Varun Patil 2023-07-21 20:27:01 -07:00
commit 33eada84a0
68 changed files with 2180 additions and 80 deletions

l10n/ar.js vendored
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@ -2,8 +2,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Download" : "تنزيل",
"Memories" : "ذكريات Memories",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "حزمة إدارة صور سريعة وحديثة ومتقدمة",
"# Memories: Photo Management for Nextcloud\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize](https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) and [facerecognition](https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition).\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Work from any device, of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates and other metadata on photos quickly and in bulk.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Transcode videos and use HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **📦 Migration**: Migrate easily from Nextcloud Photos and Google Takeout.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Do all this very fast.\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store (try a demo [here](https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](https://memories.gallery/config/).\n1. Run `php occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# تطبيق Memories: تطبيق إدارة الصور بنكست كلود\n\nتطبيق Memories هو حل إدارة الصور * مع مجموعة عناصر مدمجة * بنكست كلود مع ميزات متقدمة تشمل:\n\n- ** 📸 التسلسل الزمني **: ترتيب الصور ومقاطع الفيديو حسب تاريخ الالتقاط ، وتحليلها بواسطة بيانات Exif.\n- ** ⏪ الرجوع للخلف**: انتقل إلى أي وقت في الماضي على الفور واسترجع ذكرياتك.\n- ** 🤖 الوسم بالذكاء الأصطناعي **: جمع الصور جماعية الأشخاص والأشياء، مدعومة من قبل [recognize] (https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) و [facerecognition] (https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition ).\n- ** 🖼️ الألبومات **: أنشئ ألبومات لتجميع الصور ومقاطع الفيديو معًا. ثم شارك هذه الألبومات مع الآخرين.\n- ** 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 المشاركة الخارجية **: شارك الصور ومقاطع الفيديو مع أشخاص خارج مثيل نكست كلود الخاص بك.\n- ** 📱 دعم الهاتف **: العمل من أي جهاز، من أي شكل وحجم من خلال تطبيق الويب.\n- ** ✏️ تحرير البيانات الوصفية **: تحرير التواريخ والبيانات الوصفية الأخرى على الصور بسرعة وبشكل مجمّع.\n- ** 📦 الأرشفة **: قم بتخزين الصور التي لا تريد أن تراها في تسلسلك الزمني في مجلد منفصل.\n- ** 📹 تحويل ترميز الفيديو **: تحويل مقاطع الفيديو واستخدام HLS لتحقيق أقصى أداء.\n- ** 🗺️ الخريطة **: اعرض صورك على الخريطة، مع تمييزها بترميز جغرافي عكسي دقيق.\n- ** 📦 الانتقال**: الانتقال بسهولة من Nextcloud Photos و Google Takeout.\n- ** ⚡️ الأداء **: قم بفعل كل هذا بسرعة كبيرة.\n\n## 🚀 التثبيت\n\n1. قم بتثبيت التطبيق من متجر تطبيقات نكست كلود(جرب نسخة تجريبية[هنا] (https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n1. نفذ [خطوات التكوين] الموصى بها (https://memories.gallery/config/).\n1. قم بتشغيل \"php occ memories:index\" لإنشاء فهارس بيانات وصفية للصور الموجودة.\n1. افتح 📷 تطبيق Memories في نكست كلاود وقم بتعيين الدليل الذي يحتوي على صورك.",
"Settings" : "الإعدادات",
"People (Recognize)" : "الأشخاص (التعرف)",
"People" : "الناس",
"People (Face Recognition)" : "الأشخاص (التعرف على الوجه)",
"Info" : "معلومات",
"Timeline" : "الجدول الزمني",
"Folders" : "المجلدات",
@ -15,26 +20,74 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Places" : "أماكن",
"Map" : "خريطة",
"Tags" : "الوسوم",
"View all" : "عرض الكل",
"Recognize" : "التعرف على",
"Face Recognition" : "التعرُّف علي الوجوه",
"A better photos experience awaits you" : "تجربة صور أفضل في انتظارك",
"Choose the root folder of your timeline to begin" : "اختر مجلد جذر لبدء تسلسلك الزمني",
"Continue to Memories" : "تابع إلى ميموريز \"Memories\"",
"Choose again" : "اختر مرة أخرى",
"Click here to start" : "اضغط هنا للبدأ",
"You can always change this later in settings" : "يمكنك دائمًا تغيير هذا لاحقًا من الإعدادات",
"If you just installed Memories, visit the admin panel first." : "إذا كنت علي وشك القيام بتثبيت الذكريات \"Memories\"، فقم بالرجوع إلي لوحة المسئول أولاً.",
"Choose the root of your timeline" : "إختَر الدليل الأساسي لتسلسلك الزمني ",
"The selected folder does not seem to be valid. Try again." : "يبدو أن المجلد المحدد غير صالح. حاول ثانية.",
"No photos were found in the selected folder." : "لم يتم إيجاد صور فى المجلد المختار.",
"This can happen because your media is still indexing." : "يمكن أن يحدث هذا لأن الوسائط الخاصة بك لا تزال قيد الفهرسة.",
"Visit the admin panel to make sure Memories is configured correctly." : "انتقل إلي لوحة المسئول للتأكد من ضبط وتهيئة الذكريات بشكل صحيح.",
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عنصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}"],
"Edit" : "تعديل",
"No title" : "بدون عنوان",
"No description" : "بدون وصف",
"No coordinates" : "لا توجد إحداثيات",
"Click edit to set location" : "إضغط \"تحرير\" لتعيين الموقع",
"Photos" : "الصور",
"Explore" : "استكشاف",
"Cancel" : "إلغاء",
"Delete" : "إزالة",
"Remove from album" : "إزالة من الألبوم",
"Favorite" : "المفضلة",
"Unarchive" : "غير مؤرشفة",
"Edit metadata" : "تحرير بيانات التعريف الوصفية",
"View in folder" : "اعرض في المجلد",
"Move to folder" : "انتقل إلى المجلد",
"Add to album" : "إضِف إلى ألبوم",
"Move to person" : "نقل إلى فئة شخص",
"Remove from person" : "إزالة من شخصٍ",
"You are about to download a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "أنت على وشك تحميل عدد كبير من الملفات. هل أنت متأكد؟",
"You are about to delete a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "أنت على وشك حذف عدد كبير من الملفات. هل أنت متأكد؟",
"Failed to delete files" : "فشل في حذف الملفات",
"You are about to touch a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "أنت على وشك لمس touch عدد كبير من الملفات. هل أنت متأكد؟",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "يجب عليك تمكين \"تمييز شخص في المعاينة\" لاستخدام هذه الميزة",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "يمكن للمستخدم \"{user}\" فقط تحديث هذا الشخص",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}"],
"Memories Settings" : "إعدادات \"الذكريات\" Memories",
"General" : "العامة",
"Timeline Path" : "مسار الخط الزمني timeline",
"Square grid mode" : "وضع المربع الشبكي ",
"Show past photos on top of timeline" : "أظهِِر الصِّوَر السابقة أعلى الخط الزمني",
"Load full size image on zoom" : "تحميل الصورة بالحجم الكامل عند التكبير",
"Always load full size image (not recommended)" : "حمل الصورة بالحجم الكامل دائما (غير موصي به)",
"Account" : "الحساب",
"Logged in as {user}" : "تسجيل الدخول بصفته {مستخدم}",
"Sign out" : "تسجيل الخروج",
"Device Folders" : "مجلدات الجهاز",
"Local folders to include in the timeline view" : "المجلدات المحلية التي يتم تضمينها في عرض الجدول الزمني",
"Folders Path" : "مسار المجلدات",
"Show hidden folders" : "أظهِر المجلدات المَخفِيّة",
"Sort folders oldest-first" : "رتّب المجلدات من الأقدم للأحدث",
"Sort albums oldest-first" : "رتِّب الألبومات من الأقدم إلى الأحدث",
"Choose Timeline Paths" : "اختر مسارات التسلسل الزمني",
"Choose the root for the folders view" : "إختَر الجذر الدليل الأساسي لعرض المجلدات",
"Are you sure you want to log out {user}?" : "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد تسجيل الخروج {المستخدم}؟",
"Close" : "إغلاق",
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} صور",
"Failed to load some photos" : "تعذّر تحميل بعض الصِّور",
"Failed to update setting" : "تعذّر تحديث الإعدادات",
"EXIF Extraction" : "استخراج EXIF",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "مسار الحزمة الثنائية exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "أنت بحاجة فقط إلى لغة البرمجة perl إذا كانت حزمة exiftool الثنائية لا تعمل لسبب ما.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "استخدام نظام perl (فقط إذا لم تعمل حزمة exiftool الثنائية)",
"File Support" : "دعم الملف",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "يمكنك ضبط مزودي معاينة نكست كلود الممكّنة أدناه.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "إذا كنت تستخدم تطبيق أمجينري \"Imaginary\" لإنشاء المعاينة فيمكنك تجاهل هذا الجزء.",
@ -48,8 +101,84 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "تنسيق ملف الصور عالي الكفاءة \"HEIC\" (إيماج ماجيك/ Imagick) ",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "تنسيق ملف الصور الموسومة \"TIFF\" (إيماج ماجيك/ Imagick) ",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "فيديوهات (ffmpeg)",
"Media Indexing" : "فهرسة الوسائط",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "تمّت فهرسة {n} ملفات وسائط",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "حالة الفهرسة التلقائية: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "تمّ تشغيل آخر مهمة فهرسة منذ {t} ثواني.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "استغرق الاكتمال {t} ثواني.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "لا يزال قيد التشغيل أو تمّت مقاطعته.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "الوِحدَة (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) تدعم فقط التشفير من جانب الخادم، ولكن تمّ تمكين وحدة تشفير encryption module أخرى.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "يتم إنشاء فهارس EXIF والتحقق منها كمهمة دورية في الخلفية. كن حذرًا عند تحديد أي شيء بخلاف الفهرسة التلقائية. على سبيل المثال، قد يتسبب تعيين الفهرسة على مجلدات التسلسل الزمني فقط في حدوث تأخير في إتاحة الوسائط متاحة للمستخدمين نظرًا لأن المستخدم يقوم بتهيئة التسلسل الزمني فقط بعد دخوله.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "يتم دائمًا استبعاد المجلدات التي تحتوي على ملف \".nomedia\" من الفهرسة.",
"Index all media automatically (recommended)" : "فهرسة جميع الوسائط تلقائيًا (موصى به)",
"Index per-user timeline folders (not recommended)" : "فهرسة مجلدات التسلسل الزمني لكل مستخدم (لا يوصي به)",
"Index a fixed relative path" : "فهرسة مسار نسبي ثابت",
"Disable background indexing" : "تعطيل تنفيذ الفهرسة فى الخلفية",
"Indexing path (relative, all users)" : "مسار الفهرسة (ذو صلة، جميع المستخدمين)",
"For advanced usage, perform a run of indexing by running:" : "للاستخدام المتقدم، قم بإجراء تشغيل الفهرسة عن طريق تشغيل:",
"Run index in parallel with 4 threads:" : "قم بتنفيذ الفهرسة بالتوازي على 4 نظمات threads:",
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "فرض إعادة فهرسة جميع الملفات:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "يمكنك تقييد الفهرسة حسب المستخدم و/أو المجلد:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "محو كافة جداول الفهرس الموجودة:",
"Performance" : "سرعة الأداء",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "تمّ تمكين HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "أنت تدخل إلى هذه الصفحة من خلال سياق غير آمن. لا تتوفر العديد من واجهات برمجة التطبيقات للمتصفح، مما سيجعل تطبيق Memories بطيئاً للغاية. قم بتمكين HTTPS على خادومك لتحسين الأداء.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "تمّ تمكين HTTP/2 أو HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "يُوصَى بشدة باستخدام HTTP/2 أو HTTP/3 (تم اكتشاف {httpVer})",
"Unknown" : "غير معروف",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "الترميز الجغرافي العكسي",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "يتم ملء قاعدة البيانات بـ {n} أشكال الهندسية.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "لم يتم إنشاء جدول الهندسة.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "يبدو أن بيانات الكوكب غير كاملة.",
"Reverse geocoding has not been configured ({status})." : "لم يتم تكوين الترميز الجغرافي العكسي ({status}).",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "يدعم تطبيق ميموريز Memories الترميز الجغرافي العكسي في وضع عدم الاتصال باستخدام بيانات من تطبيق خرائط OpenStreetMaps على MySQL و Postgres",
"You need to download the planet data into your database. This is highly recommended and has low overhead." : "تحتاج إلى تنزيل بيانات الكوكب في قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بك. هذا موصى به للغاية حيث أنها منخفضة العبء ",
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "إذا كان الزر أدناه لا يعمل لاستيراد بيانات الكوكب، فاستخدم الأمر التالي:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "ملاحظة: يتم تخزين البيانات الهندسية في جدول memories_planet_geometry، بدون بادئة.",
"Download planet database" : "تنزيل قاعدة بيانات الكوكب planet database",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "لم يتم اكتشاف دعم الهندسة في قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بك",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "تم اكتشاف الدعم الهندسي MySQL-like",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "تمّ اكتشاف نظام إدارة قواعد البيانات Postgres للدعم المحلي للهندسة ",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "قاعدة البيانات قد تم إعدادها بالفعل. هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إعادة تنزيل بيانات الكوكب؟",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "أنت على وشك تنزيل قاعدة بيانات الكوكب. هذا قد يستغرق بعض الوقت.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "قد يتسبب هذا أيضًا في إعادة فهرسة جميع الصور!",
"Video Streaming" : "بث الفيديو ",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "يوفر تحويل الترميز المباشر دفقًا متكيفًا لمقاطع الفيديو باستخدام بروتوكول بث النص الفائق المباشر\"HLS\".",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "لاحظ أن هذا قد يكون بالغ الحدة علي وحدة المعالجة المركزية دون تسريع الأجهزة ، ولن يتم استخدام تحويل الترميز للتخزين الخارجي.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "تمكين تحويل الترميز",
"ffmpeg path" : "مسار ffmpeg",
"ffprobe path" : "مسار ffprobe",
"Global default video quality (user may override)" : "جودة الفيديو العامة الافتراضية (يمكن للمستخدم تجاوزها)",
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "تلقائي (تحويل ترميز متكيف)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "أصلي (تحويل الترميز بأقصى جودة)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "مباشر (ملف فيديو أصلي بدون تحويل الترميز)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "تسريع الأجهزة",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "يجب عليك التأكد أولاً من تثبيت برامج التشغيل الصحيحة قبل تهيئة التسريع.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "تأكد من اختبار تسريع الأجهزة بخيارات متنوعة بعد التمكين.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "لا تقم بتمكين أنواع متعددة من تسريع الأجهزة في وقت واحد.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "يمكن استخدام معالجات Intel التي تدعم مزامنة الفيديو السريعة (QSV) وكذلك بعض وحدات معالجة الرسوم AMD لتحويل الترميز باستخدام تسريع VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "لمزيد من التفاصيل حول تثبيت برنامج التشغيل، راجع الوثائق:",
"External Link" : "رابط خارجي",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "تمكين التسريع باستخدام VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV)" : "تمكين وضع الطاقة المنخفضة (QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "يمكن استخدام وحدات معالجة الرسوم من النوع NVIDIA لتحويل الترميز باستخدام مُرَمِّز NVENC مع برامج التشغيل المناسبة.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "بناء على إصدارات SDK و ffmpeg المثبتة، تحتاج إلى تحديد معداد لاستخدامه",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "لا توجد اختبارات آلية متاحة لتسريع معالجات الرسوم NVIDIA.",
"Enable acceleration with NVENC" : "تمكين التسريع مع مرمز NVENC",
"Enable NVENC Temporal AQ" : "تمكين التكمية التكيفية المؤقتة لمرمز NVENC",
"NPP scaler" : "معداد NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "معدّاد CUDA ",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "جهاز VA-API ({dev}) قابل للقراءة",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "لم يتم العثور علي جهاز VA-API ({dev})",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "جهاز VA-API ({dev}) لديه أذونات غير صحيحة",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "حالة جهاز VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "تهيئة مُحوِّل الترميز",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "يستخدم تطبيق Memories محول الترميز transcoder ـ go-vod. ويمكنك تشغيل محول الترميز go-vod خارجيًا (على سبيل المثال في حاوية دوكر Docker منفصلة لتسريع الأجهزة) أو استخدام محول الترميز المدمج. لاستخدام محول ترميز خارجي، قم بتمكين الخيار التالي واتبع التعليمات الواردة في الوثائق:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "تمكين محول الترميز الخارجي (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "المسار الثنائي (محلي فقط)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "عنوان الاقتران/ الربط (محلي فقط)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "عنوان الاتصال (نفس عنوان الاقتران إذا كان محليّاً)",
"_{n} item added to album_::_{n} items added to album_" : ["تمت إضافة {n} عناصر إلى الألبوم","تمت إضافة {n} عنصر إلى الألبوم","تمت إضافة {n} عناصر إلى الألبوم","تمت إضافة {n} عناصر إلى الألبوم","تمت إضافة {n} عناصر إلى الألبوم","تمت إضافة {n} عناصر إلى الألبوم"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "إضِف الأشخاص أو المجموعات التي يحق لها تعديل ألبومك",
"Search for collaborators" : "البحث عن متعاونين",
"Search people or groups" : "البحث عن أشخاص أو مجموعات",
@ -68,6 +197,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Create new album" : "إنشاء ألبوم جديد",
"Edit album details" : "تعديل تفاصيل الألبوم",
"New album" : "ألبوم جديد",
"Could not load the selected album" : "تعذر تحميل الألبوم المحدد",
"Remove Album" : "إزالة الألبوم",
"Are you sure you want to permanently remove album \"{name}\"?" : "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف الألبوم \"{name}\" نهائيًا؟",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this album" : "يمكن للمستخدم \"{user}\" فقط حذف هذا الألبوم",
"Failed to delete {name}." : "فشل في حذف {name}.",
"Name of the album" : "اسم الألبوم",
"Location of the album" : "موقع الألبوم",
"Go back to the previous view." : "عُد إلى العرض السابق.",
@ -77,46 +211,124 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Back to the new album form." : "عُد إلى نموذج الألبوم الجديد.",
"Save" : "Save",
"Create album" : "أنشِيء ألبوماً",
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "اسم الألبوم غير صالح. يجب ألا يحتوي على أي خطوط مائلة.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "أضِف ما تمّ تحديده إلى الألبوم {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "إنشِيء ألبوماً جديداً.",
"shared by {owner}" : "تمّت مشاركته من قِبَل {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n عناصر","%n عنصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر"],
"Share Album" : "مشاركة الألبوم",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "حفظ المتعاونين لهذا الألبوم",
"Newest" : "الأحدث",
"Year" : "السنة",
"Month" : "شهر",
"Day" : "اليوم",
"Time" : "إلى وقت",
"Hour" : "الساعة",
"Minute" : "دقيقة",
"Oldest" : "الأقدم",
"Invalid Date" : "تاريخ غير صحيح",
"Newest date is older than oldest date" : "أحدث تاريخ هو أقدم من أقدم تاريخ",
"Title" : "العنوان",
"Description" : "الوصف",
"Label" : "تسمية",
"Camera Make" : "طراز الكاميرا",
"Camera Model" : "موديل الكاميرا",
"Lens Model" : "موديل العدسة",
"Copyright" : "حقوق التأليف",
"Empty" : "فارغ",
"Unchanged" : "دون تغيير",
"Reset" : "إعادة الضبط",
"Remove location" : "إزالة الموقع",
"Search location / landmark" : "البحث عن مواقع / معالم",
"Failed to search for location with Nominatim." : "فشل البحث عن الموقع باستخدام تطبيق الخرائط Nominatim.",
"Date / Time" : "التاريخ / الوقت",
"Collaborative Tags" : "وسوم تشاركية",
"EXIF Fields" : "حقول EXIF",
"Geolocation" : "الموقع الجغرافي",
"Failed to load metadata for {n} photos." : "تعذّر تحميل البيانات الوصفية لـ {n} صور.",
"{n} photos cannot be edited (permissions error)." : "{n} صور لا يمكن تحريرها (حطأ في الأذونات).",
"Remove person" : "حذف شخص",
"Are you sure you want to remove {name}?" : "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إزالة {name}؟",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this person" : "يمكن للمستخدم \"{user}\" فقط حذف هذا الشخص",
"Rename person" : "تغيير اسم شخص",
"Name" : "الاسم",
"Update" : "تحديث",
"Failed to rename {oldName} to {name}." : "فشل في تغيير تسمية {oldName} إلى {name}.",
"Search" : "البحث",
"Loading …" : "جاري التحميل …",
"Enter name of the new face" : "أدخل اسم الوجه الجديد",
"Failed to create face" : "فشل في إنشاء الوجه",
"Merge {name} with person" : "إدمِج {name} في شخصٍ",
"Are you sure you want to merge {name} with {newName}?" : "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في دمج {name} مع {newName}؟",
"Too many failures, aborting" : "إخفاقات كثيرة، سيتم الخروج",
"Error while moving {basename}" : "خطأٌ أثناء نقل {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "فشل في نقل {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "نقُل الصور المحددة إلى شخص",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "نقل الصور المحددة إلى {target}؟",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "حدث خطأ أثناء نقل الصور من {الاسم}.",
"Choose a folder" : "اختر مجلدًا",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عنصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد"],
"Remove" : "حذف",
"Add Path" : "إضافة مسار",
"Add a root to your timeline" : "أضف دليل أساسي إلى تسلسلك الزمني",
"Link Sharing" : "مشاركة الرابط",
"You cannot share the root folder" : "لا يمكنك مشاركة مجلد الدليل الأساسي",
"Public link shares are available to people outside Nextcloud." : "المشاركات عبر الرابط العام متاحة للأشخاص من خارج نكست كلاود",
"You may create or update permissions on public links using the sidebar." : "يمكنك إنشاء و تحديث أذونات الروابط العامة باستخدام الشريط الجانبي.",
"Click a link to copy to clipboard." : "أنقُر علي الرابط لنسخه إلى الحافظة.",
"Share link" : "مشاركة الرابط",
"Create Link" : "أنشِيءْ رابطاً",
"Refresh" : "إنعاش",
"Password protected" : "محمي بكلمة السر",
"Expires" : "تنتهي صلاحيته فى",
"Editable" : "قابل للتعديل",
"Read only" : "القراءة فقط",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "تمّ نسخ الرابط إلى الحافظة",
"Share File" : "مشاركة ملف",
"Reduced Size" : "حجم مصغر",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "مشاركة معاينة صورة منخفضة التباين",
"High Resolution" : "تباينٌ عالٍ",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "شارك الفيديو بتنسيق MOV عالي الجودة",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "شارك الصورة بتنسيق JPEG عالي الجودة",
"Original File" : "الملف الأصلي",
"Share the original image / video file" : "شارك ملف الصورة أو الفيديو الأصلي",
"Public Link" : "رابط عام",
"Share an external Nextcloud link" : "شارك رابط نكست كلاود خارجي",
"Failed to download file" : "تعذّر تنزيل الملف",
"Cannot share this type of data" : "لا يمكن مشاركة هذا النوع من البيانات",
"Sort by date" : "Order by date",
"Sort by name" : "Order by name",
"Share album" : "مشاركة الألبوم",
"Download album" : "تنزيل الألبوم",
"Delete album" : "حذف الألبوم",
"Nothing to show here" : "لا يوجد شيء لِيُعرَض هُنا",
"Unassigned faces" : "أوجه غير معينة",
"Merge with different person" : "الدمج مع شخص آخر",
"Mark person in preview" : "وضع علامة على الشخص في المعاينة",
"Folder View" : "عرض المجلد",
"Timeline View" : "عرض التسلسل الزمني",
"Share folder" : "مشاركة مُجلّد",
"Move left" : "نقُل لجهة اليسار",
"Move right" : "نقل لجهة اليمين",
"Image saved successfully" : "تم حفظ الصورة بنجاح",
"Error saving image" : "خطأ في حفظ الصور",
"Unsaved changes" : "تغييرات لم يتم حفظها",
"Drop changes" : "إسقاط التغييرات",
"Share" : "مشاركة",
"Play Live Photo" : "تشغيل الصور الحية Live Photo",
"Download Video" : "تنزيل الفيديو",
"Slideshow" : "عرض الشرائح",
"Previous" : "السابق",
"Next" : "التالي",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "التحرير معطل حاليّاً بالنسبة للصور الحية Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد الحذف؟",
"Failed to delete photo" : "فشل في حذف الصورة",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "الملف الثنائي {name} موجود وقابل للتنفيذ.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} الملف الثنائي غير موجود.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "الملف الثنائي {name} غير قابل للتنفيذ.",
"{name} failed test: {info}." : "فشل اختبار {name}: {info}.",
"{name} binary exists and is usable ({info})." : "الملف الثنائي {name} موجود وقابل للاستخدام ({info}).",
"{name} binary status: {status}." : "{name} حالة الملف الثنائي: {status}.",
"Save as" : "حفظ كـ",
"All changes will be lost." : "ستفقد كل التغييرات.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "هل أنت متأكد أنك ترغب بالاستمرار؟",
@ -200,11 +412,35 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "لاحظ أن مساحة الاقتصاص crop المحددة أقل من الحجم المطبق مما قد يتسبب في انخفاض الجودة",
"Actual size (100%)" : "الحجم الفعلي (100%)",
"Fit size" : "حجم ملائم fit size",
"Transcoding failed, check Nextcloud logs." : "فشل في تحويل الترميز Transcoding. راجع سجل الحركات log في نكست كلاود.",
"Direct" : "مباشر",
"Auto" : "تلقائي",
"Shared Folder" : "مجلد تم مشاركته",
"Shared Album" : "ألبوم تم مشاركته",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "تعذّر إنشاء {albumName}.",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "تعذّر تغيير تسمية {currentAlbumName} إلى {newAlbumName}.",
"General Failure" : "إخفاقٌ عامٌّ",
"Error: {msg}" : "خطأ: {msg}",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "تعذّر حذف {fileName}.",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "تم تحديث الذكريات إلى {الإصدار}. قم بالتحديث للحصول على الإصدار الجديد."
"Failed to move files." : "فشل نقل الملفات.",
"Could not move {fileName}, target exists." : "تعذر نقل {fileName}، الهدف موجود.",
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "فشل نقل {fileName}.",
"Failed to download files" : "فشل تحميل الملفات",
"Failed to favorite files." : "فشل في وضع ملفات في المفضلة",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "فشل في وضع بعض الملفات بالمفضلة.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "فشل في وضع {fileName} في المفضلة.",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "تم تحديث الذكريات إلى {الإصدار}. قم بالتحديث للحصول على الإصدار الجديد.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "رفع بعض الصور والتأكد من تهيئة مسار التسلسل الزمني",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "ضع علامة مفضلة على الصور للعثور عليها بسهولة",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "سوف تظهر هنا الذكريات من السنوات الماضية",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "سوف تجد أصدقاءك قريباً. يرجي الانتظار",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "تم تعطيل التعرُّف على الوجوه. قم بتمكينه من الإعدادات حتي تستطيع العثور على أصدقائك",
"Your videos will appear here" : "فيديوهاتك ستظهر هنا",
"No photos in this album yet" : "لا يوجد صِوَرَ في هذا الألبوم حتي الآن",
"Create an album to get started" : "إنشاء ألبوم للبدء",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "أرشفة الصور التي لا ترغب في رؤيتها على تسلسلك الزمني",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "وسم الصور للعثور عليها بسهولة",
"Recognize is still working on your photos" : "لا يزال تطبيق التعرف Recognize يعمل على صورك",
"Places you have been to will appear here" : "سوف تظهر الأماكن التي قمت بزيارتها هنا"
"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;");

l10n/ar.json vendored
View File

@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
{ "translations": {
"Download" : "تنزيل",
"Memories" : "ذكريات Memories",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "حزمة إدارة صور سريعة وحديثة ومتقدمة",
"# Memories: Photo Management for Nextcloud\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize](https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) and [facerecognition](https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition).\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Work from any device, of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates and other metadata on photos quickly and in bulk.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Transcode videos and use HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **📦 Migration**: Migrate easily from Nextcloud Photos and Google Takeout.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Do all this very fast.\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store (try a demo [here](https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](https://memories.gallery/config/).\n1. Run `php occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# تطبيق Memories: تطبيق إدارة الصور بنكست كلود\n\nتطبيق Memories هو حل إدارة الصور * مع مجموعة عناصر مدمجة * بنكست كلود مع ميزات متقدمة تشمل:\n\n- ** 📸 التسلسل الزمني **: ترتيب الصور ومقاطع الفيديو حسب تاريخ الالتقاط ، وتحليلها بواسطة بيانات Exif.\n- ** ⏪ الرجوع للخلف**: انتقل إلى أي وقت في الماضي على الفور واسترجع ذكرياتك.\n- ** 🤖 الوسم بالذكاء الأصطناعي **: جمع الصور جماعية الأشخاص والأشياء، مدعومة من قبل [recognize] (https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) و [facerecognition] (https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition ).\n- ** 🖼️ الألبومات **: أنشئ ألبومات لتجميع الصور ومقاطع الفيديو معًا. ثم شارك هذه الألبومات مع الآخرين.\n- ** 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 المشاركة الخارجية **: شارك الصور ومقاطع الفيديو مع أشخاص خارج مثيل نكست كلود الخاص بك.\n- ** 📱 دعم الهاتف **: العمل من أي جهاز، من أي شكل وحجم من خلال تطبيق الويب.\n- ** ✏️ تحرير البيانات الوصفية **: تحرير التواريخ والبيانات الوصفية الأخرى على الصور بسرعة وبشكل مجمّع.\n- ** 📦 الأرشفة **: قم بتخزين الصور التي لا تريد أن تراها في تسلسلك الزمني في مجلد منفصل.\n- ** 📹 تحويل ترميز الفيديو **: تحويل مقاطع الفيديو واستخدام HLS لتحقيق أقصى أداء.\n- ** 🗺️ الخريطة **: اعرض صورك على الخريطة، مع تمييزها بترميز جغرافي عكسي دقيق.\n- ** 📦 الانتقال**: الانتقال بسهولة من Nextcloud Photos و Google Takeout.\n- ** ⚡️ الأداء **: قم بفعل كل هذا بسرعة كبيرة.\n\n## 🚀 التثبيت\n\n1. قم بتثبيت التطبيق من متجر تطبيقات نكست كلود(جرب نسخة تجريبية[هنا] (https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n1. نفذ [خطوات التكوين] الموصى بها (https://memories.gallery/config/).\n1. قم بتشغيل \"php occ memories:index\" لإنشاء فهارس بيانات وصفية للصور الموجودة.\n1. افتح 📷 تطبيق Memories في نكست كلاود وقم بتعيين الدليل الذي يحتوي على صورك.",
"Settings" : "الإعدادات",
"People (Recognize)" : "الأشخاص (التعرف)",
"People" : "الناس",
"People (Face Recognition)" : "الأشخاص (التعرف على الوجه)",
"Info" : "معلومات",
"Timeline" : "الجدول الزمني",
"Folders" : "المجلدات",
@ -13,26 +18,74 @@
"Places" : "أماكن",
"Map" : "خريطة",
"Tags" : "الوسوم",
"View all" : "عرض الكل",
"Recognize" : "التعرف على",
"Face Recognition" : "التعرُّف علي الوجوه",
"A better photos experience awaits you" : "تجربة صور أفضل في انتظارك",
"Choose the root folder of your timeline to begin" : "اختر مجلد جذر لبدء تسلسلك الزمني",
"Continue to Memories" : "تابع إلى ميموريز \"Memories\"",
"Choose again" : "اختر مرة أخرى",
"Click here to start" : "اضغط هنا للبدأ",
"You can always change this later in settings" : "يمكنك دائمًا تغيير هذا لاحقًا من الإعدادات",
"If you just installed Memories, visit the admin panel first." : "إذا كنت علي وشك القيام بتثبيت الذكريات \"Memories\"، فقم بالرجوع إلي لوحة المسئول أولاً.",
"Choose the root of your timeline" : "إختَر الدليل الأساسي لتسلسلك الزمني ",
"The selected folder does not seem to be valid. Try again." : "يبدو أن المجلد المحدد غير صالح. حاول ثانية.",
"No photos were found in the selected folder." : "لم يتم إيجاد صور فى المجلد المختار.",
"This can happen because your media is still indexing." : "يمكن أن يحدث هذا لأن الوسائط الخاصة بك لا تزال قيد الفهرسة.",
"Visit the admin panel to make sure Memories is configured correctly." : "انتقل إلي لوحة المسئول للتأكد من ضبط وتهيئة الذكريات بشكل صحيح.",
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عنصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}","تم العثور على {n} عناصر في {path}"],
"Edit" : "تعديل",
"No title" : "بدون عنوان",
"No description" : "بدون وصف",
"No coordinates" : "لا توجد إحداثيات",
"Click edit to set location" : "إضغط \"تحرير\" لتعيين الموقع",
"Photos" : "الصور",
"Explore" : "استكشاف",
"Cancel" : "إلغاء",
"Delete" : "إزالة",
"Remove from album" : "إزالة من الألبوم",
"Favorite" : "المفضلة",
"Unarchive" : "غير مؤرشفة",
"Edit metadata" : "تحرير بيانات التعريف الوصفية",
"View in folder" : "اعرض في المجلد",
"Move to folder" : "انتقل إلى المجلد",
"Add to album" : "إضِف إلى ألبوم",
"Move to person" : "نقل إلى فئة شخص",
"Remove from person" : "إزالة من شخصٍ",
"You are about to download a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "أنت على وشك تحميل عدد كبير من الملفات. هل أنت متأكد؟",
"You are about to delete a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "أنت على وشك حذف عدد كبير من الملفات. هل أنت متأكد؟",
"Failed to delete files" : "فشل في حذف الملفات",
"You are about to touch a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "أنت على وشك لمس touch عدد كبير من الملفات. هل أنت متأكد؟",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "يجب عليك تمكين \"تمييز شخص في المعاينة\" لاستخدام هذه الميزة",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "يمكن للمستخدم \"{user}\" فقط تحديث هذا الشخص",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}","تم تحديد {n}"],
"Memories Settings" : "إعدادات \"الذكريات\" Memories",
"General" : "العامة",
"Timeline Path" : "مسار الخط الزمني timeline",
"Square grid mode" : "وضع المربع الشبكي ",
"Show past photos on top of timeline" : "أظهِِر الصِّوَر السابقة أعلى الخط الزمني",
"Load full size image on zoom" : "تحميل الصورة بالحجم الكامل عند التكبير",
"Always load full size image (not recommended)" : "حمل الصورة بالحجم الكامل دائما (غير موصي به)",
"Account" : "الحساب",
"Logged in as {user}" : "تسجيل الدخول بصفته {مستخدم}",
"Sign out" : "تسجيل الخروج",
"Device Folders" : "مجلدات الجهاز",
"Local folders to include in the timeline view" : "المجلدات المحلية التي يتم تضمينها في عرض الجدول الزمني",
"Folders Path" : "مسار المجلدات",
"Show hidden folders" : "أظهِر المجلدات المَخفِيّة",
"Sort folders oldest-first" : "رتّب المجلدات من الأقدم للأحدث",
"Sort albums oldest-first" : "رتِّب الألبومات من الأقدم إلى الأحدث",
"Choose Timeline Paths" : "اختر مسارات التسلسل الزمني",
"Choose the root for the folders view" : "إختَر الجذر الدليل الأساسي لعرض المجلدات",
"Are you sure you want to log out {user}?" : "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد تسجيل الخروج {المستخدم}؟",
"Close" : "إغلاق",
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} صور",
"Failed to load some photos" : "تعذّر تحميل بعض الصِّور",
"Failed to update setting" : "تعذّر تحديث الإعدادات",
"EXIF Extraction" : "استخراج EXIF",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "مسار الحزمة الثنائية exiftool",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "أنت بحاجة فقط إلى لغة البرمجة perl إذا كانت حزمة exiftool الثنائية لا تعمل لسبب ما.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "استخدام نظام perl (فقط إذا لم تعمل حزمة exiftool الثنائية)",
"File Support" : "دعم الملف",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "يمكنك ضبط مزودي معاينة نكست كلود الممكّنة أدناه.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "إذا كنت تستخدم تطبيق أمجينري \"Imaginary\" لإنشاء المعاينة فيمكنك تجاهل هذا الجزء.",
@ -46,8 +99,84 @@
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "تنسيق ملف الصور عالي الكفاءة \"HEIC\" (إيماج ماجيك/ Imagick) ",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "تنسيق ملف الصور الموسومة \"TIFF\" (إيماج ماجيك/ Imagick) ",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "فيديوهات (ffmpeg)",
"Media Indexing" : "فهرسة الوسائط",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "تمّت فهرسة {n} ملفات وسائط",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "حالة الفهرسة التلقائية: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "تمّ تشغيل آخر مهمة فهرسة منذ {t} ثواني.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "استغرق الاكتمال {t} ثواني.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "لا يزال قيد التشغيل أو تمّت مقاطعته.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "الوِحدَة (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) تدعم فقط التشفير من جانب الخادم، ولكن تمّ تمكين وحدة تشفير encryption module أخرى.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "يتم إنشاء فهارس EXIF والتحقق منها كمهمة دورية في الخلفية. كن حذرًا عند تحديد أي شيء بخلاف الفهرسة التلقائية. على سبيل المثال، قد يتسبب تعيين الفهرسة على مجلدات التسلسل الزمني فقط في حدوث تأخير في إتاحة الوسائط متاحة للمستخدمين نظرًا لأن المستخدم يقوم بتهيئة التسلسل الزمني فقط بعد دخوله.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "يتم دائمًا استبعاد المجلدات التي تحتوي على ملف \".nomedia\" من الفهرسة.",
"Index all media automatically (recommended)" : "فهرسة جميع الوسائط تلقائيًا (موصى به)",
"Index per-user timeline folders (not recommended)" : "فهرسة مجلدات التسلسل الزمني لكل مستخدم (لا يوصي به)",
"Index a fixed relative path" : "فهرسة مسار نسبي ثابت",
"Disable background indexing" : "تعطيل تنفيذ الفهرسة فى الخلفية",
"Indexing path (relative, all users)" : "مسار الفهرسة (ذو صلة، جميع المستخدمين)",
"For advanced usage, perform a run of indexing by running:" : "للاستخدام المتقدم، قم بإجراء تشغيل الفهرسة عن طريق تشغيل:",
"Run index in parallel with 4 threads:" : "قم بتنفيذ الفهرسة بالتوازي على 4 نظمات threads:",
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "فرض إعادة فهرسة جميع الملفات:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "يمكنك تقييد الفهرسة حسب المستخدم و/أو المجلد:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "محو كافة جداول الفهرس الموجودة:",
"Performance" : "سرعة الأداء",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "تمّ تمكين HTTPS",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "أنت تدخل إلى هذه الصفحة من خلال سياق غير آمن. لا تتوفر العديد من واجهات برمجة التطبيقات للمتصفح، مما سيجعل تطبيق Memories بطيئاً للغاية. قم بتمكين HTTPS على خادومك لتحسين الأداء.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "تمّ تمكين HTTP/2 أو HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "يُوصَى بشدة باستخدام HTTP/2 أو HTTP/3 (تم اكتشاف {httpVer})",
"Unknown" : "غير معروف",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "الترميز الجغرافي العكسي",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "يتم ملء قاعدة البيانات بـ {n} أشكال الهندسية.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "لم يتم إنشاء جدول الهندسة.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "يبدو أن بيانات الكوكب غير كاملة.",
"Reverse geocoding has not been configured ({status})." : "لم يتم تكوين الترميز الجغرافي العكسي ({status}).",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "يدعم تطبيق ميموريز Memories الترميز الجغرافي العكسي في وضع عدم الاتصال باستخدام بيانات من تطبيق خرائط OpenStreetMaps على MySQL و Postgres",
"You need to download the planet data into your database. This is highly recommended and has low overhead." : "تحتاج إلى تنزيل بيانات الكوكب في قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بك. هذا موصى به للغاية حيث أنها منخفضة العبء ",
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "إذا كان الزر أدناه لا يعمل لاستيراد بيانات الكوكب، فاستخدم الأمر التالي:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "ملاحظة: يتم تخزين البيانات الهندسية في جدول memories_planet_geometry، بدون بادئة.",
"Download planet database" : "تنزيل قاعدة بيانات الكوكب planet database",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "لم يتم اكتشاف دعم الهندسة في قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بك",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "تم اكتشاف الدعم الهندسي MySQL-like",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "تمّ اكتشاف نظام إدارة قواعد البيانات Postgres للدعم المحلي للهندسة ",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "قاعدة البيانات قد تم إعدادها بالفعل. هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إعادة تنزيل بيانات الكوكب؟",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "أنت على وشك تنزيل قاعدة بيانات الكوكب. هذا قد يستغرق بعض الوقت.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "قد يتسبب هذا أيضًا في إعادة فهرسة جميع الصور!",
"Video Streaming" : "بث الفيديو ",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "يوفر تحويل الترميز المباشر دفقًا متكيفًا لمقاطع الفيديو باستخدام بروتوكول بث النص الفائق المباشر\"HLS\".",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "لاحظ أن هذا قد يكون بالغ الحدة علي وحدة المعالجة المركزية دون تسريع الأجهزة ، ولن يتم استخدام تحويل الترميز للتخزين الخارجي.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "تمكين تحويل الترميز",
"ffmpeg path" : "مسار ffmpeg",
"ffprobe path" : "مسار ffprobe",
"Global default video quality (user may override)" : "جودة الفيديو العامة الافتراضية (يمكن للمستخدم تجاوزها)",
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "تلقائي (تحويل ترميز متكيف)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "أصلي (تحويل الترميز بأقصى جودة)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "مباشر (ملف فيديو أصلي بدون تحويل الترميز)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "تسريع الأجهزة",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "يجب عليك التأكد أولاً من تثبيت برامج التشغيل الصحيحة قبل تهيئة التسريع.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "تأكد من اختبار تسريع الأجهزة بخيارات متنوعة بعد التمكين.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "لا تقم بتمكين أنواع متعددة من تسريع الأجهزة في وقت واحد.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "يمكن استخدام معالجات Intel التي تدعم مزامنة الفيديو السريعة (QSV) وكذلك بعض وحدات معالجة الرسوم AMD لتحويل الترميز باستخدام تسريع VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "لمزيد من التفاصيل حول تثبيت برنامج التشغيل، راجع الوثائق:",
"External Link" : "رابط خارجي",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "تمكين التسريع باستخدام VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV)" : "تمكين وضع الطاقة المنخفضة (QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "يمكن استخدام وحدات معالجة الرسوم من النوع NVIDIA لتحويل الترميز باستخدام مُرَمِّز NVENC مع برامج التشغيل المناسبة.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "بناء على إصدارات SDK و ffmpeg المثبتة، تحتاج إلى تحديد معداد لاستخدامه",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "لا توجد اختبارات آلية متاحة لتسريع معالجات الرسوم NVIDIA.",
"Enable acceleration with NVENC" : "تمكين التسريع مع مرمز NVENC",
"Enable NVENC Temporal AQ" : "تمكين التكمية التكيفية المؤقتة لمرمز NVENC",
"NPP scaler" : "معداد NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "معدّاد CUDA ",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "جهاز VA-API ({dev}) قابل للقراءة",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "لم يتم العثور علي جهاز VA-API ({dev})",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "جهاز VA-API ({dev}) لديه أذونات غير صحيحة",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "حالة جهاز VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "تهيئة مُحوِّل الترميز",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "يستخدم تطبيق Memories محول الترميز transcoder ـ go-vod. ويمكنك تشغيل محول الترميز go-vod خارجيًا (على سبيل المثال في حاوية دوكر Docker منفصلة لتسريع الأجهزة) أو استخدام محول الترميز المدمج. لاستخدام محول ترميز خارجي، قم بتمكين الخيار التالي واتبع التعليمات الواردة في الوثائق:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "تمكين محول الترميز الخارجي (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "المسار الثنائي (محلي فقط)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "عنوان الاقتران/ الربط (محلي فقط)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "عنوان الاتصال (نفس عنوان الاقتران إذا كان محليّاً)",
"_{n} item added to album_::_{n} items added to album_" : ["تمت إضافة {n} عناصر إلى الألبوم","تمت إضافة {n} عنصر إلى الألبوم","تمت إضافة {n} عناصر إلى الألبوم","تمت إضافة {n} عناصر إلى الألبوم","تمت إضافة {n} عناصر إلى الألبوم","تمت إضافة {n} عناصر إلى الألبوم"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "إضِف الأشخاص أو المجموعات التي يحق لها تعديل ألبومك",
"Search for collaborators" : "البحث عن متعاونين",
"Search people or groups" : "البحث عن أشخاص أو مجموعات",
@ -66,6 +195,11 @@
"Create new album" : "إنشاء ألبوم جديد",
"Edit album details" : "تعديل تفاصيل الألبوم",
"New album" : "ألبوم جديد",
"Could not load the selected album" : "تعذر تحميل الألبوم المحدد",
"Remove Album" : "إزالة الألبوم",
"Are you sure you want to permanently remove album \"{name}\"?" : "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف الألبوم \"{name}\" نهائيًا؟",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this album" : "يمكن للمستخدم \"{user}\" فقط حذف هذا الألبوم",
"Failed to delete {name}." : "فشل في حذف {name}.",
"Name of the album" : "اسم الألبوم",
"Location of the album" : "موقع الألبوم",
"Go back to the previous view." : "عُد إلى العرض السابق.",
@ -75,46 +209,124 @@
"Back to the new album form." : "عُد إلى نموذج الألبوم الجديد.",
"Save" : "Save",
"Create album" : "أنشِيء ألبوماً",
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "اسم الألبوم غير صالح. يجب ألا يحتوي على أي خطوط مائلة.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "أضِف ما تمّ تحديده إلى الألبوم {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "إنشِيء ألبوماً جديداً.",
"shared by {owner}" : "تمّت مشاركته من قِبَل {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n عناصر","%n عنصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر","%n عناصر"],
"Share Album" : "مشاركة الألبوم",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "حفظ المتعاونين لهذا الألبوم",
"Newest" : "الأحدث",
"Year" : "السنة",
"Month" : "شهر",
"Day" : "اليوم",
"Time" : "إلى وقت",
"Hour" : "الساعة",
"Minute" : "دقيقة",
"Oldest" : "الأقدم",
"Invalid Date" : "تاريخ غير صحيح",
"Newest date is older than oldest date" : "أحدث تاريخ هو أقدم من أقدم تاريخ",
"Title" : "العنوان",
"Description" : "الوصف",
"Label" : "تسمية",
"Camera Make" : "طراز الكاميرا",
"Camera Model" : "موديل الكاميرا",
"Lens Model" : "موديل العدسة",
"Copyright" : "حقوق التأليف",
"Empty" : "فارغ",
"Unchanged" : "دون تغيير",
"Reset" : "إعادة الضبط",
"Remove location" : "إزالة الموقع",
"Search location / landmark" : "البحث عن مواقع / معالم",
"Failed to search for location with Nominatim." : "فشل البحث عن الموقع باستخدام تطبيق الخرائط Nominatim.",
"Date / Time" : "التاريخ / الوقت",
"Collaborative Tags" : "وسوم تشاركية",
"EXIF Fields" : "حقول EXIF",
"Geolocation" : "الموقع الجغرافي",
"Failed to load metadata for {n} photos." : "تعذّر تحميل البيانات الوصفية لـ {n} صور.",
"{n} photos cannot be edited (permissions error)." : "{n} صور لا يمكن تحريرها (حطأ في الأذونات).",
"Remove person" : "حذف شخص",
"Are you sure you want to remove {name}?" : "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إزالة {name}؟",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this person" : "يمكن للمستخدم \"{user}\" فقط حذف هذا الشخص",
"Rename person" : "تغيير اسم شخص",
"Name" : "الاسم",
"Update" : "تحديث",
"Failed to rename {oldName} to {name}." : "فشل في تغيير تسمية {oldName} إلى {name}.",
"Search" : "البحث",
"Loading …" : "جاري التحميل …",
"Enter name of the new face" : "أدخل اسم الوجه الجديد",
"Failed to create face" : "فشل في إنشاء الوجه",
"Merge {name} with person" : "إدمِج {name} في شخصٍ",
"Are you sure you want to merge {name} with {newName}?" : "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في دمج {name} مع {newName}؟",
"Too many failures, aborting" : "إخفاقات كثيرة، سيتم الخروج",
"Error while moving {basename}" : "خطأٌ أثناء نقل {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "فشل في نقل {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "نقُل الصور المحددة إلى شخص",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "نقل الصور المحددة إلى {target}؟",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "حدث خطأ أثناء نقل الصور من {الاسم}.",
"Choose a folder" : "اختر مجلدًا",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عنصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد","تم نقل {n} عناصر إلى المجلد"],
"Remove" : "حذف",
"Add Path" : "إضافة مسار",
"Add a root to your timeline" : "أضف دليل أساسي إلى تسلسلك الزمني",
"Link Sharing" : "مشاركة الرابط",
"You cannot share the root folder" : "لا يمكنك مشاركة مجلد الدليل الأساسي",
"Public link shares are available to people outside Nextcloud." : "المشاركات عبر الرابط العام متاحة للأشخاص من خارج نكست كلاود",
"You may create or update permissions on public links using the sidebar." : "يمكنك إنشاء و تحديث أذونات الروابط العامة باستخدام الشريط الجانبي.",
"Click a link to copy to clipboard." : "أنقُر علي الرابط لنسخه إلى الحافظة.",
"Share link" : "مشاركة الرابط",
"Create Link" : "أنشِيءْ رابطاً",
"Refresh" : "إنعاش",
"Password protected" : "محمي بكلمة السر",
"Expires" : "تنتهي صلاحيته فى",
"Editable" : "قابل للتعديل",
"Read only" : "القراءة فقط",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "تمّ نسخ الرابط إلى الحافظة",
"Share File" : "مشاركة ملف",
"Reduced Size" : "حجم مصغر",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "مشاركة معاينة صورة منخفضة التباين",
"High Resolution" : "تباينٌ عالٍ",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "شارك الفيديو بتنسيق MOV عالي الجودة",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "شارك الصورة بتنسيق JPEG عالي الجودة",
"Original File" : "الملف الأصلي",
"Share the original image / video file" : "شارك ملف الصورة أو الفيديو الأصلي",
"Public Link" : "رابط عام",
"Share an external Nextcloud link" : "شارك رابط نكست كلاود خارجي",
"Failed to download file" : "تعذّر تنزيل الملف",
"Cannot share this type of data" : "لا يمكن مشاركة هذا النوع من البيانات",
"Sort by date" : "Order by date",
"Sort by name" : "Order by name",
"Share album" : "مشاركة الألبوم",
"Download album" : "تنزيل الألبوم",
"Delete album" : "حذف الألبوم",
"Nothing to show here" : "لا يوجد شيء لِيُعرَض هُنا",
"Unassigned faces" : "أوجه غير معينة",
"Merge with different person" : "الدمج مع شخص آخر",
"Mark person in preview" : "وضع علامة على الشخص في المعاينة",
"Folder View" : "عرض المجلد",
"Timeline View" : "عرض التسلسل الزمني",
"Share folder" : "مشاركة مُجلّد",
"Move left" : "نقُل لجهة اليسار",
"Move right" : "نقل لجهة اليمين",
"Image saved successfully" : "تم حفظ الصورة بنجاح",
"Error saving image" : "خطأ في حفظ الصور",
"Unsaved changes" : "تغييرات لم يتم حفظها",
"Drop changes" : "إسقاط التغييرات",
"Share" : "مشاركة",
"Play Live Photo" : "تشغيل الصور الحية Live Photo",
"Download Video" : "تنزيل الفيديو",
"Slideshow" : "عرض الشرائح",
"Previous" : "السابق",
"Next" : "التالي",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "التحرير معطل حاليّاً بالنسبة للصور الحية Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد الحذف؟",
"Failed to delete photo" : "فشل في حذف الصورة",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "الملف الثنائي {name} موجود وقابل للتنفيذ.",
"{name} binary not found." : "{name} الملف الثنائي غير موجود.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "الملف الثنائي {name} غير قابل للتنفيذ.",
"{name} failed test: {info}." : "فشل اختبار {name}: {info}.",
"{name} binary exists and is usable ({info})." : "الملف الثنائي {name} موجود وقابل للاستخدام ({info}).",
"{name} binary status: {status}." : "{name} حالة الملف الثنائي: {status}.",
"Save as" : "حفظ كـ",
"All changes will be lost." : "ستفقد كل التغييرات.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "هل أنت متأكد أنك ترغب بالاستمرار؟",
@ -198,11 +410,35 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "لاحظ أن مساحة الاقتصاص crop المحددة أقل من الحجم المطبق مما قد يتسبب في انخفاض الجودة",
"Actual size (100%)" : "الحجم الفعلي (100%)",
"Fit size" : "حجم ملائم fit size",
"Transcoding failed, check Nextcloud logs." : "فشل في تحويل الترميز Transcoding. راجع سجل الحركات log في نكست كلاود.",
"Direct" : "مباشر",
"Auto" : "تلقائي",
"Shared Folder" : "مجلد تم مشاركته",
"Shared Album" : "ألبوم تم مشاركته",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "تعذّر إنشاء {albumName}.",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "تعذّر تغيير تسمية {currentAlbumName} إلى {newAlbumName}.",
"General Failure" : "إخفاقٌ عامٌّ",
"Error: {msg}" : "خطأ: {msg}",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "تعذّر حذف {fileName}.",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "تم تحديث الذكريات إلى {الإصدار}. قم بالتحديث للحصول على الإصدار الجديد."
"Failed to move files." : "فشل نقل الملفات.",
"Could not move {fileName}, target exists." : "تعذر نقل {fileName}، الهدف موجود.",
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "فشل نقل {fileName}.",
"Failed to download files" : "فشل تحميل الملفات",
"Failed to favorite files." : "فشل في وضع ملفات في المفضلة",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "فشل في وضع بعض الملفات بالمفضلة.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "فشل في وضع {fileName} في المفضلة.",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "تم تحديث الذكريات إلى {الإصدار}. قم بالتحديث للحصول على الإصدار الجديد.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "رفع بعض الصور والتأكد من تهيئة مسار التسلسل الزمني",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "ضع علامة مفضلة على الصور للعثور عليها بسهولة",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "سوف تظهر هنا الذكريات من السنوات الماضية",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "سوف تجد أصدقاءك قريباً. يرجي الانتظار",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "تم تعطيل التعرُّف على الوجوه. قم بتمكينه من الإعدادات حتي تستطيع العثور على أصدقائك",
"Your videos will appear here" : "فيديوهاتك ستظهر هنا",
"No photos in this album yet" : "لا يوجد صِوَرَ في هذا الألبوم حتي الآن",
"Create an album to get started" : "إنشاء ألبوم للبدء",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "أرشفة الصور التي لا ترغب في رؤيتها على تسلسلك الزمني",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "وسم الصور للعثور عليها بسهولة",
"Recognize is still working on your photos" : "لا يزال تطبيق التعرف Recognize يعمل على صورك",
"Places you have been to will appear here" : "سوف تظهر الأماكن التي قمت بزيارتها هنا"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;"

