Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex

Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
Nextcloud bot 2023-08-05 02:22:01 +00:00
parent 211c5a640e
commit 4a0e6407f5
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 130DAB86D3FB356C
86 changed files with 776 additions and 318 deletions

l10n/ar.js vendored
View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عنصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}"],
"Metadata" : "البيانات الوصفية metadata",
"Edit" : "تعديل",
"Failed to load metadata" : "تعذّر تحميل البيانات الوصفية",
"No title" : "بدون عنوان",
"No description" : "بدون وصف",
"No coordinates" : "لا توجد إحداثيات",
@ -85,11 +86,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} صور",
"Failed to load some photos" : "تعذّر تحميل بعض الصِّور",
"Failed to update setting" : "تعذّر تحديث الإعدادات",
"EXIF Extraction" : "استخراج EXIF",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "دعم الألبومات مُمَكَّنٌ عن طريق تطبيق الصور Photos app.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "الألبومات مُعطّلة بسبب أن تطبيق الصور غير موجود.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "تطبيق \"التعرُّف على الصور\" Recognize مُثبّت و مُمَكّن.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "تطبيق \"التعرُّف على الصور\" Recognize غير مُثبّت. بعض الخصائص مثل التعرُّف على الوجوه و توسيم الأجسام object tagging يمكن ألاّ تكون متاحةً.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "تطبيق \"التعرُّف على الوجوه\" Face Recognition مُثبّت و مُمكّن",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "\"مُولِّد المعاينات Preview generator مُثبّت و مُمكّن. بعض الإعدادات الإضافية يمكن أن تكون لازمةً.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "\"مُولِّد المعاينات Preview generator غير مُثبّت و لا مُهيّأ. هذا قد يتسبب في تبطئة \"تطبيق الذكريات\" Mempries بشكل كبير.",
"Recommended Apps" : "تطبيقات مُوصىً بها",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "مسار الحزمة الثنائية exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "أنت بحاجة فقط إلى لغة البرمجة perl إذا كانت حزمة exiftool الثنائية لا تعمل لسبب ما.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "استخدام نظام perl (فقط إذا لم تعمل حزمة exiftool الثنائية)",
"File Support" : "دعم الملف",
"EXIF Extraction" : "استخراج EXIF",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "يمكنك ضبط مزودي معاينة نكست كلود الممكّنة أدناه.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "إذا كنت تستخدم تطبيق Imaginary لإنشاء المعاينة فيمكنك تجاهل هذا الجزء.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "لتمكين دعم تنسيق RAW، قم بتثبيت تطبيق Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -98,17 +106,25 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "أقصى حجم للمعاينة (الأولوية النسبية بين متطلبات الجودة والتخزين).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "الحد الأقصى للذاكرة لإنشاء المعاينة (ميغا بايت)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "الحجم الأقصى لملفات المعاينة (ميغا بايت)",
"File Support" : "دعم الملف",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "الصور (تسيق JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "تنسيق الصور HEIC (Imagick) ",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "تنسيق ملف الصور TIFF ( Imagick) ",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "فيديوهات (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "شكراً لاختياركم منصة نكست كلاود و تطبيق الذكريات Memories لحفظ بياناتكم الثمينة. ",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "تطبيق الذكريات Memories يحوي الكثير من الخصائص و قد يستغرق إعداده بالشكل الصحيح بعض الوقت.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "إذا كنت قد قمت لتوِّك بتنصيب تطبيق الذكريات Memories فلا تنسَ أن تقرأ دليل بدء العمل getting started guide:",
"External Link" : "رابط خارجي",
"Media Indexing" : "فهرسة الوسائط",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "في حال صادفت أي إشكال أو خطأ، يمكنك الحصول على العون و الدعم عبر عدة قنوات.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "تطبيق الذكريات Memories هو تطبيق مجاني و مفتوح المصدر بالكامل و هو تحت التطوير المستمر.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "يمكنك المساهمة بعدة طرق. طالع صفحة المشروع لمزيد التفاصيل:",
"Help & Support" : "عون و دعم",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "تمّت فهرسة {n} ملفات وسائط",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "حالة الفهرسة التلقائية: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "تمّ تشغيل آخر مهمة فهرسة منذ {t} ثواني.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "استغرق الاكتمال {t} ثواني.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "لا يزال قيد التشغيل أو تمّت مقاطعته.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "يبدو أنه قد مرت أكثر من ساعة منذ تشغيل آخر وظيفة في الفهرس. تأكد من تكوين Nextcloud cron بشكل صحيح.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "الوِحدَة (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) تدعم فقط التشفير من جانب الخادم، ولكن تمّ تمكين وحدة تشفير encryption module أخرى.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "يتم إنشاء فهارس EXIF والتحقق منها كمهمة دورية في الخلفية. كن حذرًا عند تحديد أي شيء بخلاف الفهرسة التلقائية. على سبيل المثال، قد يتسبب تعيين الفهرسة على مجلدات التسلسل الزمني فقط في حدوث تأخير في إتاحة الوسائط متاحة للمستخدمين نظرًا لأن المستخدم يقوم بتهيئة التسلسل الزمني فقط بعد دخوله.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "يتم دائمًا استبعاد المجلدات التي تحتوي على ملف \".nomedia\" من الفهرسة.",
@ -122,13 +138,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "فرض إعادة فهرسة جميع الملفات:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "يمكنك تقييد الفهرسة حسب المستخدم و/أو المجلد:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "محو كافة جداول الفهرس الموجودة:",
"Performance" : "سرعة الأداء",
"Media Indexing" : "فهرسة الوسائط",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "تمّ تمكين HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "أنت تدخل إلى هذه الصفحة من خلال سياق غير آمن. لا تتوفر العديد من واجهات برمجة التطبيقات للمتصفح، مما سيجعل تطبيق Memories بطيئاً للغاية. قم بتمكين HTTPS على خادومك لتحسين الأداء.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "تمّ تمكين HTTP/2 أو HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "يُوصَى بشدة باستخدام HTTP/2 أو HTTP/3 (تم اكتشاف {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "سرعة الأداء",
"Unknown" : "غير معروف",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "الترميز الجغرافي العكسي",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "يتم ملء قاعدة البيانات بـ {n} أشكال الهندسية.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "لم يتم إنشاء جدول الهندسة.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "يبدو أن بيانات الكوكب غير كاملة.",
@ -138,13 +154,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "إذا كان الزر أدناه لا يعمل لاستيراد بيانات الكوكب، فاستخدم الأمر التالي:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "ملاحظة: يتم تخزين البيانات الهندسية في جدول memories_planet_geometry، بدون بادئة.",
"Download planet database" : "تنزيل قاعدة بيانات الكوكب planet database",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "الترميز الجغرافي العكسي",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "لم يتم اكتشاف دعم الهندسة في قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بك",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "تم اكتشاف الدعم الهندسي MySQL-like",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "تمّ اكتشاف نظام إدارة قواعد البيانات Postgres للدعم المحلي للهندسة ",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "قاعدة البيانات قد تم إعدادها بالفعل. هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إعادة تنزيل بيانات الكوكب؟",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "أنت على وشك تنزيل قاعدة بيانات الكوكب. هذا قد يستغرق بعض الوقت.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "قد يتسبب هذا أيضًا في إعادة فهرسة جميع الصور!",
"Video Streaming" : "بث الفيديو ",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "يوفر تحويل الترميز المباشر دفقًا متكيفًا لمقاطع الفيديو باستخدام بروتوكول HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "لاحظ أن هذا قد يكون بالغ الحدة علي وحدة المعالجة المركزية دون تسريع الأجهزة، ولن يتم استخدام تحويل الترميز للتخزين الخارجي.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "تمكين تحويل الترميز",
@ -154,13 +170,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "تلقائي (تحويل ترميز متكيف)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "أصلي (تحويل الترميز بأقصى جودة)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "مباشر (ملف فيديو أصلي بدون تحويل الترميز)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "تسريع الأجهزة",
"Video Streaming" : "بث الفيديو ",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "يجب عليك التأكد أولاً من تثبيت برامج التشغيل الصحيحة قبل تهيئة التسريع.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "تأكد من اختبار تسريع الأجهزة بخيارات متنوعة بعد التمكين.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "لا تقم بتمكين أنواع متعددة من تسريع الأجهزة في وقت واحد.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "يمكن استخدام معالجات Intel التي تدعم مزامنة الفيديو السريعة (QSV) وكذلك بعض وحدات معالجة الرسوم AMD لتحويل الترميز باستخدام تسريع VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "لمزيد من التفاصيل حول تثبيت برنامج التشغيل، راجع الوثائق:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "تمكين التسريع باستخدام VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "تمكين وضع الطاقة المنخفضة ( QSV فقط)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "يمكن استخدام وحدات معالجة الرسوم من النوع NVIDIA لتحويل الترميز باستخدام مُرَمِّز NVENC مع برامج التشغيل المناسبة.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "بناء على إصدارات SDK و ffmpeg المثبتة، تحتاج إلى تحديد معداد لاستخدامه",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "لا توجد اختبارات آلية متاحة لتسريع معالجات الرسوم NVIDIA.",
@ -169,16 +186,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"NPP scaler" : "معداد NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "معدّاد CUDA ",
"not recommended" : "لا يُوصى به",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "نظرًا لوجود خطأ في بعض برامج تشغيل الأجهزة، فقد تظهر مقاطع الفيديو في اتجاهات غير صحيحة عند البث. يمكن حلّ هذا المشكل في بعض الحالات عن طريق تدوير الفيديو على المُسرِّع accelerator.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "قم بتمكين الخيار التالي فقط إذا كانت لديك مقاطع فيديو تظهر في غير الاتجاه الصحيح أثناء التشغيل.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "تمكين حل تبديل البث streaming transpose.",
"HW Acceleration" : "التسريع العتادي HW Acceleration",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "جهاز VA-API ({dev}) قابل للقراءة",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "لم يتم العثور علي جهاز VA-API ({dev})",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "جهاز VA-API ({dev}) لديه أذونات غير صحيحة",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "حالة جهاز VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "تهيئة مُحوِّل الترميز",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "يستخدم تطبيق Memories محول الترميز transcoder ـ go-vod. ويمكنك تشغيل محول الترميز go-vod خارجيًا (على سبيل المثال في حاوية دوكر Docker منفصلة لتسريع الأجهزة) أو استخدام محول الترميز المدمج. لاستخدام محول ترميز خارجي، قم بتمكين الخيار التالي واتبع التعليمات الواردة في الوثائق:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "تمكين محول الترميز الخارجي (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "المسار الثنائي (محلي فقط)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "عنوان الاقتران/ الربط (محلي فقط)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "عنوان الاتصال (نفس عنوان الاقتران إذا كان محليّاً)",
"Template" : "قالب",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها","{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها","{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها","{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها","{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها","{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "إضِف الأشخاص أو المجموعات التي يحق لها تعديل ألبومك",
"Search for collaborators" : "البحث عن متعاونين",
@ -432,6 +453,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to favorite files." : "فشل في وضع ملفات في المفضلة",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "فشل في وضع بعض الملفات بالمفضلة.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "فشل في وضع {fileName} في المفضلة.",
"No content-location header found" : "لم يتم العثور على ترويسة موقع المحتوى",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "تعذّر إنشاء الوسم {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "تم تحديث الذكريات إلى {الإصدار}. قم بالتحديث للحصول على الإصدار الجديد.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "رفع بعض الصور والتأكد من تهيئة مسار التسلسل الزمني",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "ضع علامة مفضلة على الصور للعثور عليها بسهولة",

l10n/ar.json vendored
View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عنصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}"],
"Metadata" : "البيانات الوصفية metadata",
"Edit" : "تعديل",
"Failed to load metadata" : "تعذّر تحميل البيانات الوصفية",
"No title" : "بدون عنوان",
"No description" : "بدون وصف",
"No coordinates" : "لا توجد إحداثيات",
@ -83,11 +84,18 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} صور",
"Failed to load some photos" : "تعذّر تحميل بعض الصِّور",
"Failed to update setting" : "تعذّر تحديث الإعدادات",
"EXIF Extraction" : "استخراج EXIF",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "دعم الألبومات مُمَكَّنٌ عن طريق تطبيق الصور Photos app.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "الألبومات مُعطّلة بسبب أن تطبيق الصور غير موجود.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "تطبيق \"التعرُّف على الصور\" Recognize مُثبّت و مُمَكّن.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "تطبيق \"التعرُّف على الصور\" Recognize غير مُثبّت. بعض الخصائص مثل التعرُّف على الوجوه و توسيم الأجسام object tagging يمكن ألاّ تكون متاحةً.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "تطبيق \"التعرُّف على الوجوه\" Face Recognition مُثبّت و مُمكّن",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "\"مُولِّد المعاينات Preview generator مُثبّت و مُمكّن. بعض الإعدادات الإضافية يمكن أن تكون لازمةً.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "\"مُولِّد المعاينات Preview generator غير مُثبّت و لا مُهيّأ. هذا قد يتسبب في تبطئة \"تطبيق الذكريات\" Mempries بشكل كبير.",
"Recommended Apps" : "تطبيقات مُوصىً بها",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "مسار الحزمة الثنائية exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "أنت بحاجة فقط إلى لغة البرمجة perl إذا كانت حزمة exiftool الثنائية لا تعمل لسبب ما.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "استخدام نظام perl (فقط إذا لم تعمل حزمة exiftool الثنائية)",
"File Support" : "دعم الملف",
"EXIF Extraction" : "استخراج EXIF",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "يمكنك ضبط مزودي معاينة نكست كلود الممكّنة أدناه.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "إذا كنت تستخدم تطبيق Imaginary لإنشاء المعاينة فيمكنك تجاهل هذا الجزء.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "لتمكين دعم تنسيق RAW، قم بتثبيت تطبيق Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -96,17 +104,25 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "أقصى حجم للمعاينة (الأولوية النسبية بين متطلبات الجودة والتخزين).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "الحد الأقصى للذاكرة لإنشاء المعاينة (ميغا بايت)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "الحجم الأقصى لملفات المعاينة (ميغا بايت)",
"File Support" : "دعم الملف",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "الصور (تسيق JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "تنسيق الصور HEIC (Imagick) ",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "تنسيق ملف الصور TIFF ( Imagick) ",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "فيديوهات (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "شكراً لاختياركم منصة نكست كلاود و تطبيق الذكريات Memories لحفظ بياناتكم الثمينة. ",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "تطبيق الذكريات Memories يحوي الكثير من الخصائص و قد يستغرق إعداده بالشكل الصحيح بعض الوقت.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "إذا كنت قد قمت لتوِّك بتنصيب تطبيق الذكريات Memories فلا تنسَ أن تقرأ دليل بدء العمل getting started guide:",
"External Link" : "رابط خارجي",
"Media Indexing" : "فهرسة الوسائط",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "في حال صادفت أي إشكال أو خطأ، يمكنك الحصول على العون و الدعم عبر عدة قنوات.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "تطبيق الذكريات Memories هو تطبيق مجاني و مفتوح المصدر بالكامل و هو تحت التطوير المستمر.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "يمكنك المساهمة بعدة طرق. طالع صفحة المشروع لمزيد التفاصيل:",
"Help & Support" : "عون و دعم",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "تمّت فهرسة {n} ملفات وسائط",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "حالة الفهرسة التلقائية: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "تمّ تشغيل آخر مهمة فهرسة منذ {t} ثواني.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "استغرق الاكتمال {t} ثواني.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "لا يزال قيد التشغيل أو تمّت مقاطعته.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "يبدو أنه قد مرت أكثر من ساعة منذ تشغيل آخر وظيفة في الفهرس. تأكد من تكوين Nextcloud cron بشكل صحيح.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "الوِحدَة (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) تدعم فقط التشفير من جانب الخادم، ولكن تمّ تمكين وحدة تشفير encryption module أخرى.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "يتم إنشاء فهارس EXIF والتحقق منها كمهمة دورية في الخلفية. كن حذرًا عند تحديد أي شيء بخلاف الفهرسة التلقائية. على سبيل المثال، قد يتسبب تعيين الفهرسة على مجلدات التسلسل الزمني فقط في حدوث تأخير في إتاحة الوسائط متاحة للمستخدمين نظرًا لأن المستخدم يقوم بتهيئة التسلسل الزمني فقط بعد دخوله.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "يتم دائمًا استبعاد المجلدات التي تحتوي على ملف \".nomedia\" من الفهرسة.",
@ -120,13 +136,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "فرض إعادة فهرسة جميع الملفات:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "يمكنك تقييد الفهرسة حسب المستخدم و/أو المجلد:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "محو كافة جداول الفهرس الموجودة:",
"Performance" : "سرعة الأداء",
"Media Indexing" : "فهرسة الوسائط",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "تمّ تمكين HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "أنت تدخل إلى هذه الصفحة من خلال سياق غير آمن. لا تتوفر العديد من واجهات برمجة التطبيقات للمتصفح، مما سيجعل تطبيق Memories بطيئاً للغاية. قم بتمكين HTTPS على خادومك لتحسين الأداء.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "تمّ تمكين HTTP/2 أو HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "يُوصَى بشدة باستخدام HTTP/2 أو HTTP/3 (تم اكتشاف {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "سرعة الأداء",
"Unknown" : "غير معروف",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "الترميز الجغرافي العكسي",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "يتم ملء قاعدة البيانات بـ {n} أشكال الهندسية.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "لم يتم إنشاء جدول الهندسة.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "يبدو أن بيانات الكوكب غير كاملة.",
@ -136,13 +152,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "إذا كان الزر أدناه لا يعمل لاستيراد بيانات الكوكب، فاستخدم الأمر التالي:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "ملاحظة: يتم تخزين البيانات الهندسية في جدول memories_planet_geometry، بدون بادئة.",
"Download planet database" : "تنزيل قاعدة بيانات الكوكب planet database",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "الترميز الجغرافي العكسي",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "لم يتم اكتشاف دعم الهندسة في قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بك",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "تم اكتشاف الدعم الهندسي MySQL-like",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "تمّ اكتشاف نظام إدارة قواعد البيانات Postgres للدعم المحلي للهندسة ",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "قاعدة البيانات قد تم إعدادها بالفعل. هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إعادة تنزيل بيانات الكوكب؟",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "أنت على وشك تنزيل قاعدة بيانات الكوكب. هذا قد يستغرق بعض الوقت.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "قد يتسبب هذا أيضًا في إعادة فهرسة جميع الصور!",
"Video Streaming" : "بث الفيديو ",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "يوفر تحويل الترميز المباشر دفقًا متكيفًا لمقاطع الفيديو باستخدام بروتوكول HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "لاحظ أن هذا قد يكون بالغ الحدة علي وحدة المعالجة المركزية دون تسريع الأجهزة، ولن يتم استخدام تحويل الترميز للتخزين الخارجي.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "تمكين تحويل الترميز",
@ -152,13 +168,14 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "تلقائي (تحويل ترميز متكيف)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "أصلي (تحويل الترميز بأقصى جودة)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "مباشر (ملف فيديو أصلي بدون تحويل الترميز)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "تسريع الأجهزة",
"Video Streaming" : "بث الفيديو ",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "يجب عليك التأكد أولاً من تثبيت برامج التشغيل الصحيحة قبل تهيئة التسريع.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "تأكد من اختبار تسريع الأجهزة بخيارات متنوعة بعد التمكين.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "لا تقم بتمكين أنواع متعددة من تسريع الأجهزة في وقت واحد.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "يمكن استخدام معالجات Intel التي تدعم مزامنة الفيديو السريعة (QSV) وكذلك بعض وحدات معالجة الرسوم AMD لتحويل الترميز باستخدام تسريع VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "لمزيد من التفاصيل حول تثبيت برنامج التشغيل، راجع الوثائق:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "تمكين التسريع باستخدام VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "تمكين وضع الطاقة المنخفضة ( QSV فقط)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "يمكن استخدام وحدات معالجة الرسوم من النوع NVIDIA لتحويل الترميز باستخدام مُرَمِّز NVENC مع برامج التشغيل المناسبة.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "بناء على إصدارات SDK و ffmpeg المثبتة، تحتاج إلى تحديد معداد لاستخدامه",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "لا توجد اختبارات آلية متاحة لتسريع معالجات الرسوم NVIDIA.",
@ -167,16 +184,20 @@
"NPP scaler" : "معداد NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "معدّاد CUDA ",
"not recommended" : "لا يُوصى به",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "نظرًا لوجود خطأ في بعض برامج تشغيل الأجهزة، فقد تظهر مقاطع الفيديو في اتجاهات غير صحيحة عند البث. يمكن حلّ هذا المشكل في بعض الحالات عن طريق تدوير الفيديو على المُسرِّع accelerator.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "قم بتمكين الخيار التالي فقط إذا كانت لديك مقاطع فيديو تظهر في غير الاتجاه الصحيح أثناء التشغيل.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "تمكين حل تبديل البث streaming transpose.",
"HW Acceleration" : "التسريع العتادي HW Acceleration",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "جهاز VA-API ({dev}) قابل للقراءة",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "لم يتم العثور علي جهاز VA-API ({dev})",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "جهاز VA-API ({dev}) لديه أذونات غير صحيحة",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "حالة جهاز VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "تهيئة مُحوِّل الترميز",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "يستخدم تطبيق Memories محول الترميز transcoder ـ go-vod. ويمكنك تشغيل محول الترميز go-vod خارجيًا (على سبيل المثال في حاوية دوكر Docker منفصلة لتسريع الأجهزة) أو استخدام محول الترميز المدمج. لاستخدام محول ترميز خارجي، قم بتمكين الخيار التالي واتبع التعليمات الواردة في الوثائق:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "تمكين محول الترميز الخارجي (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "المسار الثنائي (محلي فقط)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "عنوان الاقتران/ الربط (محلي فقط)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "عنوان الاتصال (نفس عنوان الاقتران إذا كان محليّاً)",
"Template" : "قالب",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها","{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها","{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها","{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها","{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها","{n} صورة تمّ تعديلها"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "إضِف الأشخاص أو المجموعات التي يحق لها تعديل ألبومك",
"Search for collaborators" : "البحث عن متعاونين",
@ -430,6 +451,8 @@
"Failed to favorite files." : "فشل في وضع ملفات في المفضلة",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "فشل في وضع بعض الملفات بالمفضلة.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "فشل في وضع {fileName} في المفضلة.",
"No content-location header found" : "لم يتم العثور على ترويسة موقع المحتوى",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "تعذّر إنشاء الوسم {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "تم تحديث الذكريات إلى {الإصدار}. قم بالتحديث للحصول على الإصدار الجديد.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "رفع بعض الصور والتأكد من تهيئة مسار التسلسل الزمني",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "ضع علامة مفضلة على الصور للعثور عليها بسهولة",

l10n/ast.js vendored
View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Photos" : "Semeyes",
"Delete" : "Desaniciar",
"External Link" : "Enllaz esternu",
"Template" : "Plantía",
"Public link" : "Enllaz públicu",
"Year" : "Añu",
"Hour" : "Hora",

l10n/ast.json vendored
View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"Photos" : "Semeyes",
"Delete" : "Desaniciar",
"External Link" : "Enllaz esternu",
"Template" : "Plantía",
"Public link" : "Enllaz públicu",
"Year" : "Añu",
"Hour" : "Hora",

l10n/bg.js vendored
View File

@ -71,12 +71,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} снимки",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Неуспешно зареждане на някои снимки",
"Failed to update setting" : "Неуспешно актуализиране на настройка",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Извличане на EXIF",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Път до пакетираният двоичен файл на exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Нуждаете се от perl скрипт, само ако пакетираният двоичен файл exiftool не работи по някаква причина.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Използване на системен скрипт perl (само ако двоичният файл exiftool не работи)",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Извличане на EXIF",
"External Link" : "Външна връзка",
"Media Indexing" : "Индексиране на медии",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "Индексирани са {n} медийни файлове",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Състояние на автоматично индексиране: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Последното задание за индексиране е изпълнено преди {t} секунди.",
@ -95,13 +94,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Принудително повторно индексиране на всички файлове:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Можете да ограничите индексирането по потребител и/или папка:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Изчистване на всички съществуващи индексни таблици:",
"Performance" : "Производителност",
"Media Indexing" : "Индексиране на медии",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS е активиран",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Осъществявате достъп до тази страница в незащитен контекст. Няколко API на браузъра не са налични, което ще направи приложението Memories много бавно. Активирайте HTTPS на вашия сървър за подобряване на производителността.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "Активиран е HTTP/2 или HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Силно се препоръчва HTTP/2 или HTTP/3, (открит е {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Производителност",
"Unknown" : "Неизвестен",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Обратно геокодиране",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Базата данни е попълнена с {n} геометрии.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Не е създадена таблица с геометрии.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Изглежда, че планетарните данни не са пълни.",
@ -111,13 +110,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Ако долният бутон за импортиране на планетарни данни не работи, използвайте следната команда:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Забележка: геометричните данни се съхраняват в таблицата memories_planet_geometry без префикс.",
"Download planet database" : "Изтегляне на планетарна база данни",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Обратно геокодиране",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Поддръжката на геометрия не е открита във вашата база данни",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Открита е поддръжка на геометрия, подобна на MySQL ",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Открита е поддръжка на геометрия, базирана на Postgres",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Изглежда, че базата данни вече е настроена. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтеглите отново планетарните данни?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "На път сте да изтеглите базата данни на планетата. Това може да отнеме известно време.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Това може да доведе и до повторно индексиране на всички снимки!",
"Video Streaming" : "Поточно предаване на видео",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Транскодирането в реално време осигурява адаптивно поточно предаване на видеоклипове с помощта на HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Имайте предвид, че това може да бъде много интензивно за процесор без хардуерно ускорение и транскодирането няма да се използва за външно хранилище.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Активиране на транскодирането",
@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Автоматично (адаптивно транскодиране)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Оригинално (транскодиране с максимално качество)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Директно (оригинален видеофайл без транскодиране)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Хардуерно ускорение",
"Video Streaming" : "Поточно предаване на видео",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Преди да конфигурирате ускорението, първо трябва да се уверите, че са инсталирани правилните драйвери.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Уверете се, че сте тествали хардуерното ускорение с различни опции, след като го активирате.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Не активирайте едновременно няколко вида хардуерно ускорение.",
@ -145,12 +144,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "Устройството VA-API ({dev}) не е намерено",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "Устройството VA-API ({dev}) има неправилни права",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Статус на устройството VA-AP: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Конфигурация на транскодер",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Приложението Memories използва go-vod транскодер. Можете да стартирате go-vod външно (напр. в отделен Docker контейнер за хардуерно ускорение) или да използвате вградения транскодер. За да използвате външен транскодер, активирайте следната опция и следвайте инструкциите в документацията:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Активиране на външен транскодер (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Бинарен път (само локален)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Обвързващ адрес (само локален)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Адрес на връзката (същият като адреса на обвързване ако е локален)",
"Template" : "Шаблон",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Добавяне на хора или групи, които могат да редактират вашият албум",
"Search for collaborators" : "Търсене на сътрудници",
"Search people or groups" : "Търсене на хора или групи",

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View File

@ -69,12 +69,11 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} снимки",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Неуспешно зареждане на някои снимки",
"Failed to update setting" : "Неуспешно актуализиране на настройка",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Извличане на EXIF",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Път до пакетираният двоичен файл на exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Нуждаете се от perl скрипт, само ако пакетираният двоичен файл exiftool не работи по някаква причина.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Използване на системен скрипт perl (само ако двоичният файл exiftool не работи)",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Извличане на EXIF",
"External Link" : "Външна връзка",
"Media Indexing" : "Индексиране на медии",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "Индексирани са {n} медийни файлове",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Състояние на автоматично индексиране: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Последното задание за индексиране е изпълнено преди {t} секунди.",
@ -93,13 +92,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Принудително повторно индексиране на всички файлове:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Можете да ограничите индексирането по потребител и/или папка:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Изчистване на всички съществуващи индексни таблици:",
"Performance" : "Производителност",
"Media Indexing" : "Индексиране на медии",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS е активиран",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Осъществявате достъп до тази страница в незащитен контекст. Няколко API на браузъра не са налични, което ще направи приложението Memories много бавно. Активирайте HTTPS на вашия сървър за подобряване на производителността.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "Активиран е HTTP/2 или HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Силно се препоръчва HTTP/2 или HTTP/3, (открит е {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Производителност",
"Unknown" : "Неизвестен",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Обратно геокодиране",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Базата данни е попълнена с {n} геометрии.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Не е създадена таблица с геометрии.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Изглежда, че планетарните данни не са пълни.",
@ -109,13 +108,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Ако долният бутон за импортиране на планетарни данни не работи, използвайте следната команда:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Забележка: геометричните данни се съхраняват в таблицата memories_planet_geometry без префикс.",
"Download planet database" : "Изтегляне на планетарна база данни",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Обратно геокодиране",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Поддръжката на геометрия не е открита във вашата база данни",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Открита е поддръжка на геометрия, подобна на MySQL ",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Открита е поддръжка на геометрия, базирана на Postgres",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Изглежда, че базата данни вече е настроена. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтеглите отново планетарните данни?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "На път сте да изтеглите базата данни на планетата. Това може да отнеме известно време.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Това може да доведе и до повторно индексиране на всички снимки!",
"Video Streaming" : "Поточно предаване на видео",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Транскодирането в реално време осигурява адаптивно поточно предаване на видеоклипове с помощта на HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Имайте предвид, че това може да бъде много интензивно за процесор без хардуерно ускорение и транскодирането няма да се използва за външно хранилище.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Активиране на транскодирането",
@ -125,7 +124,7 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Автоматично (адаптивно транскодиране)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Оригинално (транскодиране с максимално качество)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Директно (оригинален видеофайл без транскодиране)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Хардуерно ускорение",
"Video Streaming" : "Поточно предаване на видео",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Преди да конфигурирате ускорението, първо трябва да се уверите, че са инсталирани правилните драйвери.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Уверете се, че сте тествали хардуерното ускорение с различни опции, след като го активирате.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Не активирайте едновременно няколко вида хардуерно ускорение.",
@ -143,12 +142,12 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "Устройството VA-API ({dev}) не е намерено",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "Устройството VA-API ({dev}) има неправилни права",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Статус на устройството VA-AP: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Конфигурация на транскодер",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Приложението Memories използва go-vod транскодер. Можете да стартирате go-vod външно (напр. в отделен Docker контейнер за хардуерно ускорение) или да използвате вградения транскодер. За да използвате външен транскодер, активирайте следната опция и следвайте инструкциите в документацията:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Активиране на външен транскодер (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Бинарен път (само локален)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Обвързващ адрес (само локален)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Адрес на връзката (същият като адреса на обвързване ако е локален)",
"Template" : "Шаблон",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Добавяне на хора или групи, които могат да редактират вашият албум",
"Search for collaborators" : "Търсене на сътрудници",
"Search people or groups" : "Търсене на хора или групи",

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@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "Rendiment",
"Unknown" : "Desconegut",
"Template" : "Plantilla",
"No items" : "No hi ha cap element",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartit per {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Afegeix persones o grups que puguin editar el teu àlbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Cerca de col·laboradors",
"Search people or groups" : "Cerca persones o grups",

