config = $config; $this->connection = $connection; $this->timelineWrite = $timelineWrite; } /** * Make SQL query to detect GIS type. */ public function detectGisType() { // Make sure database prefix is set $prefix = $this->config->getSystemValue('dbtableprefix', '') ?: ''; if ('' === $prefix) { throw new \Exception('Database table prefix is not set. Cannot use database extensions (dbtableprefix).'); } // Detect database type $platform = strtolower(\get_class($this->connection->getDatabasePlatform())); // Test MySQL-like support in databse if (str_contains($platform, 'mysql') || str_contains($platform, 'mariadb')) { try { $res = $this->connection->executeQuery("SELECT ST_GeomFromText('POINT(1 1)')")->fetch(); if (0 === \count($res)) { throw new \Exception('Invalid result'); } return GIS_TYPE_MYSQL; } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception('No MySQL-like geometry support detected'); } } // Test Postgres native geometry like support in database if (str_contains($platform, 'postgres')) { try { $res = $this->connection->executeQuery("SELECT POINT('1,1')")->fetch(); if (0 === \count($res)) { throw new \Exception('Invalid result'); } return GIS_TYPE_POSTGRES; } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception('No Postgres native geometry support detected'); } } return GIS_TYPE_NONE; } /** * Check if DB is already setup and return number of entries. */ public function geomCount(): int { try { return $this->connection->executeQuery('SELECT COUNT(osm_id) as c FROM memories_planet_geometry')->fetchOne(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return 0; } } /** * Get list of osm IDs for a given point. */ public function queryPoint(float $lat, float $lon): array { // Get GIS type $gisType = \OCA\Memories\Util::placesGISType(); // Construct WHERE clause depending on GIS type $where = null; if (1 === $gisType) { $where = "ST_Contains(geometry, ST_GeomFromText('POINT({$lon} {$lat})'))"; } elseif (2 === $gisType) { $where = "POINT('{$lon},{$lat}') <@ geometry"; } else { return []; } // Make query to memories_planet table $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select($query->createFunction('DISTINCT(osm_id)')) ->from('memories_planet_geometry') ->where($query->createFunction($where)) ; // Cancel out inner rings $query->groupBy('poly_id', 'osm_id'); $query->having($query->createFunction('SUM(type_id) > 0')); // memories_planet_geometry has no *PREFIX* $sql = str_replace('*PREFIX*memories_planet_geometry', 'memories_planet_geometry', $query->getSQL()); // Use as subquery to get admin level $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('sub.osm_id', 'mp.admin_level') ->from($query->createFunction("({$sql})"), 'sub') ->innerJoin('sub', 'memories_planet', 'mp', $query->expr()->eq('sub.osm_id', 'mp.osm_id')) ->orderBy('mp.admin_level', 'ASC') ; // Run query return $query->executeQuery()->fetchAll(); } /** * Download planet database file and return path to it. */ public function downloadPlanet(): string { echo "Download planet data to temporary file...\n"; flush(); $filename = sys_get_temp_dir().'/'; if (file_exists($filename) && !unlink($filename)) { throw new \Exception("Failed to delete old planet zip file: {$filename}"); } $txtfile = sys_get_temp_dir().'/planet_coarse_boundaries.txt'; if (file_exists($txtfile) && !unlink($txtfile)) { throw new \Exception("Failed to delete old planet data file: {$txtfile}"); } $fp = fopen($filename, 'w+'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, PLANET_URL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3600); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); fclose($fp); // Unzip $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($filename); if (true === $res) { $zip->extractTo(sys_get_temp_dir()); $zip->close(); } else { throw new \Exception('Failed to unzip planet data file'); } // Check if file exists if (!file_exists($txtfile)) { throw new \Exception('Failed to find planet data file after unzip'); } // Delete zip file @unlink($filename); return $txtfile; } /** * Insert planet into database from file. */ public function importPlanet(string $datafile): void { echo "Inserting planet data into database...\n"; flush(); // Detect the GIS type $gis = $this->detectGisType(); // Make sure we support something if (GIS_TYPE_NONE === $gis) { throw new \Exception('No GIS support detected'); } // Drop the table if it exists $p = $this->connection->getDatabasePlatform(); if ($this->geomCount() > 0) { $this->connection->executeStatement($p->getDropTableSQL('memories_planet_geometry')); } // Setup the database $this->setupDatabase(); // Truncate tables $this->connection->executeStatement($p->getTruncateTableSQL('*PREFIX*memories_planet', false)); $this->connection->executeStatement($p->getTruncateTableSQL('memories_planet_geometry', false)); // Create place insertion statement $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->insert('memories_planet') ->values([ 'osm_id' => $query->createParameter('osm_id'), 'admin_level' => $query->createParameter('admin_level'), 'name' => $query->createParameter('name'), 'other_names' => $query->createParameter('other_names'), ]) ; $insertPlace = $this->connection->prepare($query->getSQL()); // Create geometry insertion statement $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $geomParam = $query->createParameter('geometry'); if (GIS_TYPE_MYSQL === $gis) { $geomParam = "ST_GeomFromText({$geomParam})"; } elseif (GIS_TYPE_POSTGRES === $gis) { $geomParam = "POLYGON({$geomParam}::text)"; } $query->insert('memories_planet_geometry') ->values([ 'id' => $query->createParameter('id'), 'poly_id' => $query->createParameter('poly_id'), 'type_id' => $query->createParameter('type_id'), 'osm_id' => $query->createParameter('osm_id'), 'geometry' => $query->createFunction($geomParam), ]) ; $sql = str_replace('*PREFIX*memories_planet_geometry', 'memories_planet_geometry', $query->getSQL()); $insertGeometry = $this->connection->prepare($sql); // The number of places in the current transaction $txnCount = 0; // Iterate over the data file $handle = fopen($datafile, 'r'); if ($handle) { $count = 0; while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) { // Skip empty lines if ('' === trim($line)) { continue; } // Begin transaction if (0 === $txnCount++) { $this->connection->beginTransaction(); } ++$count; // Decode JSON $data = json_decode($line, true); if (null === $data) { echo "ERROR: Failed to decode JSON\n"; continue; } // Extract data $osmId = $data['osm_id']; $adminLevel = $data['admin_level']; $name = $data['name']; $boundaries = $data['geometry']; $otherNames = json_encode($data['other_names'] ?? []); // Skip some places if ($adminLevel > -2 && ($adminLevel <= 1 || $adminLevel >= 10)) { // <=1: These are too general, e.g. "Earth"? or invalid // >=10: These are too specific, e.g. "Community Board" // <-1: These are special, e.g. "Timezone" = -7 continue; } // Insert place into database $insertPlace->bindValue('osm_id', $osmId); $insertPlace->bindValue('admin_level', $adminLevel); $insertPlace->bindValue('name', $name); $insertPlace->bindValue('other_names', $otherNames); $insertPlace->execute(); // Insert polygons into database $idx = 0; foreach ($boundaries as &$polygon) { // $polygon is a struct as // [ "t" => "e", "c" => [lon, lat], [lon, lat], ... ] ] $polyid = $polygon['i']; $typeid = $polygon['t']; $pkey = $polygon['k']; $coords = $polygon['c']; // Create parameters ++$idx; $geometry = ''; if (\count($coords) < 3) { echo "ERROR: Invalid polygon {$polyid}\n"; continue; } if (GIS_TYPE_MYSQL === $gis) { $points = implode(',', array_map(function ($point) { $x = $point[0]; $y = $point[1]; return "{$x} {$y}"; }, $coords)); $geometry = "POLYGON(({$points}))"; } elseif (GIS_TYPE_POSTGRES === $gis) { $geometry = implode(',', array_map(function ($point) { $x = $point[0]; $y = $point[1]; return "({$x},{$y})"; }, $coords)); } try { $insertGeometry->bindValue('id', $pkey); $insertGeometry->bindValue('poly_id', $polyid); $insertGeometry->bindValue('type_id', $typeid); $insertGeometry->bindValue('osm_id', $osmId); $insertGeometry->bindValue('geometry', $geometry); $insertGeometry->execute(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "ERROR: Failed to insert polygon {$polyid} ({$e->getMessage()} \n"; continue; } } // Commit transaction every once in a while if (0 === $count % 100) { $this->connection->commit(); $txnCount = 0; // Print progress $total = APPROX_PLACES; $pct = round($count / $total * 100, 1); } if (0 === $count % 500) { echo "Inserted {$count} / {$total} places ({$pct}%), Last: {$name}\n"; flush(); } } fclose($handle); } // Commit final transaction if ($txnCount > 0) { $this->connection->commit(); } // Mark success echo "Planet database imported successfully!\n"; echo "You should re-index your library now.\n"; flush(); $this->config->setSystemValue('memories.gis_type', $gis); // Delete data file @unlink($datafile); } /** * Recalculate all places for all users. */ public function recalculateAll() { echo "Recalculating places for all files (do not interrupt this process)...\n"; flush(); $count = 0; $this->timelineWrite->orphanAndRun(['fileid', 'lat', 'lon'], 20, function (array $row) use (&$count) { ++$count; // Only proceed if we have a valid location $fileid = $row['fileid']; $lat = (float) $row['lat']; $lon = (float) $row['lon']; // Update places if ($lat || $lon) { $this->timelineWrite->updatePlacesData($fileid, $lat, $lon); } // Print every 500 files if (0 === $count % 500) { echo "Updated places data for {$count} files\n"; flush(); } }); } /** * Create database tables and indices. */ protected function setupDatabase(): void { try { // Get Gis type $gis = $this->detectGisType(); // Create table $sql = 'CREATE TABLE memories_planet_geometry ( id varchar(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, poly_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, type_id int NOT NULL, osm_id int NOT NULL, geometry polygon NOT NULL );'; $this->connection->executeQuery($sql); // Add indexes $this->connection->executeQuery('CREATE INDEX planet_osm_id_idx ON memories_planet_geometry (osm_id);'); // Add spatial index if (GIS_TYPE_MYSQL === $gis) { $this->connection->executeQuery('CREATE SPATIAL INDEX planet_osm_polygon_geometry_idx ON memories_planet_geometry (geometry);'); } elseif (GIS_TYPE_POSTGRES === $gis) { $this->connection->executeQuery('CREATE INDEX planet_osm_polygon_geometry_idx ON memories_planet_geometry USING GIST (geometry);'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception('Failed to create database tables: '.$e->getMessage()); } } }