l10n/bg.js vendored
View File

@ -188,7 +188,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Добавяне на селекция към албум {ablumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Създаване на нов албум.",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%nелементи ","%n елементи"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Споделяне с %n потребители","Споделяне с %n потребители"],
"Share Album" : "Споделяне на Албум",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Запис на сътрудници за този албум.",
"Newest" : "Най-новият",

l10n/bg.json vendored
View File

@ -186,7 +186,6 @@
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Добавяне на селекция към албум {ablumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Създаване на нов албум.",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%nелементи ","%n елементи"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Споделяне с %n потребители","Споделяне с %n потребители"],
"Share Album" : "Споделяне на Албум",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Запис на сътрудници за този албум.",
"Newest" : "Най-новият",

l10n/ca.js vendored
View File

@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Create album" : "Crea un àlbum",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Afegeix una selecció a l'àlbum {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Crea un àlbum nou.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Comparteix amb l'usuari %n","Comparteix amb %n usuaris"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Desa els col·laboradors per a aquest àlbum.",
"Year" : "Any",
"Month" : "Mes",

l10n/ca.json vendored
View File

@ -57,7 +57,6 @@
"Create album" : "Crea un àlbum",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Afegeix una selecció a l'àlbum {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Crea un àlbum nou.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Comparteix amb l'usuari %n","Comparteix amb %n usuaris"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Desa els col·laboradors per a aquest àlbum.",
"Year" : "Any",
"Month" : "Mes",

l10n/cs.js vendored
View File

@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Neplatný název alba: nemůže obsahovat lomítka.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Přidat výběr do alba {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Vytvořit nové album.",
"shared by {owner}" : "nasdíleno uživatelem {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n položka","%n položky","%n položek","%n položky"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Nasdílet %n uživateli","Nasdílet %n uživatelům","Nasdílet %n uživatelům","Nasdílet %n uživatelům"],
"Share Album" : "Nasdílet album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Uložit spolupracující pro toto album.",
"Newest" : "Nejnovější",

l10n/cs.json vendored
View File

@ -211,8 +211,8 @@
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Neplatný název alba: nemůže obsahovat lomítka.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Přidat výběr do alba {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Vytvořit nové album.",
"shared by {owner}" : "nasdíleno uživatelem {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n položka","%n položky","%n položek","%n položky"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Nasdílet %n uživateli","Nasdílet %n uživatelům","Nasdílet %n uživatelům","Nasdílet %n uživatelům"],
"Share Album" : "Nasdílet album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Uložit spolupracující pro toto album.",
"Newest" : "Nejnovější",

l10n/de.js vendored
View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Auswahl zum Album {albumName} hinzufügen",
"Create a new album." : "Ein neues Album erstellen",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n Element","%n Elemente"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Mit %n Benutzer teilen","Mit %n Benutzern telken"],
"Share Album" : "Album teilen",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Mitbearbeitende für dieses Album speichern.",
"Newest" : "Neueste",

l10n/de.json vendored
View File

@ -187,7 +187,6 @@
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Auswahl zum Album {albumName} hinzufügen",
"Create a new album." : "Ein neues Album erstellen",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n Element","%n Elemente"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Mit %n Benutzer teilen","Mit %n Benutzern telken"],
"Share Album" : "Album teilen",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Mitbearbeitende für dieses Album speichern.",
"Newest" : "Neueste",

l10n/de_DE.js vendored
View File

@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Ungültiger Albumname; darf keine Schrägstriche enthalten.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Auswahl zum Album {albumName} hinzufügen",
"Create a new album." : "Ein neues Album erstellen.",
"shared by {owner}" : "Geteilt von {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n Element","%n Elemente"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Mit %n Benutzer teilen","Mit %n Benutzern teilen"],
"Share Album" : "Album teilen",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Mitbearbeitende für dieses Album speichern.",
"Newest" : "Neueste",

l10n/de_DE.json vendored
View File

@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Ungültiger Albumname; darf keine Schrägstriche enthalten.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Auswahl zum Album {albumName} hinzufügen",
"Create a new album." : "Ein neues Album erstellen.",
"shared by {owner}" : "Geteilt von {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n Element","%n Elemente"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Mit %n Benutzer teilen","Mit %n Benutzern teilen"],
"Share Album" : "Album teilen",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Mitbearbeitende für dieses Album speichern.",
"Newest" : "Neueste",

l10n/en_GB.js vendored
View File

@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Add selection to album {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Create a new album.",
"shared by {owner}" : "shared by {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n item","%n items"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Share with %n user","Share with %n users"],
"Share Album" : "Share Album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Save collaborators for this album.",
"Newest" : "Newest",

l10n/en_GB.json vendored
View File

@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Add selection to album {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Create a new album.",
"shared by {owner}" : "shared by {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n item","%n items"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Share with %n user","Share with %n users"],
"Share Album" : "Share Album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Save collaborators for this album.",
"Newest" : "Newest",

l10n/es.js vendored
View File

@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Nombre de álbum inválido; no debería contener barras.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Añadir selección al álbum {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Crear un álbum nuevo.",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n ítem","%n ítems","%n ítems"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Compartir con %n usuario","Compartir con %n usuarios","Compartir con %n usuarios"],
"Share Album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Guardar colaboradores para este álbum",
"Newest" : "Más nuevo",
@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Error mientras se movía {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Fallo al mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mover fotos seleccionadas a persona",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "¿Mover las fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Ocurrió un error al mover fotos desde {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Elija una carpeta",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} ítem movidos a la carpeta","{n} ítems movidos a la carpeta","{n} ítems movidos a la carpeta"],

l10n/es.json vendored
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@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Nombre de álbum inválido; no debería contener barras.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Añadir selección al álbum {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Crear un álbum nuevo.",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n ítem","%n ítems","%n ítems"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Compartir con %n usuario","Compartir con %n usuarios","Compartir con %n usuarios"],
"Share Album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Guardar colaboradores para este álbum",
"Newest" : "Más nuevo",
@ -262,6 +262,7 @@
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Error mientras se movía {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Fallo al mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mover fotos seleccionadas a persona",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "¿Mover las fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Ocurrió un error al mover fotos desde {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Elija una carpeta",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} ítem movidos a la carpeta","{n} ítems movidos a la carpeta","{n} ítems movidos a la carpeta"],

l10n/es_EC.js vendored
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@ -2,60 +2,445 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Memories" : "Memorias",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite",
"# Memories: Photo Management for Nextcloud\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize](https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) and [facerecognition](https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition).\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Work from any device, of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates and other metadata on photos quickly and in bulk.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Transcode videos and use HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **📦 Migration**: Migrate easily from Nextcloud Photos and Google Takeout.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Do all this very fast.\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store (try a demo [here](https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](https://memories.gallery/config/).\n1. Run `php occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories: Gestión de Fotos para Nextcloud\n \n Memories es una solución de gestión de fotos para Nextcloud que incluye una amplia gama de características avanzadas, que incluyen:\n \n - **📸 Línea de tiempo**: Ordena fotos y videos por fecha de captura, extraída de los datos Exif.\n - **⏪ Retroceder**: Salta instantáneamente a cualquier momento del pasado y revive tus recuerdos.\n - **🤖 Etiquetado de IA**: Agrupa fotos por personas y objetos, potenciado por [recognize](https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) y [facerecognition](https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition).\n - **🖼️ Álbumes**: Crea álbumes para agrupar fotos y videos juntos. Luego comparte estos álbumes con otros.\n - **🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 Compartir Externo**: Comparte fotos y videos con personas fuera de tu instancia de Nextcloud.\n - **📱 Soporte Móvil**: Trabaja desde cualquier dispositivo, de cualquier forma y tamaño a través de la aplicación web.\n - **✏️ Editar Metadatos**: Edita rápidamente fechas y otros metadatos de las fotos de forma individual o masiva.\n - **📦 Archivo**: Almacena fotos que no deseas ver en tu línea de tiempo en una carpeta separada.\n - **📹 Transcodificación de Video**: Transcodifica videos y utiliza HLS para obtener un rendimiento máximo.\n - **🗺️ Mapa**: Visualiza tus fotos en un mapa, etiquetadas con una geocodificación inversa precisa.\n - **📦 Migración**: Migra fácilmente desde Nextcloud Photos y Google Takeout.\n - **⚡️ Rendimiento**: Realiza todas estas operaciones de manera muy rápida.\n \n ## 🚀 Instalación\n \n 1. Instala la aplicación desde la tienda de aplicaciones de Nextcloud (prueba una demo [aquí](https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n 2. Realiza los pasos de [configuración recomendados](https://memories.gallery/config/).\n 3. Ejecuta `php occ memories:index` para generar índices de metadatos para las fotos existentes.\n 4. Abre la aplicación 📷 Memories en Nextcloud y establece el directorio que contiene tus fotos.",
"Settings" : "Ajustes",
"People (Recognize)" : "Personas (Recognize)",
"People" : "Personas",
"People (Face Recognition)" : "Personas (Reconocimiento Facial)",
"Info" : "Info",
"Timeline" : "Línea de tiempo",
"Folders" : "Carpetas",
"Favorites" : "Favoritos",
"Videos" : "Videos",
"Albums" : "Álbumes",
"Archive" : "Archivar",
"On this day" : "En este día",
"Places" : "Lugares",
"Map" : "Mapa",
"Tags" : "Etiquetas",
"View all" : "Ver todo",
"Recognize" : "Reconocer",
"Face Recognition" : "Reconocimiento Facial",
"A better photos experience awaits you" : "Una experiencia de fotos mejor te espera",
"Choose the root folder of your timeline to begin" : "Elige la carpeta raíz de tu línea de tiempo para comenzar",
"Continue to Memories" : "Continuar a Memories",
"Choose again" : "Elegir de nuevo",
"Click here to start" : "Haz clic aquí para empezar",
"You can always change this later in settings" : "Siempre puedes cambiar esto luego en la configuración",
"If you just installed Memories, visit the admin panel first." : "Si acabas de instalar Memories, visita primero el panel de administración.",
"Choose the root of your timeline" : "Elegir la raíz de tu línea de tiempo",
"The selected folder does not seem to be valid. Try again." : "La carpeta seleccionada parece no ser válida. Inténtalo de nuevo.",
"No photos were found in the selected folder." : "No se encontraron fotos en la carpeta seleccionada.",
"This can happen because your media is still indexing." : "Esto puede suceder porque tus medios aún se están indexando.",
"Visit the admin panel to make sure Memories is configured correctly." : "Visita el panel de administración para asegurarte de que Memories esté configurado correctamente.",
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Encontrado {n} elemento en {path}","Encontrados {n} elementos en {path}","Encontrados {n} elementos en {path}"],
"Edit" : "Editar",
"No title" : "Sin título",
"No description" : "Sin descripción",
"No coordinates" : "Sin coordenadas",
"Click edit to set location" : "Haz clic en editar para establecer la ubicación",
"Photos" : "Fotos",
"Explore" : "Explorar",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Delete" : "Borrar",
"Remove from album" : "Eliminar del álbum",
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"Edit metadata" : "Editar metadatos",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Move to folder" : "Mover a carpeta",
"Add to album" : "Agregar al álbum",
"Move to person" : "Mover a persona",
"Remove from person" : "Eliminar de persona",
"You are about to download a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Estás a punto de descargar un gran número de archivos. ¿Estás seguro?",
"You are about to delete a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Estás a punto de eliminar un gran número de archivos. ¿Estás seguro?",
"Failed to delete files" : "Error al eliminar archivos",
"You are about to touch a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Estás a punto de modificar un gran número de archivos. ¿Estás seguro?",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Debes habilitar \"Marcar persona en la vista previa\" para usar esta función",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Solo el usuario \"{user}\" puede actualizar esta persona",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} seleccionado","{n} seleccionados","{n} seleccionado"],
"Memories Settings" : "Configuración de Memories",
"General" : "General",
"Timeline Path" : "Ruta de la Línea de Tiempo",
"Square grid mode" : "Modo de cuadrícula cuadrada",
"Show past photos on top of timeline" : "Mostrar fotos pasadas en la parte superior de la línea de tiempo",
"Load full size image on zoom" : "Cargar imagen de tamaño completo al hacer zoom",
"Always load full size image (not recommended)" : "Cargar siempre imágenes de tamaño completo (no recomendado)",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Logged in as {user}" : "Sesión iniciada como {user}",
"Sign out" : "Cerrar sesión",
"Device Folders" : "Carpetas de Dispositivos",
"Local folders to include in the timeline view" : "Carpetas locales para incluir en la vista de la línea de tiempo",
"Folders Path" : "Ruta de Carpetas",
"Show hidden folders" : "Mostrar carpetas ocultas",
"Sort folders oldest-first" : "Ordenar carpetas desde la más antigua",
"Sort albums oldest-first" : "Ordenar álbumes desde el más antiguo",
"Choose Timeline Paths" : "Elegir Rutas de la Línea de Tiempo",
"Choose the root for the folders view" : "Elegir la raíz para la vista de carpetas",
"Are you sure you want to log out {user}?" : "¿Estás seguro de que quieres cerrar la sesión de {user}?",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Error al cargar algunas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Error al actualizar la configuración",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracción de Exif",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Ruta al binario Exiftool empaquetado",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Necesitas Perl solo si el binario Exiftool empaquetado no funciona por alguna razón.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Usar Perl del sistema (solo si el binario Exiftool no funciona)",
"File Support" : "Soporte de Archivos",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Puedes configurar los proveedores de vista previa de Nextcloud activados a continuación.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Si estás utilizando Imaginary para la generación de vistas previas, puedes ignorar esta sección.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para habilitar el soporte RAW, instala la aplicación Camera RAW Previews.",
"Documentation." : "Documentación.",
"The following MIME types are configured for preview generation." : "Los siguientes tipos MIME están configurados para la generación de vistas previas.",
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamaño máximo de vista previa (compromiso entre calidad y requisitos de almacenamiento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memoria máxima para la generación de vistas previas (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamaño máximo de archivos de vista previa (MB)",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imágenes (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videos (ffmpeg)",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de Medios",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} archivos multimedia han sido indexados",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Estado de la indexación automática: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "La última tarea de indexación se ejecutó hace {t} segundos.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Tardó {t} segundos en completarse.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Actualmente está en ejecución o fue interrumpida.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Solo se admite el cifrado del lado del servidor (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE), pero otro módulo de cifrado está habilitado.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Los índices EXIF se construyen y verifican en una tarea de fondo periódica. Ten cuidado al seleccionar algo distinto de la indexación automática. Por ejemplo, establecer la indexación solo para carpetas de la línea de tiempo puede causar retrasos antes de que los medios estén disponibles para los usuarios, ya que el usuario configura la línea de tiempo solo después de iniciar sesión.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Las carpetas con un archivo \".nomedia\" siempre se excluyen de la indexación.",
"Index all media automatically (recommended)" : "Indexar automáticamente todos los medios (recomendado)",
"Index per-user timeline folders (not recommended)" : "Indexar carpetas de la línea de tiempo por usuario (no recomendado)",
"Index a fixed relative path" : "Indexar una ruta relativa fija",
"Disable background indexing" : "Desactivar la indexación en segundo plano",
"Indexing path (relative, all users)" : "Ruta de indexación (relativa, todos los usuarios)",
"For advanced usage, perform a run of indexing by running:" : "Para un uso avanzado, realiza una ejecución de indexación ejecutando:",
"Run index in parallel with 4 threads:" : "Ejecutar la indexación en paralelo con 4 hilos:",
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forzar la indexación de todos los archivos nuevamente:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Puedes limitar la indexación por usuario y/o carpeta:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Eliminar todas las tablas de índices existentes:",
"Performance" : "Rendimiento",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está habilitado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Estás accediendo a esta página en un contexto inseguro. Varias API del navegador no están disponibles, lo que hará que Memories sea muy lento. Habilita HTTPS en tu servidor para mejorar el rendimiento.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "Se ha habilitado HTTP/2 o HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Se recomienda encarecidamente HTTP/2 o HTTP/3 (detectado {httpVer})",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geocodificación Inversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "La base de datos está poblada con {n} geometrías.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "No se ha creado la tabla de geometrías.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Parece que los datos del planeta están incompletos.",
"Reverse geocoding has not been configured ({status})." : "No se ha configurado la geocodificación inversa ({status}).",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "Memories admite la geocodificación inversa sin conexión utilizando los datos de OpenStreetMaps en MySQL y Postgres.",
"You need to download the planet data into your database. This is highly recommended and has low overhead." : "Debes descargar los datos del planeta en tu base de datos. Esto es muy recomendable y tiene poco sobrecarga.",
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Si el botón de abajo no funciona para importar los datos del planeta, usa el siguiente comando:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: los datos de geometría se almacenan en la tabla memories_planet_geometry, sin prefijo.",
"Download planet database" : "Descargar base de datos del planeta",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "No se detectó el soporte de geometría en tu base de datos",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Se detectó el soporte de geometría similar a MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Se detectó el soporte de geometría nativo de Postgres",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Parece que la base de datos ya está configurada. ¿Seguro que quieres volver a descargar los datos del planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Estás a punto de descargar la base de datos del planeta. Esto puede llevar un tiempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "¡Esto también puede hacer que se vuelvan a indexar todas las fotos!",
"Video Streaming" : "Streaming de Video",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "La transcodificación en vivo proporciona transmisión adaptable de videos utilizando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Ten en cuenta que esto puede ser muy intensivo para la CPU sin aceleración de hardware, y la transcodificación no se utilizará para el almacenamiento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar la transcodificación",
"ffmpeg path" : "Ruta de ffmpeg",
"ffprobe path" : "Ruta de ffprobe",
"Global default video quality (user may override)" : "Calidad de video predeterminada global (el usuario puede anular)",
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (transcodificación adaptable)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcodificación con máxima calidad)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Directa (archivo de video original sin transcodificación)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleración de Hardware",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Primero debes asegurarte de que los controladores correctos estén instalados antes de configurar la aceleración.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Asegúrate de probar la aceleración de hardware con varias opciones después de habilitarla.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "No habilites varios tipos de aceleración de hardware simultáneamente.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Los procesadores Intel que admiten QuickSync Video (QSV), así como algunas GPU de AMD, se pueden utilizar para la transcodificación mediante la aceleración VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Para obtener más detalles sobre la instalación del controlador, consulta la documentación:",
"External Link" : "Enlace Externo",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Habilitar la aceleración con VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV)" : "Habilitar el modo de bajo consumo (QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "Las GPU de NVIDIA se pueden utilizar para la transcodificación utilizando el codificador NVENC con los controladores adecuados.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Según las versiones del SDK instalado y ffmpeg, debes especificar el escalador a utilizar",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "No hay pruebas automatizadas disponibles para la aceleración de NVIDIA.",
"Enable acceleration with NVENC" : "Habilitar la aceleración con NVENC",
"Enable NVENC Temporal AQ" : "Habilitar AQ Temporal NVENC",
"NPP scaler" : "Escalador NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "Escalador CUDA",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "El dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) es legible",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "No se encontró el dispositivo VA-API ({dev})",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "El dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) tiene permisos incorrectos",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Estado del dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuración del Transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories utiliza el transcodificador go-vod. Puedes ejecutar go-vod externamente (por ejemplo, en un contenedor Docker separado para la aceleración de hardware) o utilizar el transcodificador incorporado. Para utilizar un transcodificador externo, habilita la siguiente opción y sigue las instrucciones de la documentación:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Habilitar transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Ruta del binario (solo local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Dirección de enlace (solo local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Dirección de conexión (misma que enlace si es local)",
"_{n} item added to album_::_{n} items added to album_" : ["{n} elemento añadido al álbum","{n} elementos añadidos al álbum","{n} elementos añadidos al álbum"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Agregar personas o grupos que puedan editar tu álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Buscar colaboradores",
"Search people or groups" : "Buscar personas o grupos",
"Add {collaboratorLabel} to the collaborators list" : "Agregar {etiquetaColaborador} a la lista de colaboradores",
"No collaborators available" : "No hay colaboradores disponibles",
"Remove {collaboratorLabel} from the collaborators list" : "Eliminar {etiquetaColaborador} de la lista de colaboradores",
"Copy the public link" : "Copiar el enlace público",
"Public link copied!" : "¡Enlace público copiado!",
"Copy public link" : "Copiar enlace público",
"Delete the public link" : "Eliminar el enlace público",
"Share via public link" : "Compartir mediante enlace público",
"Failed to fetch collaborators list." : "Error al obtener la lista de colaboradores.",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Failed to fetch album." : "Error al obtener el álbum.",
"Failed to update album." : "Error al actualizar el álbum.",
"Create new album" : "Crear nuevo álbum",
"Edit album details" : "Editar detalles del álbum",
"New album" : "Nuevo álbum",
"Could not load the selected album" : "No se pudo cargar el álbum seleccionado",
"Remove Album" : "Eliminar Álbum",
"Are you sure you want to permanently remove album \"{name}\"?" : "¿Seguro que deseas eliminar permanentemente el álbum \"{name}\"?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this album" : "Solo el usuario \"{user}\" puede eliminar este álbum",
"Failed to delete {name}." : "Error al eliminar {name}.",
"Name of the album" : "Nombre del álbum",
"Location of the album" : "Ubicación del álbum",
"Go back to the previous view." : "Volver a la vista anterior.",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Go to the add collaborators view." : "Ir a la vista de agregar colaboradores.",
"Add collaborators" : "Agregar colaboradores",
"Back to the new album form." : "Volver al formulario de nuevo álbum.",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Create album" : "Crear álbum",
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Nombre de álbum no válido; no debe contener barras inclinadas.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Agregar selección a álbum {nombreÁlbum}",
"Create a new album." : "Crear un nuevo álbum.",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n elemento","%n elementos","%n elementos"],
"Share Album" : "Compartir Álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Guardar colaboradores para este álbum.",
"Newest" : "Más recientes",
"Year" : "Año",
"Month" : "Mes",
"Day" : "Día",
"Time" : "Hora",
"Hour" : "Hora",
"Minute" : "Minuto",
"Oldest" : "Más antiguos",
"Invalid Date" : "Fecha no válida",
"Newest date is older than oldest date" : "La fecha más reciente es anterior a la fecha más antigua",
"Title" : "Título",
"Description" : "Descripción",
"Label" : "Etiqueta",
"Camera Make" : "Marca de la Cámara",
"Camera Model" : "Modelo de la Cámara",
"Lens Model" : "Modelo de Lente",
"Copyright" : "Derechos de autor",
"Empty" : "Vacío",
"Unchanged" : "Sin cambios",
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Remove location" : "Eliminar ubicación",
"Search location / landmark" : "Buscar ubicación / hito",
"Failed to search for location with Nominatim." : "Error al buscar ubicación con Nominatim.",
"Date / Time" : "Fecha / Hora",
"Collaborative Tags" : "Etiquetas colaborativas",
"EXIF Fields" : "Campos EXIF",
"Geolocation" : "Geolocalización",
"Failed to load metadata for {n} photos." : "Error al cargar los metadatos de {n} fotos.",
"{n} photos cannot be edited (permissions error)." : "No se pueden editar {n} fotos (error de permisos).",
"Remove person" : "Eliminar persona",
"Are you sure you want to remove {name}?" : "¿Seguro que deseas eliminar {name}?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this person" : "Solo el usuario \"{user}\" puede eliminar a esta persona",
"Rename person" : "Renombrar persona",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Failed to rename {oldName} to {name}." : "Error al cambiar el nombre de {oldName} a {name}.",
"Search" : "Buscar",
"Loading …" : "Loading …",
"Enter name of the new face" : "Ingresa el nombre de la nueva cara",
"Failed to create face" : "Error al crear la cara",
"Merge {name} with person" : "Fusionar {name} con persona",
"Are you sure you want to merge {name} with {newName}?" : "¿Seguro que deseas fusionar {name} con {newName}?",
"Too many failures, aborting" : "Demasiados fallos, abortando",
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Error al mover {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Error al mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mover fotos seleccionadas a persona",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "¿Mover las fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Ocurrió un error al mover las fotos de {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Elegir una carpeta",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} elemento movido a carpeta","{n} elementos movidos a carpeta","{n} elementos movidos a carpeta"],
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Add Path" : "Añadir Ruta",
"Add a root to your timeline" : "Añadir una raíz a tu línea de tiempo",
"Link Sharing" : "Compartir enlaces",
"You cannot share the root folder" : "No puedes compartir la carpeta raíz",
"Public link shares are available to people outside Nextcloud." : "Las comparticiones de enlaces públicos están disponibles para personas fuera de Nextcloud.",
"You may create or update permissions on public links using the sidebar." : "Puedes crear o actualizar permisos en los enlaces públicos usando la barra lateral.",
"Click a link to copy to clipboard." : "Haz clic en un enlace para copiarlo al portapapeles.",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Create Link" : "Crear Enlace",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",
"Password protected" : "Protegido con contraseña",
"Expires" : "Expira",
"Editable" : "Editable",
"Read only" : "Sólo lectura",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Enlace copiado al portapapeles",
"Share File" : "Compartir Archivo",
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaño Reducido",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Compartir una vista previa de imagen de menor resolución",
"High Resolution" : "Alta Resolución",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Compartir el video como un archivo MOV de alta calidad",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Compartir la imagen como un archivo JPEG de alta calidad",
"Original File" : "Archivo Original",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Compartir la imagen / video original",
"Public Link" : "Enlace Público",
"Share an external Nextcloud link" : "Compartir un enlace externo de Nextcloud",
"Failed to download file" : "Error al descargar el archivo",
"Cannot share this type of data" : "No se puede compartir este tipo de datos",
"Sort by date" : "Ordenar por fecha",
"Sort by name" : "Ordenar por nombre",
"Share album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Download album" : "Descargar álbum",
"Delete album" : "Eliminar álbum",
"Nothing to show here" : "Nada que mostrar aquí",
"Unassigned faces" : "Rostros sin asignar",
"Merge with different person" : "Fusionar con otra persona",
"Mark person in preview" : "Marcar persona en la vista previa",
"Folder View" : "Vista de Carpeta",
"Timeline View" : "Vista de Línea de Tiempo",
"Share folder" : "Compartir carpeta",
"Move left" : "Mover a la izquierda",
"Move right" : "Mover a la derecha",
"Image saved successfully" : "Imagen guardada exitosamente",
"Error saving image" : "Error al guardar la imagen",
"Unsaved changes" : "Cambios no guardados",
"Drop changes" : "Descartar cambios",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Play Live Photo" : "Reproducir Foto en Vivo",
"Download Video" : "Descargar Video",
"Slideshow" : "Presentación de Diapositivas",
"Previous" : "Previo",
"Next" : "Siguiente",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "La edición está deshabilitada actualmente para las Fotos en Vivo",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminarlo?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Error al eliminar la foto",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} el binario existe y es ejecutable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "No se encontró el binario {name}.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "El binario {name} no es ejecutable.",
"{name} failed test: {info}." : "{name} prueba fallida: {info}.",
"{name} binary exists and is usable ({info})." : "{name} el binario existe y es utilizable ({info}).",
"{name} binary status: {status}." : "Estado del binario {name}: {status}.",
"Save as" : "Guardar como",
"All changes will be lost." : "Se perderán todos los cambios.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "¿Estás seguro de que deseas continuar?",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Undo" : "Deshacer",
"Redo" : "Rehacer",
"Show original image" : "Mostrar imagen original",
"Zoom in" : "Acerca",
"Zoom out" : "Alejar",
"Toggle zoom menu" : "Alternar menú de zoom",
"Adjust" : "Ajustar",
"Fine-tune" : "Ajuste fino",
"Filters" : "Filtros",
"Watermark" : "Marca de agua",
"Draw" : "Dibujar",
"Resize" : "Redimensionar",
"Invalid image." : "Imagen no válida.",
"Error while uploading the image." : "Error al cargar la imagen.",
"are not images" : "no son imágenes",
"is not an image" : "no es una imagen",
"to be uploaded" : "para subir",
"Crop" : "Recortar",
"Original" : "Original",
"Custom" : "Personalizado",
"Square" : "Cuadrado",
"Landscape" : "Paisaje",
"Portrait" : "Retrato",
"Ellipse" : "Elipse",
"Classic TV" : "TV clásica",
"CinemaScope" : "CinemaScope",
"Arrow" : "Flecha",
"Blur" : "Desenfoque",
"Brightness" : "Brillo",
"Contrast" : "Contraste",
"Un-flip X" : "Desvirar X",
"Flip X" : "Voltear X",
"Un-flip Y" : "Desvirar Y",
"Flip Y" : "Voltear Y",
"HSV" : "HSV",
"Hue" : "Tono",
"Saturation" : "Saturación",
"Value" : "Valor",
"Image" : "Imagen",
"Importing …" : "Importando ...",
"+ Add image" : "+ Agregar imagen",
"Line" : "Línea",
"Pen" : "Lápiz",
"Polygon" : "Polígono",
"Sides" : "Lados",
"Rectangle" : "Rectángulo",
"Corner Radius" : "Radio de esquina",
"Width in pixels" : "Ancho en píxeles",
"Height in pixels" : "Alto en píxeles",
"Toggle ratio lock" : "Alternar bloqueo de relación",
"Reset to original image size" : "Restablecer al tamaño original de la imagen",
"Rotate" : "Rotar",
"Text" : "Texto",
"Text spacing" : "Espaciado de texto",
"Text alignment" : "Alineación de texto",
"Font family" : "Familia de fuentes",
"Size" : "Tamaño",
"Position" : "Posición"
"Letter spacing" : "Espaciado entre letras",
"Line height" : "Altura de línea",
"Warmth" : "Calidez",
"+ Add watermark" : "+ Agregar marca de agua",
"Choose watermark type" : "Elegir tipo de marca de agua",
"Upload watermark" : "Subir marca de agua",
"Add as text" : "Agregar como texto",
"Padding" : "Padding",
"Shadow" : "Sombra",
"Horizontal" : "Horizontal",
"Vertical" : "Vertical",
"Opacity" : "Opacidad",
"Position" : "Posición",
"Stroke" : "Trazo",
"Save image as" : "Guardar imagen como",
"Extension" : "Extensión",
"Name is required." : "Se requiere el nombre.",
"Quality" : "Calidad",
"Saved image size (width x height)" : "Tamaño de imagen guardada (ancho x alto)",
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Ten en cuenta que el área de recorte seleccionada es menor que el redimensionamiento aplicado, lo que puede causar una disminución en la calidad",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tamaño real (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Ajustar tamaño",
"Transcoding failed, check Nextcloud logs." : "La transcodificación falló, verifica los registros de Nextcloud.",
"Direct" : "Directa",
"Auto" : "Automático",
"Shared Folder" : "Carpeta Compartida",
"Shared Album" : "Álbum Compartido",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "Error al crear {nombreÁlbum}.",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "Error al cambiar el nombre de {nombreÁlbumActual} a {nombreÁlbumNuevo}.",
"General Failure" : "Falla General",
"Error: {msg}" : "Error: {msg}",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "Error al eliminar {nombreArchivo}.",
"Failed to move files." : "Error al mover archivos.",
"Could not move {fileName}, target exists." : "No se pudo mover {fileName}, el destino ya existe.",
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "Error al mover {fileName}.",
"Failed to download files" : "Error al descargar archivos",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Error al marcar archivos como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Error al marcar algunos archivos como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Error al marcar {fileName} como favorito.",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Memories ha sido actualizado a {version}. Recarga para obtener la nueva versión.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Sube algunas fotos y asegúrate de que la ruta de la línea de tiempo esté configurada",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Marca las fotos como favoritas para encontrarlas fácilmente",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán los recuerdos de años anteriores",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Encontrarás a tus amigos pronto. Por favor, ten paciencia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "El Reconocimiento Facial está desactivado. Actívalo en la configuración para encontrar a tus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán tus videos",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Aún no hay fotos en este álbum",
"Create an album to get started" : "Crea un álbum para empezar",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archiva las fotos que no desees ver en tu línea de tiempo",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiqueta las fotos para encontrarlas fácilmente",
"Recognize is still working on your photos" : "Reconoce todavía está trabajando en tus fotos",
"Places you have been to will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán los lugares que has visitado"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