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@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
"Performance" : "Rendiment",
"Unknown" : "Desconegut",
"Template" : "Plantilla",
"No items" : "No hi ha cap element",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartit per {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Afegeix persones o grups que puguin editar el teu àlbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Cerca de col·laboradors",
"Search people or groups" : "Cerca persones o grups",

l10n/cs.js vendored
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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Nalezena {n} položka v {path}","Nalezeny {n} položky v {path}","Nalezeno {n} položek v {path}","Nalezeny {n} položky v {path}"],
"Metadata" : "Metadata",
"Edit" : "Upravit",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Metadata se nepodařilo načíst",
"No title" : "Bez nadpisu",
"No description" : "Bez popisu",
"No coordinates" : "Žádné souřadnice",
@ -84,11 +85,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotek",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Některé fotky se nepodařilo načíst",
"Failed to update setting" : "Nastavení se nepodařilo zaktualizovat",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Získávání EXIF metadat",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "Podpora pro alba je realizována prostřednictvím aplikace Fotky.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Alba jsou vypnutá, protože není k dispozici aplikace Fotky.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Aplikace Rozpoznávání je nainstalovaná a zapnutá.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Aplikace Rozpoznávání není nainstalovaná. Některé funkce, jako např. rozpoznávání obličejů a opatřování štítky podle objektů na fotkách nemusí být k dispozici.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "Rozpoznávání obličejů je nainstalované a zapnuté",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "Vytváření náhledů je nainstalované a zapnuté. I tak může být zapotřebí ještě dalšího nastavování.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "Vytváření náhledů není nainstalované nebo nastavené. Kvůli tomu mohou být Vzpomínky velmi pomalé.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Doporučené aplikace",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Popis umístění přibaleného spustitelného souboru s exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Perl je zapotřebí pouze pokud přibalený spustitelný soubor s exiftool z nějakého důvodu nefunguje.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Použít perl ze systému (pouze pokud pustitelný soubor s exiftool nefunguje)",
"File Support" : "Podpora pro soubor",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Získávání EXIF metadat",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Níže je možné nastavit zapnuté poskytovatele náhledů v Nextcloud.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Pokud pro vytváření náhledů používáte Imaginary, je možné tuto sekci ignorovat.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Pokud chcete zapnout podporu pro formát RAW, nainstalujte aplikaci Náhledy RAW z fotoaparátu.",
@ -97,17 +105,25 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Nejvyšší umožněná velikost náhledu (kompromis mezi kvalitou a požadavky na prostor na úložišti)",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Pro vytváření náhledů využít z operační paměti nejvýše (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Nejvyšší umožněná velikost souborů s náhledy (MB)",
"File Support" : "Podpora pro soubor",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Obrázky (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videa (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Děkujeme, že jste pro ukládání vašich vzácných dat zvolili Nextcloud a Vzpomínky!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Vzpomínky je nabité funkcemi a tak správné nastavení může chvíli trvat.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "Pokud jste vzpomínky právě nainstalovali, nezapomeňte si přečíst příručku Začínáme:",
"External Link" : "Externí odkaz",
"Media Indexing" : "Vytváření rejstříku médií",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "V případě, že narazíte na problémy či chyby, pomoc je možné získat prostřednictvím několika kanálů.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Vzpomínky jsou zcela bezplatnou a opensource aplikací, která je aktivně vyvíjena.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "Podílet se na vývoji je možné vícero způsoby. Podrobnosti jak naleznete na webu projektu:",
"Help & Support" : "Nápověda a podpora",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} souborů s médii bylo zařazeno do rejstříku",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Stav automatického vytváření rejstříku: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Nejnovější úloha vytváření rejstříku proběhla před {t} sekundami.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Dokončení trvalo {t} sekund.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Pořád probíhá nebo bylo přerušeno.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Zdá se, že od minulé úlohy vytváření rejstříku uplynula více než hodina. Zajistěte, že jsou správně nastavené naplánované úlohy (cron) pro Nextcloud.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Je podporováno pouze šifrování na straně serveru (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE), ale navzdory tomu je zapnutý jiný šifrovací modul.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Rejstříky EXIF metadat jsou vytvářeny a kontrolovány v rámci pravidelné úlohy spouštěné na pozadí. Při vybírání čehokoli jiného než automatického vytváření rejstříků buďte opatrní. Například nastavení vytváření rejstříků pouze na složky s časovou osou může způsobovat prodlevy v dostupnosti médií ",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Složky obsahující soubor „.nomedia“ jsou z vytváření rejstříku vynechávány.",
@ -121,13 +137,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Vynutit znovuvytvoření rejstříku ze všech souborů:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Je možné omezit vytváření rejstříků pro uživatele nebo složku:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Vyčistit veškeré existující tabulky rejstříků:",
"Performance" : "Výkonnost",
"Media Indexing" : "Vytváření rejstříku médií",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS je zapnuté",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "K této stránce přistupujete přes nezabezpečený kontext. V důsledku toho nejsou některá API rozhraní prohlížeče k dispozici, což Vzpomínky velmi zpomalí. Zlepšete výkon zapnutím HTTPS na tomto serveru.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 nebo HTTP/3 je zapnuté",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 nebo HTTP/3 je velmi doporučováno (zjištěno {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Výkonnost",
"Unknown" : "Neznámé",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Obrácené geokódování",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Databáze je osazena {n} geometriemi.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Tabulka geometrie nebyla vytvořena.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Zdá se, že planetární data nejsou úplná.",
@ -137,13 +153,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Pokud níže uvedené tlačítko pro naimportování planetárních dat nefunguje, použijte následující příkaz:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Pozn.: data o geometrii jsou uložena v tabulce memories_planet_geometry (bez předpony).",
"Download planet database" : "Stáhnout si geografickou databázi",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Obrácené geokódování",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Podpora geometrie nebyla ve vámi využívané databázi zjištěna",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Podpora geometrie ve stylu MySQL nebyla zjistěna",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Byla zjištěna podpora nativní Postgres geometrie",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Zdá se, že databáze už je nastavená. Opravdu si přejete planetární data znovu stáhnout?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Chystáte se stáhnout si planetární databázi. To může chvíli trvat.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Toto také může způsobit, že bude znovu vytvořen rejstřík všech fotek!",
"Video Streaming" : "Proudové vysílání videa",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Živé překódovávání poskytuje adaptivní proudové vysílání videí pomocí HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Mějte na paměti, že nebude použito v případě externích úložiště. Dále také, pokud není k dispozici hardwarová akcelerace, toto může velmi silně vytěžovat procesor.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Zapnout překódovávání",
@ -153,13 +169,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automatická (přizpůsobivé překódování)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Originál (překódovat v nejvyšší možné kvalitě)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Přímé (původní video soubor bez překódování)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardwarová akcelerace",
"Video Streaming" : "Proudové vysílání videa",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Nejprve je třeba mít nainstalované správné ovladače a pak až nastavovat akceleraci.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Poté co ji zapnete, vyzkoušejte hardwarovou akceleraci pomocí různých voleb.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Nezapínejte vícero typů hardwarové akcelerace naráz.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "V případě procesorů Intel, podporujících QuickSync Video (QSV), stejně tak některých grafických čipů AMD, je pro překódovávání možné využít akceleraci přes rozhraní VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Podrobnosti ohledně instalace ovladače naleznete v dokumentaci:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Zapnout akceleraci pomocí VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Zapnout režim nízké spotřeby (pouze QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "Při použití příhodných ovladačů je pro překódovávání možné na grafických čipech NVIDIA využít NVENC enkodér.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Podle verze nainstalovaného SDK a nástroje ffmepg je třeba zadat které škálování použít",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "Pro akceleraci přes NVIDIA nejsou k dispozici automatizované testy.",
@ -168,17 +185,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"NPP scaler" : "NPP škálování",
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA škálování",
"not recommended" : "nedoporučeno",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Kvůli chybě v některých ovladačích hardware mohou být při přehrávání videa nesprávně otočená. V některých případech je možné toto vyřešit otočením videa na akcelerátoru.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Následující předvolby zapněte pouze v případě že jsou videa při přehrávání nesprávně otočená.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Zapnout obejití problému transponování proudového vysílání",
"HW Acceleration" : "Hardwarová akcelerace",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API zařízení ({dev}) není přístupné pro čtení",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API zařízení ({dev}) nenalezeno",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "Na VA-API zařízení ({dev}) nejsou správně nastavená práva",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Stav VA-API zařízení: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Natavení nástroje pro překódovávání",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Vzpomínky používají pro překódovávání nástroj go-vod. Ten je možné spouštět externě (např. ve zvlášť Docker containeru kvůli hardwarové akceleraci) nebo použít jeho vestavěnou podobu. Pokud chcete použít externí podobu, zapněte následující předvolby a postupujte podle pokynů v dokumentaci:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Zapnout externí nástroj pro překódování (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Popis umístění spustitelného souboru (pouze lokální)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Adresa, na kterou navázat (pouze místní)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Adresa pro připojení (pokud lokální, stejná jako ta pro navázání na)",
"Template" : "Šablona",
"No items" : "Žádné položky",
"Shared by {user}" : "Sdílí {user}",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} fotka zaktualizována","{n} fotky zaktualizovány","{n} fotek zaktualizováno","{n} fotky zaktualizovány"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Přidejte uživatele či skupiny, kteří mohou album upravovat",
"Search for collaborators" : "Vyhledat spolupracující",
@ -432,6 +454,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to favorite files." : "Nepodařilo se přidat soubory mezi oblíbené.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Některé soubory se nepodařilo označit jako oblíbené",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Nepodařilo se přidat {fileName} do oblíbených.",
"No content-location header found" : "Nenalezena žádná hlavička content-location (umístění obsahu)",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "Nepodařilo se vytvořit štítek {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Vzpomínky byly zaktualizovány na {version}. Načtěte stránku znovu, aby se změna projevila.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Nahrajte nějaké fotky a ověřte, že je nastavený popis umístění časové osy",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Abyste je snadno našli, označujte fotky jako oblíbené",

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View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Nalezena {n} položka v {path}","Nalezeny {n} položky v {path}","Nalezeno {n} položek v {path}","Nalezeny {n} položky v {path}"],
"Metadata" : "Metadata",
"Edit" : "Upravit",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Metadata se nepodařilo načíst",
"No title" : "Bez nadpisu",
"No description" : "Bez popisu",
"No coordinates" : "Žádné souřadnice",
@ -82,11 +83,18 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotek",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Některé fotky se nepodařilo načíst",
"Failed to update setting" : "Nastavení se nepodařilo zaktualizovat",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Získávání EXIF metadat",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "Podpora pro alba je realizována prostřednictvím aplikace Fotky.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Alba jsou vypnutá, protože není k dispozici aplikace Fotky.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Aplikace Rozpoznávání je nainstalovaná a zapnutá.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Aplikace Rozpoznávání není nainstalovaná. Některé funkce, jako např. rozpoznávání obličejů a opatřování štítky podle objektů na fotkách nemusí být k dispozici.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "Rozpoznávání obličejů je nainstalované a zapnuté",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "Vytváření náhledů je nainstalované a zapnuté. I tak může být zapotřebí ještě dalšího nastavování.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "Vytváření náhledů není nainstalované nebo nastavené. Kvůli tomu mohou být Vzpomínky velmi pomalé.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Doporučené aplikace",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Popis umístění přibaleného spustitelného souboru s exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Perl je zapotřebí pouze pokud přibalený spustitelný soubor s exiftool z nějakého důvodu nefunguje.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Použít perl ze systému (pouze pokud pustitelný soubor s exiftool nefunguje)",
"File Support" : "Podpora pro soubor",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Získávání EXIF metadat",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Níže je možné nastavit zapnuté poskytovatele náhledů v Nextcloud.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Pokud pro vytváření náhledů používáte Imaginary, je možné tuto sekci ignorovat.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Pokud chcete zapnout podporu pro formát RAW, nainstalujte aplikaci Náhledy RAW z fotoaparátu.",
@ -95,17 +103,25 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Nejvyšší umožněná velikost náhledu (kompromis mezi kvalitou a požadavky na prostor na úložišti)",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Pro vytváření náhledů využít z operační paměti nejvýše (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Nejvyšší umožněná velikost souborů s náhledy (MB)",
"File Support" : "Podpora pro soubor",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Obrázky (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videa (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Děkujeme, že jste pro ukládání vašich vzácných dat zvolili Nextcloud a Vzpomínky!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Vzpomínky je nabité funkcemi a tak správné nastavení může chvíli trvat.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "Pokud jste vzpomínky právě nainstalovali, nezapomeňte si přečíst příručku Začínáme:",
"External Link" : "Externí odkaz",
"Media Indexing" : "Vytváření rejstříku médií",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "V případě, že narazíte na problémy či chyby, pomoc je možné získat prostřednictvím několika kanálů.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Vzpomínky jsou zcela bezplatnou a opensource aplikací, která je aktivně vyvíjena.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "Podílet se na vývoji je možné vícero způsoby. Podrobnosti jak naleznete na webu projektu:",
"Help & Support" : "Nápověda a podpora",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} souborů s médii bylo zařazeno do rejstříku",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Stav automatického vytváření rejstříku: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Nejnovější úloha vytváření rejstříku proběhla před {t} sekundami.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Dokončení trvalo {t} sekund.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Pořád probíhá nebo bylo přerušeno.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Zdá se, že od minulé úlohy vytváření rejstříku uplynula více než hodina. Zajistěte, že jsou správně nastavené naplánované úlohy (cron) pro Nextcloud.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Je podporováno pouze šifrování na straně serveru (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE), ale navzdory tomu je zapnutý jiný šifrovací modul.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Rejstříky EXIF metadat jsou vytvářeny a kontrolovány v rámci pravidelné úlohy spouštěné na pozadí. Při vybírání čehokoli jiného než automatického vytváření rejstříků buďte opatrní. Například nastavení vytváření rejstříků pouze na složky s časovou osou může způsobovat prodlevy v dostupnosti médií ",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Složky obsahující soubor „.nomedia“ jsou z vytváření rejstříku vynechávány.",
@ -119,13 +135,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Vynutit znovuvytvoření rejstříku ze všech souborů:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Je možné omezit vytváření rejstříků pro uživatele nebo složku:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Vyčistit veškeré existující tabulky rejstříků:",
"Performance" : "Výkonnost",
"Media Indexing" : "Vytváření rejstříku médií",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS je zapnuté",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "K této stránce přistupujete přes nezabezpečený kontext. V důsledku toho nejsou některá API rozhraní prohlížeče k dispozici, což Vzpomínky velmi zpomalí. Zlepšete výkon zapnutím HTTPS na tomto serveru.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 nebo HTTP/3 je zapnuté",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 nebo HTTP/3 je velmi doporučováno (zjištěno {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Výkonnost",
"Unknown" : "Neznámé",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Obrácené geokódování",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Databáze je osazena {n} geometriemi.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Tabulka geometrie nebyla vytvořena.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Zdá se, že planetární data nejsou úplná.",
@ -135,13 +151,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Pokud níže uvedené tlačítko pro naimportování planetárních dat nefunguje, použijte následující příkaz:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Pozn.: data o geometrii jsou uložena v tabulce memories_planet_geometry (bez předpony).",
"Download planet database" : "Stáhnout si geografickou databázi",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Obrácené geokódování",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Podpora geometrie nebyla ve vámi využívané databázi zjištěna",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Podpora geometrie ve stylu MySQL nebyla zjistěna",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Byla zjištěna podpora nativní Postgres geometrie",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Zdá se, že databáze už je nastavená. Opravdu si přejete planetární data znovu stáhnout?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Chystáte se stáhnout si planetární databázi. To může chvíli trvat.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Toto také může způsobit, že bude znovu vytvořen rejstřík všech fotek!",
"Video Streaming" : "Proudové vysílání videa",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Živé překódovávání poskytuje adaptivní proudové vysílání videí pomocí HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Mějte na paměti, že nebude použito v případě externích úložiště. Dále také, pokud není k dispozici hardwarová akcelerace, toto může velmi silně vytěžovat procesor.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Zapnout překódovávání",
@ -151,13 +167,14 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automatická (přizpůsobivé překódování)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Originál (překódovat v nejvyšší možné kvalitě)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Přímé (původní video soubor bez překódování)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardwarová akcelerace",
"Video Streaming" : "Proudové vysílání videa",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Nejprve je třeba mít nainstalované správné ovladače a pak až nastavovat akceleraci.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Poté co ji zapnete, vyzkoušejte hardwarovou akceleraci pomocí různých voleb.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Nezapínejte vícero typů hardwarové akcelerace naráz.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "V případě procesorů Intel, podporujících QuickSync Video (QSV), stejně tak některých grafických čipů AMD, je pro překódovávání možné využít akceleraci přes rozhraní VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Podrobnosti ohledně instalace ovladače naleznete v dokumentaci:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Zapnout akceleraci pomocí VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Zapnout režim nízké spotřeby (pouze QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "Při použití příhodných ovladačů je pro překódovávání možné na grafických čipech NVIDIA využít NVENC enkodér.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Podle verze nainstalovaného SDK a nástroje ffmepg je třeba zadat které škálování použít",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "Pro akceleraci přes NVIDIA nejsou k dispozici automatizované testy.",
@ -166,17 +183,22 @@
"NPP scaler" : "NPP škálování",
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA škálování",
"not recommended" : "nedoporučeno",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Kvůli chybě v některých ovladačích hardware mohou být při přehrávání videa nesprávně otočená. V některých případech je možné toto vyřešit otočením videa na akcelerátoru.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Následující předvolby zapněte pouze v případě že jsou videa při přehrávání nesprávně otočená.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Zapnout obejití problému transponování proudového vysílání",
"HW Acceleration" : "Hardwarová akcelerace",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API zařízení ({dev}) není přístupné pro čtení",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API zařízení ({dev}) nenalezeno",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "Na VA-API zařízení ({dev}) nejsou správně nastavená práva",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Stav VA-API zařízení: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Natavení nástroje pro překódovávání",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Vzpomínky používají pro překódovávání nástroj go-vod. Ten je možné spouštět externě (např. ve zvlášť Docker containeru kvůli hardwarové akceleraci) nebo použít jeho vestavěnou podobu. Pokud chcete použít externí podobu, zapněte následující předvolby a postupujte podle pokynů v dokumentaci:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Zapnout externí nástroj pro překódování (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Popis umístění spustitelného souboru (pouze lokální)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Adresa, na kterou navázat (pouze místní)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Adresa pro připojení (pokud lokální, stejná jako ta pro navázání na)",
"Template" : "Šablona",
"No items" : "Žádné položky",
"Shared by {user}" : "Sdílí {user}",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} fotka zaktualizována","{n} fotky zaktualizovány","{n} fotek zaktualizováno","{n} fotky zaktualizovány"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Přidejte uživatele či skupiny, kteří mohou album upravovat",
"Search for collaborators" : "Vyhledat spolupracující",
@ -430,6 +452,8 @@
"Failed to favorite files." : "Nepodařilo se přidat soubory mezi oblíbené.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Některé soubory se nepodařilo označit jako oblíbené",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Nepodařilo se přidat {fileName} do oblíbených.",
"No content-location header found" : "Nenalezena žádná hlavička content-location (umístění obsahu)",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "Nepodařilo se vytvořit štítek {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Vzpomínky byly zaktualizovány na {version}. Načtěte stránku znovu, aby se změna projevila.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Nahrajte nějaké fotky a ověřte, že je nastavený popis umístění časové osy",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Abyste je snadno našli, označujte fotky jako oblíbené",

l10n/da.js vendored
View File

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "Ydelse",
"Unknown" : "Ukendt",
"Template" : "Skabelon",
"No items" : "Ingen elementer",
"Shared by {user}" : "Delt af {user}",
"Public link copied!" : "Offentlig link kopieret!",
"Copy public link" : "Kopier offentligt link",
"Public link" : "Offentligt link",

l10n/da.json vendored
View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
"Performance" : "Ydelse",
"Unknown" : "Ukendt",
"Template" : "Skabelon",
"No items" : "Ingen elementer",
"Shared by {user}" : "Delt af {user}",
"Public link copied!" : "Offentlig link kopieret!",
"Copy public link" : "Kopier offentligt link",
"Public link" : "Offentligt link",

l10n/de.js vendored
View File

@ -72,12 +72,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} Fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Laden einiger Fotos fehlgeschlagen",
"Failed to update setting" : "Die Einstellung konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-Extraktion",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Pfad zur gepackten Exiftool-Binärdatei",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Du brauchst Perl nur, wenn die gepackte Exiftool-Binärdatei aus irgendeinem Grund nicht funktioniert.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "System-Perl verwenden (nur wenn die Exiftool-Binärdatei nicht funktioniert)",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-Extraktion",
"External Link" : "Externer Link",
"Media Indexing" : "Medien-Indexierung",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} Mediendateien wurden indexiert",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automatischer Indizierungs-Status: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Die letzte Indizierungsjob wurde vor {t}  Sekunden ausgeführt.",
@ -96,13 +95,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Neuindizierung aller Dateien erzwingen:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Du kannst die Indizierung nach Benutzer und/oder Ordner einschränken:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Alle vorhandenen Indextabellen löschen:",
"Performance" : "Leistung",
"Media Indexing" : "Medien-Indexierung",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS ist aktiviert",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Du greifst über einen unsicheren Kontext auf diese Seite zu. Einige Browser-APIs sind nicht verfügbar, wodurch Erinnerungen (Memories) sehr langsam wird. Aktiviere HTTPS auf deinem Server, um die Leistung zu verbessern.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 oder HTTP/3 ist aktiviert",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 oder HTTP/3 wird dringend empfohlen ({httpVer} erkannt)",
"Performance" : "Leistung",
"Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Umgekehrte Geokodierung",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Die Datenbank ist mit {n} Geometrien gefüllt.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Geometrietabelle wurde nicht erstellt.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Die Planetendaten scheinen unvollständig zu sein.",
@ -112,13 +111,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Wenn die Schaltfläche unten zum Importieren der Planetendaten nicht funktioniert, verwende den folgenden Befehl:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Hinweis: Die Geometriedaten werden ohne Präfix in der Tabelle memory_planet_geometry gespeichert.",
"Download planet database" : "Planetendatenbank herunterladen",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Umgekehrte Geokodierung",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Geometrieunterstützung wurde in deiner Datenbank nicht erkannt",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL-ähnliche Geometrieunterstützung wurde erkannt",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Die native Postgres-Geometrieunterstützung wurde erkannt",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Die Datenbank scheint schon eingerichtet zu sein. Willst du wirklich die Planetendaten erneut herunterladen?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Du bist dabei, die Planentendatenbank herunterzuladen. Dies kann etwas dauern.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Dies kann auch dazu führen, dass alle Fotos erneut indexiert werden!",
"Video Streaming" : "Video-Streaming",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live-Transcodierung ermöglicht adaptives Streaming von Videos mit HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Beachte, dass dies ohne Hardwarebeschleunigung sehr CPU-intensiv sein kann und die Transcodierung nicht für die externe Speicherung verwendet wird.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Transcodierung aktivieren",
@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automatisch (adaptive Transcodierung)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (mit maximaler Qualität transcodieren)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Direkt (Originalvideodatei ohne Transcodierung)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardware-Beschleunigung",
"Video Streaming" : "Video-Streaming",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Du musst zunächst sicherstellen, dass die richtigen Treiber installiert sind, bevor du die Beschleunigung konfigurierst.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Stelle sicher, dass du die Hardwarebeschleunigung nach der Aktivierung mit verschiedenen Optionen testest.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Aktiviere nicht mehrere Arten der Hardwarebeschleunigung gleichzeitig.",
@ -146,13 +145,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) nicht gefunden",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) hat falsche Berechtigungen",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API-Gerätestatus: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Transcoder-Konfiguration",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Erinnerungen (Memories) verwendet den Go-Vod-Transcoder. Du kannst go-vod extern ausführen (z. B. in einem separaten Docker-Container zur Hardwarebeschleunigung) oder den integrierten Transcoder verwenden. Um einen externen Transcoder zu verwenden, aktiviere die folgende Option und befolge die Anweisungen in der Dokumentation:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Externen Transcoder aktivieren (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Binärer Pfad (nur lokal)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Bind-Adresse (nur lokal)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Verbindungsadresse (dasselbe wie bind, wenn lokal)",
"Template" : "Vorlage",
"No items" : "Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).",
"Shared by {user}" : "Geteilt von {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Personen oder Gruppen hinzufügen, die dein Album bearbeiten können",
"Search for collaborators" : "Suche nach Mitbearbeitenden",
"Search people or groups" : "Nach Benutzer oder Gruppen suchen",

l10n/de.json vendored
View File

@ -70,12 +70,11 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} Fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Laden einiger Fotos fehlgeschlagen",
"Failed to update setting" : "Die Einstellung konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-Extraktion",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Pfad zur gepackten Exiftool-Binärdatei",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Du brauchst Perl nur, wenn die gepackte Exiftool-Binärdatei aus irgendeinem Grund nicht funktioniert.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "System-Perl verwenden (nur wenn die Exiftool-Binärdatei nicht funktioniert)",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-Extraktion",
"External Link" : "Externer Link",
"Media Indexing" : "Medien-Indexierung",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} Mediendateien wurden indexiert",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automatischer Indizierungs-Status: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Die letzte Indizierungsjob wurde vor {t}  Sekunden ausgeführt.",
@ -94,13 +93,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Neuindizierung aller Dateien erzwingen:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Du kannst die Indizierung nach Benutzer und/oder Ordner einschränken:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Alle vorhandenen Indextabellen löschen:",
"Performance" : "Leistung",
"Media Indexing" : "Medien-Indexierung",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS ist aktiviert",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Du greifst über einen unsicheren Kontext auf diese Seite zu. Einige Browser-APIs sind nicht verfügbar, wodurch Erinnerungen (Memories) sehr langsam wird. Aktiviere HTTPS auf deinem Server, um die Leistung zu verbessern.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 oder HTTP/3 ist aktiviert",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 oder HTTP/3 wird dringend empfohlen ({httpVer} erkannt)",
"Performance" : "Leistung",
"Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Umgekehrte Geokodierung",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Die Datenbank ist mit {n} Geometrien gefüllt.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Geometrietabelle wurde nicht erstellt.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Die Planetendaten scheinen unvollständig zu sein.",
@ -110,13 +109,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Wenn die Schaltfläche unten zum Importieren der Planetendaten nicht funktioniert, verwende den folgenden Befehl:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Hinweis: Die Geometriedaten werden ohne Präfix in der Tabelle memory_planet_geometry gespeichert.",
"Download planet database" : "Planetendatenbank herunterladen",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Umgekehrte Geokodierung",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Geometrieunterstützung wurde in deiner Datenbank nicht erkannt",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL-ähnliche Geometrieunterstützung wurde erkannt",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Die native Postgres-Geometrieunterstützung wurde erkannt",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Die Datenbank scheint schon eingerichtet zu sein. Willst du wirklich die Planetendaten erneut herunterladen?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Du bist dabei, die Planentendatenbank herunterzuladen. Dies kann etwas dauern.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Dies kann auch dazu führen, dass alle Fotos erneut indexiert werden!",
"Video Streaming" : "Video-Streaming",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live-Transcodierung ermöglicht adaptives Streaming von Videos mit HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Beachte, dass dies ohne Hardwarebeschleunigung sehr CPU-intensiv sein kann und die Transcodierung nicht für die externe Speicherung verwendet wird.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Transcodierung aktivieren",
@ -126,7 +125,7 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automatisch (adaptive Transcodierung)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (mit maximaler Qualität transcodieren)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Direkt (Originalvideodatei ohne Transcodierung)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardware-Beschleunigung",
"Video Streaming" : "Video-Streaming",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Du musst zunächst sicherstellen, dass die richtigen Treiber installiert sind, bevor du die Beschleunigung konfigurierst.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Stelle sicher, dass du die Hardwarebeschleunigung nach der Aktivierung mit verschiedenen Optionen testest.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Aktiviere nicht mehrere Arten der Hardwarebeschleunigung gleichzeitig.",
@ -144,13 +143,14 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) nicht gefunden",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) hat falsche Berechtigungen",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API-Gerätestatus: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Transcoder-Konfiguration",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Erinnerungen (Memories) verwendet den Go-Vod-Transcoder. Du kannst go-vod extern ausführen (z. B. in einem separaten Docker-Container zur Hardwarebeschleunigung) oder den integrierten Transcoder verwenden. Um einen externen Transcoder zu verwenden, aktiviere die folgende Option und befolge die Anweisungen in der Dokumentation:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Externen Transcoder aktivieren (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Binärer Pfad (nur lokal)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Bind-Adresse (nur lokal)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Verbindungsadresse (dasselbe wie bind, wenn lokal)",
"Template" : "Vorlage",
"No items" : "Benötigt keine Übersetzung. Hier wird nur die formelle Übersetzung verwendet (de_DE).",
"Shared by {user}" : "Geteilt von {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Personen oder Gruppen hinzufügen, die dein Album bearbeiten können",
"Search for collaborators" : "Suche nach Mitbearbeitenden",
"Search people or groups" : "Nach Benutzer oder Gruppen suchen",

