Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex

Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
Nextcloud bot 2023-10-01 02:29:19 +00:00
parent e787b1c14e
commit 3c502a577e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 130DAB86D3FB356C
182 changed files with 386 additions and 698 deletions

l10n/af.js vendored
View File

@ -15,11 +15,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete" : "Skrap",
"Favorite" : "Gunsteling",
"View in folder" : "Vertoon in gids",
"Continue" : "Gaan voort",
"Move" : "Skuif",
"General" : "Algemeen",
"Account" : "Rekening",
"Close" : "Sluit",
"Continue" : "Gaan voort",
"Public link" : "Openbare skakel",
"Back" : "Terug",
"Save" : "Bewaar",
@ -35,6 +34,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Naam",
"Update" : "Werk by",
"Loading …" : "Laai …",
"Move" : "Skuif",
"Remove" : "Verwyder",
"Share link" : "Deel skakel",
"Refresh" : "Verfris",

l10n/af.json vendored
View File

@ -13,11 +13,10 @@
"Delete" : "Skrap",
"Favorite" : "Gunsteling",
"View in folder" : "Vertoon in gids",
"Continue" : "Gaan voort",
"Move" : "Skuif",
"General" : "Algemeen",
"Account" : "Rekening",
"Close" : "Sluit",
"Continue" : "Gaan voort",
"Public link" : "Openbare skakel",
"Back" : "Terug",
"Save" : "Bewaar",
@ -33,6 +32,7 @@
"Name" : "Naam",
"Update" : "Werk by",
"Loading …" : "Laai …",
"Move" : "Skuif",
"Remove" : "Verwyder",
"Share link" : "Deel skakel",
"Refresh" : "Verfris",

l10n/ar.js vendored
View File

@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "إضِف إلى ألبوم",
"Move to person" : "نقل إلى فئة شخص",
"Remove from person" : "إزالة من شخصٍ",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "أنت على وشك تنزيل عدد كبير من الملفات.",
"Continue" : "متابعة",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "أنت على وشك حذف عدد كبير من الملفات",
"Failed to delete files" : "فشل في حذف الملفات",
"Move" : "نقل",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "أنت على وشك نقل عدد كبير من الملفات",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "يجب عليك تمكين \"تمييز شخص في المعاينة\" لاستخدام هذه الميزة",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "يمكن للمستخدم \"{user}\" فقط تحديث هذا الشخص",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}"],
@ -117,6 +111,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The following MIME types are configured for preview generation." : "تم إعداد أنواع تنسيقات MIME التالية لإنشاء المعاينة.",
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "أقصى حجم للمعاينة (الأولوية النسبية بين متطلبات الجودة والتخزين).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "الحد الأقصى للذاكرة لإنشاء المعاينة (ميغا بايت)",
"Max size of file to generate previews for (MB)" : "الحد الأقصى للملف (بالميقا بايت) ليمكن توليد معاينة له ",
"File Support" : "دعم الملف",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "الصور (تسيق JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "تنسيق الصور HEIC (Imagick) ",
@ -172,6 +167,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "قاعدة البيانات قد تم إعدادها بالفعل. هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إعادة تنزيل بيانات الكوكب؟",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "أنت على وشك تنزيل قاعدة بيانات الكوكب. هذا قد يستغرق بعض الوقت.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "قد يتسبب هذا أيضًا في إعادة فهرسة جميع الصور!",
"Continue" : "متابعة",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "يوفر تحويل الترميز المباشر دفقًا متكيفًا لمقاطع الفيديو باستخدام بروتوكول HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "لاحظ أن هذا قد يكون بالغ الحدة علي وحدة المعالجة المركزية دون تسريع الأجهزة، ولن يتم استخدام تحويل الترميز للتخزين الخارجي.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "تمكين تحويل الترميز",
@ -198,7 +194,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"CUDA scaler" : "معدّاد CUDA ",
"not recommended" : "لا يُوصى به",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "نظرًا لوجود خطأ في بعض برامج تشغيل الأجهزة، فقد تظهر مقاطع الفيديو في اتجاهات غير صحيحة عند البث. يمكن حلّ هذا المشكل في بعض الحالات عن طريق تدوير الفيديو على المُسرِّع accelerator.",
"Try this option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "جرب هذا الخيار فقط إذا كنت قد وجّهت مقاطع فيديو بشكل غير صحيح أثناء التشغيل.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "تمكين حل تبديل البث streaming transpose.",
"Some NVENC devices have issues with force_key_frames." : "بعض نظم \"التكويد لكروت إنفيديا الرسومية\" NVENC فيها إشكاليات في التعامل مع force_key_frames.",
"Try this option only if you use NVENC and have issues with video playback." : "جرّب هذا الخيار فقط في حالة كنت تستعمل نظم \"التكويد لكروت إنفيديا الرسومية\" NVENC و كان لديك إشكاليات في تشغيل الفيديو.",
"Enable streaming GOP size workaround" : "تمكين الحل البديل لحجم الدفق الصِّوَري GOP streaming",
"HW Acceleration" : "التسريع العتادي HW Acceleration",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "جهاز VA-API ({dev}) قابل للقراءة",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "لم يتم العثور علي جهاز VA-API ({dev})",
@ -259,7 +259,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم","تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم","تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم","تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم","تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم","تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم"],
"Share Album" : "مشاركة الألبوم",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "حفظ المتعاونين لهذا الألبوم",
"shared by {owner}" : "تمّت مشاركته من قِبَل {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n عناصر","%n عنصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر"],
"Newest" : "الأحدث",
"Year" : "السنة",
@ -309,6 +308,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to move {name}." : "فشل في نقل {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "نقُل الصور المحددة إلى فئة شخص",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "نقل الصور المحددة إلى {target}؟",
"Move" : "نقل",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "حدث خطأ أثناء نقل الصور من {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "اختر مجلدًا",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عنصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد"],
@ -332,7 +332,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "حجم مصغر",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "مشاركة معاينة صورة منخفضة التباين",
"High Resolution" : "تباينٌ عالٍ",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "شارك الفيديو بتنسيق MOV عالي الجودة",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "شارك الصورة بتنسيق JPEG عالي الجودة",
"Original File" : "الملف الأصلي",
"Share the original image / video file" : "شارك ملف الصورة أو الفيديو الأصلي",
@ -366,8 +365,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "السابق",
"Next" : "التالي",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "التحرير معطل حاليّاً بالنسبة لصور Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد الحذف؟",
"Failed to delete photo" : "فشل في حذف الصورة",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "الملف الثنائي {name} موجود وقابل للتنفيذ.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} الملف الثنائي غير موجود.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "الملف الثنائي {name} غير قابل للتنفيذ.",
@ -483,7 +480,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "سوف تجد أصدقاءك قريباً. يرجي الانتظار",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "تم تعطيل التعرُّف على الوجوه. قم بتمكينه من الإعدادات حتي تستطيع العثور على أصدقائك",
"Your videos will appear here" : "فيديوهاتك ستظهر هنا",
"No photos in this album yet" : "لا يوجد صِوَرَ في هذا الألبوم حتي الآن",
"Create an album to get started" : "إنشاء ألبوم للبدء",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "أرشفة الصور التي لا ترغب في رؤيتها على تسلسلك الزمني",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "وسم الصور للعثور عليها بسهولة",

l10n/ar.json vendored
View File

@ -52,12 +52,6 @@
"Add to album" : "إضِف إلى ألبوم",
"Move to person" : "نقل إلى فئة شخص",
"Remove from person" : "إزالة من شخصٍ",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "أنت على وشك تنزيل عدد كبير من الملفات.",
"Continue" : "متابعة",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "أنت على وشك حذف عدد كبير من الملفات",
"Failed to delete files" : "فشل في حذف الملفات",
"Move" : "نقل",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "أنت على وشك نقل عدد كبير من الملفات",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "يجب عليك تمكين \"تمييز شخص في المعاينة\" لاستخدام هذه الميزة",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "يمكن للمستخدم \"{user}\" فقط تحديث هذا الشخص",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}"],
@ -115,6 +109,7 @@
"The following MIME types are configured for preview generation." : "تم إعداد أنواع تنسيقات MIME التالية لإنشاء المعاينة.",
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "أقصى حجم للمعاينة (الأولوية النسبية بين متطلبات الجودة والتخزين).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "الحد الأقصى للذاكرة لإنشاء المعاينة (ميغا بايت)",
"Max size of file to generate previews for (MB)" : "الحد الأقصى للملف (بالميقا بايت) ليمكن توليد معاينة له ",
"File Support" : "دعم الملف",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "الصور (تسيق JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "تنسيق الصور HEIC (Imagick) ",
@ -170,6 +165,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "قاعدة البيانات قد تم إعدادها بالفعل. هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إعادة تنزيل بيانات الكوكب؟",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "أنت على وشك تنزيل قاعدة بيانات الكوكب. هذا قد يستغرق بعض الوقت.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "قد يتسبب هذا أيضًا في إعادة فهرسة جميع الصور!",
"Continue" : "متابعة",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "يوفر تحويل الترميز المباشر دفقًا متكيفًا لمقاطع الفيديو باستخدام بروتوكول HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "لاحظ أن هذا قد يكون بالغ الحدة علي وحدة المعالجة المركزية دون تسريع الأجهزة، ولن يتم استخدام تحويل الترميز للتخزين الخارجي.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "تمكين تحويل الترميز",
@ -196,7 +192,11 @@
"CUDA scaler" : "معدّاد CUDA ",
"not recommended" : "لا يُوصى به",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "نظرًا لوجود خطأ في بعض برامج تشغيل الأجهزة، فقد تظهر مقاطع الفيديو في اتجاهات غير صحيحة عند البث. يمكن حلّ هذا المشكل في بعض الحالات عن طريق تدوير الفيديو على المُسرِّع accelerator.",
"Try this option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "جرب هذا الخيار فقط إذا كنت قد وجّهت مقاطع فيديو بشكل غير صحيح أثناء التشغيل.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "تمكين حل تبديل البث streaming transpose.",
"Some NVENC devices have issues with force_key_frames." : "بعض نظم \"التكويد لكروت إنفيديا الرسومية\" NVENC فيها إشكاليات في التعامل مع force_key_frames.",
"Try this option only if you use NVENC and have issues with video playback." : "جرّب هذا الخيار فقط في حالة كنت تستعمل نظم \"التكويد لكروت إنفيديا الرسومية\" NVENC و كان لديك إشكاليات في تشغيل الفيديو.",
"Enable streaming GOP size workaround" : "تمكين الحل البديل لحجم الدفق الصِّوَري GOP streaming",
"HW Acceleration" : "التسريع العتادي HW Acceleration",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "جهاز VA-API ({dev}) قابل للقراءة",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "لم يتم العثور علي جهاز VA-API ({dev})",
@ -257,7 +257,6 @@
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم","تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم","تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم","تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم","تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم","تمّ حذفها من {n} ألبوم"],
"Share Album" : "مشاركة الألبوم",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "حفظ المتعاونين لهذا الألبوم",
"shared by {owner}" : "تمّت مشاركته من قِبَل {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n عناصر","%n عنصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر"],
"Newest" : "الأحدث",
"Year" : "السنة",
@ -307,6 +306,7 @@
"Failed to move {name}." : "فشل في نقل {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "نقُل الصور المحددة إلى فئة شخص",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "نقل الصور المحددة إلى {target}؟",
"Move" : "نقل",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "حدث خطأ أثناء نقل الصور من {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "اختر مجلدًا",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عنصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد"],
@ -330,7 +330,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "حجم مصغر",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "مشاركة معاينة صورة منخفضة التباين",
"High Resolution" : "تباينٌ عالٍ",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "شارك الفيديو بتنسيق MOV عالي الجودة",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "شارك الصورة بتنسيق JPEG عالي الجودة",
"Original File" : "الملف الأصلي",
"Share the original image / video file" : "شارك ملف الصورة أو الفيديو الأصلي",
@ -364,8 +363,6 @@
"Previous" : "السابق",
"Next" : "التالي",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "التحرير معطل حاليّاً بالنسبة لصور Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد الحذف؟",
"Failed to delete photo" : "فشل في حذف الصورة",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "الملف الثنائي {name} موجود وقابل للتنفيذ.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} الملف الثنائي غير موجود.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "الملف الثنائي {name} غير قابل للتنفيذ.",
@ -481,7 +478,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "سوف تجد أصدقاءك قريباً. يرجي الانتظار",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "تم تعطيل التعرُّف على الوجوه. قم بتمكينه من الإعدادات حتي تستطيع العثور على أصدقائك",
"Your videos will appear here" : "فيديوهاتك ستظهر هنا",
"No photos in this album yet" : "لا يوجد صِوَرَ في هذا الألبوم حتي الآن",
"Create an album to get started" : "إنشاء ألبوم للبدء",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "أرشفة الصور التي لا ترغب في رؤيتها على تسلسلك الزمني",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "وسم الصور للعثور عليها بسهولة",

l10n/ast.js vendored
View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Metadata" : "Metadatos",
"Photos" : "Semeyes",
"Delete" : "Desaniciar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"External Link" : "Enllaz esternu",
"Template" : "Plantía",
"Public link" : "Enllaz públicu",
@ -22,6 +21,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"EXIF Fields" : "Campos d'EXIF",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Loading …" : "Cargando…",
"Move" : "Mover",
"High Resolution" : "Resolución alta",
"Original File" : "FIcheru orixinal",
"Public Link" : "Enllaz públicu",

l10n/ast.json vendored
View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
"Metadata" : "Metadatos",
"Photos" : "Semeyes",
"Delete" : "Desaniciar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"External Link" : "Enllaz esternu",
"Template" : "Plantía",
"Public link" : "Enllaz públicu",
@ -20,6 +19,7 @@
"EXIF Fields" : "Campos d'EXIF",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Loading …" : "Cargando…",
"Move" : "Mover",
"High Resolution" : "Resolución alta",
"Original File" : "FIcheru orixinal",
"Public Link" : "Enllaz públicu",

l10n/az.js vendored
View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Cancel" : "Dayandır",
"Delete" : "Sil",
"Favorite" : "İstəkli",
"Move" : "Move",
"General" : "Ümumi",
"Close" : "Bağla",
"Save" : "Saxla",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Sıfırla",
"Name" : "Ad",
"Update" : "Yenilənmə",
"Move" : "Move",
"Remove" : "Sil",
"Share link" : "Linki yayımla",
"Refresh" : "Yenilə",

l10n/az.json vendored
View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
"Cancel" : "Dayandır",
"Delete" : "Sil",
"Favorite" : "İstəkli",
"Move" : "Move",
"General" : "Ümumi",
"Close" : "Bağla",
"Save" : "Saxla",
@ -23,6 +22,7 @@
"Reset" : "Sıfırla",
"Name" : "Ad",
"Update" : "Yenilənmə",
"Move" : "Move",
"Remove" : "Sil",
"Share link" : "Linki yayımla",
"Refresh" : "Yenilə",