l10n/es_EC.json vendored
View File

@ -1,59 +1,444 @@
{ "translations": {
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Memories" : "Memorias",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite",
"# Memories: Photo Management for Nextcloud\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize](https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) and [facerecognition](https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition).\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Work from any device, of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates and other metadata on photos quickly and in bulk.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Transcode videos and use HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **📦 Migration**: Migrate easily from Nextcloud Photos and Google Takeout.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Do all this very fast.\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store (try a demo [here](https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](https://memories.gallery/config/).\n1. Run `php occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Memories: Gestión de Fotos para Nextcloud\n \n Memories es una solución de gestión de fotos para Nextcloud que incluye una amplia gama de características avanzadas, que incluyen:\n \n - **📸 Línea de tiempo**: Ordena fotos y videos por fecha de captura, extraída de los datos Exif.\n - **⏪ Retroceder**: Salta instantáneamente a cualquier momento del pasado y revive tus recuerdos.\n - **🤖 Etiquetado de IA**: Agrupa fotos por personas y objetos, potenciado por [recognize](https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) y [facerecognition](https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition).\n - **🖼️ Álbumes**: Crea álbumes para agrupar fotos y videos juntos. Luego comparte estos álbumes con otros.\n - **🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 Compartir Externo**: Comparte fotos y videos con personas fuera de tu instancia de Nextcloud.\n - **📱 Soporte Móvil**: Trabaja desde cualquier dispositivo, de cualquier forma y tamaño a través de la aplicación web.\n - **✏️ Editar Metadatos**: Edita rápidamente fechas y otros metadatos de las fotos de forma individual o masiva.\n - **📦 Archivo**: Almacena fotos que no deseas ver en tu línea de tiempo en una carpeta separada.\n - **📹 Transcodificación de Video**: Transcodifica videos y utiliza HLS para obtener un rendimiento máximo.\n - **🗺️ Mapa**: Visualiza tus fotos en un mapa, etiquetadas con una geocodificación inversa precisa.\n - **📦 Migración**: Migra fácilmente desde Nextcloud Photos y Google Takeout.\n - **⚡️ Rendimiento**: Realiza todas estas operaciones de manera muy rápida.\n \n ## 🚀 Instalación\n \n 1. Instala la aplicación desde la tienda de aplicaciones de Nextcloud (prueba una demo [aquí](https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n 2. Realiza los pasos de [configuración recomendados](https://memories.gallery/config/).\n 3. Ejecuta `php occ memories:index` para generar índices de metadatos para las fotos existentes.\n 4. Abre la aplicación 📷 Memories en Nextcloud y establece el directorio que contiene tus fotos.",
"Settings" : "Ajustes",
"People (Recognize)" : "Personas (Recognize)",
"People" : "Personas",
"People (Face Recognition)" : "Personas (Reconocimiento Facial)",
"Info" : "Info",
"Timeline" : "Línea de tiempo",
"Folders" : "Carpetas",
"Favorites" : "Favoritos",
"Videos" : "Videos",
"Albums" : "Álbumes",
"Archive" : "Archivar",
"On this day" : "En este día",
"Places" : "Lugares",
"Map" : "Mapa",
"Tags" : "Etiquetas",
"View all" : "Ver todo",
"Recognize" : "Reconocer",
"Face Recognition" : "Reconocimiento Facial",
"A better photos experience awaits you" : "Una experiencia de fotos mejor te espera",
"Choose the root folder of your timeline to begin" : "Elige la carpeta raíz de tu línea de tiempo para comenzar",
"Continue to Memories" : "Continuar a Memories",
"Choose again" : "Elegir de nuevo",
"Click here to start" : "Haz clic aquí para empezar",
"You can always change this later in settings" : "Siempre puedes cambiar esto luego en la configuración",
"If you just installed Memories, visit the admin panel first." : "Si acabas de instalar Memories, visita primero el panel de administración.",
"Choose the root of your timeline" : "Elegir la raíz de tu línea de tiempo",
"The selected folder does not seem to be valid. Try again." : "La carpeta seleccionada parece no ser válida. Inténtalo de nuevo.",
"No photos were found in the selected folder." : "No se encontraron fotos en la carpeta seleccionada.",
"This can happen because your media is still indexing." : "Esto puede suceder porque tus medios aún se están indexando.",
"Visit the admin panel to make sure Memories is configured correctly." : "Visita el panel de administración para asegurarte de que Memories esté configurado correctamente.",
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Encontrado {n} elemento en {path}","Encontrados {n} elementos en {path}","Encontrados {n} elementos en {path}"],
"Edit" : "Editar",
"No title" : "Sin título",
"No description" : "Sin descripción",
"No coordinates" : "Sin coordenadas",
"Click edit to set location" : "Haz clic en editar para establecer la ubicación",
"Photos" : "Fotos",
"Explore" : "Explorar",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Delete" : "Borrar",
"Remove from album" : "Eliminar del álbum",
"Favorite" : "Hacer favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarchivar",
"Edit metadata" : "Editar metadatos",
"View in folder" : "Ver en la carpeta",
"Move to folder" : "Mover a carpeta",
"Add to album" : "Agregar al álbum",
"Move to person" : "Mover a persona",
"Remove from person" : "Eliminar de persona",
"You are about to download a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Estás a punto de descargar un gran número de archivos. ¿Estás seguro?",
"You are about to delete a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Estás a punto de eliminar un gran número de archivos. ¿Estás seguro?",
"Failed to delete files" : "Error al eliminar archivos",
"You are about to touch a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Estás a punto de modificar un gran número de archivos. ¿Estás seguro?",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Debes habilitar \"Marcar persona en la vista previa\" para usar esta función",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Solo el usuario \"{user}\" puede actualizar esta persona",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} seleccionado","{n} seleccionados","{n} seleccionado"],
"Memories Settings" : "Configuración de Memories",
"General" : "General",
"Timeline Path" : "Ruta de la Línea de Tiempo",
"Square grid mode" : "Modo de cuadrícula cuadrada",
"Show past photos on top of timeline" : "Mostrar fotos pasadas en la parte superior de la línea de tiempo",
"Load full size image on zoom" : "Cargar imagen de tamaño completo al hacer zoom",
"Always load full size image (not recommended)" : "Cargar siempre imágenes de tamaño completo (no recomendado)",
"Account" : "Cuenta",
"Logged in as {user}" : "Sesión iniciada como {user}",
"Sign out" : "Cerrar sesión",
"Device Folders" : "Carpetas de Dispositivos",
"Local folders to include in the timeline view" : "Carpetas locales para incluir en la vista de la línea de tiempo",
"Folders Path" : "Ruta de Carpetas",
"Show hidden folders" : "Mostrar carpetas ocultas",
"Sort folders oldest-first" : "Ordenar carpetas desde la más antigua",
"Sort albums oldest-first" : "Ordenar álbumes desde el más antiguo",
"Choose Timeline Paths" : "Elegir Rutas de la Línea de Tiempo",
"Choose the root for the folders view" : "Elegir la raíz para la vista de carpetas",
"Are you sure you want to log out {user}?" : "¿Estás seguro de que quieres cerrar la sesión de {user}?",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Error al cargar algunas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Error al actualizar la configuración",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracción de Exif",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Ruta al binario Exiftool empaquetado",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Necesitas Perl solo si el binario Exiftool empaquetado no funciona por alguna razón.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Usar Perl del sistema (solo si el binario Exiftool no funciona)",
"File Support" : "Soporte de Archivos",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Puedes configurar los proveedores de vista previa de Nextcloud activados a continuación.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Si estás utilizando Imaginary para la generación de vistas previas, puedes ignorar esta sección.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para habilitar el soporte RAW, instala la aplicación Camera RAW Previews.",
"Documentation." : "Documentación.",
"The following MIME types are configured for preview generation." : "Los siguientes tipos MIME están configurados para la generación de vistas previas.",
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamaño máximo de vista previa (compromiso entre calidad y requisitos de almacenamiento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memoria máxima para la generación de vistas previas (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamaño máximo de archivos de vista previa (MB)",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imágenes (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Videos (ffmpeg)",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de Medios",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "{n} archivos multimedia han sido indexados",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Estado de la indexación automática: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "La última tarea de indexación se ejecutó hace {t} segundos.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Tardó {t} segundos en completarse.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Actualmente está en ejecución o fue interrumpida.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Solo se admite el cifrado del lado del servidor (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE), pero otro módulo de cifrado está habilitado.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Los índices EXIF se construyen y verifican en una tarea de fondo periódica. Ten cuidado al seleccionar algo distinto de la indexación automática. Por ejemplo, establecer la indexación solo para carpetas de la línea de tiempo puede causar retrasos antes de que los medios estén disponibles para los usuarios, ya que el usuario configura la línea de tiempo solo después de iniciar sesión.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Las carpetas con un archivo \".nomedia\" siempre se excluyen de la indexación.",
"Index all media automatically (recommended)" : "Indexar automáticamente todos los medios (recomendado)",
"Index per-user timeline folders (not recommended)" : "Indexar carpetas de la línea de tiempo por usuario (no recomendado)",
"Index a fixed relative path" : "Indexar una ruta relativa fija",
"Disable background indexing" : "Desactivar la indexación en segundo plano",
"Indexing path (relative, all users)" : "Ruta de indexación (relativa, todos los usuarios)",
"For advanced usage, perform a run of indexing by running:" : "Para un uso avanzado, realiza una ejecución de indexación ejecutando:",
"Run index in parallel with 4 threads:" : "Ejecutar la indexación en paralelo con 4 hilos:",
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forzar la indexación de todos los archivos nuevamente:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Puedes limitar la indexación por usuario y/o carpeta:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Eliminar todas las tablas de índices existentes:",
"Performance" : "Rendimiento",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está habilitado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Estás accediendo a esta página en un contexto inseguro. Varias API del navegador no están disponibles, lo que hará que Memories sea muy lento. Habilita HTTPS en tu servidor para mejorar el rendimiento.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "Se ha habilitado HTTP/2 o HTTP/3",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Se recomienda encarecidamente HTTP/2 o HTTP/3 (detectado {httpVer})",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Geocodificación Inversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "La base de datos está poblada con {n} geometrías.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "No se ha creado la tabla de geometrías.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Parece que los datos del planeta están incompletos.",
"Reverse geocoding has not been configured ({status})." : "No se ha configurado la geocodificación inversa ({status}).",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "Memories admite la geocodificación inversa sin conexión utilizando los datos de OpenStreetMaps en MySQL y Postgres.",
"You need to download the planet data into your database. This is highly recommended and has low overhead." : "Debes descargar los datos del planeta en tu base de datos. Esto es muy recomendable y tiene poco sobrecarga.",
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Si el botón de abajo no funciona para importar los datos del planeta, usa el siguiente comando:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: los datos de geometría se almacenan en la tabla memories_planet_geometry, sin prefijo.",
"Download planet database" : "Descargar base de datos del planeta",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "No se detectó el soporte de geometría en tu base de datos",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Se detectó el soporte de geometría similar a MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Se detectó el soporte de geometría nativo de Postgres",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Parece que la base de datos ya está configurada. ¿Seguro que quieres volver a descargar los datos del planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Estás a punto de descargar la base de datos del planeta. Esto puede llevar un tiempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "¡Esto también puede hacer que se vuelvan a indexar todas las fotos!",
"Video Streaming" : "Streaming de Video",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "La transcodificación en vivo proporciona transmisión adaptable de videos utilizando HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Ten en cuenta que esto puede ser muy intensivo para la CPU sin aceleración de hardware, y la transcodificación no se utilizará para el almacenamiento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Habilitar la transcodificación",
"ffmpeg path" : "Ruta de ffmpeg",
"ffprobe path" : "Ruta de ffprobe",
"Global default video quality (user may override)" : "Calidad de video predeterminada global (el usuario puede anular)",
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Auto (transcodificación adaptable)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Original (transcodificación con máxima calidad)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Directa (archivo de video original sin transcodificación)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleración de Hardware",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Primero debes asegurarte de que los controladores correctos estén instalados antes de configurar la aceleración.",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Asegúrate de probar la aceleración de hardware con varias opciones después de habilitarla.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "No habilites varios tipos de aceleración de hardware simultáneamente.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Los procesadores Intel que admiten QuickSync Video (QSV), así como algunas GPU de AMD, se pueden utilizar para la transcodificación mediante la aceleración VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Para obtener más detalles sobre la instalación del controlador, consulta la documentación:",
"External Link" : "Enlace Externo",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Habilitar la aceleración con VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV)" : "Habilitar el modo de bajo consumo (QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "Las GPU de NVIDIA se pueden utilizar para la transcodificación utilizando el codificador NVENC con los controladores adecuados.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Según las versiones del SDK instalado y ffmpeg, debes especificar el escalador a utilizar",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "No hay pruebas automatizadas disponibles para la aceleración de NVIDIA.",
"Enable acceleration with NVENC" : "Habilitar la aceleración con NVENC",
"Enable NVENC Temporal AQ" : "Habilitar AQ Temporal NVENC",
"NPP scaler" : "Escalador NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "Escalador CUDA",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "El dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) es legible",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "No se encontró el dispositivo VA-API ({dev})",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "El dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) tiene permisos incorrectos",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Estado del dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuración del Transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Memories utiliza el transcodificador go-vod. Puedes ejecutar go-vod externamente (por ejemplo, en un contenedor Docker separado para la aceleración de hardware) o utilizar el transcodificador incorporado. Para utilizar un transcodificador externo, habilita la siguiente opción y sigue las instrucciones de la documentación:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Habilitar transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Ruta del binario (solo local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Dirección de enlace (solo local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Dirección de conexión (misma que enlace si es local)",
"_{n} item added to album_::_{n} items added to album_" : ["{n} elemento añadido al álbum","{n} elementos añadidos al álbum","{n} elementos añadidos al álbum"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Agregar personas o grupos que puedan editar tu álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Buscar colaboradores",
"Search people or groups" : "Buscar personas o grupos",
"Add {collaboratorLabel} to the collaborators list" : "Agregar {etiquetaColaborador} a la lista de colaboradores",
"No collaborators available" : "No hay colaboradores disponibles",
"Remove {collaboratorLabel} from the collaborators list" : "Eliminar {etiquetaColaborador} de la lista de colaboradores",
"Copy the public link" : "Copiar el enlace público",
"Public link copied!" : "¡Enlace público copiado!",
"Copy public link" : "Copiar enlace público",
"Delete the public link" : "Eliminar el enlace público",
"Share via public link" : "Compartir mediante enlace público",
"Failed to fetch collaborators list." : "Error al obtener la lista de colaboradores.",
"Public link" : "Liga pública",
"Failed to fetch album." : "Error al obtener el álbum.",
"Failed to update album." : "Error al actualizar el álbum.",
"Create new album" : "Crear nuevo álbum",
"Edit album details" : "Editar detalles del álbum",
"New album" : "Nuevo álbum",
"Could not load the selected album" : "No se pudo cargar el álbum seleccionado",
"Remove Album" : "Eliminar Álbum",
"Are you sure you want to permanently remove album \"{name}\"?" : "¿Seguro que deseas eliminar permanentemente el álbum \"{name}\"?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this album" : "Solo el usuario \"{user}\" puede eliminar este álbum",
"Failed to delete {name}." : "Error al eliminar {name}.",
"Name of the album" : "Nombre del álbum",
"Location of the album" : "Ubicación del álbum",
"Go back to the previous view." : "Volver a la vista anterior.",
"Back" : "Atrás",
"Go to the add collaborators view." : "Ir a la vista de agregar colaboradores.",
"Add collaborators" : "Agregar colaboradores",
"Back to the new album form." : "Volver al formulario de nuevo álbum.",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Create album" : "Crear álbum",
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Nombre de álbum no válido; no debe contener barras inclinadas.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Agregar selección a álbum {nombreÁlbum}",
"Create a new album." : "Crear un nuevo álbum.",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n elemento","%n elementos","%n elementos"],
"Share Album" : "Compartir Álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Guardar colaboradores para este álbum.",
"Newest" : "Más recientes",
"Year" : "Año",
"Month" : "Mes",
"Day" : "Día",
"Time" : "Hora",
"Hour" : "Hora",
"Minute" : "Minuto",
"Oldest" : "Más antiguos",
"Invalid Date" : "Fecha no válida",
"Newest date is older than oldest date" : "La fecha más reciente es anterior a la fecha más antigua",
"Title" : "Título",
"Description" : "Descripción",
"Label" : "Etiqueta",
"Camera Make" : "Marca de la Cámara",
"Camera Model" : "Modelo de la Cámara",
"Lens Model" : "Modelo de Lente",
"Copyright" : "Derechos de autor",
"Empty" : "Vacío",
"Unchanged" : "Sin cambios",
"Reset" : "Restablecer",
"Remove location" : "Eliminar ubicación",
"Search location / landmark" : "Buscar ubicación / hito",
"Failed to search for location with Nominatim." : "Error al buscar ubicación con Nominatim.",
"Date / Time" : "Fecha / Hora",
"Collaborative Tags" : "Etiquetas colaborativas",
"EXIF Fields" : "Campos EXIF",
"Geolocation" : "Geolocalización",
"Failed to load metadata for {n} photos." : "Error al cargar los metadatos de {n} fotos.",
"{n} photos cannot be edited (permissions error)." : "No se pueden editar {n} fotos (error de permisos).",
"Remove person" : "Eliminar persona",
"Are you sure you want to remove {name}?" : "¿Seguro que deseas eliminar {name}?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this person" : "Solo el usuario \"{user}\" puede eliminar a esta persona",
"Rename person" : "Renombrar persona",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Failed to rename {oldName} to {name}." : "Error al cambiar el nombre de {oldName} a {name}.",
"Search" : "Buscar",
"Loading …" : "Loading …",
"Enter name of the new face" : "Ingresa el nombre de la nueva cara",
"Failed to create face" : "Error al crear la cara",
"Merge {name} with person" : "Fusionar {name} con persona",
"Are you sure you want to merge {name} with {newName}?" : "¿Seguro que deseas fusionar {name} con {newName}?",
"Too many failures, aborting" : "Demasiados fallos, abortando",
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Error al mover {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Error al mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mover fotos seleccionadas a persona",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "¿Mover las fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Ocurrió un error al mover las fotos de {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Elegir una carpeta",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} elemento movido a carpeta","{n} elementos movidos a carpeta","{n} elementos movidos a carpeta"],
"Remove" : "Eliminar",
"Add Path" : "Añadir Ruta",
"Add a root to your timeline" : "Añadir una raíz a tu línea de tiempo",
"Link Sharing" : "Compartir enlaces",
"You cannot share the root folder" : "No puedes compartir la carpeta raíz",
"Public link shares are available to people outside Nextcloud." : "Las comparticiones de enlaces públicos están disponibles para personas fuera de Nextcloud.",
"You may create or update permissions on public links using the sidebar." : "Puedes crear o actualizar permisos en los enlaces públicos usando la barra lateral.",
"Click a link to copy to clipboard." : "Haz clic en un enlace para copiarlo al portapapeles.",
"Share link" : "Compartir liga",
"Create Link" : "Crear Enlace",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",
"Password protected" : "Protegido con contraseña",
"Expires" : "Expira",
"Editable" : "Editable",
"Read only" : "Sólo lectura",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Enlace copiado al portapapeles",
"Share File" : "Compartir Archivo",
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaño Reducido",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Compartir una vista previa de imagen de menor resolución",
"High Resolution" : "Alta Resolución",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Compartir el video como un archivo MOV de alta calidad",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Compartir la imagen como un archivo JPEG de alta calidad",
"Original File" : "Archivo Original",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Compartir la imagen / video original",
"Public Link" : "Enlace Público",
"Share an external Nextcloud link" : "Compartir un enlace externo de Nextcloud",
"Failed to download file" : "Error al descargar el archivo",
"Cannot share this type of data" : "No se puede compartir este tipo de datos",
"Sort by date" : "Ordenar por fecha",
"Sort by name" : "Ordenar por nombre",
"Share album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Download album" : "Descargar álbum",
"Delete album" : "Eliminar álbum",
"Nothing to show here" : "Nada que mostrar aquí",
"Unassigned faces" : "Rostros sin asignar",
"Merge with different person" : "Fusionar con otra persona",
"Mark person in preview" : "Marcar persona en la vista previa",
"Folder View" : "Vista de Carpeta",
"Timeline View" : "Vista de Línea de Tiempo",
"Share folder" : "Compartir carpeta",
"Move left" : "Mover a la izquierda",
"Move right" : "Mover a la derecha",
"Image saved successfully" : "Imagen guardada exitosamente",
"Error saving image" : "Error al guardar la imagen",
"Unsaved changes" : "Cambios no guardados",
"Drop changes" : "Descartar cambios",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Play Live Photo" : "Reproducir Foto en Vivo",
"Download Video" : "Descargar Video",
"Slideshow" : "Presentación de Diapositivas",
"Previous" : "Previo",
"Next" : "Siguiente",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "La edición está deshabilitada actualmente para las Fotos en Vivo",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminarlo?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Error al eliminar la foto",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "{name} el binario existe y es ejecutable.",
"{name} binary not found." : "No se encontró el binario {name}.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "El binario {name} no es ejecutable.",
"{name} failed test: {info}." : "{name} prueba fallida: {info}.",
"{name} binary exists and is usable ({info})." : "{name} el binario existe y es utilizable ({info}).",
"{name} binary status: {status}." : "Estado del binario {name}: {status}.",
"Save as" : "Guardar como",
"All changes will be lost." : "Se perderán todos los cambios.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "¿Estás seguro de que deseas continuar?",
"Continue" : "Continuar",
"Undo" : "Deshacer",
"Redo" : "Rehacer",
"Show original image" : "Mostrar imagen original",
"Zoom in" : "Acerca",
"Zoom out" : "Alejar",
"Toggle zoom menu" : "Alternar menú de zoom",
"Adjust" : "Ajustar",
"Fine-tune" : "Ajuste fino",
"Filters" : "Filtros",
"Watermark" : "Marca de agua",
"Draw" : "Dibujar",
"Resize" : "Redimensionar",
"Invalid image." : "Imagen no válida.",
"Error while uploading the image." : "Error al cargar la imagen.",
"are not images" : "no son imágenes",
"is not an image" : "no es una imagen",
"to be uploaded" : "para subir",
"Crop" : "Recortar",
"Original" : "Original",
"Custom" : "Personalizado",
"Square" : "Cuadrado",
"Landscape" : "Paisaje",
"Portrait" : "Retrato",
"Ellipse" : "Elipse",
"Classic TV" : "TV clásica",
"CinemaScope" : "CinemaScope",
"Arrow" : "Flecha",
"Blur" : "Desenfoque",
"Brightness" : "Brillo",
"Contrast" : "Contraste",
"Un-flip X" : "Desvirar X",
"Flip X" : "Voltear X",
"Un-flip Y" : "Desvirar Y",
"Flip Y" : "Voltear Y",
"HSV" : "HSV",
"Hue" : "Tono",
"Saturation" : "Saturación",
"Value" : "Valor",
"Image" : "Imagen",
"Importing …" : "Importando ...",
"+ Add image" : "+ Agregar imagen",
"Line" : "Línea",
"Pen" : "Lápiz",
"Polygon" : "Polígono",
"Sides" : "Lados",
"Rectangle" : "Rectángulo",
"Corner Radius" : "Radio de esquina",
"Width in pixels" : "Ancho en píxeles",
"Height in pixels" : "Alto en píxeles",
"Toggle ratio lock" : "Alternar bloqueo de relación",
"Reset to original image size" : "Restablecer al tamaño original de la imagen",
"Rotate" : "Rotar",
"Text" : "Texto",
"Text spacing" : "Espaciado de texto",
"Text alignment" : "Alineación de texto",
"Font family" : "Familia de fuentes",
"Size" : "Tamaño",
"Position" : "Posición"
"Letter spacing" : "Espaciado entre letras",
"Line height" : "Altura de línea",
"Warmth" : "Calidez",
"+ Add watermark" : "+ Agregar marca de agua",
"Choose watermark type" : "Elegir tipo de marca de agua",
"Upload watermark" : "Subir marca de agua",
"Add as text" : "Agregar como texto",
"Padding" : "Padding",
"Shadow" : "Sombra",
"Horizontal" : "Horizontal",
"Vertical" : "Vertical",
"Opacity" : "Opacidad",
"Position" : "Posición",
"Stroke" : "Trazo",
"Save image as" : "Guardar imagen como",
"Extension" : "Extensión",
"Name is required." : "Se requiere el nombre.",
"Quality" : "Calidad",
"Saved image size (width x height)" : "Tamaño de imagen guardada (ancho x alto)",
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Ten en cuenta que el área de recorte seleccionada es menor que el redimensionamiento aplicado, lo que puede causar una disminución en la calidad",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tamaño real (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Ajustar tamaño",
"Transcoding failed, check Nextcloud logs." : "La transcodificación falló, verifica los registros de Nextcloud.",
"Direct" : "Directa",
"Auto" : "Automático",
"Shared Folder" : "Carpeta Compartida",
"Shared Album" : "Álbum Compartido",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "Error al crear {nombreÁlbum}.",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "Error al cambiar el nombre de {nombreÁlbumActual} a {nombreÁlbumNuevo}.",
"General Failure" : "Falla General",
"Error: {msg}" : "Error: {msg}",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "Error al eliminar {nombreArchivo}.",
"Failed to move files." : "Error al mover archivos.",
"Could not move {fileName}, target exists." : "No se pudo mover {fileName}, el destino ya existe.",
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "Error al mover {fileName}.",
"Failed to download files" : "Error al descargar archivos",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Error al marcar archivos como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Error al marcar algunos archivos como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Error al marcar {fileName} como favorito.",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Memories ha sido actualizado a {version}. Recarga para obtener la nueva versión.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Sube algunas fotos y asegúrate de que la ruta de la línea de tiempo esté configurada",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Marca las fotos como favoritas para encontrarlas fácilmente",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán los recuerdos de años anteriores",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Encontrarás a tus amigos pronto. Por favor, ten paciencia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "El Reconocimiento Facial está desactivado. Actívalo en la configuración para encontrar a tus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán tus videos",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Aún no hay fotos en este álbum",
"Create an album to get started" : "Crea un álbum para empezar",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archiva las fotos que no desees ver en tu línea de tiempo",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiqueta las fotos para encontrarlas fácilmente",
"Recognize is still working on your photos" : "Reconoce todavía está trabajando en tus fotos",
"Places you have been to will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán los lugares que has visitado"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

l10n/et_EE.js vendored
View File

@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Create album" : "Loo album",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Lisa valitud albumisse {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Loo uus album.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Jaga %n kasutajaga","Jaga %n kasutajaga"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Salvesta selle albumi kaastöölised.",
"Month" : "Kuu",
"Day" : "Päev",

l10n/et_EE.json vendored
View File

@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
"Create album" : "Loo album",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Lisa valitud albumisse {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Loo uus album.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Jaga %n kasutajaga","Jaga %n kasutajaga"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Salvesta selle albumi kaastöölised.",
"Month" : "Kuu",
"Day" : "Päev",

l10n/eu.js vendored
View File

@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Albumaren izen baliogabea; ez luke barrarik eduki behar.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Gehitu hautapena {albumName} albumera",
"Create a new album." : "Sortu album berria.",
"shared by {owner}" : "{owner}(e)k partekatuta",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["elementu %n","%n elementu"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Partekatu erabiltzaile %nekin","Partekatu %n erabiltzaileekin"],
"Share Album" : "Partekatu albuma",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Gorde album honen kolaboratzaileak.",
"Newest" : "Berrienak",
@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Download album" : "Deskargatu albuma",
"Delete album" : "Ezabatu albuma",
"Nothing to show here" : "Hemen ez dago ezer erakusteko",
"Unassigned faces" : "Esleitu gabeko aurpegiak",
"Merge with different person" : "Bateratu beste pertsona batekin",
"Mark person in preview" : "Markatu pertsona aurreikuspenean",
"Folder View" : "Karpeten ikuspegia",

l10n/eu.json vendored
View File

@ -165,8 +165,8 @@
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Albumaren izen baliogabea; ez luke barrarik eduki behar.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Gehitu hautapena {albumName} albumera",
"Create a new album." : "Sortu album berria.",
"shared by {owner}" : "{owner}(e)k partekatuta",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["elementu %n","%n elementu"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Partekatu erabiltzaile %nekin","Partekatu %n erabiltzaileekin"],
"Share Album" : "Partekatu albuma",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Gorde album honen kolaboratzaileak.",
"Newest" : "Berrienak",
@ -248,6 +248,7 @@
"Download album" : "Deskargatu albuma",
"Delete album" : "Ezabatu albuma",
"Nothing to show here" : "Hemen ez dago ezer erakusteko",
"Unassigned faces" : "Esleitu gabeko aurpegiak",
"Merge with different person" : "Bateratu beste pertsona batekin",
"Mark person in preview" : "Markatu pertsona aurreikuspenean",
"Folder View" : "Karpeten ikuspegia",

l10n/fi.js vendored
View File

@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Lisää valinta albumiin {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Luo uusi albumi.",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n kohde","%n kohdetta"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Jaa %n käyttäjän kanssa","Jaa %n käyttäjän kanssa"],
"Share Album" : "Jaa albumi",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Tallenna albumin osanottajat.",
"Newest" : "Uusimmat",

l10n/fi.json vendored
View File

@ -180,7 +180,6 @@
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Lisää valinta albumiin {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Luo uusi albumi.",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n kohde","%n kohdetta"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Jaa %n käyttäjän kanssa","Jaa %n käyttäjän kanssa"],
"Share Album" : "Jaa albumi",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Tallenna albumin osanottajat.",
"Newest" : "Uusimmat",

l10n/fr.js vendored
View File

@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Ajouter la sélection à l'album {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Créer un nouvel album",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n élément ","%n éléments","%n éléments"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Partager avec %n utilisateur","Partager avec %n utilisateurs","Partager avec %n utilisateurs"],
"Share Album" : "Partager l'album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Enregistrer les collaborateurs pour cet album.",
"Newest" : "Plus récent",

l10n/fr.json vendored
View File

@ -196,7 +196,6 @@
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Ajouter la sélection à l'album {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Créer un nouvel album",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n élément ","%n éléments","%n éléments"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Partager avec %n utilisateur","Partager avec %n utilisateurs","Partager avec %n utilisateurs"],
"Share Album" : "Partager l'album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Enregistrer les collaborateurs pour cet album.",
"Newest" : "Plus récent",

