array('pipe', 'r'), 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w'), ], self::$staticPipes); } public static function closeStaticExiftoolProc() { try { if (self::$staticProc) { fclose(self::$staticPipes[0]); fclose(self::$staticPipes[1]); fclose(self::$staticPipes[2]); proc_terminate(self::$staticProc); } } catch (\Exception $ex) {} } public static function ensureStaticExiftoolProc() { if (self::$noStaticProc) { return; } if (!self::$staticProc) { self::initializeStaticExiftoolProc(); usleep(500000); // wait if error if (!proc_get_status(self::$staticProc)["running"]) { error_log("WARN: Failed to create stay_open exiftool process"); self::$noStaticProc = true; self::$staticProc = null; } return; } if (!proc_get_status(self::$staticProc)["running"]) { self::$staticProc = null; self::ensureStaticExiftoolProc(); } } /** * Get the path to the user's configured photos directory. * @param IConfig $config * @param string $userId */ public static function getPhotosPath(IConfig &$config, string &$userId) { $p = $config->getUserValue($userId, Application::APPNAME, 'timelinePath', ''); if (empty($p)) { return 'Photos/'; } return self::sanitizePath($p); } /** * Sanitize a path to keep only ASCII characters and special characters. * @param string $path */ public static function sanitizePath(string &$path) { $path = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/\.\-\_]/', '', $path); return $path; } /** * Keep only one slash if multiple repeating */ public static function removeExtraSlash(string $path) { return preg_replace('~/+~', '/', $path); } /** * Remove any leading slash present on the path */ public static function removeLeadingSlash(string $path) { return preg_replace('~^/+~', '', $path); } /** * Get exif data as a JSON object from a Nextcloud file. * @param File $file */ public static function getExifFromFile(File &$file) { // Borrowed from previews // if (!$file->isEncrypted() && $file->getStorage()->isLocal()) { $path = $file->getStorage()->getLocalFile($file->getInternalPath()); if (is_string($path)) { return self::getExifFromLocalPath($path); } } // Fallback to reading as a stream $handle = $file->fopen('rb'); if (!$handle) { throw new \Exception('Could not open file'); } $exif = self::getExifFromStream($handle); fclose($handle); return $exif; } /** Get exif data as a JSON object from a local file path */ public static function getExifFromLocalPath(string &$path) { if (!is_null(self::$staticProc)) { self::ensureStaticExiftoolProc(); return self::getExifFromLocalPathWithStaticProc($path); } else { return self::getExifFromLocalPathWithSeparateProc($path); } } private static function getExifFromLocalPathWithStaticProc(string &$path) { fwrite(self::$staticPipes[0], "$path\n-json\n-api\nQuickTimeUTC=1\n-execute\n"); fflush(self::$staticPipes[0]); $buf = ""; $readyToken = "\n{ready}\n"; while (!str_ends_with($buf, $readyToken)) { $r = fread(self::$staticPipes[1], 1); if ($r === false) { error_log("PANIC: Something went wrong with static exiftool process"); exit(1); } $buf .= $r; } $buf = substr($buf, 0, strrpos($buf, $readyToken)); return self::processStdout($buf); } private static function getExifFromLocalPathWithSeparateProc(string &$path) { $pipes = []; $proc = proc_open(['exiftool', '-api', 'QuickTimeUTC=1', '-json', $path], [ 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w'), ], $pipes); $stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); // Clean up fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); proc_close($proc); return self::processStdout($stdout); } /** * Get exif data as a JSON object from a stream. * @param resource $handle */ public static function getExifFromStream(&$handle) { // Start exiftool and output to json $pipes = []; $proc = proc_open(['exiftool', '-api', 'QuickTimeUTC=1', '-json', '-fast', '-'], [ 0 => array('pipe', 'rb'), 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w'), ], $pipes); // Write the file to exiftool's stdin // Warning: this is slow for big files stream_copy_to_stream($handle, $pipes[0]); fclose($pipes[0]); // Get output from exiftool $stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); // Clean up fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); proc_close($proc); return self::processStdout($stdout); } /** Get json array from stdout of exiftool */ private static function processStdout(string &$stdout) { $json = json_decode($stdout, true); if (!$json) { throw new \Exception('Could not read exif data'); } return $json[0]; } /** * Get the date taken from either the file or exif data if available. * @param File $file * @param array $exif */ public static function getDateTaken(File &$file, array &$exif) { $dt = $exif['DateTimeOriginal'] ?? null; if (!isset($dt) || empty($dt)) { $dt = $exif['CreateDate'] ?? null; } // Check if found something if (isset($dt) && is_string($dt) && !empty($dt)) { $dt = explode('-', explode('+', $dt, 2)[0], 2)[0]; // get rid of timezone if present $dt = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y:m:d H:i:s', $dt, new \DateTimeZone("UTC")); if ($dt && $dt->getTimestamp() > -5364662400) { // 1800 A.D. return $dt->getTimestamp(); } } // Fall back to creation time $dateTaken = $file->getCreationTime(); // Fall back to modification time if ($dateTaken == 0) { $dateTaken = $file->getMtime(); } return $dateTaken; } }