l10n/bg.js vendored
View File

@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Добавяне към албум",
"Move to person" : "Преместване към лице",
"Remove from person" : "Премахване от лице",
"Continue" : "Продължаване",
"Move" : "Преместване",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "За да използвате тази функция, трябва да активирате \"Маркиране на лице в предварителен преглед\".",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Само потребителят \"{user}\" може да актуализира това лице",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} избрани","{n} избрани"],
@ -111,6 +109,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Изглежда, че базата данни вече е настроена. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтеглите отново планетарните данни?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "На път сте да изтеглите базата данни на планетата. Това може да отнеме известно време.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Това може да доведе и до повторно индексиране на всички снимки!",
"Continue" : "Продължаване",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Транскодирането в реално време осигурява адаптивно поточно предаване на видеоклипове с помощта на HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Имайте предвид, че това може да бъде много интензивно за процесор без хардуерно ускорение и транскодирането няма да се използва за външно хранилище.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Активиране на транскодирането",
@ -225,6 +224,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Грешка при преместване на {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Неуспешно преместване на {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Преместване на избрани снимки към лице",
"Move" : "Преместване",
"Choose a folder" : "Избор на папка",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} елементa са преместени в папката","{n} елементa са преместени в папката"],
"Remove" : "Премахване",
@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Намален размер",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Споделяне на изображение за предварителна визуализация с по-ниска резолюция",
"High Resolution" : "Висока резолюция",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Споделяне на видеото като висококачествен MOV формат",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Споделяне на изображение като висококачествен JPEG формат",
"Original File" : "Оригинален файл",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Споделяне на оригиналния файл с изображение/видео",
@ -278,7 +277,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Предишно",
"Next" : "Следващо",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "В момента редактирането е забранено за /живи снимки/ Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете?",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} двоиченият файл съществува и е изпълним.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} двоичният файл не е намерен.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name} двоичният файл не е изпълним.",
@ -390,7 +388,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Скоро ще намерите своите приятели. Моля, бъдете търпеливи",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Разпознаването на лица е деактивирано. Активирайте го в настройките, за да намерите приятелите си",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Вашите видеоклипове ще се появят тук",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Все още няма снимки в този албум",
"Create an album to get started" : "Създайте албум, за да започнете",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Архивиране на снимки, които не искате да виждате в своята времева линия /хронология/",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Поставете етикет на снимките, за да ги намирате лесно",

l10n/bg.json vendored
View File

@ -43,8 +43,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Добавяне към албум",
"Move to person" : "Преместване към лице",
"Remove from person" : "Премахване от лице",
"Continue" : "Продължаване",
"Move" : "Преместване",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "За да използвате тази функция, трябва да активирате \"Маркиране на лице в предварителен преглед\".",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Само потребителят \"{user}\" може да актуализира това лице",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} избрани","{n} избрани"],
@ -109,6 +107,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Изглежда, че базата данни вече е настроена. Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтеглите отново планетарните данни?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "На път сте да изтеглите базата данни на планетата. Това може да отнеме известно време.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Това може да доведе и до повторно индексиране на всички снимки!",
"Continue" : "Продължаване",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Транскодирането в реално време осигурява адаптивно поточно предаване на видеоклипове с помощта на HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Имайте предвид, че това може да бъде много интензивно за процесор без хардуерно ускорение и транскодирането няма да се използва за външно хранилище.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Активиране на транскодирането",
@ -223,6 +222,7 @@
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Грешка при преместване на {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Неуспешно преместване на {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Преместване на избрани снимки към лице",
"Move" : "Преместване",
"Choose a folder" : "Избор на папка",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} елементa са преместени в папката","{n} елементa са преместени в папката"],
"Remove" : "Премахване",
@ -245,7 +245,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Намален размер",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Споделяне на изображение за предварителна визуализация с по-ниска резолюция",
"High Resolution" : "Висока резолюция",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Споделяне на видеото като висококачествен MOV формат",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Споделяне на изображение като висококачествен JPEG формат",
"Original File" : "Оригинален файл",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Споделяне на оригиналния файл с изображение/видео",
@ -276,7 +275,6 @@
"Previous" : "Предишно",
"Next" : "Следващо",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "В момента редактирането е забранено за /живи снимки/ Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете?",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} двоиченият файл съществува и е изпълним.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} двоичният файл не е намерен.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name} двоичният файл не е изпълним.",
@ -388,7 +386,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Скоро ще намерите своите приятели. Моля, бъдете търпеливи",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Разпознаването на лица е деактивирано. Активирайте го в настройките, за да намерите приятелите си",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Вашите видеоклипове ще се появят тук",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Все още няма снимки в този албум",
"Create an album to get started" : "Създайте албум, за да започнете",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Архивиране на снимки, които не искате да виждате в своята времева линия /хронология/",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Поставете етикет на снимките, за да ги намирате лесно",

l10n/bn_BD.js vendored
View File

@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Cancel" : "বাতির",
"Delete" : "মুছে",
"Favorite" : "প্রিয়জন",
"Continue" : "চালিয়ে যাও",
"Move" : "Move",
"General" : "সাধারণ",
"Close" : "বন্ধ",
"Unknown" : "অজানা",
"Continue" : "চালিয়ে যাও",
"Back" : "পেছনে যাও",
"Save" : "সংরক্ষণ",
"Search" : "Search",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "পূণঃনির্ধানণ",
"Name" : "নাম",
"Update" : "পরিবর্ধন",
"Move" : "Move",
"Remove" : "অপসারণ",
"Share link" : "লিংক ভাগাভাগি করেন",
"Refresh" : "নবোদ্যম",

l10n/bn_BD.json vendored
View File

@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
"Cancel" : "বাতির",
"Delete" : "মুছে",
"Favorite" : "প্রিয়জন",
"Continue" : "চালিয়ে যাও",
"Move" : "Move",
"General" : "সাধারণ",
"Close" : "বন্ধ",
"Unknown" : "অজানা",
"Continue" : "চালিয়ে যাও",
"Back" : "পেছনে যাও",
"Save" : "সংরক্ষণ",
"Search" : "Search",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"Reset" : "পূণঃনির্ধানণ",
"Name" : "নাম",
"Update" : "পরিবর্ধন",
"Move" : "Move",
"Remove" : "অপসারণ",
"Share link" : "লিংক ভাগাভাগি করেন",
"Refresh" : "নবোদ্যম",

l10n/br.js vendored
View File

@ -13,12 +13,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete" : "Lemel",
"Favorite" : "Pennrollañ",
"View in folder" : "Diskwel en teuliad",
"Continue" : "Kendec'hel",
"Move" : "Diplasañ",
"General" : "Hollek",
"Account" : "Kont",
"Close" : "Seriñ",
"Unknown" : "Dianv",
"Continue" : "Kendec'hel",
"Copy public link" : "Eilañ al liamm foran",
"Public link" : "Liamm publik",
"Back" : "Distro",
@ -33,6 +32,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Anv",
"Update" : "Hizivaat",
"Loading …" : "O Kargañ ...",
"Move" : "Diplasañ",
"Remove" : "Lemel",
"Share link" : "Lodañ al liamm",
"Refresh" : "Freskaat",

l10n/br.json vendored
View File

@ -11,12 +11,11 @@
"Delete" : "Lemel",
"Favorite" : "Pennrollañ",
"View in folder" : "Diskwel en teuliad",
"Continue" : "Kendec'hel",
"Move" : "Diplasañ",
"General" : "Hollek",
"Account" : "Kont",
"Close" : "Seriñ",
"Unknown" : "Dianv",
"Continue" : "Kendec'hel",
"Copy public link" : "Eilañ al liamm foran",
"Public link" : "Liamm publik",
"Back" : "Distro",
@ -31,6 +30,7 @@
"Name" : "Anv",
"Update" : "Hizivaat",
"Loading …" : "O Kargañ ...",
"Move" : "Diplasañ",
"Remove" : "Lemel",
"Share link" : "Lodañ al liamm",
"Refresh" : "Freskaat",

l10n/bs.js vendored
View File

@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Cancel" : "Otkaži",
"Delete" : "Obriši",
"Favorite" : "Favorit",
"Continue" : "Nastavi",
"Move" : "Move",
"Close" : "Zatvori",
"Unknown" : "Nepoznato",
"Continue" : "Nastavi",
"Save" : "Spremi",
"Search" : "Search",
"Month" : "Mjesec",
@ -21,6 +20,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Description" : "Opis",
"Name" : "Ime",
"Update" : "Ažuriraj",
"Move" : "Move",
"Share link" : "Podijelite vezu",
"Password protected" : "Zaštićeno lozinkom",
"Sort by date" : "Order by date",

l10n/bs.json vendored
View File

@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
"Cancel" : "Otkaži",
"Delete" : "Obriši",
"Favorite" : "Favorit",
"Continue" : "Nastavi",
"Move" : "Move",
"Close" : "Zatvori",
"Unknown" : "Nepoznato",
"Continue" : "Nastavi",
"Save" : "Spremi",
"Search" : "Search",
"Month" : "Mjesec",
@ -19,6 +18,7 @@
"Description" : "Opis",
"Name" : "Ime",
"Update" : "Ažuriraj",
"Move" : "Move",
"Share link" : "Podijelite vezu",
"Password protected" : "Zaštićeno lozinkom",
"Sort by date" : "Order by date",

l10n/ca.js vendored
View File

@ -26,13 +26,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unarchive" : "Desbloquejar",
"View in folder" : "Visualitza-ho a la carpeta",
"Add to album" : "Afegeix a l'àlbum",
"Continue" : "Continua",
"Move" : "Mou",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Compte",
"Close" : "Tanca",
"Performance" : "Rendiment",
"Unknown" : "Desconegut",
"Continue" : "Continua",
"Template" : "Plantilla",
"No items" : "No hi ha cap element",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartit per {user}",
@ -84,6 +83,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Cognom",
"Update" : "Actualitzar",
"Loading …" : "Carregant …",
"Move" : "Mou",
"Remove" : "Elimina",
"Share link" : "Comparteix l'enllaç",
"Create Link" : "Crear link",
@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Previous" : "Anterior",
"Next" : "Següent",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Esteu segur que voleu suprimir?",
"Save as" : "Anomena i desa",
"All changes will be lost." : "Tots els canvis es perdran.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Esteu segur que voleu continuar?",

l10n/ca.json vendored
View File

@ -24,13 +24,12 @@
"Unarchive" : "Desbloquejar",
"View in folder" : "Visualitza-ho a la carpeta",
"Add to album" : "Afegeix a l'àlbum",
"Continue" : "Continua",
"Move" : "Mou",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Compte",
"Close" : "Tanca",
"Performance" : "Rendiment",
"Unknown" : "Desconegut",
"Continue" : "Continua",
"Template" : "Plantilla",
"No items" : "No hi ha cap element",
"Shared by {user}" : "Compartit per {user}",
@ -82,6 +81,7 @@
"Name" : "Cognom",
"Update" : "Actualitzar",
"Loading …" : "Carregant …",
"Move" : "Mou",
"Remove" : "Elimina",
"Share link" : "Comparteix l'enllaç",
"Create Link" : "Crear link",
@ -101,7 +101,6 @@
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Previous" : "Anterior",
"Next" : "Següent",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Esteu segur que voleu suprimir?",
"Save as" : "Anomena i desa",
"All changes will be lost." : "Tots els canvis es perdran.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Esteu segur que voleu continuar?",

l10n/cs.js vendored
View File

@ -53,12 +53,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Přidat do alba",
"Move to person" : "Přesunout pod osobu",
"Remove from person" : "Odebrat z osoby",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "Chystáte se stahovat si velký počet souborů",
"Continue" : "Pokračovat",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "Chystáte se smazat velké množství souborů",
"Failed to delete files" : "Nepodařilo se smazat soubory",
"Move" : "Přesunout",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "Chystáte se přesunout velké množství souborů",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Aby bylo možné používat tuto funkci, je třeba zapnout „Označovat osobu v náhledu",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Tuto osobu může aktualizovat pouze uživatel „{user}“",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} vybráno","{n} vybrány","{n} vybráno","{n} vybrány"],
@ -166,6 +160,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Zdá se, že databáze už je nastavená. Opravdu si přejete planetární data znovu stáhnout?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Chystáte se stáhnout si planetární databázi. To může chvíli trvat.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Toto také může způsobit, že bude znovu vytvořen rejstřík všech fotek!",
"Continue" : "Pokračovat",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Živé překódovávání poskytuje adaptivní proudové vysílání videí pomocí HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Mějte na paměti, že nebude použito v případě externích úložiště. Dále také, pokud není k dispozici hardwarová akcelerace, toto může velmi silně vytěžovat procesor.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Zapnout překódovávání",
@ -249,7 +244,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Odebráno z {n} alba","Odebráno ze {n} alb","Odebráno z {n} alb","Odebráno ze {n} alb"],
"Share Album" : "Nasdílet album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Uložit spolupracující pro toto album.",
"shared by {owner}" : "nasdíleno uživatelem {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n položka","%n položky","%n položek","%n položky"],
"Newest" : "Nejnovější",
"Year" : "Rok",
@ -299,6 +293,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to move {name}." : "Nepodařilo se přesunout {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Přesunout označené fotky k osobě",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Přesunout označené fotky k {target}?",
"Move" : "Přesunout",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Došlo k chybě při přesouvání fotek z {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Zvolit složku",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} položka přesunuto do složky","{n} položky přesunuty do složky","{n} položek přesunuto do složky","{n} položky přesunuty do složky"],
@ -322,7 +317,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Zmenšená velikost",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Nasdílet náhled obrázku s nízkým rozlišením",
"High Resolution" : "Vysoké rozlišení",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Nasdílet video jako MOV s vysokou kvalitou",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Nasdílet obrázek jako JPEG s vysokou kvalitou",
"Original File" : "Původní soubor",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Nasdílet původní obrázek / soubor s videem",
@ -356,8 +350,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Předchozí",
"Next" : "Další",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Pro živé fotky je upravování v tuto chvíli vypnuté",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Opravdu chcete smazat?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Nepodařilo se smazat fotku",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "spustitelný soubor {name} existuje a má práva nastavená pro spouštění.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} spustitelný soubor nenalezen.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "spustitelný soubor {name} nemá práva nastavená pro spouštění.",
@ -473,7 +465,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Brzy zde naleznete své přátele. Prosím buďte trpěliví",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Rozpoznávání obličejů je vypnuté. Pokud chcete vyhledat své přátele, zapněte ho v nastavení",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Vaše videa se objeví zde",
"No photos in this album yet" : "V tomto albu zatím nejsou žádné fotky",
"Create an album to get started" : "Začněte vytvořením alba",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Fotky, které nechcete vidět na časové ose zaarchivujte",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Abyste je snadno našli, opatřujte fotky štítky",

