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* Copyright (c) 2015 Dominique Cavailhez
* Leaflet extension for Leaflet.draw
* Markers, polylines, polygons, rectangles & circle editor
* Snap on others markers, lines & polygons including the edited shape itself
* Requires &
L.Control.Draw.Plus = L.Control.Draw.extend({
snapLayers: new L.FeatureGroup(), // Container for layers used for snap
editLayers: new L.FeatureGroup(), // Container for editable layers
options: { // Force default to false to have to declare only required commands
draw: {
marker: false, // Capability to create a marker
polyline: false, // Capability to create a polyline
polygon: false, // Capability to create a polygon
rectangle: false, // Capability to create a rectangle
circle: false // Capability to create a circle
edit: {
edit: false, // Capability to edit a feature
remove: false // Capability to remove a feature
entry: 'edit-json', // <textarea id="edit-json">JSON</textarea> | <input type="hidden" id="edit-json" name="xxx" value="JSON"> : geoJson field to be edited
jsonOptions: {}, // Options to be used when retreiving Json from <input />
changed: 'edit-changed' // <span id="edit-changed" style="display:none">changed</span> : warn changes to be saved
initialize: function(options) {
// Allign drawing style on display
L.Util.extend(L.Draw.Polyline.prototype.options.shapeOptions, L.Polyline.prototype.options);
L.Util.extend(L.Draw.Polygon.prototype.options.shapeOptions, L.Polygon.prototype.options);
options.edit = L.extend(this.options.edit, options.edit); // Init false non chosen options
options.draw = L.extend(this.options.draw, options.draw);
for (var o in options.draw)
2017-08-31 13:50:10 +00:00
//if (options.draw[o])
// options.draw[o] = {
// guideLayers: [this.snapLayers] // Allow snap on creating elements
// };, options);
onAdd: function(map) {
this._toolbars['edit'].options.featureGroup = this.editLayers; // Link the layers to edit
this.editLayers.addTo(this.snapLayers); // Cascade to snapLayers & add the map
this.snapLayers.addTo(map); // Make all this visble
// Add new features to the editor
map.on('draw:created', function(e) {
}, this);
// Remove deleted features from the editor
map.on('layerremove', function(e) {
}, this);
// Read geoJson field to be edited
var ele = document.getElementById(this.options.entry);
if (ele) {
var elei = typeof ele.value != 'undefined' ? 'value' : 'innerHTML',
gjs = JSON.parse(
ele[elei].replace(/\s/g, '') || // Get & clean geoJson input
'{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[]}' // Default
new L.GeoJSON(
// Clean features & rewrite json field
//map.on('draw:created draw:editvertex', this._optimSavGeom, this); // When something has changed
//this._optimSavGeom(false); // At the init
return, map);
// Leaflet.draw does not work with multigeometry features such as MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, or GeometryCollection.
// If you need to add multigeometry features to the draw plugin, convert them to a FeatureCollection of non-multigeometries (Points, LineStrings, or Polygons).
explodeMultiFeatures: function(f) {
// Prepare replacement structure
var r = {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: []
switch (f.type) {
case 'FeatureCollection': // Recurse in FeatureCollection
for (var i = 0; i < f.features.length; i++)
return r;
case 'Feature': // Recurse in Feature
return this.explodeMultiFeatures(f.geometry);
case 'MultiPoint': // Convert Multi* geoms
case 'MultiLineString':
case 'MultiPolygon':
for (var i = 0; i < f.coordinates.length; i++)
type: f.type.replace('Multi', ''),
coordinates: f.coordinates[i]
return r;
return f;
addLayer: function(layer) {
// Récurse in GeometryCollection
if (layer._layers) {
for (var l in layer._layers)
// Change color when hover (to be able to see different poly)
layer.on('mouseover mouseout', function(e) {
if (typeof == 'function'){
color: e.type == 'mouseover' ? 'red' : L.Polyline.prototype.options.color
// Add snapping to vectors layers
if (layer._latlng) // Point
layer.snapediting = new L.Handler.MarkerSnap(this._map, layer);
else if (layer._latlngs) // Polyline, Polygon, Rectangle
layer.snapediting = new L.Handler.PolylineSnap(this._map, layer);
else // ?? protection
//this._optimSavGeom(); // Optimize & write full json on output element
// Close enables edit toolbar handlers & save changes
layer.on('deleted', function() {
for (m in this._toolbars['edit']._modes)
}, this);
_optimSavGeom: function(changed) {
// Optimize the edited layers
var ls = this.editLayers._layers;
if (!this._map.noOptim) // To optimize "cut" !!
