$e->getMessage(), ], $status); } public static function NotLoggedIn(): Http\Response { return new DataResponse([ 'message' => 'User not logged in', ], Http::STATUS_PRECONDITION_FAILED); } public static function NotEnabled(string $app): Http\Response { return new DataResponse([ 'message' => "{$app} app not enabled or not v3+.", ], Http::STATUS_PRECONDITION_FAILED); } public static function NoRequestRoot(): Http\Response { return new DataResponse([ 'message' => 'Request root could not be determined', ], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } public static function NotFound(string $ctx): Http\Response { return new DataResponse([ 'message' => "Not found ({$ctx})", ], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } public static function NotFoundFile($identifier): Http\Response { return new DataResponse([ 'message' => "File not found ({$identifier})", ], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } public static function Forbidden(string $ctx): Http\Response { return new DataResponse([ 'message' => "Forbidden ({$ctx})", ], Http::STATUS_FORBIDDEN); } public static function ForbiddenFileUpdate(string $name): Http\Response { return new DataResponse([ 'message' => "Forbidden ({$name} cannot be updated)", ], Http::STATUS_FORBIDDEN); } public static function MissingParameter(string $name): Http\Response { return new DataResponse([ 'message' => "Missing parameter ({$name})", ], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } }