\\n \\n \\n \\n\\n \\n
\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\"],\"sourceRoot\":\"\"}]);\n// Exports\nexport default ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___;\n","// Imports\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___ from \"../../css-loader/dist/runtime/sourceMaps.js\";\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___ from \"../../css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js\";\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___);\n// Module\n___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([module.id, \".vue-recycle-scroller{position:relative}.vue-recycle-scroller.direction-vertical:not(.page-mode){overflow-y:auto}.vue-recycle-scroller.direction-horizontal:not(.page-mode){overflow-x:auto}.vue-recycle-scroller.direction-horizontal{display:-webkit-box;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}.vue-recycle-scroller__slot{-webkit-box-flex:1;-ms-flex:auto 0 0px;flex:auto 0 0}.vue-recycle-scroller__item-wrapper{-webkit-box-flex:1;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;overflow:hidden;position:relative}.vue-recycle-scroller.ready .vue-recycle-scroller__item-view{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;will-change:transform}.vue-recycle-scroller.direction-vertical .vue-recycle-scroller__item-wrapper{width:100%}.vue-recycle-scroller.direction-horizontal .vue-recycle-scroller__item-wrapper{height:100%}.vue-recycle-scroller.ready.direction-vertical .vue-recycle-scroller__item-view{width:100%}.vue-recycle-scroller.ready.direction-horizontal .vue-recycle-scroller__item-view{height:100%}.resize-observer[data-v-b329ee4c]{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:-1;width:100%;height:100%;border:none;background-color:transparent;pointer-events:none;display:block;overflow:hidden;opacity:0}.resize-observer[data-v-b329ee4c] object{display:block;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:100%;width:100%;overflow:hidden;pointer-events:none;z-index:-1}\", \"\",{\"version\":3,\"sources\":[\"webpack://./node_modules/vue-virtual-scroller/dist/vue-virtual-scroller.css\"],\"names\":[],\"mappings\":\"AAAA,sBAAsB,iBAAiB,CAAC,yDAAyD,eAAe,CAAC,2DAA2D,eAAe,CAAC,2CAA2C,mBAAmB,CAAC,mBAAmB,CAAC,YAAY,CAAC,4BAA4B,kBAAkB,CAAC,mBAAmB,CAAC,aAAa,CAAC,oCAAoC,kBAAkB,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,6BAA6B,CAAC,qBAAqB,CAAC,eAAe,CAAC,iBAAiB,CAAC,6DAA6D,iBAAiB,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,qBAAqB,CAAC,6EAA6E,UAAU,CAAC,+EAA+E,WAAW,CAAC,gFAAgF,UAAU,CAAC,kFAAkF,WAAW,CAAC,kCAAkC,iBAAiB,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,WAAW,CAAC,WAAW,CAAC,4BAA4B,CAAC,mBAAmB,CAAC,aAAa,CAAC,eAAe,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,yCAAyC,aAAa,CAAC,iBAAiB,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,WAAW,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,eAAe,CAAC,mBAAmB,CAAC,UAAU\",\"sourcesContent\":[\".vue-recycle-scroller{position:relative}.vue-recycle-scroller.direction-vertical:not(.page-mode){overflow-y:auto}.vue-recycle-scroller.direction-horizontal:not(.page-mode){overflow-x:auto}.vue-recycle-scroller.direction-horizontal{display:-webkit-box;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}.vue-recycle-scroller__slot{-webkit-box-flex:1;-ms-flex:auto 0 0px;flex:auto 0 0}.vue-recycle-scroller__item-wrapper{-webkit-box-flex:1;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;overflow:hidden;position:relative}.vue-recycle-scroller.ready .vue-recycle-scroller__item-view{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;will-change:transform}.vue-recycle-scroller.direction-vertical .vue-recycle-scroller__item-wrapper{width:100%}.vue-recycle-scroller.direction-horizontal .vue-recycle-scroller__item-wrapper{height:100%}.vue-recycle-scroller.ready.direction-vertical .vue-recycle-scroller__item-view{width:100%}.vue-recycle-scroller.ready.direction-horizontal .vue-recycle-scroller__item-view{height:100%}.resize-observer[data-v-b329ee4c]{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:-1;width:100%;height:100%;border:none;background-color:transparent;pointer-events:none;display:block;overflow:hidden;opacity:0}.resize-observer[data-v-b329ee4c] object{display:block;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:100%;width:100%;overflow:hidden;pointer-events:none;z-index:-1}\"],\"sourceRoot\":\"\"}]);\n// Exports\nexport default ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___;\n","\"use strict\";\n\n/*\n MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php\n Author Tobias Koppers @sokra\n*/\nmodule.exports = function (cssWithMappingToString) {\n var list = []; // return the list of modules as css string\n\n list.toString = function toString() {\n return this.map(function (item) {\n var content = \"\";\n var needLayer = typeof item[5] !== \"undefined\";\n\n if (item[4]) {\n content += \"@supports (\".concat(item[4], \") {\");\n }\n\n if (item[2]) {\n content += \"@media \".concat(item[2], \" {\");\n }\n\n if (needLayer) {\n content += \"@layer\".concat(item[5].length > 0 ? \" \".concat(item[5]) : \"\", \" {\");\n }\n\n content += cssWithMappingToString(item);\n\n if (needLayer) {\n content += \"}\";\n }\n\n if (item[2]) {\n content += \"}\";\n }\n\n if (item[4]) {\n content += \"}\";\n }\n\n return content;\n }).join(\"\");\n }; // import a list of modules into the list\n\n\n list.i = function i(modules, media, dedupe, supports, layer) {\n if (typeof modules === \"string\") {\n modules = [[null, modules, undefined]];\n }\n\n var alreadyImportedModules = {};\n\n if (dedupe) {\n for (var k = 0; k < this.length; k++) {\n var id = this[k][0];\n\n if (id != null) {\n alreadyImportedModules[id] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n for (var _k = 0; _k < modules.length; _k++) {\n var item = [].concat(modules[_k]);\n\n if (dedupe && alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {\n continue;\n }\n\n if (typeof layer !== \"undefined\") {\n if (typeof item[5] === \"undefined\") {\n item[5] = layer;\n } else {\n item[1] = \"@layer\".concat(item[5].length > 0 ? \" \".concat(item[5]) : \"\", \" {\").concat(item[1], \"}\");\n item[5] = layer;\n }\n }\n\n if (media) {\n if (!item[2]) {\n item[2] = media;\n } else {\n item[1] = \"@media \".concat(item[2], \" {\").concat(item[1], \"}\");\n item[2] = media;\n }\n }\n\n if (supports) {\n if (!item[4]) {\n item[4] = \"\".concat(supports);\n } else {\n item[1] = \"@supports (\".concat(item[4], \") {\").concat(item[1], \"}\");\n item[4] = supports;\n }\n }\n\n list.push(item);\n }\n };\n\n return list;\n};","\"use strict\";\n\nmodule.exports = function (item) {\n var content = item[1];\n var cssMapping = item[3];\n\n if (!cssMapping) {\n return content;\n }\n\n if (typeof btoa === \"function\") {\n var base64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(cssMapping))));\n var data = \"sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,\".concat(base64);\n var sourceMapping = \"/*# \".concat(data, \" */\");\n var sourceURLs = cssMapping.sources.map(function (source) {\n return \"/*# sourceURL=\".concat(cssMapping.sourceRoot || \"\").concat(source, \" */\");\n });\n return [content].concat(sourceURLs).concat([sourceMapping]).join(\"\\n\");\n }\n\n return [content].join(\"\\n\");\n};","'use strict';\n\nvar keys = require('object-keys');\nvar hasSymbols = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol('foo') === 'symbol';\n\nvar toStr = Object.prototype.toString;\nvar concat = Array.prototype.concat;\nvar origDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty;\n\nvar isFunction = function (fn) {\n\treturn typeof fn === 'function' && toStr.call(fn) === '[object Function]';\n};\n\nvar hasPropertyDescriptors = require('has-property-descriptors')();\n\nvar supportsDescriptors = origDefineProperty && hasPropertyDescriptors;\n\nvar defineProperty = function (object, name, value, predicate) {\n\tif (name in object && (!isFunction(predicate) || !predicate())) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tif (supportsDescriptors) {\n\t\torigDefineProperty(object, name, {\n\t\t\tconfigurable: true,\n\t\t\tenumerable: false,\n\t\t\tvalue: value,\n\t\t\twritable: true\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tobject[name] = value; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign\n\t}\n};\n\nvar defineProperties = function (object, map) {\n\tvar predicates = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : {};\n\tvar props = keys(map);\n\tif (hasSymbols) {\n\t\tprops = concat.call(props, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(map));\n\t}\n\tfor (var i = 0; i < props.length; i += 1) {\n\t\tdefineProperty(object, props[i], map[props[i]], predicates[props[i]]);\n\t}\n};\n\ndefineProperties.supportsDescriptors = !!supportsDescriptors;\n\nmodule.exports = defineProperties;\n","/**\n * Code refactored from Mozilla Developer Network:\n * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nfunction assign(target, firstSource) {\n if (target === undefined || target === null) {\n throw new TypeError('Cannot convert first argument to object');\n }\n\n var to = Object(target);\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var nextSource = arguments[i];\n if (nextSource === undefined || nextSource === null) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var keysArray = Object.keys(Object(nextSource));\n for (var nextIndex = 0, len = keysArray.length; nextIndex < len; nextIndex++) {\n var nextKey = keysArray[nextIndex];\n var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nextSource, nextKey);\n if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable) {\n to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];\n }\n }\n }\n return to;\n}\n\nfunction polyfill() {\n if (!Object.assign) {\n Object.defineProperty(Object, 'assign', {\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n value: assign\n });\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n assign: assign,\n polyfill: polyfill\n};\n","/*!\n * escape-html\n * Copyright(c) 2012-2013 TJ Holowaychuk\n * Copyright(c) 2015 Andreas Lubbe\n * Copyright(c) 2015 Tiancheng \"Timothy\" Gu\n * MIT Licensed\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Module variables.\n * @private\n */\n\nvar matchHtmlRegExp = /[\"'&<>]/;\n\n/**\n * Module exports.\n * @public\n */\n\nmodule.exports = escapeHtml;\n\n/**\n * Escape special characters in the given string of html.\n *\n * @param {string} string The string to escape for inserting into HTML\n * @return {string}\n * @public\n */\n\nfunction escapeHtml(string) {\n var str = '' + string;\n var match = matchHtmlRegExp.exec(str);\n\n if (!match) {\n return str;\n }\n\n var escape;\n var html = '';\n var index = 0;\n var lastIndex = 0;\n\n for (index = match.index; index < str.length; index++) {\n switch (str.charCodeAt(index)) {\n case 34: // \"\n escape = '"';\n break;\n case 38: // &\n escape = '&';\n break;\n case 39: // '\n escape = ''';\n break;\n case 60: // <\n escape = '<';\n break;\n case 62: // >\n escape = '>';\n break;\n default:\n continue;\n }\n\n if (lastIndex !== index) {\n html += str.substring(lastIndex, index);\n }\n\n lastIndex = index + 1;\n html += escape;\n }\n\n return lastIndex !== index\n ? html + str.substring(lastIndex, index)\n : html;\n}\n","// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n// \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit\n// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the\n// following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included\n// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n// OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN\n// NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM,\n// DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR\n// OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE\n// USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar R = typeof Reflect === 'object' ? Reflect : null\nvar ReflectApply = R && typeof R.apply === 'function'\n ? R.apply\n : function ReflectApply(target, receiver, args) {\n return Function.prototype.apply.call(target, receiver, args);\n }\n\nvar ReflectOwnKeys\nif (R && typeof R.ownKeys === 'function') {\n ReflectOwnKeys = R.ownKeys\n} else if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {\n ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys(target) {\n return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target)\n .concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target));\n };\n} else {\n ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys(target) {\n return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target);\n };\n}\n\nfunction ProcessEmitWarning(warning) {\n if (console && console.warn) console.warn(warning);\n}\n\nvar NumberIsNaN = Number.isNaN || function NumberIsNaN(value) {\n return value !== value;\n}\n\nfunction EventEmitter() {\n EventEmitter.init.call(this);\n}\nmodule.exports = EventEmitter;\nmodule.exports.once = once;\n\n// Backwards-compat with node 0.10.x\nEventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;\n\nEventEmitter.prototype._events = undefined;\nEventEmitter.prototype._eventsCount = 0;\nEventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = undefined;\n\n// By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are\n// added to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks.\nvar defaultMaxListeners = 10;\n\nfunction checkListener(listener) {\n if (typeof listener !