l10n/cs.json vendored
View File

@ -51,12 +51,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Přidat do alba",
"Move to person" : "Přesunout pod osobu",
"Remove from person" : "Odebrat z osoby",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "Chystáte se stahovat si velký počet souborů",
"Continue" : "Pokračovat",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "Chystáte se smazat velké množství souborů",
"Failed to delete files" : "Nepodařilo se smazat soubory",
"Move" : "Přesunout",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "Chystáte se přesunout velké množství souborů",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Aby bylo možné používat tuto funkci, je třeba zapnout „Označovat osobu v náhledu",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Tuto osobu může aktualizovat pouze uživatel „{user}“",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} vybráno","{n} vybrány","{n} vybráno","{n} vybrány"],
@ -164,6 +158,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Zdá se, že databáze už je nastavená. Opravdu si přejete planetární data znovu stáhnout?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Chystáte se stáhnout si planetární databázi. To může chvíli trvat.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Toto také může způsobit, že bude znovu vytvořen rejstřík všech fotek!",
"Continue" : "Pokračovat",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Živé překódovávání poskytuje adaptivní proudové vysílání videí pomocí HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Mějte na paměti, že nebude použito v případě externích úložiště. Dále také, pokud není k dispozici hardwarová akcelerace, toto může velmi silně vytěžovat procesor.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Zapnout překódovávání",
@ -247,7 +242,6 @@
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Odebráno z {n} alba","Odebráno ze {n} alb","Odebráno z {n} alb","Odebráno ze {n} alb"],
"Share Album" : "Nasdílet album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Uložit spolupracující pro toto album.",
"shared by {owner}" : "nasdíleno uživatelem {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n položka","%n položky","%n položek","%n položky"],
"Newest" : "Nejnovější",
"Year" : "Rok",
@ -297,6 +291,7 @@
"Failed to move {name}." : "Nepodařilo se přesunout {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Přesunout označené fotky k osobě",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Přesunout označené fotky k {target}?",
"Move" : "Přesunout",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Došlo k chybě při přesouvání fotek z {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Zvolit složku",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} položka přesunuto do složky","{n} položky přesunuty do složky","{n} položek přesunuto do složky","{n} položky přesunuty do složky"],
@ -320,7 +315,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Zmenšená velikost",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Nasdílet náhled obrázku s nízkým rozlišením",
"High Resolution" : "Vysoké rozlišení",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Nasdílet video jako MOV s vysokou kvalitou",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Nasdílet obrázek jako JPEG s vysokou kvalitou",
"Original File" : "Původní soubor",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Nasdílet původní obrázek / soubor s videem",
@ -354,8 +348,6 @@
"Previous" : "Předchozí",
"Next" : "Další",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Pro živé fotky je upravování v tuto chvíli vypnuté",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Opravdu chcete smazat?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Nepodařilo se smazat fotku",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "spustitelný soubor {name} existuje a má práva nastavená pro spouštění.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} spustitelný soubor nenalezen.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "spustitelný soubor {name} nemá práva nastavená pro spouštění.",
@ -471,7 +463,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Brzy zde naleznete své přátele. Prosím buďte trpěliví",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Rozpoznávání obličejů je vypnuté. Pokud chcete vyhledat své přátele, zapněte ho v nastavení",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Vaše videa se objeví zde",
"No photos in this album yet" : "V tomto albu zatím nejsou žádné fotky",
"Create an album to get started" : "Začněte vytvořením alba",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Fotky, které nechcete vidět na časové ose zaarchivujte",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Abyste je snadno našli, opatřujte fotky štítky",

l10n/cy_GB.js vendored
View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Cancel" : "Diddymu",
"Delete" : "Dileu",
"Favorite" : "Ffefryn",
"Move" : "Symud",
"General" : "Cyffredinol",
"Account" : "Cyfrif",
"Close" : "Cau",
@ -31,6 +30,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Enw",
"Update" : "Diweddaru",
"Loading …" : "Yn llwytho …",
"Move" : "Symud",
"Remove" : "Gwaredu",
"Share link" : "Rhannu dolen",
"Refresh" : "Ail-lwytho",

l10n/cy_GB.json vendored
View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
"Cancel" : "Diddymu",
"Delete" : "Dileu",
"Favorite" : "Ffefryn",
"Move" : "Symud",
"General" : "Cyffredinol",
"Account" : "Cyfrif",
"Close" : "Cau",
@ -29,6 +28,7 @@
"Name" : "Enw",
"Update" : "Diweddaru",
"Loading …" : "Yn llwytho …",
"Move" : "Symud",
"Remove" : "Gwaredu",
"Share link" : "Rhannu dolen",
"Refresh" : "Ail-lwytho",

l10n/da.js vendored
View File

@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Favorit",
"Unarchive" : "Annuller arkivering",
"View in folder" : "Vis i mappe",
"Continue" : "Fortsæt",
"Move" : "Flyt",
"General" : "Generelt",
"Timeline Path" : "Tidslinjesti",
"Account" : "Konto",
@ -33,6 +31,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to load some photos" : "Kunne ikke indlæse nogle billeder",
"Performance" : "Ydelse",
"Unknown" : "Ukendt",
"Continue" : "Fortsæt",
"Template" : "Skabelon",
"No items" : "Ingen elementer",
"Shared by {user}" : "Delt af {user}",
@ -66,6 +65,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Navn",
"Update" : "Opdater",
"Loading …" : "Loading …",
"Move" : "Flyt",
"Remove" : "Fjern",
"Share link" : "Del dette link",
"Create Link" : "Opret link",

l10n/da.json vendored
View File

@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
"Favorite" : "Favorit",
"Unarchive" : "Annuller arkivering",
"View in folder" : "Vis i mappe",
"Continue" : "Fortsæt",
"Move" : "Flyt",
"General" : "Generelt",
"Timeline Path" : "Tidslinjesti",
"Account" : "Konto",
@ -31,6 +29,7 @@
"Failed to load some photos" : "Kunne ikke indlæse nogle billeder",
"Performance" : "Ydelse",
"Unknown" : "Ukendt",
"Continue" : "Fortsæt",
"Template" : "Skabelon",
"No items" : "Ingen elementer",
"Shared by {user}" : "Delt af {user}",
@ -64,6 +63,7 @@
"Name" : "Navn",
"Update" : "Opdater",
"Loading …" : "Loading …",
"Move" : "Flyt",
"Remove" : "Fjern",
"Share link" : "Del dette link",
"Create Link" : "Opret link",

l10n/de.js vendored
View File

@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Zum Album hinzufügen",
"Move to person" : "Zu einer Person verschieben",
"Remove from person" : "Von der Person entfernen",
"Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
"Move" : "Verschieben",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Du musst „Person in Vorschau markieren“ aktivieren, um diese Funktion nutzen zu können",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Nur der Benutzer \"{user}\" kann diese Person aktualisieren.",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} ausgewählt","{n} ausgewählt"],
@ -112,6 +110,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Die Datenbank scheint schon eingerichtet zu sein. Willst du wirklich die Planetendaten erneut herunterladen?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Du bist dabei, die Planentendatenbank herunterzuladen. Dies kann etwas dauern.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Dies kann auch dazu führen, dass alle Fotos erneut indexiert werden!",
"Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live-Transcodierung ermöglicht adaptives Streaming von Videos mit HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Beachte, dass dies ohne Hardwarebeschleunigung sehr CPU-intensiv sein kann und die Transcodierung nicht für die externe Speicherung verwendet wird.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Transcodierung aktivieren",
@ -226,6 +225,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Fehler beim Verschieben von {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "{name} konnte nicht verschoben werden.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Ausgewählte Fotos zu einer Person verschieben",
"Move" : "Verschieben",
"Choose a folder" : "Ordner auswählen",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} Element in den Ordner verschoben","{n} Elemente in den Ordner verschoben"],
"Remove" : "Entfernen",
@ -248,7 +248,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Größe verkleinern",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Bildvorschau mit niedrigerer Auflösung teilen",
"High Resolution" : "Hohe Auflösung",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Video als hochwertiges MOV teilen",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Bild als hochwertiges JPEG teilen",
"Original File" : "Originaldatei",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Die original Bild- / Video-Datei teilen",
@ -279,7 +278,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Vorherige",
"Next" : "Nächste",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Bearbeitung ist derzeit für Live-Fotos deaktiviert",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Bist du sicher, dass du löschen möchtest?",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name}-Binärdatei existiert und ist ausführbar.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name}-Binärdatei nicht gefunden.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name}-Binärdatei ist nicht ausführbar.",
@ -391,7 +389,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Du wirst deine Freunde bald finden. Bitte habe Geduld",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Die Gesichtserkennung ist deaktiviert. Aktiviere sie in den Einstellungen, um deine Freunde zu finden",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Deine Videos werden hier angezeigt",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Noch keine Fotos in diesem Album",
"Create an album to get started" : "Erstelle ein Album, um loszulegen",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archiviere Fotos, die du nicht in deiner Chronik sehen möchtest",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Markiere Fotos, um sie leicht zu finden",

l10n/de.json vendored
View File

@ -44,8 +44,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Zum Album hinzufügen",
"Move to person" : "Zu einer Person verschieben",
"Remove from person" : "Von der Person entfernen",
"Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
"Move" : "Verschieben",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Du musst „Person in Vorschau markieren“ aktivieren, um diese Funktion nutzen zu können",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Nur der Benutzer \"{user}\" kann diese Person aktualisieren.",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} ausgewählt","{n} ausgewählt"],
@ -110,6 +108,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Die Datenbank scheint schon eingerichtet zu sein. Willst du wirklich die Planetendaten erneut herunterladen?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Du bist dabei, die Planentendatenbank herunterzuladen. Dies kann etwas dauern.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Dies kann auch dazu führen, dass alle Fotos erneut indexiert werden!",
"Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live-Transcodierung ermöglicht adaptives Streaming von Videos mit HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Beachte, dass dies ohne Hardwarebeschleunigung sehr CPU-intensiv sein kann und die Transcodierung nicht für die externe Speicherung verwendet wird.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Transcodierung aktivieren",
@ -224,6 +223,7 @@
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Fehler beim Verschieben von {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "{name} konnte nicht verschoben werden.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Ausgewählte Fotos zu einer Person verschieben",
"Move" : "Verschieben",
"Choose a folder" : "Ordner auswählen",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} Element in den Ordner verschoben","{n} Elemente in den Ordner verschoben"],
"Remove" : "Entfernen",
@ -246,7 +246,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Größe verkleinern",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Bildvorschau mit niedrigerer Auflösung teilen",
"High Resolution" : "Hohe Auflösung",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Video als hochwertiges MOV teilen",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Bild als hochwertiges JPEG teilen",
"Original File" : "Originaldatei",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Die original Bild- / Video-Datei teilen",
@ -277,7 +276,6 @@
"Previous" : "Vorherige",
"Next" : "Nächste",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Bearbeitung ist derzeit für Live-Fotos deaktiviert",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Bist du sicher, dass du löschen möchtest?",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name}-Binärdatei existiert und ist ausführbar.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name}-Binärdatei nicht gefunden.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name}-Binärdatei ist nicht ausführbar.",
@ -389,7 +387,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Du wirst deine Freunde bald finden. Bitte habe Geduld",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Die Gesichtserkennung ist deaktiviert. Aktiviere sie in den Einstellungen, um deine Freunde zu finden",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Deine Videos werden hier angezeigt",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Noch keine Fotos in diesem Album",
"Create an album to get started" : "Erstelle ein Album, um loszulegen",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archiviere Fotos, die du nicht in deiner Chronik sehen möchtest",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Markiere Fotos, um sie leicht zu finden",

l10n/de_DE.js vendored
View File

@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Zum Album hinzufügen",
"Move to person" : "Zu einer Person verschieben",
"Remove from person" : "Von der Person entfernen",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "Sie sind dabei, eine große Anzahl an Dateien herunterzuladen.",
"Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "Sie sind dabei, eine große Anzahl an Dateien zu löschen.",
"Failed to delete files" : "Löschen von Dateien fehlgeschlagen",
"Move" : "Verschieben",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "Sie sind dabei, eine große Anzahl an Dateien zu verschieben.",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Sie müssen „Person in Vorschau markieren“ aktivieren, um diese Funktion nutzen zu können",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Nur der Benutzer \"{user}\" kann diese Person aktualisieren",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} ausgewählt","{n} ausgewählt"],
@ -117,6 +111,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The following MIME types are configured for preview generation." : "Die folgenden MIME-Typen sind für die Erstellung der Vorschau eingerichtet.",
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Maximale Vorschaugröße (Kompromiss zwischen Qualität und Speicherbedarf).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Maximaler Speicher für die Vorschauerstellung (MB)",
"Max size of file to generate previews for (MB)" : "Maximale Dateigröße zum Erzeugen von Vorschauen für (MB)",
"File Support" : "Dateiunterstützung",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Bilder (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
@ -172,6 +167,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Die Datenbank scheint schon eingerichtet zu sein. Wollen Sie die Planetendaten erneut herunterladen?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Sie sind dabei, die Planentendatenbank herunterzuladen. Dies kann etwas dauern.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Dies kann auch dazu führen, dass alle Fotos erneut indexiert werden!",
"Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live-Transcodierung ermöglicht adaptives Streaming von Videos mit HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Beachten Sie, dass dies ohne Hardwarebeschleunigung sehr CPU-intensiv sein kann und die Transcodierung nicht für die externe Speicherung verwendet wird.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Transcodierung aktivieren",
@ -198,7 +194,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA-Scaler",
"not recommended" : "Nicht empfohlen",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Aufgrund eines Fehlers in einigen Hardwaretreibern werden Videos beim Streaming möglicherweise in der falschen Ausrichtung angezeigt. Dies kann in einigen Fällen durch Drehen des Videos in dem Beschleuniger behoben werden.",
"Try this option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Probieren Sie diese Option nur aus, wenn bei der Wiedergabe falsch ausgerichtete Videos angezeigt werden.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Aktivieren Sie die Problemumgehung für die Streaming-Transponierung",
"Some NVENC devices have issues with force_key_frames." : "Einige NVENC-Geräte haben Probleme mit force_key_frames.",
"Try this option only if you use NVENC and have issues with video playback." : "Probieren Sie diese Option nur aus, wenn Sie NVENC verwenden und Probleme mit der Videowiedergabe haben.",
"Enable streaming GOP size workaround" : "Die Problemumgehung für die Streaming-GOP-Größe aktivieren",
"HW Acceleration" : "Hardwarebeschleunigung",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) ist lesbar",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) nicht gefunden",
@ -259,7 +259,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Entfernt aus {n} Album","Entfernt aus {n} Alben"],
"Share Album" : "Album teilen",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Mitbearbeitende für dieses Album speichern.",
"shared by {owner}" : "Geteilt von {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n Element","%n Elemente"],
"Newest" : "Neueste",
"Year" : "Jahr",
@ -309,6 +308,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to move {name}." : "{name} konnte nicht verschoben werden.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Ausgewählte Fotos zu einer Person verschieben",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Ausgewählte Fotos nach {target} verschieben?",
"Move" : "Verschieben",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Beim Verschieben der Fotos von {name} ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"Choose a folder" : "Ordner auswählen",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} Element in den Ordner verschoben","{n} Elementen in den Ordner verschoben"],
@ -332,7 +332,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Größe verkleinern",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Bildvorschau mit niedrigerer Auflösung teilen",
"High Resolution" : "Hohe Auflösung",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Video als hochwertiges MOV teilen",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Bild als hochwertiges JPEG teilen",
"Original File" : "Originaldatei",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Die original Bild- / Video-Datei teilen",
@ -366,8 +365,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Zurück",
"Next" : "Nächstes",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Bearbeitung ist derzeit für Live-Fotos deaktiviert",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Möchten Sie wirklich löschen?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Foto konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name}-Binärdatei existiert und ist ausführbar.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name}-Binärdatei nicht gefunden.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name}-Binärdatei ist nicht ausführbar.",
@ -483,7 +480,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Sie werden Ihre Freunde bald finden. Bitte haben Sie Geduld",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Die Gesichtserkennung ist deaktiviert. Aktivieren Sie sie in den Einstellungen, um Ihre Freunde zu finden",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Ihre Videos werden hier angezeigt",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Noch keine Fotos in diesem Album",
"Create an album to get started" : "Erstellen Sie ein Album, um loszulegen",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archivieren Sie Fotos, die Sie nicht in Ihrer Chronik sehen möchten",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Markieren Sie Fotos, um sie leicht zu finden",

