project( 'neatvnc', 'c', version: '0.4.0', license: 'ISC', default_options: [ 'c_std=gnu11', ], ) buildtype = get_option('buildtype') host_system = host_machine.system() c_args = [ '-DPROJECT_VERSION="@0@"'.format(meson.project_version()), '-D_GNU_SOURCE', '-fvisibility=hidden', '-Wmissing-prototypes', ] if buildtype != 'debug' and buildtype != 'debugoptimized' c_args += '-DNDEBUG' endif git = find_program('git', native: true, required: false) if git.found() git_describe = run_command([git, 'describe', '--tags', '--long']) git_branch = run_command([git, 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']) if git_describe.returncode() == 0 and git_branch.returncode() == 0 c_args += '-DGIT_VERSION="@0@ (@1@)"'.format( git_describe.stdout().strip(), git_branch.stdout().strip(), ) endif endif add_project_arguments(c_args, language: 'c') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') libm = cc.find_library('m', required: false) pixman = dependency('pixman-1') libturbojpeg = dependency('libturbojpeg', required: get_option('jpeg')) gnutls = dependency('gnutls', required: get_option('tls')) zlib = dependency('zlib') aml_project = subproject('aml', required: false) if aml_project.found() aml = aml_project.get_variable('aml_dep') else aml = dependency('aml') endif inc = include_directories('include') sources = [ 'src/server.c', 'src/vec.c', 'src/zrle.c', 'src/raw-encoding.c', 'src/pixels.c', 'src/damage.c', 'src/fb.c', 'src/rcbuf.c', 'src/stream.c', 'src/display.c', 'src/tight.c', 'src/enc-util.c', 'src/qnum-to-evdev.c', ] dependencies = [ libm, pixman, aml, zlib, ] config = configuration_data() if libturbojpeg.found() dependencies += libturbojpeg config.set('HAVE_JPEG', true) endif if gnutls.found() dependencies += gnutls config.set('ENABLE_TLS', true) endif if host_system == 'linux' and get_option('systemtap') and cc.has_header('sys/sdt.h') config.set('HAVE_USDT', true) endif configure_file( output: 'config.h', configuration: config, ) neatvnc = library( 'neatvnc', sources, version: '0.0.0', dependencies: dependencies, include_directories: inc, install: true, ) neatvnc_dep = declare_dependency( include_directories: inc, link_with: neatvnc, ) if get_option('examples') subdir('examples') endif if get_option('benchmarks') subdir('bench') endif install_headers('include/neatvnc.h') pkgconfig = import('pkgconfig') pkgconfig.generate( libraries: neatvnc, version: meson.project_version(), filebase: meson.project_name(), name: meson.project_name(), description: 'A Neat VNC server library' )