l10n/gl.js vendored
View File

@ -2,8 +2,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Memories" : "Lembranzas",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Unha «suite» de xestión de fotos rápida, moderna e avanzada",
"# Memories: Photo Management for Nextcloud\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize](https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) and [facerecognition](https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition).\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Work from any device, of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates and other metadata on photos quickly and in bulk.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Transcode videos and use HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **📦 Migration**: Migrate easily from Nextcloud Photos and Google Takeout.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Do all this very fast.\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store (try a demo [here](https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](https://memories.gallery/config/).\n1. Run `php occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Lembranzas: xestión de fotos para Nextcloud\n\nLembranzas é unha solución *pilas incluídas* para a xestión de fotos en Nextcloud con características avanzadas que inclúen:\n\n- **📸 Cronoloxía**: ordene fotos e vídeos por data de toma, analizados a partir de datos Exif.\n- **⏪ Rebobinar**: salte a calquera momento do pasado ao instante e reviva as súas lembranzas.\n- **🤖 Etiquetado AI**: agrupe as fotos por persoas e obxectos, coa axuda de [recognize](https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) e [facerecognition](https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition ).\n- **🖼️ Álbums**: cree álbums para agrupar fotos e vídeos. Após comparta estes álbums con outros.\n- **🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 Compartir externamente**: comparta fotos e vídeos con persoas fóra da súa instancia de Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Compatibilidade co móbil**: traballe dende calquera dispositivo, de calquera forma e tamaño a través da aplicación web.\n- **✏️ Editar metadatos**: edite as datas e outros metadatos nas fotos de forma rápida e masiva.\n- **📦 Arquivo**: almacene as fotos que non quere ver na súa liña temporal nun cartafol separado.\n- **📹 Transcodificación de vídeo**: transcodifique vídeos e use HLS para obter o máximo rendemento.\n- **🗺️ Mapa**: mire as súas fotos nun mapa, etiquetado con xeocodificación inversa precisa.\n- **📦 Migración**: migre doadamente dende Fotos de Nextcloud e Google Takeout.\n- **⚡️ Rendemento**: faga todo isto moi rápido.\n\n## 🚀 Instalación\n\n1. Instale a aplicación dende a tenda de aplicacións de Nextcloud (probe unha demostración [aquí](https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n1. Realice os [pasos de configuración] recomendados (https://memories.gallery/config/).\n1. Execute «php occ memories:index» para xerar índices de metadatos das fotos existentes.\n1. Abra a aplicación 📷 Lembranzas en Nextcloud e configure o directorio que contén as súas fotos.",
"Settings" : "Axustes",
"People" : "Xente",
"People (Recognize)" : "Persoas (Recognize)",
"People" : "Persoas",
"People (Face Recognition)" : "Persoas (Recoñecemento facial)",
"Info" : "Información",
"Timeline" : "Liña temporal",
"Folders" : "Cartafoles",
@ -15,24 +20,165 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Places" : "Lugares",
"Map" : "Mapa",
"Tags" : "Etiquetas",
"View all" : "Ver todo",
"Recognize" : "Recognize",
"Face Recognition" : "Recoñecemento facial",
"A better photos experience awaits you" : "Agárdalle unha mellor experiencia coas fotos",
"Choose the root folder of your timeline to begin" : "Escolla o cartafol raíz da súa liña temporal para comezar",
"Continue to Memories" : "Continuar ata Lembranzas",
"Choose again" : "Escolla de novo",
"Click here to start" : "Prema aquí para comezar",
"You can always change this later in settings" : "Sempre pode cambiar isto máis adiante nos axustes",
"If you just installed Memories, visit the admin panel first." : "Se ven de instalar Lembranzas, visite primeiro o panel de administración.",
"Choose the root of your timeline" : "Escolla a raíz da súa liña temporal",
"The selected folder does not seem to be valid. Try again." : "O cartafol seleccionado non parece ser válido. Ténteo de novo.",
"No photos were found in the selected folder." : "Non se atopou ningunha foto no cartafol seleccionado.",
"This can happen because your media is still indexing." : "Isto pode ocorrer porque os seus medios aínda se están a indexar.",
"Visit the admin panel to make sure Memories is configured correctly." : "Visita o panel de administración para asegurarse de que Lembranzas está configurado correctamente.",
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Atopouse {n} elemento en {path}","Atopáronse {n} elementos en {path}"],
"Edit" : "Editar",
"No title" : "Sen título",
"No description" : "No description",
"No coordinates" : "Sen coordenadas",
"Click edit to set location" : "Prema en editar para estabelecer a localización",
"Photos" : "Fotos",
"Explore" : "Examinar",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Delete" : "Eliminar",
"Remove from album" : "Retirar do álbum",
"Favorite" : "Favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarquivar",
"Edit metadata" : "Editar os metadatos",
"View in folder" : "Ver no cartafol",
"Move to folder" : "Move to folder",
"Add to album" : "Engadir ao álbum",
"Move to person" : "Mover a persona",
"Remove from person" : "Retirar da persoa",
"You are about to download a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Está a piques de descargar un gran número de ficheiros. Confirma que quere facelo?",
"You are about to delete a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Está a piques de eliminar un gran número de ficheiros. Confirma que quere facelo?",
"Failed to delete files" : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar os ficheiros",
"You are about to touch a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Está a piques de modificar un gran número de ficheiros. Confirma que quere facelo?",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Ten que activar «Marcar persoa na vista previa» para usar esta función",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Só o usuario «{user}» pode actualizar esta persoa",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} seleccionado","{n} seleccionados"],
"Memories Settings" : "Axustes de Lembranzas",
"General" : "Xeral",
"Timeline Path" : "Ruta da liña temporal",
"Square grid mode" : "Modo de cuadrícula",
"Show past photos on top of timeline" : "Amosar as fotos anteriores na parte superior da liña temporal",
"Load full size image on zoom" : "Cargar a imaxe a tamaño real no zoom",
"Always load full size image (not recommended)" : "Carga sempre a imaxe a tamaño real (non recomendado)",
"Account" : "Conta",
"Logged in as {user}" : "Accedeu como {user}",
"Sign out" : "Sair",
"Device Folders" : "Cartafoles do dispositivo",
"Local folders to include in the timeline view" : "Cartafoles locais para incluír na vista da liña temporal",
"Folders Path" : "Ruta aos cartafoles",
"Show hidden folders" : "Amosar os cartafoles agochados",
"Sort folders oldest-first" : "Ordenar os cartafoles, os máis antigos primeiro",
"Sort albums oldest-first" : "Ordenar os álbums, os máis antigos primeiro",
"Choose Timeline Paths" : "Escoller as rutas da liña temporal",
"Choose the root for the folders view" : "Escoller a raíz para a vista de cartafoles",
"Are you sure you want to log out {user}?" : "Confirma que quere saír?",
"Close" : "Pechar",
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Produciuse un fallo ao cargar algunhas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Produciuse un fallo ao actualizar o axuste",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracciónde datos EXIF",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Ruta ao binario exiftool empaquetado",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Necesitas Perl só se o binario exiftool empaquetado non funciona por algún motivo.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Usar Perl do sistema (só se o binario exiftool non funciona)",
"File Support" : "Compatibilidade de ficheiros",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Pode configurar os provedores de vista previa de Nextcloud activados a seguir.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Se está a usar Imaginary para a xeración da vista previa, pode ignorar esta sección.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para activar a compatibilidade con RAW, instale a aplicación Camera RAW Previews.",
"Documentation." : "Documentación.",
"The following MIME types are configured for preview generation." : "Os seguintes tipos MIME están configurados para a xeración de vista previa.",
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamaño máximo de vista previa (compromiso entre calidade e requisitos de almacenamento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memoria máxima para a xeración da vista previa (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamaño máximo dos ficheiros de vista previa (MB)",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imaxes (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Vídeos (FFmpeg)",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de medios",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "Indexáronse {n} ficheiros multimedia",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automatic Indexing status: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "O último traballo de índexación executouse hai {t} segundos.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Levoulle {t} segundos para completarse.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Aínda se está a executar ou foi interrompido.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Só se admite o cifrado do lado do servidor (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE), mais hai outro módulo de cifrado activado.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Os índices EXIF constrúense e compróbanse nunha tarefa periódica en segundo plano. Teña coidado ao seleccionar calquera cousa que non sexa a indexación automática. Por exemplo, estabelecer a indexación só para cartafoles da liña temporal pode provocar atrasos antes de que os medios estean dispoñíbeis para os usuarios, xa que o usuario configura a liña temporal só após acceder.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Os cartafoles cun ficheiro «.nomedia» sempre están excluídos da indexación.",
"Index all media automatically (recommended)" : " Indexar todos los medios automáticamente (recomendado)",
"Index per-user timeline folders (not recommended)" : "Indexar os cartafoles da liña temporal por usuario (non recomendado)",
"Index a fixed relative path" : "Indexar unha ruta relativa fixa",
"Disable background indexing" : "Desactivar a indexación en segundo plano",
"Indexing path (relative, all users)" : "Ruta de indexación (relativa, todos os usuarios)",
"For advanced usage, perform a run of indexing by running:" : "Para uso avanzado, realice unha execución de indexación executando:",
"Run index in parallel with 4 threads:" : "Executar a indexación en paralelo con 4 fíos:",
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forzar a reindexación de todos os ficheiros:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Pode limitar a indexación por usuario e/ou cartafol:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Limpar todas as táboas de índice existentes:",
"Performance" : "Rendemento",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está activado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Está a acceder a esta páxina nun contexto non seguro. Varias API do navegador non están dispoñíbeis, o que fará que Lembranzas sexa moi lento. Active HTTPS no seu servidor para mellorar o rendemento.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 está activado",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Recoméndase encarecidamente HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 (detectouse {httpVer})",
"Unknown" : "Descoñecido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Xeocodificación inversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "A base de datos está cuberta con {n} xeometrías.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Non foi creada a táboa de xeometría.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Semella que os datos do planeta están incompletos.",
"Reverse geocoding has not been configured ({status})." : "Non foi configurada a xeocodificación inversa ({status}).",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "Lembranzas admite a xeocodificación inversa sen conexión usando os datos de OpenStreetMaps en MySQL e Postgres.",
"You need to download the planet data into your database. This is highly recommended and has low overhead." : "Ten que descargar os datos do planeta na súa base de datos. Isto é moi recomendábel e ten unha sobrecarga baixa.",
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Se o botón de embaixo non funciona para importar os datos do planeta, use a seguinte orde:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: os datos de xeometría gárdanse na táboa memories_planet_geometry, sen prefixo.",
"Download planet database" : "Descargar a base de datos de planeta",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Non se detectou compatibilidade con xeometría na súa base de datos",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Detectouse compatibilidade con xeometría tipo MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Detectouse compatibilidade con xeometría nativa de Postgres",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Semella que a base de datos xa está estabelecida. Confirma que quere volver descargar os datos do planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Está a piques de descargar a base de datos do planeta. Isto pode levar o seu tempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Isto tamén pode provocar que todas as fotos volvan ser indexadas!",
"Video Streaming" : "Transmisión de vídeo",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "A transcodificación en directo fornece a transmisión adaptábel de vídeos mediante HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Teña en conta que isto pode resultar nun uso moi intensivo da CPU sen aceleración de hardware e a transcodificación non se utilizará para o almacenamento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Activar a transcodificación",
"ffmpeg path" : "Ruta a FFmpeg",
"ffprobe path" : "Ruta a FFprobe",
"Global default video quality (user may override)" : "Calidade de vídeo predeterminada global (o usuario pode cambiala)",
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automático (transcodificación adaptábel)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Orixinal (transcodificación coa máxima calidade)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Directo (ficheiro de vídeo orixinal sen transcodificación)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleración por hardware",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Antes de configurar a aceleración, debe asegurarse de que estean instalados os controladores correctos ",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Asegúrese de probar a aceleración de hardware con varias opcións após activala.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Non active varios tipos de aceleración de hardware á vez.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Os procesadores Intel compatíbeis con QuickSync Video (QSV) así como algunhas GPU AMD pódense utilizar para transcodificar mediante a aceleración VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Para obter máis detalles sobre a instalación do controlador, consulte a documentación:",
"External Link" : "Ligazón externa",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Activar a aceleración con VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV)" : "Activar o modo de baixo consumo (QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "Pódense usar as GPU de NVIDIA para transcodificar usando o codificador NVENC cos controladores axeitados.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Dependendo das versións do SDK e FFmpeg instalados, cómpre especificar o escalador para usar",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "Non hai probas automáticas dispoñíbeis para a aceleración de NVIDIA.",
"Enable acceleration with NVENC" : "Activar a aceleración con NVENC",
"Enable NVENC Temporal AQ" : "Activar a AQ temporal de NVENC",
"NPP scaler" : "Escalador NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "Escalador CUDA",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) é lexíbel",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "Non se atopou o dispositivo VA-API ({dev}).",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) ten permisos incorrectos",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Estado do dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuración do transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Lembranzas usa o transcodificador go-vod. Pode executar go-vod externamente (p. ex., nun contedor Docker separado para a aceleración de hardware) ou usar o transcodificador integrado. Para usar un transcodificador externo, active a seguinte opción e siga as instrucións da documentación:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Activar o transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Ruta ao binario (só local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Enderezo de ligazón (só local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Enderezo de conexión (o mesmo que a ligazón se é local)",
"_{n} item added to album_::_{n} items added to album_" : ["Engadiuse {n} elemento ao álbum","Engadíronse {n} elementos ao álbum"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Engadir persoas ou grupos que poidan editar o seu álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Buscar colaboradores",
"Search people or groups" : "Buscar persoas ou grupos",
@ -44,13 +190,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copy public link" : "Copiar a ligazón pública",
"Delete the public link" : "Eliminar a ligazón pública",
"Share via public link" : "Compartir mediante ligazón pública",
"Failed to fetch collaborators list." : "Produciuse un erro ao obter a lista de colaboradores.",
"Failed to fetch collaborators list." : "Produciuse un erro ao recuperar a lista de colaboradores.",
"Public link" : "Ligazón pública",
"Failed to fetch album." : "Produciuse un erro ao recuperar o álbum.",
"Failed to fetch album." : "Produciuse un fallo ao recuperar o álbum.",
"Failed to update album." : "Produciuse un erro ao actualizar o álbum.",
"Create new album" : "Crear un novo álbum",
"Edit album details" : "Editar os detalles do álbum",
"New album" : "Novo álbum",
"Could not load the selected album" : "Non foi posíbel cargar o álbum seleccionado",
"Remove Album" : "Retirar o álbum",
"Are you sure you want to permanently remove album \"{name}\"?" : "Confirma que quere retirar definitivamente o album «{name}»?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this album" : "Só o usuario «{user}» pode eliminar este álbum",
"Failed to delete {name}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar {name}.",
"Name of the album" : "Nome do álbum",
"Location of the album" : "Localización do álbum",
"Go back to the previous view." : "Volver á vista anterior.",
@ -60,54 +211,124 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Back to the new album form." : "Volver ao formulario do álbum novo.",
"Save" : "Gardar",
"Create album" : "Crear álbum.",
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "O nome do álbum é incorrecto; non debe conter ningunha barra.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Engadir a selección ao álbum {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Crear un novo álbum.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Compartir con %n usuario","Compartir con %n usuarios"],
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n elemento","%n elementos"],
"Share Album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Gardar os colaboradores para este álbum.",
"Newest" : "Máis recente",
"Year" : "Ano",
"Month" : "Mes",
"Day" : "Día",
"Time" : "Hora",
"Hour" : "Hora",
"Minute" : "Minuto",
"Oldest" : "Máis antiga",
"Invalid Date" : "Data incorrecta",
"Newest date is older than oldest date" : "A data máis recente é anterior á data máis antiga",
"Title" : "Título",
"Description" : "Descrición",
"Label" : "Etiqueta",
"Copyright" : "Copyright",
"Camera Make" : "Marca da cámara",
"Camera Model" : "Modelo da cámara",
"Lens Model" : "Modelo da lente",
"Copyright" : "Dereitos de autoría",
"Empty" : "Baleiro",
"Unchanged" : "Sen cambios",
"Reset" : "Restabelecer",
"Remove location" : "Retirar a localización",
"Search location / landmark" : "Buscar localización / lugar emblemático",
"Failed to search for location with Nominatim." : "Produciuse un fallo ao buscar a localización con Nominatim.",
"Date / Time" : "Día / hora",
"Collaborative Tags" : "Etiquetas colaborativas",
"EXIF Fields" : "Campos EXIF",
"Geolocation" : "Xeolocalización",
"Failed to load metadata for {n} photos." : "Produciuse un fallo ao cargar os metadatos de {n} fotos.",
"{n} photos cannot be edited (permissions error)." : "Non é posíbel editar {n} fotos (hai erros nos permisos).",
"Remove person" : "Retirar persoa",
"Are you sure you want to remove {name}?" : "Confirma que quere retirar a {name}?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this person" : "Só o usuario «{user}» pode eliminar esta persoa",
"Rename person" : "Cambiar o nome da persoa",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Failed to rename {oldName} to {name}." : "Non foi posíbel cambiar o nome de {oldName} a {name}.",
"Search" : "Buscar",
"Loading …" : "Cargando…",
"Enter name of the new face" : "Introduza o nome da nova cara",
"Failed to create face" : "Produciuse un fallo ao crear unha cara",
"Merge {name} with person" : "Combinar {nome} coa persoa",
"Are you sure you want to merge {name} with {newName}?" : "Confirma que quere combinar {name} con {newName}?",
"Too many failures, aborting" : "Demasiados fallos, interrompendo",
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Produciuse un erro ao mover {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Move as fotos seleccionadas á persoa",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Quere mover as fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Produciuse un erro ao mover as fotos de {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Escoller un cartafol",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["Moveuse {n} elemento ao cartafol","Movéronse {n} elementos ao cartafol"],
"Remove" : "Retirar",
"Share link" : "Compartir ligazón",
"Add Path" : "Engadir ruta",
"Add a root to your timeline" : "Engadir unha raíz á súa liña temporal",
"Link Sharing" : "Compartir con ligazóns",
"You cannot share the root folder" : "Vde. non pode compartir o cartafol raíz",
"Public link shares are available to people outside Nextcloud." : "As ligazóns para compartir públicas están dispoñíbeis para persoas alleas a Nextcloud.",
"You may create or update permissions on public links using the sidebar." : "Pode crear ou actualizar permisos nas ligazóns públicas usando a barra lateral.",
"Click a link to copy to clipboard." : "Prema nunha ligazón para copiala no portapapeis.",
"Share link" : "Ligazón para compartir",
"Create Link" : "Crear ligazón",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",
"Password protected" : "Protexido con contrasinal",
"Expires" : "Caduca",
"Editable" : "Editábel",
"Read only" : "Só lectura",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "A ligazón foi copiada no portapapeis.",
"Share File" : "Compartir ficheiro",
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaño reducido",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Compartir unha vista previa da imaxe de menor resolución",
"High Resolution" : "Alta resolución",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Compartir o vídeo como MOV de alta calidade",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Compartir a imaxe como JPEG de alta calidade",
"Original File" : "Ficheiro orixinal",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Compartir o ficheiro de imaxe/vídeo orixinal",
"Public Link" : "Ligazón pública",
"Share an external Nextcloud link" : "Compartir unha ligazón externa de Nextcloud",
"Failed to download file" : "Produciuse un fallo ao descargar o ficheiro",
"Cannot share this type of data" : "Non é posíbel compartir este tipo de datos",
"Sort by date" : "Ordenar pola data",
"Sort by name" : "Ordenar polo nome",
"Share album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Download album" : "Descargar album",
"Delete album" : "Eliminar álbum",
"Nothing to show here" : "Non hai nada que amosar aquí",
"Unassigned faces" : "Facianas sen asignar",
"Merge with different person" : "Combinar cunha persoa diferente",
"Mark person in preview" : "Marcar persoa na vista previa",
"Folder View" : "Vista do cartafol",
"Timeline View" : "Vista da liña temporal",
"Share folder" : "Compartir cartafol",
"Move left" : "Mover á esquerda",
"Move right" : "Move á dereita",
"Image saved successfully" : "A imaxe foi gardada satisfactoriamente",
"Error saving image" : "Produciuse un erro ao gardar a imaxe",
"Unsaved changes" : "Cambios sen gardar",
"Drop changes" : "Desbotar os cambios",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Play Live Photo" : "Reproducir Live Photo",
"Download Video" : "Descargar vídeo",
"Slideshow" : "Diaporama",
"Previous" : "Anterior",
"Next" : "Seguinte",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Actualmente, está desactivada a edición para Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Confirma que quere eliminar?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar a foto",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "O binario {name} existe e é executábel.",
"{name} binary not found." : "Non se atopou o binario {name}.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "O binario {name} non é executábel",
"{name} failed test: {info}." : "Fallou a proba de {name}: {información}.",
"{name} binary exists and is usable ({info})." : "O binario {name} existe e pódese usar ({info}).",
"{name} binary status: {status}." : "Estado do binario {name}: {status}.",
"Save as" : "Gardar como",
"All changes will be lost." : "Perderanse todos os cambios.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Confirma que quere continuar?",
@ -182,19 +403,44 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Vertical" : "Vertical",
"Opacity" : "Opacidade",
"Position" : "Posicion",
"Stroke" : "Trazado",
"Stroke" : "Contorno",
"Save image as" : "Gardar a imaxe como",
"Extension" : "Extensión",
"Name is required." : "É obrigatorio o nome.",
"Name is required." : "Precisase o nome.",
"Quality" : "Calidade",
"Saved image size (width x height)" : "Tamaño da imaxe gardada (largo x alto)",
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Teña en conta que a área de recorte seleccionada é inferior ao cambio de tamaño aplicado, o que pode provocar unha diminución da calidade",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tamaño real (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Axuste de tamaño",
"Transcoding failed, check Nextcloud logs." : "Produciuse un fallo na transcodificación, comprobe os rexistros de Nextcloud.",
"Direct" : "Directa",
"Auto" : "Automático",
"Shared Folder" : "Cartafol compartido",
"Shared Album" : "Álbum compartido",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao crear {albumName}.",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "Non foi posíbel cambiar o nome de {currentAlbumName} a {newAlbumName}.",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar {fileName}."
"General Failure" : "Produciuse un fallo xeral",
"Error: {msg}" : "Erro: {msg}",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar {fileName}.",
"Failed to move files." : "Produciuse un fallo ao mover os ficheiro.",
"Could not move {fileName}, target exists." : "Non foi posíbel mover «{fileName}», o destino xa existe",
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao mover {fileName}.",
"Failed to download files" : "Produciuse un fallo ao descargar os ficheiros",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar os ficheiros como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar algúns ficheiros como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar {fileName} como favorito.",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Lembranzas foi actualizado á versión {version}. Volva cargar para obter a nova versión.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Carga algunhas fotos e asegúrese de que a ruta da liña temporal estea configurada",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Marcar as fotos como favoritas para atopalas facilmente",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán lembranzas de anos pasados",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Logo atopará os seus amigos. Teña paciencia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "O recoñecemento facial está desactivado. Actívea nos axustes para atopar os seus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Os seus vídeos aparecerán aquí",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Aínda non hai fotos neste álbum",
"Create an album to get started" : "Cree un álbum para comezar",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Arquive as fotos que non quere ver na súa liña temporal",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiquete as fotos para atopalas facilmente",
"Recognize is still working on your photos" : "Recognize segue traballando nas súas fotos",
"Places you have been to will appear here" : "Os lugares nos que estivo aparecerán aquí"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