l10n/de_DE.json vendored
View File

@ -52,12 +52,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Zum Album hinzufügen",
"Move to person" : "Zu einer Person verschieben",
"Remove from person" : "Von der Person entfernen",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "Sie sind dabei, eine große Anzahl an Dateien herunterzuladen.",
"Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "Sie sind dabei, eine große Anzahl an Dateien zu löschen.",
"Failed to delete files" : "Löschen von Dateien fehlgeschlagen",
"Move" : "Verschieben",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "Sie sind dabei, eine große Anzahl an Dateien zu verschieben.",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Sie müssen „Person in Vorschau markieren“ aktivieren, um diese Funktion nutzen zu können",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Nur der Benutzer \"{user}\" kann diese Person aktualisieren",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} ausgewählt","{n} ausgewählt"],
@ -115,6 +109,7 @@
"The following MIME types are configured for preview generation." : "Die folgenden MIME-Typen sind für die Erstellung der Vorschau eingerichtet.",
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Maximale Vorschaugröße (Kompromiss zwischen Qualität und Speicherbedarf).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Maximaler Speicher für die Vorschauerstellung (MB)",
"Max size of file to generate previews for (MB)" : "Maximale Dateigröße zum Erzeugen von Vorschauen für (MB)",
"File Support" : "Dateiunterstützung",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Bilder (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
@ -170,6 +165,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Die Datenbank scheint schon eingerichtet zu sein. Wollen Sie die Planetendaten erneut herunterladen?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Sie sind dabei, die Planentendatenbank herunterzuladen. Dies kann etwas dauern.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Dies kann auch dazu führen, dass alle Fotos erneut indexiert werden!",
"Continue" : "Fortsetzen",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live-Transcodierung ermöglicht adaptives Streaming von Videos mit HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Beachten Sie, dass dies ohne Hardwarebeschleunigung sehr CPU-intensiv sein kann und die Transcodierung nicht für die externe Speicherung verwendet wird.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Transcodierung aktivieren",
@ -196,7 +192,11 @@
"CUDA scaler" : "CUDA-Scaler",
"not recommended" : "Nicht empfohlen",
"Due to a bug in certain hardware drivers, videos may appear in incorrect orientations when streaming. This can be resolved in some cases by rotating the video on the accelerator." : "Aufgrund eines Fehlers in einigen Hardwaretreibern werden Videos beim Streaming möglicherweise in der falschen Ausrichtung angezeigt. Dies kann in einigen Fällen durch Drehen des Videos in dem Beschleuniger behoben werden.",
"Try this option only if you have incorrectly oriented videos during playback." : "Probieren Sie diese Option nur aus, wenn bei der Wiedergabe falsch ausgerichtete Videos angezeigt werden.",
"Enable streaming transpose workaround" : "Aktivieren Sie die Problemumgehung für die Streaming-Transponierung",
"Some NVENC devices have issues with force_key_frames." : "Einige NVENC-Geräte haben Probleme mit force_key_frames.",
"Try this option only if you use NVENC and have issues with video playback." : "Probieren Sie diese Option nur aus, wenn Sie NVENC verwenden und Probleme mit der Videowiedergabe haben.",
"Enable streaming GOP size workaround" : "Die Problemumgehung für die Streaming-GOP-Größe aktivieren",
"HW Acceleration" : "Hardwarebeschleunigung",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) ist lesbar",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "VA-API-Gerät ({dev}) nicht gefunden",
@ -257,7 +257,6 @@
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Entfernt aus {n} Album","Entfernt aus {n} Alben"],
"Share Album" : "Album teilen",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Mitbearbeitende für dieses Album speichern.",
"shared by {owner}" : "Geteilt von {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n Element","%n Elemente"],
"Newest" : "Neueste",
"Year" : "Jahr",
@ -307,6 +306,7 @@
"Failed to move {name}." : "{name} konnte nicht verschoben werden.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Ausgewählte Fotos zu einer Person verschieben",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Ausgewählte Fotos nach {target} verschieben?",
"Move" : "Verschieben",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Beim Verschieben der Fotos von {name} ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"Choose a folder" : "Ordner auswählen",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} Element in den Ordner verschoben","{n} Elementen in den Ordner verschoben"],
@ -330,7 +330,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Größe verkleinern",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Bildvorschau mit niedrigerer Auflösung teilen",
"High Resolution" : "Hohe Auflösung",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Video als hochwertiges MOV teilen",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Bild als hochwertiges JPEG teilen",
"Original File" : "Originaldatei",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Die original Bild- / Video-Datei teilen",
@ -364,8 +363,6 @@
"Previous" : "Zurück",
"Next" : "Nächstes",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Bearbeitung ist derzeit für Live-Fotos deaktiviert",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Möchten Sie wirklich löschen?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Foto konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name}-Binärdatei existiert und ist ausführbar.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name}-Binärdatei nicht gefunden.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name}-Binärdatei ist nicht ausführbar.",
@ -481,7 +478,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Sie werden Ihre Freunde bald finden. Bitte haben Sie Geduld",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Die Gesichtserkennung ist deaktiviert. Aktivieren Sie sie in den Einstellungen, um Ihre Freunde zu finden",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Ihre Videos werden hier angezeigt",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Noch keine Fotos in diesem Album",
"Create an album to get started" : "Erstellen Sie ein Album, um loszulegen",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archivieren Sie Fotos, die Sie nicht in Ihrer Chronik sehen möchten",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Markieren Sie Fotos, um sie leicht zu finden",

l10n/el.js vendored
View File

@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unarchive" : "Αναίρεση αρχειοθέτησης",
"View in folder" : "Προβολή στον φάκελο",
"Add to album" : "Προσθήκη στο άλμπουμ",
"Continue" : "Συνεχίστε",
"Move" : "Μετακίνηση",
"General" : "Γενικά",
"Account" : "Λογαριασμός",
"Sign out" : "Αποσύνδεση",
@ -38,6 +36,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Help & Support" : "Βοήθεια και Υποστήριξη",
"Performance" : "Απόδοση",
"Unknown" : "Άγνωστο",
"Continue" : "Συνεχίστε",
"Template" : "Πρότυπο",
"No items" : "Κανένα στοιχείο",
"Shared by {user}" : "Διαμοιράστηκε από {user}",
@ -74,6 +73,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Όνομα",
"Update" : "Ενημέρωση",
"Loading …" : "Φόρτωση …",
"Move" : "Μετακίνηση",
"Remove" : "Αφαίρεση",
"Share link" : "Διαμοιρασμός συνδέσμου",
"Create Link" : "Δημιουργία συνδέσμου",
@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Download Video" : "Λήψη βίντεο",
"Previous" : "Προηγούμενο",
"Next" : "Επόμενο",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Αποτυχία διαγραφής φωτογραφίας",
"Save as" : "Αποθήκευση ως",
"Undo" : "Ακύρωση ενέργειας",
"Redo" : "Ξανακάντε",

l10n/el.json vendored
View File

@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
"Unarchive" : "Αναίρεση αρχειοθέτησης",
"View in folder" : "Προβολή στον φάκελο",
"Add to album" : "Προσθήκη στο άλμπουμ",
"Continue" : "Συνεχίστε",
"Move" : "Μετακίνηση",
"General" : "Γενικά",
"Account" : "Λογαριασμός",
"Sign out" : "Αποσύνδεση",
@ -36,6 +34,7 @@
"Help & Support" : "Βοήθεια και Υποστήριξη",
"Performance" : "Απόδοση",
"Unknown" : "Άγνωστο",
"Continue" : "Συνεχίστε",
"Template" : "Πρότυπο",
"No items" : "Κανένα στοιχείο",
"Shared by {user}" : "Διαμοιράστηκε από {user}",
@ -72,6 +71,7 @@
"Name" : "Όνομα",
"Update" : "Ενημέρωση",
"Loading …" : "Φόρτωση …",
"Move" : "Μετακίνηση",
"Remove" : "Αφαίρεση",
"Share link" : "Διαμοιρασμός συνδέσμου",
"Create Link" : "Δημιουργία συνδέσμου",
@ -93,7 +93,6 @@
"Download Video" : "Λήψη βίντεο",
"Previous" : "Προηγούμενο",
"Next" : "Επόμενο",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Αποτυχία διαγραφής φωτογραφίας",
"Save as" : "Αποθήκευση ως",
"Undo" : "Ακύρωση ενέργειας",
"Redo" : "Ξανακάντε",

l10n/en_GB.js vendored
View File

@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Add to album",
"Move to person" : "Move to person",
"Remove from person" : "Remove from person",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "You are about to download a large number of files.",
"Continue" : "Continue",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "You are about to delete a large number of files",
"Failed to delete files" : "Failed to delete files",
"Move" : "Move",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "You are about to move a large number of files",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Only user \"{user}\" can update this person",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} selected","{n} selected"],
@ -172,6 +166,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!",
"Continue" : "Continue",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Enable Transcoding",
@ -259,7 +254,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Removed from {n} album","Removed from {n} albums"],
"Share Album" : "Share Album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Save collaborators for this album.",
"shared by {owner}" : "shared by {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n item","%n items"],
"Newest" : "Newest",
"Year" : "Year",
@ -309,6 +303,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to move {name}." : "Failed to move {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Move selected photos to person",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Move the selected photos to {target}?",
"Move" : "Move",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "An error occurred while moving photos from {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Choose a folder",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} item moved to folder","{n} items moved to folder"],
@ -332,7 +327,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Reduced Size",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Share a lower resolution image preview",
"High Resolution" : "High Resolution",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Share the video as a high quality MOV",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Share the image as a high quality JPEG",
"Original File" : "Original File",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Share the original image / video file",
@ -366,8 +360,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Previous",
"Next" : "Next",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Are you sure you want to delete?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Failed to delete photo",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} binary exists and is executable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} binary not found.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name} binary is not executable.",
@ -483,7 +475,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "You will find your friends soon. Please be patient",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Your videos will appear here",
"No photos in this album yet" : "No photos in this album yet",
"Create an album to get started" : "Create an album to get started",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Tag photos to find them easily",

l10n/en_GB.json vendored
View File

@ -52,12 +52,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Add to album",
"Move to person" : "Move to person",
"Remove from person" : "Remove from person",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "You are about to download a large number of files.",
"Continue" : "Continue",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "You are about to delete a large number of files",
"Failed to delete files" : "Failed to delete files",
"Move" : "Move",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "You are about to move a large number of files",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Only user \"{user}\" can update this person",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} selected","{n} selected"],
@ -170,6 +164,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!",
"Continue" : "Continue",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Enable Transcoding",
@ -257,7 +252,6 @@
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Removed from {n} album","Removed from {n} albums"],
"Share Album" : "Share Album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Save collaborators for this album.",
"shared by {owner}" : "shared by {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n item","%n items"],
"Newest" : "Newest",
"Year" : "Year",
@ -307,6 +301,7 @@
"Failed to move {name}." : "Failed to move {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Move selected photos to person",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Move the selected photos to {target}?",
"Move" : "Move",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "An error occurred while moving photos from {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Choose a folder",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} item moved to folder","{n} items moved to folder"],
@ -330,7 +325,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Reduced Size",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Share a lower resolution image preview",
"High Resolution" : "High Resolution",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Share the video as a high quality MOV",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Share the image as a high quality JPEG",
"Original File" : "Original File",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Share the original image / video file",
@ -364,8 +358,6 @@
"Previous" : "Previous",
"Next" : "Next",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Are you sure you want to delete?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Failed to delete photo",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} binary exists and is executable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} binary not found.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name} binary is not executable.",
@ -481,7 +473,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "You will find your friends soon. Please be patient",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Your videos will appear here",
"No photos in this album yet" : "No photos in this album yet",
"Create an album to get started" : "Create an album to get started",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Tag photos to find them easily",

l10n/eo.js vendored
View File

@ -16,13 +16,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete" : "Forigi",
"Favorite" : "Pliŝatati",
"View in folder" : "Vidi en dosierujo",
"Continue" : "Daŭrigi",
"Move" : "Movi",
"General" : "Ĝenerala",
"Account" : "Konto",
"Close" : "Malfermi",
"Performance" : "Rendimento",
"Unknown" : "Nekonata",
"Continue" : "Daŭrigi",
"Public link" : "Publika ligilo",
"Back" : "Antaŭen",
"Save" : "Konservi",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Nomo",
"Update" : "Ĝisdatigi",
"Loading …" : "Ŝargas …",
"Move" : "Movi",
"Remove" : "Forigi",
"Share link" : "Kunhavigi ligilon",
"Refresh" : "Aktualigi",

l10n/eo.json vendored
View File

@ -14,13 +14,12 @@
"Delete" : "Forigi",
"Favorite" : "Pliŝatati",
"View in folder" : "Vidi en dosierujo",
"Continue" : "Daŭrigi",
"Move" : "Movi",
"General" : "Ĝenerala",
"Account" : "Konto",
"Close" : "Malfermi",
"Performance" : "Rendimento",
"Unknown" : "Nekonata",
"Continue" : "Daŭrigi",
"Public link" : "Publika ligilo",
"Back" : "Antaŭen",
"Save" : "Konservi",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
"Name" : "Nomo",
"Update" : "Ĝisdatigi",
"Loading …" : "Ŝargas …",
"Move" : "Movi",
"Remove" : "Forigi",
"Share link" : "Kunhavigi ligilon",
"Refresh" : "Aktualigi",

