw->width, draw->height); pixman_image_unref(dstimg); /* The buffer is now up to date, so the damage region can be cleared. */ pixman_region_clear(&fb_side_data->damage); nvnc_display_feed_buffer(draw->display, fb, frame_damage); nvnc_fb_unref(fb); } static void composite_dot(struct draw *draw, uint32_t* image, struct coord coord, int radius, uint32_t colour, struct pixman_region16* damage) { int width = draw->width; int height = draw->height; struct coord start, stop; start.x = MAX(0, coord.x - radius); start.y = MAX(0, coord.y - radius); stop.x = MIN(width, coord.x + radius); stop.y = MIN(height, coord.y + radius); /* The brute force method. ;) */ for (int y = start.y; y < stop.y; ++y) for (int x = start.x; x < stop.x; ++x) { struct coord point = { .x = x, .y = y }; if (coord_distance_between(point, coord) <= radius) image[x + y * width] = colour; } pixman_region_init_rect(damage, start.x, start.y, stop.x - start.x, stop.y - start.y); } static void draw_dot(struct draw *draw, struct coord coord, int radius, uint32_t colour) { struct pixman_region16 region; composite_dot(draw, draw->whiteboard_buffer, coord, radius, colour, ®ion); /* All the buffers that are currently in the pool will need to be * upgraded in this region before being sent to nvnc. */ damage_all_buffers(draw, ®ion); update_vnc_buffer(draw, ®ion); pixman_region_fini(®ion); } static void on_pointer_event(struct nvnc_client* client, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, enum nvnc_button_mask buttons) { if (!(buttons & NVNC_BUTTON_LEFT)) return; struct nvnc* server = nvnc_client_get_server(client); assert(server); struct draw* draw = nvnc_get_userdata(server); assert(draw); struct coord coord = { x, y }; draw_dot(draw, coord, 16, 0); } static void on_sigint() { aml_exit(aml_get_default()); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct draw draw = { 0 }; LIST_INIT(&draw.fb_side_data_list); struct aml* aml = aml_new(); aml_set_default(aml); draw.width = 500; draw.height = 500; draw.format = DRM_FORMAT_RGBX8888; draw.whiteboard_buffer = malloc(draw.width * draw.height * 4); assert(draw.whiteboard_buffer); memset(draw.whiteboard_buffer, 0xff, draw.width * draw.height * 4); draw.whiteboard = pixman_image_create_bits_no_clear(PIXMAN_r8g8b8x8, draw.width, draw.height, draw.whiteboard_buffer, draw.width * 4); assert(draw.whiteboard); draw.fb_pool = nvnc_fb_pool_new(draw.width, draw.height, draw.format, draw.width); assert(draw.fb_pool); struct nvnc* server = nvnc_open("", 5900); assert(server); draw.display = nvnc_display_new(0, 0); assert(draw.display); nvnc_add_display(server, draw.display); nvnc_set_name(server, "Draw"); nvnc_set_pointer_fn(server, on_pointer_event); nvnc_set_userdata(server, &draw, NULL); struct nvnc_fb* cursor = create_cursor(); assert(cursor); nvnc_set_cursor(server, cursor, 0, 0, NULL); nvnc_fb_unref(cursor); struct aml_signal* sig = aml_signal_new(SIGINT, on_sigint, NULL, NULL); aml_start(aml_get_default(), sig); aml_unref(sig); struct pixman_region16 damage; pixman_region_init_rect(&damage, 0, 0, draw.width, draw.height); update_vnc_buffer(&draw, &damage); pixman_region_fini(&damage); aml_run(aml); nvnc_close(server); nvnc_display_unref(draw.display); nvnc_fb_pool_unref(draw.fb_pool); pixman_image_unref(draw.whiteboard); free(draw.whiteboard_buffer); aml_unref(aml); }