connection = $connection; } /** Check if a given Exif data is the video part of a live photo */ public function isVideoPart(array &$exif) { return \array_key_exists('MIMEType', $exif) && 'video/quicktime' === $exif['MIMEType'] && \array_key_exists('ContentIdentifier', $exif); } /** Get liveid from photo part */ public function getLivePhotoId(File &$file, array &$exif) { // Apple JPEG (MOV has ContentIdentifier) if (\array_key_exists('MediaGroupUUID', $exif)) { return $exif['MediaGroupUUID']; } // Samsung JPEG if (\array_key_exists('EmbeddedVideoType', $exif) && str_contains($exif['EmbeddedVideoType'], 'MotionPhoto')) { return 'self__embeddedvideo'; } // Google JPEG and Samsung HEIC (Apple?) if (\array_key_exists('MotionPhoto', $exif)) { if ('image/jpeg' === $exif['MIMEType']) { // Google Motion Photo JPEG // We need to read the DirectoryItemLength key to get the length of the video // These keys are duplicate, one for the image and one for the video // With exiftool -G4, we get the following: // // "Unknown:DirectoryItemSemantic": "Primary" // "Unknown:DirectoryItemLength": 0 // "Copy1:DirectoryItemSemantic": "MotionPhoto" // "Copy1:DirectoryItemLength": 3011435 // <-- this is the length of the video // // The video is then located at the end of the file, so we can get the offset. // Match each DirectoryItemSemantic to find MotionPhoto, then get the length. $path = $file->getStorage()->getLocalFile($file->getInternalPath()); $extExif = Exif::getExifWithDuplicates($path); foreach ($extExif as $key => $value) { if (str_ends_with($key, ':DirectoryItemSemantic')) { if ('MotionPhoto' === $value) { $videoLength = $extExif[str_replace('Semantic', 'Length', $key)]; if (\is_int($videoLength) && $videoLength > 0) { $videoOffset = $file->getSize() - $videoLength; return 'self__traileroffset='.((string) $videoOffset); } } } } // Fallback: video should hopefully be in trailer return 'self__trailer'; } if ('image/heic' === $exif['MIMEType']) { // Samsung HEIC -- no way to get this out yet return ''; } } return ''; } public function processVideoPart(File &$file, array &$exif) { $fileId = $file->getId(); $mtime = $file->getMTime(); $liveid = $exif['ContentIdentifier']; if (empty($liveid)) { return; } $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('fileid') ->from('memories_livephoto') ->where($query->expr()->eq('fileid', $query->createNamedParameter($fileId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))) ; $cursor = $query->executeQuery(); $prevRow = $cursor->fetch(); $cursor->closeCursor(); if ($prevRow) { // Update existing row $query->update('memories_livephoto') ->set('liveid', $query->createNamedParameter($liveid, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR)) ->set('mtime', $query->createNamedParameter($mtime, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->where($query->expr()->eq('fileid', $query->createNamedParameter($fileId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))) ; $query->executeStatement(); } else { // Try to create new row try { $query->insert('memories_livephoto') ->values([ 'liveid' => $query->createNamedParameter($liveid, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), 'mtime' => $query->createNamedParameter($mtime, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), 'fileid' => $query->createNamedParameter($fileId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), ]) ; $query->executeStatement(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { error_log('Failed to create memories_livephoto record: '.$ex->getMessage()); } } } }