
312 lines
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import { getCanonicalLocale } from "@nextcloud/l10n";
import { getCurrentUser } from "@nextcloud/auth";
import { loadState } from "@nextcloud/initial-state";
import { IPhoto } from "../types";
import moment from "moment";
// Memoize the result of short date conversions
// These operations are surprisingly expensive
// and we do them a lot because of scroller hover
const shortDateStrMemo = new Map<number, string>();
/** Get JS date object from dayId */
export function dayIdToDate(dayId: number) {
return new Date(dayId * 86400 * 1000);
/** Get Day ID from JS date */
export function dateToDayId(date: Date) {
return Math.floor(date.getTime() / (86400 * 1000));
/** Get month name from number */
export function getShortDateStr(date: Date) {
const dayId = dateToDayId(date);
if (!shortDateStrMemo.has(dayId)) {
date.toLocaleDateString(getCanonicalLocale(), {
month: "short",
year: "numeric",
timeZone: "UTC",
return shortDateStrMemo.get(dayId);
/** Get long date string with optional year if same as current */
export function getLongDateStr(date: Date, skipYear = false, time = false) {
return date.toLocaleDateString(getCanonicalLocale(), {
weekday: "short",
month: "short",
day: "numeric",
skipYear && date.getUTCFullYear() === new Date().getUTCFullYear()
? undefined
: "numeric",
timeZone: "UTC",
hour: time ? "numeric" : undefined,
minute: time ? "numeric" : undefined,
/** Get month and year string */
export function getMonthDateStr(date: Date) {
return date.toLocaleDateString(getCanonicalLocale(), {
month: "long",
year: "numeric",
timeZone: "UTC",
/** Get text like "5 years ago" from a date */
export function getFromNowStr(date: Date) {
// Get fromNow in correct locale
const text = moment(date).locale(getCanonicalLocale()).fromNow();
// Title case
return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1);
* Returns a hash code from a string
* @param {String} str The string to hash.
* @return {Number} A 32bit integer
* @see
export function hashCode(str: string): number {
let hash = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
let chr = str.charCodeAt(i);
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + chr;
hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
* Search for elem in a sorted array of objects
* If the object is not found, return the index where it should be inserted
* @param arr Array of objects to search
* @param elem Element to search for
* @param key Key to use for comparison
export function binarySearch(arr: any, elem: any, key?: string) {
const desc = key
? arr[0][key] > arr[arr.length - 1][key]
: arr[0] > arr[arr.length - 1];
let minIndex = 0;
let maxIndex = arr.length - 1;
let currentIndex: number;
let currentElement: any;
while (minIndex <= maxIndex) {
currentIndex = ((minIndex + maxIndex) / 2) | 0;
currentElement = key ? arr[currentIndex][key] : arr[currentIndex];
const e1 = desc ? elem : currentElement;
const e2 = desc ? currentElement : elem;
if (e1 < e2) {
minIndex = currentIndex + 1;
} else if (e1 > e2) {
maxIndex = currentIndex - 1;
} else {
return currentIndex;
return minIndex;
* Round a number to N decimal places
* @param num Number to round
* @param places Number of decimal places
* @param floor If true, round down instead of to nearest
export function round(num: number, places: number, floor = false) {
const pow = Math.pow(10, places);
const int = num * pow;
return (floor ? Math.floor : Math.round)(int) / pow;
* Round to nearest 0.5. Useful for pixels.
* @param num Number to round
export function roundHalf(num: number) {
return Math.round(num * 2) / 2;
/** Choose a random element from an array */
export function randomChoice(arr: any[]) {
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
* Choose a random sub array from an array
export function randomSubarray(arr: any[], size: number) {
if (arr.length <= size) return arr;
var shuffled = arr.slice(0),
i = arr.length,
min = i - size,
while (i-- > min) {
index = Math.floor((i + 1) * Math.random());
temp = shuffled[index];
shuffled[index] = shuffled[i];
shuffled[i] = temp;
return shuffled.slice(min);
* Convert server-side flags to bitmask
* @param photo Photo to process
export function convertFlags(photo: IPhoto) {
if (typeof photo.flag === "undefined") {
photo.flag = 0; // flags
if (photo.isvideo) {
photo.flag |= constants.c.FLAG_IS_VIDEO;
delete photo.isvideo;
if (photo.isfavorite) {
photo.flag |= constants.c.FLAG_IS_FAVORITE;
delete photo.isfavorite;
if (photo.isfolder) {
photo.flag |= constants.c.FLAG_IS_FOLDER;
delete photo.isfolder;
if (photo.isface) {
photo.flag |= constants.c.FLAG_IS_FACE;
delete photo.isface;
if (photo.istag) {
photo.flag |= constants.c.FLAG_IS_TAG;
delete photo.istag;
if (photo.isalbum) {
photo.flag |= constants.c.FLAG_IS_ALBUM;
delete photo.isalbum;
* Get the path of the folder on folders route
* This function does not check if this is the folder route
export function getFolderRoutePath(basePath: string) {
let path: any = vuerouter.currentRoute.params.path || "/";
path = typeof path === "string" ? path : path.join("/");
path = basePath + "/" + path;
path = path.replace(/\/\/+/, "/"); // Remove double slashes
return path;
/** Set a timer that renews if existing */
export function setRenewingTimeout(
ctx: any,
name: string,
callback: () => void | null,
delay: number
) {
if (ctx[name]) window.clearTimeout(ctx[name]);
ctx[name] = window.setTimeout(() => {
ctx[name] = 0;
}, delay);
// Outside for set
const TagDayID = {
START: -(1 << 30),
FOLDERS: -(1 << 30) + 1,
TAGS: -(1 << 30) + 2,
FACES: -(1 << 30) + 3,
ALBUMS: -(1 << 30) + 4,
/** Global constants */
export const constants = {
c: {
FLAG_IS_VIDEO: 1 << 2,
FLAG_IS_TAG: 1 << 5,
FLAG_IS_FACE: 1 << 6,
FLAG_IS_ALBUM: 1 << 7,
TagDayID: TagDayID,
TagDayIDValueSet: new Set(Object.values(TagDayID)),
/** Cache store */
let staticCache: Cache | null = null;
const cacheName = `memories-${loadState("memories", "version")}-${
openCache().then((cache) => {
staticCache = cache;
// Clear all caches except the current one
window.caches?.keys().then((keys) => {
.filter((key) => key.startsWith("memories-") && key !== cacheName)
.forEach((key) => {
/** Open the cache */
export async function openCache() {
try {
return await window.caches?.open(cacheName);
} catch {
console.warn("Failed to get cache", cacheName);
return null;
/** Get data from the cache */
export async function getCachedData<T>(url: string): Promise<T> {
if (!window.caches) return null;
const cache = staticCache || (await openCache());
if (!cache) return null;
const cachedResponse = await cache.match(url);
if (!cachedResponse || !cachedResponse.ok) return undefined;
return await cachedResponse.json();
/** Store data in the cache */
export function cacheData(url: string, data: Object) {
if (!window.caches) return;
const str = JSON.stringify(data);
(async () => {
const cache = staticCache || (await openCache());
if (!cache) return;
const response = new Response(str);
response.headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
await cache.put(url, response);