l10n/gl.json vendored
View File

@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
{ "translations": {
"Download" : "Descargar",
"Memories" : "Lembranzas",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Unha «suite» de xestión de fotos rápida, moderna e avanzada",
"# Memories: Photo Management for Nextcloud\n\nMemories is a *batteries-included* photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:\n\n- **📸 Timeline**: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.\n- **⏪ Rewind**: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.\n- **🤖 AI Tagging**: Group photos by people and objects, powered by [recognize](https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) and [facerecognition](https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition).\n- **🖼️ Albums**: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.\n- **🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 External Sharing**: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.\n- **📱 Mobile Support**: Work from any device, of any shape and size through the web app.\n- **✏️ Edit Metadata**: Edit dates and other metadata on photos quickly and in bulk.\n- **📦 Archive**: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.\n- **📹 Video Transcoding**: Transcode videos and use HLS for maximal performance.\n- **🗺️ Map**: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.\n- **📦 Migration**: Migrate easily from Nextcloud Photos and Google Takeout.\n- **⚡️ Performance**: Do all this very fast.\n\n## 🚀 Installation\n\n1. Install the app from the Nextcloud app store (try a demo [here](https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n1. Perform the recommended [configuration steps](https://memories.gallery/config/).\n1. Run `php occ memories:index` to generate metadata indices for existing photos.\n1. Open the 📷 Memories app in Nextcloud and set the directory containing your photos." : "# Lembranzas: xestión de fotos para Nextcloud\n\nLembranzas é unha solución *pilas incluídas* para a xestión de fotos en Nextcloud con características avanzadas que inclúen:\n\n- **📸 Cronoloxía**: ordene fotos e vídeos por data de toma, analizados a partir de datos Exif.\n- **⏪ Rebobinar**: salte a calquera momento do pasado ao instante e reviva as súas lembranzas.\n- **🤖 Etiquetado AI**: agrupe as fotos por persoas e obxectos, coa axuda de [recognize](https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize) e [facerecognition](https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition ).\n- **🖼️ Álbums**: cree álbums para agrupar fotos e vídeos. Após comparta estes álbums con outros.\n- **🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 Compartir externamente**: comparta fotos e vídeos con persoas fóra da súa instancia de Nextcloud.\n- **📱 Compatibilidade co móbil**: traballe dende calquera dispositivo, de calquera forma e tamaño a través da aplicación web.\n- **✏️ Editar metadatos**: edite as datas e outros metadatos nas fotos de forma rápida e masiva.\n- **📦 Arquivo**: almacene as fotos que non quere ver na súa liña temporal nun cartafol separado.\n- **📹 Transcodificación de vídeo**: transcodifique vídeos e use HLS para obter o máximo rendemento.\n- **🗺️ Mapa**: mire as súas fotos nun mapa, etiquetado con xeocodificación inversa precisa.\n- **📦 Migración**: migre doadamente dende Fotos de Nextcloud e Google Takeout.\n- **⚡️ Rendemento**: faga todo isto moi rápido.\n\n## 🚀 Instalación\n\n1. Instale a aplicación dende a tenda de aplicacións de Nextcloud (probe unha demostración [aquí](https://demo.memories.gallery/apps/memories/)).\n1. Realice os [pasos de configuración] recomendados (https://memories.gallery/config/).\n1. Execute «php occ memories:index» para xerar índices de metadatos das fotos existentes.\n1. Abra a aplicación 📷 Lembranzas en Nextcloud e configure o directorio que contén as súas fotos.",
"Settings" : "Axustes",
"People" : "Xente",
"People (Recognize)" : "Persoas (Recognize)",
"People" : "Persoas",
"People (Face Recognition)" : "Persoas (Recoñecemento facial)",
"Info" : "Información",
"Timeline" : "Liña temporal",
"Folders" : "Cartafoles",
@ -13,24 +18,165 @@
"Places" : "Lugares",
"Map" : "Mapa",
"Tags" : "Etiquetas",
"View all" : "Ver todo",
"Recognize" : "Recognize",
"Face Recognition" : "Recoñecemento facial",
"A better photos experience awaits you" : "Agárdalle unha mellor experiencia coas fotos",
"Choose the root folder of your timeline to begin" : "Escolla o cartafol raíz da súa liña temporal para comezar",
"Continue to Memories" : "Continuar ata Lembranzas",
"Choose again" : "Escolla de novo",
"Click here to start" : "Prema aquí para comezar",
"You can always change this later in settings" : "Sempre pode cambiar isto máis adiante nos axustes",
"If you just installed Memories, visit the admin panel first." : "Se ven de instalar Lembranzas, visite primeiro o panel de administración.",
"Choose the root of your timeline" : "Escolla a raíz da súa liña temporal",
"The selected folder does not seem to be valid. Try again." : "O cartafol seleccionado non parece ser válido. Ténteo de novo.",
"No photos were found in the selected folder." : "Non se atopou ningunha foto no cartafol seleccionado.",
"This can happen because your media is still indexing." : "Isto pode ocorrer porque os seus medios aínda se están a indexar.",
"Visit the admin panel to make sure Memories is configured correctly." : "Visita o panel de administración para asegurarse de que Lembranzas está configurado correctamente.",
"_Found {n} item in {path}_::_Found {n} items in {path}_" : ["Atopouse {n} elemento en {path}","Atopáronse {n} elementos en {path}"],
"Edit" : "Editar",
"No title" : "Sen título",
"No description" : "No description",
"No coordinates" : "Sen coordenadas",
"Click edit to set location" : "Prema en editar para estabelecer a localización",
"Photos" : "Fotos",
"Explore" : "Examinar",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Delete" : "Eliminar",
"Remove from album" : "Retirar do álbum",
"Favorite" : "Favorito",
"Unarchive" : "Desarquivar",
"Edit metadata" : "Editar os metadatos",
"View in folder" : "Ver no cartafol",
"Move to folder" : "Move to folder",
"Add to album" : "Engadir ao álbum",
"Move to person" : "Mover a persona",
"Remove from person" : "Retirar da persoa",
"You are about to download a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Está a piques de descargar un gran número de ficheiros. Confirma que quere facelo?",
"You are about to delete a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Está a piques de eliminar un gran número de ficheiros. Confirma que quere facelo?",
"Failed to delete files" : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar os ficheiros",
"You are about to touch a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Está a piques de modificar un gran número de ficheiros. Confirma que quere facelo?",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Ten que activar «Marcar persoa na vista previa» para usar esta función",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Só o usuario «{user}» pode actualizar esta persoa",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} seleccionado","{n} seleccionados"],
"Memories Settings" : "Axustes de Lembranzas",
"General" : "Xeral",
"Timeline Path" : "Ruta da liña temporal",
"Square grid mode" : "Modo de cuadrícula",
"Show past photos on top of timeline" : "Amosar as fotos anteriores na parte superior da liña temporal",
"Load full size image on zoom" : "Cargar a imaxe a tamaño real no zoom",
"Always load full size image (not recommended)" : "Carga sempre a imaxe a tamaño real (non recomendado)",
"Account" : "Conta",
"Logged in as {user}" : "Accedeu como {user}",
"Sign out" : "Sair",
"Device Folders" : "Cartafoles do dispositivo",
"Local folders to include in the timeline view" : "Cartafoles locais para incluír na vista da liña temporal",
"Folders Path" : "Ruta aos cartafoles",
"Show hidden folders" : "Amosar os cartafoles agochados",
"Sort folders oldest-first" : "Ordenar os cartafoles, os máis antigos primeiro",
"Sort albums oldest-first" : "Ordenar os álbums, os máis antigos primeiro",
"Choose Timeline Paths" : "Escoller as rutas da liña temporal",
"Choose the root for the folders view" : "Escoller a raíz para a vista de cartafoles",
"Are you sure you want to log out {user}?" : "Confirma que quere saír?",
"Close" : "Pechar",
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} fotos",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Produciuse un fallo ao cargar algunhas fotos",
"Failed to update setting" : "Produciuse un fallo ao actualizar o axuste",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Extracciónde datos EXIF",
"Path to packaged exiftool binary" : "Ruta ao binario exiftool empaquetado",
"You need perl only if the packaged exiftool binary does not work for some reason." : "Necesitas Perl só se o binario exiftool empaquetado non funciona por algún motivo.",
"Use system perl (only if exiftool binary does not work)" : "Usar Perl do sistema (só se o binario exiftool non funciona)",
"File Support" : "Compatibilidade de ficheiros",
"You can configure the enabled Nextcloud preview providers below." : "Pode configurar os provedores de vista previa de Nextcloud activados a seguir.",
"If you are using Imaginary for preview generation, you can ignore this section." : "Se está a usar Imaginary para a xeración da vista previa, pode ignorar esta sección.",
"To enable RAW support, install the Camera RAW Previews app." : "Para activar a compatibilidade con RAW, instale a aplicación Camera RAW Previews.",
"Documentation." : "Documentación.",
"The following MIME types are configured for preview generation." : "Os seguintes tipos MIME están configurados para a xeración de vista previa.",
"Max preview size (trade-off between quality and storage requirements)." : "Tamaño máximo de vista previa (compromiso entre calidade e requisitos de almacenamento).",
"Max memory for preview generation (MB)" : "Memoria máxima para a xeración da vista previa (MB)",
"Max size of preview files (MB)" : "Tamaño máximo dos ficheiros de vista previa (MB)",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Imaxes (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Vídeos (FFmpeg)",
"Media Indexing" : "Indexación de medios",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "Indexáronse {n} ficheiros multimedia",
"Automatic Indexing status: {status}" : "Automatic Indexing status: {status}",
"Last index job was run {t} seconds ago." : "O último traballo de índexación executouse hai {t} segundos.",
"It took {t} seconds to complete." : "Levoulle {t} segundos para completarse.",
"It is still running or was interrupted." : "Aínda se está a executar ou foi interrompido.",
"Only server-side encryption (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE) is supported, but another encryption module is enabled." : "Só se admite o cifrado do lado do servidor (OC_DEFAULT_MODULE), mais hai outro módulo de cifrado activado.",
"The EXIF indexes are built and checked in a periodic background task. Be careful when selecting anything other than automatic indexing. For example, setting the indexing to only timeline folders may cause delays before media becomes available to users, since the user configures the timeline only after logging in." : "Os índices EXIF constrúense e compróbanse nunha tarefa periódica en segundo plano. Teña coidado ao seleccionar calquera cousa que non sexa a indexación automática. Por exemplo, estabelecer a indexación só para cartafoles da liña temporal pode provocar atrasos antes de que os medios estean dispoñíbeis para os usuarios, xa que o usuario configura a liña temporal só após acceder.",
"Folders with a \".nomedia\" file are always excluded from indexing." : "Os cartafoles cun ficheiro «.nomedia» sempre están excluídos da indexación.",
"Index all media automatically (recommended)" : " Indexar todos los medios automáticamente (recomendado)",
"Index per-user timeline folders (not recommended)" : "Indexar os cartafoles da liña temporal por usuario (non recomendado)",
"Index a fixed relative path" : "Indexar unha ruta relativa fixa",
"Disable background indexing" : "Desactivar a indexación en segundo plano",
"Indexing path (relative, all users)" : "Ruta de indexación (relativa, todos os usuarios)",
"For advanced usage, perform a run of indexing by running:" : "Para uso avanzado, realice unha execución de indexación executando:",
"Run index in parallel with 4 threads:" : "Executar a indexación en paralelo con 4 fíos:",
"Force re-indexing of all files:" : "Forzar a reindexación de todos os ficheiros:",
"You can limit indexing by user and/or folder:" : "Pode limitar a indexación por usuario e/ou cartafol:",
"Clear all existing index tables:" : "Limpar todas as táboas de índice existentes:",
"Performance" : "Rendemento",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS está activado",
"You are accessing this page over an insecure context. Several browser APIs are not available, which will make Memories very slow. Enable HTTPS on your server to improve performance." : "Está a acceder a esta páxina nun contexto non seguro. Varias API do navegador non están dispoñíbeis, o que fará que Lembranzas sexa moi lento. Active HTTPS no seu servidor para mellorar o rendemento.",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 está activado",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is strongly recommended ({httpVer} detected)" : "Recoméndase encarecidamente HTTP/2 ou HTTP/3 (detectouse {httpVer})",
"Unknown" : "Descoñecido",
"Reverse Geocoding" : "Xeocodificación inversa",
"Database is populated with {n} geometries." : "A base de datos está cuberta con {n} xeometrías.",
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Non foi creada a táboa de xeometría.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Semella que os datos do planeta están incompletos.",
"Reverse geocoding has not been configured ({status})." : "Non foi configurada a xeocodificación inversa ({status}).",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "Lembranzas admite a xeocodificación inversa sen conexión usando os datos de OpenStreetMaps en MySQL e Postgres.",
"You need to download the planet data into your database. This is highly recommended and has low overhead." : "Ten que descargar os datos do planeta na súa base de datos. Isto é moi recomendábel e ten unha sobrecarga baixa.",
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Se o botón de embaixo non funciona para importar os datos do planeta, use a seguinte orde:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Nota: os datos de xeometría gárdanse na táboa memories_planet_geometry, sen prefixo.",
"Download planet database" : "Descargar a base de datos de planeta",
"Geometry support was not detected in your database" : "Non se detectou compatibilidade con xeometría na súa base de datos",
"MySQL-like geometry support was detected " : "Detectouse compatibilidade con xeometría tipo MySQL",
"Postgres native geometry support was detected" : "Detectouse compatibilidade con xeometría nativa de Postgres",
"Looks like the database is already setup. Are you sure you want to redownload planet data?" : "Semella que a base de datos xa está estabelecida. Confirma que quere volver descargar os datos do planeta?",
"You are about to download the planet database. This may take a while." : "Está a piques de descargar a base de datos do planeta. Isto pode levar o seu tempo.",
"This may also cause all photos to be re-indexed!" : "Isto tamén pode provocar que todas as fotos volvan ser indexadas!",
"Video Streaming" : "Transmisión de vídeo",
"Live transcoding provides for adaptive streaming of videos using HLS." : "A transcodificación en directo fornece a transmisión adaptábel de vídeos mediante HLS.",
"Note that this may be very CPU intensive without hardware acceleration, and transcoding will not be used for external storage." : "Teña en conta que isto pode resultar nun uso moi intensivo da CPU sen aceleración de hardware e a transcodificación non se utilizará para o almacenamento externo.",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Activar a transcodificación",
"ffmpeg path" : "Ruta a FFmpeg",
"ffprobe path" : "Ruta a FFprobe",
"Global default video quality (user may override)" : "Calidade de vídeo predeterminada global (o usuario pode cambiala)",
"Auto (adaptive transcode)" : "Automático (transcodificación adaptábel)",
"Original (transcode with max quality)" : "Orixinal (transcodificación coa máxima calidade)",
"Direct (original video file without transcode)" : "Directo (ficheiro de vídeo orixinal sen transcodificación)",
"Hardware Acceleration" : "Aceleración por hardware",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Antes de configurar a aceleración, debe asegurarse de que estean instalados os controladores correctos ",
"Make sure you test hardware acceleration with various options after enabling." : "Asegúrese de probar a aceleración de hardware con varias opcións após activala.",
"Do not enable multiple types of hardware acceleration simultaneously." : "Non active varios tipos de aceleración de hardware á vez.",
"Intel processors supporting QuickSync Video (QSV) as well as some AMD GPUs can be used for transcoding using VA-API acceleration." : "Os procesadores Intel compatíbeis con QuickSync Video (QSV) así como algunhas GPU AMD pódense utilizar para transcodificar mediante a aceleración VA-API.",
"For more details on driver installation, check the documentation:" : "Para obter máis detalles sobre a instalación do controlador, consulte a documentación:",
"External Link" : "Ligazón externa",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Activar a aceleración con VA-API",
"Enable low-power mode (QSV)" : "Activar o modo de baixo consumo (QSV)",
"NVIDIA GPUs can be used for transcoding using the NVENC encoder with the proper drivers." : "Pódense usar as GPU de NVIDIA para transcodificar usando o codificador NVENC cos controladores axeitados.",
"Depending on the versions of the installed SDK and ffmpeg, you need to specify the scaler to use" : "Dependendo das versións do SDK e FFmpeg instalados, cómpre especificar o escalador para usar",
"No automated tests are available for NVIDIA acceleration." : "Non hai probas automáticas dispoñíbeis para a aceleración de NVIDIA.",
"Enable acceleration with NVENC" : "Activar a aceleración con NVENC",
"Enable NVENC Temporal AQ" : "Activar a AQ temporal de NVENC",
"NPP scaler" : "Escalador NPP",
"CUDA scaler" : "Escalador CUDA",
"VA-API device ({dev}) is readable" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) é lexíbel",
"VA-API device ({dev}) not found" : "Non se atopou o dispositivo VA-API ({dev}).",
"VA-API device ({dev}) has incorrect permissions" : "O dispositivo VA-API ({dev}) ten permisos incorrectos",
"VA-API device status: {status}" : "Estado do dispositivo VA-API: {status}",
"Transcoder configuration" : "Configuración do transcodificador",
"Memories uses the go-vod transcoder. You can run go-vod exernally (e.g. in a separate Docker container for hardware acceleration) or use the built-in transcoder. To use an external transcoder, enable the following option and follow the instructions in the documentation:" : "Lembranzas usa o transcodificador go-vod. Pode executar go-vod externamente (p. ex., nun contedor Docker separado para a aceleración de hardware) ou usar o transcodificador integrado. Para usar un transcodificador externo, active a seguinte opción e siga as instrucións da documentación:",
"Enable external transcoder (go-vod)" : "Activar o transcodificador externo (go-vod)",
"Binary path (local only)" : "Ruta ao binario (só local)",
"Bind address (local only)" : "Enderezo de ligazón (só local)",
"Connection address (same as bind if local)" : "Enderezo de conexión (o mesmo que a ligazón se é local)",
"_{n} item added to album_::_{n} items added to album_" : ["Engadiuse {n} elemento ao álbum","Engadíronse {n} elementos ao álbum"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Engadir persoas ou grupos que poidan editar o seu álbum",
"Search for collaborators" : "Buscar colaboradores",
"Search people or groups" : "Buscar persoas ou grupos",
@ -42,13 +188,18 @@
"Copy public link" : "Copiar a ligazón pública",
"Delete the public link" : "Eliminar a ligazón pública",
"Share via public link" : "Compartir mediante ligazón pública",
"Failed to fetch collaborators list." : "Produciuse un erro ao obter a lista de colaboradores.",
"Failed to fetch collaborators list." : "Produciuse un erro ao recuperar a lista de colaboradores.",