== 'function') {\n throw new TypeError('The \"listener\" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof listener);\n }\n}\n\nObject.defineProperty(EventEmitter, 'defaultMaxListeners', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function() {\n return defaultMaxListeners;\n },\n set: function(arg) {\n if (typeof arg !== 'number' || arg < 0 || NumberIsNaN(arg)) {\n throw new RangeError('The value of \"defaultMaxListeners\" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + arg + '.');\n }\n defaultMaxListeners = arg;\n }\n});\n\nEventEmitter.init = function() {\n\n if (this._events === undefined ||\n this._events === Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) {\n this._events = Object.create(null);\n this._eventsCount = 0;\n }\n\n this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined;\n};\n\n// Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows\n// that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.\nEventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function setMaxListeners(n) {\n if (typeof n !== 'number' || n < 0 || NumberIsNaN(n)) {\n throw new RangeError('The value of \"n\" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + n + '.');\n }\n this._maxListeners = n;\n return this;\n};\n\nfunction _getMaxListeners(that) {\n if (that._maxListeners === undefined)\n return EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners;\n return that._maxListeners;\n}\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.getMaxListeners = function getMaxListeners() {\n return _getMaxListeners(this);\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(type) {\n var args = [];\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) args.push(arguments[i]);\n var doError = (type === 'error');\n\n var events = this._events;\n if (events !== undefined)\n doError = (doError && events.error === undefined);\n else if (!doError)\n return false;\n\n // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw.\n if (doError) {\n var er;\n if (args.length > 0)\n er = args[0];\n if (er instanceof Error) {\n // Note: The comments on the `throw` lines are intentional, they show\n // up in Node's output if this results in an unhandled exception.\n throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event\n }\n // At least give some kind of context to the user\n var err = new Error('Unhandled error.' + (er ? ' (' + er.message + ')' : ''));\n err.context = er;\n throw err; // Unhandled 'error' event\n }\n\n var handler = events[type];\n\n if (handler === undefined)\n return false;\n\n if (typeof handler === 'function') {\n ReflectApply(handler, this, args);\n } else {\n var len = handler.length;\n var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len);\n for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)\n ReflectApply(listeners[i], this, args);\n }\n\n return true;\n};\n\nfunction _addListener(target, type, listener, prepend) {\n var m;\n var events;\n var existing;\n\n checkListener(listener);\n\n events = target._events;\n if (events === undefined) {\n events = target._events = Object.create(null);\n target._eventsCount = 0;\n } else {\n // To avoid recursion in the case that type === \"newListener\"! Before\n // adding it to the listeners, first emit \"newListener\".\n if (events.newListener !== undefined) {\n target.emit('newListener', type,\n listener.listener ? listener.listener : listener);\n\n // Re-assign `events` because a newListener handler could have caused the\n // this._events to be assigned to a new object\n events = target._events;\n }\n existing = events[type];\n }\n\n if (existing === undefined) {\n // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object.\n existing = events[type] = listener;\n ++target._eventsCount;\n } else {\n if (typeof existing === 'function') {\n // Adding the second element, need to change to array.\n existing = events[type] =\n prepend ? [listener, existing] : [existing, listener];\n // If we've already got an array, just append.\n } else if (prepend) {\n existing.unshift(listener);\n } else {\n existing.push(listener);\n }\n\n // Check for listener leak\n m = _getMaxListeners(target);\n if (m > 0 && existing.length > m && !existing.warned) {\n existing.warned = true;\n // No error code for this since it is a Warning\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax\n var w = new Error('Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. ' +\n existing.length + ' ' + String(type) + ' listeners ' +\n 'added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to ' +\n 'increase limit');\n w.name = 'MaxListenersExceededWarning';\n w.emitter = target;\n w.type = type;\n w.count = existing.length;\n ProcessEmitWarning(w);\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n}\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function addListener(type, listener) {\n return _addListener(this, type, listener, false);\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener;\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.prependListener =\n function prependListener(type, listener) {\n return _addListener(this, type, listener, true);\n };\n\nfunction onceWrapper() {\n if (!this.fired) {\n this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn);\n this.fired = true;\n if (arguments.length === 0)\n return this.listener.call(this.target);\n return this.listener.apply(this.target, arguments);\n }\n}\n\nfunction _onceWrap(target, type, listener) {\n var state = { fired: false, wrapFn: undefined, target: target, type: type, listener: listener };\n var wrapped = onceWrapper.bind(state);\n wrapped.listener = listener;\n state.wrapFn = wrapped;\n return wrapped;\n}\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(type, listener) {\n checkListener(listener);\n this.on(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener));\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener =\n function prependOnceListener(type, listener) {\n checkListener(listener);\n this.prependListener(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener));\n return this;\n };\n\n// Emits a 'removeListener' event if and only if the listener was removed.\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeListener =\n function removeListener(type, listener) {\n var list, events, position, i, originalListener;\n\n checkListener(listener);\n\n events = this._events;\n if (events === undefined)\n return this;\n\n list = events[type];\n if (list === undefined)\n return this;\n\n if (list === listener || list.listener === listener) {\n if (--this._eventsCount === 0)\n this._events = Object.create(null);\n else {\n delete events[type];\n if (events.removeListener)\n this.emit('removeListener', type, list.listener || listener);\n }\n } else if (typeof list !== 'function') {\n position = -1;\n\n for (i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (list[i] === listener || list[i].listener === listener) {\n originalListener = list[i].listener;\n position = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (position < 0)\n return this;\n\n if (position === 0)\n list.shift();\n else {\n spliceOne(list, position);\n }\n\n if (list.length === 1)\n events[type] = list[0];\n\n if (events.removeListener !== undefined)\n this.emit('removeListener', type, originalListener || listener);\n }\n\n return this;\n };\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener;\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners =\n function removeAllListeners(type) {\n var listeners, events, i;\n\n events = this._events;\n if (events === undefined)\n return this;\n\n // not listening for removeListener, no need to emit\n if (events.removeListener === undefined) {\n if (arguments.length === 0) {\n this._events = Object.create(null);\n this._eventsCount = 0;\n } else if (events[type] !== undefined) {\n if (--this._eventsCount === 0)\n this._events = Object.create(null);\n else\n delete events[type];\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n // emit removeListener for all listeners on all events\n if (arguments.length === 0) {\n var keys = Object.keys(events);\n var key;\n for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {\n key = keys[i];\n if (key === 'removeListener') continue;\n this.removeAllListeners(key);\n }\n this.removeAllListeners('removeListener');\n this._events = Object.create(null);\n this._eventsCount = 0;\n return this;\n }\n\n listeners = events[type];\n\n if (typeof listeners === 'function') {\n this.removeListener(type, listeners);\n } else if (listeners !== undefined) {\n // LIFO order\n for (i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n this.removeListener(type, listeners[i]);\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n };\n\nfunction _listeners(target, type, unwrap) {\n var events = target._events;\n\n if (events === undefined)\n return [];\n\n var evlistener = events[type];\n if (evlistener === undefined)\n return [];\n\n if (typeof evlistener === 'function')\n return unwrap ? [evlistener.listener || evlistener] : [evlistener];\n\n return unwrap ?\n unwrapListeners(evlistener) : arrayClone(evlistener, evlistener.length);\n}\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(type) {\n return _listeners(this, type, true);\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.rawListeners = function rawListeners(type) {\n return _listeners(this, type, false);\n};\n\nEventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) {\n if (typeof emitter.listenerCount === 'function') {\n return emitter.listenerCount(type);\n } else {\n return listenerCount.call(emitter, type);\n }\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount;\nfunction listenerCount(type) {\n var events = this._events;\n\n if (events !== undefined) {\n var evlistener = events[type];\n\n if (typeof evlistener === 'function') {\n return 1;\n } else if (evlistener !== undefined) {\n return evlistener.length;\n }\n }\n\n return 0;\n}\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {\n return this._eventsCount > 0 ? ReflectOwnKeys(this._events) : [];\n};\n\nfunction arrayClone(arr, n) {\n var copy = new Array(n);\n for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)\n copy[i] = arr[i];\n return copy;\n}\n\nfunction spliceOne(list, index) {\n for (; index + 1 < list.length; index++)\n list[index] = list[index + 1];\n list.pop();\n}\n\nfunction unwrapListeners(arr) {\n var ret = new Array(arr.length);\n for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i) {\n ret[i] = arr[i].listener || arr[i];\n }\n return ret;\n}\n\nfunction once(emitter, name) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n function errorListener(err) {\n emitter.removeListener(name, resolver);\n reject(err);\n }\n\n function resolver() {\n if (typeof emitter.removeListener === 'function') {\n emitter.removeListener('error', errorListener);\n }\n resolve([].slice.call(arguments));\n };\n\n eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name, resolver, { once: true });\n if (name !== 'error') {\n addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, errorListener, { once: true });\n }\n });\n}\n\nfunction addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, handler, flags) {\n if (typeof emitter.on === 'function') {\n eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, 'error', handler, flags);\n }\n}\n\nfunction eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name, listener, flags) {\n if (typeof emitter.on === 'function') {\n if (flags.once) {\n emitter.once(name, listener);\n } else {\n emitter.on(name, listener);\n }\n } else if (typeof emitter.addEventListener === 'function') {\n // EventTarget does not have `error` event semantics like Node\n // EventEmitters, we do not listen for `error` events here.\n emitter.addEventListener(name, function wrapListener(arg) {\n // IE does not have builtin `{ once: true }` support so we\n // have to do it manually.\n if (flags.once) {\n emitter.removeEventListener(name, wrapListener);\n }\n listener(arg);\n });\n } else {\n throw new TypeError('The \"emitter\" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type ' + typeof emitter);\n }\n}\n","'use strict';\n//parse Empty Node as self closing node\nconst buildOptions = require('./util').buildOptions;\n\nconst defaultOptions = {\n attributeNamePrefix: '@_',\n attrNodeName: false,\n textNodeName: '#text',\n ignoreAttributes: true,\n cdataTagName: false,\n cdataPositionChar: '\\\\c',\n format: false,\n indentBy: ' ',\n supressEmptyNode: false,\n tagValueProcessor: function(a) {\n return a;\n },\n attrValueProcessor: function(a) {\n return a;\n },\n};\n\nconst props = [\n 'attributeNamePrefix',\n 'attrNodeName',\n 'textNodeName',\n 'ignoreAttributes',\n 'cdataTagName',\n 'cdataPositionChar',\n 'format',\n 'indentBy',\n 'supressEmptyNode',\n 'tagValueProcessor',\n 'attrValueProcessor',\n 'rootNodeName', //when array as root\n];\n\nfunction Parser(options) {\n this.options = buildOptions(options, defaultOptions, props);\n if (this.options.ignoreAttributes || this.options.attrNodeName) {\n this.isAttribute = function(/*a*/) {\n return false;\n };\n } else {\n this.attrPrefixLen = this.options.attributeNamePrefix.length;\n this.isAttribute = isAttribute;\n }\n if (this.options.cdataTagName) {\n this.isCDATA = isCDATA;\n } else {\n this.isCDATA = function(/*a*/) {\n return false;\n };\n }\n this.replaceCDATAstr = replaceCDATAstr;\n this.replaceCDATAarr = replaceCDATAarr;\n\n this.processTextOrObjNode = processTextOrObjNode\n\n if (this.options.format) {\n this.indentate = indentate;\n this.tagEndChar = '>\\n';\n this.newLine = '\\n';\n } else {\n this.indentate = function() {\n return '';\n };\n this.tagEndChar = '>';\n this.newLine = '';\n }\n\n if (this.options.supressEmptyNode) {\n this.buildTextNode = buildEmptyTextNode;\n this.buildObjNode = buildEmptyObjNode;\n } else {\n this.buildTextNode = buildTextValNode;\n this.buildObjNode = buildObjectNode;\n }\n\n this.buildTextValNode = buildTextValNode;\n this.buildObjectNode = buildObjectNode;\n}\n\nParser.prototype.parse = function(jObj) {\n if(Array.isArray(jObj) && this.options.rootNodeName && this.options.rootNodeName.length > 1){\n jObj = {\n [this.options.rootNodeName] : jObj\n }\n }\n return this.j2x(jObj, 0).val;\n};\n\nParser.prototype.j2x = function(jObj, level) {\n let attrStr = '';\n let val = '';\n for (let key in jObj) {\n if (typeof jObj[key] === 'undefined') {\n // supress undefined node\n } else if (jObj[key] === null) {\n val += this.indentate(level) + '<' + key + '/' + this.tagEndChar;\n } else if (jObj[key] instanceof Date) {\n val += this.buildTextNode(jObj[key], key, '', level);\n } else if (typeof jObj[key] !