l10n/de_DE.js vendored
View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["{n} Foto gefunden in {path}","{n} Fotos gefunden in {path}"],
"Metadata" : "Metadaten",
"Edit" : "Bearbeiten",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Fehler beim Laden der Metadaten",
"No title" : "Kein Titel",
"No description" : "Keine Beschreibung",
"No coordinates" : "Keine Koordinaten",
@ -85,11 +86,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} Fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Laden einiger Fotos fehlgeschlagen",
"Failed to update setting" : "Die Einstellung konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-Extraktion",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "Die Albenunterstützung wurde über die Fotos-App aktiviert.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Alben sind deaktiviert, da die Fotos-App nicht verfügbar ist.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Recognize ist installiert und aktiviert.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Recognize ist nicht installiert. Einige Funktionen wie Gesichtserkennung und Objektkennzeichnung sind möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "Gesichtserkennung ist installiert und aktiviert",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "Der Vorschaugenerator ist installiert und aktiviert. Möglicherweise ist noch eine zusätzliche Konfiguration erforderlich.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "Der Vorschaugenerator ist nicht installiert und konfiguriert. Dies kann dazu führen, dass Memories sehr langsam ist.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Empfohlene Apps",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Pfad zur gepackten Exiftool-Binärdatei",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Sie brauchen Perl nur, wenn die gepackte Exiftool-Binärdatei aus irgendeinem Grund nicht funktioniert.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "System-Perl verwenden (nur wenn die Exiftool-Binärdatei nicht funktioniert)",
"File Support" : "Dateiunterstützung",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-Extraktion",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Sie können die aktiven Nextcloud-Vorschauanbieter unten einrichten.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Wenn Sie Imaginary zur Vorschauerstellung verwenden, können Sie diesen Abschnitt überspringen.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Um die RAW-Unterstützung zu aktivieren, installieren Sie die Camera RAW Vorschau-App.",
@ -98,17 +106,25 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Maximale Vorschaugröße (Kompromiss zwischen Qualität und Speicherbedarf).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Maximaler Speicher für die Vorschauerstellung (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Maximale Größe der Vorschaudateien (MB)",
"File Support" : "Dateiunterstützung",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Bilder (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videos (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für Nextcloud und Memories zur Speicherung Ihrer wertvollen Daten entschieden haben!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Memories hat einen großen Funktionsumfang und die vollständige Einrichtung kann einige Zeit benötigen.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "Wenn Sie Memories gerade installiert haben, lesen Sie unbedingt die Erste-Schritte-Anleitung:",
"External Link" : "Externer Link",
"Media Indexing" : "Medien-Indexierung",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "Falls Sie auf Probleme oder Fehler stoßen, können Sie auf verschiedenen Wegen Hilfe erhalten.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Memories ist eine völlig kostenlose Open-Source-App, die sich derzeit in der aktiven Entwicklung befindet.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "Sie können auf verschiedene Weise Ihren Beitrag leisten. Weitere Details finden Sie auf der Projektseite:",
"Help & Support" : "Hilfe und Unterstützung",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} Mediendateien wurden indexiert",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Status automatische Indizierung: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Die letzte Indizierungsaufgabe wurde vor {t} Sekunden ausgeführt.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Die Fertigstellung dauerte {t} Sekunden.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Läuft noch oder wurde unterbrochen.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Es scheint, dass seit der Ausführung des letzten Indexjobs mehr als eine Stunde vergangen ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Nextcloud-Cron richtig konfiguriert ist.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Nur die serverseitige Verschlüsselung (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) wird unterstützt, es ist jedoch ein anderes Verschlüsselungsmodul aktiviert.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Die EXIF-Indexe werden in regelmäßigen Abständen im Hintergrund erstellt und überprüft. Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie etwas anderes als die automatische Indexierung auswählen. Wenn Sie z. B. die Indexierung auf Zeitleistenordner beschränken, kann es zu Verzögerungen kommen, bevor die Medien für die Benutzer verfügbar sind, da der Benutzer die Zeitleiste erst nach der Anmeldung konfiguriert.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Ordner mit einer „.nomedia“-Datei sind immer von der Indizierung ausgeschlossen.",
@ -122,13 +138,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Neuindizierung aller Dateien erzwingen:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Sie können die Indizierung nach Benutzer und/oder Ordner einschränken:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Alle vorhandenen Indextabellen löschen:",
"Performance" : "Leistung",
"Media Indexing" : "Medien-Indexierung",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS ist aktiviert",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Sie greifen über einen unsicheren Kontext auf diese Seite zu. Einige Browser-APIs sind nicht verfügbar, wodurch Erinnerungen (Memories) sehr langsam wird. Aktivieren Sie HTTPS auf Ihrem Server, um die Leistung zu verbessern.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 oder HTTP/3 ist aktiviert",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 oder HTTP/3 wird dringend empfohlen ({httpVer} erkannt)",
"Performance" : "Leistung",
"Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Umgekehrte Geokodierung",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Die Datenbank ist mit {n} Geometrien gefüllt.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Geometrietabelle wurde nicht erstellt.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Die Planetendaten scheinen unvollständig zu sein.",
@ -138,13 +154,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Wenn die Schaltfläche unten zum Importieren der Planetendaten nicht funktioniert, verwenden Sie den folgenden Befehl:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Hinweis: Die Geometriedaten werden ohne Präfix in der Tabelle memory_planet_geometry gespeichert.",
"Download planet database" : "Planetendatenbank herunterladen",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Umgekehrte Geokodierung",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Geometrieunterstützung wurde in Ihrer Datenbank nicht erkannt",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL-ähnliche Geometrieunterstützung wurde erkannt",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Die native Postgres-Geometrieunterstützung wurde erkannt",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Die Datenbank scheint schon eingerichtet zu sein. Wollen Sie die Planetendaten erneut herunterladen?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Sie sind dabei, die Planentendatenbank herunterzuladen. Dies kann etwas dauern.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Dies kann auch dazu führen, dass alle Fotos erneut indexiert werden!",
"Video Streaming" : "Video-Streaming",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live-Transcodierung ermöglicht adaptives Streaming von Videos mit HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Beachten Sie, dass dies ohne Hardwarebeschleunigung sehr CPU-intensiv sein kann und die Transcodierung nicht für die externe Speicherung verwendet wird.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Transcodierung aktivieren",
@ -154,13 +170,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automatisch (adaptive Transcodierung)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (mit maximaler Qualität transcodieren)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Direkt (Originalvideodatei ohne Transcodierung)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardware-Beschleunigung",
"Video Streaming" : "Video-Streaming",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Sie müssen zunächst sicherstellen, dass die richtigen Treiber installiert sind, bevor Sie die Beschleunigung konfigurieren.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Hardwarebeschleunigung nach der Aktivierung mit verschiedenen Optionen testen.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Aktivieren Sie nicht mehrere Arten der Hardwarebeschleunigung gleichzeitig.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Intel-Prozessoren, die QuickSync Video (QSV) unterstützen, sowie einige AMD-GPUs können für die Transcodierung mit VA-API-Beschleunigung verwendet werden.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Weitere Einzelheiten zur Treiberinstallation finden Sie in der Dokumentation:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Beschleunigung mit VA-API aktivieren",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Energiesparmodus aktivieren (nur QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "NVIDIA-GPUs können für die Transcodierung mit dem NVENC-Encoder mit den richtigen Treibern verwendet werden.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Abhängig von den Versionen des installierten SDK und ffmpeg müssen Sie den zu verwendenden Scaler angeben",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "Für die NVIDIA-Beschleunigung sind keine automatisierten Tests verfügbar.",
@ -169,17 +186,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"NPP scaler" : "NPP-Scaler",
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA-Scaler",
"not recommended" : "Nicht empfohlen",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Aufgrund eines Fehlers in einigen Hardwaretreibern werden Videos beim Streaming möglicherweise in der falschen Ausrichtung angezeigt. Dies kann in einigen Fällen durch Drehen des Videos in dem Beschleuniger behoben werden.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Aktivieren Sie die folgende Option nur, wenn bei der Wiedergabe falsch ausgerichtete Videos angezeigt werden.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Aktivieren Sie die Problemumgehung für die Streaming-Transponierung",
"HW Acceleration" : "Hardwarebeschleunigung",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) ist lesbar",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) nicht gefunden",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) hat falsche Berechtigungen",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API-Gerätestatus: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Transcoder-Konfiguration",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Erinnerungen (Memories) verwendet den Go-Vod-Transcoder. Sie können go-vod extern ausführen (z. B. in einem separaten Docker-Container zur Hardwarebeschleunigung) oder den integrierten Transcoder verwenden. Um einen externen Transcoder zu verwenden, aktivieren Sie die folgende Option und befolgen Sie die Anweisungen in der Dokumentation:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Externen Transcoder aktivieren (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Binärer Pfad (nur lokal)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Bind-Adresse (nur lokal)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Verbindungsadresse (dasselbe wie bind, wenn lokal)",
"Template" : "Vorlage",
"No items" : "Keine Elemente",
"Shared by {user}" : "Geteilt von {user}",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} Foto aktualisiert","{n} Fotos aktualisiert"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Personen oder Gruppen hinzufügen, die Ihr Album bearbeiten können",
"Search for collaborators" : "Suche nach Mitbearbeitenden",
@ -433,6 +455,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to favorite files." : "Favorisieren von Dateien fehlgeschlagen.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Einige Dateien konnten nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} konnte nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"No content-location header found" : "Kein Content-Location-Header gefunden",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen des Schlagwortes {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Erinnerungen (Memories) wurden auf {version} aktualisiert. Neuladen, um die neue Version zu erhalten.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Laden Sie einige Fotos hoch und stellen Sie sicher, dass der Timeline-Pfad konfiguriert ist",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Markieren Sie Fotos als Favoriten, um sie leicht zu finden",

l10n/de_DE.json vendored
View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["{n} Foto gefunden in {path}","{n} Fotos gefunden in {path}"],
"Metadata" : "Metadaten",
"Edit" : "Bearbeiten",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Fehler beim Laden der Metadaten",
"No title" : "Kein Titel",
"No description" : "Keine Beschreibung",
"No coordinates" : "Keine Koordinaten",
@ -83,11 +84,18 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} Fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Laden einiger Fotos fehlgeschlagen",
"Failed to update setting" : "Die Einstellung konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-Extraktion",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "Die Albenunterstützung wurde über die Fotos-App aktiviert.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Alben sind deaktiviert, da die Fotos-App nicht verfügbar ist.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Recognize ist installiert und aktiviert.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Recognize ist nicht installiert. Einige Funktionen wie Gesichtserkennung und Objektkennzeichnung sind möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "Gesichtserkennung ist installiert und aktiviert",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "Der Vorschaugenerator ist installiert und aktiviert. Möglicherweise ist noch eine zusätzliche Konfiguration erforderlich.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "Der Vorschaugenerator ist nicht installiert und konfiguriert. Dies kann dazu führen, dass Memories sehr langsam ist.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Empfohlene Apps",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Pfad zur gepackten Exiftool-Binärdatei",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Sie brauchen Perl nur, wenn die gepackte Exiftool-Binärdatei aus irgendeinem Grund nicht funktioniert.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "System-Perl verwenden (nur wenn die Exiftool-Binärdatei nicht funktioniert)",
"File Support" : "Dateiunterstützung",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-Extraktion",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Sie können die aktiven Nextcloud-Vorschauanbieter unten einrichten.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Wenn Sie Imaginary zur Vorschauerstellung verwenden, können Sie diesen Abschnitt überspringen.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Um die RAW-Unterstützung zu aktivieren, installieren Sie die Camera RAW Vorschau-App.",
@ -96,17 +104,25 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Maximale Vorschaugröße (Kompromiss zwischen Qualität und Speicherbedarf).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Maximaler Speicher für die Vorschauerstellung (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Maximale Größe der Vorschaudateien (MB)",
"File Support" : "Dateiunterstützung",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Bilder (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videos (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für Nextcloud und Memories zur Speicherung Ihrer wertvollen Daten entschieden haben!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Memories hat einen großen Funktionsumfang und die vollständige Einrichtung kann einige Zeit benötigen.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "Wenn Sie Memories gerade installiert haben, lesen Sie unbedingt die Erste-Schritte-Anleitung:",
"External Link" : "Externer Link",
"Media Indexing" : "Medien-Indexierung",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "Falls Sie auf Probleme oder Fehler stoßen, können Sie auf verschiedenen Wegen Hilfe erhalten.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Memories ist eine völlig kostenlose Open-Source-App, die sich derzeit in der aktiven Entwicklung befindet.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "Sie können auf verschiedene Weise Ihren Beitrag leisten. Weitere Details finden Sie auf der Projektseite:",
"Help & Support" : "Hilfe und Unterstützung",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} Mediendateien wurden indexiert",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Status automatische Indizierung: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Die letzte Indizierungsaufgabe wurde vor {t} Sekunden ausgeführt.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Die Fertigstellung dauerte {t} Sekunden.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Läuft noch oder wurde unterbrochen.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Es scheint, dass seit der Ausführung des letzten Indexjobs mehr als eine Stunde vergangen ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Nextcloud-Cron richtig konfiguriert ist.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Nur die serverseitige Verschlüsselung (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) wird unterstützt, es ist jedoch ein anderes Verschlüsselungsmodul aktiviert.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Die EXIF-Indexe werden in regelmäßigen Abständen im Hintergrund erstellt und überprüft. Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie etwas anderes als die automatische Indexierung auswählen. Wenn Sie z. B. die Indexierung auf Zeitleistenordner beschränken, kann es zu Verzögerungen kommen, bevor die Medien für die Benutzer verfügbar sind, da der Benutzer die Zeitleiste erst nach der Anmeldung konfiguriert.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Ordner mit einer „.nomedia“-Datei sind immer von der Indizierung ausgeschlossen.",
@ -120,13 +136,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Neuindizierung aller Dateien erzwingen:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Sie können die Indizierung nach Benutzer und/oder Ordner einschränken:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Alle vorhandenen Indextabellen löschen:",
"Performance" : "Leistung",
"Media Indexing" : "Medien-Indexierung",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS ist aktiviert",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Sie greifen über einen unsicheren Kontext auf diese Seite zu. Einige Browser-APIs sind nicht verfügbar, wodurch Erinnerungen (Memories) sehr langsam wird. Aktivieren Sie HTTPS auf Ihrem Server, um die Leistung zu verbessern.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 oder HTTP/3 ist aktiviert",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 oder HTTP/3 wird dringend empfohlen ({httpVer} erkannt)",
"Performance" : "Leistung",
"Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Umgekehrte Geokodierung",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Die Datenbank ist mit {n} Geometrien gefüllt.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Geometrietabelle wurde nicht erstellt.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Die Planetendaten scheinen unvollständig zu sein.",
@ -136,13 +152,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Wenn die Schaltfläche unten zum Importieren der Planetendaten nicht funktioniert, verwenden Sie den folgenden Befehl:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Hinweis: Die Geometriedaten werden ohne Präfix in der Tabelle memory_planet_geometry gespeichert.",
"Download planet database" : "Planetendatenbank herunterladen",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Umgekehrte Geokodierung",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Geometrieunterstützung wurde in Ihrer Datenbank nicht erkannt",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL-ähnliche Geometrieunterstützung wurde erkannt",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Die native Postgres-Geometrieunterstützung wurde erkannt",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Die Datenbank scheint schon eingerichtet zu sein. Wollen Sie die Planetendaten erneut herunterladen?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Sie sind dabei, die Planentendatenbank herunterzuladen. Dies kann etwas dauern.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Dies kann auch dazu führen, dass alle Fotos erneut indexiert werden!",
"Video Streaming" : "Video-Streaming",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live-Transcodierung ermöglicht adaptives Streaming von Videos mit HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Beachten Sie, dass dies ohne Hardwarebeschleunigung sehr CPU-intensiv sein kann und die Transcodierung nicht für die externe Speicherung verwendet wird.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Transcodierung aktivieren",
@ -152,13 +168,14 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automatisch (adaptive Transcodierung)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (mit maximaler Qualität transcodieren)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Direkt (Originalvideodatei ohne Transcodierung)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardware-Beschleunigung",
"Video Streaming" : "Video-Streaming",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Sie müssen zunächst sicherstellen, dass die richtigen Treiber installiert sind, bevor Sie die Beschleunigung konfigurieren.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Hardwarebeschleunigung nach der Aktivierung mit verschiedenen Optionen testen.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Aktivieren Sie nicht mehrere Arten der Hardwarebeschleunigung gleichzeitig.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Intel-Prozessoren, die QuickSync Video (QSV) unterstützen, sowie einige AMD-GPUs können für die Transcodierung mit VA-API-Beschleunigung verwendet werden.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Weitere Einzelheiten zur Treiberinstallation finden Sie in der Dokumentation:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Beschleunigung mit VA-API aktivieren",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Energiesparmodus aktivieren (nur QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "NVIDIA-GPUs können für die Transcodierung mit dem NVENC-Encoder mit den richtigen Treibern verwendet werden.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Abhängig von den Versionen des installierten SDK und ffmpeg müssen Sie den zu verwendenden Scaler angeben",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "Für die NVIDIA-Beschleunigung sind keine automatisierten Tests verfügbar.",
@ -167,17 +184,22 @@
"NPP scaler" : "NPP-Scaler",
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA-Scaler",
"not recommended" : "Nicht empfohlen",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Aufgrund eines Fehlers in einigen Hardwaretreibern werden Videos beim Streaming möglicherweise in der falschen Ausrichtung angezeigt. Dies kann in einigen Fällen durch Drehen des Videos in dem Beschleuniger behoben werden.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Aktivieren Sie die folgende Option nur, wenn bei der Wiedergabe falsch ausgerichtete Videos angezeigt werden.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Aktivieren Sie die Problemumgehung für die Streaming-Transponierung",
"HW Acceleration" : "Hardwarebeschleunigung",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) ist lesbar",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) nicht gefunden",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) hat falsche Berechtigungen",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API-Gerätestatus: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Transcoder-Konfiguration",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Erinnerungen (Memories) verwendet den Go-Vod-Transcoder. Sie können go-vod extern ausführen (z. B. in einem separaten Docker-Container zur Hardwarebeschleunigung) oder den integrierten Transcoder verwenden. Um einen externen Transcoder zu verwenden, aktivieren Sie die folgende Option und befolgen Sie die Anweisungen in der Dokumentation:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Externen Transcoder aktivieren (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Binärer Pfad (nur lokal)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Bind-Adresse (nur lokal)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Verbindungsadresse (dasselbe wie bind, wenn lokal)",
"Template" : "Vorlage",
"No items" : "Keine Elemente",
"Shared by {user}" : "Geteilt von {user}",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} Foto aktualisiert","{n} Fotos aktualisiert"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Personen oder Gruppen hinzufügen, die Ihr Album bearbeiten können",
"Search for collaborators" : "Suche nach Mitbearbeitenden",
@ -431,6 +453,8 @@
"Failed to favorite files." : "Favorisieren von Dateien fehlgeschlagen.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Einige Dateien konnten nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} konnte nicht zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt werden.",
"No content-location header found" : "Kein Content-Location-Header gefunden",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen des Schlagwortes {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Erinnerungen (Memories) wurden auf {version} aktualisiert. Neuladen, um die neue Version zu erhalten.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Laden Sie einige Fotos hoch und stellen Sie sicher, dass der Timeline-Pfad konfiguriert ist",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Markieren Sie Fotos als Favoriten, um sie leicht zu finden",

l10n/el.js vendored
View File

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "Απόδοση",
"Unknown" : "Άγνωστο",
"Template" : "Πρότυπο",
"No items" : "Κανένα στοιχείο",
"Shared by {user}" : "Διαμοιράστηκε από {user}",
"No collaborators available" : "Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμοι συνεργάτες",
"Copy public link" : "Αντιγραφή δημόσιου συνδέσμου",
"Public link" : "Δημόσιος σύνδεσμος",

l10n/el.json vendored
View File

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
"Performance" : "Απόδοση",
"Unknown" : "Άγνωστο",
"Template" : "Πρότυπο",
"No items" : "Κανένα στοιχείο",
"Shared by {user}" : "Διαμοιράστηκε από {user}",
"No collaborators available" : "Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμοι συνεργάτες",
"Copy public link" : "Αντιγραφή δημόσιου συνδέσμου",
"Public link" : "Δημόσιος σύνδεσμος",

l10n/en_GB.js vendored
View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Found {n} item in {path}","Found {n} items in {path}"],
"Metadata" : "Metadata",
"Edit" : "Edit",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Failed to load metadata",
"No title" : "No title",
"No description" : "No description",
"No coordinates" : "No coordinates",
@ -85,11 +86,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} photos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Failed to load some photos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Failed to update setting",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF Extraction",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "Albums support is enabled through the Photos app.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Recognize is installed and enabled.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "Face Recognition is installed and enabled",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Recommended Apps",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Path to packaged exiftool binary",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)",
"File Support" : "File Support",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF Extraction",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app.",
@ -98,17 +106,25 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Max memory for preview generation (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Max size of preview files (MB)",
"File Support" : "File Support",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videos (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:",
"External Link" : "External Link",
"Media Indexing" : "Media Indexing",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:",
"Help & Support" : "Help & Support",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} media files have been indexed",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automatic Indexing status: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Last index job was run {t} seconds ago.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "It took {t} seconds to complete.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "It is still running or was interrupted.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing.",
@ -122,13 +138,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Force re-indexing of all files:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Clear all existing index tables:",
"Performance" : "Performance",
"Media Indexing" : "Media Indexing",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS is enabled",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)",
"Performance" : "Performance",
"Unknown" : "Unknown",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Reverse Geocoding",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Database is populated with {n} geometries.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Geometry table has not been created.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Looks like the planet data is incomplete.",
@ -138,13 +154,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix.",
"Download planet database" : "Download planet database",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Reverse Geocoding",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Geometry support was not detected in your database",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL-like geometry support was detected ",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Postgres native geometry support was detected",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!",
"Video Streaming" : "Video Streaming",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Enable Transcoding",
@ -154,13 +170,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (adaptive transcode)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcode with max quality)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Direct (original video file without transcode)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardware Acceleration",
"Video Streaming" : "Video Streaming",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Enable acceleration with VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Enable low-power mode (QSV only)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration.",
@ -169,17 +186,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"NPP scaler" : "NPP scaler",
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA scaler",
"not recommended" : "not recommended",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Enable streaming transpose workaround",
"HW Acceleration" : "HW Acceleration",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API device ({dev}) is readable",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API device ({dev}) not found",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API device status: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Transcoder configuration",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Enable external transcoder (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Binary path (local only)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Bind address (local only)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Connection address (same as bind if local)",
"Template" : "Template",
"No items" : "No items",
"Shared by {user}" : "Shared by {user}",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} photo updated","{n} photos updated"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Add people or groups who can edit your album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Search for collaborators",
@ -433,6 +455,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to favorite files." : "Failed to favorite files.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Failed to favorite some files.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Failed to favorite {fileName}.",
"No content-location header found" : "No content-location header found",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "Failed to create tag {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Mark photos as favorite to find them easily",

l10n/en_GB.json vendored
View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Found {n} item in {path}","Found {n} items in {path}"],
"Metadata" : "Metadata",
"Edit" : "Edit",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Failed to load metadata",
"No title" : "No title",
"No description" : "No description",
"No coordinates" : "No coordinates",
@ -83,11 +84,18 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} photos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Failed to load some photos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Failed to update setting",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF Extraction",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "Albums support is enabled through the Photos app.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Recognize is installed and enabled.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "Face Recognition is installed and enabled",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Recommended Apps",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Path to packaged exiftool binary",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)",
"File Support" : "File Support",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF Extraction",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app.",
@ -96,17 +104,25 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Max memory for preview generation (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Max size of preview files (MB)",
"File Support" : "File Support",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videos (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:",
"External Link" : "External Link",
"Media Indexing" : "Media Indexing",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:",
"Help & Support" : "Help & Support",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} media files have been indexed",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automatic Indexing status: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Last index job was run {t} seconds ago.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "It took {t} seconds to complete.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "It is still running or was interrupted.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing.",
@ -120,13 +136,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Force re-indexing of all files:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Clear all existing index tables:",
"Performance" : "Performance",
"Media Indexing" : "Media Indexing",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS is enabled",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)",
"Performance" : "Performance",
"Unknown" : "Unknown",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Reverse Geocoding",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Database is populated with {n} geometries.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Geometry table has not been created.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Looks like the planet data is incomplete.",
@ -136,13 +152,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix.",
"Download planet database" : "Download planet database",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Reverse Geocoding",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Geometry support was not detected in your database",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL-like geometry support was detected ",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Postgres native geometry support was detected",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!",
"Video Streaming" : "Video Streaming",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Enable Transcoding",
@ -152,13 +168,14 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (adaptive transcode)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcode with max quality)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Direct (original video file without transcode)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardware Acceleration",
"Video Streaming" : "Video Streaming",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Enable acceleration with VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Enable low-power mode (QSV only)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration.",
@ -167,17 +184,22 @@
"NPP scaler" : "NPP scaler",
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA scaler",
"not recommended" : "not recommended",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Enable streaming transpose workaround",
"HW Acceleration" : "HW Acceleration",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API device ({dev}) is readable",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API device ({dev}) not found",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API device status: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Transcoder configuration",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Enable external transcoder (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Binary path (local only)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Bind address (local only)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Connection address (same as bind if local)",
"Template" : "Template",
"No items" : "No items",
"Shared by {user}" : "Shared by {user}",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} photo updated","{n} photos updated"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Add people or groups who can edit your album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Search for collaborators",
@ -431,6 +453,8 @@
"Failed to favorite files." : "Failed to favorite files.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Failed to favorite some files.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Failed to favorite {fileName}.",
"No content-location header found" : "No content-location header found",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "Failed to create tag {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Mark photos as favorite to find them easily",

l10n/es.js vendored
View File

@ -85,11 +85,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Fallo al cargar algunas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Fallo al actualizar la configuración",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracción EXIF",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Ruta al paquete binario exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Solo necesitas perl si el binario exiftool incluido no funciona por alguna razón.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Utilizar perl del sistema (usar solamente si el binario exiftool no funciona)",
"File Support" : "Soporte a Archivos",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracción EXIF",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Puede configurar los proveedores de vista habilitados abajo.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Si está utilizando Imaginary para la generación de vistas previas, puede ignorar esta sección.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para habilitar el soporte RAW, instale la app Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -98,12 +97,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamaño máximo de la vista previa (equilibrio entre calidad y requerimientos de almacenamiento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memoria máxima a utilizar para la generación de vistas previas (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamaño máximo de los archivos de vista previa (MB)",
"File Support" : "Soporte a Archivos",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imágenes (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Vídeos (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "Enlace externo",
"Media Indexing" : "Indización de medios",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} archivos de medios han sido indexados",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Estado del indizado automático: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "El último trabajo de indización se ejecutó hace {t} segundos.",
@ -122,13 +121,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forzar el re-indexado de todos los archivos:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Puede limitar la indización por usuario y/o carpeta:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Borrar todas las tablas de indexado existentes:",
"Performance" : "Rendimiento",
"Media Indexing" : "Indización de medios",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está habilitado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Está accediendo a esta página en un contexto inseguro. Algunas APIs de navegador no están disponibles, lo que hará a Memories muy lento. Active HTTPS en su servidor para mejorar el rendimiento.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ó HTTP/3 están habilitados",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Se recomiendan HTTP/2 ó HTTP/3 enérgicamente (se detectó {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Rendimiento",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geo-codificación reversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "La base de datos está cargada con {n} geometrías.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "La tabla de geometrías no ha sido creada.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Al parecer los datos planetarios están incompletos.",
@ -138,13 +137,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Si el botón a continuación no funciona al importar los datos del planeta, utilice el siguiente comando:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: los datos de geometría son almacenados en la tabla memories_planet_geometry, sin prefijos.",
"Download planet database" : "Descargar base de datos del planeta",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geo-codificación reversa",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "El soporte a geometría no fue detectado en su base de datos",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Se detectó soporte a geometría de tipo MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "El soporte de geometría nativa con Postgres fue detectado",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Al parecer la base de datos ya está configurada. ¿Está seguro de volver a descargar los datos planetarios?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Está por descargar la base de datos planetaria. Podría tomar un tiempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "¡Esto también podría causar que las fotos vuelvan a indexarse!",
"Video Streaming" : "Transmisión de Video",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "La transcodificación en vivo proporciona una transmisión adaptativa de videos utilizando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Tenga en cuenta que esto podría tener causar una alta carga de CPU si no se tiene aceleración por hardware, y la transcodificación no será utilizada para el almacenamiento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar transcodificación",
@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (transcodificación adaptativa)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcodificar con la máxima calidad)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Directo (archivo de video original sin transcodificación)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleración por hardware",
"Video Streaming" : "Transmisión de Video",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Debe primero asegurarse de que tenga los controladores correctos instalados antes de configurar la aceleración.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Asegúrese de probar la aceleración por hardware con varias opciones luego de habilitarla.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "No habilite múltiples tipos de aceleración por hardware de forma simultánea.",
@ -172,13 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "el dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) no se encontró",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "el dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) tiene permisos incorrectos",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "estado del dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuración del transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories utiliza el transcodificador go-vod. Puede ejecutarlo externamente (p.ej. en un contenedor Docker separado para aceleración por hardware) o, utilizar el transcodificador incluído. Para utilizar un transcodificador externo, habilite la siguiente opción y siga las instrucciones en la documentación:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Habilitar el transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Ruta binaria (sólo local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Dirección de asociación (sólo local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Dirección de conexión (igual a la de asociación si es local)",
"Template" : "Plantilla",
"No items" : "Sin ítems",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartidos por {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Añada personas o grupos que puedan editar su álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Buscar colaboradores",
"Search people or groups" : "Buscar personas o grupos",

l10n/es.json vendored
View File

@ -83,11 +83,10 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Fallo al cargar algunas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Fallo al actualizar la configuración",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracción EXIF",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Ruta al paquete binario exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Solo necesitas perl si el binario exiftool incluido no funciona por alguna razón.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Utilizar perl del sistema (usar solamente si el binario exiftool no funciona)",
"File Support" : "Soporte a Archivos",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracción EXIF",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Puede configurar los proveedores de vista habilitados abajo.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Si está utilizando Imaginary para la generación de vistas previas, puede ignorar esta sección.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para habilitar el soporte RAW, instale la app Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -96,12 +95,12 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamaño máximo de la vista previa (equilibrio entre calidad y requerimientos de almacenamiento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memoria máxima a utilizar para la generación de vistas previas (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamaño máximo de los archivos de vista previa (MB)",
"File Support" : "Soporte a Archivos",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imágenes (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Vídeos (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "Enlace externo",
"Media Indexing" : "Indización de medios",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} archivos de medios han sido indexados",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Estado del indizado automático: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "El último trabajo de indización se ejecutó hace {t} segundos.",
@ -120,13 +119,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forzar el re-indexado de todos los archivos:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Puede limitar la indización por usuario y/o carpeta:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Borrar todas las tablas de indexado existentes:",
"Performance" : "Rendimiento",
"Media Indexing" : "Indización de medios",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está habilitado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Está accediendo a esta página en un contexto inseguro. Algunas APIs de navegador no están disponibles, lo que hará a Memories muy lento. Active HTTPS en su servidor para mejorar el rendimiento.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ó HTTP/3 están habilitados",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Se recomiendan HTTP/2 ó HTTP/3 enérgicamente (se detectó {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Rendimiento",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geo-codificación reversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "La base de datos está cargada con {n} geometrías.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "La tabla de geometrías no ha sido creada.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Al parecer los datos planetarios están incompletos.",
@ -136,13 +135,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Si el botón a continuación no funciona al importar los datos del planeta, utilice el siguiente comando:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: los datos de geometría son almacenados en la tabla memories_planet_geometry, sin prefijos.",
"Download planet database" : "Descargar base de datos del planeta",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geo-codificación reversa",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "El soporte a geometría no fue detectado en su base de datos",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Se detectó soporte a geometría de tipo MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "El soporte de geometría nativa con Postgres fue detectado",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Al parecer la base de datos ya está configurada. ¿Está seguro de volver a descargar los datos planetarios?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Está por descargar la base de datos planetaria. Podría tomar un tiempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "¡Esto también podría causar que las fotos vuelvan a indexarse!",
"Video Streaming" : "Transmisión de Video",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "La transcodificación en vivo proporciona una transmisión adaptativa de videos utilizando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Tenga en cuenta que esto podría tener causar una alta carga de CPU si no se tiene aceleración por hardware, y la transcodificación no será utilizada para el almacenamiento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar transcodificación",
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (transcodificación adaptativa)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcodificar con la máxima calidad)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Directo (archivo de video original sin transcodificación)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleración por hardware",
"Video Streaming" : "Transmisión de Video",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Debe primero asegurarse de que tenga los controladores correctos instalados antes de configurar la aceleración.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Asegúrese de probar la aceleración por hardware con varias opciones luego de habilitarla.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "No habilite múltiples tipos de aceleración por hardware de forma simultánea.",
@ -170,13 +169,14 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "el dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) no se encontró",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "el dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) tiene permisos incorrectos",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "estado del dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuración del transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories utiliza el transcodificador go-vod. Puede ejecutarlo externamente (p.ej. en un contenedor Docker separado para aceleración por hardware) o, utilizar el transcodificador incluído. Para utilizar un transcodificador externo, habilite la siguiente opción y siga las instrucciones en la documentación:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Habilitar el transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Ruta binaria (sólo local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Dirección de asociación (sólo local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Dirección de conexión (igual a la de asociación si es local)",
"Template" : "Plantilla",
"No items" : "Sin ítems",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartidos por {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Añada personas o grupos que puedan editar su álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Buscar colaboradores",
"Search people or groups" : "Buscar personas o grupos",

