package transcoder import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io" "log" "net/http" "os" "os/exec" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "syscall" "time" ) const ( ENCODER_COPY = "copy" ENCODER_X264 = "libx264" ENCODER_VAAPI = "h264_vaapi" ENCODER_NVENC = "h264_nvenc" QUALITY_MAX = "max" CODEC_H264 = "h264" ) type Stream struct { c *Config m *Manager quality string order int height int width int bitrate int goal int mutex sync.Mutex chunks map[int]*Chunk seenChunks map[int]bool // only for stdout reader coder *exec.Cmd inactive int stop chan bool } func (s *Stream) Run() { // run every 5s t := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second) defer t.Stop() s.stop = make(chan bool) for { select { case <-t.C: s.mutex.Lock() // Prune chunks for id := range s.chunks { if id < s.goal-s.c.GoalBufferMax { s.pruneChunk(id) } } s.inactive++ // Nothing done for 2 minutes if s.inactive >= s.c.StreamIdleTime/5 && s.coder != nil { t.Stop() s.clear() } s.mutex.Unlock() case <-s.stop: t.Stop() s.mutex.Lock() s.clear() s.mutex.Unlock() return } } } func (s *Stream) clear() { log.Printf("%s-%s: stopping stream",, s.quality) for _, chunk := range s.chunks { // Delete files s.pruneChunk( } s.chunks = make(map[int]*Chunk) s.seenChunks = make(map[int]bool) s.goal = 0 if s.coder != nil { s.coder.Process.Kill() s.coder.Wait() s.coder = nil } } func (s *Stream) Stop() { select { case s.stop <- true: default: } } func (s *Stream) ServeList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { WriteM3U8ContentType(w) w.Write([]byte("#EXTM3U\n")) w.Write([]byte("#EXT-X-VERSION:4\n")) w.Write([]byte("#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0\n")) w.Write([]byte("#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD\n")) w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:%d\n", s.c.ChunkSize))) query := GetQueryString(r) duration := s.m.probe.Duration.Seconds() i := 0 for duration > 0 { size := float64(s.c.ChunkSize) if duration < size { size = duration } w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("#EXTINF:%.3f, nodesc\n", size))) w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%06d.ts%s\n", s.quality, i, query))) duration -= float64(s.c.ChunkSize) i++ } w.Write([]byte("#EXT-X-ENDLIST\n")) return nil } func (s *Stream) ServeChunk(w http.ResponseWriter, id int) error { s.mutex.Lock() defer s.mutex.Unlock() s.inactive = 0 s.checkGoal(id) // Already have this chunk if chunk, ok := s.chunks[id]; ok { // Chunk is finished, just return it if chunk.done { s.returnChunk(w, chunk) return nil } // Still waiting on transcoder s.waitForChunk(w, chunk) return nil } // Will have this soon enough foundBehind := false for i := id - 1; i > id-s.c.LookBehind && i >= 0; i-- { if _, ok := s.chunks[i]; ok { foundBehind = true } } if foundBehind { // Make sure the chunk exists chunk := s.createChunk(id) // Wait for it s.waitForChunk(w, chunk) return nil } // Let's start over s.restartAtChunk(w, id) return nil } func (s *Stream) ServeFullVideo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { args := s.transcodeArgs(0, false) if s.m.probe.CodecName == CODEC_H264 && s.quality == QUALITY_MAX { // try to just send the original file http.ServeFile(w, r, s.m.path) return nil } // Output mov args = append(args, []string{ "-movflags", "frag_keyframe+empty_moov+faststart", "-f", "mp4", "pipe:1", }...) coder := exec.Command(s.c.FFmpeg, args...) log.Printf("%s-%s: %s",, s.quality, strings.Join(coder.Args[:], " ")) cmdStdOut, err := coder.StdoutPipe() if err != nil { log.Printf("FATAL: ffmpeg command stdout failed with %s\n", err) } cmdStdErr, err := coder.StderrPipe() if err != nil { log.Printf("FATAL: ffmpeg command stdout failed with %s\n", err) } err = coder.Start() if err != nil { log.Printf("FATAL: ffmpeg command failed with %s\n", err) } go s.monitorStderr(cmdStdErr) // Write to response defer cmdStdOut.Close() stdoutReader := bufio.NewReader(cmdStdOut) // Write mov headers w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "video/mp4") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) flusher, ok := w.