# ncDocConverter A Go program able to convert documents automatically to PDF / EPUB Files. Currently, the following sources for documents are supported: * Nextcloud with OnlyOffice * Boockstack As a destination to save the converted files only **Nextcloud** is supported. ## Setting it up For using the ### BookStack For converting books of BookStack you need to create an API token for the user to access the books: 1. Login as Admin 2. Go to *Settings → Users* 3. Select user for API access 4. Scroll down to `API Tokens` and click `CREATE TOKEN` 5. Set a name and expire date. Click `save` 6. Copy the ID and Token. The field `apiToken` will contain the combination from `id:token` Now you need also create a new role or edit an existing role. 1. Go to *Settings → Roles* 2. Edit and existing Role (the role which the user have) or create a new role 3. Check the box `Access system API` and `Export content` in `System permissions` 4. Assing View Role *(all and own)* for *Shelves, Books, Chapters and Pages*