"Public link" : "Ligazón pública",
"Failed to fetch album." : "Produciuse un erro ao recuperar o álbum.",
"Failed to fetch album." : "Produciuse un fallo ao recuperar o álbum.",
"Failed to update album." : "Produciuse un erro ao actualizar o álbum.",
"Create new album" : "Crear un novo álbum",
"Edit album details" : "Editar os detalles do álbum",
"New album" : "Novo álbum",
"Could not load the selected album" : "Non foi posíbel cargar o álbum seleccionado",
"Remove Album" : "Retirar o álbum",
"Are you sure you want to permanently remove album \"{name}\"?" : "Confirma que quere retirar definitivamente o album «{name}»?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this album" : "Só o usuario «{user}» pode eliminar este álbum",
"Failed to delete {name}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar {name}.",
"Name of the album" : "Nome do álbum",
"Location of the album" : "Localización do álbum",
"Go back to the previous view." : "Volver á vista anterior.",
@ -58,54 +209,124 @@
"Back to the new album form." : "Volver ao formulario do álbum novo.",
"Save" : "Gardar",
"Create album" : "Crear álbum.",
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "O nome do álbum é incorrecto; non debe conter ningunha barra.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Engadir a selección ao álbum {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Crear un novo álbum.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Compartir con %n usuario","Compartir con %n usuarios"],
"shared by {owner}" : "compartido por {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n elemento","%n elementos"],
"Share Album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Gardar os colaboradores para este álbum.",
"Newest" : "Máis recente",
"Year" : "Ano",
"Month" : "Mes",
"Day" : "Día",
"Time" : "Hora",
"Hour" : "Hora",
"Minute" : "Minuto",
"Oldest" : "Máis antiga",
"Invalid Date" : "Data incorrecta",
"Newest date is older than oldest date" : "A data máis recente é anterior á data máis antiga",
"Title" : "Título",
"Description" : "Descrición",
"Label" : "Etiqueta",
"Copyright" : "Copyright",
"Camera Make" : "Marca da cámara",
"Camera Model" : "Modelo da cámara",
"Lens Model" : "Modelo da lente",
"Copyright" : "Dereitos de autoría",
"Empty" : "Baleiro",
"Unchanged" : "Sen cambios",
"Reset" : "Restabelecer",
"Remove location" : "Retirar a localización",
"Search location / landmark" : "Buscar localización / lugar emblemático",
"Failed to search for location with Nominatim." : "Produciuse un fallo ao buscar a localización con Nominatim.",
"Date / Time" : "Día / hora",
"Collaborative Tags" : "Etiquetas colaborativas",
"EXIF Fields" : "Campos EXIF",
"Geolocation" : "Xeolocalización",
"Failed to load metadata for {n} photos." : "Produciuse un fallo ao cargar os metadatos de {n} fotos.",
"{n} photos cannot be edited (permissions error)." : "Non é posíbel editar {n} fotos (hai erros nos permisos).",
"Remove person" : "Retirar persoa",
"Are you sure you want to remove {name}?" : "Confirma que quere retirar a {name}?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this person" : "Só o usuario «{user}» pode eliminar esta persoa",
"Rename person" : "Cambiar o nome da persoa",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Update" : "Actualizar",
"Failed to rename {oldName} to {name}." : "Non foi posíbel cambiar o nome de {oldName} a {name}.",
"Search" : "Buscar",
"Loading …" : "Cargando…",
"Enter name of the new face" : "Introduza o nome da nova cara",
"Failed to create face" : "Produciuse un fallo ao crear unha cara",
"Merge {name} with person" : "Combinar {nome} coa persoa",
"Are you sure you want to merge {name} with {newName}?" : "Confirma que quere combinar {name} con {newName}?",
"Too many failures, aborting" : "Demasiados fallos, interrompendo",
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Produciuse un erro ao mover {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Move as fotos seleccionadas á persoa",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Quere mover as fotos seleccionadas a {target}?",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Produciuse un erro ao mover as fotos de {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Escoller un cartafol",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["Moveuse {n} elemento ao cartafol","Movéronse {n} elementos ao cartafol"],
"Remove" : "Retirar",
"Share link" : "Compartir ligazón",
"Add Path" : "Engadir ruta",
"Add a root to your timeline" : "Engadir unha raíz á súa liña temporal",
"Link Sharing" : "Compartir con ligazóns",
"You cannot share the root folder" : "Vde. non pode compartir o cartafol raíz",
"Public link shares are available to people outside Nextcloud." : "As ligazóns para compartir públicas están dispoñíbeis para persoas alleas a Nextcloud.",
"You may create or update permissions on public links using the sidebar." : "Pode crear ou actualizar permisos nas ligazóns públicas usando a barra lateral.",
"Click a link to copy to clipboard." : "Prema nunha ligazón para copiala no portapapeis.",
"Share link" : "Ligazón para compartir",
"Create Link" : "Crear ligazón",
"Refresh" : "Actualizar",
"Password protected" : "Protexido con contrasinal",
"Expires" : "Caduca",
"Editable" : "Editábel",
"Read only" : "Só lectura",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "A ligazón foi copiada no portapapeis.",
"Share File" : "Compartir ficheiro",
"Reduced Size" : "Tamaño reducido",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Compartir unha vista previa da imaxe de menor resolución",
"High Resolution" : "Alta resolución",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Compartir o vídeo como MOV de alta calidade",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Compartir a imaxe como JPEG de alta calidade",
"Original File" : "Ficheiro orixinal",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Compartir o ficheiro de imaxe/vídeo orixinal",
"Public Link" : "Ligazón pública",
"Share an external Nextcloud link" : "Compartir unha ligazón externa de Nextcloud",
"Failed to download file" : "Produciuse un fallo ao descargar o ficheiro",
"Cannot share this type of data" : "Non é posíbel compartir este tipo de datos",
"Sort by date" : "Ordenar pola data",
"Sort by name" : "Ordenar polo nome",
"Share album" : "Compartir álbum",
"Download album" : "Descargar album",
"Delete album" : "Eliminar álbum",
"Nothing to show here" : "Non hai nada que amosar aquí",
"Unassigned faces" : "Facianas sen asignar",
"Merge with different person" : "Combinar cunha persoa diferente",
"Mark person in preview" : "Marcar persoa na vista previa",
"Folder View" : "Vista do cartafol",
"Timeline View" : "Vista da liña temporal",
"Share folder" : "Compartir cartafol",
"Move left" : "Mover á esquerda",
"Move right" : "Move á dereita",
"Image saved successfully" : "A imaxe foi gardada satisfactoriamente",
"Error saving image" : "Produciuse un erro ao gardar a imaxe",
"Unsaved changes" : "Cambios sen gardar",
"Drop changes" : "Desbotar os cambios",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Play Live Photo" : "Reproducir Live Photo",
"Download Video" : "Descargar vídeo",
"Slideshow" : "Diaporama",
"Previous" : "Anterior",
"Next" : "Seguinte",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Actualmente, está desactivada a edición para Live Photos",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Confirma que quere eliminar?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar a foto",
"{name} binary exists and is executable." : "O binario {name} existe e é executábel.",
"{name} binary not found." : "Non se atopou o binario {name}.",
"{name} binary is not executable." : "O binario {name} non é executábel",
"{name} failed test: {info}." : "Fallou a proba de {name}: {información}.",
"{name} binary exists and is usable ({info})." : "O binario {name} existe e pódese usar ({info}).",
"{name} binary status: {status}." : "Estado do binario {name}: {status}.",
"Save as" : "Gardar como",
"All changes will be lost." : "Perderanse todos os cambios.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Confirma que quere continuar?",
@ -180,19 +401,44 @@
"Vertical" : "Vertical",
"Opacity" : "Opacidade",
"Position" : "Posicion",
"Stroke" : "Trazado",
"Stroke" : "Contorno",
"Save image as" : "Gardar a imaxe como",
"Extension" : "Extensión",
"Name is required." : "É obrigatorio o nome.",
"Name is required." : "Precisase o nome.",
"Quality" : "Calidade",
"Saved image size (width x height)" : "Tamaño da imaxe gardada (largo x alto)",
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Teña en conta que a área de recorte seleccionada é inferior ao cambio de tamaño aplicado, o que pode provocar unha diminución da calidade",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Tamaño real (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Axuste de tamaño",
"Transcoding failed, check Nextcloud logs." : "Produciuse un fallo na transcodificación, comprobe os rexistros de Nextcloud.",
"Direct" : "Directa",
"Auto" : "Automático",
"Shared Folder" : "Cartafol compartido",
"Shared Album" : "Álbum compartido",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao crear {albumName}.",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "Non foi posíbel cambiar o nome de {currentAlbumName} a {newAlbumName}.",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar {fileName}."
"General Failure" : "Produciuse un fallo xeral",
"Error: {msg}" : "Erro: {msg}",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar {fileName}.",
"Failed to move files." : "Produciuse un fallo ao mover os ficheiro.",
"Could not move {fileName}, target exists." : "Non foi posíbel mover «{fileName}», o destino xa existe",
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao mover {fileName}.",
"Failed to download files" : "Produciuse un fallo ao descargar os ficheiros",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar os ficheiros como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar algúns ficheiros como favoritos.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Produciuse un fallo ao marcar {fileName} como favorito.",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Lembranzas foi actualizado á versión {version}. Volva cargar para obter a nova versión.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Carga algunhas fotos e asegúrese de que a ruta da liña temporal estea configurada",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Marcar as fotos como favoritas para atopalas facilmente",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "Aquí aparecerán lembranzas de anos pasados",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Logo atopará os seus amigos. Teña paciencia",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "O recoñecemento facial está desactivado. Actívea nos axustes para atopar os seus amigos",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Os seus vídeos aparecerán aquí",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Aínda non hai fotos neste álbum",
"Create an album to get started" : "Cree un álbum para comezar",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Arquive as fotos que non quere ver na súa liña temporal",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Etiquete as fotos para atopalas facilmente",
"Recognize is still working on your photos" : "Recognize segue traballando nas súas fotos",
"Places you have been to will appear here" : "Os lugares nos que estivo aparecerán aquí"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

l10n/hu.js vendored
View File

@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Kiválasztás hozzáadása a(z) {albumName} albumhoz",
"Create a new album." : "Új album létrehozása.",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n elem","%n elem"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Megosztás %n felhasználóval","Megosztás %n felhasználóval"],
"Share Album" : "Album megosztása",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Közreműködők mentése ehhez az albumhoz.",
"Newest" : "Legújabb",

l10n/hu.json vendored
View File

@ -213,7 +213,6 @@
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Kiválasztás hozzáadása a(z) {albumName} albumhoz",
"Create a new album." : "Új album létrehozása.",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n elem","%n elem"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Megosztás %n felhasználóval","Megosztás %n felhasználóval"],
"Share Album" : "Album megosztása",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Közreműködők mentése ehhez az albumhoz.",
"Newest" : "Legújabb",

l10n/id.js vendored
View File

@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Create album" : "Buat album",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Tambahkan pilihan ke album {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Buat sebuah album baru.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Bagikan dengan %n pengguna"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Simpan kolaborator untuk album ini",
"Month" : "Bulan",
"Day" : "Hari",

l10n/id.json vendored
View File

@ -55,7 +55,6 @@
"Create album" : "Buat album",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Tambahkan pilihan ke album {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Buat sebuah album baru.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Bagikan dengan %n pengguna"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Simpan kolaborator untuk album ini",
"Month" : "Bulan",
"Day" : "Hari",

l10n/it.js vendored
View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Albums" : "Album",
"Archive" : "Archivio",
"On this day" : "In questo giorno",
"Places" : "Luoghi",
"Map" : "Mappa",
"Tags" : "Etichette",
"Recognize" : "Riconosci",
"Edit" : "Modifica",
@ -22,20 +24,28 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorite" : "Preferito",
"Unarchive" : "Togli dall'archivio",
"View in folder" : "Visualizza nella cartella",
"Add to album" : "Aggiungi all'album",
"General" : "Generale",
"Account" : "Account",
"Close" : "Chiudi",
"Performance" : "Prestazioni",
"Unknown" : "Sconosciuto",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Assicurati di avere installato i driver appropriati, prima di configurare l'accelerazione.",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Aggiungi persone o gruppi che possono modificare il tuo album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Cerca collaboratori",
"Search people or groups" : "Cerca persone o gruppi",
"Add {collaboratorLabel} to the collaborators list" : "Aggiungi {collaboratorLabel} all'elenco dei collaboratori",
"No collaborators available" : "Nessun collaboratore disponibile",
"Remove {collaboratorLabel} from the collaborators list" : "Rimuovi {collaboratorLabel} dall'elenco dei collaboratori",
"Copy the public link" : "Copia il collegamento pubblico",
"Public link copied!" : "Collegamento pubblico copiato",
"Copy public link" : "Copia collegamento pubblico",
"Delete the public link" : "Elimina il collegamento pubblico",
"Share via public link" : "Condividi tramite collegamento pubblico",
"Failed to fetch collaborators list." : "Impossibile ottenere l'elenco dei collaboratori.",
"Public link" : "Collegamento pubblico",
"Failed to fetch album." : "Recupero dell'album non riuscito.",
"Failed to update album." : "Aggiornamento album fallito.",
"Create new album" : "Crea nuovo album",
"Edit album details" : "Modifica i dettagli dell'album",
"New album" : "Nuovo album",
@ -45,8 +55,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Back" : "Indietro",
"Go to the add collaborators view." : "Vai alla vista per aggiungere collaboratori.",
"Add collaborators" : "Aggiungi collaboratori",
"Back to the new album form." : "Torna al modulo nuovo album.",
"Save" : "Salva",
"Create album" : "Crea l'album",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Aggiungi selezione all'album {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Crea un nuovo album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Salva i collaboratori per questo album.",
"Year" : "Anno",
@ -78,6 +90,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sort by date" : "Ordina per data",
"Sort by name" : "Ordina per nome",
"Delete album" : "Elimina album",
"Unassigned faces" : "Facce non assegnate",
"Merge with different person" : "Unisci ad un'altra persona",
"Share folder" : "Condividi cartella",
"Error saving image" : "Errore durante il salvataggio dell'immagine",
@ -171,6 +184,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Actual size (100%)" : "Dimensione effettiva (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Adatta dimensione",
"Direct" : "Diretto",
"Auto" : "Automatico"
"Auto" : "Automatico",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "Creazione di {albumName} non riuscita",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "Rinominazione di {currentAlbumName} in {newAlbumName} non riuscita.",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "Eliminazione di {fileName} non riuscita."
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");

l10n/it.json vendored
View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"Albums" : "Album",
"Archive" : "Archivio",
"On this day" : "In questo giorno",
"Places" : "Luoghi",
"Map" : "Mappa",
"Tags" : "Etichette",
"Recognize" : "Riconosci",
"Edit" : "Modifica",
@ -20,20 +22,28 @@
"Favorite" : "Preferito",
"Unarchive" : "Togli dall'archivio",
"View in folder" : "Visualizza nella cartella",
"Add to album" : "Aggiungi all'album",
"General" : "Generale",
"Account" : "Account",
"Close" : "Chiudi",
"Performance" : "Prestazioni",
"Unknown" : "Sconosciuto",
"You must first make sure the correct drivers are installed before configuring acceleration." : "Assicurati di avere installato i driver appropriati, prima di configurare l'accelerazione.",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Aggiungi persone o gruppi che possono modificare il tuo album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Cerca collaboratori",
"Search people or groups" : "Cerca persone o gruppi",
"Add {collaboratorLabel} to the collaborators list" : "Aggiungi {collaboratorLabel} all'elenco dei collaboratori",
"No collaborators available" : "Nessun collaboratore disponibile",
"Remove {collaboratorLabel} from the collaborators list" : "Rimuovi {collaboratorLabel} dall'elenco dei collaboratori",
"Copy the public link" : "Copia il collegamento pubblico",
"Public link copied!" : "Collegamento pubblico copiato",
"Copy public link" : "Copia collegamento pubblico",
"Delete the public link" : "Elimina il collegamento pubblico",
"Share via public link" : "Condividi tramite collegamento pubblico",
"Failed to fetch collaborators list." : "Impossibile ottenere l'elenco dei collaboratori.",
"Public link" : "Collegamento pubblico",
"Failed to fetch album." : "Recupero dell'album non riuscito.",
"Failed to update album." : "Aggiornamento album fallito.",
"Create new album" : "Crea nuovo album",
"Edit album details" : "Modifica i dettagli dell'album",
"New album" : "Nuovo album",
@ -43,8 +53,10 @@
"Back" : "Indietro",
"Go to the add collaborators view." : "Vai alla vista per aggiungere collaboratori.",
"Add collaborators" : "Aggiungi collaboratori",
"Back to the new album form." : "Torna al modulo nuovo album.",
"Save" : "Salva",
"Create album" : "Crea l'album",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Aggiungi selezione all'album {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Crea un nuovo album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Salva i collaboratori per questo album.",
"Year" : "Anno",
@ -76,6 +88,7 @@
"Sort by date" : "Ordina per data",
"Sort by name" : "Ordina per nome",
"Delete album" : "Elimina album",
"Unassigned faces" : "Facce non assegnate",
"Merge with different person" : "Unisci ad un'altra persona",
"Share folder" : "Condividi cartella",
"Error saving image" : "Errore durante il salvataggio dell'immagine",
@ -169,6 +182,9 @@
"Actual size (100%)" : "Dimensione effettiva (100%)",
"Fit size" : "Adatta dimensione",
"Direct" : "Diretto",
"Auto" : "Automatico"
"Auto" : "Automatico",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "Creazione di {albumName} non riuscita",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "Rinominazione di {currentAlbumName} in {newAlbumName} non riuscita.",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "Eliminazione di {fileName} non riuscita."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"

