(function(){ L.Control.LinearMeasurement = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: 'topleft', unitSystem: 'imperial', // imperial | metric color: '#4D90FE', contrastingColor: '#fff', show_last_node: false, show_azimut: false }, clickSpeed: 300, onAdd: function (map) { var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-control leaflet-bar'), link = L.DomUtil.create('a', 'icon-ruler', container), map_container = map.getContainer(), me = this; link.href = '#'; link.title = 'Toggle measurement tool'; L.DomEvent.on(link, 'click', L.DomEvent.stop).on(link, 'click', function(){ if(L.DomUtil.hasClass(link, 'icon-active')){ me.resetRuler(!!me.mainLayer); L.DomUtil.removeClass(link, 'icon-active'); L.DomUtil.removeClass(map_container, 'ruler-map'); } else { me.initRuler(); L.DomUtil.addClass(link, 'icon-active'); L.DomUtil.addClass(map_container, 'ruler-map'); } }); function contrastingColor(color){ return (luma(color) >= 165) ? '000' : 'fff'; } function luma(color){ var rgb = (typeof color === 'string') ? hexToRGBArray(color) : color; return (0.2126 * rgb[0]) + (0.7152 * rgb[1]) + (0.0722 * rgb[2]); // SMPTE C, Rec. 709 weightings } function hexToRGBArray(color){ if (color.length === 3) color = color.charAt(0) + color.charAt(0) + color.charAt(1) + color.charAt(1) + color.charAt(2) + color.charAt(2); else if (color.length !== 6) throw('Invalid hex color: ' + color); var rgb = []; for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i++) rgb[i] = parseInt(color.substr(i * 2, 2), 16); return rgb; } if(this.options.color && this.options.color.indexOf('#') === -1){ this.options.color = '#' + this.options.color; } else if(!this.options.color){ this.options.color = '#4D90FE'; } var originalColor = this.options.color.replace('#', ''); this.options.contrastingColor = '#'+contrastingColor(originalColor); return container; }, onRemove: function(map){ this.resetRuler(!!this.mainLayer); }, initRuler: function(){ var me = this, map = this._map; this.mainLayer = L.featureGroup(); this.mainLayer.addTo(this._map); map.touchZoom.disable(); map.doubleClickZoom.disable(); map.boxZoom.disable(); map.keyboard.disable(); if(map.tap) { map.tap.disable(); } this.dblClickEventFn = function(e){ L.DomEvent.stop(e); }; this.clickEventFn = function(e){ if(me.clickHandle){ clearTimeout(me.clickHandle); me.clickHandle = 0; if(me.options.show_last_node){ me.preClick(e); me.getMouseClickHandler(e); } me.getDblClickHandler(e); } else { me.preClick(e); me.clickHandle = setTimeout(function(){ me.getMouseClickHandler(e); me.clickHandle = 0; }, me.clickSpeed); } }; this.moveEventFn = function(e){ if(!me.clickHandle){ me.getMouseMoveHandler(e); } }; map.on('click', this.clickEventFn, this); map.on('mousemove', this.moveEventFn, this); this.resetRuler(); }, initLayer: function(){ this.layer = L.featureGroup(); this.layer.addTo(this.mainLayer); this.layer.on('selected', this.layerSelected); this.layer.on('click', this.clickEventFn, this); }, resetRuler: function(resetLayer){ var map = this._map; if(resetLayer){ map.off('click', this.clickEventFn, this); map.off('mousemove', this.moveEventFn, this); if(this.mainLayer){ this._map.removeLayer(this.mainLayer); } this.mainLayer = null; this._map.touchZoom.enable(); this._map.boxZoom.enable(); this._map.keyboard.enable(); if(this._map.tap) { this._map.tap.enable(); } } this.layer = null; this.prevLatlng = null; this.poly = null; this.multi = null; this.latlngs = null; this.latlngsList = []; this.sum = 0; this.distance = 0; this.separation = 1; this.last = 0; this.fixedLast = 0; this.totalIcon = null; this.total = null; this.lastCircle = null; /* Leaflet return distances in meters */ this.UNIT_CONV = 1000; this.SUB_UNIT_CONV = 1000; this.UNIT = 'km'; this.SUB_UNIT = 'm'; if(this.options.unitSystem === 'imperial'){ this.UNIT_CONV = 1609.344; this.SUB_UNIT_CONV = 5280; this.UNIT = 'mi'; this.SUB_UNIT = 'ft'; } this.measure = { scalar: 0, unit: this.SUB_UNIT }; }, cleanUpMarkers: function(fixed){ var layer = this.layer; if(layer){ layer.eachLayer(function(l){ if(l.options && l.options.type === 'tmp'){ if(fixed){ l.options.type = 'fixed'; } else { layer.removeLayer(l); } } }); } }, cleanUpFixed: function(){ var layer = this.layer; if(layer) { layer.eachLayer(function(l){ if(l.options && (l.options.type === 'fixed')){ layer.removeLayer(l); } }); } }, convertDots: function(){ var me = this, layer = this.layer; if(layer) { layer.eachLayer(function(l){ if(l.options && (l.options.type === 'dot')){ var m = l.options.marker, i = m ? m.options.icon.options : null, il = i ? i.html : ''; if(il && il.indexOf(me.measure.unit) === -1){ var str = l.options.label, s = str.split(' '), e = parseFloat(s[0]), u = s[1], label = ''; if(l.options.label.indexOf(me.measure.unit) !