l10n/es.js vendored
View File

@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Añadir al álbum",
"Move to person" : "Mover a persona",
"Remove from person" : "Quitar de la persona",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "Está a punto de descargar un gran número de archivos.",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "Está a punto de eliminar un gran número de archivos",
"Failed to delete files" : "Fallo al eliminar archivos",
"Move" : "Mover",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "Está a punto de mover un gran número de archivos",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Debe habilitar \"Marcar persona en la vista previa\" para utilizar esta característica",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Solo el usuario \"{user}\" puede actualizar esta persona",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} seleccionado","{n} seleccionados","{n} seleccionados"],
@ -172,6 +166,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Al parecer la base de datos ya está configurada. ¿Está seguro de volver a descargar los datos planetarios?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Está por descargar la base de datos planetaria. Podría tomar un tiempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "¡Esto también podría causar que las fotos vuelvan a indexarse!",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "La transcodificación en vivo proporciona una transmisión adaptativa de videos utilizando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Tenga en cuenta que esto podría tener causar una alta carga de CPU si no se tiene aceleración por hardware, y la transcodificación no será utilizada para el almacenamiento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar transcodificación",
@ -259,7 +254,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Quitada de {n} álbum","Quitada de {n} álbumes","Quitada de {n} álbumes"],
"Share Album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Guardar colaboradores para este álbum",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n ítem","%n ítems","%n ítems"],
"Newest" : "Más nuevo",
"Year" : "Año",
@ -309,6 +303,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to move {name}." : "Fallo al mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mover fotos seleccionadas a persona",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "¿Mover las fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"Move" : "Mover",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Ocurrió un error al mover fotos desde {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Elija una carpeta",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} ítem movidos a la carpeta","{n} ítems movidos a la carpeta","{n} ítems movidos a la carpeta"],
@ -332,7 +327,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaño Reducido",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Compartir una previsualización de imagen de menor resolución",
"High Resolution" : "Alta Resolución",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Compartir el video como MOV de alta calidad",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Compartir la imagen como JPEG de alta calidad",
"Original File" : "Archivo Original",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Compartir el archivo original de la imagen / video",
@ -366,8 +360,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Anterior",
"Next" : "Siguiente",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "La edición en vivo está actualmente deshabilitada para fotos en vivo.",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "¿Seguro que quieres borrar?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Fallo al eliminar foto",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "el binario {name} existe y es ejecutable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "el binario {name} no fue encontrado.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "el binario {name} no es ejecutable.",
@ -483,7 +475,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Conseguirá a sus amigos en breve. Por favor, tenga paciencia.",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "El reconocimiento facial está deshabilitado. Habilítelo en la configuración para conseguir a sus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Sus videos aparecerán aquí",
"No photos in this album yet" : "No hay fotos en este álbum todavía",
"Create an album to get started" : "Cree un álbum para comenzar",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archive las fotos que no quiera ver en su línea de tiempo",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiquete las fotos para encontrarlas fácilmente",

l10n/es.json vendored
View File

@ -52,12 +52,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Añadir al álbum",
"Move to person" : "Mover a persona",
"Remove from person" : "Quitar de la persona",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "Está a punto de descargar un gran número de archivos.",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "Está a punto de eliminar un gran número de archivos",
"Failed to delete files" : "Fallo al eliminar archivos",
"Move" : "Mover",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "Está a punto de mover un gran número de archivos",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Debe habilitar \"Marcar persona en la vista previa\" para utilizar esta característica",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Solo el usuario \"{user}\" puede actualizar esta persona",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} seleccionado","{n} seleccionados","{n} seleccionados"],
@ -170,6 +164,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Al parecer la base de datos ya está configurada. ¿Está seguro de volver a descargar los datos planetarios?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Está por descargar la base de datos planetaria. Podría tomar un tiempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "¡Esto también podría causar que las fotos vuelvan a indexarse!",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "La transcodificación en vivo proporciona una transmisión adaptativa de videos utilizando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Tenga en cuenta que esto podría tener causar una alta carga de CPU si no se tiene aceleración por hardware, y la transcodificación no será utilizada para el almacenamiento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar transcodificación",
@ -257,7 +252,6 @@
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Quitada de {n} álbum","Quitada de {n} álbumes","Quitada de {n} álbumes"],
"Share Album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Guardar colaboradores para este álbum",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n ítem","%n ítems","%n ítems"],
"Newest" : "Más nuevo",
"Year" : "Año",
@ -307,6 +301,7 @@
"Failed to move {name}." : "Fallo al mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mover fotos seleccionadas a persona",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "¿Mover las fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"Move" : "Mover",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Ocurrió un error al mover fotos desde {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Elija una carpeta",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} ítem movidos a la carpeta","{n} ítems movidos a la carpeta","{n} ítems movidos a la carpeta"],
@ -330,7 +325,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaño Reducido",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Compartir una previsualización de imagen de menor resolución",
"High Resolution" : "Alta Resolución",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Compartir el video como MOV de alta calidad",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Compartir la imagen como JPEG de alta calidad",
"Original File" : "Archivo Original",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Compartir el archivo original de la imagen / video",
@ -364,8 +358,6 @@
"Previous" : "Anterior",
"Next" : "Siguiente",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "La edición en vivo está actualmente deshabilitada para fotos en vivo.",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "¿Seguro que quieres borrar?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Fallo al eliminar foto",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "el binario {name} existe y es ejecutable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "el binario {name} no fue encontrado.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "el binario {name} no es ejecutable.",
@ -481,7 +473,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Conseguirá a sus amigos en breve. Por favor, tenga paciencia.",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "El reconocimiento facial está deshabilitado. Habilítelo en la configuración para conseguir a sus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Sus videos aparecerán aquí",
"No photos in this album yet" : "No hay fotos en este álbum todavía",
"Create an album to get started" : "Cree un álbum para comenzar",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archive las fotos que no quiera ver en su línea de tiempo",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiquete las fotos para encontrarlas fácilmente",

l10n/es_419.js vendored
View File

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restaurar",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_419.json vendored
View File

@ -15,12 +15,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -37,6 +36,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restaurar",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_AR.js vendored
View File

@ -18,12 +18,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Copy public link" : "Copiar link publico",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Loading …" : "Cargando …",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Borrar",
"Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
"Refresh" : "Recargar",

l10n/es_AR.json vendored
View File

@ -16,12 +16,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Copy public link" : "Copiar link publico",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Loading …" : "Cargando …",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Borrar",
"Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
"Refresh" : "Recargar",

l10n/es_CL.js vendored
View File

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Loading …" : "Cargando …",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_CL.json vendored
View File

@ -15,12 +15,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Loading …" : "Cargando …",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_CO.js vendored
View File

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Reiniciar",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_CO.json vendored
View File

@ -15,12 +15,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
"Reset" : "Reiniciar",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_CR.js vendored
View File

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_CR.json vendored
View File

@ -15,12 +15,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_DO.js vendored
View File

@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_DO.json vendored
View File

@ -14,12 +14,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -36,6 +35,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_EC.js vendored
View File

@ -53,9 +53,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Agregar al álbum",
"Move to person" : "Mover a persona",
"Remove from person" : "Eliminar de persona",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Failed to delete files" : "Error al eliminar archivos",
"Move" : "Mover",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Debes habilitar \"Marcar persona en la vista previa\" para usar esta función",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Solo el usuario \"{user}\" puede actualizar esta persona",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} seleccionado","{n} seleccionados","{n} seleccionado"],
@ -137,6 +134,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Parece que la base de datos ya está configurada. ¿Seguro que quieres volver a descargar los datos del planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Estás a punto de descargar la base de datos del planeta. Esto puede llevar un tiempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "¡Esto también puede hacer que se vuelvan a indexar todas las fotos!",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "La transcodificación en vivo proporciona transmisión adaptable de videos utilizando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Ten en cuenta que esto puede ser muy intensivo para la CPU sin aceleración de hardware, y la transcodificación no se utilizará para el almacenamiento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar la transcodificación",
@ -207,7 +205,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Search" : "Buscar",
"Share Album" : "Compartir Álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Guardar colaboradores para este álbum.",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n elemento","%n elementos","%n elementos"],
"Newest" : "Más recientes",
"Year" : "Año",
@ -254,6 +251,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to move {name}." : "Error al mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mover fotos seleccionadas a persona",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "¿Mover las fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"Move" : "Mover",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Ocurrió un error al mover las fotos de {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Elegir una carpeta",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} elemento movido a carpeta","{n} elementos movidos a carpeta","{n} elementos movidos a carpeta"],
@ -277,7 +275,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaño Reducido",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Compartir una vista previa de imagen de menor resolución",
"High Resolution" : "Alta Resolución",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Compartir el video como un archivo MOV de alta calidad",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Compartir la imagen como un archivo JPEG de alta calidad",
"Original File" : "Archivo Original",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Compartir la imagen / video original",
@ -309,8 +306,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Previo",
"Next" : "Siguiente",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "La edición está deshabilitada actualmente para las Fotos en Vivo",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminarlo?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Error al eliminar la foto",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} el binario existe y es ejecutable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "No se encontró el binario {name}.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "El binario {name} no es ejecutable.",
@ -423,7 +418,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Encontrarás a tus amigos pronto. Por favor, ten paciencia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "El Reconocimiento Facial está desactivado. Actívalo en la configuración para encontrar a tus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán tus videos",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Aún no hay fotos en este álbum",
"Create an album to get started" : "Crea un álbum para empezar",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archiva las fotos que no desees ver en tu línea de tiempo",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiqueta las fotos para encontrarlas fácilmente",

l10n/es_EC.json vendored
View File

@ -51,9 +51,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Agregar al álbum",
"Move to person" : "Mover a persona",
"Remove from person" : "Eliminar de persona",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Failed to delete files" : "Error al eliminar archivos",
"Move" : "Mover",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Debes habilitar \"Marcar persona en la vista previa\" para usar esta función",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Solo el usuario \"{user}\" puede actualizar esta persona",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} seleccionado","{n} seleccionados","{n} seleccionado"],
@ -135,6 +132,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Parece que la base de datos ya está configurada. ¿Seguro que quieres volver a descargar los datos del planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Estás a punto de descargar la base de datos del planeta. Esto puede llevar un tiempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "¡Esto también puede hacer que se vuelvan a indexar todas las fotos!",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "La transcodificación en vivo proporciona transmisión adaptable de videos utilizando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Ten en cuenta que esto puede ser muy intensivo para la CPU sin aceleración de hardware, y la transcodificación no se utilizará para el almacenamiento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar la transcodificación",
@ -205,7 +203,6 @@
"Search" : "Buscar",
"Share Album" : "Compartir Álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Guardar colaboradores para este álbum.",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n elemento","%n elementos","%n elementos"],
"Newest" : "Más recientes",
"Year" : "Año",
@ -252,6 +249,7 @@
"Failed to move {name}." : "Error al mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mover fotos seleccionadas a persona",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "¿Mover las fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"Move" : "Mover",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Ocurrió un error al mover las fotos de {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Elegir una carpeta",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} elemento movido a carpeta","{n} elementos movidos a carpeta","{n} elementos movidos a carpeta"],
@ -275,7 +273,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaño Reducido",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Compartir una vista previa de imagen de menor resolución",
"High Resolution" : "Alta Resolución",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Compartir el video como un archivo MOV de alta calidad",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Compartir la imagen como un archivo JPEG de alta calidad",
"Original File" : "Archivo Original",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Compartir la imagen / video original",
@ -307,8 +304,6 @@
"Previous" : "Previo",
"Next" : "Siguiente",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "La edición está deshabilitada actualmente para las Fotos en Vivo",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminarlo?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Error al eliminar la foto",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} el binario existe y es ejecutable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "No se encontró el binario {name}.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "El binario {name} no es ejecutable.",
@ -421,7 +416,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Encontrarás a tus amigos pronto. Por favor, ten paciencia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "El Reconocimiento Facial está desactivado. Actívalo en la configuración para encontrar a tus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán tus videos",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Aún no hay fotos en este álbum",
"Create an album to get started" : "Crea un álbum para empezar",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archiva las fotos que no desees ver en tu línea de tiempo",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiqueta las fotos para encontrarlas fácilmente",

l10n/es_GT.js vendored
View File

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_GT.json vendored
View File

@ -15,12 +15,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -37,6 +36,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_HN.js vendored
View File

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_HN.json vendored
View File

@ -15,12 +15,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_MX.js vendored
View File

@ -19,12 +19,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Marcar como favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Copy public link" : "Copiar enlace público",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
@ -42,6 +41,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Reiniciar",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_MX.json vendored
View File

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Marcar como favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Copy public link" : "Copiar enlace público",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@
"Reset" : "Reiniciar",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_NI.js vendored
View File

@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_NI.json vendored
View File

@ -14,12 +14,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -36,6 +35,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_PA.js vendored
View File

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_PA.json vendored
View File

@ -15,12 +15,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -37,6 +36,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_PE.js vendored
View File

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_PE.json vendored
View File

@ -15,12 +15,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -37,6 +36,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_PR.js vendored
View File

@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -37,6 +36,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_PR.json vendored
View File

@ -14,12 +14,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -35,6 +34,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_PY.js vendored
View File

@ -17,11 +17,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_PY.json vendored
View File

@ -15,11 +15,10 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -36,6 +35,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_SV.js vendored
View File

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_SV.json vendored
View File

@ -15,12 +15,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
@ -37,6 +36,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_UY.js vendored
View File

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/es_UY.json vendored
View File

