661 lines
17 KiB
661 lines
17 KiB
'scrolling-recycler-now': scrollingRecyclerNowTimer,
'scrolling-recycler': scrollingRecyclerTimer,
'scrolling-now': scrollingNowTimer,
scrolling: scrollingTimer,
class="cursor st"
:style="{ transform: `translateY(${cursorY}px)` }"
class="cursor hv"
:style="{ transform: `translateY(${hoverCursorY}px)` }"
<div class="text">{{ hoverCursorText }}</div>
<div class="icon"><ScrollIcon :size="22" /></div>
v-for="tick of visibleTicks"
:class="{ dash: !tick.text }"
:style="{ transform: `translateY(calc(${tick.top}px - 50%))` }"
<span v-if="tick.text">{{ tick.text }}</span>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, PropType } from "vue";
import { IRow, IRowType, ITick } from "../types";
import ScrollIcon from "vue-material-design-icons/UnfoldMoreHorizontal.vue";
import * as utils from "../services/Utils";
// Pixels to snap at
const SNAP_OFFSET = -35;
export default defineComponent({
name: "ScrollerManager",
components: {
props: {
/** Rows from Timeline */
rows: Array as PropType<IRow[]>,
/** Total height */
height: Number,
/** Actual recycler component */
recycler: Object,
/** Recycler before slot component */
recyclerBefore: HTMLDivElement,
data: () => ({
/** Last known height at adjustment */
lastAdjustHeight: 0,
/** Height of the entire photo view */
recyclerHeight: 100,
/** Rect of scroller */
scrollerRect: null as DOMRect,
/** Computed ticks */
ticks: [] as ITick[],
/** Computed cursor top */
cursorY: 0,
/** Hover cursor top */
hoverCursorY: -5,
/** Hover cursor text */
hoverCursorText: "",
/** Scrolling using the scroller */
scrollingTimer: 0,
/** Scrolling now using the scroller */
scrollingNowTimer: 0,
/** Scrolling recycler */
scrollingRecyclerTimer: 0,
/** Scrolling recycler now */
scrollingRecyclerNowTimer: 0,
/** Recycler scrolling throttle */
scrollingRecyclerUpdateTimer: 0,
/** View size reflow timer */
reflowRequest: false,
/** Tick adjust timer */
adjustRequest: false,
/** Scroller is being moved with interaction */
interacting: false,
/** Track the last requested y position when interacting */
lastRequestedRecyclerY: 0,
computed: {
/** Get the visible ticks */
visibleTicks(): ITick[] {
let key = 9999999900;
return this.ticks
.filter((tick) => tick.s)
.map((tick) => {
if (tick.text) {
tick.key = key = tick.dayId * 100;
} else {
tick.key = ++key; // days are sorted descending
return tick;
methods: {
/** Reset state */
reset() {
this.ticks = [];
this.cursorY = 0;
this.hoverCursorY = -5;
this.hoverCursorText = "";
this.reflowRequest = false;
// Clear all timers
this.scrollingTimer = 0;
this.scrollingNowTimer = 0;
this.scrollingRecyclerTimer = 0;
this.scrollingRecyclerNowTimer = 0;
this.scrollingRecyclerUpdateTimer = 0;
/** Recycler scroll event, must be called by timeline */
recyclerScrolled(event: Event | null) {
// This isn't a renewing timer, it's a scheduled task
if (this.scrollingRecyclerUpdateTimer) return;
this.scrollingRecyclerUpdateTimer = window.setTimeout(() => {
this.scrollingRecyclerUpdateTimer = 0;
}, 100);
// Update that we're scrolling with the recycler
utils.setRenewingTimeout(this, "scrollingRecyclerNowTimer", null, 200);
utils.setRenewingTimeout(this, "scrollingRecyclerTimer", null, 1500);
/** Update cursor position from recycler scroll position */
updateFromRecyclerScroll() {
// Ignore if not initialized or moving
if (!this.ticks.length || this.interacting) return;
// Get the scroll position
const scroll = this.recycler?.$el?.scrollTop || 0;
// Get cursor px position
const { top1, top2, y1, y2 } = this.getCoords(scroll, "y");
const topfrac = (scroll - y1) / (y2 - y1);
const rtop = top1 + (top2 - top1) * (topfrac || 0);
