import axios from '@nextcloud/axios'; import type { IDay, IPhoto } from './types'; import { constants } from './services/Utils'; import { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'; const BASE_URL = ''; const euc = encodeURIComponent; export const API = { DAYS: () => `${BASE_URL}/api/days`, DAY: (dayId: number) => `${BASE_URL}/api/days/${dayId}`, IMAGE_INFO: (fileId: number) => `${BASE_URL}/api/image/info/${fileId}`, IMAGE_DELETE: (fileIds: number[]) => `${BASE_URL}/api/image/delete/${fileIds.join(',')}`, IMAGE_PREVIEW: (fileId: number) => `${BASE_URL}/image/preview/${fileId}`, IMAGE_FULL: (fileId: number) => `${BASE_URL}/image/full/${fileId}`, SHARE_URL: (url: string) => `${BASE_URL}/api/share/url/${euc(euc(url))}`, SHARE_BLOB: (url: string) => `${BASE_URL}/api/share/blob/${euc(euc(url))}`, SHARE_LOCAL: (fileId: number) => `${BASE_URL}/api/share/local/${fileId}`, }; /** * Native interface for the Android app. */ export type NativeX = { isNative: () => boolean; setThemeColor: (color: string, isDark: boolean) => void; downloadFromUrl: (url: string, filename: string) => void; playTouchSound: () => void; playVideoLocal: (fileid: string) => void; playVideoHls: (fileid: string, url: string) => void; destroyVideo: (fileid: string) => void; logout: () => void; }; /** The native interface is a global object that is injected by the native app. */ const nativex: NativeX = globalThis.nativex; /** * @returns Whether the native interface is available. */ export function has() { return !!nativex; } /** * Change the theme color of the app to default. */ export async function setTheme(color?: string, dark?: boolean) { if (!has()) return; color ??= getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--color-main-background'); dark ??= (document.body.hasAttribute('data-theme-default') && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) || document.body.hasAttribute('data-theme-dark') || document.body.hasAttribute('data-theme-dark-highcontrast'); nativex?.setThemeColor?.(color, dark); } /** * Download a file from the given URL. */ export async function downloadFromUrl(url: string) { // Make HEAD request to get filename const res = await axios.head(url); let filename = res.headers['content-disposition']; if (res.status !== 200 || !filename) return; // Extract filename from header without quotes filename = filename.split('filename="')[1].slice(0, -1); // Hand off to download manager nativex?.downloadFromUrl?.(addOrigin(url), filename); } /** * Play touch sound. */ export async function playTouchSound() { nativex?.playTouchSound?.(); } /** * Play a video from the given file ID (local file). */ export async function playVideoLocal(fileid: number) { nativex?.playVideoLocal?.(fileid.toString()); } /** * Play a video from the given URL (HLS stream). */ export async function playVideoHls(fileid: number, url: string) { nativex?.playVideoHls?.(fileid.toString(), addOrigin(url)); } /** * Destroy the video player. */ export async function destroyVideo(fileId: number) { nativex?.destroyVideo?.(fileId.toString()); } /** * Share a URL with native page. */ export async function shareUrl(url: string) { await axios.get(API.SHARE_URL(addOrigin(url))); } /** * Download a blob from the given URL and share it. */ export async function shareBlobFromUrl(url: string) { if (url.startsWith(BASE_URL)) { throw new Error('Cannot share localhost URL'); } await axios.get(API.SHARE_BLOB(addOrigin(url))); } /** * Share a local file with native page. */ export async function shareLocal(fileId: number) { await axios.get(API.SHARE_LOCAL(fileId)); } /** * Extend a list of days with local days. * Fetches the local days from the native interface. */ export async function extendDaysWithLocal(days: IDay[]) { if (!has()) return; // Query native part const res = await fetch(API.DAYS()); if (!res.ok) return; const local: IDay[] = await res.json(); const remoteMap = new Map( => [d.dayid, d])); // Merge local days into remote days for (const day of local) { const remote = remoteMap.get(day.dayid); if (remote) { remote.count = Math.max(remote.count, day.count); } else { days.push(day); } } // TODO: sort depends on view // (but we show it for only timeline anyway for now) days.sort((a, b) => b.dayid - a.dayid); } /** * Extend a list of photos with local photos. * Fetches the local photos from the native interface and filters out duplicates. * * @param dayId Day ID to append local photos to * @param photos List of photos to append to (duplicates will not be added) * @returns */ export async function extendDayWithLocal(dayId: number, photos: IPhoto[]) { if (!has()) return; // Query native part const res = await fetch(API.DAY(dayId)); if (!res.ok) return; // Merge local photos into remote photos const localPhotos: IPhoto[] = await res.json(); const photosSet = new Set( => p.basename)); const localOnly = localPhotos.filter((p) => !photosSet.has(p.basename)); localOnly.forEach((p) => (p.islocal = true)); photos.push(...localOnly); // Sort by datetaken photos.sort((a, b) => (b.datetaken ?? 0) - (a.datetaken ?? 0)); } /** * Request deletion of local photos wherever available. * @param photos List of photos to delete * @returns List of photos that were deleted * @throws If the request fails */ export async function deleteLocalPhotos(photos: IPhoto[]): Promise { if (!has()) return []; const localPhotos = photos.filter((p) => p.flag & constants.c.FLAG_IS_LOCAL); if (localPhotos.length > 0) { const fileids = => p.fileid); await axios.get(API.IMAGE_DELETE(fileids)); } return localPhotos; } /** * Log out from Nextcloud and pass ahead. */ export async function logout() { await axios.get(generateUrl('logout')); if (!has()) window.location.reload(); nativex?.logout(); } /** * Add current origin to URL if doesn't have any protocol or origin. */ function addOrigin(url: string) { return url.match(/^(https?:)?\/\//) ? url : url.startsWith('/') ? `${location.origin}${url}` : `${location.origin}/${url}`; }