== 'object') {\n //premitive type\n const attr = this.isAttribute(key);\n if (attr) {\n attrStr += ' ' + attr + '=\"' + this.options.attrValueProcessor('' + jObj[key]) + '\"';\n } else if (this.isCDATA(key)) {\n if (jObj[this.options.textNodeName]) {\n val += this.replaceCDATAstr(jObj[this.options.textNodeName], jObj[key]);\n } else {\n val += this.replaceCDATAstr('', jObj[key]);\n }\n } else {\n //tag value\n if (key === this.options.textNodeName) {\n if (jObj[this.options.cdataTagName]) {\n //value will added while processing cdata\n } else {\n val += this.options.tagValueProcessor('' + jObj[key]);\n }\n } else {\n val += this.buildTextNode(jObj[key], key, '', level);\n }\n }\n } else if (Array.isArray(jObj[key])) {\n //repeated nodes\n if (this.isCDATA(key)) {\n val += this.indentate(level);\n if (jObj[this.options.textNodeName]) {\n val += this.replaceCDATAarr(jObj[this.options.textNodeName], jObj[key]);\n } else {\n val += this.replaceCDATAarr('', jObj[key]);\n }\n } else {\n //nested nodes\n const arrLen = jObj[key].length;\n for (let j = 0; j < arrLen; j++) {\n const item = jObj[key][j];\n if (typeof item === 'undefined') {\n // supress undefined node\n } else if (item === null) {\n val += this.indentate(level) + '<' + key + '/' + this.tagEndChar;\n } else if (typeof item === 'object') {\n val += this.processTextOrObjNode(item, key, level)\n } else {\n val += this.buildTextNode(item, key, '', level);\n }\n }\n }\n } else {\n //nested node\n if (this.options.attrNodeName && key === this.options.attrNodeName) {\n const Ks = Object.keys(jObj[key]);\n const L = Ks.length;\n for (let j = 0; j < L; j++) {\n attrStr += ' ' + Ks[j] + '=\"' + this.options.attrValueProcessor('' + jObj[key][Ks[j]]) + '\"';\n }\n } else {\n val += this.processTextOrObjNode(jObj[key], key, level)\n }\n }\n }\n return {attrStr: attrStr, val: val};\n};\n\nfunction processTextOrObjNode (object, key, level) {\n const result = this.j2x(object, level + 1);\n if (object[this.options.textNodeName] !== undefined && Object.keys(object).length === 1) {\n return this.buildTextNode(result.val, key, result.attrStr, level);\n } else {\n return this.buildObjNode(result.val, key, result.attrStr, level);\n }\n}\n\nfunction replaceCDATAstr(str, cdata) {\n str = this.options.tagValueProcessor('' + str);\n if (this.options.cdataPositionChar === '' || str === '') {\n return str + '');\n }\n return str + this.newLine;\n }\n}\n\nfunction buildObjectNode(val, key, attrStr, level) {\n if (attrStr && val.indexOf('<') === -1) {\n return (\n this.indentate(level) +\n '<' +\n key +\n attrStr +\n '>' +\n val +\n //+ this.newLine\n // + this.indentate(level)\n '' +\n key +\n this.tagEndChar\n );\n } else {\n return (\n this.indentate(level) +\n '<' +\n key +\n attrStr +\n this.tagEndChar +\n val +\n //+ this.newLine\n this.indentate(level) +\n '' +\n key +\n this.tagEndChar\n );\n }\n}\n\nfunction buildEmptyObjNode(val, key, attrStr, level) {\n if (val !== '') {\n return this.buildObjectNode(val, key, attrStr, level);\n } else {\n return this.indentate(level) + '<' + key + attrStr + '/' + this.tagEndChar;\n //+ this.newLine\n }\n}\n\nfunction buildTextValNode(val, key, attrStr, level) {\n return (\n this.indentate(level) +\n '<' +\n key +\n attrStr +\n '>' +\n this.options.tagValueProcessor(val) +\n '' +\n key +\n this.tagEndChar\n );\n}\n\nfunction buildEmptyTextNode(val, key, attrStr, level) {\n if (val !== '') {\n return this.buildTextValNode(val, key, attrStr, level);\n } else {\n return this.indentate(level) + '<' + key + attrStr + '/' + this.tagEndChar;\n }\n}\n\nfunction indentate(level) {\n return this.options.indentBy.repeat(level);\n}\n\nfunction isAttribute(name /*, options*/) {\n if (name.startsWith(this.options.attributeNamePrefix)) {\n return name.substr(this.attrPrefixLen);\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nfunction isCDATA(name) {\n return name === this.options.cdataTagName;\n}\n\n//formatting\n//indentation\n//\\n after each closing or self closing tag\n\nmodule.exports = Parser;\n","'use strict';\nconst char = function(a) {\n return String.fromCharCode(a);\n};\n\nconst chars = {\n nilChar: char(176),\n missingChar: char(201),\n nilPremitive: char(175),\n missingPremitive: char(200),\n\n emptyChar: char(178),\n emptyValue: char(177), //empty Premitive\n\n boundryChar: char(179),\n\n objStart: char(198),\n arrStart: char(204),\n arrayEnd: char(185),\n};\n\nconst charsArr = [\n chars.nilChar,\n chars.nilPremitive,\n chars.missingChar,\n chars.missingPremitive,\n chars.boundryChar,\n chars.emptyChar,\n chars.emptyValue,\n chars.arrayEnd,\n chars.objStart,\n chars.arrStart,\n];\n\nconst _e = function(node, e_schema, options) {\n if (typeof e_schema === 'string') {\n //premitive\n if (node && node[0] && node[0].val !== undefined) {\n return getValue(node[0].val, e_schema);\n } else {\n return getValue(node, e_schema);\n }\n } else {\n const hasValidData = hasData(node);\n if (hasValidData === true) {\n let str = '';\n if (Array.isArray(e_schema)) {\n //attributes can't be repeated. hence check in children tags only\n str += chars.arrStart;\n const itemSchema = e_schema[0];\n //const itemSchemaType = itemSchema;\n const arr_len = node.length;\n\n if (typeof itemSchema === 'string') {\n for (let arr_i = 0; arr_i < arr_len; arr_i++) {\n const r = getValue(node[arr_i].val, itemSchema);\n str = processValue(str, r);\n }\n } else {\n for (let arr_i = 0; arr_i < arr_len; arr_i++) {\n const r = _e(node[arr_i], itemSchema, options);\n str = processValue(str, r);\n }\n }\n str += chars.arrayEnd; //indicates that next item is not array item\n } else {\n //object\n str += chars.objStart;\n const keys = Object.keys(e_schema);\n if (Array.isArray(node)) {\n node = node[0];\n }\n for (let i in keys) {\n const key = keys[i];\n //a property defined in schema can be present either in attrsMap or children tags\n //options.textNodeName will not present in both maps, take it's value from val\n //options.attrNodeName will be present in attrsMap\n let r;\n if (!options.ignoreAttributes && node.attrsMap && node.attrsMap[key]) {\n r = _e(node.attrsMap[key], e_schema[key], options);\n } else if (key === options.textNodeName) {\n r = _e(node.val, e_schema[key], options);\n } else {\n r = _e(node.child[key], e_schema[key], options);\n }\n str = processValue(str, r);\n }\n }\n return str;\n } else {\n return hasValidData;\n }\n }\n};\n\nconst getValue = function(a /*, type*/) {\n switch (a) {\n case undefined:\n return chars.missingPremitive;\n case null:\n return chars.nilPremitive;\n case '':\n return chars.emptyValue;\n default:\n return a;\n }\n};\n\nconst processValue = function(str, r) {\n if (!isAppChar(r[0]) && !isAppChar(str[str.length - 1])) {\n str += chars.boundryChar;\n }\n return str + r;\n};\n\nconst isAppChar = function(ch) {\n return charsArr.indexOf(ch) !== -1;\n};\n\nfunction hasData(jObj) {\n if (jObj === undefined) {\n return chars.missingChar;\n } else if (jObj === null) {\n return chars.nilChar;\n } else if (\n jObj.child &&\n Object.keys(jObj.child).length === 0 &&\n (!jObj.attrsMap || Object.keys(jObj.attrsMap).length === 0)\n ) {\n return chars.emptyChar;\n } else {\n return true;\n }\n}\n\nconst x2j = require('./xmlstr2xmlnode');\nconst buildOptions = require('./util').buildOptions;\n\nconst convert2nimn = function(node, e_schema, options) {\n options = buildOptions(options, x2j.defaultOptions, x2j.props);\n return _e(node, e_schema, options);\n};\n\nexports.convert2nimn = convert2nimn;\n","'use strict';\n\nconst util = require('./util');\n\nconst convertToJson = function(node, options, parentTagName) {\n const jObj = {};\n\n // when no child node or attr is present\n if (!options.alwaysCreateTextNode && (!node.child || util.isEmptyObject(node.child)) && (!node.attrsMap || util.isEmptyObject(node.attrsMap))) {\n return util.isExist(node.val) ? node.val : '';\n }\n\n // otherwise create a textnode if node has some text\n if (util.isExist(node.val) && !(typeof node.val === 'string' && (node.val === '' || node.val === options.cdataPositionChar))) {\n const asArray = util.isTagNameInArrayMode(node.tagname, options.arrayMode, parentTagName)\n jObj[options.textNodeName] = asArray ? [node.val] : node.val;\n }\n\n util.merge(jObj, node.attrsMap, options.arrayMode);\n\n const keys = Object.keys(node.child);\n for (let index = 0; index < keys.length; index++) {\n const tagName = keys[index];\n if (node.child[tagName] && node.child[tagName].length > 1) {\n jObj[tagName] = [];\n for (let tag in node.child[tagName]) {\n if (node.child[tagName].hasOwnProperty(tag)) {\n jObj[tagName].push(convertToJson(node.child[tagName][tag], options, tagName));\n }\n }\n } else {\n const result = convertToJson(node.child[tagName][0], options, tagName);\n const asArray = (options.arrayMode === true && typeof result === 'object') || util.isTagNameInArrayMode(tagName, options.arrayMode, parentTagName);\n jObj[tagName] = asArray ? [result] : result;\n }\n }\n\n //add value\n return jObj;\n};\n\nexports.convertToJson = convertToJson;\n","'use strict';\n\nconst util = require('./util');\nconst buildOptions = require('./util').buildOptions;\nconst x2j = require('./xmlstr2xmlnode');\n\n//TODO: do it later\nconst convertToJsonString = function(node, options) {\n options = buildOptions(options, x2j.defaultOptions, x2j.props);\n\n options.indentBy = options.indentBy || '';\n return _cToJsonStr(node, options, 0);\n};\n\nconst _cToJsonStr = function(node, options, level) {\n let jObj = '{';\n\n //traver through all the children\n const keys = Object.keys(node.child);\n\n for (let index = 0; index < keys.length; index++) {\n const tagname = keys[index];\n if (node.child[tagname] && node.child[tagname].length > 1) {\n jObj += '\"' + tagname + '\" : [ ';\n for (let tag in node.child[tagname]) {\n jObj += _cToJsonStr(node.child[tagname][tag], options) + ' , ';\n }\n jObj = jObj.substr(0, jObj.length - 1) + ' ] '; //remove extra comma in last\n } else {\n jObj += '\"' + tagname + '\" : ' + _cToJsonStr(node.child[tagname][0], options) + ' ,';\n }\n }\n util.merge(jObj, node.attrsMap);\n //add attrsMap as new children\n if (util.isEmptyObject(jObj)) {\n return util.isExist(node.val) ? node.val : '';\n } else {\n if (util.isExist(node.val)) {\n if (!(typeof node.val === 'string' && (node.val === '' || node.val === options.cdataPositionChar))) {\n jObj += '\"' + options.textNodeName + '\" : ' + stringval(node.val);\n }\n }\n }\n //add value\n if (jObj[jObj.length - 1] === ',') {\n jObj = jObj.substr(0, jObj.length - 2);\n }\n return jObj + '}';\n};\n\nfunction stringval(v) {\n if (v === true || v === false || !isNaN(v)) {\n return v;\n } else {\n return '\"' + v + '\"';\n }\n}\n\nfunction indentate(options, level) {\n return options.indentBy.repeat(level);\n}\n\nexports.convertToJsonString = convertToJsonString;\n","'use strict';\n\nconst nodeToJson = require('./node2json');\nconst xmlToNodeobj = require('./xmlstr2xmlnode');\nconst x2xmlnode = require('./xmlstr2xmlnode');\nconst buildOptions = require('./util').buildOptions;\nconst validator = require('./validator');\n\nexports.parse = function(xmlData, givenOptions = {}, validationOption) {\n if( validationOption){\n if(validationOption === true) validationOption = {}\n \n const result = validator.validate(xmlData, validationOption);\n if (result !== true) {\n throw Error( result.err.msg)\n }\n }\n if(givenOptions.parseTrueNumberOnly \n && givenOptions.parseNodeValue !