getUserValue($userId, Application::APPNAME, 'timelinePath', ''); if (empty($p)) { return 'Photos/'; } return self::sanitizePath($p); } /** * Sanitize a path to keep only ASCII characters and special characters. */ public static function sanitizePath(string $path) { return mb_ereg_replace('([^\\w\\s\\d\\-_~,;:!@#$&*{}\[\]\'\\[\\]\\(\\).\\\/])', '', $path); } /** * Keep only one slash if multiple repeating. */ public static function removeExtraSlash(string $path) { return mb_ereg_replace('\/\/+', '/', $path); } /** * Remove any leading slash present on the path. */ public static function removeLeadingSlash(string $path) { return mb_ereg_replace('~^/+~', '', $path); } /** * Get exif data as a JSON object from a Nextcloud file. */ public static function getExifFromFile(File &$file) { $path = $file->getStorage()->getLocalFile($file->getInternalPath()); if (!\is_string($path)) { throw new \Exception('Failed to get local file path'); } $exif = self::getExifFromLocalPath($path); // We need to remove blacklisted fields to prevent leaking info unset($exif['SourceFile'], $exif['FileName'], $exif['ExifToolVersion'], $exif['Directory'], $exif['FileSize'], $exif['FileModifyDate'], $exif['FileAccessDate'], $exif['FileInodeChangeDate'], $exif['FilePermissions'], $exif['ThumbnailImage']); return $exif; } /** Get exif data as a JSON object from a local file path */ public static function getExifFromLocalPath(string &$path) { if (null !== self::$staticProc) { self::ensureStaticExiftoolProc(); return self::getExifFromLocalPathWithStaticProc($path); } return self::getExifFromLocalPathWithSeparateProc($path); } /** * Parse date from exif format and throw error if invalid. * * @param mixed $date * * @return int unix timestamp */ public static function parseExifDate($date) { $dt = $date; if (isset($dt) && \is_string($dt) && !empty($dt)) { $dt = explode('-', explode('+', $dt, 2)[0], 2)[0]; // get rid of timezone if present $dt = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y:m:d H:i:s', $dt); if (!$dt) { throw new \Exception("Invalid date: {$date}"); } if ($dt && $dt->getTimestamp() > -5364662400) { // 1800 A.D. return $dt->getTimestamp(); } throw new \Exception("Date too old: {$date}"); } else { throw new \Exception('No date provided'); } } /** * Forget the timezone for an epoch timestamp and get the same * time epoch for UTC. */ public static function forgetTimezone(int $epoch) { $dt = new \DateTime(); $dt->setTimestamp($epoch); $tz = getenv('TZ'); // at least works on debian ... if ($tz) { $dt->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($tz)); } $utc = new \DateTime($dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); return $utc->getTimestamp(); } /** * Get the date taken from either the file or exif data if available. * * @return int unix timestamp */ public static function getDateTaken(File &$file, array &$exif) { $dt = $exif['DateTimeOriginal'] ?? null; if (!isset($dt) || empty($dt)) { $dt = $exif['CreateDate'] ?? null; } // Check if found something try { return self::parseExifDate($dt); } catch (\Exception $ex) { } catch (\ValueError $ex) { } // Fall back to creation time $dateTaken = $file->getCreationTime(); // Fall back to modification time if (0 === $dateTaken) { $dateTaken = $file->getMtime(); } return self::forgetTimezone($dateTaken); } /** * Get image dimensions from Exif data. * * @return array [width, height] */ public static function getDimensions(array &$exif) { $width = $exif['ImageWidth'] ?? 0; $height = $exif['ImageHeight'] ?? 0; // Check if image is rotated and we need to swap width and height $rotation = $exif['Rotation'] ?? 0; $orientation = $exif['Orientation'] ?? 0; if (\in_array($orientation, [5, 6, 7, 8], true) || \in_array($rotation, [90, 270], true)) { return [$height, $width]; } if ($width <= 0 || $height <= 0 || $width > 100000 || $height > 100000) { return [0, 0]; } return [$width, $height]; } /** * Set exif data using raw json. * * @param string $path to local file * @param array $data exif data * * @throws \Exception on failure */ public static function setExif(string &$path, array &$data) { $data['SourceFile'] = $path; $raw = json_encode([$data]); $cmd = array_merge(self::getExiftool(), ['-json=-', $path]); $proc = proc_open($cmd, [ 0 => ['pipe', 'r'], 1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => ['pipe', 'w'], ], $pipes); fwrite($pipes[0], $raw); fclose($pipes[0]); $stdout = self::readOrTimeout($pipes[1], self::EXIFTOOL_TIMEOUT); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); proc_terminate($proc); if (false !== strpos($stdout, 'error')) { error_log("Exiftool error: {$stdout}"); throw new \Exception('Could not set exif data: '.