@ -15,12 +15,11 @@
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Search" : "Buscar",
@ -36,6 +35,7 @@
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",

l10n/et_EE.js vendored
View File

@ -22,13 +22,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Lemmik",
"View in folder" : "Vaata kaustas",
"Add to album" : "Lisa albumisse",
"Continue" : "Jätka",
"Move" : "Liiguta",
"General" : "Üldine",
"Account" : "Konto",
"Sign out" : "Logi välja",
"Close" : "Sulge",
"Unknown" : "Teadmata",
"Continue" : "Jätka",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Lisa inimesi ja gruppe, kes võivad su albumit muuta",
"Search for collaborators" : "Otsi kaastöölisi",
"Search people or groups" : "Otsi inimesi või gruppe",
@ -72,6 +71,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Rename person" : "Nimeta isik ümber",
"Name" : "Nimi",
"Update" : "Uuenda",
"Move" : "Liiguta",
"Remove" : "Eemalda",
"Share link" : "Jaga link",
"Refresh" : "Värskenda",

l10n/et_EE.json vendored
View File

@ -20,13 +20,12 @@
"Favorite" : "Lemmik",
"View in folder" : "Vaata kaustas",
"Add to album" : "Lisa albumisse",
"Continue" : "Jätka",
"Move" : "Liiguta",
"General" : "Üldine",
"Account" : "Konto",
"Sign out" : "Logi välja",
"Close" : "Sulge",
"Unknown" : "Teadmata",
"Continue" : "Jätka",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Lisa inimesi ja gruppe, kes võivad su albumit muuta",
"Search for collaborators" : "Otsi kaastöölisi",
"Search people or groups" : "Otsi inimesi või gruppe",
@ -70,6 +69,7 @@
"Rename person" : "Nimeta isik ümber",
"Name" : "Nimi",
"Update" : "Uuenda",
"Move" : "Liiguta",
"Remove" : "Eemalda",
"Share link" : "Jaga link",
"Refresh" : "Värskenda",

l10n/eu.js vendored
View File

@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Gehitu albumera",
"Move to person" : "Mugitu pertsonara",
"Remove from person" : "Kendu pertsonatik",
"Continue" : "Jarraitu",
"Move" : "Mugitu",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} hautatuta","{n} hautatuta"],
"Memories Settings" : "Memories-en ezarpenak",
"General" : "Orokorra",
@ -94,6 +92,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Ez da geometria euskarririk detektatu zure datu-basean",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL antzeko geometria euskarria detektatu da",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Postgres jatorrizko geometria euskarria detektatu da",
"Continue" : "Jarraitu",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Zuzeneko transkodetzeak HLS erabiliz bideoen streaming moldagarria eskaintzen du.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Kontuan izan hardware-azeleraziorik gabe CPU oso intentsiboa izan daitekeela eta transkodetzea ez dela erabiliko kanpoko biltegiratzeko.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Gaitu transkodetzea",
@ -164,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Save changes" : "Gorde aldaketak",
"Share Album" : "Partekatu albuma",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Gorde album honen kolaboratzaileak.",
"shared by {owner}" : "{owner}(e)k partekatuta",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["elementu %n","%n elementu"],
"Newest" : "Berrienak",
"Year" : "Urtea",
@ -207,6 +205,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Errorea {basename} mugitzen",
"Failed to move {name}." : "{name} mugitzeak huts egin du.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mugitu hautatutako argazkiak pertsona honetara",
"Move" : "Mugitu",
"Choose a folder" : "Aukeratu karpeta bat",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} elementu karpetara eraman dira","{n} elementu karpetara eraman dira"],
"Remove" : "Kendu",
@ -229,7 +228,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaina murriztua",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Partekatu bereizmen baxuagoko irudien aurrebista",
"High Resolution" : "Bereizmen handikoa",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Partekatu bideoa kalitate handiko MOV gisa",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Partekatu irudia kalitate handiko JPEG gisa",
"Original File" : "Jatorrizko fitxategia",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Partekatu jatorrizko irudia / bideo fitxategia",
@ -261,7 +259,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Aurrekoa",
"Next" : "Hurrengoa",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Zuzeneko argazkiak editatzeko aukera desgaituta dago",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Ziur zaude ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"Save as" : "Gorde honela",
"All changes will be lost." : "Aldaketa guztiak galduko dira.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Ziur zaude jarraitu nahi duzula?",
@ -367,7 +364,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Laster aurkituko dituzu zure lagunak. Izan pazientzia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Aurpegi-hautematea desgaituta dago. Gaitu ezarpenetan lagunak aurkitzeko",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Zure bideoak hemen agertuko dira",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Oraindik ez dago argazkirik album honetan",
"Create an album to get started" : "Sortu album bat hasteko",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Artxibatu zure denbora-lerroan ikusi nahi ez dituzun argazkiak",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiketatu argazkiak modu errazean aurkitzeko",

l10n/eu.json vendored
View File

@ -44,8 +44,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Gehitu albumera",
"Move to person" : "Mugitu pertsonara",
"Remove from person" : "Kendu pertsonatik",
"Continue" : "Jarraitu",
"Move" : "Mugitu",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} hautatuta","{n} hautatuta"],
"Memories Settings" : "Memories-en ezarpenak",
"General" : "Orokorra",
@ -92,6 +90,7 @@
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Ez da geometria euskarririk detektatu zure datu-basean",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "MySQL antzeko geometria euskarria detektatu da",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Postgres jatorrizko geometria euskarria detektatu da",
"Continue" : "Jarraitu",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Zuzeneko transkodetzeak HLS erabiliz bideoen streaming moldagarria eskaintzen du.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Kontuan izan hardware-azeleraziorik gabe CPU oso intentsiboa izan daitekeela eta transkodetzea ez dela erabiliko kanpoko biltegiratzeko.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Gaitu transkodetzea",
@ -162,7 +161,6 @@
"Save changes" : "Gorde aldaketak",
"Share Album" : "Partekatu albuma",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Gorde album honen kolaboratzaileak.",
"shared by {owner}" : "{owner}(e)k partekatuta",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["elementu %n","%n elementu"],
"Newest" : "Berrienak",
"Year" : "Urtea",
@ -205,6 +203,7 @@
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Errorea {basename} mugitzen",
"Failed to move {name}." : "{name} mugitzeak huts egin du.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mugitu hautatutako argazkiak pertsona honetara",
"Move" : "Mugitu",
"Choose a folder" : "Aukeratu karpeta bat",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} elementu karpetara eraman dira","{n} elementu karpetara eraman dira"],
"Remove" : "Kendu",
@ -227,7 +226,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaina murriztua",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Partekatu bereizmen baxuagoko irudien aurrebista",
"High Resolution" : "Bereizmen handikoa",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Partekatu bideoa kalitate handiko MOV gisa",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Partekatu irudia kalitate handiko JPEG gisa",
"Original File" : "Jatorrizko fitxategia",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Partekatu jatorrizko irudia / bideo fitxategia",
@ -259,7 +257,6 @@
"Previous" : "Aurrekoa",
"Next" : "Hurrengoa",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Zuzeneko argazkiak editatzeko aukera desgaituta dago",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Ziur zaude ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"Save as" : "Gorde honela",
"All changes will be lost." : "Aldaketa guztiak galduko dira.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Ziur zaude jarraitu nahi duzula?",
@ -365,7 +362,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Laster aurkituko dituzu zure lagunak. Izan pazientzia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Aurpegi-hautematea desgaituta dago. Gaitu ezarpenetan lagunak aurkitzeko",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Zure bideoak hemen agertuko dira",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Oraindik ez dago argazkirik album honetan",
"Create an album to get started" : "Sortu album bat hasteko",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Artxibatu zure denbora-lerroan ikusi nahi ez dituzun argazkiak",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiketatu argazkiak modu errazean aurkitzeko",

l10n/fa.js vendored
View File

@ -54,9 +54,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "به آلبوم اضافه کنید",
"Move to person" : "Move to person",
"Remove from person" : "Remove from person",
"Continue" : "ادامه دادن",
"Failed to delete files" : "Failed to delete files",
"Move" : "انتقال",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Only user \"{user}\" can update this person",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} selected","{n} selected"],
@ -153,6 +150,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!",
"Continue" : "ادامه دادن",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Enable Transcoding",
@ -234,7 +232,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Removed from {n} album","Removed from {n} albums"],
"Share Album" : "Share Album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "همکاران را برای این آلبوم ذخیره کنید.",
"shared by {owner}" : "shared by {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n item","%n items"],
"Newest" : "Newest",
"Year" : "سال",
@ -281,6 +278,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to move {name}." : "Failed to move {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Move selected photos to person",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Move the selected photos to {target}?",
"Move" : "انتقال",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "An error occurred while moving photos from {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Choose a folder",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} item moved to folder","{n} items moved to folder"],
@ -304,7 +302,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Reduced Size",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Share a lower resolution image preview",
"High Resolution" : "High Resolution",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Share the video as a high quality MOV",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Share the image as a high quality JPEG",
"Original File" : "Original File",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Share the original image / video file",
@ -336,8 +333,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "قبلی",
"Next" : "بعدی",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Are you sure you want to delete?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Failed to delete photo",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} binary exists and is executable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} binary not found.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name} binary is not executable.",
@ -453,7 +448,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "You will find your friends soon. Please be patient",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Your videos will appear here",
"No photos in this album yet" : "No photos in this album yet",
"Create an album to get started" : "Create an album to get started",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Tag photos to find them easily",

l10n/fa.json vendored
View File

@ -52,9 +52,6 @@
"Add to album" : "به آلبوم اضافه کنید",
"Move to person" : "Move to person",
"Remove from person" : "Remove from person",
"Continue" : "ادامه دادن",
"Failed to delete files" : "Failed to delete files",
"Move" : "انتقال",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Only user \"{user}\" can update this person",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} selected","{n} selected"],
@ -151,6 +148,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!",
"Continue" : "ادامه دادن",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Enable Transcoding",
@ -232,7 +230,6 @@
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Removed from {n} album","Removed from {n} albums"],
"Share Album" : "Share Album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "همکاران را برای این آلبوم ذخیره کنید.",
"shared by {owner}" : "shared by {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n item","%n items"],
"Newest" : "Newest",
"Year" : "سال",
@ -279,6 +276,7 @@
"Failed to move {name}." : "Failed to move {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Move selected photos to person",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Move the selected photos to {target}?",
"Move" : "انتقال",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "An error occurred while moving photos from {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Choose a folder",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} item moved to folder","{n} items moved to folder"],
@ -302,7 +300,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Reduced Size",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Share a lower resolution image preview",
"High Resolution" : "High Resolution",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Share the video as a high quality MOV",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Share the image as a high quality JPEG",
"Original File" : "Original File",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Share the original image / video file",
@ -334,8 +331,6 @@
"Previous" : "قبلی",
"Next" : "بعدی",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Are you sure you want to delete?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Failed to delete photo",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} binary exists and is executable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} binary not found.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name} binary is not executable.",
@ -451,7 +446,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "You will find your friends soon. Please be patient",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Your videos will appear here",
"No photos in this album yet" : "No photos in this album yet",
"Create an album to get started" : "Create an album to get started",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Tag photos to find them easily",

l10n/fi.js vendored
View File

@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Lisää albumiin",
"Move to person" : "Siirrä henkilölle",
"Remove from person" : "Poista henkilöltä",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "Olet aikeissa ladata suuren määrän tiedostoja",
"Continue" : "Jatka",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "Olet aikeissa poistaa suuren määrän tiedostoja",
"Failed to delete files" : "Tiedostojen poisto epäonnistui",
"Move" : "Siirrä",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "Olet aikeissa siirtää suuren määrän tiedostoja",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Vain käyttäjä \"{user}\" voi päivittää tätä henkilöä",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} valittu","{n} valittu"],
"Memories Settings" : "Muistot-sovelluksen asetukset",
@ -121,6 +115,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 tai HTTP/3 on käytössä",
"Performance" : "Suorituskyky",
"Unknown" : "Tuntematon",
"Continue" : "Jatka",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Ota käyttöön transkoodaus",
"ffmpeg path" : "ffmpeg:n polku",
"ffprobe path" : "ffprobe:n polku",
@ -192,7 +187,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Save changes" : "Tallenna muutokset",
"Share Album" : "Jaa albumi",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Tallenna albumin osanottajat.",
"shared by {owner}" : "jakanut {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n kohde","%n kohdetta"],
"Newest" : "Uusimmat",
"Year" : "Vuosi",
@ -239,6 +233,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Virhe siirtäessä kohdetta {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Kohteen {name} siirtäminen epäonnistui.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Siirrä valitut kuvat henkilölle",
"Move" : "Siirrä",
"Choose a folder" : "Valitse kansio",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} kohde siirretty kansioon","{n} kohdetta siirretty kansioon"],
"Remove" : "Poista",
@ -261,7 +256,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Pienennetty koko",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Jaa kuvan esikatselu matalalla resoluutiolla",
"High Resolution" : "Korkea resoluutio",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Jaa video korkealaatuisena MOV-tiedostona",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Jaa kuva korkealaatuisena JPEG-tiedostona",
"Original File" : "Alkuperäinen tiedosto",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Jaa alkuperäinen kuva-/videotiedosto",
@ -293,8 +287,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Edellinen",
"Next" : "Seuraava",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Muokkaus ei ole tällä hetkellä käytössä Livekuville",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Haluatko varmasti poistaa?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Kuvan poisto eäonnistui",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} binääri on suoritettavissa.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} binääriä ei löytynyt.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name} binääri ei ole suoritettavissa.",
@ -403,7 +395,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Löydät ystäväsi pian. Odota rauhassa",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Kasvojentunnistus on pois käytöstä. Ota se käyttöön asetuksista löytääksesi ystäväsi",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Videosi tulevat tänne näkyviin",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Tässä albumissa ei ole vielä kuvia",
"Create an album to get started" : "Luo albumi aloittaaksesi",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Arkistoi kuvat, joita et halua nähdä aikajanallasi",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Lisää kuviin tunnisteita löytääksesi ne helpommin",

l10n/fi.json vendored
View File

@ -52,12 +52,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Lisää albumiin",
"Move to person" : "Siirrä henkilölle",
"Remove from person" : "Poista henkilöltä",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "Olet aikeissa ladata suuren määrän tiedostoja",
"Continue" : "Jatka",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "Olet aikeissa poistaa suuren määrän tiedostoja",
"Failed to delete files" : "Tiedostojen poisto epäonnistui",
"Move" : "Siirrä",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "Olet aikeissa siirtää suuren määrän tiedostoja",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Vain käyttäjä \"{user}\" voi päivittää tätä henkilöä",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} valittu","{n} valittu"],
"Memories Settings" : "Muistot-sovelluksen asetukset",
@ -119,6 +113,7 @@
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 tai HTTP/3 on käytössä",
"Performance" : "Suorituskyky",
"Unknown" : "Tuntematon",
"Continue" : "Jatka",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Ota käyttöön transkoodaus",
"ffmpeg path" : "ffmpeg:n polku",
"ffprobe path" : "ffprobe:n polku",
@ -190,7 +185,6 @@
"Save changes" : "Tallenna muutokset",
"Share Album" : "Jaa albumi",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Tallenna albumin osanottajat.",
"shared by {owner}" : "jakanut {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n kohde","%n kohdetta"],
"Newest" : "Uusimmat",
"Year" : "Vuosi",
@ -237,6 +231,7 @@
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Virhe siirtäessä kohdetta {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Kohteen {name} siirtäminen epäonnistui.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Siirrä valitut kuvat henkilölle",
"Move" : "Siirrä",
"Choose a folder" : "Valitse kansio",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} kohde siirretty kansioon","{n} kohdetta siirretty kansioon"],
"Remove" : "Poista",
@ -259,7 +254,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Pienennetty koko",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Jaa kuvan esikatselu matalalla resoluutiolla",
"High Resolution" : "Korkea resoluutio",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Jaa video korkealaatuisena MOV-tiedostona",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Jaa kuva korkealaatuisena JPEG-tiedostona",
"Original File" : "Alkuperäinen tiedosto",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Jaa alkuperäinen kuva-/videotiedosto",
@ -291,8 +285,6 @@
"Previous" : "Edellinen",
"Next" : "Seuraava",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Muokkaus ei ole tällä hetkellä käytössä Livekuville",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Haluatko varmasti poistaa?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Kuvan poisto eäonnistui",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} binääri on suoritettavissa.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} binääriä ei löytynyt.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "{name} binääri ei ole suoritettavissa.",
@ -401,7 +393,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Löydät ystäväsi pian. Odota rauhassa",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Kasvojentunnistus on pois käytöstä. Ota se käyttöön asetuksista löytääksesi ystäväsi",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Videosi tulevat tänne näkyviin",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Tässä albumissa ei ole vielä kuvia",
"Create an album to get started" : "Luo albumi aloittaaksesi",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Arkistoi kuvat, joita et halua nähdä aikajanallasi",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Lisää kuviin tunnisteita löytääksesi ne helpommin",

