
294 lines
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namespace OCA\Memories\Db;
use OCA\Memories\ClustersBackend;
use OCA\Memories\Exif;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder;
use OCP\IDBConnection;
trait TimelineQueryDays
use TimelineQueryCTE;
protected IDBConnection $connection;
* Get the days response from the database for the timeline.
* @param bool $recursive Whether to get the days recursively
* @param bool $archive Whether to get the days only from the archive folder
* @param array $queryTransforms An array of query transforms to apply to the query
* @return array The days response
public function getDays(
bool $recursive,
bool $archive,
array $queryTransforms = []
): array {
$query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
// Get all entries also present in filecache
$count = $query->func()->count($query->createFunction('DISTINCT m.fileid'), 'count');
$query->select('m.dayid', $count)
->from('memories', 'm')
// Group and sort by dayid
->orderBy('m.dayid', 'DESC')
// Apply all transformations
$this->applyAllTransforms($queryTransforms, $query, true);
// JOIN with filecache for existing files
$query = $this->joinFilecache($query, null, $recursive, $archive);
// FETCH all days
$rows = $this->executeQueryWithCTEs($query)->fetchAll();
return $this->processDays($rows);
* Get the day response from the database for the timeline.
* @param int[] $day_ids The day ids to fetch
* @param bool $recursive If the query should be recursive
* @param bool $archive If the query should include only the archive folder
* @param bool $hidden If the query should include hidden files
* @param array $queryTransforms The query transformations to apply
* @return array An array of day responses
public function getDay(
?array $day_ids,
bool $recursive,
bool $archive,
bool $hidden,
array $queryTransforms = []
): array {
$query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
// Get all entries also present in filecache
$fileid = $query->createFunction('DISTINCT m.fileid');
// We don't actually use m.datetaken here, but postgres
// needs that all fields in ORDER BY are also in SELECT
// when using DISTINCT on selected fields
$query->select($fileid, ...TimelineQuery::TIMELINE_SELECT)
->from('memories', 'm')
// Add hidden field
if ($hidden) {
// JOIN with mimetypes to get the mimetype
$query->join('f', 'mimetypes', 'mimetypes', $query->expr()->eq('f.mimetype', ''));
// Filter by dayid unless wildcard
if (null !== $day_ids) {
$query->andWhere($query->expr()->in('m.dayid', $query->createNamedParameter($day_ids, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)));
} else {
// Limit wildcard to 100 results
// Add favorite field
// Group and sort by date taken
$query->orderBy('m.datetaken', 'DESC');
$query->addOrderBy('m.fileid', 'DESC'); // tie-breaker
// Apply all transformations
$this->applyAllTransforms($queryTransforms, $query, false);
// JOIN with filecache for existing files
$query = $this->joinFilecache($query, null, $recursive, $archive, $hidden);
// FETCH all photos in this day
$day = $this->executeQueryWithCTEs($query)->fetchAll();
// Post process the day in-place
foreach ($day as &$photo) {
return $day;
public function executeQueryWithCTEs(IQueryBuilder $query, string $psql = '')
$sql = empty($psql) ? $query->getSQL() : $psql;
$params = $query->getParameters();
$types = $query->getParameterTypes();
// Get SQL
$CTE_SQL = \array_key_exists('cteFoldersArchive', $params)
: self::CTE_FOLDERS(\array_key_exists('cteIncludeHidden', $params));
// Add WITH clause if needed
if (false !== strpos($sql, 'cte_folders')) {
$sql = $CTE_SQL.' '.$sql;
return $this->connection->executeQuery($sql, $params, $types);
* Inner join with oc_filecache.
* @param IQueryBuilder $query Query builder
* @param TimelineRoot $root Either the top folder or null for all
* @param bool $recursive Whether to get the days recursively
* @param bool $archive Whether to get the days only from the archive folder
* @param bool $hidden Whether to include hidden files
public function joinFilecache(
IQueryBuilder $query,
?TimelineRoot $root = null,
bool $recursive = true,
bool $archive = false,
bool $hidden = false
): IQueryBuilder {
// Get the timeline root object
if (null === $root) {
// Cache the root object. This is fast when there are
// multiple queries such as days-day preloading BUT that
// means that any subsequent requests that don't match the
// same root MUST specify a separate root this function
if (null === $this->_root) {
$this->_root = new TimelineRoot();
// Populate the root using parameters from the request
$fs = \OC::$server->get(FsManager::class);
$fs->populateRoot($this->_root, $recursive);
// Use the cached / newly populated root
$root = $this->_root;
// Join with memories
$baseOp = $query->expr()->eq('f.fileid', 'm.fileid');
if ($root->isEmpty()) {
// This is illegal in most cases except albums,
// which don't have a folder associated.
if (!$this->_rootEmptyAllowed) {
throw new \Exception('No valid root folder found (.nomedia?)');
return $query->innerJoin('m', 'filecache', 'f', $baseOp);
// Filter by folder (recursive or otherwise)
$pathOp = null;
if ($recursive) {
// Join with folders CTE
$this->addSubfolderJoinParams($query, $root, $archive, $hidden);
$query->innerJoin('f', 'cte_folders', 'cte_f', $query->expr()->eq('f.parent', 'cte_f.fileid'));
} else {
// If getting non-recursively folder only check for parent
$pathOp = $query->expr()->eq('f.parent', $query->createNamedParameter($root->getOneId(), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT));
return $query->innerJoin('m', 'filecache', 'f', $query->expr()->andX(
* Process the days response.
* @param array $days
private function processDays($days)
foreach ($days as &$row) {
$row['dayid'] = (int) $row['dayid'];
$row['count'] = (int) $row['count'];
return $days;
* Process the single day response.
private function processDayPhoto(array &$row)
// Convert field types
$row['fileid'] = (int) $row['fileid'];
$row['isvideo'] = (int) $row['isvideo'];
$row['video_duration'] = (int) $row['video_duration'];
$row['dayid'] = (int) $row['dayid'];
$row['w'] = (int) $row['w'];
$row['h'] = (int) $row['h'];
// Optional fields
if (!$row['isvideo']) {
unset($row['isvideo'], $row['video_duration']);
if (!$row['liveid']) {
// Favorite field, may not be present
if (\array_key_exists('categoryid', $row) && $row['categoryid']) {
$row['isfavorite'] = 1;
// Get hidden field if present
if (\array_key_exists('hidden', $row) && $row['hidden']) {
$row['ishidden'] = 1;
// All cluster transformations
ClustersBackend\Manager::applyDayPostTransforms($this->request, $row);
// This field is only required due to the GROUP BY clause
// Calculate the AUID if we can
if (\array_key_exists('epoch', $row) && \array_key_exists('size', $row)
&& ($epoch = (int) $row['epoch']) && ($size = (int) $row['size'])) {
// compute AUID and discard size
// epoch is used for ordering, so we keep it
$row['auid'] = Exif::getAUID($epoch, $size);
* Get all folders inside a top folder.
private function addSubfolderJoinParams(
IQueryBuilder &$query,
TimelineRoot &$root,
bool $archive,
bool $hidden
) {
// Add query parameters
$query->setParameter('topFolderIds', $root->getIds(), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY);
if ($archive) {
$query->setParameter('cteFoldersArchive', true, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_BOOL);
if ($hidden) {
$query->setParameter('cteIncludeHidden', true, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_BOOL);