$stdout); } } public static function getBinaryExifProp(string $path, string $prop) { $pipes = []; $proc = proc_open(array_merge(self::getExiftool(), [$prop, '-n', '-b', $path]), [ 1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => ['pipe', 'w'], ], $pipes); stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], false); try { return self::readOrTimeout($pipes[1], self::EXIFTOOL_TIMEOUT); } catch (\Exception $ex) { error_log("Exiftool timeout: [{$path}]"); throw new \Exception('Could not read from Exiftool'); } finally { fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); proc_terminate($proc); } } public static function getExifWithDuplicates(string $path) { return self::getExifFromLocalPathWithSeparateProc($path, ['-G4']); } /** Get path to exiftool binary */ private static function getExiftool() { $configKey = 'memories.exiftool'; $config = \OC::$server->get(IConfig::class); $configPath = $config->getSystemValue($configKey); $noLocal = $config->getSystemValue($configKey.'_no_local', false); // We know already where it is if (!empty($configPath) && file_exists($configPath)) { if (!is_executable($configPath)) { chmod($configPath, 0755); } return explode(' ', $configPath); } // Detect architecture $arch = $noLocal ? null : \OCA\Memories\Util::getArch(); $libc = $noLocal ? null : \OCA\Memories\Util::getLibc(); // Get static binary if available if ($arch && $libc && !$noLocal) { // get target file path $path = realpath(__DIR__."/../exiftool-bin/exiftool-{$arch}-{$libc}"); // check if file exists if (file_exists($path)) { // make executable before version check if (!is_executable($path)) { chmod($path, 0755); } // check if the version prints correctly $ver = self::EXIFTOOL_VER; $vero = shell_exec("{$path} -ver"); if ($vero && false !== stripos(trim($vero), $ver)) { $out = trim($vero); echo "Exiftool binary version check passed {$out} <==> {$ver}\n"; $config->setSystemValue($configKey, $path); return [$path]; } error_log("Exiftool version check failed {$vero} <==> {$ver}"); $config->setSystemValue($configKey.'_no_local', true); } else { error_log("Exiftool not found: {$path}"); } } // Fallback to perl script $path = __DIR__.'/../exiftool-bin/exiftool/exiftool'; if (file_exists($path)) { return ['perl', $path]; } error_log("Exiftool not found: {$path}"); // Fallback to system binary return ['exiftool']; } /** Initialize static exiftool process for local reads */ private static function initializeStaticExiftoolProc() { self::closeStaticExiftoolProc(); self::$staticProc = proc_open(array_merge(self::getExiftool(), ['-stay_open', 'true', '-@', '-']), [ 0 => ['pipe', 'r'], 1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => ['pipe', 'w'], ], self::$staticPipes); stream_set_blocking(self::$staticPipes[1], false); } /** * Read from non blocking handle or throw timeout. * * @param resource $handle * @param int $timeout milliseconds * @param string $delimiter null for eof */ private static function readOrTimeout($handle, int $timeout, ?string $delimiter = null) { $buf = ''; $waitedMs = 0; while ($waitedMs < $timeout && ($delimiter ? !str_ends_with($buf, $delimiter) : !feof($handle))) { $r = stream_get_contents($handle); if (empty($r)) { ++$waitedMs; usleep(1000); continue; } $buf .= $r; } if ($waitedMs >= $timeout) { throw new \Exception('Timeout'); } return $buf; } private static function getExifFromLocalPathWithStaticProc(string &$path) { fwrite(self::$staticPipes[0], "{$path}\n-U\n-json\n--b\n-api\nQuickTimeUTC=1\n-n\n-execute\n"); fflush(self::$staticPipes[0]); $readyToken = "\n{ready}\n"; try { $buf = self::readOrTimeout(self::$staticPipes[1], self::EXIFTOOL_TIMEOUT, $readyToken); $tokPos = strrpos($buf, $readyToken); $buf = substr($buf, 0, $tokPos); return self::processStdout($buf); } catch (\Exception $ex) { error_log("ERROR: Exiftool may have crashed, restarting process [{$path}]"); self::restartStaticExiftoolProc(); throw new \Exception('Nothing to read from Exiftool'); } } private static function getExifFromLocalPathWithSeparateProc(string &$path, array $extraArgs = []) { $pipes = []; $proc = proc_open(array_merge(self::getExiftool(), ['-api', 'QuickTimeUTC=1', '-n', '-U', '-json', '--b'], $extraArgs, [$path]), [ 1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => ['pipe', 'w'], ], $pipes); stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], false); try { $stdout = self::readOrTimeout($pipes[1], self::EXIFTOOL_TIMEOUT); return self::processStdout($stdout); } catch (\Exception $ex) { error_log("Exiftool timeout: [{$path}]"); throw new \Exception('Could not read from Exiftool'); } finally { fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); proc_terminate($proc); } } /** Get json array from stdout of exiftool */ private static function processStdout(string &$stdout) { $json = json_decode($stdout, true); if (!$json) { throw new \Exception('Could not read exif data'); } return $json[0]; } }