l10n/es_EC.js vendored
View File

@ -85,11 +85,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Error al cargar algunas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Error al actualizar la configuración",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracción de Exif",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Ruta al binario Exiftool empaquetado",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Necesitas Perl solo si el binario Exiftool empaquetado no funciona por alguna razón.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Usar Perl del sistema (solo si el binario Exiftool no funciona)",
"File Support" : "Soporte de Archivos",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracción de Exif",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Puedes configurar los proveedores de vista previa de Nextcloud activados a continuación.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Si estás utilizando Imaginary para la generación de vistas previas, puedes ignorar esta sección.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para habilitar el soporte RAW, instala la aplicación Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -98,12 +97,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamaño máximo de vista previa (compromiso entre calidad y requisitos de almacenamiento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memoria máxima para la generación de vistas previas (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamaño máximo de archivos de vista previa (MB)",
"File Support" : "Soporte de Archivos",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imágenes (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videos (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "Enlace Externo",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de Medios",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} archivos multimedia han sido indexados",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Estado de la indexación automática: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "La última tarea de indexación se ejecutó hace {t} segundos.",
@ -122,13 +121,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forzar la indexación de todos los archivos nuevamente:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Puedes limitar la indexación por usuario y/o carpeta:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Eliminar todas las tablas de índices existentes:",
"Performance" : "Rendimiento",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de Medios",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está habilitado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Estás accediendo a esta página en un contexto inseguro. Varias API del navegador no están disponibles, lo que hará que Memories sea muy lento. Habilita HTTPS en tu servidor para mejorar el rendimiento.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "Se ha habilitado HTTP/2 o HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Se recomienda encarecidamente HTTP/2 o HTTP/3 (detectado {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Rendimiento",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geocodificación Inversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "La base de datos está poblada con {n} geometrías.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "No se ha creado la tabla de geometrías.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Parece que los datos del planeta están incompletos.",
@ -138,13 +137,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Si el botón de abajo no funciona para importar los datos del planeta, usa el siguiente comando:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: los datos de geometría se almacenan en la tabla memories_planet_geometry, sin prefijo.",
"Download planet database" : "Descargar base de datos del planeta",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geocodificación Inversa",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "No se detectó el soporte de geometría en tu base de datos",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Se detectó el soporte de geometría similar a MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Se detectó el soporte de geometría nativo de Postgres",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Parece que la base de datos ya está configurada. ¿Seguro que quieres volver a descargar los datos del planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Estás a punto de descargar la base de datos del planeta. Esto puede llevar un tiempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "¡Esto también puede hacer que se vuelvan a indexar todas las fotos!",
"Video Streaming" : "Streaming de Video",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "La transcodificación en vivo proporciona transmisión adaptable de videos utilizando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Ten en cuenta que esto puede ser muy intensivo para la CPU sin aceleración de hardware, y la transcodificación no se utilizará para el almacenamiento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar la transcodificación",
@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (transcodificación adaptable)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcodificación con máxima calidad)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Directa (archivo de video original sin transcodificación)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleración de Hardware",
"Video Streaming" : "Streaming de Video",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Primero debes asegurarte de que los controladores correctos estén instalados antes de configurar la aceleración.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Asegúrate de probar la aceleración de hardware con varias opciones después de habilitarla.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "No habilites varios tipos de aceleración de hardware simultáneamente.",
@ -172,13 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "No se encontró el dispositivo VA-API ({dev})",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "El dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) tiene permisos incorrectos",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Estado del dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuración del Transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories utiliza el transcodificador go-vod. Puedes ejecutar go-vod externamente (por ejemplo, en un contenedor Docker separado para la aceleración de hardware) o utilizar el transcodificador incorporado. Para utilizar un transcodificador externo, habilita la siguiente opción y sigue las instrucciones de la documentación:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Habilitar transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Ruta del binario (solo local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Dirección de enlace (solo local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Dirección de conexión (misma que enlace si es local)",
"Template" : "Plantilla",
"No items" : "No hay elementos",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartido por {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Agregar personas o grupos que puedan editar tu álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Buscar colaboradores",
"Search people or groups" : "Buscar personas o grupos",

l10n/es_EC.json vendored
View File

@ -83,11 +83,10 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Error al cargar algunas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Error al actualizar la configuración",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracción de Exif",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Ruta al binario Exiftool empaquetado",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Necesitas Perl solo si el binario Exiftool empaquetado no funciona por alguna razón.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Usar Perl del sistema (solo si el binario Exiftool no funciona)",
"File Support" : "Soporte de Archivos",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracción de Exif",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Puedes configurar los proveedores de vista previa de Nextcloud activados a continuación.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Si estás utilizando Imaginary para la generación de vistas previas, puedes ignorar esta sección.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para habilitar el soporte RAW, instala la aplicación Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -96,12 +95,12 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamaño máximo de vista previa (compromiso entre calidad y requisitos de almacenamiento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memoria máxima para la generación de vistas previas (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamaño máximo de archivos de vista previa (MB)",
"File Support" : "Soporte de Archivos",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imágenes (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videos (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "Enlace Externo",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de Medios",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} archivos multimedia han sido indexados",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Estado de la indexación automática: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "La última tarea de indexación se ejecutó hace {t} segundos.",
@ -120,13 +119,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forzar la indexación de todos los archivos nuevamente:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Puedes limitar la indexación por usuario y/o carpeta:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Eliminar todas las tablas de índices existentes:",
"Performance" : "Rendimiento",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de Medios",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está habilitado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Estás accediendo a esta página en un contexto inseguro. Varias API del navegador no están disponibles, lo que hará que Memories sea muy lento. Habilita HTTPS en tu servidor para mejorar el rendimiento.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "Se ha habilitado HTTP/2 o HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Se recomienda encarecidamente HTTP/2 o HTTP/3 (detectado {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Rendimiento",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geocodificación Inversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "La base de datos está poblada con {n} geometrías.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "No se ha creado la tabla de geometrías.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Parece que los datos del planeta están incompletos.",
@ -136,13 +135,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Si el botón de abajo no funciona para importar los datos del planeta, usa el siguiente comando:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: los datos de geometría se almacenan en la tabla memories_planet_geometry, sin prefijo.",
"Download planet database" : "Descargar base de datos del planeta",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geocodificación Inversa",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "No se detectó el soporte de geometría en tu base de datos",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Se detectó el soporte de geometría similar a MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Se detectó el soporte de geometría nativo de Postgres",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Parece que la base de datos ya está configurada. ¿Seguro que quieres volver a descargar los datos del planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Estás a punto de descargar la base de datos del planeta. Esto puede llevar un tiempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "¡Esto también puede hacer que se vuelvan a indexar todas las fotos!",
"Video Streaming" : "Streaming de Video",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "La transcodificación en vivo proporciona transmisión adaptable de videos utilizando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Ten en cuenta que esto puede ser muy intensivo para la CPU sin aceleración de hardware, y la transcodificación no se utilizará para el almacenamiento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar la transcodificación",
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (transcodificación adaptable)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcodificación con máxima calidad)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Directa (archivo de video original sin transcodificación)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleración de Hardware",
"Video Streaming" : "Streaming de Video",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Primero debes asegurarte de que los controladores correctos estén instalados antes de configurar la aceleración.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Asegúrate de probar la aceleración de hardware con varias opciones después de habilitarla.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "No habilites varios tipos de aceleración de hardware simultáneamente.",
@ -170,13 +169,14 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "No se encontró el dispositivo VA-API ({dev})",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "El dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) tiene permisos incorrectos",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Estado del dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuración del Transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories utiliza el transcodificador go-vod. Puedes ejecutar go-vod externamente (por ejemplo, en un contenedor Docker separado para la aceleración de hardware) o utilizar el transcodificador incorporado. Para utilizar un transcodificador externo, habilita la siguiente opción y sigue las instrucciones de la documentación:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Habilitar transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Ruta del binario (solo local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Dirección de enlace (solo local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Dirección de conexión (misma que enlace si es local)",
"Template" : "Plantilla",
"No items" : "No hay elementos",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartido por {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Agregar personas o grupos que puedan editar tu álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Buscar colaboradores",
"Search people or groups" : "Buscar personas o grupos",

l10n/eu.js vendored
View File

@ -70,10 +70,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} argazkiak",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Argazki batzuk kargatzeak huts egin du",
"Failed to update setting" : "Ezarpen eguneratzeak huts egin du",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-en erauzketa",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Paketatutako exiftool bitarrerako bide-izena",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-en erauzketa",
"External Link" : "Kanpoko esteka",
"Media Indexing" : "Multimedia indexatzen",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} multimedia fitxategi indexatu dira",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "(OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) zerbitzariaren aldeko enkriptatzea bakarrik onartzen da, baina beste enkriptatze modulu bat gaituta dago.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "EXIF indizeak atzeko planoan aldizkako zeregin batean eraiki eta egiaztatzen dira. Kontuz ibili indexatze automatikoa ez den beste ezer hautatzen duzunean. Adibidez, indexatzea denbora-lerroaren karpetetan soilik ezartzeak atzerapenak eragin ditzake multimedia erabiltzaileentzat eskuragarri egon aurretik, erabiltzaileak saioa hasi ondoren soilik konfiguratzen baitu denbora-lerroa.",
@ -86,20 +85,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Behartu fitxategi guztiak berriro indexatzea:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Erabiltzaile eta/edo karpetaren arabera indexatzea muga dezakezu:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Garbitu lehendik dauden indize-taula guztiak:",
"Performance" : "Errendimendua",
"Media Indexing" : "Multimedia indexatzen",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS gaituta dago",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 edo HTTP/3 gaituta dago",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 edo HTTP/3 oso gomendagarria da ({httpVer} hauteman da)",
"Performance" : "Errendimendua",
"Unknown" : "Ezezaguna",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Alderantzizko geokodetzea",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "Memories-ek lineaz kanpoko alderantzizko geokodetzea onartzen du MySQL eta Postgres-en OpenStreetMaps datuak erabiliz.",
"You need to download the planet data into your database. This is highly recommended and has low overhead." : "Planetaren datuak zure datu-basera deskargatu behar dituzu. Oso gomendagarria da eta kostu txikia du.",
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Beheko botoiak planetaren datuak inportatzeko balio ez badu, erabili komando hau:",
"Download planet database" : "Deskargatu planeten datu-basea",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Alderantzizko geokodetzea",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Ez da geometria euskarririk detektatu zure datu-basean",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL antzeko geometria euskarria detektatu da",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Postgres jatorrizko geometria euskarria detektatu da",
"Video Streaming" : "Bideo-streaming",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Zuzeneko transkodetzeak HLS erabiliz bideoen streaming moldagarria eskaintzen du.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Kontuan izan hardware-azeleraziorik gabe CPU oso intentsiboa izan daitekeela eta transkodetzea ez dela erabiliko kanpoko biltegiratzeko.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Gaitu transkodetzea",
@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "(transkode egokitzaile) automatikoa",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Jatorrizkoa (kalitate maximodun transkodea)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Zuzena (jatorrizko bideo fitxategia transkoderik gabe)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardware azelerazioa",
"Video Streaming" : "Bideo-streaming",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Azelerazioa konfiguratu aurretik kontrolatzaile egokiak instalatuta daudela ziurtatu.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Ziurtatu hardware azelerazioa gaitu ondoren probatu duzula hainbat aukerarekin.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Ez gaitu hainbat hardware azelerazio mota aldi berean.",
@ -127,13 +126,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API gailua ({dev}) ez da aurkitu",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API gailuak ({dev}) okerreko baimenak ditu",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API gailuaren egoera: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Transkodetzailearen konfigurazioa",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories-ek go-vod transkodetzailea erabiltzen du. Go-vod exekutatu dezakezu (adibidez, Docker edukiontzi bereizi batean hardware azeleraziorako) edo integratutako transkodetzailea erabil dezakezu. Kanpoko transkodetzaile bat erabiltzeko, gaitu aukera hau eta jarraitu dokumentazioko argibideak:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Gaitu kanpoko transkodetzailea (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Bide-izen bitarra (lokala soilik)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Lotu helbidea (lokala soilik)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Konexio helbidea (berdina lotura lokala bada)",
"Template" : "Txantiloia",
"No items" : "Elementurik ez",
"Shared by {user}" : "{user}(e)k partekatua",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Gehitu zure albuma editatu dezaketen pertsona edo taldeak",
"Search for collaborators" : "Bilatu kolaboratzaileak",
"Search people or groups" : "Bilatu erabiltzaile edo taldeak",

l10n/eu.json vendored
View File

@ -68,10 +68,9 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} argazkiak",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Argazki batzuk kargatzeak huts egin du",
"Failed to update setting" : "Ezarpen eguneratzeak huts egin du",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-en erauzketa",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Paketatutako exiftool bitarrerako bide-izena",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-en erauzketa",
"External Link" : "Kanpoko esteka",
"Media Indexing" : "Multimedia indexatzen",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} multimedia fitxategi indexatu dira",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "(OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) zerbitzariaren aldeko enkriptatzea bakarrik onartzen da, baina beste enkriptatze modulu bat gaituta dago.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "EXIF indizeak atzeko planoan aldizkako zeregin batean eraiki eta egiaztatzen dira. Kontuz ibili indexatze automatikoa ez den beste ezer hautatzen duzunean. Adibidez, indexatzea denbora-lerroaren karpetetan soilik ezartzeak atzerapenak eragin ditzake multimedia erabiltzaileentzat eskuragarri egon aurretik, erabiltzaileak saioa hasi ondoren soilik konfiguratzen baitu denbora-lerroa.",
@ -84,20 +83,20 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Behartu fitxategi guztiak berriro indexatzea:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Erabiltzaile eta/edo karpetaren arabera indexatzea muga dezakezu:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Garbitu lehendik dauden indize-taula guztiak:",
"Performance" : "Errendimendua",
"Media Indexing" : "Multimedia indexatzen",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS gaituta dago",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 edo HTTP/3 gaituta dago",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 edo HTTP/3 oso gomendagarria da ({httpVer} hauteman da)",
"Performance" : "Errendimendua",
"Unknown" : "Ezezaguna",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Alderantzizko geokodetzea",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "Memories-ek lineaz kanpoko alderantzizko geokodetzea onartzen du MySQL eta Postgres-en OpenStreetMaps datuak erabiliz.",
"You need to download the planet data into your database. This is highly recommended and has low overhead." : "Planetaren datuak zure datu-basera deskargatu behar dituzu. Oso gomendagarria da eta kostu txikia du.",
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Beheko botoiak planetaren datuak inportatzeko balio ez badu, erabili komando hau:",
"Download planet database" : "Deskargatu planeten datu-basea",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Alderantzizko geokodetzea",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Ez da geometria euskarririk detektatu zure datu-basean",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL antzeko geometria euskarria detektatu da",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Postgres jatorrizko geometria euskarria detektatu da",
"Video Streaming" : "Bideo-streaming",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Zuzeneko transkodetzeak HLS erabiliz bideoen streaming moldagarria eskaintzen du.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Kontuan izan hardware-azeleraziorik gabe CPU oso intentsiboa izan daitekeela eta transkodetzea ez dela erabiliko kanpoko biltegiratzeko.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Gaitu transkodetzea",
@ -107,7 +106,7 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "(transkode egokitzaile) automatikoa",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Jatorrizkoa (kalitate maximodun transkodea)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Zuzena (jatorrizko bideo fitxategia transkoderik gabe)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardware azelerazioa",
"Video Streaming" : "Bideo-streaming",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Azelerazioa konfiguratu aurretik kontrolatzaile egokiak instalatuta daudela ziurtatu.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Ziurtatu hardware azelerazioa gaitu ondoren probatu duzula hainbat aukerarekin.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Ez gaitu hainbat hardware azelerazio mota aldi berean.",
@ -125,13 +124,14 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API gailua ({dev}) ez da aurkitu",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API gailuak ({dev}) okerreko baimenak ditu",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API gailuaren egoera: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Transkodetzailearen konfigurazioa",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories-ek go-vod transkodetzailea erabiltzen du. Go-vod exekutatu dezakezu (adibidez, Docker edukiontzi bereizi batean hardware azeleraziorako) edo integratutako transkodetzailea erabil dezakezu. Kanpoko transkodetzaile bat erabiltzeko, gaitu aukera hau eta jarraitu dokumentazioko argibideak:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Gaitu kanpoko transkodetzailea (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Bide-izen bitarra (lokala soilik)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Lotu helbidea (lokala soilik)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Konexio helbidea (berdina lotura lokala bada)",
"Template" : "Txantiloia",
"No items" : "Elementurik ez",
"Shared by {user}" : "{user}(e)k partekatua",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Gehitu zure albuma editatu dezaketen pertsona edo taldeak",
"Search for collaborators" : "Bilatu kolaboratzaileak",
"Search people or groups" : "Bilatu erabiltzaile edo taldeak",

l10n/fa.js vendored
View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Close" : "بسته",
"Performance" : "کارایی",
"Unknown" : "ناشناخته",
"No items" : "هیچ موردی وجود ندارد.",
"Copy public link" : "پیوند عمومی را کپی کنید",
"Public link" : "پیوند عمومی",
"Back" : "بازگشت",

l10n/fa.json vendored
View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
"Close" : "بسته",
"Performance" : "کارایی",
"Unknown" : "ناشناخته",
"No items" : "هیچ موردی وجود ندارد.",
"Copy public link" : "پیوند عمومی را کپی کنید",
"Public link" : "پیوند عمومی",
"Back" : "بازگشت",

l10n/fi.js vendored
View File

@ -83,11 +83,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} kuvaa",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Joidenkin kuvien lataus epäonnistui",
"Failed to update setting" : "Asetuksen päivittäminen epäonnistui",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-purku",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Polku pakattuun exiftool-binääriin",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Tarvitset perliä vain, jos pakattu exiftool-binääri ei jostain syystä toimi.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Käytä järjestelmän perliä (vain, jos exiftool-binääri ei toimi)",
"File Support" : "Tiedostojen tuki",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-purku",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Voit määritellä Nextcloudin käyttöön otetut esikatselujen generaattorit tähän.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Jos käytät Imaginarya esikatselujen generointiin, voit ohittaa tämän osion.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "RAW-tuki vaatii Camera RAW Previews-sovelluksen asentamisen.",
@ -96,12 +95,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Suurin esikatselun koko (kompromissi laadun ja tiedostojen koon välillä).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Esikatselujen generointiin käytettävä muistin määrä enimmillään (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Esikatselukuvien koko enimmillään (MB)",
"File Support" : "Tiedostojen tuki",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Kuvat (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videot (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "Ulkoinen linkki",
"Media Indexing" : "Median indeksointi",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} mediatiedostoa on indeksoitu",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automaattisen indeksoinnin tila: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Viimeisin indeksointi suoritettu {t} sekuntia sitten.",
@ -112,9 +111,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Index all media automatically (recommended)" : "Indeksoi kaikki mediatiedostot automaattisesti (suositeltu)",
"Disable background indexing" : "Poista käytöstä indeksointi taustalla",
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Pakota kaikkien tiedostojen uudelleenindeksointi:",
"Performance" : "Suorituskyky",
"Media Indexing" : "Median indeksointi",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS on käytössä",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 tai HTTP/3 on käytössä",
"Performance" : "Suorituskyky",
"Unknown" : "Tuntematon",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Ota käyttöön transkoodaus",
"ffmpeg path" : "ffmpeg:n polku",
@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automaattinen (mukautuva transkoodaus)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Alkuperäinen (transkoodaa parhaalla laadulla)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Suora (alkuperäinen video ilman transkoodausta)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Laitteistokiihdytys",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Varmista ensin, että oikeat ajurit on asennettuna ennen kiihdytyksen määrittelemistä.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Testaa laitteistokiihdytys eri asetuksilla ennen sen käyttöönottoa.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Älä ota käyttöön useita eri laitteistokiihdytyksiä samanaikaisesti.",
@ -141,11 +140,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API-laitetta ({dev}) ei löytynyt",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API laitteella ({dev}) on virheelliset käyttöoikeudet",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API-laitteen tila: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Transkooderin asetukset",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Muistot-sovellus käyttää go-vod-transkooderia. Go-vodi voidaan ajaa ulkoisesti (esim. erillisessä Docker-säilössä laitekiihdytyksellä) tai käyttää sisäänrakennettua transkooderia. Seuraa dokumentaation ohjeistusta:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Ota käyttöön ulkoinen transkooderi (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Binäärin polku (vain paikallinen)",
"Template" : "Malli",
"No items" : "Ei kohteita",
"Shared by {user}" : "Jakanut {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Lisää henkilöitä tai ryhmiä, jotka voivat muokata albumia",
"Search for collaborators" : "Etsi osaanottajia",
"Search people or groups" : "Etsi käyttäjiä tai ryhmiä",

l10n/fi.json vendored
View File

@ -81,11 +81,10 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} kuvaa",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Joidenkin kuvien lataus epäonnistui",
"Failed to update setting" : "Asetuksen päivittäminen epäonnistui",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-purku",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Polku pakattuun exiftool-binääriin",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Tarvitset perliä vain, jos pakattu exiftool-binääri ei jostain syystä toimi.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Käytä järjestelmän perliä (vain, jos exiftool-binääri ei toimi)",
"File Support" : "Tiedostojen tuki",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF-purku",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Voit määritellä Nextcloudin käyttöön otetut esikatselujen generaattorit tähän.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Jos käytät Imaginarya esikatselujen generointiin, voit ohittaa tämän osion.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "RAW-tuki vaatii Camera RAW Previews-sovelluksen asentamisen.",
@ -94,12 +93,12 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Suurin esikatselun koko (kompromissi laadun ja tiedostojen koon välillä).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Esikatselujen generointiin käytettävä muistin määrä enimmillään (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Esikatselukuvien koko enimmillään (MB)",
"File Support" : "Tiedostojen tuki",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Kuvat (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videot (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "Ulkoinen linkki",
"Media Indexing" : "Median indeksointi",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} mediatiedostoa on indeksoitu",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automaattisen indeksoinnin tila: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Viimeisin indeksointi suoritettu {t} sekuntia sitten.",
@ -110,9 +109,10 @@
"Index all media automatically (recommended)" : "Indeksoi kaikki mediatiedostot automaattisesti (suositeltu)",
"Disable background indexing" : "Poista käytöstä indeksointi taustalla",
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Pakota kaikkien tiedostojen uudelleenindeksointi:",
"Performance" : "Suorituskyky",
"Media Indexing" : "Median indeksointi",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS on käytössä",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 tai HTTP/3 on käytössä",
"Performance" : "Suorituskyky",
"Unknown" : "Tuntematon",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Ota käyttöön transkoodaus",
"ffmpeg path" : "ffmpeg:n polku",
@ -121,7 +121,6 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automaattinen (mukautuva transkoodaus)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Alkuperäinen (transkoodaa parhaalla laadulla)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Suora (alkuperäinen video ilman transkoodausta)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Laitteistokiihdytys",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Varmista ensin, että oikeat ajurit on asennettuna ennen kiihdytyksen määrittelemistä.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Testaa laitteistokiihdytys eri asetuksilla ennen sen käyttöönottoa.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Älä ota käyttöön useita eri laitteistokiihdytyksiä samanaikaisesti.",
@ -139,11 +138,12 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API-laitetta ({dev}) ei löytynyt",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API laitteella ({dev}) on virheelliset käyttöoikeudet",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API-laitteen tila: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Transkooderin asetukset",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Muistot-sovellus käyttää go-vod-transkooderia. Go-vodi voidaan ajaa ulkoisesti (esim. erillisessä Docker-säilössä laitekiihdytyksellä) tai käyttää sisäänrakennettua transkooderia. Seuraa dokumentaation ohjeistusta:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Ota käyttöön ulkoinen transkooderi (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Binäärin polku (vain paikallinen)",
"Template" : "Malli",
"No items" : "Ei kohteita",
"Shared by {user}" : "Jakanut {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Lisää henkilöitä tai ryhmiä, jotka voivat muokata albumia",
"Search for collaborators" : "Etsi osaanottajia",
"Search people or groups" : "Etsi käyttäjiä tai ryhmiä",

l10n/fr.js vendored
View File

@ -79,14 +79,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} photos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Échec du chargement de certaines photos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extraction EXIF",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Chemin vers l'exécutable exiftool livré",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Vous n'avez besoin que de Perl si le paquet binaire exiftool ne fonctionne pas.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Utilisez le système Perl (seulement si le binaire exiftool ne fonctionne pas)",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extraction EXIF",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Mémoire maximale pour la génération d'un aperçu (Mo)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Taille maximale des fichiers de prévisualisation (Mo)",
"External Link" : "Lien Externe",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexation des médias",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} fichiers multimédias ont été indexés",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "État de l'indexation automatique : {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Le dernier travail d'indexation a été exécuté il y a {t} secondes.",
@ -105,13 +104,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forcer la réindexation de tous les fichiers :",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Vous pouvez limiter l'indexation par utilisateur·trice et/ou par dossier :",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Effacer toutes les tables d'index existantes :",
"Performance" : "Performance",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexation des médias",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS est activé",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Vous accédez à cette page dans un environnement non sécurisé. Plusieurs API du navigateur ne sont pas disponibles, ce qui rendra Souvenirs très lent. Activez HTTPS sur votre serveur pour améliorer les performances.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 est activé",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 est fortement recommandé ({httpVer} détecté)",
"Performance" : "Performance",
"Unknown" : "Inconnu",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Géocodage inverse",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "La base de données contient {n} géométries.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Le tableau de géométrie n'a pas été créé.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Il semble que les données géographique soient incomplètes.",
@ -121,13 +120,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Si le bouton ci-dessous ne fonctionne pas pour importer les données géographique, utilisez la commande suivante :",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Remarque : les données géographique sont stockées dans la table memories_planet_geometry, sans préfixe.",
"Download planet database" : "Télécharger la base de données géographique",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Géocodage inverse",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Le support des géométries n'a pas été détecté dans votre base de données",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Support similaire aux géométries pour MySQL détecté",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Support natif Postgres des géométries détecté",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Il semble que la base de données soit déjà configurée. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir télécharger à nouveau les données géographique ?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Vous êtes sur le point de télécharger la base de données géographique. Cela peut prendre un certain temps.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Cela peut également entraîner la réindexation de toutes les photos !",
"Video Streaming" : "Diffusion vidéo",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Le transcodage à la volée permet la diffusion adaptative des vidéos en utilisant HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Notez que ceci peut être très intensif pour le processeur à défaut d'accélération matérielle, et que le transcodage ne sera pas utilisé pour les stockages externes.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Activer le transcodage",
@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (transcodage adaptatif)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcoder avec la qualité max)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Direct (fichier vidéo original sans transcodage)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Accélération matérielle",
"Video Streaming" : "Diffusion vidéo",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Vous devez d'abord vous assurer que les pilotes adéquats soient installés avant de configurer l'accélération.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Assurez-vous de tester l'accélération matérielle avec différentes options après activation.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "N'activez pas plusieurs types d'accélérations matérielles simultanément.",
@ -155,13 +154,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "Périphérique VA-API ({dev}) introuvable",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "Le périphérique VA-API ({dev}) présente des permissions incorrectes",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "État du périphérique VA-API ({dev}) : {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuration du transcoder",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Souvenirs utilise le transcodeur go-vod. Vous pouvez exécuter go-vod en externe (par exemple dans un conteneur Docker séparé pour l'accélération matérielle) ou utiliser le transcodeur intégré. Pour utiliser un transcodeur externe, activez l'option suivante et suivez les instructions de la documentation :",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Activer le transcodeur externe (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Chemin des exécutables (local uniquement)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Adresse de liaison (locale uniquement)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Adresse de connexion (identique à liaison si locale)",
"Template" : "Modèle",
"No items" : "Aucun élément",
"Shared by {user}" : "Partagé par {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Ajoutez des personnes ou des groupes qui peuvent modifier votre album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Rechercher des collaborateurs",
"Search people or groups" : "Recherche des personnes ou des groupes",

l10n/fr.json vendored
View File

@ -77,14 +77,13 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} photos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Échec du chargement de certaines photos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extraction EXIF",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Chemin vers l'exécutable exiftool livré",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Vous n'avez besoin que de Perl si le paquet binaire exiftool ne fonctionne pas.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Utilisez le système Perl (seulement si le binaire exiftool ne fonctionne pas)",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extraction EXIF",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Mémoire maximale pour la génération d'un aperçu (Mo)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Taille maximale des fichiers de prévisualisation (Mo)",
"External Link" : "Lien Externe",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexation des médias",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} fichiers multimédias ont été indexés",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "État de l'indexation automatique : {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Le dernier travail d'indexation a été exécuté il y a {t} secondes.",
@ -103,13 +102,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forcer la réindexation de tous les fichiers :",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Vous pouvez limiter l'indexation par utilisateur·trice et/ou par dossier :",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Effacer toutes les tables d'index existantes :",
"Performance" : "Performance",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexation des médias",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS est activé",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Vous accédez à cette page dans un environnement non sécurisé. Plusieurs API du navigateur ne sont pas disponibles, ce qui rendra Souvenirs très lent. Activez HTTPS sur votre serveur pour améliorer les performances.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 est activé",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 est fortement recommandé ({httpVer} détecté)",
"Performance" : "Performance",
"Unknown" : "Inconnu",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Géocodage inverse",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "La base de données contient {n} géométries.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Le tableau de géométrie n'a pas été créé.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Il semble que les données géographique soient incomplètes.",
@ -119,13 +118,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Si le bouton ci-dessous ne fonctionne pas pour importer les données géographique, utilisez la commande suivante :",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Remarque : les données géographique sont stockées dans la table memories_planet_geometry, sans préfixe.",
"Download planet database" : "Télécharger la base de données géographique",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Géocodage inverse",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Le support des géométries n'a pas été détecté dans votre base de données",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Support similaire aux géométries pour MySQL détecté",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Support natif Postgres des géométries détecté",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Il semble que la base de données soit déjà configurée. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir télécharger à nouveau les données géographique ?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Vous êtes sur le point de télécharger la base de données géographique. Cela peut prendre un certain temps.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Cela peut également entraîner la réindexation de toutes les photos !",
"Video Streaming" : "Diffusion vidéo",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Le transcodage à la volée permet la diffusion adaptative des vidéos en utilisant HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Notez que ceci peut être très intensif pour le processeur à défaut d'accélération matérielle, et que le transcodage ne sera pas utilisé pour les stockages externes.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Activer le transcodage",
@ -135,7 +134,7 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (transcodage adaptatif)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcoder avec la qualité max)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Direct (fichier vidéo original sans transcodage)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Accélération matérielle",
"Video Streaming" : "Diffusion vidéo",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Vous devez d'abord vous assurer que les pilotes adéquats soient installés avant de configurer l'accélération.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Assurez-vous de tester l'accélération matérielle avec différentes options après activation.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "N'activez pas plusieurs types d'accélérations matérielles simultanément.",
@ -153,13 +152,14 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "Périphérique VA-API ({dev}) introuvable",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "Le périphérique VA-API ({dev}) présente des permissions incorrectes",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "État du périphérique VA-API ({dev}) : {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuration du transcoder",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Souvenirs utilise le transcodeur go-vod. Vous pouvez exécuter go-vod en externe (par exemple dans un conteneur Docker séparé pour l'accélération matérielle) ou utiliser le transcodeur intégré. Pour utiliser un transcodeur externe, activez l'option suivante et suivez les instructions de la documentation :",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Activer le transcodeur externe (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Chemin des exécutables (local uniquement)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Adresse de liaison (locale uniquement)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Adresse de connexion (identique à liaison si locale)",
"Template" : "Modèle",
"No items" : "Aucun élément",
"Shared by {user}" : "Partagé par {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Ajoutez des personnes ou des groupes qui peuvent modifier votre album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Rechercher des collaborateurs",
"Search people or groups" : "Recherche des personnes ou des groupes",