== -1){ label = l.options.label; } else if(u === me.UNIT){ label = (e * me.SUB_UNIT_CONV).toFixed(2) + ' ' + me.SUB_UNIT; } else if(u === me.SUB_UNIT){ label = (e / me.SUB_UNIT_CONV).toFixed(2) + ' ' + me.UNIT; } var cicon = L.divIcon({ className: 'total-popup-label', html: label }); m.setIcon(cicon); } } }); } }, displayMarkers: function(latlngs, multi, sum) { var x, y, label, ratio, p, latlng = latlngs[latlngs.length-1], prevLatlng = latlngs[0], original = prevLatlng.distanceTo(latlng)/this.UNIT_CONV, dis = original; var p2 = this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(latlng), p1 = this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(prevLatlng), unit = 1; if(this.measure.unit === this.SUB_UNIT){ unit = this.SUB_UNIT_CONV; dis = dis * unit; } var t = (sum * unit) + dis, qu = sum * unit; for(var q = Math.floor(qu); q < t; q++){ ratio = (t-q) / dis; if(q % this.separation || q < qu) { continue; } x = (p2.x - ratio * (p2.x - p1.x)); y = (p2.y - ratio * (p2.y - p1.y)); p = L.point(x, y); /* render a circle spaced by separation */ latlng = this._map.containerPointToLatLng(p); label = (q + ' ' + this.measure.unit); this.renderCircle(latlng, 0, this.layer, multi ? 'fixed' : 'tmp', label); this.last = t; } return original; }, renderCircle: function(latLng, radius, layer, type, label) { var color = this.options.color, lineColor = this.options.color, azimut = '', nodeCls = ''; type = type || 'circle'; linesHTML = []; var options = { color: lineColor, fillOpacity: 1, opacity: 1, fill: true, type: type }; var a = this.prevLatlng ? this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(this.prevLatlng) : null, b = this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(latLng); if(type === 'dot'){ nodeCls = 'node-label'; if(a && this.options.show_azimut){ azimut = ' '+this.lastAzimut+'°'; } } p_latLng = this._map.containerPointToLatLng(b); if(label){ var cicon = L.divIcon({ className: 'total-popup-label ' + nodeCls, html: ''+label+azimut+'' }); options.icon = cicon; options.marker = L.marker(p_latLng, { icon: cicon, type: type }).addTo(layer); options.label = label; } var circle = L.circleMarker(latLng, options); circle.setRadius(3); circle.addTo(layer); return circle; }, getAzimut: function(a, b){ var deg = 0; if(a && b){ deg = parseInt(Math.atan2(b.y - a.y, b.x - a.x) * 180 / Math.PI); if(deg > 0){ deg += 90; } else if(deg < 0){ deg = Math.abs(deg); if(deg <= 90){ deg = 90 - deg; } else { deg = 360 - (deg - 90); } } } this.lastAzimut = deg; return deg; }, renderPolyline: function(latLngs, dashArray, layer) { var poly = L.polyline(latLngs, { color: this.options.color, weight: 2, opacity: 1, dashArray: dashArray }); poly.addTo(layer); return poly; }, renderMultiPolyline: function(latLngs, dashArray, layer) { /* Leaflet version 1+ delegated the concept of multi-poly-line to the polyline */ var multi; if(L.version.startsWith('0')){ multi = L.multiPolyline(latLngs, { color: this.options.color, weight: 2, opacity: 1, dashArray: dashArray }); } else { multi = L.polyline(latLngs, { color: this.options.color, weight: 2, opacity: 1, dashArray: dashArray }); } multi.addTo(layer); return multi; }, formatDistance: function(distance, precision) { var s = L.Util.formatNum((distance < 1 ? distance*parseFloat(this.SUB_UNIT_CONV) : distance), precision), u = (distance < 1 ? this.SUB_UNIT : this.UNIT); return { scalar: s, unit: u }; }, hasClass: function(target, classes){ var fn = L.DomUtil.hasClass; for(var i in classes){ if(fn(target, classes[i])){ return true; } } return false; }, preClick: function(e){ var me = this, target = e.originalEvent.target; if(this.hasClass(target, ['leaflet-popup', 'total-popup-content'])){ return; } if(!me.layer){ me.initLayer(); } me.cleanUpMarkers(true); me.fixedLast = me.last; me.prevLatlng = e.latlng; me.sum = 0; }, getMouseClickHandler: function(e){ var me = this; me.fixedLast = me.last; me.sum = 0; if(me.poly){ me.latlngsList.push(me.latlngs); if(!me.multi){ me.multi = me.renderMultiPolyline(me.latlngsList, '5 5', me.layer, 'dot'); } else { me.multi.setLatLngs(me.latlngsList); } } var o, dis; for(var l in me.latlngsList){ o = me.latlngsList[l]; me.sum += o[0].distanceTo(o[1])/me.UNIT_CONV; } if(me.measure.unit === this.SUB_UNIT){ dis = me.sum * me.SUB_UNIT_CONV; } else { dis = me.sum; } var s = dis.toFixed(2); me.renderCircle(e.latlng, 0, me.layer, 'dot', parseInt(s) ? (s + ' ' + me.measure.unit) : '' ); me.prevLatlng = e.latlng; }, getMouseMoveHandler: function(e){ var azimut = ''; if(this.prevLatlng){ var latLng = e.latlng; this.latlngs = [this.prevLatlng, e.latlng]; if(!this.poly){ this.poly = this.renderPolyline(this.latlngs, '5 5', this.layer); } else { this.poly.setLatLngs(this.latlngs); } /* Distance in miles/meters */ this.distance = parseFloat(this.prevLatlng.distanceTo(e.latlng))/this.UNIT_CONV; /* scalar and unit */ this.measure = this.formatDistance(this.distance + this.sum, 2); var a = this.prevLatlng ? this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(this.prevLatlng) : null, b = this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(latLng); if(a && this.options.show_azimut){ var style = 'color: '+this.options.contrastingColor+';'; azimut = '   '+this.getAzimut(a, b)+'°'; } /* tooltip with total distance */ var label = this.measure.scalar + ' ' + this.measure.unit, html = '' + label + azimut + ''; if(!this.total){ this.totalIcon = L.divIcon({ className: 'total-popup', html: html }); this.total = L.marker(e.latlng, { icon: this.totalIcon, clickable: true }).addTo(this.layer); } else { this.totalIcon = L.divIcon({ className: 'total-popup', html: html }); this.total.setLatLng(e.latlng); this.total.setIcon(this.totalIcon); } /* Rules for separation using only distance criteria */ var ds = this.measure.scalar, old_separation = this.separation, digits = parseInt(ds).toString().length, num = Math.pow(10, digits), real = ds > (num/2) ? (num/10) : (num/20), dimension = 0; this.separation = real; /* If there is a change in the segment length we want to re-space the dots on the multi line */ if(old_separation !== this.separation && this.fixedLast){ this.cleanUpMarkers(); this.cleanUpFixed(); var multi_latlngs = this.multi.getLatLngs(); for(var s in multi_latlngs){ dimension += this.displayMarkers.apply(this, [multi_latlngs[s], true, dimension]); } this.displayMarkers.apply(this, [this.poly.getLatLngs(), false, this.sum]); /* Review that the dots are in correct units */ this.convertDots(); } else { this.cleanUpMarkers(); this.displayMarkers.apply(this, [this.poly.getLatLngs(), false, this.sum]); } } }, getDblClickHandler: function(e){ var azimut = '', me = this; if(!this.total){ return; } this.layer.off('click'); L.DomEvent.stop(e); if(this.options.show_azimut){ var style = 'color: '+this.options.contrastingColor+';'; azimut = '   '+this.lastAzimut+'°'; } var workspace = this.layer, label = this.measure.scalar + ' ' + this.measure.unit + ' ', total_scalar = this.measure.unit === this.SUB_UNIT ? this.measure.scalar/this.UNIT_CONV : this.measure.scalar, total_latlng = this.total.getLatLng(), total_label = this.total, html = [ '
' + label + azimut, ' ', ' ', ' ', '
' ].join(''); this.totalIcon = L.divIcon({ className: 'total-popup', html: html }); this.total.setIcon(this.totalIcon); var data = { total: this.measure, total_label: total_label, unit: this.UNIT_CONV, sub_unit: this.SUB_UNIT_CONV }; var fireSelected = function(e){ if(L.DomUtil.hasClass(e.originalEvent.target, 'close')){ me.mainLayer.removeLayer(workspace); } else { workspace.fireEvent('selected', data); } }; workspace.on('click', fireSelected); workspace.fireEvent('selected', data); this.resetRuler(false); }, purgeLayers: function(layers){ for(var i in layers){ if(layers[i]) { this.layer.removeLayer(layers[i]); } } }, layerSelected: function(e){} }); })();