{ "translations": { "GpxEdit" : "GpxEdit", "Delete" : "刪除", "Load in GpxEdit" : "載入", "Edit with GpxEdit" : "編輯", "Draw a track" : "繪製航跡", "Add a waypoint" : "新增航點", "Edit" : "編輯", "Nothing to edit" : "无要編輯内容", "Nothing to delete" : "无可刪除内容", "Validate changes" : "驗證更改", "Ok" : "確定", "Discard all changes" : "捨棄全部變更", "Cancel" : "取消", "Drag to move elements,
click to remove a point
hover a middle marker and press \"Del\" to cut the line" : "拖動滑鼠以移動元素,
懸停中間標記並按 \"Del\" 以剪切線條", "Click cancel to undo changes" : "按一下 \"取消\" 撤銷更改", "Click on an element to delete it" : "按一下某個元素可將其刪除", "Click map to add waypoint" : "按一下地图添加航點", "Click to start drawing track" : "按一下以啟動绘制航迹", "Click to continue drawing track" : "按一下以繼續繪製航迹", "Click last point to finish track" : "按一下 \"最後一點\" 完成跟蹤", "Cancel drawing" : "取消繪圖", "Finish" : "完成", "Finish drawing" : "完成繪圖", "Delete last point" : "刪除最後一點", "Track" : "航跡", "Route" : "路綫", "Waypoint" : "航點", "Name" : "名稱", "Description" : "描述", "Comment" : "注釋", "Lat" : "緯度", "Lon" : "經度", "Symbol" : "標誌", "No symbol" : "沒有標誌", "Unknown symbol" : "未知符號", "Failed to save file" : "儲存檔案失敗", "File successfully saved as" : "檔成功保存為", "Impossible to load this file. " : "無法載入此檔。 ", "Supported formats are gpx, kml, csv (unicsv) and jpg." : "支援的格式為 gpx、kml、csv (unicsv) 和 jpg。", "Load error" : "加載錯誤", "Tile server \"{ts}\" has been deleted" : "平鋪伺服器 \"{ts}\" 已被刪除", "Failed to delete tile server \"{ts}\"" : "無法刪除平鋪伺服器 \"{ts}\"", "Server name or server url should not be empty" : "服務器名稱或服務器URL不應該為空", "Impossible to add tile server" : "無法添加平鋪伺服器", "A server with this name already exists" : "具有此名稱的伺服器已存在", "Tile server \"{ts}\" has been added" : "已添加平鋪伺服器 \"{ts}\"", "Failed to add tile server \"{ts}\"" : "未能添加平鋪伺服器 \"{ts}\"", "Failed to restore options values" : "無法還原選項值", "Error" : "錯誤", "Approximate new points elevations" : "近似新點海拔", "Custom tile servers" : "自訂平鋪伺服器", "Server name" : "伺服器名稱", "For example : my custom server" : "例如: 我的自訂伺服器", "Server url" : "服務器網址", "For example : http://tile.server.org/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" : "例如: Http://tile.server.org/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}. png", "Min zoom (1-20)" : "最小變焦 (1-20)", "Max zoom (1-20)" : "最大變焦 (1-20)", "Add" : "新增", "Your tile servers" : "您的平鋪伺服器", "Custom overlay tile servers" : "自訂疊加平鋪伺服器", "For example : http://overlay.server.org/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" : "例如: Http://overlay.server.org/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}. png", "Transparent" : "透明度", "Opacity (0.0-1.0)" : "不透明度 (0.0-1.0)", "Your overlay tile servers" : "你的覆蓋瓷磚服務器", "Custom WMS tile servers" : "自定義WMS磁貼服務器", "Format" : "格式", "WMS version" : "WMS版本", "Layers to display" : "要顯示的圖層", "Your WMS tile servers" : "你的WMS瓷磚服務器", "Custom WMS overlay servers" : "自定義WMS磁貼服務器", "Your WMS overlay tile servers" : "您的WMS覆蓋平鋪服務器", "Features overview" : "功能概述", "Draw, edition and deletion buttons are in the map's bottom-left corner." : "繪圖、編輯和刪除按鈕位於地圖的左下角。", "You can draw a line or add a marker." : "您可以繪製線條或加標記。", "If you click on a line or a marker, a popup pops and let you set the object properties." : "如果按一下某一线或標記, 快顯視窗會彈出, 並允許您設置物件屬性。", "After a click on \"edition\" button, in edition mode, you can" : "點擊 \"編輯\" 按鈕後, 在編輯模式下, 您可以", "move markers" : "移動標記", "move line points" : "移動线點", "click on a line point to remove it" : "按一下某個线點以刪除它", "hover a \"middle marker\" (between two line points) and press \"Del\" to cut the line in two (this action cannot be canceled)" : "懸停一個 \"中間標記\" (介於兩個線點之間), 然後按 \"删除\" 將线剪切 (此操作不能取消)", "Shortcuts" : "快捷方式", "toggle sidebar" : "切換邊欄", "toggle minimap" : "切換迷你地圖", "Documentation" : "文檔", "Source management" : "源管理", "Authors" : "作者" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;" }