mapGetCluster($mapCluster, $lat, $lon, $oldLat, $oldLon); } catch (\Exception $e) { $logger = \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class); $logger->log(3, 'Error updating map cluster data: '.$e->getMessage(), ['app' => 'memories']); } try { $osmIds = $this->updatePlacesData($fileId, $lat, $lon); } catch (\Exception $e) { $logger = \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class); $logger->log(3, 'Error updating places data: '.$e->getMessage(), ['app' => 'memories']); } } // NULL if invalid $mapCluster = $mapCluster <= 0 ? null : $mapCluster; // Set tzid from location if not present $this->setTzidFromLocation($exif, $osmIds); // Return update values return [$lat, $lon, $mapCluster, $osmIds]; } /** * Add places data for a file. * * @param int $fileId The file ID * @param null|float $lat The latitude of the file * @param null|float $lon The longitude of the file * * @return array The list of osm_id of the places */ protected function updatePlacesData(int $fileId, $lat, $lon): array { // Get GIS type $gisType = \OCA\Memories\Util::placesGISType(); // Check if valid if ($gisType <= 0) { return []; } // Delete previous records $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete('memories_places') ->where($query->expr()->eq('fileid', $query->createNamedParameter($fileId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))) ; $query->executeStatement(); // Just remove from if the point is no longer valid if (null === $lat || null === $lon) { return []; } // Construct WHERE clause depending on GIS type $where = null; if (1 === $gisType) { $where = "ST_Contains(geometry, ST_GeomFromText('POINT({$lon} {$lat})'))"; } elseif (2 === $gisType) { $where = "POINT('{$lon},{$lat}') <@ geometry"; } else { return []; } // Make query to memories_planet table $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select($query->createFunction('DISTINCT(osm_id)')) ->from('memories_planet_geometry') ->where($query->createFunction($where)) ; // Cancel out inner rings $query->groupBy('poly_id', 'osm_id'); $query->having($query->createFunction('SUM(type_id) > 0')); // memories_planet_geometry has no *PREFIX* $sql = str_replace('*PREFIX*memories_planet_geometry', 'memories_planet_geometry', $query->getSQL()); // Run query $rows = $this->connection->executeQuery($sql)->fetchAll(); // Insert records in transaction $this->connection->beginTransaction(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->insert('memories_places') ->values([ 'fileid' => $query->createNamedParameter($fileId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), 'osm_id' => $query->createNamedParameter($row['osm_id'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), ]) ; $query->executeStatement(); } $this->connection->commit(); // Return list of osm_id return array_map(fn ($row) => $row['osm_id'], $rows); } /** * Set timezone offset from location if not present. * * @param array $exif The exif data * @param array $osmIds The list of osm_id of the places */ private function setTzidFromLocation(array &$exif, array $osmIds): void { // Make sure we have some places if (empty($osmIds)) { return; } // Get timezone offset from places $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('name') ->from('memories_planet') ->where($query->expr()->in('osm_id', $query->createNamedParameter($osmIds, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('admin_level', $query->createNamedParameter(-7, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))) ; // Get name of timezone $tzName = $query->executeQuery()->fetchOne(); if ($tzName) { $exif['LocationTZID'] = $tzName; } } /** * Read coordinates from array and round to 6 decimal places. * * Modifies the array to remove invalid coordinates. */ private static function readCoord(array &$exif) { $lat = \array_key_exists(LAT_KEY, $exif) ? round((float) $exif[LAT_KEY], 6) : null; $lon = \array_key_exists(LON_KEY, $exif) ? round((float) $exif[LON_KEY], 6) : null; // Make sure we have valid coordinates if (null === $lat || null === $lon || abs($lat) > 90 || abs($lon) > 180 || ($lat < 0.00001 && $lon < 0.00001)) { $lat = $lon = null; } // Remove invalid coordinates if (null === $lat && \array_key_exists(LAT_KEY, $exif)) { unset($exif[LAT_KEY]); } if (null === $lon && \array_key_exists(LON_KEY, $exif)) { unset($exif[LON_KEY]); } return [$lat, $lon]; } }