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View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Atopouse {n} elemento en {path}","Atopáronse {n} elementos en {path}"],
"Metadata" : "Metadatos",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Produciuse un fallo ao cargar os metadatos",
"No title" : "Sen título",
"No description" : "No description",
"No coordinates" : "Sen coordenadas",
@ -85,11 +86,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Produciuse un fallo ao cargar algunhas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Produciuse un fallo ao actualizar o axuste",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracciónde datos EXIF",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "A compatibilidade con Álbums está activada a través da aplicación Fotos.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Álbums está desactivada por mor de que a aplicación Fotos non está dispoñíbel",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Recognize está instalada e activada",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Recognize non está instalada. É posíbel que algunhas funcións como o recoñecemento facial e a etiquetaxe de obxectos non estean dispoñíbeis.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "Recoñecemento facial está instalada e activada",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "A aplicación Xerador de vista previa está instalada e activada. Aínda pode ser necesaria unha configuración adicional.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "A aplicación Xerador de vista previa non está instalada nin configurada. Isto pode facer que as memorias sexan moi lentas.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Aplicacións recomendadas",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Ruta ao binario exiftool empaquetado",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Necesitas Perl só se o binario exiftool empaquetado non funciona por algún motivo.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Usar Perl do sistema (só se o binario exiftool non funciona)",
"File Support" : "Compatibilidade de ficheiros",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracciónde datos EXIF",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Pode configurar os provedores de vista previa de Nextcloud activados a seguir.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Se está a usar Imaginary para a xeración da vista previa, pode ignorar esta sección.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para activar a compatibilidade con RAW, instale a aplicación Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -98,17 +106,25 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamaño máximo de vista previa (compromiso entre calidade e requisitos de almacenamento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memoria máxima para a xeración da vista previa (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamaño máximo dos ficheiros de vista previa (MB)",
"File Support" : "Compatibilidade de ficheiros",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imaxes (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Vídeos (FFmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Grazas por escoller Nextcloud e Lembranzas para almacenar os seus prezados datos!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Lembranzas dispón de abondosas funcións e axustalo apropiadamente pode levar algún tempo.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "Se ven de instalar Lembranzas, asegúrese de ler a guía de inicio:",
"External Link" : "Ligazón externa",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de medios",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "No caso de que teña algún incidente ou erro, pode obter axuda a través de varias canles.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Lembranzas é unha aplicación totalmente código aberto, libre e de balde en desenvolvemento activo.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "Pode colaborar de varias maneiras. Consulte a páxina do proxecto para obter máis detalles:",
"Help & Support" : "Axuda e asistencia",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "Indexáronse {n} ficheiros multimedia",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automatic Indexing status: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "O último traballo de índexación executouse hai {t} segundos.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Levoulle {t} segundos para completarse.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Aínda se está a executar ou foi interrompido.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Semella que pasou máis dunha hora dende que se executou o último traballo de índice. Asegúrese de que Nextcloud cron estea configurado correctamente.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Só se admite o cifrado do lado do servidor (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE), mais hai outro módulo de cifrado activado.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Os índices EXIF constrúense e compróbanse nunha tarefa periódica en segundo plano. Teña coidado ao seleccionar calquera cousa que non sexa a indexación automática. Por exemplo, estabelecer a indexación só para cartafoles da liña temporal pode provocar atrasos antes de que os medios estean dispoñíbeis para os usuarios, xa que o usuario configura a liña temporal só após acceder.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Os cartafoles cun ficheiro «.nomedia» sempre están excluídos da indexación.",
@ -122,13 +138,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forzar a reindexación de todos os ficheiros:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Pode limitar a indexación por usuario e/ou cartafol:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Limpar todas as táboas de índice existentes:",
"Performance" : "Rendemento",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de medios",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está activado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Está a acceder a esta páxina nun contexto non seguro. Varias API do navegador non están dispoñíbeis, o que fará que Lembranzas sexa moi lento. Active HTTPS no seu servidor para mellorar o rendemento.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 está activado",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Recoméndase encarecidamente HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 (detectouse {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Rendemento",
"Unknown" : "Descoñecido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Xeocodificación inversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "A base de datos está cuberta con {n} xeometrías.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Non foi creada a táboa de xeometría.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Semella que os datos do planeta están incompletos.",
@ -138,13 +154,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Se o botón de embaixo non funciona para importar os datos do planeta, use a seguinte orde:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: os datos de xeometría gárdanse na táboa memories_planet_geometry, sen prefixo.",
"Download planet database" : "Descargar a base de datos de planeta",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Xeocodificación inversa",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Non se detectou compatibilidade con xeometría na súa base de datos",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Detectouse compatibilidade con xeometría tipo MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Detectouse compatibilidade con xeometría nativa de Postgres",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Semella que a base de datos xa está estabelecida. Confirma que quere volver descargar os datos do planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Está a piques de descargar a base de datos do planeta. Isto pode levar o seu tempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Isto tamén pode provocar que todas as fotos volvan ser indexadas!",
"Video Streaming" : "Transmisión de vídeo",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "A transcodificación en directo fornece a transmisión adaptábel de vídeos mediante HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Teña en conta que isto pode resultar nun uso moi intensivo da CPU sen aceleración de hardware e a transcodificación non se utilizará para o almacenamento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Activar a transcodificación",
@ -154,13 +170,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automático (transcodificación adaptábel)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Orixinal (transcodificación coa máxima calidade)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Directo (ficheiro de vídeo orixinal sen transcodificación)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleración por hardware",
"Video Streaming" : "Transmisión de vídeo",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Antes de configurar a aceleración, debe asegurarse de que estean instalados os controladores correctos ",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Asegúrese de probar a aceleración de hardware con varias opcións após activala.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Non active varios tipos de aceleración de hardware á vez.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Os procesadores Intel compatíbeis con QuickSync Video (QSV) así como algunhas GPU AMD pódense utilizar para transcodificar mediante a aceleración VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Para obter máis detalles sobre a instalación do controlador, consulte a documentación:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Activar a aceleración con VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Activar o modo de baixo consumo (só QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "Pódense usar as GPU de NVIDIA para transcodificar usando o codificador NVENC cos controladores axeitados.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Dependendo das versións do SDK e FFmpeg instalados, cómpre especificar o escalador para usar",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "Non hai probas automáticas dispoñíbeis para a aceleración de NVIDIA.",
@ -169,17 +186,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"NPP scaler" : "Escalador NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "Escalador CUDA",
"not recommended" : "non recomendado",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Por mor dun erro en certos controladores de hardware, os vídeos poden aparecer con orientacións incorrectas ao transmitir. Isto pódese resolver nalgúns casos rotando o vídeo no acelerador.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Active a seguinte opción só se ten vídeos orientados incorrectamente durante a reprodución.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Activar a solución de transposición de secuencias",
"HW Acceleration" : "Aceleración por hardware",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) é lexíbel",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "Non se atopou o dispositivo VA-API ({dev}).",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) ten permisos incorrectos",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Estado do dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuración do transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Lembranzas usa o transcodificador go-vod. Pode executar go-vod externamente (p. ex., nun contedor Docker separado para a aceleración de hardware) ou usar o transcodificador integrado. Para usar un transcodificador externo, active a seguinte opción e siga as instrucións da documentación:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Activar o transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Ruta ao binario (só local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Enderezo de ligazón (só local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Enderezo de conexión (o mesmo que a ligazón se é local)",
"Template" : "Modelo",
"No items" : "Non hai elementos",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartido por {user}",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} foto actualizada","{n} fotos actualizadas"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Engadir persoas ou grupos que poidan editar o seu álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Buscar colaboradores",
@ -433,12 +455,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to favorite files." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar os ficheiros como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar algúns ficheiros como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar {fileName} como favorito.",
"No content-location header found" : "Non se atopou ningunha cabeceira de localización de contido",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "Produciuse un fallo ao crear a etiqueta {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Lembranzas foi actualizado á versión {version}. Volva cargar para obter a nova versión.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Envíe algunhas fotos e asegúrese de que a ruta da liña temporal estea configurada",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Marcar as fotos como favoritas para atopalas facilmente",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán lembranzas de anos pasados",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Logo atopará os seus amigos. Teña paciencia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "O recoñecemento facial está desactivado. Actívea nos axustes para atopar os seus amigos",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Recoñecemento facial está desactivada. Actívea nos axustes para atopar os seus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Os seus vídeos aparecerán aquí",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Aínda non hai fotos neste álbum",
"Create an album to get started" : "Cree un álbum para comezar",

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Atopouse {n} elemento en {path}","Atopáronse {n} elementos en {path}"],
"Metadata" : "Metadatos",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Produciuse un fallo ao cargar os metadatos",
"No title" : "Sen título",
"No description" : "No description",
"No coordinates" : "Sen coordenadas",
@ -83,11 +84,18 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Produciuse un fallo ao cargar algunhas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Produciuse un fallo ao actualizar o axuste",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracciónde datos EXIF",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "A compatibilidade con Álbums está activada a través da aplicación Fotos.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Álbums está desactivada por mor de que a aplicación Fotos non está dispoñíbel",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Recognize está instalada e activada",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Recognize non está instalada. É posíbel que algunhas funcións como o recoñecemento facial e a etiquetaxe de obxectos non estean dispoñíbeis.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "Recoñecemento facial está instalada e activada",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "A aplicación Xerador de vista previa está instalada e activada. Aínda pode ser necesaria unha configuración adicional.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "A aplicación Xerador de vista previa non está instalada nin configurada. Isto pode facer que as memorias sexan moi lentas.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Aplicacións recomendadas",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Ruta ao binario exiftool empaquetado",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Necesitas Perl só se o binario exiftool empaquetado non funciona por algún motivo.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Usar Perl do sistema (só se o binario exiftool non funciona)",
"File Support" : "Compatibilidade de ficheiros",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracciónde datos EXIF",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Pode configurar os provedores de vista previa de Nextcloud activados a seguir.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Se está a usar Imaginary para a xeración da vista previa, pode ignorar esta sección.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para activar a compatibilidade con RAW, instale a aplicación Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -96,17 +104,25 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamaño máximo de vista previa (compromiso entre calidade e requisitos de almacenamento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memoria máxima para a xeración da vista previa (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamaño máximo dos ficheiros de vista previa (MB)",
"File Support" : "Compatibilidade de ficheiros",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imaxes (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Vídeos (FFmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Grazas por escoller Nextcloud e Lembranzas para almacenar os seus prezados datos!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Lembranzas dispón de abondosas funcións e axustalo apropiadamente pode levar algún tempo.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "Se ven de instalar Lembranzas, asegúrese de ler a guía de inicio:",
"External Link" : "Ligazón externa",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de medios",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "No caso de que teña algún incidente ou erro, pode obter axuda a través de varias canles.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Lembranzas é unha aplicación totalmente código aberto, libre e de balde en desenvolvemento activo.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "Pode colaborar de varias maneiras. Consulte a páxina do proxecto para obter máis detalles:",
"Help & Support" : "Axuda e asistencia",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "Indexáronse {n} ficheiros multimedia",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automatic Indexing status: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "O último traballo de índexación executouse hai {t} segundos.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Levoulle {t} segundos para completarse.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Aínda se está a executar ou foi interrompido.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Semella que pasou máis dunha hora dende que se executou o último traballo de índice. Asegúrese de que Nextcloud cron estea configurado correctamente.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Só se admite o cifrado do lado do servidor (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE), mais hai outro módulo de cifrado activado.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Os índices EXIF constrúense e compróbanse nunha tarefa periódica en segundo plano. Teña coidado ao seleccionar calquera cousa que non sexa a indexación automática. Por exemplo, estabelecer a indexación só para cartafoles da liña temporal pode provocar atrasos antes de que os medios estean dispoñíbeis para os usuarios, xa que o usuario configura a liña temporal só após acceder.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Os cartafoles cun ficheiro «.nomedia» sempre están excluídos da indexación.",
@ -120,13 +136,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forzar a reindexación de todos os ficheiros:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Pode limitar a indexación por usuario e/ou cartafol:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Limpar todas as táboas de índice existentes:",
"Performance" : "Rendemento",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de medios",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está activado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Está a acceder a esta páxina nun contexto non seguro. Varias API do navegador non están dispoñíbeis, o que fará que Lembranzas sexa moi lento. Active HTTPS no seu servidor para mellorar o rendemento.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 está activado",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Recoméndase encarecidamente HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 (detectouse {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Rendemento",
"Unknown" : "Descoñecido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Xeocodificación inversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "A base de datos está cuberta con {n} xeometrías.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Non foi creada a táboa de xeometría.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Semella que os datos do planeta están incompletos.",
@ -136,13 +152,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Se o botón de embaixo non funciona para importar os datos do planeta, use a seguinte orde:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: os datos de xeometría gárdanse na táboa memories_planet_geometry, sen prefixo.",
"Download planet database" : "Descargar a base de datos de planeta",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Xeocodificación inversa",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Non se detectou compatibilidade con xeometría na súa base de datos",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Detectouse compatibilidade con xeometría tipo MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Detectouse compatibilidade con xeometría nativa de Postgres",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Semella que a base de datos xa está estabelecida. Confirma que quere volver descargar os datos do planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Está a piques de descargar a base de datos do planeta. Isto pode levar o seu tempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Isto tamén pode provocar que todas as fotos volvan ser indexadas!",
"Video Streaming" : "Transmisión de vídeo",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "A transcodificación en directo fornece a transmisión adaptábel de vídeos mediante HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Teña en conta que isto pode resultar nun uso moi intensivo da CPU sen aceleración de hardware e a transcodificación non se utilizará para o almacenamento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Activar a transcodificación",
@ -152,13 +168,14 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automático (transcodificación adaptábel)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Orixinal (transcodificación coa máxima calidade)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Directo (ficheiro de vídeo orixinal sen transcodificación)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleración por hardware",
"Video Streaming" : "Transmisión de vídeo",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Antes de configurar a aceleración, debe asegurarse de que estean instalados os controladores correctos ",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Asegúrese de probar a aceleración de hardware con varias opcións após activala.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Non active varios tipos de aceleración de hardware á vez.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Os procesadores Intel compatíbeis con QuickSync Video (QSV) así como algunhas GPU AMD pódense utilizar para transcodificar mediante a aceleración VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Para obter máis detalles sobre a instalación do controlador, consulte a documentación:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Activar a aceleración con VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Activar o modo de baixo consumo (só QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "Pódense usar as GPU de NVIDIA para transcodificar usando o codificador NVENC cos controladores axeitados.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Dependendo das versións do SDK e FFmpeg instalados, cómpre especificar o escalador para usar",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "Non hai probas automáticas dispoñíbeis para a aceleración de NVIDIA.",
@ -167,17 +184,22 @@
"NPP scaler" : "Escalador NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "Escalador CUDA",
"not recommended" : "non recomendado",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Por mor dun erro en certos controladores de hardware, os vídeos poden aparecer con orientacións incorrectas ao transmitir. Isto pódese resolver nalgúns casos rotando o vídeo no acelerador.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Active a seguinte opción só se ten vídeos orientados incorrectamente durante a reprodución.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Activar a solución de transposición de secuencias",
"HW Acceleration" : "Aceleración por hardware",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) é lexíbel",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "Non se atopou o dispositivo VA-API ({dev}).",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) ten permisos incorrectos",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Estado do dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuración do transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Lembranzas usa o transcodificador go-vod. Pode executar go-vod externamente (p. ex., nun contedor Docker separado para a aceleración de hardware) ou usar o transcodificador integrado. Para usar un transcodificador externo, active a seguinte opción e siga as instrucións da documentación:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Activar o transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Ruta ao binario (só local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Enderezo de ligazón (só local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Enderezo de conexión (o mesmo que a ligazón se é local)",
"Template" : "Modelo",
"No items" : "Non hai elementos",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartido por {user}",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} foto actualizada","{n} fotos actualizadas"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Engadir persoas ou grupos que poidan editar o seu álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Buscar colaboradores",
@ -431,12 +453,14 @@
"Failed to favorite files." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar os ficheiros como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar algúns ficheiros como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar {fileName} como favorito.",
"No content-location header found" : "Non se atopou ningunha cabeceira de localización de contido",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "Produciuse un fallo ao crear a etiqueta {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Lembranzas foi actualizado á versión {version}. Volva cargar para obter a nova versión.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Envíe algunhas fotos e asegúrese de que a ruta da liña temporal estea configurada",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Marcar as fotos como favoritas para atopalas facilmente",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán lembranzas de anos pasados",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Logo atopará os seus amigos. Teña paciencia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "O recoñecemento facial está desactivado. Actívea nos axustes para atopar os seus amigos",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Recoñecemento facial está desactivada. Actívea nos axustes para atopar os seus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Os seus vídeos aparecerán aquí",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Aínda non hai fotos neste álbum",
"Create an album to get started" : "Cree un álbum para comezar",

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "ביצועים",
"Unknown" : "לא ידוע",
"Template" : "תבנית",
"Shared by {user}" : "שותפה על ידי {user}",
"Add {collaboratorLabel} to the collaborators list" : "הוסף {collaboratorLabel} לרשימת השותפים",
"Copy public link" : "העתקת הקישור הציבורי",
"Public link" : "קישור ציבורי",

l10n/he.json vendored
View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"Performance" : "ביצועים",
"Unknown" : "לא ידוע",
"Template" : "תבנית",
"Shared by {user}" : "שותפה על ידי {user}",
"Add {collaboratorLabel} to the collaborators list" : "הוסף {collaboratorLabel} לרשימת השותפים",
"Copy public link" : "העתקת הקישור הציבורי",
"Public link" : "קישור ציבורי",

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View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "Učinkovitost",
"Unknown" : "Nepoznata pogreška",
"Template" : "Predložak",
"Shared by {user}" : "Dijeli {user}",
"Copy public link" : "Kopiraj javnu poveznicu",
"Public link" : "Javna poveznica",
"Back" : "Natrag",

l10n/hr.json vendored
View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"Performance" : "Učinkovitost",
"Unknown" : "Nepoznata pogreška",
"Template" : "Predložak",
"Shared by {user}" : "Dijeli {user}",
"Copy public link" : "Kopiraj javnu poveznicu",
"Public link" : "Javna poveznica",
"Back" : "Natrag",

l10n/hu.js vendored
View File

@ -85,11 +85,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fénykép",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Nem sikerült betölteni néhány fényképet",
"Failed to update setting" : "Nem sikerült a beállítás frissítése",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF kinyerése",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "A csomagolt exiftool bináris útvonala",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Csak akkor van szükség a perlre, ha a csomagolt exiftool bináris valamiért nem működik.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "A rendszer által biztosított perl használata (csak akkor, ha az exiftool bináris nem működik)",
"File Support" : "Fájltámogatás",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF kinyerése",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Alább beállíthatja a Nextcloudban bekapcsolt előnézet-szolgáltatókat.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Ha az Imaginaryt használja az előnézetek előállításához, akkor figyelmen kívül hagyhatja ezt a szakaszt.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "A RAW támogatás bekapcsolásához telepítse a „Camera RAW Previews” alkalmazást.",
@ -98,12 +97,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Előnézetek legnagyobb mérete (kompromisszum a minőség és a tárhelyigény között).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Az előnézetek előállításához használt legtöbb memória (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Az előnézeti fájlok legnagyobb mérete (MB)",
"File Support" : "Fájltámogatás",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Képek (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videók (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "Külső hivatkozás",
"Media Indexing" : "Médiaindexelés",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} médiafájl lett indexelve",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automatikus indexelés állapota: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "A legutóbbi indexelési feladat {t} másodperce futott.",
@ -122,13 +121,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Az összes fájl újraindexelésének kényszerítése:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Az indexelést felhasználónként vagy mappánként korlátozhatja:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Az összes meglévő indextábla törlése:",
"Performance" : "Teljesítmény",
"Media Indexing" : "Médiaindexelés",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "A HTTPS engedélyezett",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Az oldalt nem biztonságos környezeten keresztül éri el. Számos böngésző API nem érhető el, ami lassúvá teszi az Emlékeket. A teljesítmény javítása érdekében engedélyezze a HTTPS-t a kiszolgálón.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "A HTTP/2 vagy HTTP/3 engedélyezett",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "A HTTP/2 vagy HTTP/3 erősen ajánlott ({httpVer} észlelve)",
"Performance" : "Teljesítmény",
"Unknown" : "Ismeretlen",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Fordított geokódolás",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Az adatbázis {n} geometriával lett feltöltve.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "A geometria tábla létrejött.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Úgy tűnik, hogy a bolygószintű adatok nem teljesek.",
@ -138,13 +137,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Ha a lenti gomb nem importálja a bolygószintű adatokat, akkor használja a következő parancsot:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Megjegyzés: a geometriaadatok a memories_planet_geomatry táblában vannak tárolva, előtag nélkül.",
"Download planet database" : "Bolygószintű adatbázis letöltése",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Fordított geokódolás",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "A geometriai támogatás nem észlelhető az adatbázisban",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL-szerű geometriai támogatás észlelve",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "PostgreSQL natív geometriai támogatás észlelve",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Úgy néz ki, hogy az adatbázis már be van állítva. Biztos, hogy újra letölti a bolygószintű adatokat?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "A bolygószintű adatbázis letöltésére készül. Ez eltarthat egy ideig.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Ez az összes fénykép újraindexelését is okozhatja.",
"Video Streaming" : "Videóközvetítés",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Az élő átkódolás lehetővé teszi a videók HLS segítségével történő adaptív közvetítését.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Vegye figyelembe, hogy ez hardveres gyorsítás nélkül nagyon CPU-intenzív lehet, és az átkódolás nem lesz használva a külső tárolóhoz.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Átkódolás engedélyezése",
@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automatikus (adaptív átkódolás)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Eredeti (átkódolás a legnagyobb minőségben)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Közvetlen (eredeti videó, átkódolás nélkül)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardveres gyorsítás",
"Video Streaming" : "Videóközvetítés",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "A gyorsítás beállítása előtt meg kell győződnie arról, hogy a megfelelő illesztőprogramok telepítve vannak.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Tesztelje a hardveres gyorsítást különböző beállításokkal az engedélyezése után.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Egyszerre ne engedélyezzen többféle hardveres gyorsítást.",
@ -172,13 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "A VA-API eszköz ({dev}) nem található",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "A VA-API eszköznek ({dev}) helytelenek a jogosultságai",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "A VA-API eszköz állapota: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Átkódoló konfigurációja",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Az Emlékek a go-vod átkódolót használja. Futtathatja a go-vodot külsőleg (például külön Docker konténerben a hardveres gyorsításhoz), vagy használhatja a beépített átkódolót. Külső átkódoló használatához engedélyezze a következő beállítást, és kövesse az utasításokat a dokumentációban:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Külső átkódoló engedélyezése (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Bináris útvonala (csak helyi esetén)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Kötési cím (csak helyi esetén)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Kapcsolati cím (helyi esetén megegyezik a kötéssel)",
"Template" : "Sablon",
"No items" : "Nincsenek elemek",
"Shared by {user}" : "Megosztotta: {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Emberek vagy csoportok hozzáadása, akik szerkeszthetik az albumot",
"Search for collaborators" : "Közreműködők keresése",
"Search people or groups" : "Felhasználó vagy csoport keresése",

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@ -83,11 +83,10 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fénykép",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Nem sikerült betölteni néhány fényképet",
"Failed to update setting" : "Nem sikerült a beállítás frissítése",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF kinyerése",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "A csomagolt exiftool bináris útvonala",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Csak akkor van szükség a perlre, ha a csomagolt exiftool bináris valamiért nem működik.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "A rendszer által biztosított perl használata (csak akkor, ha az exiftool bináris nem működik)",
"File Support" : "Fájltámogatás",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF kinyerése",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Alább beállíthatja a Nextcloudban bekapcsolt előnézet-szolgáltatókat.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Ha az Imaginaryt használja az előnézetek előállításához, akkor figyelmen kívül hagyhatja ezt a szakaszt.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "A RAW támogatás bekapcsolásához telepítse a „Camera RAW Previews” alkalmazást.",
@ -96,12 +95,12 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Előnézetek legnagyobb mérete (kompromisszum a minőség és a tárhelyigény között).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Az előnézetek előállításához használt legtöbb memória (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Az előnézeti fájlok legnagyobb mérete (MB)",
"File Support" : "Fájltámogatás",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Képek (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videók (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "Külső hivatkozás",
"Media Indexing" : "Médiaindexelés",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} médiafájl lett indexelve",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automatikus indexelés állapota: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "A legutóbbi indexelési feladat {t} másodperce futott.",
@ -120,13 +119,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Az összes fájl újraindexelésének kényszerítése:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Az indexelést felhasználónként vagy mappánként korlátozhatja:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Az összes meglévő indextábla törlése:",
"Performance" : "Teljesítmény",
"Media Indexing" : "Médiaindexelés",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "A HTTPS engedélyezett",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Az oldalt nem biztonságos környezeten keresztül éri el. Számos böngésző API nem érhető el, ami lassúvá teszi az Emlékeket. A teljesítmény javítása érdekében engedélyezze a HTTPS-t a kiszolgálón.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "A HTTP/2 vagy HTTP/3 engedélyezett",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "A HTTP/2 vagy HTTP/3 erősen ajánlott ({httpVer} észlelve)",
"Performance" : "Teljesítmény",
"Unknown" : "Ismeretlen",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Fordított geokódolás",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Az adatbázis {n} geometriával lett feltöltve.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "A geometria tábla létrejött.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Úgy tűnik, hogy a bolygószintű adatok nem teljesek.",
@ -136,13 +135,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Ha a lenti gomb nem importálja a bolygószintű adatokat, akkor használja a következő parancsot:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Megjegyzés: a geometriaadatok a memories_planet_geomatry táblában vannak tárolva, előtag nélkül.",
"Download planet database" : "Bolygószintű adatbázis letöltése",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Fordított geokódolás",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "A geometriai támogatás nem észlelhető az adatbázisban",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL-szerű geometriai támogatás észlelve",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "PostgreSQL natív geometriai támogatás észlelve",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Úgy néz ki, hogy az adatbázis már be van állítva. Biztos, hogy újra letölti a bolygószintű adatokat?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "A bolygószintű adatbázis letöltésére készül. Ez eltarthat egy ideig.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Ez az összes fénykép újraindexelését is okozhatja.",
"Video Streaming" : "Videóközvetítés",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Az élő átkódolás lehetővé teszi a videók HLS segítségével történő adaptív közvetítését.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Vegye figyelembe, hogy ez hardveres gyorsítás nélkül nagyon CPU-intenzív lehet, és az átkódolás nem lesz használva a külső tárolóhoz.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Átkódolás engedélyezése",
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automatikus (adaptív átkódolás)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Eredeti (átkódolás a legnagyobb minőségben)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Közvetlen (eredeti videó, átkódolás nélkül)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Hardveres gyorsítás",
"Video Streaming" : "Videóközvetítés",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "A gyorsítás beállítása előtt meg kell győződnie arról, hogy a megfelelő illesztőprogramok telepítve vannak.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Tesztelje a hardveres gyorsítást különböző beállításokkal az engedélyezése után.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Egyszerre ne engedélyezzen többféle hardveres gyorsítást.",
@ -170,13 +169,14 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "A VA-API eszköz ({dev}) nem található",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "A VA-API eszköznek ({dev}) helytelenek a jogosultságai",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "A VA-API eszköz állapota: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Átkódoló konfigurációja",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Az Emlékek a go-vod átkódolót használja. Futtathatja a go-vodot külsőleg (például külön Docker konténerben a hardveres gyorsításhoz), vagy használhatja a beépített átkódolót. Külső átkódoló használatához engedélyezze a következő beállítást, és kövesse az utasításokat a dokumentációban:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Külső átkódoló engedélyezése (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Bináris útvonala (csak helyi esetén)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Kötési cím (csak helyi esetén)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Kapcsolati cím (helyi esetén megegyezik a kötéssel)",
"Template" : "Sablon",
"No items" : "Nincsenek elemek",
"Shared by {user}" : "Megosztotta: {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Emberek vagy csoportok hozzáadása, akik szerkeszthetik az albumot",
"Search for collaborators" : "Közreműködők keresése",
"Search people or groups" : "Felhasználó vagy csoport keresése",

l10n/id.js vendored
View File

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Close" : "Tutup",
"Performance" : "Performa",
"Unknown" : "Tidak diketahui",
"No items" : "Tak ada item",
"Shared by {user}" : "Dibagikan oleh {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Tambahkan orang atau grup yang dapat menyunting album Anda",
"Search for collaborators" : "Cari kolaborator",
"Search people or groups" : "Cari orang atau grup",

l10n/id.json vendored
View File

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
"Close" : "Tutup",
"Performance" : "Performa",
"Unknown" : "Tidak diketahui",
"No items" : "Tak ada item",
"Shared by {user}" : "Dibagikan oleh {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Tambahkan orang atau grup yang dapat menyunting album Anda",
"Search for collaborators" : "Cari kolaborator",
"Search people or groups" : "Cari orang atau grup",

l10n/is.js vendored
View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "Afköst",
"Unknown" : "Óþekkt",
"Template" : "Sniðmát",
"Shared by {user}" : "Deilt af {user}",
"Copy public link" : "Afrita opinberan tengil",
"Public link" : "Opinber tengill",
"Back" : "Til baka",

l10n/is.json vendored
View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
"Performance" : "Afköst",
"Unknown" : "Óþekkt",
"Template" : "Sniðmát",
"Shared by {user}" : "Deilt af {user}",
"Copy public link" : "Afrita opinberan tengil",
"Public link" : "Opinber tengill",
"Back" : "Til baka",

l10n/it.js vendored
View File

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unknown" : "Sconosciuto",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Assicurati di avere installato i driver appropriati, prima di configurare l'accelerazione.",
"Template" : "Modello",
"No items" : "Nessun elemento",
"Shared by {user}" : "Condiviso da {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Aggiungi persone o gruppi che possono modificare il tuo album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Cerca collaboratori",
"Search people or groups" : "Cerca persone o gruppi",

l10n/it.json vendored
View File

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
"Unknown" : "Sconosciuto",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Assicurati di avere installato i driver appropriati, prima di configurare l'accelerazione.",
"Template" : "Modello",
"No items" : "Nessun elemento",
"Shared by {user}" : "Condiviso da {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Aggiungi persone o gruppi che possono modificare il tuo album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Cerca collaboratori",
"Search people or groups" : "Cerca persone o gruppi",

l10n/ja.js vendored
View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "パフォーマンス",
"Unknown" : "不明",
"Template" : "テンプレート",
"Shared by {user}" : "{user} から共有されました",
"Copy public link" : "公開リンクをコピー",
"Public link" : "公開リンク",
"Create new album" : "新しいアルバムを作成",

l10n/ja.json vendored
View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"Performance" : "パフォーマンス",
"Unknown" : "不明",
"Template" : "テンプレート",
"Shared by {user}" : "{user} から共有されました",
"Copy public link" : "公開リンクをコピー",
"Public link" : "公開リンク",
"Create new album" : "新しいアルバムを作成",