// Always move static cursor to right position
this.cursorY = rtop;
// Move hover cursor to same position unless hovering
// Regardless, we need this call because the internal mapping might have changed
if ((<HTMLElement>this.$refs.scroller).matches(":hover")) {
} else {
/** Re-create tick data in the next frame */
async reflow() {
if (this.reflowRequest) return;
this.reflowRequest = true;
await this.$nextTick();
this.reflowRequest = false;
/** Re-create tick data */
reflowNow() {
// Ignore if not initialized
if (!this.recycler?.$refs.wrapper) return;
// Refresh height of recycler
this.recyclerHeight = this.recycler.$refs.wrapper.clientHeight;
// Recreate ticks data
// Adjust top
/** Recreate from scratch */
recreate() {
// Clear and override any adjust timer
this.ticks = [];
// Ticks
let prevYear = 9999;
let prevMonth = 0;
// Get a new tick
const getTick = (
dayId: number,
isMonth = false,
text?: string | number
): ITick => {
return {
y: 0,
count: 0,
topF: 0,
top: 0,
s: false,
// Iterate over rows
for (const row of this.rows) {
if (row.type === IRowType.HEAD) {
// Create tick
if (this.TagDayIDValueSet.has(row.dayId)) {
// Blank tick
} else {
// Make date string
const dateTaken = utils.dayIdToDate(row.dayId);
// Create tick
const dtYear = dateTaken.getUTCFullYear();
const dtMonth = dateTaken.getUTCMonth();
const isMonth = dtMonth !== prevMonth || dtYear !== prevYear;
const text = dtYear === prevYear ? undefined : dtYear;
this.ticks.push(getTick(row.dayId, isMonth, text));
prevMonth = dtMonth;
prevYear = dtYear;
* Update tick positions without truncating the list
* This is much cheaper than reflowing the whole thing
async adjust() {
if (this.adjustRequest) return;
this.adjustRequest = true;
await this.$nextTick();
this.adjustRequest = false;
/** Do adjustment synchronously */
adjustNow() {
// Refresh height of recycler
this.recyclerHeight = this.recycler.$refs.wrapper.clientHeight;
const extraY = this.recyclerBefore?.clientHeight || 0;
// Start with the first tick. Walk over all rows counting the
// y position. When you hit a row with the tick, update y and
// top values and move to the next tick.
let tickId = 0;
let y = extraY;
let count = 0;
// We only need to recompute top and visible ticks if count
// of some tick has changed.
let needRecomputeTop = false;
// Check if height changed
if (this.lastAdjustHeight !== this.height) {
needRecomputeTop = true;
this.lastAdjustHeight = this.height;
for (const row of this.rows) {
// Check if tick is valid
if (tickId >= this.ticks.length) break;
// Check if we hit the next tick
const tick = this.ticks[tickId];
if (tick.dayId === row.dayId) {
tick.y = y;
// Check if count has changed
needRecomputeTop ||= tick.count !== count;
tick.count = count;
// Move to next tick
count += row.day.count;
y += row.size;
// Compute visible ticks
if (needRecomputeTop) {
/** Mark ticks as visible or invisible */
computeVisibleTicks() {
// Kind of unrelated here, but refresh rect
this.scrollerRect = (
this.$refs.scroller as HTMLElement
// Do another pass to figure out which points are visible
// This is not as bad as it looks, it's actually 12*O(n)
// because there are only 12 months in a year
const fontSizePx = parseFloat(
getComputedStyle(this.$refs.cursorSt as any).fontSize
const minGap = fontSizePx + (globalThis.windowInnerWidth <= 768 ? 5 : 2);
let prevShow = -9999;
for (const [idx, tick] of this.ticks.entries()) {
// Conservative
tick.s = false;
// These aren't for showing
if (!tick.isMonth) continue;
// You can't see these anyway, why bother?
if (tick.top < minGap || tick.top > this.height - minGap) continue;
// Will overlap with the previous tick. Skip anyway.
