
238 lines
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2017-11-10 15:15:24 +00:00
use strict;
use Locale::PO;
use Cwd;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Path;
sub crawlPrograms{
my( $dir, $ignore ) = @_;
my @found = ();
print "$dir crawl PROGRAMS\n";
print "ignore $ignore\n";
opendir( DIR, $dir );
my @files = readdir( DIR );
closedir( DIR );
@files = sort( @files );
print "FILE $_\n" for @files;
foreach my $i ( @files ){
next if substr( $i, 0, 1 ) eq '.';
print "i : $i et $ignore\n";
if( !($i eq 'l10n') && !$ignore ){
push( @found, $dir );
elsif( -d $dir.'/'.$i ){
push( @found, crawlPrograms( $dir.'/'.$i ));
print "end crawl LIST FOUND :\n";
print "FOUND $_\n" for @found;
return @found;
sub crawlFiles{
print "crawl FILES\n";
my( $dir ) = @_;
my @found = ();
opendir( DIR, $dir );
my @files = readdir( DIR );
closedir( DIR );
@files = sort( @files );
foreach my $i ( @files ){
next if substr( $i, 0, 1 ) eq '.';
next if $i eq 'l10n';
if( -d $dir.'/'.$i ){
push( @found, crawlFiles( $dir.'/'.$i ));
push(@found,$dir.'/'.$i) if $i =~ /.*(?<!\.min)\.js$/ || $i =~ /\.php$/;
return @found;
sub readIgnorelist{
return () unless -e 'l10n/ignorelist';
my %ignore = ();
my $line = $_;
return %ignore;
sub getPluralInfo {
my( $info ) = @_;
# get string
$info =~ s/.*Plural-Forms: (.+)\\n.*/$1/;
$info =~ s/^(.*)\\n.*/$1/g;
return $info;
sub init() {
# let's get the version from stdout of xgettext
my $out = `xgettext --version`;
# we assume the first line looks like this 'xgettext (GNU gettext-tools) 0.19.3'
$out = substr $out, 29, index($out, "\n")-29;
$out =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$out = "v" . $out;
my $actual = version->parse($out);
# 0.18.3 introduced JavaScript as a language option
my $expected = version->parse('v0.18.3');
if ($actual < $expected) {
die( "Minimum expected version of xgettext is " . $expected . ". Detected: " . $actual );
my $task = shift( @ARGV );
my $place = '..';
die( "Usage: task\ntask: read, write\n" ) unless $task && $place;
# Our current position
my $whereami = cwd();
die( "Program must be executed in a l10n-folder called 'l10n'" ) unless $whereami =~ m/\/l10n$/;
# Where are i18n-files?
my @dirs = crawlPrograms( $place, 1 );
# Languages
my @languages = ();
opendir( DIR, '.' );
my @files = readdir( DIR );
closedir( DIR );
foreach my $i ( @files ){
push( @languages, $i ) if -d $i && substr( $i, 0, 1 ) ne '.';
if( $task eq 'read' ){
rmtree( 'templates' );
mkdir( 'templates' ) unless -d 'templates';
print "Mode: readingg\n";
foreach my $dir ( @dirs ){
print "$dir";
my @temp = split( /\//, $dir );
my $app = pop( @temp );
chdir( $dir );
# parses the app info and creates an dummy file specialAppInfoFakeDummyForL10nScript.php
`php $whereami/../build/l10nParseAppInfo.php`;
my @totranslate = crawlFiles('.');
my %ignore = readIgnorelist();
my $output = "${whereami}/templates/gpxedit.pot";
print " Processing $app\n";
foreach my $file ( @totranslate ){
print "$file";
next if $ignore{$file};
my $keywords = '';
if( $file =~ /\.js$/ ){
$keywords = '--keyword=t:2 --keyword=n:2,3';
$keywords = '--keyword=t --keyword=n:1,2';
my $language = ( $file =~ /\.js$/ ? 'Javascript' : 'PHP');
my $joinexisting = ( -e $output ? '--join-existing' : '');
print " Reading $file\n";
`xgettext --output="$output" $joinexisting $keywords --language=$language "$file" --add-comments=TRANSLATORS --from-code=UTF-8 --package-version="8.0.0" --package-name="ownCloud Core" --msgid-bugs-address="translations\"`;
rmtree( "specialAppInfoFakeDummyForL10nScript.php" );
chdir( $whereami );
elsif( $task eq 'write' ){
print "Mode: write\n";
foreach my $dir ( @dirs ){
my @temp = split( /\//, $dir );
my $app = pop( @temp );
chdir( $dir.'/l10n' );
print " Processing $app\n";
foreach my $language ( @languages ){
next if $language eq 'templates';
my $input = "${whereami}/$language/gpxedit.po";
next unless -e $input;
print " Language $language\n";
my $array = Locale::PO->load_file_asarray( $input );
# Create array
my @strings = ();
my @js_strings = ();
my $plurals;
TRANSLATIONS: foreach my $string ( @{$array} ){
if( $string->msgid() eq '""' ){
# Translator information
$plurals = getPluralInfo( $string->msgstr());
elsif( defined( $string->msgstr_n() )){
# plural translations
my @variants = ();
my $msgid = $string->msgid();
$msgid =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
my $msgid_plural = $string->msgid_plural();
$msgid_plural =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
my $identifier = "_" . $msgid."_::_".$msgid_plural . "_";
foreach my $variant ( sort { $a <=> $b} keys( %{$string->msgstr_n()} )){
next TRANSLATIONS if $string->msgstr_n()->{$variant} eq '""';
push( @variants, $string->msgstr_n()->{$variant} );
push( @strings, "\"$identifier\" => array(".join(",", @variants).")");
push( @js_strings, "\"$identifier\" : [".join(",", @variants)."]");
# singular translations
next TRANSLATIONS if $string->msgstr() eq '""';
push( @strings, $string->msgid()." => ".$string->msgstr());
push( @js_strings, $string->msgid()." : ".$string->msgstr());
next if $#strings == -1; # Skip empty files
for (@strings) {
# delete old php file
unlink "$language.php";
# Write js file
open( OUT, ">$language.js" );
print OUT "OC.L10N.register(\n \"gpxedit\",\n {\n ";
print OUT join( ",\n ", @js_strings );
print OUT "\n},\n\"$plurals\");\n";
close( OUT );
# Write json file
open( OUT, ">$language.json" );
print OUT "{ \"translations\": ";
print OUT "{\n ";
print OUT join( ",\n ", @js_strings );
print OUT "\n},\"pluralForm\" :\"$plurals\"\n}";
close( OUT );
chdir( $whereami );
print "unknown task!\n";