l10n/fr.js vendored
View File

@ -49,9 +49,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Ajouter à l'album",
"Move to person" : "Déplacer vers une personne",
"Remove from person" : "Retirer de la personne",
"Continue" : "Continuer",
"Failed to delete files" : "Échec de la suppression des fichiers",
"Move" : "Déplacer",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Vous devez activer l'option \"Marquer la personne dans l'aperçu\" pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Seul l'utilisateur·trice \"{user}\" peut mettre à jour cette personne",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} sélectionné","{n} sélectionnés","{n} sélectionnés"],
@ -120,6 +117,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Il semble que la base de données soit déjà configurée. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir télécharger à nouveau les données géographique ?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Vous êtes sur le point de télécharger la base de données géographique. Cela peut prendre un certain temps.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Cela peut également entraîner la réindexation de toutes les photos !",
"Continue" : "Continuer",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Le transcodage à la volée permet la diffusion adaptative des vidéos en utilisant HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Notez que ceci peut être très intensif pour le processeur à défaut d'accélération matérielle, et que le transcodage ne sera pas utilisé pour les stockages externes.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Activer le transcodage",
@ -238,6 +236,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Erreur lors du déplacement de {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Impossible de déplacer {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Déplacer les photos sélectionnées vers la personne",
"Move" : "Déplacer",
"Choose a folder" : "Choisir un dossier",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} élément déplacé vers le dossier","{n} éléments déplacés vers le dossier","{n} éléments déplacés vers le dossier"],
"Remove" : "Retirer",
@ -260,7 +259,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Taille réduite",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Partager une prévisualisation basse résolution de l'image",
"High Resolution" : "Haute résolution",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Partager la vidéo comme fichier MOV haute qualité",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Partager l'image comme fichier JPEG haute qualité",
"Original File" : "Fichier original",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Partager le fichier image / vidéo original",
@ -292,8 +290,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Précédente",
"Next" : "Suivante",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "La modification est actuellement désactivée pour les Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Échec de la suppression de la photo",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "Le binaire {name} existe et est exécutable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "Le binaire {name} n'a pas été trouvé.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "Le binaire {name} n'est pas exécutable.",
@ -406,7 +402,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Vous trouverez bientôt vos amis. Veuillez patienter",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "La reconnaissance faciale est désactivée. Activez-la dans vos paramètres pour trouver vos amis.",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Vos vidéos apparaîtront ici",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Pas encore de photos dans cet album",
"Create an album to get started" : "Créez un album pour commencer",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archivez les photos que vous ne souhaitez pas voir dans votre chronologie",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Étiquetez vos photos pour les trouver facilement",

l10n/fr.json vendored
View File

@ -47,9 +47,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Ajouter à l'album",
"Move to person" : "Déplacer vers une personne",
"Remove from person" : "Retirer de la personne",
"Continue" : "Continuer",
"Failed to delete files" : "Échec de la suppression des fichiers",
"Move" : "Déplacer",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Vous devez activer l'option \"Marquer la personne dans l'aperçu\" pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Seul l'utilisateur·trice \"{user}\" peut mettre à jour cette personne",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} sélectionné","{n} sélectionnés","{n} sélectionnés"],
@ -118,6 +115,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Il semble que la base de données soit déjà configurée. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir télécharger à nouveau les données géographique ?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Vous êtes sur le point de télécharger la base de données géographique. Cela peut prendre un certain temps.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Cela peut également entraîner la réindexation de toutes les photos !",
"Continue" : "Continuer",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Le transcodage à la volée permet la diffusion adaptative des vidéos en utilisant HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Notez que ceci peut être très intensif pour le processeur à défaut d'accélération matérielle, et que le transcodage ne sera pas utilisé pour les stockages externes.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Activer le transcodage",
@ -236,6 +234,7 @@
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Erreur lors du déplacement de {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Impossible de déplacer {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Déplacer les photos sélectionnées vers la personne",
"Move" : "Déplacer",
"Choose a folder" : "Choisir un dossier",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} élément déplacé vers le dossier","{n} éléments déplacés vers le dossier","{n} éléments déplacés vers le dossier"],
"Remove" : "Retirer",
@ -258,7 +257,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Taille réduite",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Partager une prévisualisation basse résolution de l'image",
"High Resolution" : "Haute résolution",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Partager la vidéo comme fichier MOV haute qualité",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Partager l'image comme fichier JPEG haute qualité",
"Original File" : "Fichier original",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Partager le fichier image / vidéo original",
@ -290,8 +288,6 @@
"Previous" : "Précédente",
"Next" : "Suivante",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "La modification est actuellement désactivée pour les Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Échec de la suppression de la photo",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "Le binaire {name} existe et est exécutable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "Le binaire {name} n'a pas été trouvé.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "Le binaire {name} n'est pas exécutable.",
@ -404,7 +400,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Vous trouverez bientôt vos amis. Veuillez patienter",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "La reconnaissance faciale est désactivée. Activez-la dans vos paramètres pour trouver vos amis.",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Vos vidéos apparaîtront ici",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Pas encore de photos dans cet album",
"Create an album to get started" : "Créez un album pour commencer",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archivez les photos que vous ne souhaitez pas voir dans votre chronologie",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Étiquetez vos photos pour les trouver facilement",

l10n/gd.js vendored
View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Cancel" : "Sguir dheth",
"Delete" : "Sguab às",
"Favorite" : "Annsachd",
"Move" : "Gluais",
"General" : "Coitcheann",
"Close" : "Dùin",
"Unknown" : "Chan eil fhios",
@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Save" : "Sàbhail",
"Search" : "Lorg",
"Name" : "Ainm",
"Move" : "Gluais",
"Remove" : "Thoir air falbh",
"Share link" : "Ceangal co-roinnidh",
"Refresh" : "Ath-nuadhaich",

l10n/gd.json vendored
View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
"Cancel" : "Sguir dheth",
"Delete" : "Sguab às",
"Favorite" : "Annsachd",
"Move" : "Gluais",
"General" : "Coitcheann",
"Close" : "Dùin",
"Unknown" : "Chan eil fhios",
@ -16,6 +15,7 @@
"Save" : "Sàbhail",
"Search" : "Lorg",
"Name" : "Ainm",
"Move" : "Gluais",
"Remove" : "Thoir air falbh",
"Share link" : "Ceangal co-roinnidh",
"Refresh" : "Ath-nuadhaich",

l10n/gl.js vendored
View File

@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Engadir ao álbum",
"Move to person" : "Mover a persona",
"Remove from person" : "Retirar da persoa",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "Está a piques de descargar un gran número de ficheiros.",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "Está a piques de eliminar un gran número de ficheiros.",
"Failed to delete files" : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar os ficheiros",
"Move" : "Mover",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "Está a piques de mover un gran número de ficheiros.",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Ten que activar «Marcar persoa na vista previa» para usar esta función",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Só o usuario «{user}» pode actualizar esta persoa",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} seleccionado","{n} seleccionados"],
@ -172,6 +166,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Semella que a base de datos xa está estabelecida. Confirma que quere volver descargar os datos do planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Está a piques de descargar a base de datos do planeta. Isto pode levar o seu tempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Isto tamén pode provocar que todas as fotos volvan ser indexadas!",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "A transcodificación en directo fornece a transmisión adaptábel de vídeos mediante HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Teña en conta que isto pode resultar nun uso moi intensivo da CPU sen aceleración de hardware e a transcodificación non se utilizará para o almacenamento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Activar a transcodificación",
@ -259,7 +254,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Retirada de {n} álbum","Retirada de {n} álbums"],
"Share Album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Gardar os colaboradores para este álbum.",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n elemento","%n elementos"],
"Newest" : "Máis recente",
"Year" : "Ano",
@ -309,6 +303,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to move {name}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Move as fotos seleccionadas á persoa",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Quere mover as fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"Move" : "Mover",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Produciuse un erro ao mover as fotos de {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Escoller un cartafol",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["Moveuse {n} elemento ao cartafol","Movéronse {n} elementos ao cartafol"],
@ -332,7 +327,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaño reducido",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Compartir unha vista previa da imaxe de menor resolución",
"High Resolution" : "Alta resolución",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Compartir o vídeo como MOV de alta calidade",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Compartir a imaxe como JPEG de alta calidade",
"Original File" : "Ficheiro orixinal",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Compartir o ficheiro de imaxe/vídeo orixinal",
@ -366,8 +360,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Anterior",
"Next" : "Seguinte",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Actualmente, está desactivada a edición para Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Confirma que quere eliminar?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar a foto",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "O binario {name} existe e é executábel.",
"{name} binary not found." : "Non se atopou o binario {name}.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "O binario {name} non é executábel",
@ -483,7 +475,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Logo atopará os seus amigos. Teña paciencia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Recoñecemento facial está desactivada. Actívea nos axustes para atopar os seus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Os seus vídeos aparecerán aquí",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Aínda non hai fotos neste álbum",
"Create an album to get started" : "Cree un álbum para comezar",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Arquive as fotos que non quere ver na súa cronoloxía",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiquete as fotos para atopalas facilmente",

l10n/gl.json vendored
View File

@ -52,12 +52,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Engadir ao álbum",
"Move to person" : "Mover a persona",
"Remove from person" : "Retirar da persoa",
"You are about to download a large number of files." : "Está a piques de descargar un gran número de ficheiros.",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"You are about to delete a large number of files" : "Está a piques de eliminar un gran número de ficheiros.",
"Failed to delete files" : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar os ficheiros",
"Move" : "Mover",
"You are about to move a large number of files" : "Está a piques de mover un gran número de ficheiros.",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Ten que activar «Marcar persoa na vista previa» para usar esta función",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Só o usuario «{user}» pode actualizar esta persoa",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} seleccionado","{n} seleccionados"],
@ -170,6 +164,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Semella que a base de datos xa está estabelecida. Confirma que quere volver descargar os datos do planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Está a piques de descargar a base de datos do planeta. Isto pode levar o seu tempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Isto tamén pode provocar que todas as fotos volvan ser indexadas!",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "A transcodificación en directo fornece a transmisión adaptábel de vídeos mediante HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Teña en conta que isto pode resultar nun uso moi intensivo da CPU sen aceleración de hardware e a transcodificación non se utilizará para o almacenamento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Activar a transcodificación",
@ -257,7 +252,6 @@
"_Removed from {n} album_::_Removed from {n} albums_" : ["Retirada de {n} álbum","Retirada de {n} álbums"],
"Share Album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Gardar os colaboradores para este álbum.",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n elemento","%n elementos"],
"Newest" : "Máis recente",
"Year" : "Ano",
@ -307,6 +301,7 @@
"Failed to move {name}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Move as fotos seleccionadas á persoa",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Quere mover as fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"Move" : "Mover",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Produciuse un erro ao mover as fotos de {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Escoller un cartafol",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["Moveuse {n} elemento ao cartafol","Movéronse {n} elementos ao cartafol"],
@ -330,7 +325,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaño reducido",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Compartir unha vista previa da imaxe de menor resolución",
"High Resolution" : "Alta resolución",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Compartir o vídeo como MOV de alta calidade",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Compartir a imaxe como JPEG de alta calidade",
"Original File" : "Ficheiro orixinal",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Compartir o ficheiro de imaxe/vídeo orixinal",
@ -364,8 +358,6 @@
"Previous" : "Anterior",
"Next" : "Seguinte",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Actualmente, está desactivada a edición para Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Confirma que quere eliminar?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar a foto",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "O binario {name} existe e é executábel.",
"{name} binary not found." : "Non se atopou o binario {name}.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "O binario {name} non é executábel",
@ -481,7 +473,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Logo atopará os seus amigos. Teña paciencia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Recoñecemento facial está desactivada. Actívea nos axustes para atopar os seus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Os seus vídeos aparecerán aquí",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Aínda non hai fotos neste álbum",
"Create an album to get started" : "Cree un álbum para comezar",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Arquive as fotos que non quere ver na súa cronoloxía",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiquete as fotos para atopalas facilmente",

l10n/he.js vendored
View File

@ -20,13 +20,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "סימון כמועדף",
"Unarchive" : "הוצאה מהארכיון",
"View in folder" : "הצג בתיקייה",
"Continue" : "להמשך",
"Move" : "העברה",
"General" : "כללי",
"Account" : "חשבון",
"Close" : "סגירה",
"Performance" : "ביצועים",
"Unknown" : "לא ידוע",
"Continue" : "להמשך",
"Template" : "תבנית",
"Shared by {user}" : "שותפה על ידי {user}",
"Add {collaboratorLabel} to the collaborators list" : "הוסף {collaboratorLabel} לרשימת השותפים",
@ -56,6 +55,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "שם",
"Update" : "עדכון",
"Loading …" : "בטעינה…",
"Move" : "העברה",
"Remove" : "הסרה",
"Share link" : "קישור שיתוף",
"Refresh" : "רענון",

l10n/he.json vendored
View File

@ -18,13 +18,12 @@
"Favorite" : "סימון כמועדף",
"Unarchive" : "הוצאה מהארכיון",
"View in folder" : "הצג בתיקייה",
"Continue" : "להמשך",
"Move" : "העברה",
"General" : "כללי",
"Account" : "חשבון",
"Close" : "סגירה",
"Performance" : "ביצועים",
"Unknown" : "לא ידוע",
"Continue" : "להמשך",
"Template" : "תבנית",
"Shared by {user}" : "שותפה על ידי {user}",
"Add {collaboratorLabel} to the collaborators list" : "הוסף {collaboratorLabel} לרשימת השותפים",
@ -54,6 +53,7 @@
"Name" : "שם",
"Update" : "עדכון",
"Loading …" : "בטעינה…",
"Move" : "העברה",
"Remove" : "הסרה",
"Share link" : "קישור שיתוף",
"Refresh" : "רענון",

l10n/hr.js vendored
View File

@ -20,13 +20,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Favorit",
"Unarchive" : "Dearhiviraj",
"View in folder" : "Prikaži u mapi",
"Continue" : "Nastavi",
"Move" : "Premjesti",
"General" : "Općenito",
"Account" : "Račun",
"Close" : "Zatvori",
"Performance" : "Učinkovitost",
"Unknown" : "Nepoznata pogreška",
"Continue" : "Nastavi",
"Template" : "Predložak",
"Shared by {user}" : "Dijeli {user}",
"Copy public link" : "Kopiraj javnu poveznicu",
@ -50,6 +49,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Naziv",
"Update" : "Ažuriraj",
"Loading …" : "Učitavanje…",
"Move" : "Premjesti",
"Remove" : "Ukloni",
"Share link" : "Dijeli poveznicu",
"Refresh" : "Osvježi",