== false\n && !givenOptions.numParseOptions){\n \n givenOptions.numParseOptions = {\n leadingZeros: false,\n }\n }\n let options = buildOptions(givenOptions, x2xmlnode.defaultOptions, x2xmlnode.props);\n\n const traversableObj = xmlToNodeobj.getTraversalObj(xmlData, options)\n //print(traversableObj, \" \");\n return nodeToJson.convertToJson(traversableObj, options);\n};\nexports.convertTonimn = require('./nimndata').convert2nimn;\nexports.getTraversalObj = xmlToNodeobj.getTraversalObj;\nexports.convertToJson = nodeToJson.convertToJson;\nexports.convertToJsonString = require('./node2json_str').convertToJsonString;\nexports.validate = validator.validate;\nexports.j2xParser = require('./json2xml');\nexports.parseToNimn = function(xmlData, schema, options) {\n return exports.convertTonimn(exports.getTraversalObj(xmlData, options), schema, options);\n};\n\n\nfunction print(xmlNode, indentation){\n if(xmlNode){\n console.log(indentation + \"{\")\n console.log(indentation + \" \\\"tagName\\\": \\\"\" + xmlNode.tagname + \"\\\", \");\n if(xmlNode.parent){\n console.log(indentation + \" \\\"parent\\\": \\\"\" + xmlNode.parent.tagname + \"\\\", \");\n }\n console.log(indentation + \" \\\"val\\\": \\\"\" + xmlNode.val + \"\\\", \");\n console.log(indentation + \" \\\"attrs\\\": \" + JSON.stringify(xmlNode.attrsMap,null,4) + \", \");\n\n if(xmlNode.child){\n console.log(indentation + \"\\\"child\\\": {\")\n const indentation2 = indentation + indentation;\n Object.keys(xmlNode.child).forEach( function(key) {\n const node = xmlNode.child[key];\n\n if(Array.isArray(node)){\n console.log(indentation + \"\\\"\"+key+\"\\\" :[\")\n node.forEach( function(item,index) {\n //console.log(indentation + \" \\\"\"+index+\"\\\" : [\")\n print(item, indentation2);\n })\n console.log(indentation + \"],\") \n }else{\n console.log(indentation + \" \\\"\"+key+\"\\\" : {\")\n print(node, indentation2);\n console.log(indentation + \"},\") \n }\n });\n console.log(indentation + \"},\")\n }\n console.log(indentation + \"},\")\n }\n}\n","'use strict';\n\nconst nameStartChar = ':A-Za-z_\\\\u00C0-\\\\u00D6\\\\u00D8-\\\\u00F6\\\\u00F8-\\\\u02FF\\\\u0370-\\\\u037D\\\\u037F-\\\\u1FFF\\\\u200C-\\\\u200D\\\\u2070-\\\\u218F\\\\u2C00-\\\\u2FEF\\\\u3001-\\\\uD7FF\\\\uF900-\\\\uFDCF\\\\uFDF0-\\\\uFFFD';\nconst nameChar = nameStartChar + '\\\\-.\\\\d\\\\u00B7\\\\u0300-\\\\u036F\\\\u203F-\\\\u2040';\nconst nameRegexp = '[' + nameStartChar + '][' + nameChar + ']*'\nconst regexName = new RegExp('^' + nameRegexp + '$');\n\nconst getAllMatches = function(string, regex) {\n const matches = [];\n let match = regex.exec(string);\n while (match) {\n const allmatches = [];\n allmatches.startIndex = regex.lastIndex - match[0].length;\n const len = match.length;\n for (let index = 0; index < len; index++) {\n allmatches.push(match[index]);\n }\n matches.push(allmatches);\n match = regex.exec(string);\n }\n return matches;\n};\n\nconst isName = function(string) {\n const match = regexName.exec(string);\n return !(match === null || typeof match === 'undefined');\n};\n\nexports.isExist = function(v) {\n return typeof v !== 'undefined';\n};\n\nexports.isEmptyObject = function(obj) {\n return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;\n};\n\n/**\n * Copy all the properties of a into b.\n * @param {*} target\n * @param {*} a\n */\nexports.merge = function(target, a, arrayMode) {\n if (a) {\n const keys = Object.keys(a); // will return an array of own properties\n const len = keys.length; //don't make it inline\n for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n if (arrayMode === 'strict') {\n target[keys[i]] = [ a[keys[i]] ];\n } else {\n target[keys[i]] = a[keys[i]];\n }\n }\n }\n};\n/* exports.merge =function (b,a){\n return Object.assign(b,a);\n} */\n\nexports.getValue = function(v) {\n if (exports.isExist(v)) {\n return v;\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n};\n\n// const fakeCall = function(a) {return a;};\n// const fakeCallNoReturn = function() {};\n\nexports.buildOptions = function(options, defaultOptions, props) {\n let newOptions = {};\n if (!options) {\n return defaultOptions; //if there are not options\n }\n\n for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n if (options[props[i]] !== undefined) {\n newOptions[props[i]] = options[props[i]];\n } else {\n newOptions[props[i]] = defaultOptions[props[i]];\n }\n }\n return newOptions;\n};\n\n/**\n * Check if a tag name should be treated as array\n *\n * @param tagName the node tagname\n * @param arrayMode the array mode option\n * @param parentTagName the parent tag name\n * @returns {boolean} true if node should be parsed as array\n */\nexports.isTagNameInArrayMode = function (tagName, arrayMode, parentTagName) {\n if (arrayMode === false) {\n return false;\n } else if (arrayMode instanceof RegExp) {\n return arrayMode.test(tagName);\n } else if (typeof arrayMode === 'function') {\n return !!arrayMode(tagName, parentTagName);\n }\n\n return arrayMode === \"strict\";\n}\n\nexports.isName = isName;\nexports.getAllMatches = getAllMatches;\nexports.nameRegexp = nameRegexp;\n","'use strict';\n\nconst util = require('./util');\n\nconst defaultOptions = {\n allowBooleanAttributes: false, //A tag can have attributes without any value\n};\n\nconst props = ['allowBooleanAttributes'];\n\n//const tagsPattern = new RegExp(\"<\\\\/?([\\\\w:\\\\-_\\.]+)\\\\s*\\/?>\",\"g\");\nexports.validate = function (xmlData, options) {\n options = util.buildOptions(options, defaultOptions, props);\n\n //xmlData = xmlData.replace(/(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)/gm,\"\");//make it single line\n //xmlData = xmlData.replace(/(^\\s*<\\?xml.*?\\?>)/g,\"\");//Remove XML starting tag\n //xmlData = xmlData.replace(/()/g,\"\");//Remove DOCTYPE\n const tags = [];\n let tagFound = false;\n\n //indicates that the root tag has been closed (aka. depth 0 has been reached)\n let reachedRoot = false;\n\n if (xmlData[0] === '\\ufeff') {\n // check for byte order mark (BOM)\n xmlData = xmlData.substr(1);\n }\n\n for (let i = 0; i < xmlData.length; i++) {\n\n if (xmlData[i] === '<' && xmlData[i+1] === '?') {\n i+=2;\n i = readPI(xmlData,i);\n if (i.err) return i;\n }else if (xmlData[i] === '<') {\n //starting of tag\n //read until you reach to '>' avoiding any '>' in attribute value\n let tagStartPos = i;\n i++;\n \n if (xmlData[i] === '!') {\n i = readCommentAndCDATA(xmlData, i);\n continue;\n } else {\n let closingTag = false;\n if (xmlData[i] === '/') {\n //closing tag\n closingTag = true;\n i++;\n }\n //read tagname\n let tagName = '';\n for (; i < xmlData.length &&\n xmlData[i] !== '>' &&\n xmlData[i] !== ' ' &&\n xmlData[i] !== '\\t' &&\n xmlData[i] !== '\\n' &&\n xmlData[i] !== '\\r'; i++\n ) {\n tagName += xmlData[i];\n }\n tagName = tagName.trim();\n //console.log(tagName);\n\n if (tagName[tagName.length - 1] === '/') {\n //self closing tag without attributes\n tagName = tagName.substring(0, tagName.length - 1);\n //continue;\n i--;\n }\n if (!validateTagName(tagName)) {\n let msg;\n if (tagName.trim().length === 0) {\n msg = \"Invalid space after '<'.\";\n } else {\n msg = \"Tag '\"+tagName+\"' is an invalid name.\";\n }\n return getErrorObject('InvalidTag', msg, getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i));\n }\n\n const result = readAttributeStr(xmlData, i);\n if (result === false) {\n return getErrorObject('InvalidAttr', \"Attributes for '\"+tagName+\"' have open quote.\", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i));\n }\n let attrStr = result.value;\n i = result.index;\n\n if (attrStr[attrStr.length - 1] === '/') {\n //self closing tag\n const attrStrStart = i - attrStr.length;\n attrStr = attrStr.substring(0, attrStr.length - 1);\n const isValid = validateAttributeString(attrStr, options);\n if (isValid === true) {\n tagFound = true;\n //continue; //text may presents after self closing tag\n } else {\n //the result from the nested function returns the position of the error within the attribute\n //in order to get the 'true' error line, we need to calculate the position where the attribute begins (i - attrStr.length) and then add the position within the attribute\n //this gives us the absolute index in the entire xml, which we can use to find the line at last\n return getErrorObject(isValid.err.code, isValid.err.msg, getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, attrStrStart + isValid.err.line));\n }\n } else if (closingTag) {\n if (!result.tagClosed) {\n return getErrorObject('InvalidTag', \"Closing tag '\"+tagName+\"' doesn't have proper closing.\", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i));\n } else if (attrStr.trim().length > 0) {\n return getErrorObject('InvalidTag', \"Closing tag '\"+tagName+\"' can't have attributes or invalid starting.\", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, tagStartPos));\n } else {\n const otg = tags.pop();\n if (tagName !== otg.tagName) {\n let openPos = getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, otg.tagStartPos);\n return getErrorObject('InvalidTag',\n \"Expected closing tag '\"+otg.tagName+\"' (opened in line \"+openPos.line+\", col \"+openPos.col+\") instead of closing tag '\"+tagName+\"'.\",\n getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, tagStartPos));\n }\n\n //when there are no more tags, we reached the root level.\n if (tags.length == 0) {\n reachedRoot = true;\n }\n }\n } else {\n const isValid = validateAttributeString(attrStr, options);\n if (isValid !== true) {\n //the result from the nested function returns the position of the error within the attribute\n //in order to get the 'true' error line, we need to calculate the position where the attribute begins (i - attrStr.length) and then add the position within the attribute\n //this gives us the absolute index in the entire xml, which we can use to find the line at last\n return getErrorObject(isValid.err.code, isValid.err.msg, getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i - attrStr.length + isValid.err.line));\n }\n\n //if the root level has been reached before ...\n if (reachedRoot === true) {\n return getErrorObject('InvalidXml', 'Multiple possible root nodes found.', getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i));\n } else {\n tags.push({tagName, tagStartPos});\n }\n tagFound = true;\n }\n\n //skip tag text value\n //It may include comments and CDATA value\n for (i++; i < xmlData.length; i++) {\n if (xmlData[i] === '<') {\n if (xmlData[i + 1] === '!') {\n //comment or CADATA\n i++;\n i = readCommentAndCDATA(xmlData, i);\n continue;\n } else if (xmlData[i+1] === '?') {\n i = readPI(xmlData, ++i);\n if (i.err) return i;\n } else{\n break;\n }\n } else if (xmlData[i] === '&') {\n const afterAmp = validateAmpersand(xmlData, i);\n if (afterAmp == -1)\n return getErrorObject('InvalidChar', \"char '&' is not expected.\", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i));\n i = afterAmp;\n }\n } //end of reading tag text value\n if (xmlData[i] === '<') {\n i--;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (xmlData[i] === ' ' || xmlData[i] === '\\t' || xmlData[i] === '\\n' || xmlData[i] === '\\r') {\n continue;\n }\n return getErrorObject('InvalidChar', \"char '\"+xmlData[i]+\"' is not expected.\", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i));\n }\n }\n\n if (!tagFound) {\n return getErrorObject('InvalidXml', 'Start tag expected.', 1);\n }else if (tags.length == 1) {\n return getErrorObject('InvalidTag', \"Unclosed tag '\"+tags[0].tagName+\"'.\", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, tags[0].tagStartPos));\n }else if (tags.length > 0) {\n return getErrorObject('InvalidXml', \"Invalid '\"+\n JSON.stringify(tags.map(t => t.tagName), null, 4).replace(/\\r?\\n/g, '')+\n \"' found.\", {line: 1, col: 1});\n }\n\n return true;\n};\n\n/**\n * Read Processing insstructions and skip\n * @param {*} xmlData\n * @param {*} i\n */\nfunction readPI(xmlData, i) {\n const start = i;\n for (; i < xmlData.length; i++) {\n if (xmlData[i] == '?' || xmlData[i] == ' ') {\n //tagname\n const tagname = xmlData.substr(start, i - start);\n if (i > 5 && tagname === 'xml') {\n return getErrorObject('InvalidXml', 'XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document.', getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i));\n } else if (xmlData[i] == '?' && xmlData[i + 1] == '>') {\n //check if valid attribut string\n i++;\n break;\n } else {\n continue;\n }\n }\n }\n return i;\n}\n\nfunction readCommentAndCDATA(xmlData, i) {\n if (xmlData.length > i + 5 && xmlData[i + 1] === '-' && xmlData[i + 2] === '-') {\n //comment\n for (i += 3; i < xmlData.length; i++) {\n if (xmlData[i] === '-' && xmlData[i + 1] === '-' && xmlData[i + 2] === '>') {\n i += 2;\n break;\n }\n }\n } else if (\n xmlData.length > i + 8 &&\n xmlData[i + 1] === 'D' &&\n xmlData[i + 2] === 'O' &&\n xmlData[i + 3] === 'C' &&\n xmlData[i + 4] === 'T' &&\n xmlData[i + 5] === 'Y' &&\n xmlData[i + 6] === 'P' &&\n xmlData[i + 7] === 'E'\n ) {\n let angleBracketsCount = 1;\n for (i += 8; i < xmlData.length; i++) {\n if (xmlData[i] === '<') {\n angleBracketsCount++;\n } else if (xmlData[i] === '>') {\n angleBracketsCount--;\n if (angleBracketsCount === 0) {\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n } else if (\n xmlData.length > i + 9 &&\n xmlData[i + 1] === '[' &&\n xmlData[i + 2] === 'C' &&\n xmlData[i + 3] === 'D' &&\n xmlData[i + 4] === 'A' &&\n xmlData[i + 5] === 'T' &&\n xmlData[i + 6] === 'A' &&\n xmlData[i + 7] === '['\n ) {\n for (i += 8; i < xmlData.length; i++) {\n if (xmlData[i] === ']' && xmlData[i + 1] === ']' && xmlData[i + 2] === '>') {\n i += 2;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return i;\n}\n\nconst doubleQuote = '\"';\nconst singleQuote = \"'\";\n\n/**\n * Keep reading xmlData until '<' is found outside the attribute value.\n * @param {string} xmlData\n * @param {number} i\n */\nfunction readAttributeStr(xmlData, i) {\n let attrStr = '';\n let startChar = '';\n let tagClosed = false;\n for (; i < xmlData.length; i++) {\n if (xmlData[i] === doubleQuote || xmlData[i] === singleQuote) {\n if (startChar === '') {\n startChar = xmlData[i];\n } else if (startChar !