if (tick.top - prevShow < minGap) continue;
// This is a labelled tick then show it anyway for the sake of best effort
if (tick.text) {
prevShow = tick.top;
tick.s = true;
// Lookahead for next labelled tick
// If showing this tick would overlap the next one, don't show this one
let i = idx + 1;
while (i < this.ticks.length) {
if (this.ticks[i].text) {
if (i < this.ticks.length) {
// A labelled tick was found
const nextLabelledTick = this.ticks[i];
if (
tick.top + minGap > nextLabelledTick.top &&
nextLabelledTick.top < this.height - minGap
) {
// make sure this will be shown
// Show this tick
tick.s = true;
prevShow = tick.top;
setTicksTop(total: number) {
const isMobile = globalThis.windowInnerWidth <= 768;
const padding = isMobile ? 20 : 0;
for (const tick of this.ticks) {
tick.topF = this.height * (tick.count / total);
tick.top = utils.roundHalf(tick.topF) + padding;
/** Change actual position of the hover cursor */
moveHoverCursor(y: number) {
this.hoverCursorY = y;
// Get index of previous tick
let idx = utils.binarySearch(this.ticks, y, "topF");
if (idx === 0) {
// use this tick
} else if (idx >= 1 && idx <= this.ticks.length) {
idx = idx - 1;
} else {
// DayId of current hover
const dayId = this.ticks[idx]?.dayId;
// Special days
if (dayId === undefined || this.TagDayIDValueSet.has(dayId)) {
this.hoverCursorText = "";
const date = utils.dayIdToDate(dayId);
this.hoverCursorText = utils.getShortDateStr(date);
/** Handle mouse hover */
mousemove(event: MouseEvent) {
if (event.buttons) {
/** Handle mouse leave */
mouseleave() {
/** Binary search and get coords surrounding position */
getCoords(y: number, field: "topF" | "y") {
// Top of first and second ticks
let top1 = 0,
top2 = 0,
y1 = 0,
y2 = 0;
// Get index of previous tick
let idx = utils.binarySearch(this.ticks, y, field);
if (idx <= 0) {
top1 = 0;
top2 = this.ticks[0].topF;
y1 = 0;
y2 = this.ticks[0].y;
} else if (idx >= this.ticks.length) {
const t = this.ticks[this.ticks.length - 1];
top1 = t.topF;
top2 = this.height;
y1 = t.y;
y2 = this.recyclerHeight;
} else {
const t1 = this.ticks[idx - 1];
const t2 = this.ticks[idx];
top1 = t1.topF;
top2 = t2.topF;
y1 = t1.y;
y2 = t2.y;
return { top1, top2, y1, y2 };
/** Move to given scroller Y */
moveto(y: number, snap: boolean) {
// Move cursor immediately to prevent jank
this.cursorY = y;
this.hoverCursorY = y;
const { top1, top2, y1, y2 } = this.getCoords(y, "topF");
const yfrac = (y - top1) / (top2 - top1);
const ry = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (yfrac || 0);
const targetY = snap ? y1 + SNAP_OFFSET : ry;
if (this.lastRequestedRecyclerY !== targetY) {
this.lastRequestedRecyclerY = targetY;
/** Handle mouse click */
mousedown(event: MouseEvent) {
this.interactstart(); // end called on mouseup
this.moveto(event.offsetY, false);
/** Handle touch */
touchmove(event: any) {
let y = event.targetTouches[0].pageY - this.scrollerRect.top;
y = Math.max(0, y - 20); // middle of touch finger
this.moveto(y, true);
interactstart() {
this.interacting = true;
interactend() {
this.interacting = false;
this.recyclerScrolled(null); // make sure final position is correct
/** Update scroller is being used to scroll recycler */
handleScroll() {
utils.setRenewingTimeout(this, "scrollingNowTimer", null, 200);
utils.setRenewingTimeout(this, "scrollingTimer", null, 1500);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@mixin phone {
@media (max-width: 768px) {
.scroller {
contain: layout style;
overflow-y: clip;
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
width: 36px;
top: 0;
right: 0;
cursor: ns-resize;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out;
// Show on hover or scroll of main window
&.scrolling-recycler {
opacity: 1;
> .tick {
pointer-events: none;
position: absolute;
font-size: 0.75em;
line-height: 0.75em;
font-weight: 600;
opacity: 0.95;
right: 9px;
top: 0;
transition: transform 0.2s linear;
z-index: 1;
&.dash {
height: 4px;
width: 4px;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: var(--color-main-text);
opacity: 0.15;
display: block;
@include phone {
display: none;
@include phone {
background-color: var(--color-main-background);
padding: 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
> .cursor {
position: absolute;
pointer-events: none;
right: 0;
background-color: var(--color-primary);
min-width: 100%;
min-height: 1.5px;
will-change: transform;
&.st {
font-size: 0.75em;
opacity: 0;
&.hv {
background-color: var(--color-main-background);
padding: 2px 5px;
border-top: 2px solid var(--color-primary);
border-radius: 2px;
width: auto;
white-space: nowrap;
z-index: 100;
font-size: 0.95em;
font-weight: 600;
> .icon {
display: none;
transform: translate(-16px, 6px);
&.scrolling-recycler-now:not(.scrolling-now) > .cursor {
transition: transform 0.1s linear;
&:hover > .cursor {
transition: none !important;
&.st {
opacity: 1;
// Hide ticks on mobile unless hovering
@include phone {
// Shift pointer events to hover cursor
pointer-events: none;
.cursor.hv {
pointer-events: all;
> .tick {
right: 40px;
&:not(.scrolling) {
> .tick {
display: none;
.cursor.hv {
left: 5px;
border: none;
box-shadow: 0 0 5px -3px #000;
height: 40px;
width: 70px;
border-radius: 20px;
> .text {
display: none;
> .icon {
display: block;
.cursor.st {
display: none;