getConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $cursor = $subQuery->select('path', 'storage')->from('filecache')->where( $subQuery->expr()->eq('fileid', $subQuery->createNamedParameter($folder->getId())), )->executeQuery(); $finfo = $cursor->fetch(); $cursor->closeCursor(); if (empty($finfo)) { throw new \Exception("Folder not found"); } $pathQuery = null; if ($recursive) { // Filter by path for recursive query $likePath = $finfo["path"]; if (!empty($likePath)) { $likePath .= '/'; } $likePath = $likePath . '%'; $pathQuery = $query->expr()->like('f.path', $query->createNamedParameter($likePath)); } else { // If getting non-recursively folder only check for parent $pathQuery = $query->expr()->eq('f.parent', $query->createNamedParameter($folder->getId(), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)); } return $query->expr()->andX( $query->expr()->eq('f.fileid', 'm.fileid'), $query->expr()->in('', $query->createNamedParameter($finfo["storage"])), $pathQuery, ); } /** * Get the days response from the database for the timeline * @param string $userId */ public function getDays( Folder &$folder, string $uid, bool $recursive, array $queryTransforms = [] ): array { $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); // Get all entries also present in filecache $count = $query->func()->count($query->createFunction('DISTINCT m.fileid'), 'count'); $query->select('m.dayid', $count) ->from('memories', 'm') ->innerJoin('m', 'filecache', 'f', $this->getFilecacheJoinQuery($query, $folder, $recursive)); // Group and sort by dayid $query->groupBy('m.dayid') ->orderBy('m.dayid', 'DESC'); // Apply all transformations foreach ($queryTransforms as &$transform) { $transform($query, $uid); } $cursor = $query->executeQuery(); $rows = $cursor->fetchAll(); $cursor->closeCursor(); return $this->processDays($rows); } /** * Get the days response from the database for the timeline * @param string $userId */ public function getDay( Folder &$folder, string $uid, int $dayid, bool $recursive, array $queryTransforms = [] ): array { $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); // Get all entries also present in filecache $fileid = $query->createFunction('DISTINCT m.fileid'); // We don't actually use m.datetaken here, but postgres // needs that all fields in ORDER BY are also in SELECT // when using DISTINCT on selected fields $query->select($fileid, 'f.etag', 'm.isvideo', 'vco.categoryid', 'm.datetaken') ->from('memories', 'm') ->innerJoin('m', 'filecache', 'f', $this->getFilecacheJoinQuery($query, $folder, $recursive)) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('m.dayid', $query->createNamedParameter($dayid, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))); // Add favorite field $this->addFavoriteTag($query, $uid); // Group and sort by date taken $query->orderBy('m.datetaken', 'DESC'); // Apply all transformations foreach ($queryTransforms as &$transform) { $transform($query, $uid); } $cursor = $query->executeQuery(); $rows = $cursor->fetchAll(); $cursor->closeCursor(); return $this->processDay($rows); } }