== xmlData[i]) {\n //if vaue is enclosed with double quote then single quotes are allowed inside the value and vice versa\n } else {\n startChar = '';\n }\n } else if (xmlData[i] === '>') {\n if (startChar === '') {\n tagClosed = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n attrStr += xmlData[i];\n }\n if (startChar !== '') {\n return false;\n }\n\n return {\n value: attrStr,\n index: i,\n tagClosed: tagClosed\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Select all the attributes whether valid or invalid.\n */\nconst validAttrStrRegxp = new RegExp('(\\\\s*)([^\\\\s=]+)(\\\\s*=)?(\\\\s*([\\'\"])(([\\\\s\\\\S])*?)\\\\5)?', 'g');\n\n//attr, =\"sd\", a=\"amit's\", a=\"sd\"b=\"saf\", ab cd=\"\"\n\nfunction validateAttributeString(attrStr, options) {\n //console.log(\"start:\"+attrStr+\":end\");\n\n //if(attrStr.trim().length === 0) return true; //empty string\n\n const matches = util.getAllMatches(attrStr, validAttrStrRegxp);\n const attrNames = {};\n\n for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {\n if (matches[i][1].length === 0) {\n //nospace before attribute name: a=\"sd\"b=\"saf\"\n return getErrorObject('InvalidAttr', \"Attribute '\"+matches[i][2]+\"' has no space in starting.\", getPositionFromMatch(matches[i]))\n } else if (matches[i][3] === undefined && !options.allowBooleanAttributes) {\n //independent attribute: ab\n return getErrorObject('InvalidAttr', \"boolean attribute '\"+matches[i][2]+\"' is not allowed.\", getPositionFromMatch(matches[i]));\n }\n /* else if(matches[i][6] === undefined){//attribute without value: ab=\n return { err: { code:\"InvalidAttr\",msg:\"attribute \" + matches[i][2] + \" has no value assigned.\"}};\n } */\n const attrName = matches[i][2];\n if (!validateAttrName(attrName)) {\n return getErrorObject('InvalidAttr', \"Attribute '\"+attrName+\"' is an invalid name.\", getPositionFromMatch(matches[i]));\n }\n if (!attrNames.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) {\n //check for duplicate attribute.\n attrNames[attrName] = 1;\n } else {\n return getErrorObject('InvalidAttr', \"Attribute '\"+attrName+\"' is repeated.\", getPositionFromMatch(matches[i]));\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction validateNumberAmpersand(xmlData, i) {\n let re = /\\d/;\n if (xmlData[i] === 'x') {\n i++;\n re = /[\\da-fA-F]/;\n }\n for (; i < xmlData.length; i++) {\n if (xmlData[i] === ';')\n return i;\n if (!xmlData[i].match(re))\n break;\n }\n return -1;\n}\n\nfunction validateAmpersand(xmlData, i) {\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#dt-charref\n i++;\n if (xmlData[i] === ';')\n return -1;\n if (xmlData[i] === '#') {\n i++;\n return validateNumberAmpersand(xmlData, i);\n }\n let count = 0;\n for (; i < xmlData.length; i++, count++) {\n if (xmlData[i].match(/\\w/) && count < 20)\n continue;\n if (xmlData[i] === ';')\n break;\n return -1;\n }\n return i;\n}\n\nfunction getErrorObject(code, message, lineNumber) {\n return {\n err: {\n code: code,\n msg: message,\n line: lineNumber.line || lineNumber,\n col: lineNumber.col,\n },\n };\n}\n\nfunction validateAttrName(attrName) {\n return util.isName(attrName);\n}\n\n// const startsWithXML = /^xml/i;\n\nfunction validateTagName(tagname) {\n return util.isName(tagname) /* && !tagname.match(startsWithXML) */;\n}\n\n//this function returns the line number for the character at the given index\nfunction getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, index) {\n const lines = xmlData.substring(0, index).split(/\\r?\\n/);\n return {\n line: lines.length,\n\n // column number is last line's length + 1, because column numbering starts at 1:\n col: lines[lines.length - 1].length + 1\n };\n}\n\n//this function returns the position of the first character of match within attrStr\nfunction getPositionFromMatch(match) {\n return match.startIndex + match[1].length;\n}\n","'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = function(tagname, parent, val) {\n this.tagname = tagname;\n this.parent = parent;\n this.child = {}; //child tags\n this.attrsMap = {}; //attributes map\n this.val = val; //text only\n this.addChild = function(child) {\n if (Array.isArray(this.child[child.tagname])) {\n //already presents\n this.child[child.tagname].push(child);\n } else {\n this.child[child.tagname] = [child];\n }\n };\n};\n","'use strict';\n\nconst util = require('./util');\nconst buildOptions = require('./util').buildOptions;\nconst xmlNode = require('./xmlNode');\nconst toNumber = require(\"strnum\");\n\nconst regx =\n '<((!\\\\[CDATA\\\\[([\\\\s\\\\S]*?)(]]>))|((NAME:)?(NAME))([^>]*)>|((\\\\/)(NAME)\\\\s*>))([^<]*)'\n .replace(/NAME/g, util.nameRegexp);\n\n//const tagsRegx = new RegExp(\"<(\\\\/?[\\\\w:\\\\-\\._]+)([^>]*)>(\\\\s*\"+cdataRegx+\")*([^<]+)?\",\"g\");\n//const tagsRegx = new RegExp(\"<(\\\\/?)((\\\\w*:)?([\\\\w:\\\\-\\._]+))([^>]*)>([^<]*)(\"+cdataRegx+\"([^<]*))*([^<]+)?\",\"g\");\n\n//polyfill\nif (!Number.parseInt && window.parseInt) {\n Number.parseInt = window.parseInt;\n}\nif (!Number.parseFloat && window.parseFloat) {\n Number.parseFloat = window.parseFloat;\n}\n\nconst defaultOptions = {\n attributeNamePrefix: '@_',\n attrNodeName: false,\n textNodeName: '#text',\n ignoreAttributes: true,\n ignoreNameSpace: false,\n allowBooleanAttributes: false, //a tag can have attributes without any value\n //ignoreRootElement : false,\n parseNodeValue: true,\n parseAttributeValue: false,\n arrayMode: false,\n trimValues: true, //Trim string values of tag and attributes\n cdataTagName: false,\n cdataPositionChar: '\\\\c',\n numParseOptions: {\n hex: true,\n leadingZeros: true\n },\n tagValueProcessor: function(a, tagName) {\n return a;\n },\n attrValueProcessor: function(a, attrName) {\n return a;\n },\n stopNodes: [],\n alwaysCreateTextNode: false\n //decodeStrict: false,\n};\n\nexports.defaultOptions = defaultOptions;\n\nconst props = [\n 'attributeNamePrefix',\n 'attrNodeName',\n 'textNodeName',\n 'ignoreAttributes',\n 'ignoreNameSpace',\n 'allowBooleanAttributes',\n 'parseNodeValue',\n 'parseAttributeValue',\n 'arrayMode',\n 'trimValues',\n 'cdataTagName',\n 'cdataPositionChar',\n 'tagValueProcessor',\n 'attrValueProcessor',\n 'parseTrueNumberOnly',\n 'numParseOptions',\n 'stopNodes',\n 'alwaysCreateTextNode'\n];\nexports.props = props;\n\n/**\n * Trim -> valueProcessor -> parse value\n * @param {string} tagName\n * @param {string} val\n * @param {object} options\n */\nfunction processTagValue(tagName, val, options) {\n if (val) {\n if (options.trimValues) {\n val = val.trim();\n }\n val = options.tagValueProcessor(val, tagName);\n val = parseValue(val, options.parseNodeValue, options.numParseOptions);\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nfunction resolveNameSpace(tagname, options) {\n if (options.ignoreNameSpace) {\n const tags = tagname.split(':');\n const prefix = tagname.charAt(0) === '/' ? '/' : '';\n if (tags[0] === 'xmlns') {\n return '';\n }\n if (tags.length === 2) {\n tagname = prefix + tags[1];\n }\n }\n return tagname;\n}\n\nfunction parseValue(val, shouldParse, options) {\n if (shouldParse && typeof val === 'string') {\n //console.log(options)\n const newval = val.trim();\n if(newval === 'true' ) return true;\n else if(newval === 'false' ) return false;\n else return toNumber(val, options);\n } else {\n if (util.isExist(val)) {\n return val;\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n }\n}\n\n//TODO: change regex to capture NS\n//const attrsRegx = new RegExp(\"([\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.\\\\:]+)\\\\s*=\\\\s*(['\\\"])((.|\\n)*?)\\\\2\",\"gm\");\nconst attrsRegx = new RegExp('([^\\\\s=]+)\\\\s*(=\\\\s*([\\'\"])(.*?)\\\\3)?', 'g');\n\nfunction buildAttributesMap(attrStr, options) {\n if (!options.ignoreAttributes && typeof attrStr === 'string') {\n attrStr = attrStr.replace(/\\r?\\n/g, ' ');\n //attrStr = attrStr || attrStr.trim();\n\n const matches = util.getAllMatches(attrStr, attrsRegx);\n const len = matches.length; //don't make it inline\n const attrs = {};\n for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n const attrName = resolveNameSpace(matches[i][1], options);\n if (attrName.length) {\n if (matches[i][4] !== undefined) {\n if (options.trimValues) {\n matches[i][4] = matches[i][4].trim();\n }\n matches[i][4] = options.attrValueProcessor(matches[i][4], attrName);\n attrs[options.attributeNamePrefix + attrName] = parseValue(\n matches[i][4],\n options.parseAttributeValue,\n options.numParseOptions\n );\n } else if (options.allowBooleanAttributes) {\n attrs[options.attributeNamePrefix + attrName] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!Object.keys(attrs).length) {\n return;\n }\n if (options.attrNodeName) {\n const attrCollection = {};\n attrCollection[options.attrNodeName] = attrs;\n return attrCollection;\n }\n return attrs;\n }\n}\n\nconst getTraversalObj = function(xmlData, options) {\n xmlData = xmlData.replace(/\\r\\n?/g, \"\\n\");\n options = buildOptions(options, defaultOptions, props);\n const xmlObj = new xmlNode('!xml');\n let currentNode = xmlObj;\n let textData = \"\";\n\n//function match(xmlData){\n for(let i=0; i< xmlData.length; i++){\n const ch = xmlData[i];\n if(ch === '<'){\n if( xmlData[i+1] === '/') {//Closing Tag\n const closeIndex = findClosingIndex(xmlData, \">\", i, \"Closing Tag is not closed.\")\n let tagName = xmlData.substring(i+2,closeIndex).trim();\n\n if(options.ignoreNameSpace){\n const colonIndex = tagName.indexOf(\":\");\n if(colonIndex !== -1){\n tagName = tagName.substr(colonIndex+1);\n }\n }\n\n /* if (currentNode.parent) {\n currentNode.parent.val = util.getValue(currentNode.parent.val) + '' + processTagValue2(tagName, textData , options);\n } */\n if(currentNode){\n if(currentNode.val){\n currentNode.val = util.getValue(currentNode.val) + '' + processTagValue(tagName, textData , options);\n }else{\n currentNode.val = processTagValue(tagName, textData , options);\n }\n }\n\n if (options.stopNodes.length && options.stopNodes.includes(currentNode.tagname)) {\n currentNode.child = []\n if (currentNode.attrsMap == undefined) { currentNode.attrsMap = {}}\n currentNode.val = xmlData.substr(currentNode.startIndex + 1, i - currentNode.startIndex - 1)\n }\n currentNode = currentNode.parent;\n textData = \"\";\n i = closeIndex;\n } else if( xmlData[i+1] === '?') {\n i = findClosingIndex(xmlData, \"?>\", i, \"Pi Tag is not closed.\")\n } else if(xmlData.substr(i + 1, 3) === '!--') {\n i = findClosingIndex(xmlData, \"-->\", i, \"Comment is not closed.\")\n } else if( xmlData.substr(i + 1, 2) === '!D') {\n const closeIndex = findClosingIndex(xmlData, \">\", i, \"DOCTYPE is not closed.\")\n const tagExp = xmlData.substring(i, closeIndex);\n if(tagExp.indexOf(\"[\") >= 0){\n i = xmlData.indexOf(\"]>\", i) + 1;\n }else{\n i = closeIndex;\n }\n }else if(xmlData.substr(i + 1, 2) === '![') {\n const closeIndex = findClosingIndex(xmlData, \"]]>\", i, \"CDATA is not closed.\") - 2\n const tagExp = xmlData.substring(i + 9,closeIndex);\n\n //considerations\n //1. CDATA will always have parent node\n //2. A tag with CDATA is not a leaf node so it's value would be string type.\n if(textData){\n currentNode.val = util.getValue(currentNode.val) + '' + processTagValue(currentNode.tagname, textData , options);\n textData = \"\";\n }\n\n if (options.cdataTagName) {\n //add cdata node\n const childNode = new xmlNode(options.cdataTagName, currentNode, tagExp);\n currentNode.addChild(childNode);\n //for backtracking\n currentNode.val = util.getValue(currentNode.val) + options.cdataPositionChar;\n //add rest value to parent node\n if (tagExp) {\n childNode.val = tagExp;\n }\n } else {\n currentNode.val = (currentNode.val || '') + (tagExp || '');\n }\n\n i = closeIndex + 2;\n }else {//Opening tag\n const result = closingIndexForOpeningTag(xmlData, i+1)\n let tagExp = result.data;\n const closeIndex = result.index;\n const separatorIndex = tagExp.indexOf(\" \");\n let tagName = tagExp;\n let shouldBuildAttributesMap = true;\n if(separatorIndex !== -1){\n tagName = tagExp.substr(0, separatorIndex).replace(/\\s\\s*$/, '');\n tagExp = tagExp.substr(separatorIndex + 1);\n }\n\n if(options.ignoreNameSpace){\n const colonIndex = tagName.indexOf(\":\");\n if(colonIndex !== -1){\n tagName = tagName.substr(colonIndex+1);\n shouldBuildAttributesMap = tagName !== result.data.substr(colonIndex + 1);\n }\n }\n\n //save text to parent node\n if (currentNode && textData) {\n if(currentNode.tagname !== '!xml'){\n currentNode.val = util.getValue(currentNode.val) + '' + processTagValue( currentNode.tagname, textData, options);\n }\n }\n\n if(tagExp.length > 0 && tagExp.lastIndexOf(\"/\") === tagExp.length - 1){//selfClosing tag\n\n if(tagName[tagName.length - 1] === \"/\"){ //remove trailing '/'\n tagName = tagName.substr(0, tagName.length - 1);\n tagExp = tagName;\n }else{\n tagExp = tagExp.substr(0, tagExp.length - 1);\n }\n\n const childNode = new xmlNode(tagName, currentNode, '');\n if(tagName !== tagExp){\n childNode.attrsMap = buildAttributesMap(tagExp, options);\n }\n currentNode.addChild(childNode);\n }else{//opening tag\n\n const childNode = new xmlNode( tagName, currentNode );\n if (options.stopNodes.length && options.stopNodes.includes(childNode.tagname)) {\n childNode.startIndex=closeIndex;\n }\n if(tagName !