* @author Varun Patil * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ namespace OCA\Memories\ClustersBackend; use OCA\Memories\Db\TimelineQuery; use OCA\Memories\Util; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder; use OCP\Files\SimpleFS\ISimpleFile; use OCP\IConfig; use OCP\IRequest; class FaceRecognitionBackend extends Backend { use PeopleBackendUtils; public function __construct( protected IRequest $request, protected TimelineQuery $tq, protected IConfig $config, ) {} public static function appName(): string { return 'Face Recognition'; } public static function clusterType(): string { return 'facerecognition'; } public function isEnabled(): bool { return Util::facerecognitionIsInstalled() && Util::facerecognitionIsEnabled(); } public function transformDayQuery(IQueryBuilder &$query, bool $aggregate): void { $personStr = (string) $this->request->getParam('facerecognition'); // Get title and uid of face user $personNames = explode('/', $personStr); if (2 !== \count($personNames)) { throw new \Exception('Invalid person query'); } $personUid = $personNames[0]; $personName = $personNames[1]; // Join with images $query->innerJoin('m', 'facerecog_images', 'fri', $query->expr()->andX( $query->expr()->eq('fri.file', 'm.fileid'), $query->expr()->eq('fri.model', $query->createNamedParameter($this->model())), )); // Join with faces $query->innerJoin('fri', 'facerecog_faces', 'frf', $query->expr()->eq('frf.image', 'fri.id')); // Join with persons $nameField = is_numeric($personName) ? 'frp.id' : 'frp.name'; $query->innerJoin('frf', 'facerecog_persons', 'frp', $query->expr()->andX( $query->expr()->eq('frf.person', 'frp.id'), $query->expr()->eq('frp.user', $query->createNamedParameter($personUid)), $query->expr()->eq($nameField, $query->createNamedParameter($personName)), )); // Add face rect if (!$aggregate && $this->request->getParam('facerect')) { $query->selectAlias('frf.x', 'face_x') ->selectAlias('frf.y', 'face_y') ->selectAlias('frf.width', 'face_width') ->selectAlias('frf.height', 'face_height') ->selectAlias('m.w', 'image_width') ->selectAlias('m.h', 'image_height') ; } } public function transformDayPost(array &$row): void { // Differentiate Recognize queries from Face Recognition if (!isset($row['face_width']) || !isset($row['image_width'])) { return; } // Get percentage position and size $row['facerect'] = [ 'w' => (float) $row['face_width'] / $row['image_width'], 'h' => (float) $row['face_height'] / $row['image_height'], 'x' => (float) $row['face_x'] / $row['image_width'], 'y' => (float) $row['face_y'] / $row['image_height'], ]; unset($row['face_x'], $row['face_y'], $row['face_width'], $row['face_height'], $row['image_height'], $row['image_width']); } public function getClustersInternal(int $fileid = 0): array { $faces = array_merge( $this->getFaceRecognitionPersons($fileid), $this->getFaceRecognitionClusters($fileid), ); // Post process foreach ($faces as &$row) { $row['id'] = \array_key_exists('name', $row) ? $row['name'] : (int) $row['id']; $row['count'] = (int) $row['count']; } return $faces; } public static function getClusterId(array $cluster) { return $cluster['id']; } public function getPhotos(string $name, ?int $limit = null): array { $query = $this->tq->getBuilder(); // SELECT face detections $query->select( 'fri.file as file_id', // Get actual file 'frf.x', // Image cropping 'frf.y', 'frf.width', 'frf.height', 'm.w as image_width', // Scoring 'm.h as image_height', 'm.fileid', 'm.datetaken', // Just in case, for postgres )->from('facerecog_faces', 'frf'); // WHERE faces are from images and current model. $query->innerJoin('frf', 'facerecog_images', 'fri', $query->expr()->andX( $query->expr()->eq('fri.id', 'frf.image'), $query->expr()->eq('fri.model', $query->createNamedParameter($this->model())), )); // WHERE these photos are memories indexed $query->innerJoin('fri', 'memories', 'm', $query->expr()->eq('m.fileid', 'fri.file')); $query->innerJoin('frf', 'facerecog_persons', 'frp', $query->expr()->eq('frp.id', 'frf.person')); // WHERE faces are from id persons (or a cluster). $nameField = is_numeric($name) ? 'frp.id' : 'frp.name'; $query->where($query->expr()->eq($nameField, $query->createNamedParameter($name))); // WHERE these photos are in the user's requested folder recursively $query = $this->tq->joinFilecache($query); // LIMIT results if (null !