l10n/ko.js vendored
View File

@ -83,11 +83,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount}개 사진",
"Failed to load some photos" : "일부 사진을 불러오는 데 실패",
"Failed to update setting" : "설정 업데이트 실패",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 추출",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "패키지 내 exiftool 바이너리 경로",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "어떠한 이유로 패키지 내의 exiftool이 작동하지 않을 때에만 perl이 필요합니다.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "시스템의 perl 사용 (exiftool 바이너리가 작동하지 않을 때에만)",
"File Support" : "지원 요청",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 추출",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "아래에서 사용 가능한 Nextcloud 미리 보기 제공자를 설정할 수 있습니다.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Imaginary로 미리 보기를 생성한다면, 이 부분을 무시해도 됩니다.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "RAW 지원을 사용하려면, Camera RAW Previews 앱을 설치하세요.",
@ -96,9 +95,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "최대 미리 보기 크기 (품질과 저장 공간 사이에서 타협하세요.)",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "미리 보기 생성에 사용할 최대 메모리 (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "미리 보기 파일의 최대 크기 (MB)",
"File Support" : "지원 요청",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "이미지 (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"External Link" : "외부 링크",
"Media Indexing" : "미디어 색인",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n}개 미디어 파일이 색인 됨",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "자동 색인 상태: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "마지막 색인 작업이 {t}초 전 실행되었습니다.",
@ -117,13 +116,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "모든 파일을 강제로 다시 색인:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "색인 할 사용자 또는 폴더를 제한: ",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "기존의 모든 색인을 제거:",
"Performance" : "성능",
"Media Indexing" : "미디어 색인",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTP 활성화됨",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "안전하지 않은 컨텍스트에서 페이지에 접근하고 있습니다. 몇 개의 브라우저 API를 사용할 수 없어 Memories가 매우 느리게 작동합니다. 서버에서 HTTPS를 활성화하여 성능을 향상시키세요.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 또는 HTTP/3 활성화됨",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 또는 HTTP/3 사용을 강력히 권장합니다 ({httpVer} 사용이 감지됨) ",
"Performance" : "성능",
"Unknown" : "알 수 없음",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "주소 변환",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "데이터베이스에 {n}개의 지리가 있습니다.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "지리 테이블이 만들어지지 않았습니다.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "행성 데이터가 불완전한 것 같습니다.",
@ -133,13 +132,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "아래 버튼으로 행성 데이터를 가져올 수 없다면, 다음 명령을 사용하세요:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "알림: 지리 데이터가 memories_planet_geometry 테이블에 접두어 없이 저장되었습니다.",
"Download planet database" : "행성 데이터 다운로드",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "주소 변환",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "데이터베이스가 지리 데이터를 지원하지 않습니다.",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL-like 지리 데이터 지원을 감지했습니다.",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Postgres의 기본 지리 데이터 지원을 감지했습니다.",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "데이터베이스가 이미 설정되어 있는 것 같습니다. 행성 데이터를 다시 다운로드 할까요?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "행성 데이터를 다운로드 하려고 합니다. 다소 시간이 걸립니다.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "또한 사진들이 모두 다시 색인됩니다!",
"Video Streaming" : "동영상 스트리밍",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "실시간 트랜스코딩은 HLS를 사용하여 사용자 환경에 맞춰 동영상을 스트리밍 합니다.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "하드웨어 가속이 없다면 CPU를 매우 많이 사용할 것이며, 외부 저장소에서는 트랜스코딩을 하지 않습니다.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "트랜스코딩 활성화",
@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "자동 (적응형 트랜스코딩)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "원본 (최대 품질로 트랜스코딩)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "직접 (트랜스코딩 하지 않은 원본 동영상)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "하드웨어 가속",
"Video Streaming" : "동영상 스트리밍",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "가속을 설정하기 전 꼭 올바른 드라이버가 설치되어 있어야 합니다.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "활성화 전에 하드웨어 가속에 여러 옵션을 주어 시험해 보세요.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "여러 종류의 하드웨어 가속을 동시에 활성화 하지 마세요.",
@ -167,13 +166,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API 장치 ({dev})를 찾을 수 없음",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API 장치 ({dev})의 권한이 잘못됨",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API 장치 상태: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "트랜스코더 설정",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories는 go-vod 트랜스코더를 사용합니다. 외부에서 go-vod를 실행(예: 하드웨어 가속을 위한 별도의 Docker 컨테이너에서)하거나 내장 트랜스코더를 사용할 수 있습니다. 외부 트랜스코더를 사용하려면 다음 옵션을 활성화하고 설명서의 지침을 따르십시오:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "외장 트랜스코더 활성화 (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "바이너리 경로 (로컬 전용)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "바인드 주소 (로컬 전용)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "연결 주소 (로컬이라면 바인드와 같게)",
"Template" : "템플릿",
"No items" : "항목 없음",
"Shared by {user}" : "{user}가 공유한",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "앨범을 수정할 수 있는 사람 및 그룹 추가",
"Search for collaborators" : "공동 작업자 검색",
"Search people or groups" : "사람 및 그룹 검색",

l10n/ko.json vendored
View File

@ -81,11 +81,10 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount}개 사진",
"Failed to load some photos" : "일부 사진을 불러오는 데 실패",
"Failed to update setting" : "설정 업데이트 실패",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 추출",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "패키지 내 exiftool 바이너리 경로",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "어떠한 이유로 패키지 내의 exiftool이 작동하지 않을 때에만 perl이 필요합니다.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "시스템의 perl 사용 (exiftool 바이너리가 작동하지 않을 때에만)",
"File Support" : "지원 요청",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 추출",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "아래에서 사용 가능한 Nextcloud 미리 보기 제공자를 설정할 수 있습니다.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Imaginary로 미리 보기를 생성한다면, 이 부분을 무시해도 됩니다.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "RAW 지원을 사용하려면, Camera RAW Previews 앱을 설치하세요.",
@ -94,9 +93,9 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "최대 미리 보기 크기 (품질과 저장 공간 사이에서 타협하세요.)",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "미리 보기 생성에 사용할 최대 메모리 (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "미리 보기 파일의 최대 크기 (MB)",
"File Support" : "지원 요청",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "이미지 (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"External Link" : "외부 링크",
"Media Indexing" : "미디어 색인",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n}개 미디어 파일이 색인 됨",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "자동 색인 상태: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "마지막 색인 작업이 {t}초 전 실행되었습니다.",
@ -115,13 +114,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "모든 파일을 강제로 다시 색인:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "색인 할 사용자 또는 폴더를 제한: ",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "기존의 모든 색인을 제거:",
"Performance" : "성능",
"Media Indexing" : "미디어 색인",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTP 활성화됨",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "안전하지 않은 컨텍스트에서 페이지에 접근하고 있습니다. 몇 개의 브라우저 API를 사용할 수 없어 Memories가 매우 느리게 작동합니다. 서버에서 HTTPS를 활성화하여 성능을 향상시키세요.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 또는 HTTP/3 활성화됨",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 또는 HTTP/3 사용을 강력히 권장합니다 ({httpVer} 사용이 감지됨) ",
"Performance" : "성능",
"Unknown" : "알 수 없음",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "주소 변환",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "데이터베이스에 {n}개의 지리가 있습니다.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "지리 테이블이 만들어지지 않았습니다.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "행성 데이터가 불완전한 것 같습니다.",
@ -131,13 +130,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "아래 버튼으로 행성 데이터를 가져올 수 없다면, 다음 명령을 사용하세요:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "알림: 지리 데이터가 memories_planet_geometry 테이블에 접두어 없이 저장되었습니다.",
"Download planet database" : "행성 데이터 다운로드",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "주소 변환",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "데이터베이스가 지리 데이터를 지원하지 않습니다.",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL-like 지리 데이터 지원을 감지했습니다.",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Postgres의 기본 지리 데이터 지원을 감지했습니다.",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "데이터베이스가 이미 설정되어 있는 것 같습니다. 행성 데이터를 다시 다운로드 할까요?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "행성 데이터를 다운로드 하려고 합니다. 다소 시간이 걸립니다.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "또한 사진들이 모두 다시 색인됩니다!",
"Video Streaming" : "동영상 스트리밍",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "실시간 트랜스코딩은 HLS를 사용하여 사용자 환경에 맞춰 동영상을 스트리밍 합니다.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "하드웨어 가속이 없다면 CPU를 매우 많이 사용할 것이며, 외부 저장소에서는 트랜스코딩을 하지 않습니다.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "트랜스코딩 활성화",
@ -147,7 +146,7 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "자동 (적응형 트랜스코딩)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "원본 (최대 품질로 트랜스코딩)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "직접 (트랜스코딩 하지 않은 원본 동영상)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "하드웨어 가속",
"Video Streaming" : "동영상 스트리밍",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "가속을 설정하기 전 꼭 올바른 드라이버가 설치되어 있어야 합니다.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "활성화 전에 하드웨어 가속에 여러 옵션을 주어 시험해 보세요.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "여러 종류의 하드웨어 가속을 동시에 활성화 하지 마세요.",
@ -165,13 +164,14 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API 장치 ({dev})를 찾을 수 없음",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API 장치 ({dev})의 권한이 잘못됨",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API 장치 상태: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "트랜스코더 설정",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories는 go-vod 트랜스코더를 사용합니다. 외부에서 go-vod를 실행(예: 하드웨어 가속을 위한 별도의 Docker 컨테이너에서)하거나 내장 트랜스코더를 사용할 수 있습니다. 외부 트랜스코더를 사용하려면 다음 옵션을 활성화하고 설명서의 지침을 따르십시오:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "외장 트랜스코더 활성화 (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "바이너리 경로 (로컬 전용)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "바인드 주소 (로컬 전용)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "연결 주소 (로컬이라면 바인드와 같게)",
"Template" : "템플릿",
"No items" : "항목 없음",
"Shared by {user}" : "{user}가 공유한",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "앨범을 수정할 수 있는 사람 및 그룹 추가",
"Search for collaborators" : "공동 작업자 검색",
"Search people or groups" : "사람 및 그룹 검색",

l10n/lt_LT.js vendored
View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "Našumas",
"Unknown" : "Nežinoma",
"Template" : "Šablonas",
"Shared by {user}" : "Bendrina {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Pridėti žmonių ar grupių, kurie galėtų taisyti jūsų albumą",
"Search people or groups" : "Ieškoti žmonių ar grupių",
"Copy the public link" : "Kopijuoti viešąją nuorodą",

l10n/lt_LT.json vendored
View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
"Performance" : "Našumas",
"Unknown" : "Nežinoma",
"Template" : "Šablonas",
"Shared by {user}" : "Bendrina {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Pridėti žmonių ar grupių, kurie galėtų taisyti jūsų albumą",
"Search people or groups" : "Ieškoti žmonių ar grupių",
"Copy the public link" : "Kopijuoti viešąją nuorodą",

l10n/nb.js vendored
View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to load some photos" : "Kunne ikke laste inn noen bilder",
"Performance" : "Ytelse",
"Unknown" : "Ukjent",
"No items" : "Ingen gjenstander",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Legg til personer eller grupper som kan redigere albumet ditt",
"Search for collaborators" : "Søk etter samarbeidspartnere",
"Search people or groups" : "Søk etter personer eller grupper",

l10n/nb.json vendored
View File

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
"Failed to load some photos" : "Kunne ikke laste inn noen bilder",
"Performance" : "Ytelse",
"Unknown" : "Ukjent",
"No items" : "Ingen gjenstander",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Legg til personer eller grupper som kan redigere albumet ditt",
"Search for collaborators" : "Søk etter samarbeidspartnere",
"Search people or groups" : "Søk etter personer eller grupper",

l10n/nl.js vendored
View File

@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "Prestaties",
"Unknown" : "Onbekend",
"Template" : "Sjabloon",
"No items" : "Geen items",
"Shared by {user}" : "Gedeeld door {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Voeg mensen of groepen toe die je album kunnen bewerken",
"Search for collaborators" : "Zoeken naar bijdragers",
"Search people or groups" : "Zoek mensen of groepen",

l10n/nl.json vendored
View File

@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
"Performance" : "Prestaties",
"Unknown" : "Onbekend",
"Template" : "Sjabloon",
"No items" : "Geen items",
"Shared by {user}" : "Gedeeld door {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Voeg mensen of groepen toe die je album kunnen bewerken",
"Search for collaborators" : "Zoeken naar bijdragers",
"Search people or groups" : "Zoek mensen of groepen",

l10n/pl.js vendored
View File

@ -81,19 +81,21 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to load some photos" : "Nie udało się załadować niektórych zdjęć",
"Failed to update setting" : "Nie udało się zapisać ustawień",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Ekstrakcja danych EXIF",
"File Support" : "Wsparcie plików",
"Documentation." : "Dokumentacja.",
"File Support" : "Wsparcie plików",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Obrazy (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Filmy (ffmpeg)",
"Media Indexing" : "Indeksowanie plików",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "zindeksowane {n} plików",
"Performance" : "Wydajność",
"Media Indexing" : "Indeksowanie plików",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS włączone",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 albo HTTP/3 włączone",
"Performance" : "Wydajność",
"Unknown" : "Nieznany",
"Template" : "Szablon",
"No items" : "Brak elementu",
"Shared by {user}" : "Udostępnione przez {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Dodaj osoby lub grupy, które mogą edytować Twój album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Szukaj współpracowników",
"Search people or groups" : "Wyszukaj osoby lub grupy",

l10n/pl.json vendored
View File

@ -79,19 +79,21 @@
"Failed to load some photos" : "Nie udało się załadować niektórych zdjęć",
"Failed to update setting" : "Nie udało się zapisać ustawień",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Ekstrakcja danych EXIF",
"File Support" : "Wsparcie plików",
"Documentation." : "Dokumentacja.",
"File Support" : "Wsparcie plików",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Obrazy (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Filmy (ffmpeg)",
"Media Indexing" : "Indeksowanie plików",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "zindeksowane {n} plików",
"Performance" : "Wydajność",
"Media Indexing" : "Indeksowanie plików",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS włączone",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 albo HTTP/3 włączone",
"Performance" : "Wydajność",
"Unknown" : "Nieznany",
"Template" : "Szablon",
"No items" : "Brak elementu",
"Shared by {user}" : "Udostępnione przez {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Dodaj osoby lub grupy, które mogą edytować Twój album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Szukaj współpracowników",
"Search people or groups" : "Wyszukaj osoby lub grupy",

l10n/pt_BR.js vendored
View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Encontrado {n} item em {path}","Encontrado {n} item em {path}","Encontrado {n} item em {path}"],
"Metadata" : "Metadado",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Falha ao carregar metadados",
"No title" : "Sem título",
"No description" : "Sem descrição",
"No coordinates" : "Sem coordenadas",
@ -85,11 +86,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Falha ao carregar algumas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Erro ao alterar a configuração",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extração de EXIF",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "O suporte a álbuns é ativado por meio do aplicativo Fotos.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Os álbuns estão desativados porque o aplicativo Fotos não está disponível.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Reconhecer que está instalado e habilitado.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Reconhecer que não está instalado. Alguns recursos, como reconhecimento facial e marcação de objetos, podem estar indisponíveis.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "O reconhecimento facial está instalado e ativado",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "O gerador de visualização está instalado e ativado. Configuração adicional ainda pode ser necessária.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "O gerador de visualização não está instalado e configurado. Isso pode tornar as memórias muito lentas.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Aplicativos recomendados",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Caminho para pacote do binário exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Você precisa de perl apenas de a versão embarcada do binário exiftool não estiver funcionando.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Use o perl do sistema (apenas se o binário exiftool não funcionar)",
"File Support" : "Suporte de Arquivo",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extração de EXIF",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Você pode configurar os provedores de visualização do Nextcloud ativados abaixo.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Se você estiver usando o Imaginary para geração de visualização, pode ignorar esta seção.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para ativar o suporte RAW, instale o aplicativo Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -98,17 +106,25 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamanho máximo de visualização (compensação entre qualidade e requisitos de armazenamento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memória máxima para geração de visualização (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamanho máximo dos arquivos de visualização (MB)",
"File Support" : "Suporte de Arquivo",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imagens (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Vídeos (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Obrigado por escolher Nextcloud e Memórias para armazenar seus preciosos dados!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "As memórias são muito ricas em recursos e configurá-las corretamente pode levar algum tempo.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "Se você acabou de instalar o Memories, certifique-se de ler o guia de introdução:",
"External Link" : "Link externo",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexação de Mídia",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "Caso encontre algum problema ou bug, você pode obter ajuda por meio de vários canais.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Memories é um aplicativo totalmente gratuito e de código aberto em desenvolvimento ativo.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "Você pode contribuir de várias maneiras. Veja a página do projeto para mais detalhes:",
"Help & Support" : "Ajuda & Suporte",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} arquivos de mídia foram indexados",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Status de Indexação automática: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Última execução de rotina de indexação há {t} segundos.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Levou {t} segundos para completar.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Ainda está rodando ou foi interrompido.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Parece que já se passou mais de uma hora desde a execução do último trabalho de indexação. Certifique-se de que o Nextcloud cron esteja configurado corretamente.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Apenas encriptação pelo servidor (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) é suportado, mas outro módulo de encriptação está habilitado.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Os índices EXIF são construídos e verificados periodicamente em plano de fundo. Cuidado ao selecionar algo além de indexação automática. Por exemplo, configurar a indexação apenas para pastas da timeline pode causar atrasos antes da mídia se tornar disponível para os usuários, dado que a configuração ta timeline é feita apenas após o login.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Diretórios com um arquivo \".nomedia\" são sempre excluídos da indexação.",
@ -122,13 +138,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forçar re-indexação de todos os arquivos:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Você pode limitar indexação por outro usuário e/ou diretório:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Limpar todos os índices existentes:",
"Performance" : "Desempenho",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexação de Mídia",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está habilitado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Você está acessando esta página em um contexto inseguro. Várias APIs do navegador não estão disponíveis, o que tornará as Memórias muito lentas. Habilite o HTTPS em seu servidor para melhorar o desempenho.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 está habilitado",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 é fortemente recomendado ({httpVer} detectado)",
"Performance" : "Desempenho",
"Unknown" : "Desconhecido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geocodificação Reversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Banco de dados populado com {n} geometrias.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Tabela de geometrias não foi criada.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Parece que os dados do planeta estão incompletos",
@ -138,13 +154,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Se o botão abaixo não funcionar para importar dados planetários, use o seguinte comando:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: os dados geométricos são armazenados em memories_planet_geometry, sem prefixo.",
"Download planet database" : "Baixar banco de dados planetário",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geocodificação Reversa",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Suporte para geometria não foi detectado no seu banco de dados.",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Suporte de geometria MySQL detectado",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Suporte de geometria nativo do Postgres detectado",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Parece que o banco de dados já foi configurado. Tem certeza que deseja baixar todos os dados planetários novamente?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Você está baixando o banco de dados planetário. Isso pode levar um tempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Isso também pode causar com que todas as fotos sejam re-indexadas!",
"Video Streaming" : "Streaming de Vídeo",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Transcodificação em tempo real permite streaming de vídeo adaptativo usando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Note que isso pode demandar bastante poder de processamento sem aceleração de hardware, e transcodificação não vai ser usada para armazenamento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar Transcodificação",
@ -154,13 +170,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (transcodificação adaptativa)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcodificação com qualidade máxima)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Direto (arquivo de vídeo original sem transcodificação)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleração de Hardware",
"Video Streaming" : "Streaming de Vídeo",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Você precisa primeiro ter certeza que os drivers corretos estão instalados antes de configurar aceleração.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Teste a aceleração de hardware com várias opções antes de habilitar.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Não habilite diferentes tipos de aceleração de hardware simultaneamente",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Processadores Intel suportando QuickSync Video (QSV) e algumas placas de vídeo AMD podem ser usadas para fazer transcodificação usando aceleração VA-API",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Para mais detalhes na instalação do driver, verifique a documentação:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Habilitar aceleração com VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Ativar o modo de baixo consumo de energia (somente QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "Placas de vídeo NVIDIA podem ser usadas para fazer a transcodificação usando o codificador NVENC com os drivers apropriados.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Dependendo da versão de SDK e ffmpeg instaladas, você precisa especificar o escalador a ser usado.",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "Não há testes automatizados para a aceleração NVIDIA",
@ -169,17 +186,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"NPP scaler" : "Escalador NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "Escalador CUDA",
"not recommended" : "não recomendado",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Devido a um bug em certos drivers de hardware, os vídeos podem aparecer em orientações incorretas durante a transmissão. Isso pode ser resolvido em alguns casos girando o vídeo no acelerador.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Ative a opção a seguir somente se você tiver vídeos orientados incorretamente durante a reprodução.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Ativar solução alternativa de transposição de streaming",
"HW Acceleration" : "Aceleração HW",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) é legível",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "Dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) não encontrado",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) tem permissões incorretas",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Status do dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuração do transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memórias usam o transcodificador go-vod. Você pode executar o go-vod externamente (por exemplo, em um contêiner Docker separado para aceleração de hardware) ou usar o transcodificador integrado. Para usar um transcodificador externo, habilite a seguinte opção e siga as instruções na documentação:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Ativar transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Caminho binário (somente local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Endereço de ligação (somente local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Endereço de conexão (o mesmo que vincular se local)",
"Template" : "Template",
"No items" : "Nenhum item",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartilhado por {user}",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} fotos atualizadas","{n} fotos atualizadas","{n} fotos atualizadas"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Adicione pessoas ou grupos que podem editar seu álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Pesquisar colaboradores",
@ -433,6 +455,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to favorite files." : "Falha nos arquivos favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Falha ao adicionar alguns arquivos aos favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Falha ao favoritar {fileName}",
"No content-location header found" : "Nenhum cabeçalho de localização de conteúdo encontrado",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "Falha ao criar a etiqueta {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "As memórias foram atualizadas para {version}. Recarregue para obter a nova versão.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Carregue algumas fotos e verifique se o caminho da linha do tempo está configurado",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Marque as fotos como favoritas para encontrá-las facilmente",

l10n/pt_BR.json vendored
View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Encontrado {n} item em {path}","Encontrado {n} item em {path}","Encontrado {n} item em {path}"],
"Metadata" : "Metadado",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Falha ao carregar metadados",
"No title" : "Sem título",
"No description" : "Sem descrição",
"No coordinates" : "Sem coordenadas",
@ -83,11 +84,18 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Falha ao carregar algumas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Erro ao alterar a configuração",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extração de EXIF",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "O suporte a álbuns é ativado por meio do aplicativo Fotos.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Os álbuns estão desativados porque o aplicativo Fotos não está disponível.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Reconhecer que está instalado e habilitado.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Reconhecer que não está instalado. Alguns recursos, como reconhecimento facial e marcação de objetos, podem estar indisponíveis.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "O reconhecimento facial está instalado e ativado",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "O gerador de visualização está instalado e ativado. Configuração adicional ainda pode ser necessária.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "O gerador de visualização não está instalado e configurado. Isso pode tornar as memórias muito lentas.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Aplicativos recomendados",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Caminho para pacote do binário exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Você precisa de perl apenas de a versão embarcada do binário exiftool não estiver funcionando.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Use o perl do sistema (apenas se o binário exiftool não funcionar)",
"File Support" : "Suporte de Arquivo",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extração de EXIF",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Você pode configurar os provedores de visualização do Nextcloud ativados abaixo.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Se você estiver usando o Imaginary para geração de visualização, pode ignorar esta seção.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para ativar o suporte RAW, instale o aplicativo Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -96,17 +104,25 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamanho máximo de visualização (compensação entre qualidade e requisitos de armazenamento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memória máxima para geração de visualização (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamanho máximo dos arquivos de visualização (MB)",
"File Support" : "Suporte de Arquivo",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imagens (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Vídeos (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Obrigado por escolher Nextcloud e Memórias para armazenar seus preciosos dados!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "As memórias são muito ricas em recursos e configurá-las corretamente pode levar algum tempo.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "Se você acabou de instalar o Memories, certifique-se de ler o guia de introdução:",
"External Link" : "Link externo",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexação de Mídia",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "Caso encontre algum problema ou bug, você pode obter ajuda por meio de vários canais.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Memories é um aplicativo totalmente gratuito e de código aberto em desenvolvimento ativo.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "Você pode contribuir de várias maneiras. Veja a página do projeto para mais detalhes:",
"Help & Support" : "Ajuda & Suporte",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} arquivos de mídia foram indexados",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Status de Indexação automática: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Última execução de rotina de indexação há {t} segundos.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Levou {t} segundos para completar.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Ainda está rodando ou foi interrompido.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Parece que já se passou mais de uma hora desde a execução do último trabalho de indexação. Certifique-se de que o Nextcloud cron esteja configurado corretamente.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Apenas encriptação pelo servidor (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) é suportado, mas outro módulo de encriptação está habilitado.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Os índices EXIF são construídos e verificados periodicamente em plano de fundo. Cuidado ao selecionar algo além de indexação automática. Por exemplo, configurar a indexação apenas para pastas da timeline pode causar atrasos antes da mídia se tornar disponível para os usuários, dado que a configuração ta timeline é feita apenas após o login.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Diretórios com um arquivo \".nomedia\" são sempre excluídos da indexação.",
@ -120,13 +136,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forçar re-indexação de todos os arquivos:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Você pode limitar indexação por outro usuário e/ou diretório:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Limpar todos os índices existentes:",
"Performance" : "Desempenho",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexação de Mídia",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está habilitado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Você está acessando esta página em um contexto inseguro. Várias APIs do navegador não estão disponíveis, o que tornará as Memórias muito lentas. Habilite o HTTPS em seu servidor para melhorar o desempenho.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 está habilitado",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 é fortemente recomendado ({httpVer} detectado)",
"Performance" : "Desempenho",
"Unknown" : "Desconhecido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geocodificação Reversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Banco de dados populado com {n} geometrias.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Tabela de geometrias não foi criada.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Parece que os dados do planeta estão incompletos",
@ -136,13 +152,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Se o botão abaixo não funcionar para importar dados planetários, use o seguinte comando:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: os dados geométricos são armazenados em memories_planet_geometry, sem prefixo.",
"Download planet database" : "Baixar banco de dados planetário",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geocodificação Reversa",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Suporte para geometria não foi detectado no seu banco de dados.",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Suporte de geometria MySQL detectado",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Suporte de geometria nativo do Postgres detectado",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Parece que o banco de dados já foi configurado. Tem certeza que deseja baixar todos os dados planetários novamente?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Você está baixando o banco de dados planetário. Isso pode levar um tempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Isso também pode causar com que todas as fotos sejam re-indexadas!",
"Video Streaming" : "Streaming de Vídeo",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Transcodificação em tempo real permite streaming de vídeo adaptativo usando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Note que isso pode demandar bastante poder de processamento sem aceleração de hardware, e transcodificação não vai ser usada para armazenamento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar Transcodificação",
@ -152,13 +168,14 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (transcodificação adaptativa)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcodificação com qualidade máxima)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Direto (arquivo de vídeo original sem transcodificação)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleração de Hardware",
"Video Streaming" : "Streaming de Vídeo",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Você precisa primeiro ter certeza que os drivers corretos estão instalados antes de configurar aceleração.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Teste a aceleração de hardware com várias opções antes de habilitar.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Não habilite diferentes tipos de aceleração de hardware simultaneamente",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Processadores Intel suportando QuickSync Video (QSV) e algumas placas de vídeo AMD podem ser usadas para fazer transcodificação usando aceleração VA-API",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Para mais detalhes na instalação do driver, verifique a documentação:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Habilitar aceleração com VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Ativar o modo de baixo consumo de energia (somente QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "Placas de vídeo NVIDIA podem ser usadas para fazer a transcodificação usando o codificador NVENC com os drivers apropriados.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Dependendo da versão de SDK e ffmpeg instaladas, você precisa especificar o escalador a ser usado.",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "Não há testes automatizados para a aceleração NVIDIA",
@ -167,17 +184,22 @@
"NPP scaler" : "Escalador NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "Escalador CUDA",
"not recommended" : "não recomendado",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Devido a um bug em certos drivers de hardware, os vídeos podem aparecer em orientações incorretas durante a transmissão. Isso pode ser resolvido em alguns casos girando o vídeo no acelerador.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Ative a opção a seguir somente se você tiver vídeos orientados incorretamente durante a reprodução.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Ativar solução alternativa de transposição de streaming",
"HW Acceleration" : "Aceleração HW",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) é legível",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "Dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) não encontrado",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) tem permissões incorretas",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Status do dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuração do transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memórias usam o transcodificador go-vod. Você pode executar o go-vod externamente (por exemplo, em um contêiner Docker separado para aceleração de hardware) ou usar o transcodificador integrado. Para usar um transcodificador externo, habilite a seguinte opção e siga as instruções na documentação:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Ativar transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Caminho binário (somente local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Endereço de ligação (somente local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Endereço de conexão (o mesmo que vincular se local)",
"Template" : "Template",
"No items" : "Nenhum item",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartilhado por {user}",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} fotos atualizadas","{n} fotos atualizadas","{n} fotos atualizadas"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Adicione pessoas ou grupos que podem editar seu álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Pesquisar colaboradores",
@ -431,6 +453,8 @@
"Failed to favorite files." : "Falha nos arquivos favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Falha ao adicionar alguns arquivos aos favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Falha ao favoritar {fileName}",
"No content-location header found" : "Nenhum cabeçalho de localização de conteúdo encontrado",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "Falha ao criar a etiqueta {name}: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "As memórias foram atualizadas para {version}. Recarregue para obter a nova versão.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Carregue algumas fotos e verifique se o caminho da linha do tempo está configurado",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Marque as fotos como favoritas para encontrá-las facilmente",

l10n/ro.js vendored
View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Account" : "Cont",
"Close" : "Închide",
"Unknown" : "Necunoscut",
"No items" : "Nu există elemente",
"Copy public link" : "Copiză link-ul public",
"Public link" : "Link public",
"Back" : "Înapoi",

l10n/ro.json vendored
View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"Account" : "Cont",
"Close" : "Închide",
"Unknown" : "Necunoscut",
"No items" : "Nu există elemente",
"Copy public link" : "Copiză link-ul public",
"Public link" : "Link public",
"Back" : "Înapoi",

l10n/ru.js vendored
View File

@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "Производительность",
"Unknown" : "Неизвестно",
"Template" : "Шаблон",
"No items" : "Нет выбранных",
"Shared by {user}" : "Опубликовано пользователем {user} ",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Добавьте пользователей или группы, которые могут редактировать альбом",
"Search for collaborators" : "Поиск людей и групп для добавления в соавторы",
"Search people or groups" : "Введите имя пользователя или название группы…",

l10n/ru.json vendored
View File

@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
"Performance" : "Производительность",
"Unknown" : "Неизвестно",
"Template" : "Шаблон",
"No items" : "Нет выбранных",
"Shared by {user}" : "Опубликовано пользователем {user} ",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Добавьте пользователей или группы, которые могут редактировать альбом",
"Search for collaborators" : "Поиск людей и групп для добавления в соавторы",
"Search people or groups" : "Введите имя пользователя или название группы…",

l10n/sc.js vendored
View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "Atuatzione",
"Unknown" : "Disconnotu",
"Template" : "Modellu",
"Shared by {user}" : "Cumpartzidu dae {user}",
"Copy public link" : "Còpia ligòngiu pùblicu",
"Public link" : "Ligòngiu pùblicu",
"Back" : "In segus",

l10n/sc.json vendored
View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"Performance" : "Atuatzione",
"Unknown" : "Disconnotu",
"Template" : "Modellu",
"Shared by {user}" : "Cumpartzidu dae {user}",
"Copy public link" : "Còpia ligòngiu pùblicu",
"Public link" : "Ligòngiu pùblicu",
"Back" : "In segus",

l10n/sk.js vendored
View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "Výkon",
"Unknown" : "Neznámy",
"Template" : "Šablóny",
"No items" : "Žiadne položky",
"Shared by {user}" : "Zdieľa {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Pridať užívateľov alebo skupiny ktoré môžu upravovať váš album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Vyhľadať spolupracovníkov",
"Search people or groups" : "Vyhľadať užívateľov alebo skupiny",

l10n/sk.json vendored
View File

@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
"Performance" : "Výkon",
"Unknown" : "Neznámy",
"Template" : "Šablóny",
"No items" : "Žiadne položky",
"Shared by {user}" : "Zdieľa {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Pridať užívateľov alebo skupiny ktoré môžu upravovať váš album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Vyhľadať spolupracovníkov",
"Search people or groups" : "Vyhľadať užívateľov alebo skupiny",

l10n/sl.js vendored
View File

@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Show hidden folders" : "Pokaži skrite mape",
"Choose Timeline Paths" : "Izbor poti časovnice",
"Close" : "Zapri",
"File Support" : "Podpora datotek",
"Documentation." : "Dokumentacija",
"File Support" : "Podpora datotek",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Slike (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"ffprobe path" : "pot do ffprobe",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Omogoči pospeševanje z VA-API",
"Template" : "Predloga",
"No items" : "Ni predmetov",
"Shared by {user}" : "V skupni rabi z {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Dodaj osebe in skupine, ki lahko urejajo album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Iskanje sodelujočih",
"Search people or groups" : "Iskanje oseb in skupin",

l10n/sl.json vendored
View File

@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
"Show hidden folders" : "Pokaži skrite mape",
"Choose Timeline Paths" : "Izbor poti časovnice",
"Close" : "Zapri",
"File Support" : "Podpora datotek",
"Documentation." : "Dokumentacija",
"File Support" : "Podpora datotek",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Slike (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
@ -71,6 +71,8 @@
"ffprobe path" : "pot do ffprobe",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Omogoči pospeševanje z VA-API",
"Template" : "Predloga",
"No items" : "Ni predmetov",
"Shared by {user}" : "V skupni rabi z {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Dodaj osebe in skupine, ki lahko urejajo album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Iskanje sodelujočih",
"Search people or groups" : "Iskanje oseb in skupin",