== tagExp && shouldBuildAttributesMap){\n childNode.attrsMap = buildAttributesMap(tagExp, options);\n }\n currentNode.addChild(childNode);\n currentNode = childNode;\n }\n textData = \"\";\n i = closeIndex;\n }\n }else{\n textData += xmlData[i];\n }\n }\n return xmlObj;\n}\n\nfunction closingIndexForOpeningTag(data, i){\n let attrBoundary;\n let tagExp = \"\";\n for (let index = i; index < data.length; index++) {\n let ch = data[index];\n if (attrBoundary) {\n if (ch === attrBoundary) attrBoundary = \"\";//reset\n } else if (ch === '\"' || ch === \"'\") {\n attrBoundary = ch;\n } else if (ch === '>') {\n return {\n data: tagExp,\n index: index\n }\n } else if (ch === '\\t') {\n ch = \" \"\n }\n tagExp += ch;\n }\n}\n\nfunction findClosingIndex(xmlData, str, i, errMsg){\n const closingIndex = xmlData.indexOf(str, i);\n if(closingIndex === -1){\n throw new Error(errMsg)\n }else{\n return closingIndex + str.length - 1;\n }\n}\n\nexports.getTraversalObj = getTraversalObj;\n","function getBasePlacement(placement) {\n return placement.split('-')[0];\n}\n\nfunction getAlignment(placement) {\n return placement.split('-')[1];\n}\n\nfunction getMainAxisFromPlacement(placement) {\n return ['top', 'bottom'].includes(getBasePlacement(placement)) ? 'x' : 'y';\n}\n\nfunction getLengthFromAxis(axis) {\n return axis === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width';\n}\n\nfunction computeCoordsFromPlacement(_ref) {\n let {\n reference,\n floating,\n placement\n } = _ref;\n const commonX = reference.x + reference.width / 2 - floating.width / 2;\n const commonY = reference.y + reference.height / 2 - floating.height / 2;\n let coords;\n\n switch (getBasePlacement(placement)) {\n case 'top':\n coords = {\n x: commonX,\n y: reference.y - floating.height\n };\n break;\n\n case 'bottom':\n coords = {\n x: commonX,\n y: reference.y + reference.height\n };\n break;\n\n case 'right':\n coords = {\n x: reference.x + reference.width,\n y: commonY\n };\n break;\n\n case 'left':\n coords = {\n x: reference.x - floating.width,\n y: commonY\n };\n break;\n\n default:\n coords = {\n x: reference.x,\n y: reference.y\n };\n }\n\n const mainAxis = getMainAxisFromPlacement(placement);\n const length = getLengthFromAxis(mainAxis);\n\n switch (getAlignment(placement)) {\n case 'start':\n coords[mainAxis] = coords[mainAxis] - (reference[length] / 2 - floating[length] / 2);\n break;\n\n case 'end':\n coords[mainAxis] = coords[mainAxis] + (reference[length] / 2 - floating[length] / 2);\n break;\n }\n\n return coords;\n}\n\nconst computePosition = async (reference, floating, config) => {\n const {\n placement = 'bottom',\n strategy = 'absolute',\n middleware = [],\n platform\n } = config;\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n if (platform == null) {\n console.error(['Floating UI: `platform` property was not passed to config. If you', 'want to use Floating UI on the web, install @floating-ui/dom', 'instead of the /core package. Otherwise, you can create your own', '`platform`: https://floating-ui.com/docs/platform'].join(' '));\n }\n\n if (middleware.filter(_ref => {\n let {\n name\n } = _ref;\n return name === 'autoPlacement' || name === 'flip';\n }).length > 1) {\n throw new Error(['Floating UI: duplicate `flip` and/or `autoPlacement`', 'middleware detected. This will lead to an infinite loop. Ensure only', 'one of either has been passed to the `middleware` array.'].join(' '));\n }\n }\n\n let rects = await platform.getElementRects({\n reference,\n floating,\n strategy\n });\n let {\n x,\n y\n } = computeCoordsFromPlacement({ ...rects,\n placement\n });\n let statefulPlacement = placement;\n let middlewareData = {};\n let _debug_loop_count_ = 0;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < middleware.length; i++) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n _debug_loop_count_++;\n\n if (_debug_loop_count_ > 100) {\n throw new Error(['Floating UI: The middleware lifecycle appears to be', 'running in an infinite loop. This is usually caused by a `reset`', 'continually being returned without a break condition.'].join(' '));\n }\n }\n\n const {\n name,\n fn\n } = middleware[i];\n const {\n x: nextX,\n y: nextY,\n data,\n reset\n } = await fn({\n x,\n y,\n initialPlacement: placement,\n placement: statefulPlacement,\n strategy,\n middlewareData,\n rects,\n platform,\n elements: {\n reference,\n floating\n }\n });\n x = nextX != null ? nextX : x;\n y = nextY != null ? nextY : y;\n middlewareData = { ...middlewareData,\n [name]: data != null ? data : {}\n };\n\n if (reset) {\n if (typeof reset === 'object') {\n if (reset.placement) {\n statefulPlacement = reset.placement;\n }\n\n if (reset.rects) {\n rects = reset.rects === true ? await platform.getElementRects({\n reference,\n floating,\n strategy\n }) : reset.rects;\n }\n\n ({\n x,\n y\n } = computeCoordsFromPlacement({ ...rects,\n placement: statefulPlacement\n }));\n }\n\n i = -1;\n continue;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n x,\n y,\n placement: statefulPlacement,\n strategy,\n middlewareData\n };\n};\n\nfunction expandPaddingObject(padding) {\n return {\n top: 0,\n right: 0,\n bottom: 0,\n left: 0,\n ...padding\n };\n}\n\nfunction getSideObjectFromPadding(padding) {\n return typeof padding !== 'number' ? expandPaddingObject(padding) : {\n top: padding,\n right: padding,\n bottom: padding,\n left: padding\n };\n}\n\nfunction rectToClientRect(rect) {\n return { ...rect,\n top: rect.y,\n left: rect.x,\n right: rect.x + rect.width,\n bottom: rect.y + rect.height\n };\n}\n\nasync function detectOverflow(middlewareArguments, options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n const {\n x,\n y,\n platform,\n rects,\n elements,\n strategy\n } = middlewareArguments;\n const {\n boundary = 'clippingParents',\n rootBoundary = 'viewport',\n elementContext = 'floating',\n altBoundary = false,\n padding = 0\n } = options;\n const paddingObject = getSideObjectFromPadding(padding);\n const altContext = elementContext === 'floating' ? 'reference' : 'floating';\n const element = elements[altBoundary ? altContext : elementContext];\n const clippingClientRect = await platform.getClippingClientRect({\n element: (await platform.isElement(element)) ? element : element.contextElement || (await platform.getDocumentElement({\n element: elements.floating\n })),\n boundary,\n rootBoundary\n });\n const elementClientRect = rectToClientRect(await platform.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect({\n rect: elementContext === 'floating' ? { ...rects.floating,\n x,\n y\n } : rects.reference,\n offsetParent: await platform.getOffsetParent({\n element: elements.floating\n }),\n strategy\n })); // positive = overflowing the clipping rect\n // 0 or negative = within the clipping rect\n\n return {\n top: clippingClientRect.top - elementClientRect.top + paddingObject.top,\n bottom: elementClientRect.bottom - clippingClientRect.bottom + paddingObject.bottom,\n left: clippingClientRect.left - elementClientRect.left + paddingObject.left,\n right: elementClientRect.right - clippingClientRect.right + paddingObject.right\n };\n}\n\nconst min = Math.min;\nconst max = Math.max;\n\nfunction within(min$1, value, max$1) {\n return max(min$1, min(value, max$1));\n}\n\nconst arrow = options => ({\n name: 'arrow',\n options,\n\n async fn(middlewareArguments) {\n // Since `element` is required, we don't Partial<> the type\n const {\n element,\n padding = 0\n } = options != null ? options : {};\n const {\n x,\n y,\n placement,\n rects,\n platform\n } = middlewareArguments;\n\n if (element == null) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n console.warn('Floating UI: No `element` was passed to the `arrow` middleware.');\n }\n\n return {};\n }\n\n const paddingObject = getSideObjectFromPadding(padding);\n const coords = {\n x,\n y\n };\n const basePlacement = getBasePlacement(placement);\n const axis = getMainAxisFromPlacement(basePlacement);\n const length = getLengthFromAxis(axis);\n const arrowDimensions = await platform.getDimensions({\n element\n });\n const minProp = axis === 'y' ? 'top' : 'left';\n const maxProp = axis === 'y' ? 'bottom' : 'right';\n const endDiff = rects.reference[length] + rects.reference[axis] - coords[axis] - rects.floating[length];\n const startDiff = coords[axis] - rects.reference[axis];\n const arrowOffsetParent = await platform.getOffsetParent({\n element\n });\n const clientSize = arrowOffsetParent ? axis === 'y' ? arrowOffsetParent.clientHeight || 0 : arrowOffsetParent.clientWidth || 0 : 0;\n const centerToReference = endDiff / 2 - startDiff / 2; // Make sure the arrow doesn't overflow the floating element if the center\n // point is outside of the floating element's bounds\n\n const min = paddingObject[minProp];\n const max = clientSize - arrowDimensions[length] - paddingObject[maxProp];\n const center = clientSize / 2 - arrowDimensions[length] / 2 + centerToReference;\n const offset = within(min, center, max);\n return {\n data: {\n [axis]: offset,\n centerOffset: center - offset\n }\n };\n }\n\n});\n\nconst hash$1 = {\n left: 'right',\n right: 'left',\n bottom: 'top',\n top: 'bottom'\n};\nfunction getOppositePlacement(placement) {\n return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, matched => hash$1[matched]);\n}\n\nfunction getAlignmentSides(placement, rects) {\n const isStart = getAlignment(placement) === 'start';\n const mainAxis = getMainAxisFromPlacement(placement);\n const length = getLengthFromAxis(mainAxis);\n let mainAlignmentSide = mainAxis === 'x' ? isStart ? 'right' : 'left' : isStart ? 'bottom' : 'top';\n\n if (rects.reference[length] > rects.floating[length]) {\n mainAlignmentSide = getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide);\n }\n\n return {\n main: mainAlignmentSide,\n cross: getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide)\n };\n}\n\nconst hash = {\n start: 'end',\n end: 'start'\n};\nfunction getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement) {\n return placement.replace(/start|end/g, matched => hash[matched]);\n}\n\nconst basePlacements = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];\nconst allPlacements = /*#__PURE__*/basePlacements.reduce((acc, basePlacement) => acc.concat(basePlacement, basePlacement + \"-start\", basePlacement + \"-end\"), []);\n\nfunction getPlacementList(alignment, autoAlignment, allowedPlacements) {\n const allowedPlacementsSortedByAlignment = alignment ? [...allowedPlacements.filter(placement => getAlignment(placement) === alignment), ...allowedPlacements.filter(placement => getAlignment(placement) !== alignment)] : allowedPlacements.filter(placement => getBasePlacement(placement) === placement);\n return allowedPlacementsSortedByAlignment.filter(placement => {\n if (alignment) {\n return getAlignment(placement) === alignment || (autoAlignment ? getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement) !== placement : false);\n }\n\n return true;\n });\n}\nconst autoPlacement = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n return {\n name: 'autoPlacement',\n options,\n\n async fn(middlewareArguments) {\n var _middlewareData$autoP, _middlewareData$autoP2, _middlewareData$autoP3, _middlewareData$autoP4, _middlewareData$autoP5, _placementsSortedByLe;\n\n const {\n x,\n y,\n rects,\n middlewareData,\n placement\n } = middlewareArguments;\n const {\n alignment = null,\n allowedPlacements = allPlacements,\n autoAlignment = true,\n ...detectOverflowOptions\n } = options;\n\n if ((_middlewareData$autoP = middlewareData.autoPlacement) != null && _middlewareData$autoP.skip) {\n return {};\n }\n\n const placements = getPlacementList(alignment, autoAlignment, allowedPlacements);\n const overflow = await detectOverflow(middlewareArguments, detectOverflowOptions);\n const currentIndex = (_middlewareData$autoP2 = (_middlewareData$autoP3 = middlewareData.autoPlacement) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$autoP3.index) != null ? _middlewareData$autoP2 : 0;\n const currentPlacement = placements[currentIndex];\n const {\n main,\n cross\n } = getAlignmentSides(currentPlacement, rects); // Make `computeCoords` start from the right place\n\n if (placement !== currentPlacement) {\n return {\n x,\n y,\n reset: {\n placement: placements[0]\n }\n };\n }\n\n const currentOverflows = [overflow[getBasePlacement(currentPlacement)], overflow[main], overflow[cross]];\n const allOverflows = [...