l10n/hr.json vendored
View File

@ -18,13 +18,12 @@
"Favorite" : "Favorit",
"Unarchive" : "Dearhiviraj",
"View in folder" : "Prikaži u mapi",
"Continue" : "Nastavi",
"Move" : "Premjesti",
"General" : "Općenito",
"Account" : "Račun",
"Close" : "Zatvori",
"Performance" : "Učinkovitost",
"Unknown" : "Nepoznata pogreška",
"Continue" : "Nastavi",
"Template" : "Predložak",
"Shared by {user}" : "Dijeli {user}",
"Copy public link" : "Kopiraj javnu poveznicu",
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@
"Name" : "Naziv",
"Update" : "Ažuriraj",
"Loading …" : "Učitavanje…",
"Move" : "Premjesti",
"Remove" : "Ukloni",
"Share link" : "Dijeli poveznicu",
"Refresh" : "Osvježi",

l10n/hu.js vendored
View File

@ -53,9 +53,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Hozzáadás az albumhoz",
"Move to person" : "Áthelyezés egy személyhez",
"Remove from person" : "Eltávolítás a személytől",
"Continue" : "Folytatás",
"Failed to delete files" : "A fájlok törlése sikertelen",
"Move" : "Áthelyezés",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "A funkció használatához engedélyeznie kell a „Személy megjelölése az előnézetben” beállítást",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Csak „{user}” felhasználó frissítheti ezt a személyt",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} kiválasztva","{n} kiválasztva"],
@ -137,6 +134,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Úgy néz ki, hogy az adatbázis már be van állítva. Biztos, hogy újra letölti a bolygószintű adatokat?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "A bolygószintű adatbázis letöltésére készül. Ez eltarthat egy ideig.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Ez az összes fénykép újraindexelését is okozhatja.",
"Continue" : "Folytatás",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Az élő átkódolás lehetővé teszi a videók HLS segítségével történő adaptív közvetítését.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Vegye figyelembe, hogy ez hardveres gyorsítás nélkül nagyon CPU-intenzív lehet, és az átkódolás nem lesz használva a külső tárolóhoz.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Átkódolás engedélyezése",
@ -253,6 +251,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Hiba a(z) {basename} áthelyezése során",
"Failed to move {name}." : "A(z) {name} áthelyezése sikertelen.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "A kiválasztott fényképek áthelyezése egy személyhez",
"Move" : "Áthelyezés",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Hiba történt a fényképek innen történő áthelyezése során: {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Válasszon mappát",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} elem áthelyezve a mappába","{n} elem áthelyezve a mappába"],
@ -276,7 +275,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reduced Size" : "Csökkentett méret",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Alacsonyabb felbontású képelőnézet megosztása",
"High Resolution" : "Magas felbontás",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "A videó megosztása magas minőségű MOV-ként",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "A kép megosztása magas minőségű JPEG-ként",
"Original File" : "Eredeti fájl",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Az eredeti kép / videófájl megosztása",
@ -308,8 +306,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Előző",
"Next" : "Következő",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "A szerkesztés jelenleg tiltott az élő fényképek esetén",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Biztos, hogy törli?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "A fénykép törlése sikertelen",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "A(z) {name} bináris létezik és végrehajtható.",
"{name} binary not found." : "A(z) {name} bináris nem található.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "A(z) {name} bináris nem hajtható végre.",
@ -422,7 +418,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Hamarosan megtalálja a barátait. Legyen türelmes.",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Az arcfelismerés le van tiltva. Engedélyezze a beállításokban, hogy megtalálja a barátait.",
"Your videos will appear here" : "A videói itt fognak megjelenni",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Még nincsenek fényképek ebben az albumban",
"Create an album to get started" : "A kezdéshez hozzon létre egy albumot",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archiválja azokat a fényképeket, melyeket nem akar az idővonalán látni",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Címkézze a fényképeket, hogy könnyen megtalálja őket",

l10n/hu.json vendored
View File

@ -51,9 +51,6 @@
"Add to album" : "Hozzáadás az albumhoz",
"Move to person" : "Áthelyezés egy személyhez",
"Remove from person" : "Eltávolítás a személytől",
"Continue" : "Folytatás",
"Failed to delete files" : "A fájlok törlése sikertelen",
"Move" : "Áthelyezés",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "A funkció használatához engedélyeznie kell a „Személy megjelölése az előnézetben” beállítást",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Csak „{user}” felhasználó frissítheti ezt a személyt",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} kiválasztva","{n} kiválasztva"],
@ -135,6 +132,7 @@
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Úgy néz ki, hogy az adatbázis már be van állítva. Biztos, hogy újra letölti a bolygószintű adatokat?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "A bolygószintű adatbázis letöltésére készül. Ez eltarthat egy ideig.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Ez az összes fénykép újraindexelését is okozhatja.",
"Continue" : "Folytatás",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "Az élő átkódolás lehetővé teszi a videók HLS segítségével történő adaptív közvetítését.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Vegye figyelembe, hogy ez hardveres gyorsítás nélkül nagyon CPU-intenzív lehet, és az átkódolás nem lesz használva a külső tárolóhoz.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Átkódolás engedélyezése",
@ -251,6 +249,7 @@
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Hiba a(z) {basename} áthelyezése során",
"Failed to move {name}." : "A(z) {name} áthelyezése sikertelen.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "A kiválasztott fényképek áthelyezése egy személyhez",
"Move" : "Áthelyezés",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Hiba történt a fényképek innen történő áthelyezése során: {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Válasszon mappát",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} elem áthelyezve a mappába","{n} elem áthelyezve a mappába"],
@ -274,7 +273,6 @@
"Reduced Size" : "Csökkentett méret",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Alacsonyabb felbontású képelőnézet megosztása",
"High Resolution" : "Magas felbontás",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "A videó megosztása magas minőségű MOV-ként",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "A kép megosztása magas minőségű JPEG-ként",
"Original File" : "Eredeti fájl",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Az eredeti kép / videófájl megosztása",
@ -306,8 +304,6 @@
"Previous" : "Előző",
"Next" : "Következő",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "A szerkesztés jelenleg tiltott az élő fényképek esetén",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Biztos, hogy törli?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "A fénykép törlése sikertelen",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "A(z) {name} bináris létezik és végrehajtható.",
"{name} binary not found." : "A(z) {name} bináris nem található.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "A(z) {name} bináris nem hajtható végre.",
@ -420,7 +416,6 @@
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Hamarosan megtalálja a barátait. Legyen türelmes.",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Az arcfelismerés le van tiltva. Engedélyezze a beállításokban, hogy megtalálja a barátait.",
"Your videos will appear here" : "A videói itt fognak megjelenni",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Még nincsenek fényképek ebben az albumban",
"Create an album to get started" : "A kezdéshez hozzon létre egy albumot",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archiválja azokat a fényképeket, melyeket nem akar az idővonalán látni",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Címkézze a fényképeket, hogy könnyen megtalálja őket",

l10n/hy.js vendored
View File

@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Photos" : "Նկարներ",
"Cancel" : "ընդհատել",
"Delete" : "հեռացնել",
"Continue" : "Շարունակել",
"Move" : "Տեղափոխել",
"General" : "Ընդհանուր",
"Close" : "Փակել",
"Unknown" : "Անհայտ",
"Continue" : "Շարունակել",
"Save" : "Պահպանել",
"Search" : "Search",
"Month" : "Ամիս",
@ -23,6 +22,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Description" : "Նկարագրություն",
"Name" : "Անուն",
"Update" : "Թարմացնել",
"Move" : "Տեղափոխել",
"Share link" : "Կիսվել հղմամբ",
"Refresh" : "Թարմացնել",
"Sort by date" : "Order by date",

l10n/hy.json vendored
View File

@ -7,11 +7,10 @@
"Photos" : "Նկարներ",
"Cancel" : "ընդհատել",
"Delete" : "հեռացնել",
"Continue" : "Շարունակել",
"Move" : "Տեղափոխել",
"General" : "Ընդհանուր",
"Close" : "Փակել",
"Unknown" : "Անհայտ",
"Continue" : "Շարունակել",
"Save" : "Պահպանել",
"Search" : "Search",
"Month" : "Ամիս",
@ -21,6 +20,7 @@
"Description" : "Նկարագրություն",
"Name" : "Անուն",
"Update" : "Թարմացնել",
"Move" : "Տեղափոխել",
"Share link" : "Կիսվել հղմամբ",
"Refresh" : "Թարմացնել",
"Sort by date" : "Order by date",

l10n/ia.js vendored
View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete" : "Deler",
"Favorite" : "Favorite",
"View in folder" : "Vider in dossier",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Close" : "Clauder",
"Unknown" : "Incognite",
@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reset" : "Re-fixar",
"Name" : "Nomine",
"Update" : "Actualisation",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Share link" : "Compartir ligamine",
"Refresh" : "Refrescar",
"Password protected" : "Protegite per contrasigno",

l10n/ia.json vendored
View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"Delete" : "Deler",
"Favorite" : "Favorite",
"View in folder" : "Vider in dossier",
"Move" : "Mover",
"General" : "General",
"Close" : "Clauder",
"Unknown" : "Incognite",
@ -26,6 +25,7 @@
"Reset" : "Re-fixar",
"Name" : "Nomine",
"Update" : "Actualisation",
"Move" : "Mover",
"Share link" : "Compartir ligamine",
"Refresh" : "Refrescar",
"Password protected" : "Protegite per contrasigno",

l10n/id.js vendored
View File

@ -23,13 +23,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Favorit",
"View in folder" : "Lihat dalam folder",
"Add to album" : "Tambahkan album",
"Continue" : "Lanjutkan",
"Move" : "Pindah",
"General" : "Umum",
"Account" : "Akun",
"Close" : "Tutup",
"Performance" : "Performa",
"Unknown" : "Tidak diketahui",
"Continue" : "Lanjutkan",
"No items" : "Tak ada item",
"Shared by {user}" : "Dibagikan oleh {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Tambahkan orang atau grup yang dapat menyunting album Anda",
@ -73,6 +72,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Rename person" : "Ubah nama orang",
"Name" : "Nama",
"Update" : "Perbarui",
"Move" : "Pindah",
"Remove" : "Buang",
"Share link" : "Bagikan tautan",
"Refresh" : "Muat ulang",

l10n/id.json vendored
View File

@ -21,13 +21,12 @@
"Favorite" : "Favorit",
"View in folder" : "Lihat dalam folder",
"Add to album" : "Tambahkan album",
"Continue" : "Lanjutkan",
"Move" : "Pindah",
"General" : "Umum",
"Account" : "Akun",
"Close" : "Tutup",
"Performance" : "Performa",
"Unknown" : "Tidak diketahui",
"Continue" : "Lanjutkan",
"No items" : "Tak ada item",
"Shared by {user}" : "Dibagikan oleh {user}",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Tambahkan orang atau grup yang dapat menyunting album Anda",
@ -71,6 +70,7 @@
"Rename person" : "Ubah nama orang",
"Name" : "Nama",
"Update" : "Perbarui",
"Move" : "Pindah",
"Remove" : "Buang",
"Share link" : "Bagikan tautan",
"Refresh" : "Muat ulang",

l10n/is.js vendored
View File

@ -21,13 +21,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Eftirlæti",
"Unarchive" : "Taka úr geymslu",
"View in folder" : "Skoða í möppu",
"Continue" : "Halda áfram",
"Move" : "Færa",
"General" : "Almennt",
"Account" : "Aðgangur",
"Close" : "Loka",
"Performance" : "Afköst",
"Unknown" : "Óþekkt",
"Continue" : "Halda áfram",
"Template" : "Sniðmát",
"Shared by {user}" : "Deilt af {user}",
"Copy public link" : "Afrita opinberan tengil",
@ -50,6 +49,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Heiti",
"Update" : "Uppfæra",
"Loading …" : "Hleð inn …",
"Move" : "Færa",
"Remove" : "Fjarlægja",
"Share link" : "Deila tengli",
"Refresh" : "Endurnýja",

l10n/is.json vendored
View File

@ -19,13 +19,12 @@
"Favorite" : "Eftirlæti",
"Unarchive" : "Taka úr geymslu",
"View in folder" : "Skoða í möppu",
"Continue" : "Halda áfram",
"Move" : "Færa",
"General" : "Almennt",
"Account" : "Aðgangur",
"Close" : "Loka",
"Performance" : "Afköst",
"Unknown" : "Óþekkt",
"Continue" : "Halda áfram",
"Template" : "Sniðmát",
"Shared by {user}" : "Deilt af {user}",
"Copy public link" : "Afrita opinberan tengil",
@ -48,6 +47,7 @@
"Name" : "Heiti",
"Update" : "Uppfæra",
"Loading …" : "Hleð inn …",
"Move" : "Færa",
"Remove" : "Fjarlægja",
"Share link" : "Deila tengli",
"Refresh" : "Endurnýja",

l10n/it.js vendored
View File

@ -26,13 +26,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unarchive" : "Togli dall'archivio",
"View in folder" : "Visualizza nella cartella",
"Add to album" : "Aggiungi all'album",
"Continue" : "Continua",
"Move" : "Sposta",
"General" : "Generale",
"Account" : "Account",
"Close" : "Chiudi",
"Performance" : "Prestazioni",
"Unknown" : "Sconosciuto",
"Continue" : "Continua",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Assicurati di avere installato i driver appropriati, prima di configurare l'accelerazione.",
"Template" : "Modello",
"No items" : "Nessun elemento",
@ -84,6 +83,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "Nome",
"Update" : "Aggiorna",
"Loading …" : "Caricamento …",
"Move" : "Sposta",
"Remove" : "Rimuovi",
"Share link" : "Collegamento di condivisione",
"Create Link" : "Crea collegamento",
@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Condividi",
"Previous" : "Precedente",
"Next" : "Successivo",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare?",
"Save as" : "Salva come",
"All changes will be lost." : "Tutte le modifiche verranno perse.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Sei sicuro di voler continuare?",

l10n/it.json vendored
View File

@ -24,13 +24,12 @@
"Unarchive" : "Togli dall'archivio",
"View in folder" : "Visualizza nella cartella",
"Add to album" : "Aggiungi all'album",
"Continue" : "Continua",
"Move" : "Sposta",
"General" : "Generale",
"Account" : "Account",
"Close" : "Chiudi",
"Performance" : "Prestazioni",
"Unknown" : "Sconosciuto",
"Continue" : "Continua",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Assicurati di avere installato i driver appropriati, prima di configurare l'accelerazione.",
"Template" : "Modello",
"No items" : "Nessun elemento",
@ -82,6 +81,7 @@
"Name" : "Nome",
"Update" : "Aggiorna",
"Loading …" : "Caricamento …",
"Move" : "Sposta",
"Remove" : "Rimuovi",
"Share link" : "Collegamento di condivisione",
"Create Link" : "Crea collegamento",
@ -101,7 +101,6 @@
"Share" : "Condividi",
"Previous" : "Precedente",
"Next" : "Successivo",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare?",
"Save as" : "Salva come",
"All changes will be lost." : "Tutte le modifiche verranno perse.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Sei sicuro di voler continuare?",

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More