l10n/sr.js vendored
View File

@ -85,11 +85,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} фотографија",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Неке фотографије нису могле да се учитају",
"Failed to update setting" : "Није успело ажурирање подешавања",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF издвајање",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Путања до запаковане exiftool бинарног фајла",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Perl вам је потребан само ако испоручени exiftool бинарни фајл из неког разлога не ради.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Користи системски perl (само ако exiftool бинарни фајл не ради)",
"File Support" : "Фајл подршка",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF издвајање",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Испод можете да конфигуришете укључене Nextcloud пружаоце услуге прегледа.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Ако за генерисање прегледа користите Imaginary, можете да занемарите овај одељак.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Да бисте укључили RAW подршку, инсталирајте апликацију Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -98,12 +97,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Максимална величин прегледа (равнотежа између квалитета и захтева за складиштењем)",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Максимална меморија за генерисање прегледа (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Максимална величина фајлова прегледа (MB)",
"File Support" : "Фајл подршка",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Слике (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Видео снимци (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "Спољни линк",
"Media Indexing" : "Индексирање медија",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "индексирано је {n} фајлова медија",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Статус аутоматског индексирања: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Последњи посао индексирања је извршен пре {t} секунди.",
@ -122,13 +121,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Форсирај поновно индексирање свих фајлова:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Индексирање можете да ограничите по кориснику и/или фолдеру:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Обриши све постојеће табеле индекса:",
"Performance" : "Перформансе",
"Media Indexing" : "Индексирање медија",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "Укључен је HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Овој страници приступате преко небезбедног контекста. Неколико API-ја прегледача није доступно, па ће се Успомене доста успорити. Да бисте побољшали перформансе, укључите HTTPS на свом серверу.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "Укључено је HTTP/2 или HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Снажно се препоручује HTTP/2 или HTTP/3 (детектован је {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Перформансе",
"Unknown" : "Непознато",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Обрнуто геокодирање",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "База података је попуњена са {n} геометрија.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Није креирана табела геометрије.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Изгледа да подаци о планети нису потпуни.",
@ -138,13 +137,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Ако дугме испод не функционше за увоз података о планети, употребите следећу команду:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Напомена: подаци о геометрији се чувају у табели memories_planet_geometry table, без префикса.",
"Download planet database" : "Преузми базу података планете",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Обрнуто геокодирање",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "У вашој бази података није детектована подршка за геометрију",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Детектована је подршка за геометрију која личи на MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Детектована је подршка за Postgres природну геометрију",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Изгледа да је база података већ подешена. Да ли сте сигурни да желите поново да преузмете податке о планети?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Управо ћете преузети базу података о планети. То може да потраје.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Ово такође може да изазове поновно индексирање свих фајлова!",
"Video Streaming" : "Видео стриминг",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Транскодирање уживо обезбеђује прилагодљиви стриминг видеа употребом HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Имајте на уму да ово може поприлично да оптерети CPU ако нема хардверског убрзања, и транскодирање се неће користити за спољна складишта.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Укључи транскодирање",
@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Ауто (прилагодљиво транскодирање)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Оригинал (транскодирање максималног квалитета)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Директно (оригинални видео фајл без транскодирања)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Хардверско убрзање",
"Video Streaming" : "Видео стриминг",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Најпре морате обезбедити да су инсталирани одговарајући драјвери пре него што конфигуришете убрзање.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Пре укључивања, тестирајте хардверско убрзање са различитим опцијама.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Немојте истовремено да укључите више различитих типова хардверског убрзања.",
@ -173,13 +172,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API уређај ({dev}) није пронађен",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API уређај ({dev}) нема исправне дозволе",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Статус VA-API уређаја: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Конфигурација транскодирања",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Успомене користе go-vod транскодер. go-vod можете да извршавате споља (нпр. у посебном Docker контејнеру за хардверско убрзање) or или да користите уграђени транскодер. Ако желите да користите спољни транскодер, укључите следећу опцију и следите упутства у документацији:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Укључи спољни транскодер (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Путања до бинарног фајла (само локална)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Адреса везивања (само локална)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Адреса везе (иста као везивања, ако је локална)",
"Template" : "Шаблон",
"No items" : "Нема ставки",
"Shared by {user}" : "Поделио {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Додај људе или групе које могу да уређују ваш албум",
"Search for collaborators" : "Претрага сарадника",
"Search people or groups" : "Претрага људи и група",

l10n/sr.json vendored
View File

@ -83,11 +83,10 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} фотографија",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Неке фотографије нису могле да се учитају",
"Failed to update setting" : "Није успело ажурирање подешавања",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF издвајање",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Путања до запаковане exiftool бинарног фајла",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Perl вам је потребан само ако испоручени exiftool бинарни фајл из неког разлога не ради.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Користи системски perl (само ако exiftool бинарни фајл не ради)",
"File Support" : "Фајл подршка",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF издвајање",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Испод можете да конфигуришете укључене Nextcloud пружаоце услуге прегледа.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Ако за генерисање прегледа користите Imaginary, можете да занемарите овај одељак.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Да бисте укључили RAW подршку, инсталирајте апликацију Camera RAW Previews.",
@ -96,12 +95,12 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Максимална величин прегледа (равнотежа између квалитета и захтева за складиштењем)",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Максимална меморија за генерисање прегледа (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Максимална величина фајлова прегледа (MB)",
"File Support" : "Фајл подршка",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Слике (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Видео снимци (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "Спољни линк",
"Media Indexing" : "Индексирање медија",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "индексирано је {n} фајлова медија",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Статус аутоматског индексирања: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Последњи посао индексирања је извршен пре {t} секунди.",
@ -120,13 +119,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Форсирај поновно индексирање свих фајлова:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Индексирање можете да ограничите по кориснику и/или фолдеру:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Обриши све постојеће табеле индекса:",
"Performance" : "Перформансе",
"Media Indexing" : "Индексирање медија",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "Укључен је HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Овој страници приступате преко небезбедног контекста. Неколико API-ја прегледача није доступно, па ће се Успомене доста успорити. Да бисте побољшали перформансе, укључите HTTPS на свом серверу.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "Укључено је HTTP/2 или HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Снажно се препоручује HTTP/2 или HTTP/3 (детектован је {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "Перформансе",
"Unknown" : "Непознато",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Обрнуто геокодирање",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "База података је попуњена са {n} геометрија.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Није креирана табела геометрије.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Изгледа да подаци о планети нису потпуни.",
@ -136,13 +135,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Ако дугме испод не функционше за увоз података о планети, употребите следећу команду:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Напомена: подаци о геометрији се чувају у табели memories_planet_geometry table, без префикса.",
"Download planet database" : "Преузми базу података планете",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Обрнуто геокодирање",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "У вашој бази података није детектована подршка за геометрију",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Детектована је подршка за геометрију која личи на MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Детектована је подршка за Postgres природну геометрију",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Изгледа да је база података већ подешена. Да ли сте сигурни да желите поново да преузмете податке о планети?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Управо ћете преузети базу података о планети. То може да потраје.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Ово такође може да изазове поновно индексирање свих фајлова!",
"Video Streaming" : "Видео стриминг",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Транскодирање уживо обезбеђује прилагодљиви стриминг видеа употребом HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Имајте на уму да ово може поприлично да оптерети CPU ако нема хардверског убрзања, и транскодирање се неће користити за спољна складишта.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Укључи транскодирање",
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Ауто (прилагодљиво транскодирање)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Оригинал (транскодирање максималног квалитета)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Директно (оригинални видео фајл без транскодирања)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Хардверско убрзање",
"Video Streaming" : "Видео стриминг",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Најпре морате обезбедити да су инсталирани одговарајући драјвери пре него што конфигуришете убрзање.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Пре укључивања, тестирајте хардверско убрзање са различитим опцијама.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Немојте истовремено да укључите више различитих типова хардверског убрзања.",
@ -171,13 +170,14 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API уређај ({dev}) није пронађен",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API уређај ({dev}) нема исправне дозволе",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Статус VA-API уређаја: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Конфигурација транскодирања",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Успомене користе go-vod транскодер. go-vod можете да извршавате споља (нпр. у посебном Docker контејнеру за хардверско убрзање) or или да користите уграђени транскодер. Ако желите да користите спољни транскодер, укључите следећу опцију и следите упутства у документацији:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Укључи спољни транскодер (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Путања до бинарног фајла (само локална)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Адреса везивања (само локална)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Адреса везе (иста као везивања, ако је локална)",
"Template" : "Шаблон",
"No items" : "Нема ставки",
"Shared by {user}" : "Поделио {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Додај људе или групе које могу да уређују ваш албум",
"Search for collaborators" : "Претрага сарадника",
"Search people or groups" : "Претрага људи и група",

l10n/sv.js vendored
View File

@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Performance" : "Prestanda",
"Unknown" : "Okänd",
"Template" : "Mall",
"No items" : "Inga poster",
"Shared by {user}" : "Delad av {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Lägg till användare eller grupper som kan redigera ditt album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Sök efter medarbetare",
"Search people or groups" : "Sök personer eller grupper",

l10n/sv.json vendored
View File

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
"Performance" : "Prestanda",
"Unknown" : "Okänd",
"Template" : "Mall",
"No items" : "Inga poster",
"Shared by {user}" : "Delad av {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Lägg till användare eller grupper som kan redigera ditt album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Sök efter medarbetare",
"Search people or groups" : "Sök personer eller grupper",

l10n/th.js vendored
View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Account" : "บัญชี",
"Close" : "ปิด",
"Unknown" : "ไม่ทราบ",
"No items" : "ไม่มีรายการ",
"Public link" : "ลิงก์สาธารณะ",
"Name of the album" : "ชื่อของอัลบั้ม",
"Location of the album" : "ตำแหน่งของอัลบั้ม",

l10n/th.json vendored
View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
"Account" : "บัญชี",
"Close" : "ปิด",
"Unknown" : "ไม่ทราบ",
"No items" : "ไม่มีรายการ",
"Public link" : "ลิงก์สาธารณะ",
"Name of the album" : "ชื่อของอัลบั้ม",
"Location of the album" : "ตำแหน่งของอัลบั้ม",

l10n/tr.js vendored
View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["{path} yolunda {n} öge bulundu","{path} yolunda {n} öge bulundu"],
"Metadata" : "Üst veriler",
"Edit" : "Düzenle",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Üst veriler yüklenemedi",
"No title" : "Başlık yok",
"No description" : "Açıklama yok",
"No coordinates" : "Herhangi bir koordinat yok",
@ -85,11 +86,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotoğraf",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Bazı fotoğraflar yüklenemedi",
"Failed to update setting" : "Ayar güncellenemedi",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF ayıklama",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "Albüm desteği Fotoğraflar uygulamasından açılmış.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Fotoğraflar uygulaması kullanılamadığından albümler de kullanılamıyor.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Tanıma uygulaması kurulmuş ve etkinleştirilmiş.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Tanıma uygulaması kurulmamış. Yüz tanıma ve nesne etiketleme gibi bazı özellikler kullanılamayabilir.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "Yüz tanıma kurulmuş ve etkinleştirilmiş",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "Ön izleme oluşturucu kurulmuş ve etkinleştirilmiş. Ek yapılandırma işlemleri gerekli olabilir.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "Ön izleme oluşturucu kurulmamış ve yapılandırılmamış. Bu nedenle Anılar uygulaması çok yavaş çalışabilir.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Önerilen uygulamalar",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Paketlenmiş exiftool dosyasının yolu",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Perl, yalnızca paketlenmiş exiftool dosyası herhangi bir nedenle çalışmazsa gereklidir.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Sistem Perl dosyası kullanılsın (yalnızca paketteki exiftool dosyası çalışmıyorsa)",
"File Support" : "Dosya desteği",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF ayıklama",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Etkinleştirilmiş Nextcloud ön izleme hizmetlerini aşağıdan yapılandırabilirsiniz.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Ön izlemeler için Imaginary kullanıyorsanız bu bölümü atlayabilirsiniz.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "RAW desteğini etkinleştirmek için Camera RAW Previews uygulamasını kurun.",
@ -98,17 +106,25 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "En fazla ön izleme boyutu (kalite ile depolama alanı dengesi için)",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Ön izleme için kullanılacak en fazla bellek (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Ön izleme dosyalarının en fazla boyutu (MB)",
"File Support" : "Dosya desteği",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Görseller (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Görüntüler (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Önemli verilerinizi saklamak için Nextcloud ve Anılar uygulamasını seçtiğiniz için teşekkürler!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Anılar uygulamasında pek çok özellik bulunur ve doğru şekilde kurmak biraz zaman alabilir.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "Anılar uygulamasını yeni kurduysanız kullanmaya başlama rehberini okuduğunuzdan emin olun:",
"External Link" : "Dış bağlantı",
"Media Indexing" : "Ortam dizini",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "Herhangi bir sorun veya hatayla karşılaşmanız durumunda, birkaç kanaldan yardım alabilirsiniz.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Anılar, etkin olarak geliştirilen tümüyle ücretsiz ve açık kaynaklı bir uygulamadır.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "Birkaç şekilde katkıda bulunabilirsiniz. Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için proje sayfasına bakın:",
"Help & Support" : "Yardım ve destek",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} ortam dosyası dizine eklendi",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Otomatik dizine ekleme durumu: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Son dizine ekleme görevi {t} saniye önce çalıştırıldı.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Görevin tamamlanması {t} saniye sürdü.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Görev hala çalışıyor ya da kesintiye uğramış.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Son dizine ekleme görevinin çalıştırılmasından bu yana bir saatten fazla zaman geçmiş gibi görünüyor. Nextcloud zamanlanmış görevinin doğru yapılandırıldığından emin olun.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Yalnızca sunucu tarafında şifreleme (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) desteklenir. Ancak başka bir şifreleme modülü etkinleştirilmiş.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "EXIF dizinleri, düzenli çalıştırılan bir arka plan görevi tarafından oluşturulur ve denetlenir. Otomatik dizine ekleme dışında bir şey seçerken dikkatli olun. Örneğin, dizine eklemeyi yalnızca zaman tüneli klasörlerine ayarlamak, kullanıcı zaman çizelgesi yalnızca oturum açıldıktan sonra yapılandırdığından, ortamın kullanıcılar tarafından kullanılabilmesinden önce gecikmelere neden olabilir.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Folders with a \".nomedia\" dosyası bulunan klasörler hiçbir zaman dizine eklenmez.",
@ -122,13 +138,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Tüm dosyalar yeniden dizine eklensin:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Dizine ekleme işlemini kullanıcı ve/veya klasörle sınırlayabilirsiniz",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Var olan tüm dizin tablolarını temizle:",
"Performance" : "Başarım",
"Media Indexing" : "Ortam dizini",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS etkin",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Bu sayfaya güvenli olmayan bir yöntemle erişiyorsunuz. Bazı tarayıcı API uygulamaları kullanılamıyor. Bu durum Anılar uygulamasını çok yavaşlatır. Başarımı iyileştirmek için sunucunuzda HTTPS özelliğini etkinleştirin.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ya da HTTP/3 etkin",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 ya da HTTP/3 kullanmanız önemle önerilir ({httpVer} algılandı)",
"Performance" : "Başarım",
"Unknown" : "Bilinmiyor",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Ters coğrafi kodlama",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Veri tabanı {n} geometri ile dolduruldu.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Geometri tablosu oluşturulmamış.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Gezegen verileri eksik gibi görünüyor.",
@ -138,13 +154,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Gezegen verilerini içe aktarmak için aşağıdaki düğme çalışmıyorsa, şu komutu kullanın:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Not: Geometri verileri, herhangi bir ön ek olmadan, memory_planet_geometry tablosunda tutulur.",
"Download planet database" : "Gezegen verilerini indir",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Ters coğrafi kodlama",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Veri tabanınızda geometri desteği bulunamadı",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL benzeri geometri desteği var",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Postgres doğal geometri desteği var",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Görünüşe göre veri tabanı zaten kurulmuş. Gezegen verilerini yeniden indirmek istediğinize emin misiniz?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Gezegen veri tabanını indirmek üzeresiniz. Bu işlem biraz zaman alabilir.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Bu işlem aynı zamanda tüm fotoğrafların yeniden dizine eklenmesine neden olabilir!",
"Video Streaming" : "Görüntü akışı",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Canlı kod dömüştürme HLS kullanarak uyumlu görüntü akışı sağlar.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Bunun, donanım hızlandırması olmadan fazla işlemci yükü oluşturabileceğini ve kod dönüştürmenin dış depolama için kullanılmayacağını unutmayın.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Dönüştürme kullanılsın",
@ -154,13 +170,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Otomatik (uyumlu dönüştürme)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Özgün (en yüksek kalitede dönüşüm)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Doğrudan (dönüştürülmemiş özgün görüntü)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Donanımsal hızlandırma",
"Video Streaming" : "Görüntü akışı",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Hızlandırmayı yapılandırmadan önce doğru sürücülerin kurulduğundan emin olmalısınız.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Donanım hızlandırmayı etkinleştirdikten sonra çeşitli seçenekleri sınadığınızdan emin olun.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Birden fazla donanım hızlandırmasını aynı anda etkinleştirmeyin.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "QuickSync Video (QSV) destekleyen Intel işlemciler ve bazı AMD grafik işlemcileri VA-API hızlandırması ile kod dönüştürme için kullanılabilir.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Sürücü kurulumu hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi almak için belgelere bakın:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "VA-API hızlandırması kullanılsın",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Düşük güç kipi kullanılsın (yalnızca QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "NVIDIA grafik işlemcileri uygun sürücülerle NVENC kodlayıcı ile kod dönüştürme için kullanılabilir.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Kurulu SDK ve ffmpeg sürümlerine bağlı olarak, kullanılacak ölçekleyiciyi belirtmeniz gerekir.",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "NVIDIA hızlandırması için herhangi bir otomatik sınama yoktur.",
@ -169,17 +186,23 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"NPP scaler" : "NPP ölçekleyici",
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA ölçekleyici",
"not recommended" : "önerilmez",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Belirli donanım sürücülerindeki bir sorun nedeniyle, akış sırasında görüntülerin doğrultusu yanlış olabilir. Bu sorun, bazı durumlarda görüntüyü hızlandırıcı üzerinde döndürerek çözülebilir.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Bu seçeneği yalnızca oynatma sırasında görüntülerin doğrultusu yanlış oluyorsa etkinleştirin.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Akış doğrultusunu düzeltmek için geçici çözüm kullanılsın",
"HW Acceleration" : "Donanımsal hızlandırma",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API aygıtı ({dev}) okunabilir",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API aygıtı ({dev}) bulunamadı",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API aygıtının ({dev}) izinleri doğru değil",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API aygıtının durumu: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Dönüştürücü yapılandırması",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Anılar, go-vod kod çözücüsünü kullanır. Go-vod dışarıdan çalıştırılabilir (örneğin, donanım hızlandırması için ayrı bir Docker kapsayıcısında) ya da yerleşik kod çözücü kullanılabilir. Bir dış kod çözücü kullanmak için aşağıdaki seçeneği etkinleştirin ve belgelerdeki yönergeleri izleyin:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Dış dönüştürücü kullanılsın (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Dosya yolu (yalnızca yerel)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Bağlanma adresi (yalnızca yerel)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Bağlantı adresi (yerel ise bağlanma ile aynı)",
"Template" : "Kalıp",
"No items" : "Herhangi bir öge yok",
"Shared by {user}" : "{user} tarafından paylaşıldı",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} fotoğraf gönderildi","{n} fotoğraf gönderildi"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Albümünüzü düzenleyebilecek kişi ya da grupları ekleyin",
"Search for collaborators" : "Katılımcı ara",
"Search people or groups" : "Kişi ya da grup arama",
@ -213,7 +236,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Save" : "Kaydet",
"Create album" : "Albüm ekle",
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Albüm adı geçersiz. Albüm adında bölü (/) karakteri bulunamaz.",
"Create new album." : "Yeni albüm ekle.",
"Save changes" : "Değişiklikleri kaydet",
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["{n} albümden kaldırıldı","{n} albümden kaldırıldı"],
"Share Album" : "Albümü paylaş",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Bu albümün katılımcılarını kaydet.",
"shared by {owner}" : "{owner} tarafından paylaşıldı",
@ -417,6 +442,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto" : "Otomatik",
"Shared Folder" : "Paylaşılmış klasör",
"Shared Album" : "Paylaşılmış albüm",
"Failed to remove {filename}." : "{filename} dosyası kaldırılamadı.",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "{albumName} albümü oluşturulamadı.",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "{currentAlbumName} albümünün adı {newAlbumName} olarak değiştirilemedi.",
"General Failure" : "Genel sorun",
@ -429,6 +455,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to favorite files." : "Dosyalar sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Bazı dosyalar sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"No content-location header found" : "content-location üst bilgisi bulunamadı",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "{name} etiketi oluşturulamadı: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Anılar uygulaması {version} sürümüne güncellendi. Yeni sürümü kullanmak için sayfayı yeniden yükleyin.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Bazı fotoğraflar yükleyin ve zaman tüneli yolunun yapılandırılmış olduğundan emin olun",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Fotoğrafları kolayca bulabilmek için beğenilen olarak işaretleyin",

l10n/tr.json vendored
View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["{path} yolunda {n} öge bulundu","{path} yolunda {n} öge bulundu"],
"Metadata" : "Üst veriler",
"Edit" : "Düzenle",
"Failed to load metadata" : "Üst veriler yüklenemedi",
"No title" : "Başlık yok",
"No description" : "Açıklama yok",
"No coordinates" : "Herhangi bir koordinat yok",
@ -83,11 +84,18 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotoğraf",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Bazı fotoğraflar yüklenemedi",
"Failed to update setting" : "Ayar güncellenemedi",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF ayıklama",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "Albüm desteği Fotoğraflar uygulamasından açılmış.",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "Fotoğraflar uygulaması kullanılamadığından albümler de kullanılamıyor.",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Tanıma uygulaması kurulmuş ve etkinleştirilmiş.",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Tanıma uygulaması kurulmamış. Yüz tanıma ve nesne etiketleme gibi bazı özellikler kullanılamayabilir.",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "Yüz tanıma kurulmuş ve etkinleştirilmiş",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "Ön izleme oluşturucu kurulmuş ve etkinleştirilmiş. Ek yapılandırma işlemleri gerekli olabilir.",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "Ön izleme oluşturucu kurulmamış ve yapılandırılmamış. Bu nedenle Anılar uygulaması çok yavaş çalışabilir.",
"Recommended Apps" : "Önerilen uygulamalar",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Paketlenmiş exiftool dosyasının yolu",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Perl, yalnızca paketlenmiş exiftool dosyası herhangi bir nedenle çalışmazsa gereklidir.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Sistem Perl dosyası kullanılsın (yalnızca paketteki exiftool dosyası çalışmıyorsa)",
"File Support" : "Dosya desteği",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF ayıklama",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Etkinleştirilmiş Nextcloud ön izleme hizmetlerini aşağıdan yapılandırabilirsiniz.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Ön izlemeler için Imaginary kullanıyorsanız bu bölümü atlayabilirsiniz.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "RAW desteğini etkinleştirmek için Camera RAW Previews uygulamasını kurun.",
@ -96,17 +104,25 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "En fazla ön izleme boyutu (kalite ile depolama alanı dengesi için)",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Ön izleme için kullanılacak en fazla bellek (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Ön izleme dosyalarının en fazla boyutu (MB)",
"File Support" : "Dosya desteği",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Görseller (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Görüntüler (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "Önemli verilerinizi saklamak için Nextcloud ve Anılar uygulamasını seçtiğiniz için teşekkürler!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Anılar uygulamasında pek çok özellik bulunur ve doğru şekilde kurmak biraz zaman alabilir.",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "Anılar uygulamasını yeni kurduysanız kullanmaya başlama rehberini okuduğunuzdan emin olun:",
"External Link" : "Dış bağlantı",
"Media Indexing" : "Ortam dizini",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "Herhangi bir sorun veya hatayla karşılaşmanız durumunda, birkaç kanaldan yardım alabilirsiniz.",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Anılar, etkin olarak geliştirilen tümüyle ücretsiz ve açık kaynaklı bir uygulamadır.",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "Birkaç şekilde katkıda bulunabilirsiniz. Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için proje sayfasına bakın:",
"Help & Support" : "Yardım ve destek",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} ortam dosyası dizine eklendi",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Otomatik dizine ekleme durumu: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "Son dizine ekleme görevi {t} saniye önce çalıştırıldı.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Görevin tamamlanması {t} saniye sürdü.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Görev hala çalışıyor ya da kesintiye uğramış.",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "Son dizine ekleme görevinin çalıştırılmasından bu yana bir saatten fazla zaman geçmiş gibi görünüyor. Nextcloud zamanlanmış görevinin doğru yapılandırıldığından emin olun.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Yalnızca sunucu tarafında şifreleme (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) desteklenir. Ancak başka bir şifreleme modülü etkinleştirilmiş.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "EXIF dizinleri, düzenli çalıştırılan bir arka plan görevi tarafından oluşturulur ve denetlenir. Otomatik dizine ekleme dışında bir şey seçerken dikkatli olun. Örneğin, dizine eklemeyi yalnızca zaman tüneli klasörlerine ayarlamak, kullanıcı zaman çizelgesi yalnızca oturum açıldıktan sonra yapılandırdığından, ortamın kullanıcılar tarafından kullanılabilmesinden önce gecikmelere neden olabilir.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Folders with a \".nomedia\" dosyası bulunan klasörler hiçbir zaman dizine eklenmez.",
@ -120,13 +136,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Tüm dosyalar yeniden dizine eklensin:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Dizine ekleme işlemini kullanıcı ve/veya klasörle sınırlayabilirsiniz",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Var olan tüm dizin tablolarını temizle:",
"Performance" : "Başarım",
"Media Indexing" : "Ortam dizini",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS etkin",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Bu sayfaya güvenli olmayan bir yöntemle erişiyorsunuz. Bazı tarayıcı API uygulamaları kullanılamıyor. Bu durum Anılar uygulamasını çok yavaşlatır. Başarımı iyileştirmek için sunucunuzda HTTPS özelliğini etkinleştirin.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ya da HTTP/3 etkin",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "HTTP/2 ya da HTTP/3 kullanmanız önemle önerilir ({httpVer} algılandı)",
"Performance" : "Başarım",
"Unknown" : "Bilinmiyor",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Ters coğrafi kodlama",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "Veri tabanı {n} geometri ile dolduruldu.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Geometri tablosu oluşturulmamış.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Gezegen verileri eksik gibi görünüyor.",
@ -136,13 +152,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Gezegen verilerini içe aktarmak için aşağıdaki düğme çalışmıyorsa, şu komutu kullanın:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Not: Geometri verileri, herhangi bir ön ek olmadan, memory_planet_geometry tablosunda tutulur.",
"Download planet database" : "Gezegen verilerini indir",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Ters coğrafi kodlama",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Veri tabanınızda geometri desteği bulunamadı",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL benzeri geometri desteği var",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Postgres doğal geometri desteği var",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Görünüşe göre veri tabanı zaten kurulmuş. Gezegen verilerini yeniden indirmek istediğinize emin misiniz?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Gezegen veri tabanını indirmek üzeresiniz. Bu işlem biraz zaman alabilir.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Bu işlem aynı zamanda tüm fotoğrafların yeniden dizine eklenmesine neden olabilir!",
"Video Streaming" : "Görüntü akışı",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Canlı kod dömüştürme HLS kullanarak uyumlu görüntü akışı sağlar.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Bunun, donanım hızlandırması olmadan fazla işlemci yükü oluşturabileceğini ve kod dönüştürmenin dış depolama için kullanılmayacağını unutmayın.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Dönüştürme kullanılsın",
@ -152,13 +168,14 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Otomatik (uyumlu dönüştürme)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Özgün (en yüksek kalitede dönüşüm)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Doğrudan (dönüştürülmemiş özgün görüntü)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Donanımsal hızlandırma",
"Video Streaming" : "Görüntü akışı",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Hızlandırmayı yapılandırmadan önce doğru sürücülerin kurulduğundan emin olmalısınız.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Donanım hızlandırmayı etkinleştirdikten sonra çeşitli seçenekleri sınadığınızdan emin olun.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Birden fazla donanım hızlandırmasını aynı anda etkinleştirmeyin.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "QuickSync Video (QSV) destekleyen Intel işlemciler ve bazı AMD grafik işlemcileri VA-API hızlandırması ile kod dönüştürme için kullanılabilir.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Sürücü kurulumu hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi almak için belgelere bakın:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "VA-API hızlandırması kullanılsın",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "Düşük güç kipi kullanılsın (yalnızca QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "NVIDIA grafik işlemcileri uygun sürücülerle NVENC kodlayıcı ile kod dönüştürme için kullanılabilir.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Kurulu SDK ve ffmpeg sürümlerine bağlı olarak, kullanılacak ölçekleyiciyi belirtmeniz gerekir.",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "NVIDIA hızlandırması için herhangi bir otomatik sınama yoktur.",
@ -167,17 +184,23 @@
"NPP scaler" : "NPP ölçekleyici",
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA ölçekleyici",
"not recommended" : "önerilmez",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Belirli donanım sürücülerindeki bir sorun nedeniyle, akış sırasında görüntülerin doğrultusu yanlış olabilir. Bu sorun, bazı durumlarda görüntüyü hızlandırıcı üzerinde döndürerek çözülebilir.",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Bu seçeneği yalnızca oynatma sırasında görüntülerin doğrultusu yanlış oluyorsa etkinleştirin.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Akış doğrultusunu düzeltmek için geçici çözüm kullanılsın",
"HW Acceleration" : "Donanımsal hızlandırma",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API aygıtı ({dev}) okunabilir",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API aygıtı ({dev}) bulunamadı",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API aygıtının ({dev}) izinleri doğru değil",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API aygıtının durumu: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Dönüştürücü yapılandırması",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Anılar, go-vod kod çözücüsünü kullanır. Go-vod dışarıdan çalıştırılabilir (örneğin, donanım hızlandırması için ayrı bir Docker kapsayıcısında) ya da yerleşik kod çözücü kullanılabilir. Bir dış kod çözücü kullanmak için aşağıdaki seçeneği etkinleştirin ve belgelerdeki yönergeleri izleyin:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Dış dönüştürücü kullanılsın (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Dosya yolu (yalnızca yerel)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Bağlanma adresi (yalnızca yerel)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Bağlantı adresi (yerel ise bağlanma ile aynı)",
"Template" : "Kalıp",
"No items" : "Herhangi bir öge yok",
"Shared by {user}" : "{user} tarafından paylaşıldı",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["{n} fotoğraf gönderildi","{n} fotoğraf gönderildi"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Albümünüzü düzenleyebilecek kişi ya da grupları ekleyin",
"Search for collaborators" : "Katılımcı ara",
"Search people or groups" : "Kişi ya da grup arama",
@ -211,7 +234,9 @@
"Save" : "Kaydet",
"Create album" : "Albüm ekle",
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Albüm adı geçersiz. Albüm adında bölü (/) karakteri bulunamaz.",
"Create new album." : "Yeni albüm ekle.",
"Save changes" : "Değişiklikleri kaydet",
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["{n} albümden kaldırıldı","{n} albümden kaldırıldı"],
"Share Album" : "Albümü paylaş",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Bu albümün katılımcılarını kaydet.",
"shared by {owner}" : "{owner} tarafından paylaşıldı",
@ -415,6 +440,7 @@
"Auto" : "Otomatik",
"Shared Folder" : "Paylaşılmış klasör",
"Shared Album" : "Paylaşılmış albüm",
"Failed to remove {filename}." : "{filename} dosyası kaldırılamadı.",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "{albumName} albümü oluşturulamadı.",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "{currentAlbumName} albümünün adı {newAlbumName} olarak değiştirilemedi.",
"General Failure" : "Genel sorun",
@ -427,6 +453,8 @@
"Failed to favorite files." : "Dosyalar sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Bazı dosyalar sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "{fileName} sık kullanılanlara eklenemedi.",
"No content-location header found" : "content-location üst bilgisi bulunamadı",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "{name} etiketi oluşturulamadı: {error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Anılar uygulaması {version} sürümüne güncellendi. Yeni sürümü kullanmak için sayfayı yeniden yükleyin.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Bazı fotoğraflar yükleyin ve zaman tüneli yolunun yapılandırılmış olduğundan emin olun",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Fotoğrafları kolayca bulabilmek için beğenilen olarak işaretleyin",