((_middlewareData$autoP4 = (_middlewareData$autoP5 = middlewareData.autoPlacement) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$autoP5.overflows) != null ? _middlewareData$autoP4 : []), {\n placement: currentPlacement,\n overflows: currentOverflows\n }];\n const nextPlacement = placements[currentIndex + 1]; // There are more placements to check\n\n if (nextPlacement) {\n return {\n data: {\n index: currentIndex + 1,\n overflows: allOverflows\n },\n reset: {\n placement: nextPlacement\n }\n };\n }\n\n const placementsSortedByLeastOverflow = allOverflows.slice().sort((a, b) => a.overflows[0] - b.overflows[0]);\n const placementThatFitsOnAllSides = (_placementsSortedByLe = placementsSortedByLeastOverflow.find(_ref => {\n let {\n overflows\n } = _ref;\n return overflows.every(overflow => overflow <= 0);\n })) == null ? void 0 : _placementsSortedByLe.placement;\n return {\n data: {\n skip: true\n },\n reset: {\n placement: placementThatFitsOnAllSides != null ? placementThatFitsOnAllSides : placementsSortedByLeastOverflow[0].placement\n }\n };\n }\n\n };\n};\n\nfunction getExpandedPlacements(placement) {\n const oppositePlacement = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n return [getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement), oppositePlacement, getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(oppositePlacement)];\n}\n\nconst flip = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n return {\n name: 'flip',\n options,\n\n async fn(middlewareArguments) {\n var _middlewareData$flip, _middlewareData$flip2;\n\n const {\n placement,\n middlewareData,\n rects,\n initialPlacement\n } = middlewareArguments;\n\n if ((_middlewareData$flip = middlewareData.flip) != null && _middlewareData$flip.skip) {\n return {};\n }\n\n const {\n mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true,\n crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = true,\n fallbackPlacements: specifiedFallbackPlacements,\n fallbackStrategy = 'bestFit',\n flipAlignment = true,\n ...detectOverflowOptions\n } = options;\n const basePlacement = getBasePlacement(placement);\n const isBasePlacement = basePlacement === initialPlacement;\n const fallbackPlacements = specifiedFallbackPlacements || (isBasePlacement || !flipAlignment ? [getOppositePlacement(initialPlacement)] : getExpandedPlacements(initialPlacement));\n const placements = [initialPlacement, ...fallbackPlacements];\n const overflow = await detectOverflow(middlewareArguments, detectOverflowOptions);\n const overflows = [];\n let overflowsData = ((_middlewareData$flip2 = middlewareData.flip) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$flip2.overflows) || [];\n\n if (checkMainAxis) {\n overflows.push(overflow[basePlacement]);\n }\n\n if (checkCrossAxis) {\n const {\n main,\n cross\n } = getAlignmentSides(placement, rects);\n overflows.push(overflow[main], overflow[cross]);\n }\n\n overflowsData = [...overflowsData, {\n placement,\n overflows\n }]; // One or more sides is overflowing\n\n if (!overflows.every(side => side <= 0)) {\n var _middlewareData$flip$, _middlewareData$flip3;\n\n const nextIndex = ((_middlewareData$flip$ = (_middlewareData$flip3 = middlewareData.flip) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$flip3.index) != null ? _middlewareData$flip$ : 0) + 1;\n const nextPlacement = placements[nextIndex];\n\n if (nextPlacement) {\n // Try next placement and re-run the lifecycle\n return {\n data: {\n index: nextIndex,\n overflows: overflowsData\n },\n reset: {\n placement: nextPlacement\n }\n };\n }\n\n let resetPlacement = 'bottom';\n\n switch (fallbackStrategy) {\n case 'bestFit':\n {\n var _overflowsData$slice$;\n\n const placement = (_overflowsData$slice$ = overflowsData.slice().sort((a, b) => a.overflows.filter(overflow => overflow > 0).reduce((acc, overflow) => acc + overflow, 0) - b.overflows.filter(overflow => overflow > 0).reduce((acc, overflow) => acc + overflow, 0))[0]) == null ? void 0 : _overflowsData$slice$.placement;\n\n if (placement) {\n resetPlacement = placement;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case 'initialPlacement':\n resetPlacement = initialPlacement;\n break;\n }\n\n return {\n data: {\n skip: true\n },\n reset: {\n placement: resetPlacement\n }\n };\n }\n\n return {};\n }\n\n };\n};\n\nfunction getSideOffsets(overflow, rect) {\n return {\n top: overflow.top - rect.height,\n right: overflow.right - rect.width,\n bottom: overflow.bottom - rect.height,\n left: overflow.left - rect.width\n };\n}\n\nfunction isAnySideFullyClipped(overflow) {\n return basePlacements.some(side => overflow[side] >= 0);\n}\n\nconst hide = () => ({\n name: 'hide',\n\n async fn(modifierArguments) {\n const referenceOverflow = await detectOverflow(modifierArguments, {\n elementContext: 'reference'\n });\n const floatingAltOverflow = await detectOverflow(modifierArguments, {\n altBoundary: true\n });\n const referenceHiddenOffsets = getSideOffsets(referenceOverflow, modifierArguments.rects.reference);\n const escapedOffsets = getSideOffsets(floatingAltOverflow, modifierArguments.rects.floating);\n const referenceHidden = isAnySideFullyClipped(referenceHiddenOffsets);\n const escaped = isAnySideFullyClipped(escapedOffsets);\n return {\n data: {\n referenceHidden,\n referenceHiddenOffsets,\n escaped,\n escapedOffsets\n }\n };\n }\n\n});\n\nfunction convertValueToCoords(_ref) {\n let {\n placement,\n rects,\n value\n } = _ref;\n const basePlacement = getBasePlacement(placement);\n const multiplier = ['left', 'top'].includes(basePlacement) ? -1 : 1;\n const rawValue = typeof value === 'function' ? value({ ...rects,\n placement\n }) : value;\n const {\n mainAxis,\n crossAxis\n } = typeof rawValue === 'number' ? {\n mainAxis: rawValue,\n crossAxis: 0\n } : {\n mainAxis: 0,\n crossAxis: 0,\n ...rawValue\n };\n return getMainAxisFromPlacement(basePlacement) === 'x' ? {\n x: crossAxis,\n y: mainAxis * multiplier\n } : {\n x: mainAxis * multiplier,\n y: crossAxis\n };\n}\nconst offset = function (value) {\n if (value === void 0) {\n value = 0;\n }\n\n return {\n name: 'offset',\n options: value,\n\n fn(middlewareArguments) {\n const {\n x,\n y,\n placement,\n rects\n } = middlewareArguments;\n const diffCoords = convertValueToCoords({\n placement,\n rects,\n value\n });\n return {\n x: x + diffCoords.x,\n y: y + diffCoords.y,\n data: diffCoords\n };\n }\n\n };\n};\n\nfunction getCrossAxis(axis) {\n return axis === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x';\n}\n\nconst shift = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n return {\n name: 'shift',\n options,\n\n async fn(middlewareArguments) {\n const {\n x,\n y,\n placement\n } = middlewareArguments;\n const {\n mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true,\n crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = false,\n limiter = {\n fn: _ref => {\n let {\n x,\n y\n } = _ref;\n return {\n x,\n y\n };\n }\n },\n ...detectOverflowOptions\n } = options;\n const coords = {\n x,\n y\n };\n const overflow = await detectOverflow(middlewareArguments, detectOverflowOptions);\n const mainAxis = getMainAxisFromPlacement(getBasePlacement(placement));\n const crossAxis = getCrossAxis(mainAxis);\n let mainAxisCoord = coords[mainAxis];\n let crossAxisCoord = coords[crossAxis];\n\n if (checkMainAxis) {\n const minSide = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'top' : 'left';\n const maxSide = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'bottom' : 'right';\n const min = mainAxisCoord + overflow[minSide];\n const max = mainAxisCoord - overflow[maxSide];\n mainAxisCoord = within(min, mainAxisCoord, max);\n }\n\n if (checkCrossAxis) {\n const minSide = crossAxis === 'y' ? 'top' : 'left';\n const maxSide = crossAxis === 'y' ? 'bottom' : 'right';\n const min = crossAxisCoord + overflow[minSide];\n const max = crossAxisCoord - overflow[maxSide];\n crossAxisCoord = within(min, crossAxisCoord, max);\n }\n\n const limitedCoords = limiter.fn({ ...middlewareArguments,\n [mainAxis]: mainAxisCoord,\n [crossAxis]: crossAxisCoord\n });\n return { ...limitedCoords,\n data: {\n x: limitedCoords.x - x,\n y: limitedCoords.y - y\n }\n };\n }\n\n };\n};\nconst limitShift = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n return {\n options,\n\n fn(middlewareArguments) {\n const {\n x,\n y,\n placement,\n rects,\n middlewareData\n } = middlewareArguments;\n const {\n offset = 0,\n mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true,\n crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = true\n } = options;\n const coords = {\n x,\n y\n };\n const mainAxis = getMainAxisFromPlacement(placement);\n const crossAxis = getCrossAxis(mainAxis);\n let mainAxisCoord = coords[mainAxis];\n let crossAxisCoord = coords[crossAxis];\n const rawOffset = typeof offset === 'function' ? offset({ ...rects,\n placement\n }) : offset;\n const computedOffset = typeof rawOffset === 'number' ? {\n mainAxis: rawOffset,\n crossAxis: 0\n } : {\n mainAxis: 0,\n crossAxis: 0,\n ...rawOffset\n };\n\n if (checkMainAxis) {\n const len = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width';\n const limitMin = rects.reference[mainAxis] - rects.floating[len] + computedOffset.mainAxis;\n const limitMax = rects.reference[mainAxis] + rects.reference[len] - computedOffset.mainAxis;\n\n if (mainAxisCoord < limitMin) {\n mainAxisCoord = limitMin;\n } else if (mainAxisCoord > limitMax) {\n mainAxisCoord = limitMax;\n }\n }\n\n if (checkCrossAxis) {\n var _middlewareData$offse, _middlewareData$offse2, _middlewareData$offse3, _middlewareData$offse4;\n\n const len = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'width' : 'height';\n const isOriginSide = ['top', 'left'].includes(getBasePlacement(placement));\n const limitMin = rects.reference[crossAxis] - rects.floating[len] + (isOriginSide ? (_middlewareData$offse = (_middlewareData$offse2 = middlewareData.offset) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$offse2[crossAxis]) != null ? _middlewareData$offse : 0 : 0) + (isOriginSide ? 0 : computedOffset.crossAxis);\n const limitMax = rects.reference[crossAxis] + rects.reference[len] + (isOriginSide ? 0 : (_middlewareData$offse3 = (_middlewareData$offse4 = middlewareData.offset) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$offse4[crossAxis]) != null ? _middlewareData$offse3 : 0) - (isOriginSide ? computedOffset.crossAxis : 0);\n\n if (crossAxisCoord < limitMin) {\n crossAxisCoord = limitMin;\n } else if (crossAxisCoord > limitMax) {\n crossAxisCoord = limitMax;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n [mainAxis]: mainAxisCoord,\n [crossAxis]: crossAxisCoord\n };\n }\n\n };\n};\n\nconst size = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n return {\n name: 'size',\n options,\n\n async fn(middlewareArguments) {\n var _middlewareData$size;\n\n const {\n placement,\n rects,\n middlewareData\n } = middlewareArguments;\n const {\n apply,\n ...detectOverflowOptions\n } = options;\n\n if ((_middlewareData$size = middlewareData.size) != null && _middlewareData$size.skip) {\n return {};\n }\n\n const overflow = await detectOverflow(middlewareArguments, detectOverflowOptions);\n const basePlacement = getBasePlacement(placement);\n const isEnd = getAlignment(placement) === 'end';\n let heightSide;\n let widthSide;\n\n if (basePlacement === 'top' || basePlacement === 'bottom') {\n heightSide = basePlacement;\n widthSide = isEnd ? 'left' : 'right';\n } else {\n widthSide = basePlacement;\n heightSide = isEnd ? 'top' : 'bottom';\n }\n\n const xMin = max(overflow.left, 0);\n const xMax = max(overflow.right, 0);\n const yMin = max(overflow.top, 0);\n const yMax = max(overflow.bottom, 0);\n const dimensions = {\n height: rects.floating.height - (['left', 'right'].includes(placement) ? 2 * (yMin !== 0 || yMax !== 0 ? yMin + yMax : max(overflow.top, overflow.bottom)) : overflow[heightSide]),\n width: rects.floating.width - (['top', 'bottom'].includes(placement) ? 2 * (xMin !== 0 || xMax !== 0 ? xMin + xMax : max(overflow.left, overflow.right)) : overflow[widthSide])\n };\n apply == null ? void 0 : apply({ ...dimensions,\n ...rects\n });\n return {\n data: {\n skip: true\n },\n reset: {\n rects: true\n }\n };\n }\n\n };\n};\n\nconst inline = function (options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n return {\n name: 'inline',\n options,\n\n async fn(middlewareArguments) {\n var _middlewareData$inlin, _await$platform$getCl;\n\n const {\n placement,\n elements,\n rects,\n platform,\n strategy,\n middlewareData\n } = middlewareArguments; // A MouseEvent's client{X,Y} coords can be up to 2 pixels off a\n // ClientRect's bounds, despite the event listener being triggered. A\n // padding of 2 seems to handle this issue.\n\n const {\n padding = 2,\n x,\n y\n } = options;\n\n if ((_middlewareData$inlin = middlewareData.inline) != null && _middlewareData$inlin.skip) {\n return {};\n }\n\n const fallback = rectToClientRect(await platform.