(http.Flusher) if !ok { http.Error(w, "Server does not support Flusher!", http.StatusInternalServerError) return nil } // Write data, flusing every 1MB buf := make([]byte, 1024*1024) for { n, err := stdoutReader.Read(buf) if err != nil { if err == io.EOF { break } log.Printf("FATAL: ffmpeg command failed with %s\n", err) break } _, err = w.Write(buf[:n]) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s-%s: client closed connection",, s.quality) log.Println(err) break } flusher.Flush() } // Terminate ffmpeg process coder.Process.Kill() coder.Wait() return nil } func (s *Stream) createChunk(id int) *Chunk { if c, ok := s.chunks[id]; ok { return c } else { s.chunks[id] = NewChunk(id) return s.chunks[id] } } func (s *Stream) pruneChunk(id int) { delete(s.chunks, id) // Remove file filename := s.getTsPath(id) os.Remove(filename) } func (s *Stream) returnChunk(w http.ResponseWriter, chunk *Chunk) { // This function is called with lock, but we don't need it s.mutex.Unlock() defer s.mutex.Lock() // Read file and write to response filename := s.getTsPath( f, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { log.Println(err) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) return } defer f.Close() w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "video/MP2T") io.Copy(w, f) } func (s *Stream) waitForChunk(w http.ResponseWriter, chunk *Chunk) { if chunk.done { s.returnChunk(w, chunk) return } // Add our channel notif := make(chan bool) chunk.notifs = append(chunk.notifs, notif) t := time.NewTimer(10 * time.Second) coder := s.coder s.mutex.Unlock() select { case <-notif: t.Stop() case <-t.C: } s.mutex.Lock() // remove channel for i, c := range chunk.notifs { if c == notif { chunk.notifs = append(chunk.notifs[:i], chunk.notifs[i+1:]...) break } } // check for success if chunk.done { s.returnChunk(w, chunk) return } // Check if coder was changed if coder != s.coder { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusConflict) return } // Return timeout error w.WriteHeader(http.StatusRequestTimeout) } func (s *Stream) restartAtChunk(w http.ResponseWriter, id int) { // Stop current transcoder s.clear() chunk := s.createChunk(id) // create first chunk // Start the transcoder s.goal = id + s.c.GoalBufferMax s.transcode(id) s.waitForChunk(w, chunk) // this is also a request } // Get arguments to ffmpeg func (s *Stream) transcodeArgs(startAt float64, isHls bool) []string { args := []string{ "-loglevel", "warning", } if startAt > 0 { args = append(args, []string{ "-ss", fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", startAt), }...) } // encoder selection CV := ENCODER_X264 // Check whether hwaccel should be used if s.c.VAAPI { CV = ENCODER_VAAPI extra := "-hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi" args = append(args, strings.Split(extra, " ")...) } else if s.c.NVENC { CV = ENCODER_NVENC extra := "-hwaccel cuda" args = append(args, strings.Split(extra, " ")...) } // Disable autorotation (see transpose comments below) if s.c.UseTranspose { args = append(args, []string{"-noautorotate"}...) } // Input specs args = append(args, []string{ "-i", s.m.path, // Input file "-copyts", // So the "-to" refers to the original TS "-fflags", "+genpts", }...) // Filters format := "format=nv12" scaler := "scale" scalerArgs := make([]string, 0) scalerArgs = append(scalerArgs, "force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease") if CV == ENCODER_VAAPI { format = "format=nv12|vaapi,hwupload" scaler = "scale_vaapi" scalerArgs = append(scalerArgs, "format=nv12") } else if CV == ENCODER_NVENC { format = "format=nv12|cuda,hwupload" scaler = fmt.Sprintf("scale_%s", s.c.NVENCScale) // workaround to force scale_cuda to examine all input frames if s.c.NVENCScale == "cuda" { scalerArgs = append(scalerArgs, "passthrough=0") } } // Scale height and width if not max quality if s.quality != QUALITY_MAX { maxDim := s.height if s.width > s.height { maxDim = s.width } scalerArgs = append(scalerArgs, fmt.Sprintf("w=%d", maxDim)) scalerArgs = append(scalerArgs, fmt.Sprintf("h=%d", maxDim)) } // Apply filter if CV != ENCODER_COPY { filter := fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s=%s", format, scaler, strings.Join(scalerArgs, ":")) // Rotation is a mess: // 1/ -noautorotate copies the sidecar metadata to the output // 2/ autorotation doesn't seem to work with some types of HW (at least not with VAAPI) // 3/ autorotation doesn't work with HLS streams // 4/ VAAPI cannot transport on AMD GPUs // So: give the user to disable autorotation for HLS and use a manual transpose if isHls && s.c.UseTranspose { transposer := "transpose" if CV == ENCODER_VAAPI { transposer = "transpose_vaapi" } else if CV == ENCODER_NVENC { transposer = fmt.Sprintf("transpose_%s", s.c.NVENCScale) } if transposer != "transpose_cuda" { // does not exist if s.m.probe.Rotation == -90 { filter = fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s=1", filter, transposer) } else if s.m.probe.Rotation == 90 { filter = fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s=2", filter, transposer) } else if s.m.probe.Rotation == 180 || s.m.probe.Rotation == -180 { filter = fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s=1,%s=1", filter, transposer, transposer) } } } //filter = filter + ",fps=60" args = append(args, []string{"-vf", filter}...) } // Output specs for video args = append(args, []string{ // "-b:v", "5000k", // "-rc_mode", "VBR", "-map", "0:v:0", "-c:v", CV, }...) // Device specific output args if CV == ENCODER_VAAPI { args = append(args, []string{"-global_quality", fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.c.QF)}...) if s.c.VAAPILowPower { args = append(args, []string{"-low_power", "1"}...) } } else if CV == ENCODER_NVENC { args = append(args, []string{ "-preset", "p6", "-tune", "ll", "-rc", "vbr", "-rc-lookahead", "30", "-cq", fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.c.QF), }...) if s.c.NVENCTemporalAQ { args = append(args, []string{"-temporal-aq", "1"}...) } } else if CV == ENCODER_X264 { args = append(args, []string{ "-preset", "faster", "-crf", fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.c.QF), }...) } // Audio output specs args = append(args, []string{ "-map", "0:a:0?", "-c:a", "aac", "-ac", "1", }...) return args } func (s *Stream) transcode(startId int) { if startId > 0 { // Start one frame before // This ensures that the keyframes are aligned startId-- } startAt := float64(startId * s.c.ChunkSize) args := s.transcodeArgs(startAt, true) // Segmenting specs args = append(args, []string{ "-start_number", fmt.Sprintf("%d", startId), "-avoid_negative_ts", "disabled", "-f", "hls", "-hls_flags", "split_by_time", "-hls_time", fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.c.ChunkSize), "-hls_segment_type", "mpegts", "-hls_segment_filename", s.getTsPath(-1), }...) // Keyframe specs if s.c.UseGopSize && s.m.probe.FrameRate > 0 { // Fix GOP size args = append(args, []string{ "-g", fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.c.ChunkSize*s.m.probe.FrameRate), "-keyint_min", fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.c.ChunkSize*s.m.probe.FrameRate), }...) } else { // Force keyframes every chunk args = append(args, []string{ "-force_key_frames", fmt.Sprintf("expr:gte(t,n_forced*%d)", s.c.ChunkSize), }...) } // Output to stdout args = append(args, "-") // Start the process s.coder = exec.Command(s.c.FFmpeg, args...) // Log command, quoting the args as needed quotedArgs := make([]string, len(s.coder.Args)) invalidChars := strings.Join([]string{" ", "=", ":", "\"", "\\", "\n", "\t"}, "") for i, arg := range s.coder.Args { if strings.ContainsAny(arg, invalidChars) { quotedArgs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", arg) } else { quotedArgs[i] = arg } } log.Printf("%s-%s: %s",, s.quality, strings.Join(quotedArgs[:], " ")) cmdStdOut, err := s.coder.StdoutPipe() if err != nil { log.Printf("FATAL: ffmpeg command stdout failed with %s\n", err) } cmdStdErr, err := s.coder.StderrPipe() if err != nil { log.Printf("FATAL: ffmpeg command stdout failed with %s\n", err) } err = s.coder.Start() if err != nil { log.Printf("FATAL: ffmpeg command failed with %s\n", err) } go s.monitorTranscodeOutput(cmdStdOut, startAt) go s.monitorStderr(cmdStdErr) go s.monitorExit() } func (s *Stream) checkGoal(id int) { goal := id + s.c.GoalBufferMin if goal > s.goal { s.goal = id + s.c.GoalBufferMax // resume encoding if s.coder != nil { log.Printf("%s-%s: resuming transcoding",, s.quality) s.coder.Process.Signal(syscall.SIGCONT) } } } func (s *Stream) getTsPath(id int) string { if id == -1 { return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s-%%06d.ts", s.m.tempDir, s.quality) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s-%06d.ts", s.m.tempDir, s.quality, id) } // Separate goroutine func (s *Stream) monitorTranscodeOutput(cmdStdOut io.ReadCloser, startAt float64) { s.mutex.Lock() coder := s.coder s.mutex.Unlock() defer cmdStdOut.Close() stdoutReader := bufio.NewReader(cmdStdOut) for { if s.coder != coder { break } line, err := stdoutReader.ReadBytes('\n') if err == io.EOF { if len(line) == 0 { break } } else if err != nil { log.Println(err) break } else { line = line[:(len(line) - 1)] } l := string(line) if strings.Contains(l, ".ts") { // 1080p-000003.ts idx := strings.Split(strings.Split(l, "-")[1], ".")[0] id, err := strconv.Atoi(idx) if err != nil { log.Println("Error parsing chunk id") } if s.seenChunks[id] { continue } s.seenChunks[id] = true // Debug log.Printf("%s-%s: recv %s",, s.quality, l) func() { s.mutex.Lock() defer s.mutex.Unlock() // The coder has changed; do nothing if s.coder != coder { return } // Notify everyone chunk := s.createChunk(id) if chunk.done { return } chunk.done = true for _, n := range chunk.notifs { n <- true } // Check goal satisfied if id >= s.goal { log.Printf("%s-%s: goal satisfied: %d",, s.quality, s.goal) s.coder.Process.Signal(syscall.SIGSTOP) } }() } } } func (s *Stream) monitorStderr(cmdStdErr io.ReadCloser) { stderrReader := bufio.NewReader(cmdStdErr) for { line, err := stderrReader.ReadBytes('\n') if err == io.EOF { if len(line) == 0 { break } } else if err != nil { log.Println(err) break } else { line = line[:(len(line) - 1)] } log.Println("ffmpeg-error:", string(line)) } } func (s *Stream) monitorExit() { // Join the process coder := s.coder err := coder.Wait() // Try to get exit status if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok { exitcode := exitError.ExitCode() log.Printf("%s-%s: ffmpeg exited with status: %d",, s.quality, exitcode) s.mutex.Lock() defer s.mutex.Unlock() // If error code is >0, there was an error in transcoding if exitcode > 0 && s.coder == coder { // Notify all outstanding chunks for _, chunk := range s.chunks { for _, n := range chunk.notifs { n <- true } } } } }