for (var il1 in ls) { // For all layers being edited
var ll1 = ls[il1]._latlngs;
if (ll1 && !ls[il1].options.fill) { // Only polylines
// Transform polyline whose the 2 ends match into polygon
if (ll1[0].equals(ll1[ll1.length - 1]) && // The 2 ends match
ll1.length > 3) { // If it will make at least a triangle (4 summits line).
this.editLayers.removeLayer(ls[il1]); //DCCM TODO bug : create a bug while finishing dragend after the poly removal
this.addLayer(new L.Polygon(ll1)); // Create a new polygon & restart optimization from scratch
return; // End here the current optimization
// Merge polylines having ends at the same position
for (var il2 in ls) {
var ll2 = ls[il2]._latlngs,
lladd = null; // List of points to move to another polyline
if (il1 < il2 && // Not the same & only once each pair
ll2 && !ls[il2].options.fill) { // The 2nd is also a polyline
if (ll1[0].equals(ll2[0])) {
lladd = ll2;
} else if (ll1[0].equals(ll2[ll2.length - 1])) {
lladd = ll2.reverse();
} else if (ll1[ll1.length - 1].equals(ll2[0])) {
lladd = ll2;
} else if (ll1[ll1.length - 1].equals(ll2[ll2.length - 1])) {
lladd = ll2.reverse();
if (lladd) {
lladd.shift(); // We avoid the first point as it's already on the first poly
this.editLayers.removeLayer(ls[il1]); // Erase the initial polylines
this.addLayer(new L.Polyline(ll1.concat(lladd))); // Create a new poly & restart optimization from scratch
return; // End here the current optimization
// Save edited data to the json output field
var ele = document.getElementById(this.options.entry),
elc = document.getElementById(this.options.changed);
if (ele) {
var elei = typeof ele.value != 'undefined' ? 'value' : 'innerHTML';
ele[elei] = JSON.stringify(this.editLayers.toGeoJSON());
}'draw:entry-changed'); // For user's usage
// Unmask "changed" message
if (elc) = changed === false ? 'none' : '';
// Cut a polyline by removing a segment whose the middle marker is cliqued
// Cut a polygon by removing a segment whose the middle marker is cliqued & transform it into polyline
// Horrible hack : modify onClick action on MiddleMarkers Leaflet.draw/Edit.Poly.js & generated files
eval('L.Edit.PolyVerticesEdit.prototype._createMiddleMarker = ' +
.replace(/'click', onClick, this|'click',[a-z],this/g, "'cut',this._cut,this")
// Resize the too big summits markers
L.Edit.PolyVerticesEdit.prototype.options.touchIcon.options.iconSize = new L.Point(8, 8);
_cut: function(e) {
// Split markers on each side of the cut
var alt;
var found = 0,
lls = [[],[]],
times = [[],[]];
for (m in this._markers) {
if (this._markers[m]._latlng.alt) {
else {
if (this._markers[m]._latlng.time) {
else {
if (this._markers[m]._middleRight && this._markers[m]._middleRight._leaflet_id ==
found = 1; // We find the cut point
// Remove the old poly
// This is a Polygon, we will remove the clicked segment & transform it into a Polyline
if (this._poly.options.fill)'draw:created', { // Create a new Polyline with these summits & optimize
layer: new L.Polyline(lls[1].concat(lls[0]))
// This is a polyline
for (f in lls) {
if (lls[f].length > 1) {
var p = new L.Polyline(lls[f]);
p.gpxedit_id = this._poly.gpxedit_id;
if (times[f].length === p._latlngs.length) {
for (var i=0; i<times[f].length; i++) {
if (times[f][i]) {
p._latlngs[i].time = times[f][i];
}'draw:created', { // Create a new Polyline with the splited summits if any
layer: p,
layerType: 'polyline'
// Optimize'draw:editvertex');