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect({\n rect: rects.reference,\n offsetParent: await platform.getOffsetParent({\n element: elements.floating\n }),\n strategy\n }));\n const clientRects = Array.from((_await$platform$getCl = await (platform.getClientRects == null ? void 0 : platform.getClientRects({\n element: elements.reference\n }))) != null ? _await$platform$getCl : []);\n const paddingObject = getSideObjectFromPadding(padding);\n\n function getBoundingClientRect() {\n // There are two rects and they are disjoined\n if (clientRects.length === 2 && clientRects[0].left > clientRects[1].right && x != null && y != null) {\n var _clientRects$find;\n\n // Find the first rect in which the point is fully inside\n return (_clientRects$find = clientRects.find(rect => x > rect.left - paddingObject.left && x < rect.right + paddingObject.right && y > rect.top - paddingObject.top && y < rect.bottom + paddingObject.bottom)) != null ? _clientRects$find : fallback;\n } // There are 2 or more connected rects\n\n\n if (clientRects.length >= 2) {\n if (getMainAxisFromPlacement(placement) === 'x') {\n const firstRect = clientRects[0];\n const lastRect = clientRects[clientRects.length - 1];\n const isTop = getBasePlacement(placement) === 'top';\n const top = firstRect.top;\n const bottom = lastRect.bottom;\n const left = isTop ? firstRect.left : lastRect.left;\n const right = isTop ? firstRect.right : lastRect.right;\n const width = right - left;\n const height = bottom - top;\n return {\n top,\n bottom,\n left,\n right,\n width,\n height,\n x: left,\n y: top\n };\n }\n\n const isLeftPlacement = getBasePlacement(placement) === 'left';\n const maxRight = max(...clientRects.map(rect => rect.right));\n const minLeft = min(...clientRects.map(rect => rect.left));\n const measureRects = clientRects.filter(rect => isLeftPlacement ? rect.left === minLeft : rect.right === maxRight);\n const top = measureRects[0].top;\n const bottom = measureRects[measureRects.length - 1].bottom;\n const left = minLeft;\n const right = maxRight;\n const width = right - left;\n const height = bottom - top;\n return {\n top,\n bottom,\n left,\n right,\n width,\n height,\n x: left,\n y: top\n };\n }\n\n return fallback;\n }\n\n return {\n data: {\n skip: true\n },\n reset: {\n rects: await platform.getElementRects({\n reference: {\n getBoundingClientRect\n },\n floating: elements.floating,\n strategy\n })\n }\n };\n }\n\n };\n};\n\nexport { arrow, autoPlacement, computePosition, detectOverflow, flip, hide, inline, limitShift, offset, rectToClientRect, shift, size };\n","import { rectToClientRect, computePosition as computePosition$1 } from '@floating-ui/core';\nexport { arrow, autoPlacement, detectOverflow, flip, hide, inline, limitShift, offset, shift, size } from '@floating-ui/core';\n\nfunction isWindow(value) {\n return (value == null ? void 0 : value.toString()) === '[object Window]';\n}\nfunction getWindow(node) {\n if (node == null) {\n return window;\n }\n\n if (!isWindow(node)) {\n const ownerDocument = node.ownerDocument;\n return ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.defaultView || window : window;\n }\n\n return node;\n}\n\nfunction getComputedStyle$1(element) {\n return getWindow(element).getComputedStyle(element);\n}\n\nfunction getNodeName(node) {\n return isWindow(node) ? '' : node ? (node.nodeName || '').toLowerCase() : '';\n}\n\nfunction isHTMLElement(value) {\n return value instanceof getWindow(value).HTMLElement;\n}\nfunction isElement(value) {\n return value instanceof getWindow(value).Element;\n}\nfunction isNode(value) {\n return value instanceof getWindow(value).Node;\n}\nfunction isShadowRoot(node) {\n const OwnElement = getWindow(node).ShadowRoot;\n return node instanceof OwnElement || node instanceof ShadowRoot;\n}\nfunction isScrollParent(element) {\n // Firefox wants us to check `-x` and `-y` variations as well\n const {\n overflow,\n overflowX,\n overflowY\n } = getComputedStyle$1(element);\n return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX);\n}\nfunction isTableElement(element) {\n return ['table', 'td', 'th'].includes(getNodeName(element));\n}\nfunction isContainingBlock(element) {\n // TODO: Try and use feature detection here instead\n const isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes('firefox');\n const css = getComputedStyle$1(element); // This is non-exhaustive but covers the most common CSS properties that\n // create a containing block.\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Containing_block#identifying_the_containing_block\n\n return css.transform !== 'none' || css.perspective !== 'none' || css.contain === 'paint' || ['transform', 'perspective'].includes(css.willChange) || isFirefox && css.willChange === 'filter' || isFirefox && (css.filter ? css.filter !== 'none' : false);\n}\n\nconst min = Math.min;\nconst max = Math.max;\nconst round = Math.round;\n\nfunction getBoundingClientRect(element, includeScale) {\n if (includeScale === void 0) {\n includeScale = false;\n }\n\n const clientRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n let scaleX = 1;\n let scaleY = 1;\n\n if (includeScale && isHTMLElement(element)) {\n scaleX = element.offsetWidth > 0 ? round(clientRect.width) / element.offsetWidth || 1 : 1;\n scaleY = element.offsetHeight > 0 ? round(clientRect.height) / element.offsetHeight || 1 : 1;\n }\n\n return {\n width: clientRect.width / scaleX,\n height: clientRect.height / scaleY,\n top: clientRect.top / scaleY,\n right: clientRect.right / scaleX,\n bottom: clientRect.bottom / scaleY,\n left: clientRect.left / scaleX,\n x: clientRect.left / scaleX,\n y: clientRect.top / scaleY\n };\n}\n\nfunction getDocumentElement(node) {\n return ((isNode(node) ? node.ownerDocument : node.document) || window.document).documentElement;\n}\n\nfunction getNodeScroll(element) {\n if (isWindow(element)) {\n return {\n scrollLeft: element.pageXOffset,\n scrollTop: element.pageYOffset\n };\n }\n\n return {\n scrollLeft: element.scrollLeft,\n scrollTop: element.scrollTop\n };\n}\n\nfunction getWindowScrollBarX(element) {\n // If has a CSS width greater than the viewport, then this will be\n // incorrect for RTL.\n return getBoundingClientRect(getDocumentElement(element)).left + getNodeScroll(element).scrollLeft;\n}\n\nfunction isScaled(element) {\n const rect = getBoundingClientRect(element);\n return round(rect.width) !== element.offsetWidth || round(rect.height) !== element.offsetHeight;\n}\n\nfunction getRectRelativeToOffsetParent(element, offsetParent, strategy) {\n const isOffsetParentAnElement = isHTMLElement(offsetParent);\n const documentElement = getDocumentElement(offsetParent);\n const rect = getBoundingClientRect(element, isOffsetParentAnElement && isScaled(offsetParent));\n let scroll = {\n scrollLeft: 0,\n scrollTop: 0\n };\n const offsets = {\n x: 0,\n y: 0\n };\n\n if (isOffsetParentAnElement || !isOffsetParentAnElement && strategy !== 'fixed') {\n if (getNodeName(offsetParent) !== 'body' || isScrollParent(documentElement)) {\n scroll = getNodeScroll(offsetParent);\n }\n\n if (isHTMLElement(offsetParent)) {\n const offsetRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent, true);\n offsets.x = offsetRect.x + offsetParent.clientLeft;\n offsets.y = offsetRect.y + offsetParent.clientTop;\n } else if (documentElement) {\n offsets.x = getWindowScrollBarX(documentElement);\n }\n }\n\n return {\n x: rect.left + scroll.scrollLeft - offsets.x,\n y: rect.top + scroll.scrollTop - offsets.y,\n width: rect.width,\n height: rect.height\n };\n}\n\nfunction getParentNode(node) {\n if (getNodeName(node) === 'html') {\n return node;\n }\n\n return (// this is a quicker (but less type safe) way to save quite some bytes from the bundle\n // @ts-ignore\n node.assignedSlot || // step into the shadow DOM of the parent of a slotted node\n node.parentNode || ( // DOM Element detected\n isShadowRoot(node) ? node.host : null) || // ShadowRoot detected\n getDocumentElement(node) // fallback\n\n );\n}\n\nfunction getTrueOffsetParent(element) {\n if (!isHTMLElement(element) || getComputedStyle(element).position === 'fixed') {\n return null;\n }\n\n return element.offsetParent;\n}\n\nfunction getContainingBlock(element) {\n let currentNode = getParentNode(element);\n\n while (isHTMLElement(currentNode) && !['html', 'body'].includes(getNodeName(currentNode))) {\n if (isContainingBlock(currentNode)) {\n return currentNode;\n } else {\n currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n} // Gets the closest ancestor positioned element. Handles some edge cases,\n// such as table ancestors and cross browser bugs.\n\n\nfunction getOffsetParent(element) {\n const window = getWindow(element);\n let offsetParent = getTrueOffsetParent(element);\n\n while (offsetParent && isTableElement(offsetParent) && getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position === 'static') {\n offsetParent = getTrueOffsetParent(offsetParent);\n }\n\n if (offsetParent && (getNodeName(offsetParent) === 'html' || getNodeName(offsetParent) === 'body' && getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position === 'static' && !isContainingBlock(offsetParent))) {\n return window;\n }\n\n return offsetParent || getContainingBlock(element) || window;\n}\n\nfunction getDimensions(element) {\n return {\n width: element.offsetWidth,\n height: element.offsetHeight\n };\n}\n\nfunction convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect(_ref) {\n let {\n rect,\n offsetParent,\n strategy\n } = _ref;\n const isOffsetParentAnElement = isHTMLElement(offsetParent);\n const documentElement = getDocumentElement(offsetParent);\n\n if (offsetParent === documentElement) {\n return rect;\n }\n\n let scroll = {\n scrollLeft: 0,\n scrollTop: 0\n };\n const offsets = {\n x: 0,\n y: 0\n };\n\n if (isOffsetParentAnElement || !isOffsetParentAnElement && strategy !== 'fixed') {\n if (getNodeName(offsetParent) !== 'body' || isScrollParent(documentElement)) {\n scroll = getNodeScroll(offsetParent);\n }\n\n if (isHTMLElement(offsetParent)) {\n const offsetRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent, true);\n offsets.x = offsetRect.x + offsetParent.clientLeft;\n offsets.y = offsetRect.y + offsetParent.clientTop;\n } // This doesn't appear to be need to be negated.\n // else if (documentElement) {\n // offsets.x = getWindowScrollBarX(documentElement);\n // }\n\n }\n\n return { ...rect,\n x: rect.x - scroll.scrollLeft + offsets.x,\n y: rect.y - scroll.scrollTop + offsets.y\n };\n}\n\nfunction getViewportRect(element) {\n const win = getWindow(element);\n const html = getDocumentElement(element);\n const visualViewport = win.visualViewport;\n let width = html.clientWidth;\n let height = html.clientHeight;\n let x = 0;\n let y = 0;\n\n if (visualViewport) {\n width = visualViewport.width;\n height = visualViewport.height; // Uses Layout Viewport (like Chrome; Safari does not currently)\n // In Chrome, it returns a value very close to 0 (+/-) but contains rounding\n // errors due to floating point numbers, so we need to check precision.\n // Safari returns a number <= 0, usually < -1 when pinch-zoomed\n\n if (Math.abs(win.innerWidth / visualViewport.scale - visualViewport.width) < 0.01) {\n x = visualViewport.offsetLeft;\n y = visualViewport.offsetTop;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n width,\n height,\n x,\n y\n };\n}\n\n// of the `` and `` rect bounds if horizontally scrollable\n\nfunction getDocumentRect(element) {\n var _element$ownerDocumen;\n\n const html = getDocumentElement(element);\n const scroll = getNodeScroll(element);\n const body = (_element$ownerDocumen = element.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _element$ownerDocumen.body;\n const width = max(html.scrollWidth, html.clientWidth, body ? body.scrollWidth : 0, body ? body.clientWidth : 0);\n const height = max(html.scrollHeight, html.clientHeight, body ? body.scrollHeight : 0, body ? body.clientHeight : 0);\n let x = -scroll.scrollLeft + getWindowScrollBarX(element);\n const y = -scroll.scrollTop;\n\n if (getComputedStyle$1(body || html).direction === 'rtl') {\n x += max(html.clientWidth, body ? body.clientWidth : 0) - width;\n }\n\n return {\n width,\n height,\n x,\n y\n };\n}\n\nfunction getScrollParent(node) {\n if (['html', 'body', '#document'].includes(getNodeName(node))) {\n // @ts-ignore assume body is always available\n return node.ownerDocument.body;\n }\n\n if (isHTMLElement(node) && isScrollParent(node)) {\n return node;\n }\n\n return getScrollParent(getParentNode(node));\n}\n\nfunction getScrollParents(node, list) {\n var _node$ownerDocument;\n\n if (list === void 0) {\n list = [];\n }\n\n const scrollParent = getScrollParent(node);\n const isBody = scrollParent === ((_node$ownerDocument = node.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _node$ownerDocument.body);\n const win = getWindow(scrollParent);\n const target = isBody ? [win].concat(win.visualViewport || [], isScrollParent(scrollParent) ? scrollParent : []) : scrollParent;\n const updatedList = list.concat(target);\n return isBody ? updatedList : // @ts-ignore: isBody tells us target will be an HTMLElement here\n updatedList.concat(getScrollParents(getParentNode(target)));\n}\n\nfunction contains(parent, child) {\n const rootNode = child.getRootNode == null ? void 0 : child.getRootNode(); // First, attempt with faster native method\n\n if (parent.contains(child)) {\n return true;\n } // then fallback to custom implementation with Shadow DOM support\n else if (rootNode && isShadowRoot(rootNode)) {\n let next = child;\n\n do {\n // use `===` replace node.isSameNode()\n if (next && parent === next) {\n return true;\n } // @ts-ignore: need a better way to handle this...\n\n\n next = next.parentNode || next.host;\n } while (next);\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction getInnerBoundingClientRect(element) {\n const clientRect = getBoundingClientRect(element);\n const top = clientRect.top + element.clientTop;\n const left = clientRect.left + element.clientLeft;\n return {\n top,\n left,\n x: left,\n y: top,\n right: left + element.clientWidth,\n bottom: top + element.clientHeight,\n width: element.clientWidth,\n height: element.clientHeight\n };\n}\n\nfunction getClientRectFromClippingParent(element, clippingParent) {\n if (clippingParent === 'viewport') {\n return rectToClientRect(getViewportRect(element));\n }\n\n if (isElement(clippingParent)) {\n return getInnerBoundingClientRect(clippingParent);\n }\n\n return rectToClientRect(getDocumentRect(getDocumentElement(element)));\n} // A \"clipping parent\" is an overflowable container with the characteristic of\n// clipping (or hiding) overflowing elements with a position different from\n// `initial`\n\n\nfunction getClippingParents(element) {\n const clippingParents = getScrollParents(getParentNode(element));\n const canEscapeClipping = ['absolute', 'fixed'].includes(getComputedStyle$1(element).position);\n const clipperElement = canEscapeClipping && isHTMLElement(element) ? getOffsetParent(element) : element;\n\n if (!isElement(clipperElement)) {\n return [];\n } // @ts-ignore isElement check ensures we return Array