l10n/uk.js vendored
View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to load some photos" : "Не вдалося завантажити деякі фотографії",
"Unknown" : "Невідомо",
"Template" : "Шаблон",
"No items" : "Відсутні елементи",
"Shared by {user}" : "{user} надав(-ла) доступ",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Додайте людей або групи, які можуть редагувати ваш альбом",
"Search for collaborators" : "Пошук співавторів",
"Search people or groups" : "Пошук людей або груп",

l10n/uk.json vendored
View File

@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
"Failed to load some photos" : "Не вдалося завантажити деякі фотографії",
"Unknown" : "Невідомо",
"Template" : "Шаблон",
"No items" : "Відсутні елементи",
"Shared by {user}" : "{user} надав(-ла) доступ",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Додайте людей або групи, які можуть редагувати ваш альбом",
"Search for collaborators" : "Пошук співавторів",
"Search people or groups" : "Пошук людей або груп",

l10n/zh_CN.js vendored
View File

@ -85,11 +85,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} 张照片",
"Failed to load some photos" : "载入部分照片失败",
"Failed to update setting" : "更新设置失败",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解压缩",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "exiftool binary文件包路径",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "仅当exiftool binary文件包由于某种原因不可用时才需要PERL。",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "使用系统 PERL仅当exiftool binary文件不可用时",
"File Support" : "文件支持",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解压缩",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "您可以在下面配置已启用的Nextcloud预览提供者。",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "如果您正在使用Imaginary生成预览则可以忽略此部分。",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "要启用RAW支持请安装Camera RAW Previews应用。",
@ -98,12 +97,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "最大预览大小(质量和存储需求之间的权衡)",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "生成预览时的最大内存(MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "最大预览文件大小(MB)",
"File Support" : "文件支持",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "图片 (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "视频 (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "外部链接",
"Media Indexing" : "媒体索引",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n}个媒体文件已被索引",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "自动索引状态: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "最后一个索引作业在{t}秒前运行。",
@ -122,13 +121,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "强制重新索引所有文件:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "您可以根据用户和/或文件夹限制索引:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "清除所有已存在的数据库索引表:",
"Performance" : "性能",
"Media Indexing" : "媒体索引",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "已启用HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "您正在通过不安全的环境访问此页。一些浏览器api不可用这将使“记忆”非常慢。在服务器上启用HTTPS可以提高性能。",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3 已启用",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "强烈建议使用 HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3 (检测到 {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "性能",
"Unknown" : "未知",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理编码",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "数据库中自动增加了 {n} 个 geometries。",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "尚未创建 geometry 数据库表。",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "看起来地球数据是不完整的。",
@ -138,13 +137,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "如果下面的按钮无法导入地球数据,请使用以下命令:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "注意:geometry数据存储在memores_planet_geometry表中没有前缀。",
"Download planet database" : "下载地球数据库",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理编码",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "在数据库中未检测到Geometry支持",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "检测到类似mysql的Geometry支持",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "检测到Postgres原生Geometry支持",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "看起来数据库已经设置好了。你确定要重新下载地球数据吗?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "您即将下载地球数据库。这可能需要一段时间。",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "这也可能导致所有的照片被重新索引!",
"Video Streaming" : "视频串流",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "实时转码使用HLS提供自适应串流。",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "请注意如果没有硬件加速这可能会非常占用CPU资源并且外部存储无法使用转码。",
"Enable Transcoding" : "启用转码",
@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "自动(自适应转码)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "原始(以最高质量转码)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "直接(不带转码的原始视频文件)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "硬件加速",
"Video Streaming" : "视频串流",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "在配置硬件加速之前,必须首先确保安装了正确的驱动程序。",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "确保在启用后使用各种选项测试硬件加速。",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "请勿同时启用多种类型的硬件加速。",
@ -172,13 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "未找到VA-API设备{dev}",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API设备{dev})权限不正确",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API设备状态{status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "转码配置",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "“记忆”使用go-vod转码器。你可以在外部运行go-vod例如在一个独立的Docker容器中进行硬件加速或使用内置的转码器。要使用外部转码器请启用以下选项并按照文档中的说明操作",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "启用外部转码器go-vod",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Binary路径仅本地",
"Bind address (local only)" : "绑定地址(仅本地)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "连接地址(如果是本地,则与绑定地址相同)",
"Template" : "模板",
"No items" : "没有项目",
"Shared by {user}" : "由{user} 共享",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "添加可以编辑您相册的用户与群组",
"Search for collaborators" : "搜索协作者",
"Search people or groups" : "搜索用户或群组",

l10n/zh_CN.json vendored
View File

@ -83,11 +83,10 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} 张照片",
"Failed to load some photos" : "载入部分照片失败",
"Failed to update setting" : "更新设置失败",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解压缩",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "exiftool binary文件包路径",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "仅当exiftool binary文件包由于某种原因不可用时才需要PERL。",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "使用系统 PERL仅当exiftool binary文件不可用时",
"File Support" : "文件支持",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解压缩",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "您可以在下面配置已启用的Nextcloud预览提供者。",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "如果您正在使用Imaginary生成预览则可以忽略此部分。",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "要启用RAW支持请安装Camera RAW Previews应用。",
@ -96,12 +95,12 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "最大预览大小(质量和存储需求之间的权衡)",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "生成预览时的最大内存(MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "最大预览文件大小(MB)",
"File Support" : "文件支持",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "图片 (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "视频 (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "外部链接",
"Media Indexing" : "媒体索引",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n}个媒体文件已被索引",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "自动索引状态: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "最后一个索引作业在{t}秒前运行。",
@ -120,13 +119,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "强制重新索引所有文件:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "您可以根据用户和/或文件夹限制索引:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "清除所有已存在的数据库索引表:",
"Performance" : "性能",
"Media Indexing" : "媒体索引",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "已启用HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "您正在通过不安全的环境访问此页。一些浏览器api不可用这将使“记忆”非常慢。在服务器上启用HTTPS可以提高性能。",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3 已启用",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "强烈建议使用 HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3 (检测到 {httpVer})",
"Performance" : "性能",
"Unknown" : "未知",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理编码",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "数据库中自动增加了 {n} 个 geometries。",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "尚未创建 geometry 数据库表。",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "看起来地球数据是不完整的。",
@ -136,13 +135,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "如果下面的按钮无法导入地球数据,请使用以下命令:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "注意:geometry数据存储在memores_planet_geometry表中没有前缀。",
"Download planet database" : "下载地球数据库",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理编码",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "在数据库中未检测到Geometry支持",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "检测到类似mysql的Geometry支持",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "检测到Postgres原生Geometry支持",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "看起来数据库已经设置好了。你确定要重新下载地球数据吗?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "您即将下载地球数据库。这可能需要一段时间。",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "这也可能导致所有的照片被重新索引!",
"Video Streaming" : "视频串流",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "实时转码使用HLS提供自适应串流。",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "请注意如果没有硬件加速这可能会非常占用CPU资源并且外部存储无法使用转码。",
"Enable Transcoding" : "启用转码",
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "自动(自适应转码)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "原始(以最高质量转码)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "直接(不带转码的原始视频文件)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "硬件加速",
"Video Streaming" : "视频串流",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "在配置硬件加速之前,必须首先确保安装了正确的驱动程序。",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "确保在启用后使用各种选项测试硬件加速。",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "请勿同时启用多种类型的硬件加速。",
@ -170,13 +169,14 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "未找到VA-API设备{dev}",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API设备{dev})权限不正确",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API设备状态{status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "转码配置",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "“记忆”使用go-vod转码器。你可以在外部运行go-vod例如在一个独立的Docker容器中进行硬件加速或使用内置的转码器。要使用外部转码器请启用以下选项并按照文档中的说明操作",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "启用外部转码器go-vod",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Binary路径仅本地",
"Bind address (local only)" : "绑定地址(仅本地)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "连接地址(如果是本地,则与绑定地址相同)",
"Template" : "模板",
"No items" : "没有项目",
"Shared by {user}" : "由{user} 共享",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "添加可以编辑您相册的用户与群组",
"Search for collaborators" : "搜索协作者",
"Search people or groups" : "搜索用户或群组",

l10n/zh_HK.js vendored
View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["在 {path} 中找到 {n} 個項目"],
"Metadata" : "元數據",
"Edit" : "編輯",
"Failed to load metadata" : "載入元數據失敗",
"No title" : "沒有標題",
"No description" : "沒有描述",
"No coordinates" : "無座標",
@ -85,11 +86,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} 張照片",
"Failed to load some photos" : "未能加載一些照片",
"Failed to update setting" : "更新設定失敗",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解壓縮",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "相簿支援通過照片應用程式啟用。",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "由於“照片”應用程式不可用,因此相簿已停用。",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Recognize 已安裝並啟用。",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Recognize 未安裝。人臉識別和對象標籤等某些功能可能不可用。",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "人臉識別已安裝並啟用。",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "預覽生成器已安裝並啟用。可能仍需要額外的配置。",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "未安裝和配置預覽生成器。這可能會讓 Memories 變得非常慢。",
"Recommended Apps" : "推薦應用程式",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "包裝好的 exiftool 二進製檔案的途徑。",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "僅當 exiftool 二進製檔案由於某種原因不起作用時才需要 PERL。",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "使用系統 PERL僅當 exiftool 二進製檔案不起作用時)",
"File Support" : "檔案支援",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解壓縮",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "您可以在下方設定已啟用的 Nextcloud 預覽提供者。",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "若您正在使用 Imaginary 作為預覽產生程式,您可以忽略此區塊。",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "要啟用 RAW 支援,請安裝 Camera RAW Previews 應用程式。",
@ -98,17 +106,25 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "最大預覽大小(品質與儲存空間要求間的權衡)。",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "預覽產生的最大記憶體 (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "最大預覽檔案大小 (MB)",
"File Support" : "檔案支援",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "圖像 (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "視像 (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "感謝您選擇 Nextcloud 和 Memories 來存儲您的寶貴數據!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Memories 功能非常豐富,正確設置它可能需要一些時間。",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "如果您剛剛安裝了 Memories請務必閱讀入門指南",
"External Link" : "外部連結",
"Media Indexing" : "媒體索引",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "如果您遇到任何問題或錯誤,您可以通過多種渠道獲得幫助。",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Memories 是一款完全免費的開源應用程式,正在積極開發中。",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "您可以通過多種方式做出貢獻。請參閱項目頁面了解更多詳細信息:",
"Help & Support" : "幫助 & 支援",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} 個媒體檔案已被索引",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "自動索引狀態:{status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "最後一個索引作業在 {t} 秒前運行。",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "需要 {t} 秒完成。",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "它仍在運行或被中斷。",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "看起來距離上次運行索引作業已經過去一個多小時了。 確保 Nextcloud cron 配置正確。",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "僅支持伺服器端加密OC_DEFAULT_MODULE但已啟用另一個加密模塊。",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "EXIF 索引是在定期後台任務中建立和檢查的。選擇自動索引以外的任何內容時要小心。例如,將索引設置為僅時間線資料夾可能會導致媒體在用戶可用之前出現延遲,因為用戶僅在登錄後配置時間線。",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "帶有 “.nomedia” 檔案的資料夾總是被排除在索引之外。",
@ -122,13 +138,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "強制重新索引所有檔案:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "您可以按用戶和/或資料夾限制索引:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "清除所有現有的索引數據庫表:",
"Performance" : "效能",
"Media Indexing" : "媒體索引",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "已啟用 HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "您正在通過不安全的上下文訪問此頁面。 有幾個瀏覽器 API 不可用,這會使 Memories 非常慢。 在您的服務器上啟用 HTTPS 以提高性能。",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3 已啟用",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "強烈建議使用 HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3檢測到 {httpVer}",
"Performance" : "效能",
"Unknown" : "不詳",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理編碼",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "數據庫中自動增加了 {n} 個 geometries。",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "尚未創建 geometry 數據庫表",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "看起來行星數據不完整。",
@ -138,13 +154,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "若下方按鈕無法匯入地球資料,請使用以下指令:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "注意geometry 數據存儲在 memories_planet_geometry 表中,沒有前綴。",
"Download planet database" : "下載地球數據庫",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理編碼",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "您的數據庫中並未偵測到 geometry 支援",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "檢測到類似 MySQL 的 geometry 支援",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "偵測到 Postgres 的原生 geometry 支援",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "看起來數據庫已經設置好了。您確定要重新下載行星數據嗎?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "您即將下載行星數據庫。下載可能需要一段時間。",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "這也可能導致所有照片被重新索引!",
"Video Streaming" : "視像串流",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "即時轉換編碼使用 HLS 提供自動調整串流。",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "請注意,若無硬體加速,這可能會讓 CPU 有非常高的使用率,且轉換編碼不會用於外部儲存空間。",
"Enable Transcoding" : "啟用轉換編碼",
@ -154,13 +170,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "自動(自動調整轉碼)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "原先的(使用最高質素轉碼)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "直接(沒有轉碼的原先的視像檔案)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "硬體加速",
"Video Streaming" : "視像串流",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "在配置加速之前,您必須先確保安裝了正確的驅動程式。",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "確保在啟用後使用各種選項測試硬件加速。",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "不要同時啟用多種類型的硬件加速。",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "支援 QuickSync Video (QSV) 的 Intel 處理器以及一些 AMD GPU 可使用 VA-API 加速進行轉碼。",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "關於更多驅動程式安裝的資訊,請看說明書:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "啟用 VA-API 加速",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "啟用低功率模式 (僅QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "NVIDIA GPU 可用於使用帶有適當驅動程式的 NVENC 編碼器進行轉碼。",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "取決於安裝的 SDK 與 ffmpeg 版本,您可能需要指定要使用的 scaler",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "未提供 NVIDIA 加速的自動化測試",
@ -169,17 +186,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"NPP scaler" : "NPP scaler",
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA scaler",
"not recommended" : "不推薦",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "由於某些硬件驅動程序中的錯誤,視頻在流式傳輸時可能會出現錯誤的方向。在某些情況下,可以通過在加速器上旋轉視頻來解決此問題。",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "僅當您在播放過程中視頻方向不正確時才啟用以下選項。",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "啟用流轉置解決方法",
"HW Acceleration" : "硬體加速",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API 裝置({dev})可讀",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "找不到 VA-API 裝置({dev}",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API 裝置({dev})權限不正確",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API 裝置狀態:{status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "轉碼器配置",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories 使用 go-vod 轉碼器。您可以在外部執行 go-vod例如在單獨的 Docker 容器中進行硬體加速)或使用內建的轉碼器。要使用外部轉碼器,請啟用以下選項並按照說明書進行操作:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "啟用外部轉碼器 (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "二進製檔案的途徑(僅近端)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "綁定地址(僅近端)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "連線地址(若為近端的話,則與綁定相同)",
"Template" : "模板",
"No items" : "沒有項目",
"Shared by {user}" : "由 {user} 分享",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["更新了 {n} 張照片"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "添加可以編輯您的相簿的用戶或群組",
"Search for collaborators" : "尋找協作者",
@ -433,6 +455,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to favorite files." : "加入最愛失敗。",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "將部份檔案加入最愛失敗。",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "將 {fileName} 加入最愛失敗。",
"No content-location header found" : "找不到內容位置標頭",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "未能創建標籤 “{name}”:{error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Memories 已更新至 {version}。重新整理以取得新版本。",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "上傳一些照片並確保已設定時間軸路徑",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "將照片標記為最愛以輕鬆找到它們",

l10n/zh_HK.json vendored
View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["在 {path} 中找到 {n} 個項目"],
"Metadata" : "元數據",
"Edit" : "編輯",
"Failed to load metadata" : "載入元數據失敗",
"No title" : "沒有標題",
"No description" : "沒有描述",
"No coordinates" : "無座標",
@ -83,11 +84,18 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} 張照片",
"Failed to load some photos" : "未能加載一些照片",
"Failed to update setting" : "更新設定失敗",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解壓縮",
"Albums support is enabled through the Photos app." : "相簿支援通過照片應用程式啟用。",
"Albums are disabled because the Photos app is not available." : "由於“照片”應用程式不可用,因此相簿已停用。",
"Recognize is installed and enabled." : "Recognize 已安裝並啟用。",
"Recognize is not installed. Some features like face recognition and object tagging may be unavailable." : "Recognize 未安裝。人臉識別和對象標籤等某些功能可能不可用。",
"Face Recognition is installed and enabled" : "人臉識別已安裝並啟用。",
"Preview generator is installed and enabled. Additional configuration may still be required." : "預覽生成器已安裝並啟用。可能仍需要額外的配置。",
"Preview generator is not installed and configured. This may make Memories very slow." : "未安裝和配置預覽生成器。這可能會讓 Memories 變得非常慢。",
"Recommended Apps" : "推薦應用程式",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "包裝好的 exiftool 二進製檔案的途徑。",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "僅當 exiftool 二進製檔案由於某種原因不起作用時才需要 PERL。",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "使用系統 PERL僅當 exiftool 二進製檔案不起作用時)",
"File Support" : "檔案支援",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解壓縮",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "您可以在下方設定已啟用的 Nextcloud 預覽提供者。",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "若您正在使用 Imaginary 作為預覽產生程式,您可以忽略此區塊。",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "要啟用 RAW 支援,請安裝 Camera RAW Previews 應用程式。",
@ -96,17 +104,25 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "最大預覽大小(品質與儲存空間要求間的權衡)。",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "預覽產生的最大記憶體 (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "最大預覽檔案大小 (MB)",
"File Support" : "檔案支援",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "圖像 (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "視像 (ffmpeg)",
"Thank you for choosing Nextcloud and Memories to store your precious data!" : "感謝您選擇 Nextcloud 和 Memories 來存儲您的寶貴數據!",
"Memories is very feature rich and setting it up properly can take some time." : "Memories 功能非常豐富,正確設置它可能需要一些時間。",
"If you just installed Memories, make sure you read the getting started guide:" : "如果您剛剛安裝了 Memories請務必閱讀入門指南",
"External Link" : "外部連結",
"Media Indexing" : "媒體索引",
"In case you run into any issues or bugs, you can get help through several channels." : "如果您遇到任何問題或錯誤,您可以通過多種渠道獲得幫助。",
"Memories is a completely free and open source app under active development." : "Memories 是一款完全免費的開源應用程式,正在積極開發中。",
"You can contribute in several ways. See the project page for more details:" : "您可以通過多種方式做出貢獻。請參閱項目頁面了解更多詳細信息:",
"Help & Support" : "幫助 & 支援",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} 個媒體檔案已被索引",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "自動索引狀態:{status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "最後一個索引作業在 {t} 秒前運行。",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "需要 {t} 秒完成。",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "它仍在運行或被中斷。",
"Looks like it has been more than an hour since the last index job was run. Make sure Nextcloud cron is configured correctly." : "看起來距離上次運行索引作業已經過去一個多小時了。 確保 Nextcloud cron 配置正確。",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "僅支持伺服器端加密OC_DEFAULT_MODULE但已啟用另一個加密模塊。",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "EXIF 索引是在定期後台任務中建立和檢查的。選擇自動索引以外的任何內容時要小心。例如,將索引設置為僅時間線資料夾可能會導致媒體在用戶可用之前出現延遲,因為用戶僅在登錄後配置時間線。",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "帶有 “.nomedia” 檔案的資料夾總是被排除在索引之外。",
@ -120,13 +136,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "強制重新索引所有檔案:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "您可以按用戶和/或資料夾限制索引:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "清除所有現有的索引數據庫表:",
"Performance" : "效能",
"Media Indexing" : "媒體索引",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "已啟用 HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "您正在通過不安全的上下文訪問此頁面。 有幾個瀏覽器 API 不可用,這會使 Memories 非常慢。 在您的服務器上啟用 HTTPS 以提高性能。",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3 已啟用",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "強烈建議使用 HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3檢測到 {httpVer}",
"Performance" : "效能",
"Unknown" : "不詳",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理編碼",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "數據庫中自動增加了 {n} 個 geometries。",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "尚未創建 geometry 數據庫表",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "看起來行星數據不完整。",
@ -136,13 +152,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "若下方按鈕無法匯入地球資料,請使用以下指令:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "注意geometry 數據存儲在 memories_planet_geometry 表中,沒有前綴。",
"Download planet database" : "下載地球數據庫",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理編碼",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "您的數據庫中並未偵測到 geometry 支援",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "檢測到類似 MySQL 的 geometry 支援",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "偵測到 Postgres 的原生 geometry 支援",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "看起來數據庫已經設置好了。您確定要重新下載行星數據嗎?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "您即將下載行星數據庫。下載可能需要一段時間。",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "這也可能導致所有照片被重新索引!",
"Video Streaming" : "視像串流",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "即時轉換編碼使用 HLS 提供自動調整串流。",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "請注意,若無硬體加速,這可能會讓 CPU 有非常高的使用率,且轉換編碼不會用於外部儲存空間。",
"Enable Transcoding" : "啟用轉換編碼",
@ -152,13 +168,14 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "自動(自動調整轉碼)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "原先的(使用最高質素轉碼)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "直接(沒有轉碼的原先的視像檔案)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "硬體加速",
"Video Streaming" : "視像串流",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "在配置加速之前,您必須先確保安裝了正確的驅動程式。",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "確保在啟用後使用各種選項測試硬件加速。",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "不要同時啟用多種類型的硬件加速。",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "支援 QuickSync Video (QSV) 的 Intel 處理器以及一些 AMD GPU 可使用 VA-API 加速進行轉碼。",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "關於更多驅動程式安裝的資訊,請看說明書:",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "啟用 VA-API 加速",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV only)" : "啟用低功率模式 (僅QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "NVIDIA GPU 可用於使用帶有適當驅動程式的 NVENC 編碼器進行轉碼。",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "取決於安裝的 SDK 與 ffmpeg 版本,您可能需要指定要使用的 scaler",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "未提供 NVIDIA 加速的自動化測試",
@ -167,17 +184,22 @@
"NPP scaler" : "NPP scaler",
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA scaler",
"not recommended" : "不推薦",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "由於某些硬件驅動程序中的錯誤,視頻在流式傳輸時可能會出現錯誤的方向。在某些情況下,可以通過在加速器上旋轉視頻來解決此問題。",
"Enable the following option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "僅當您在播放過程中視頻方向不正確時才啟用以下選項。",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "啟用流轉置解決方法",
"HW Acceleration" : "硬體加速",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API 裝置({dev})可讀",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "找不到 VA-API 裝置({dev}",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API 裝置({dev})權限不正確",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API 裝置狀態:{status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "轉碼器配置",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories 使用 go-vod 轉碼器。您可以在外部執行 go-vod例如在單獨的 Docker 容器中進行硬體加速)或使用內建的轉碼器。要使用外部轉碼器,請啟用以下選項並按照說明書進行操作:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "啟用外部轉碼器 (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "二進製檔案的途徑(僅近端)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "綁定地址(僅近端)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "連線地址(若為近端的話,則與綁定相同)",
"Template" : "模板",
"No items" : "沒有項目",
"Shared by {user}" : "由 {user} 分享",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["更新了 {n} 張照片"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "添加可以編輯您的相簿的用戶或群組",
"Search for collaborators" : "尋找協作者",
@ -431,6 +453,8 @@
"Failed to favorite files." : "加入最愛失敗。",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "將部份檔案加入最愛失敗。",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "將 {fileName} 加入最愛失敗。",
"No content-location header found" : "找不到內容位置標頭",
"Failed to create tag {name}: {error}" : "未能創建標籤 “{name}”:{error}",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Memories 已更新至 {version}。重新整理以取得新版本。",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "上傳一些照片並確保已設定時間軸路徑",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "將照片標記為最愛以輕鬆找到它們",

l10n/zh_TW.js vendored
View File

@ -85,11 +85,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} 張照片",
"Failed to load some photos" : "載入部份照片時失敗",
"Failed to update setting" : "更新設定失敗",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解壓縮",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "打包好的 exiftool 二進位檔路徑",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "僅當打包好的 exiftool 二進位檔案因為某種原因無法運作時才需要 perl。",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "使用系統 perl僅當 exiftool 二進位檔案無法運作時)",
"File Support" : "檔案支援",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解壓縮",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "您可以在下方設定已啟用的 Nextcloud 預覽提供者。",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "若您正在使用 Imaginary 作為預覽產生程式,您可以忽略此區塊。",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "要啟用 RAW 支援,請安裝 Camera RAW Previews 應用程式。",
@ -98,12 +97,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "最大預覽大小(品質與儲存空間要求間的權衡)。",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "預覽產生的最大記憶體 (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "最大預覽檔案大小 (MB)",
"File Support" : "檔案支援",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "影像 (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "影片 (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "外部連結",
"Media Indexing" : "媒體索引",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "已索引 {n} 個媒體檔案",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "自動索引狀態:{status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "最後一次索引作業於{t}秒前執行。",
@ -122,13 +121,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "強制重新索引所有檔案:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "您可以按使用者及/或資料夾限制索引:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "清除所有既有的索引資料表:",
"Performance" : "效能",
"Media Indexing" : "媒體索引",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "已啟用 HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "您正在透過不安全的環境存取此頁面。有幾個瀏覽器 API 無法使用,這可能會導致 Memories 非常慢。在您的伺服器上啟用 HTTPS 以改善效能。",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3 已啟用",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "強烈建議使用 HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3偵測到 {httpVer}",
"Performance" : "效能",
"Unknown" : "未知",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理編碼",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "資料庫中填充了 {n} 個幾何圖形。",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "尚未建立幾何圖形表格。",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "看起來行星資料不完整。",
@ -138,13 +137,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "若下方按鈕無法匯入地圖資料,請使用以下指令:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "注意:幾何資料儲存在 memories_planet_geometry 資料表中,沒有前綴。",
"Download planet database" : "下載地圖資料庫",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理編碼",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "您的資料庫中並未偵測到幾何支援",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "偵測到類 MySQL 的幾何支援",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "偵測到 Postgres 的原生幾何支援",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "看起來資料庫已經設定好了。您確定要重新下載地圖資料嗎?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "您將要下載地圖資料庫。這可能需要一段時間。",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "這也可能導致所有照片被重新索引!",
"Video Streaming" : "視訊串流",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "即時轉換編碼使用 HLS 提供自動調整串流。",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "請注意,若無硬體加速,這可能會讓 CPU 有非常高的使用率,且轉換編碼不會用於外部儲存空間。",
"Enable Transcoding" : "啟用轉換編碼",
@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "自動(自動調整轉碼)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "原始(使用最高品質轉碼)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "直接(沒有轉碼的原始影片檔案)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "硬體加速",
"Video Streaming" : "視訊串流",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "在設定加速之前,您必須先確保安裝了正確的驅動程式。",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "確保在啟用後使用各種選項測試硬體加速。",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "不要同時啟用多種類型的硬體加速。",
@ -173,12 +172,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "找不到 VA-API 裝置({dev}",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API 裝置({dev})權限不正確",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API 裝置狀態:{status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "轉碼器設定",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories 使用 go-vod 轉碼器。您可以在外部執行 go-vod例如在單獨的 Docker 容器中進行硬體加速)或使用內建的轉碼器。要使用外部轉碼器,請啟用以下選項並按照文件中的說明進行操作:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "啟用外部轉碼器 (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "二進位檔路徑(僅本機)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "綁定地址(僅本機)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "連線地址(若為本機的話,則與綁定相同)",
"No items" : "無項目",
"Shared by {user}" : "由 {user} 分享",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["已更新 {n} 張照片"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "新增可以編輯您的相簿的使用者或群組",
"Search for collaborators" : "搜尋協作者",

l10n/zh_TW.json vendored
View File

@ -83,11 +83,10 @@
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} 張照片",
"Failed to load some photos" : "載入部份照片時失敗",
"Failed to update setting" : "更新設定失敗",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解壓縮",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "打包好的 exiftool 二進位檔路徑",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "僅當打包好的 exiftool 二進位檔案因為某種原因無法運作時才需要 perl。",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "使用系統 perl僅當 exiftool 二進位檔案無法運作時)",
"File Support" : "檔案支援",
"EXIF Extraction" : "EXIF 解壓縮",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "您可以在下方設定已啟用的 Nextcloud 預覽提供者。",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "若您正在使用 Imaginary 作為預覽產生程式,您可以忽略此區塊。",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "要啟用 RAW 支援,請安裝 Camera RAW Previews 應用程式。",
@ -96,12 +95,12 @@
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "最大預覽大小(品質與儲存空間要求間的權衡)。",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "預覽產生的最大記憶體 (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "最大預覽檔案大小 (MB)",
"File Support" : "檔案支援",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "影像 (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "影片 (ffmpeg)",
"External Link" : "外部連結",
"Media Indexing" : "媒體索引",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "已索引 {n} 個媒體檔案",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "自動索引狀態:{status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "最後一次索引作業於{t}秒前執行。",
@ -120,13 +119,13 @@
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "強制重新索引所有檔案:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "您可以按使用者及/或資料夾限制索引:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "清除所有既有的索引資料表:",
"Performance" : "效能",
"Media Indexing" : "媒體索引",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "已啟用 HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "您正在透過不安全的環境存取此頁面。有幾個瀏覽器 API 無法使用,這可能會導致 Memories 非常慢。在您的伺服器上啟用 HTTPS 以改善效能。",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3 已啟用",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "強烈建議使用 HTTP/2 或 HTTP/3偵測到 {httpVer}",
"Performance" : "效能",
"Unknown" : "未知",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理編碼",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "資料庫中填充了 {n} 個幾何圖形。",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "尚未建立幾何圖形表格。",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "看起來行星資料不完整。",
@ -136,13 +135,13 @@
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "若下方按鈕無法匯入地圖資料,請使用以下指令:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "注意:幾何資料儲存在 memories_planet_geometry 資料表中,沒有前綴。",
"Download planet database" : "下載地圖資料庫",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "反向地理編碼",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "您的資料庫中並未偵測到幾何支援",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "偵測到類 MySQL 的幾何支援",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "偵測到 Postgres 的原生幾何支援",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "看起來資料庫已經設定好了。您確定要重新下載地圖資料嗎?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "您將要下載地圖資料庫。這可能需要一段時間。",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "這也可能導致所有照片被重新索引!",
"Video Streaming" : "視訊串流",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "即時轉換編碼使用 HLS 提供自動調整串流。",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "請注意,若無硬體加速,這可能會讓 CPU 有非常高的使用率,且轉換編碼不會用於外部儲存空間。",
"Enable Transcoding" : "啟用轉換編碼",
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "自動(自動調整轉碼)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "原始(使用最高品質轉碼)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "直接(沒有轉碼的原始影片檔案)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "硬體加速",
"Video Streaming" : "視訊串流",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "在設定加速之前,您必須先確保安裝了正確的驅動程式。",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "確保在啟用後使用各種選項測試硬體加速。",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "不要同時啟用多種類型的硬體加速。",
@ -171,12 +170,13 @@
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "找不到 VA-API 裝置({dev}",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "VA-API 裝置({dev})權限不正確",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "VA-API 裝置狀態:{status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "轉碼器設定",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories 使用 go-vod 轉碼器。您可以在外部執行 go-vod例如在單獨的 Docker 容器中進行硬體加速)或使用內建的轉碼器。要使用外部轉碼器,請啟用以下選項並按照文件中的說明進行操作:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "啟用外部轉碼器 (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "二進位檔路徑(僅本機)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "綁定地址(僅本機)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "連線地址(若為本機的話,則與綁定相同)",
"No items" : "無項目",
"Shared by {user}" : "由 {user} 分享",
"_{n} photo updated_::_{n} photos updated_" : ["已更新 {n} 張照片"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "新增可以編輯您的相簿的使用者或群組",
"Search for collaborators" : "搜尋協作者",