== $limit) { $query->setMaxResults($limit); } // Sort by date taken so we get recent photos $query->orderBy('m.datetaken', 'DESC'); $query->addOrderBy('m.fileid', 'DESC'); // tie-breaker // FETCH face detections return $this->tq->executeQueryWithCTEs($query)->fetchAll() ?: []; } public function sortPhotosForPreview(array &$photos): void { // Convert to recognize format (percentage position-size) foreach ($photos as &$p) { $p['x'] = (float) $p['x'] / (float) $p['image_width']; $p['y'] = (float) $p['y'] / (float) $p['image_height']; $p['width'] = (float) $p['width'] / (float) $p['image_width']; $p['height'] = (float) $p['height'] / (float) $p['image_height']; } $this->sortByScores($photos); } public function getPreviewBlob(ISimpleFile $file, array $photo): array { return $this->cropFace($file, $photo, 1.8); } public function getPreviewQuality(): int { return 2048; } private function model(): int { return (int) $this->config->getAppValue('facerecognition', 'model', (string) -1); } private function minFaceInClusters(): int { return (int) $this->config->getAppValue('facerecognition', 'min_faces_in_cluster', (string) 5); } private function getFaceRecognitionClusters(int $fileid = 0): array { $query = $this->tq->getBuilder(); // SELECT all face clusters $count = $query->func()->count($query->createFunction('DISTINCT m.fileid')); $query->select('frp.id')->from('facerecog_persons', 'frp'); $query->selectAlias($count, 'count'); $query->selectAlias('frp.user', 'user_id'); // WHERE there are faces with this cluster $query->innerJoin('frp', 'facerecog_faces', 'frf', $query->expr()->eq('frp.id', 'frf.person')); // WHERE faces are from images. $query->innerJoin('frf', 'facerecog_images', 'fri', $query->expr()->eq('fri.id', 'frf.image')); // WHERE these items are memories indexed photos $query->innerJoin('fri', 'memories', 'm', $query->expr()->andX( $query->expr()->eq('fri.file', 'm.fileid'), $query->expr()->eq('fri.model', $query->createNamedParameter($this->model())), )); // WHERE these photos are in the user's requested folder recursively $query = $this->tq->joinFilecache($query); // GROUP by ID of face cluster $query->groupBy('frp.id'); $query->addGroupBy('frp.user'); $query->where($query->expr()->isNull('frp.name')); // The query change if we want the people in an fileid, or the unnamed clusters if ($fileid > 0) { // WHERE these clusters contain fileid if specified $query->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('fri.file', $query->createNamedParameter($fileid))); } else { // WHERE these clusters has a minimum number of faces $query->having($query->expr()->gte($count, $query->expr()->literal($this->minFaceInClusters(), \PDO::PARAM_INT))); // WHERE these clusters were not hidden due inconsistencies $query->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('frp.is_visible', $query->expr()->literal(1))); } // ORDER by number of faces in cluster and id for response stability. $query->orderBy('count', 'DESC'); $query->addOrderBy('frp.id', 'DESC'); // It is not worth displaying all unnamed clusters. We show 15 to name them progressively, $query->setMaxResults(15); // FETCH all faces return $this->tq->executeQueryWithCTEs($query)->fetchAll() ?: []; } private function getFaceRecognitionPersons(int $fileid = 0): array { $query = $this->tq->getBuilder(); // SELECT all face clusters $count = $query->func()->count($query->createFunction('DISTINCT m.fileid')); $query->select('frp.name')->from('facerecog_persons', 'frp'); $query->selectAlias($count, 'count'); $query->selectAlias('frp.user', 'user_id'); // WHERE there are faces with this cluster $query->innerJoin('frp', 'facerecog_faces', 'frf', $query->expr()->eq('frp.id', 'frf.person')); // WHERE faces are from images. $query->innerJoin('frf', 'facerecog_images', 'fri', $query->expr()->eq('fri.id', 'frf.image')); // WHERE these items are memories indexed photos $query->innerJoin('fri', 'memories', 'm', $query->expr()->andX( $query->expr()->eq('fri.file', 'm.fileid'), $query->expr()->eq('fri.model', $query->createNamedParameter($this->model())), )); // WHERE these photos are in the user's requested folder recursively $query = $this->tq->joinFilecache($query); // GROUP by name of face clusters $query->where($query->expr()->isNotNull('frp.name')); // WHERE these clusters contain fileid if specified if ($fileid > 0) { $query->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('fri.file', $query->createNamedParameter($fileid))); } $query->groupBy('frp.user'); $query->addGroupBy('frp.name'); // ORDER by number of faces in cluster $query->orderBy('count', 'DESC'); $query->addOrderBy('frp.name', 'ASC'); // FETCH all faces return $this->tq->executeQueryWithCTEs($query)->fetchAll() ?: []; } }