finetuneOrder[] = $key; } } if ($props = $json['finetuneProps']) { $this->_set($props, 'brightness'); $this->_set($props, 'contrast'); $this->_set($props, 'hue'); $this->_set($props, 'saturation'); $this->_set($props, 'value'); $this->_set($props, 'blurRadius'); $this->_set($props, 'warmth'); } if ($props = $json['adjustments']) { if ($crop = $props['crop']) { $this->_set($crop, 'x', 'cropX'); $this->_set($crop, 'y', 'cropY'); $this->_set($crop, 'width', 'cropWidth'); $this->_set($crop, 'height', 'cropHeight'); } $this->_set($props, 'rotation'); $this->_set($props, 'isFlippedX'); $this->_set($props, 'isFlippedY'); } if ($filter = $json['filter']) { // $this->filter = $filter; } } private function _set(array $parent, string $key, string $ckey = null) { $ckey ??= $key; if (array_key_exists($key, $parent)) { $this->$ckey = $parent[$key]; } } } class FileRobotMagick { private \Imagick $image; private FileRobotImageState $state; public function __construct(\Imagick $image, FileRobotImageState $state) { $this->image = $image; $this->state = $state; } public function apply() { $this->applyCrop(); $this->applyFlipRotation(); foreach ($this->state->finetuneOrder as $key) { $method = 'apply' . $key; if (!method_exists($this, $method)) { throw new \Exception('Unknown finetune: ' . $key); } $this->$method(); } if ($this->state->filter) { $method = 'applyFilter' . $this->state->filter; if (!method_exists($this, $method)) { throw new \Exception('Unknown filter: ' . $this->state->filter); } $this->$method(); } return $this->image; } protected function applyCrop() { if ($this->state->cropX || $this->state->cropY || $this->state->cropWidth || $this->state->cropHeight) { $iw = $this->image->getImageWidth(); $ih = $this->image->getImageHeight(); $this->image->cropImage( (int) (($this->state->cropWidth ?? 1) * $iw), (int) (($this->state->cropHeight ?? 1) * $ih), (int) (($this->state->cropX ?? 0) * $iw), (int) (($this->state->cropY ?? 0) * $ih) ); } } protected function applyFlipRotation() { if ($this->state->isFlippedX) { $this->image->flopImage(); } if ($this->state->isFlippedY) { $this->image->flipImage(); } if ($this->state->rotation) { $this->image->rotateImage(new \ImagickPixel(), $this->state->rotation); } } protected function applyBrighten(?float $value = null) { $brightness = $value ?? $this->state->brightness ?? 0; if ($brightness === 0) { return; } // $this->image->evaluateImage(\Imagick::EVALUATE_ADD, $brightness * 255 * 255, \Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL); } protected function applyContrast(?float $value = null) { $contrast = $value ?? $this->state->contrast ?? 0; if ($contrast === 0) { return; } // // m = ((a + 100) / 100) ** 2 // slope // y = (x - 0.5) * m + 0.5 // y = mx + (0.5 * (1 - m)) // simplify $m = (($contrast + 100) / 100) ** 2; $c = 0.5 * (1 - $m); $this->image->functionImage(\Imagick::FUNCTION_POLYNOMIAL, [$m, $c], \Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL); } protected function applyHSV(?float $hue = null, ?float $saturation = null, ?float $value = null) { $hue ??= $this->state->hue ?? 0; $saturation ??= $this->state->saturation ?? 0; $value ??= $this->state->value ?? 0; if ($hue === 0 && $saturation === 0 && $value === 0) { return; } $h = abs(($hue ?? 0) + 360) % 360; $s = 2 ** ($saturation ?? 0); $v = 2 ** ($value ?? 0); // $vsu = $v * $s * cos(($h * pi()) / 180); $vsw = $v * $s * sin(($h * pi()) / 180); $rr = 0.299 * $v + 0.701 * $vsu + 0.167 * $vsw; $rg = 0.587 * $v - 0.587 * $vsu + 0.33 * $vsw; $rb = 0.114 * $v - 0.114 * $vsu - 0.497 * $vsw; $gr = 0.299 * $v - 0.299 * $vsu - 0.328 * $vsw; $gg = 0.587 * $v + 0.413 * $vsu + 0.035 * $vsw; $gb = 0.114 * $v - 0.114 * $vsu + 0.293 * $vsw; $br = 0.299 * $v - 0.3 * $vsu + 1.25 * $vsw; $bg = 0.587 * $v - 0.586 * $vsu - 1.05 * $vsw; $bb = 0.114 * $v + 0.886 * $vsu - 0.2 * $vsw; $colorMatrix = [ $rr, $rg, $rb, 0, 0, $gr, $gg, $gb, 0, 0, $br, $bg, $bb, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ]; $this->image->colorMatrixImage($colorMatrix); } protected function applyBlur() { if ($this->state->blurRadius <= 0) { return; } // $sigma = min(round($this->state->blurRadius * 1.5), 100); $this->image->blurImage(0, $sigma); } protected function applyWarmth() { // $warmth = ($this->state->warmth ?? 0); if ($warmth <= 0) { return; } // Add to red channel, subtract from blue channel $this->image->evaluateImage(\Imagick::EVALUATE_ADD, $warmth*255, \Imagick::CHANNEL_RED); $this->image->evaluateImage(\Imagick::EVALUATE_SUBTRACT, $warmth*255, \Imagick::CHANNEL_BLUE); } protected function applyFilterInvert() { $this->image->negateImage(false); } protected function applyFilterBlackAndWhite() { // $this->image->thresholdImage(100 * 255); } protected function applyFilterSepia() { // $this->image->colorMatrixImage([ 0.393, 0.769, 0.189, 0, 0, 0.349, 0.686, 0.168, 0, 0, 0.272, 0.534, 0.131, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ]); } protected function applyFilterSolarize() { // $this->image->solarizeImage(128 * 255); } protected function applyFilterClarendon() { // $this->applyBaseFilterBrightness(0.1); $this->applyContrast(10); // TODO: this is wrong $this->applyHSV(0, 0.15, 0); // TODO: this is wrong } protected function applyFilterGingham() { // // ... } protected function applyBaseFilterBrightness(float $value) { // $this->applyBrighten($value); } protected function applyFilterTest() { $this->applyFilterClarendon(); } } // Create new ImageState object $imageState = new FileRobotImageState([ 'finetunes' => ['Blur', 'Warmth', 'HSV', 'Contrast', 'Brighten'], 'finetuneProps' => [ 'brightness' => 0, 'contrast' => 0, 'hue' => 0, 'saturation' => 0, 'value' => 0, 'blurRadius' => 0, 'warmth' => 0, ], 'filter' => 'Test', 'adjustments' =>[ // 'crop' => [ // 'x' => 0.04811054824217651, // 'y' => 0.30121176094862184, // 'width' => 0.47661152675402463, // 'height' => 0.47661153565936554, // ], // 'rotation' => 0, // 'isFlippedX' => false, // 'isFlippedY' => false, ] ]); // Open test image file imagick $image = new \Imagick('test.jpg'); $image->setResourceLimit(\Imagick::RESOURCETYPE_THREAD, 4); // Apply image state (new FileRobotMagick($image, $imageState))->apply(); //resize to max width $image->resizeImage(800, 0, \Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1); // Write to out.jpg $image->writeImage('out.jpg');