l10n/kab.js vendored
View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Title" : "Azwel",
"Name" : "Nom",
"Search" : "Nadi",
"Loading …" : "Asali ...",
"Remove" : "Kkes",
"Share link" : "Fren aseɣwen",
"Refresh" : "Sismeḍ",

l10n/kab.json vendored
View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
"Title" : "Azwel",
"Name" : "Nom",
"Search" : "Nadi",
"Loading …" : "Asali ...",
"Remove" : "Kkes",
"Share link" : "Fren aseɣwen",
"Refresh" : "Sismeḍ",

l10n/ko.js vendored
View File

@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "{albumName} 앨범을 선택하기",
"Create a new album." : "새 앨범 만들기",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n개 항목"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["%n명의 사용자와 공유"],
"Share Album" : "앨범 공유",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "이 앨범의 공동 작업자를 저장",
"Newest" : "최신순",

l10n/ko.json vendored
View File

@ -208,7 +208,6 @@
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "{albumName} 앨범을 선택하기",
"Create a new album." : "새 앨범 만들기",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n개 항목"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["%n명의 사용자와 공유"],
"Share Album" : "앨범 공유",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "이 앨범의 공동 작업자를 저장",
"Newest" : "최신순",

l10n/mk.js vendored
View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add to album" : "Додади во албум",
"General" : "Општо",
"Account" : "Сметка",
"Logged in as {user}" : "Најавени сте како {user}",
"Close" : "Затвори",
"Unknown" : "Непознат",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Додади корисник кој ќе може да го ажурира твојот албум",
@ -56,7 +57,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Create album" : "Креирај албум",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Додади ги избраните во албумот {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Креирај нов албум.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Споделено со 1 корисник","Споделено со %n корисници"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Зачувај соработници за овој албум.",
"Year" : "Година",
"Month" : "Месец",

l10n/mk.json vendored
View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
"Add to album" : "Додади во албум",
"General" : "Општо",
"Account" : "Сметка",
"Logged in as {user}" : "Најавени сте како {user}",
"Close" : "Затвори",
"Unknown" : "Непознат",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Додади корисник кој ќе може да го ажурира твојот албум",
@ -54,7 +55,6 @@
"Create album" : "Креирај албум",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Додади ги избраните во албумот {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Креирај нов албум.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Споделено со 1 корисник","Споделено со %n корисници"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Зачувај соработници за овој албум.",
"Year" : "Година",
"Month" : "Месец",

l10n/nb.js vendored
View File

@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Legg til utvalg i albumet {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Opprett et nytt album.",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n element","%nelementer"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Del med %n bruker","Del med %n brukere"],
"Share Album" : "Del album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Lagre samarbeidspartnere for dette albumet.",
"Newest" : "Nyeste",

l10n/nb.json vendored
View File

@ -92,7 +92,6 @@
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Legg til utvalg i albumet {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Opprett et nytt album.",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n element","%nelementer"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Del med %n bruker","Del med %n brukere"],
"Share Album" : "Del album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Lagre samarbeidspartnere for dette albumet.",
"Newest" : "Nyeste",

l10n/nl.js vendored
View File

@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Create album" : "Maak album",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Selectie toevoegen aan album {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Maak een nieuw album.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Delen met %n gebruiker","Delen met %n gebruikers"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Bewaar bijdragers voor dit album.",
"Year" : "Jaar",
"Month" : "Maand",

l10n/nl.json vendored
View File

@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
"Create album" : "Maak album",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Selectie toevoegen aan album {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Maak een nieuw album.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Delen met %n gebruiker","Delen met %n gebruikers"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Bewaar bijdragers voor dit album.",
"Year" : "Jaar",
"Month" : "Maand",

l10n/pl.js vendored
View File

@ -3,8 +3,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Download" : "Pobierz",
"Memories" : "Wspomnienia",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Szybkie, nowoczesne i zaawansowane zarządzanie zdjęciami",
"Settings" : "Ustawienia",
"People (Recognize)" : "Ludzie (Rozpoznaj)",
"People" : "Osoby",
"People (Face Recognition)" : "Ludzie (Face Recognition)",
"Info" : "Informacje",
"Timeline" : "Oś czasu",
"Folders" : "Katalogi",
@ -16,27 +19,80 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Places" : "Miejsca",
"Map" : "Mapa",
"Tags" : "Etykiety",
"View all" : "Zobacz wszystkie",
"Recognize" : "Rozpoznaj",
"Face Recognition" : "Rozpoznawanie Twarzy",
"A better photos experience awaits you" : "Lepsze doświadczenia ze zdjęciami czekają na Ciebie",
"Choose the root folder of your timeline to begin" : "Aby rozpocząć, wybierz katalog źródłowy dla twojej osi czasu",
"Continue to Memories" : "Kontynuuj do Wspomnień",
"Choose again" : "Wybierz ponownie",
"Click here to start" : "Kliknij tutaj aby rozpocząć",
"Choose the root of your timeline" : "Wybierz ścieżkę źródłową dla twojej osi czasu",
"The selected folder does not seem to be valid. Try again." : "Wybrany katalog nie wydaje się być prawidłowy. Spróbuj ponownie.",
"No photos were found in the selected folder." : "Nie znaleziono zdjęć w wybranym katalogu.",
"This can happen because your media is still indexing." : "To może się stać jeśli twoje pliki są jeszcze indeksowane.",
"Edit" : "Edytuj",
"No title" : "Brak tytułu",
"No description" : "Brak opisu",
"No coordinates" : "Brak współrzędnych",
"Click edit to set location" : "Kliknij edycję aby ustawić lokalizację",
"Photos" : "Zdjęcia",
"Explore" : "Przeglądaj",
"Cancel" : "Anuluj",
"Delete" : "Usuń",
"Remove from album" : "Usuń z albumu",
"Favorite" : "Ulubiony",
"Unarchive" : "Nie archiwizuj",
"Edit metadata" : "Edytuj metadane",
"View in folder" : "Zobacz w katalogu",
"Move to folder" : "Przenieś do katalogu",
"Add to album" : "Dodaj do albumu",
"Move to person" : "Przenieś do osoby",
"Remove from person" : "Usuń z osoby",
"You are about to download a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Zamierzasz pobrać dużą liczbę plików. Jesteś pewny?",
"You are about to delete a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Zamierzasz usunąć dużą liczbę plików. Jesteś pewny?",
"Failed to delete files" : "Nie udało się usunąć plików",
"You are about to touch a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Zamierzasz przeglądać dużą ilość plików. Jesteś pewny?",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Musisz włączyć \"Zaznacz osobę w podglądzie\" aby skorzystać z tej funkcji",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Tylko użytkownik \"{user}\" może zaktualizować tą osobę",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} wybrana","{n} wybrane","{n} wybranych","{n} wybranych"],
"Memories Settings" : "Ustawienia Wspomnień",
"General" : "Ogólne",
"Timeline Path" : "Ścieżka osi czasu",
"Square grid mode" : "Tryb kwadratowej siatki",
"Show past photos on top of timeline" : "Pokaż zdjęcia z przeszłości na górze osi czasu",
"Load full size image on zoom" : "Wczytaj zdjęcia w pełnym rozmiarze przy powiększaniu",
"Always load full size image (not recommended)" : "Zawsze wczytuj zdjęcia w pełnym rozmiarze (nie zalecane)",
"Account" : "Konto",
"Logged in as {user}" : "Zalogowano jako {user}",
"Sign out" : "Wyloguj się",
"Device Folders" : "Katalogi urządzenia",
"Local folders to include in the timeline view" : "Lokalne katalogi do załączenia w osi czasu",
"Folders Path" : "Ścieżka katalogów",
"Show hidden folders" : "Pokaż ukryte katalogi",
"Sort folders oldest-first" : "Sortuj katalogi, najpierw starsze",
"Sort albums oldest-first" : "Sortuj albumy, najpierw starsze",
"Choose Timeline Paths" : "Wybierz ścieżki osi czasu",
"Choose the root for the folders view" : "Wybierz ścieżkę źródłową dla widoku katalogów",
"Are you sure you want to log out {user}?" : "Czy na pewno chcesz wylogować {user}?",
"Close" : "Zamknij",
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} zdjęć",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Nie udało się załadować niektórych zdjęć",
"Failed to update setting" : "Nie udało się zapisać ustawień",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Ekstrakcja danych EXIF",
"File Support" : "Wsparcie plików",
"Documentation." : "Dokumentacja.",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Obrazy (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Filmy (ffmpeg)",
"Media Indexing" : "Indeksowanie plików",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "zindeksowane {n} plików",
"Performance" : "Wydajność",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS włączone",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 albo HTTP/3 włączone",
"Unknown" : "Nieznany",
"_{n} item added to album_::_{n} items added to album_" : ["{n} plik dodano do albumu","{n} pliki dodano do albumu","{n} plików dodano do albumu","{n} plików dodano do albumu"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Dodaj osoby lub grupy, które mogą edytować Twój album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Szukaj współpracowników",
"Search people or groups" : "Wyszukaj osoby lub grupy",
@ -55,6 +111,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Create new album" : "Utwórz nowy album",
"Edit album details" : "Edytuj szczegóły albumu",
"New album" : "Nowy album",
"Could not load the selected album" : "Nie udało się wczytać wybranego albumu",
"Remove Album" : "Usuń album",
"Are you sure you want to permanently remove album \"{name}\"?" : "Czy na pewno chcesz permanentnie usunąć album \"{name}\"?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this album" : "Tylko użytkownik \"{user}\" może usunąć ten album",
"Failed to delete {name}." : "Nie udało się usunąć {name}.",
"Name of the album" : "Nazwa albumu",
"Location of the album" : "Lokalizacja albumu",
"Go back to the previous view." : "Wróć do poprzedniego widoku.",
@ -64,8 +125,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Back to the new album form." : "Powrót do nowej formy albumu.",
"Save" : "Zapisz",
"Create album" : "Utwórz album",
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Nieprawidłowa nazwa albumu; nie powinna zawierać ukośników.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Dodaj wybór do albumu {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Utwórz nowy album.",
"shared by {owner}" : "udostępniony przez {owner}",
"Share Album" : "Udostępnij album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Zapisywanie współpracowników dla tego albumu.",
"Newest" : "Najnowsza",
"Year" : "Rok",
@ -75,38 +139,103 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hour" : "Godzina",
"Minute" : "Minuta",
"Oldest" : "Najstarsza",
"Invalid Date" : "Nieprawidłowa data",
"Newest date is older than oldest date" : "Nowsza data jest starsza niż starsza data",
"Title" : "Tytuł",
"Description" : "Opis",
"Label" : "Etykieta",
"Camera Make" : "Producent aparatu",
"Camera Model" : "Model aparatu",
"Lens Model" : "Model soczewki",
"Copyright" : "Prawa autorskie",
"Empty" : "Pusty",
"Unchanged" : "Brak zmian",
"Reset" : "Resetuj",
"Remove location" : "Usuń lokalizację",
"Search location / landmark" : "Wyszukaj lokalizację / punkt",
"Failed to search for location with Nominatim." : "Nie udało się znaleźć lokalizacji za pomocą Nominatim.",
"Date / Time" : "Data / Czas",
"Collaborative Tags" : "Wspólne tagi",
"EXIF Fields" : "Pola EXIF",
"Geolocation" : "Geolokalizacja",
"Failed to load metadata for {n} photos." : "Nie udało się wczytać metadanych dla {n} zdjęć.",
"{n} photos cannot be edited (permissions error)." : "{n} zdjęć nie może być edytowanych (brak uprawnień).",
"Remove person" : "Usuń osobę",
"Are you sure you want to remove {name}?" : "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć {name}?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this person" : "Tylko użytkownik \"{user}\" może usunąć tą osobę",
"Rename person" : "Zmień nazwę osoby",
"Name" : "Nazwa",
"Update" : "Aktualizuj",
"Failed to rename {oldName} to {name}." : "Nie udało się zmienić nazwy {oldName} na {name}.",
"Search" : "Szukaj",
"Loading …" : "Wczytywanie…",
"Enter name of the new face" : "Wprowadź nazwę nowej twarzy",
"Failed to create face" : "Nie udało się utworzyć twarzy",
"Merge {name} with person" : "Scal {name} z osobą",
"Are you sure you want to merge {name} with {newName}?" : "Czy na pewno chcesz scalić {name} z {newName}?",
"Too many failures, aborting" : "Zbyt wiele niepowodzeń, przerywanie",
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Błędy w trakcie przenoszenie {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Nie udało się usunąć {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Przenieś wybrane zdjęcia do osoby",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Przenieść wybrane zdjęcia do {target}?",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Pojawił się błąd podczas przenoszenia zdjęć z {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Wybierz katalog",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["Przeniesiono obiekt do katalogu","{n} obiektów przeniesiono do katalogu","{n} obiektów przeniesiono do katalogu","{n} obiektów przeniesiono do katalogu"],
"Remove" : "Usuń",
"Add Path" : "Dodaj ścieżkę",
"Add a root to your timeline" : "Dodaj ścieżkę źródłową do swojej osi czasu",
"Link Sharing" : "Udostępnianie linkiem",
"You cannot share the root folder" : "Nie możesz udostępnić katalogu źródłowego.",
"Public link shares are available to people outside Nextcloud." : "Linki publiczne są dostępne dla ludzi spoza Nextcloud.",
"You may create or update permissions on public links using the sidebar." : "Możesz stworzyć lub zaktualizować uprawnienia publicznych linków w panelu bocznym.",
"Click a link to copy to clipboard." : "Kliknij link aby skopiować do schowka.",
"Share link" : "Udostępnij link",
"Create Link" : "Utwórz link",
"Refresh" : "Odśwież",
"Password protected" : "Zabezpieczone hasłem",
"Expires" : "Wygasa",
"Editable" : "Edytowalny",
"Read only" : "Tylko do odczytu",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Link skopiowany do schowka",
"Share File" : "Udostępnij plik",
"Reduced Size" : "Zmniejszony rozmiar",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Udostępnij podgląd w mniejszej rozdzielczości",
"High Resolution" : "Wysoka rozdzielczość",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Udostępnij film w wysokiej jakości MOV",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Udostępnij zdjęcie w wysokiej jakości JPEG",
"Original File" : "Oryginalny plik",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Udostępnij oryginalny plik z obrazem / filmem",
"Public Link" : "Link publiczny",
"Share an external Nextcloud link" : "Udostępnij zewnętrzny link Nextcloud",
"Failed to download file" : "Nie udało się pobrać plik",
"Cannot share this type of data" : "Nie można udostępnić tego typu danych",
"Sort by date" : "Sortuj według daty",
"Sort by name" : "Sortuj według nazwy",
"Share album" : "Udostępnij album",
"Download album" : "Pobierz album",
"Delete album" : "Usuń album",
"Nothing to show here" : "Nie ma nic do pokazania",
"Unassigned faces" : "Nieprzypisane twarze",
"Merge with different person" : "Połącz z inną osobą",
"Mark person in preview" : "Zaznacz osobę w podglądzie",
"Folder View" : "Widok katalogu",
"Timeline View" : "Widok osi czasu",
"Share folder" : "Udostępnij katalog",
"Move left" : "Przenieś w lewo",
"Move right" : "Przenieś w prawo",
"Image saved successfully" : "Obraz zapisany pomyślnie",
"Error saving image" : "Błąd podczas zapisywania obrazu",
"Unsaved changes" : "Niezapisane zmiany",
"Drop changes" : "Odrzuć zmiany",
"Share" : "Udostępnij",
"Play Live Photo" : "Odtwórz Live Photo",
"Download Video" : "Pobierz film",
"Slideshow" : "Pokaz slajdów",
"Previous" : "Poprzednie",
"Next" : "Następna",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Edytowanie Live Photo jest obecnie niedostępne",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Nie udało się usunąć zdjęcia",
"Save as" : "Zapisz jako",
"All changes will be lost." : "Wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz kontynuować?",
@ -192,12 +321,30 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Fit size" : "Dopasuj rozmiar",
"Direct" : "Bezpośredni",
"Auto" : "Automatycznie",
"Shared Folder" : "Udostępniony katalog",
"Shared Album" : "Udostępniony album",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "Nie udało się utworzyć {albumName}.",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "Nie udało się zmienić nazwy {currentAlbumName} na {newAlbumName}.",
"General Failure" : "Ogólna awaria",
"Error: {msg}" : "Błąd: {msg}",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "Nie udało się usunąć {fileName}.",
"Failed to move files." : "Nie udało się przenieść plików.",
"Could not move {fileName}, target exists." : "Nie udało się przenieść {fileName}, docelowa ścieżka już istnieje.",
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "Nie udało się przenieść {fileName}.",
"Failed to download files" : "Nie udało się pobrać plików",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Nie udało się znaleźć ulubionych plików.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Nie udało się dodać do ulubionych {fileName}."
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Nie udało się dodać kilku plików do ulubionych.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Nie udało się dodać do ulubionych {fileName}.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Wgraj kilka zdjęć i upewnij się, że ścieżka osi czasu jest ustawiona",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Oznacz zdjęcia jako ulubione, aby łatwo je znaleźć",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "Wspomnienia z przeszłych lat pojawią się tutaj",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Wkrótce znajdziesz swoich przyjaciół. Proszę bądź cierpliwy.",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Twoje filmy pojawią się tutaj",
"No photos in this album yet" : "W tym albumie nie ma zdjęć",
"Create an album to get started" : "Aby rozpocząć utwórz album",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archiwizuj zdjęcia, których nie chcesz widzieć na swojej osi czasu",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Oznacz zdjęcia, aby łatwo je odnajdywać",
"Recognize is still working on your photos" : "Aplikacja Rozpoznaj wciąż pracuje nad twoimi zdjęciami",
"Places you have been to will appear here" : "Odwiedzone miejsca pokażą się tutaj"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);");

l10n/pl.json vendored
View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
{ "translations": {
"Download" : "Pobierz",
"Memories" : "Wspomnienia",
"Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite" : "Szybkie, nowoczesne i zaawansowane zarządzanie zdjęciami",
"Settings" : "Ustawienia",
"People (Recognize)" : "Ludzie (Rozpoznaj)",
"People" : "Osoby",
"People (Face Recognition)" : "Ludzie (Face Recognition)",
"Info" : "Informacje",
"Timeline" : "Oś czasu",
"Folders" : "Katalogi",
@ -14,27 +17,80 @@
"Places" : "Miejsca",
"Map" : "Mapa",
"Tags" : "Etykiety",
"View all" : "Zobacz wszystkie",
"Recognize" : "Rozpoznaj",
"Face Recognition" : "Rozpoznawanie Twarzy",
"A better photos experience awaits you" : "Lepsze doświadczenia ze zdjęciami czekają na Ciebie",
"Choose the root folder of your timeline to begin" : "Aby rozpocząć, wybierz katalog źródłowy dla twojej osi czasu",
"Continue to Memories" : "Kontynuuj do Wspomnień",
"Choose again" : "Wybierz ponownie",
"Click here to start" : "Kliknij tutaj aby rozpocząć",
"Choose the root of your timeline" : "Wybierz ścieżkę źródłową dla twojej osi czasu",
"The selected folder does not seem to be valid. Try again." : "Wybrany katalog nie wydaje się być prawidłowy. Spróbuj ponownie.",
"No photos were found in the selected folder." : "Nie znaleziono zdjęć w wybranym katalogu.",
"This can happen because your media is still indexing." : "To może się stać jeśli twoje pliki są jeszcze indeksowane.",
"Edit" : "Edytuj",
"No title" : "Brak tytułu",
"No description" : "Brak opisu",
"No coordinates" : "Brak współrzędnych",
"Click edit to set location" : "Kliknij edycję aby ustawić lokalizację",
"Photos" : "Zdjęcia",
"Explore" : "Przeglądaj",
"Cancel" : "Anuluj",
"Delete" : "Usuń",
"Remove from album" : "Usuń z albumu",
"Favorite" : "Ulubiony",
"Unarchive" : "Nie archiwizuj",
"Edit metadata" : "Edytuj metadane",
"View in folder" : "Zobacz w katalogu",
"Move to folder" : "Przenieś do katalogu",
"Add to album" : "Dodaj do albumu",
"Move to person" : "Przenieś do osoby",
"Remove from person" : "Usuń z osoby",
"You are about to download a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Zamierzasz pobrać dużą liczbę plików. Jesteś pewny?",
"You are about to delete a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Zamierzasz usunąć dużą liczbę plików. Jesteś pewny?",
"Failed to delete files" : "Nie udało się usunąć plików",
"You are about to touch a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Zamierzasz przeglądać dużą ilość plików. Jesteś pewny?",
"You must enable \"Mark person in preview\" to use this feature" : "Musisz włączyć \"Zaznacz osobę w podglądzie\" aby skorzystać z tej funkcji",
"Only user \"{user}\" can update this person" : "Tylko użytkownik \"{user}\" może zaktualizować tą osobę",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} wybrana","{n} wybrane","{n} wybranych","{n} wybranych"],
"Memories Settings" : "Ustawienia Wspomnień",
"General" : "Ogólne",
"Timeline Path" : "Ścieżka osi czasu",
"Square grid mode" : "Tryb kwadratowej siatki",
"Show past photos on top of timeline" : "Pokaż zdjęcia z przeszłości na górze osi czasu",
"Load full size image on zoom" : "Wczytaj zdjęcia w pełnym rozmiarze przy powiększaniu",
"Always load full size image (not recommended)" : "Zawsze wczytuj zdjęcia w pełnym rozmiarze (nie zalecane)",
"Account" : "Konto",
"Logged in as {user}" : "Zalogowano jako {user}",
"Sign out" : "Wyloguj się",
"Device Folders" : "Katalogi urządzenia",
"Local folders to include in the timeline view" : "Lokalne katalogi do załączenia w osi czasu",
"Folders Path" : "Ścieżka katalogów",
"Show hidden folders" : "Pokaż ukryte katalogi",
"Sort folders oldest-first" : "Sortuj katalogi, najpierw starsze",
"Sort albums oldest-first" : "Sortuj albumy, najpierw starsze",
"Choose Timeline Paths" : "Wybierz ścieżki osi czasu",
"Choose the root for the folders view" : "Wybierz ścieżkę źródłową dla widoku katalogów",
"Are you sure you want to log out {user}?" : "Czy na pewno chcesz wylogować {user}?",
"Close" : "Zamknij",
"{photoCount} photos" : "{photoCount} zdjęć",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Nie udało się załadować niektórych zdjęć",
"Failed to update setting" : "Nie udało się zapisać ustawień",
"EXIF Extraction" : "Ekstrakcja danych EXIF",
"File Support" : "Wsparcie plików",
"Documentation." : "Dokumentacja.",
"Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)" : "Obrazy (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)",
"HEIC (Imagick)" : "HEIC (Imagick)",
"TIFF (Imagick)" : "TIFF (Imagick)",
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Filmy (ffmpeg)",
"Media Indexing" : "Indeksowanie plików",
"{n} media files have been indexed" : "zindeksowane {n} plików",
"Performance" : "Wydajność",
"HTTPS is enabled" : "HTTPS włączone",
"HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 is enabled" : "HTTP/2 albo HTTP/3 włączone",
"Unknown" : "Nieznany",
"_{n} item added to album_::_{n} items added to album_" : ["{n} plik dodano do albumu","{n} pliki dodano do albumu","{n} plików dodano do albumu","{n} plików dodano do albumu"],
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Dodaj osoby lub grupy, które mogą edytować Twój album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Szukaj współpracowników",
"Search people or groups" : "Wyszukaj osoby lub grupy",
@ -53,6 +109,11 @@
"Create new album" : "Utwórz nowy album",
"Edit album details" : "Edytuj szczegóły albumu",
"New album" : "Nowy album",
"Could not load the selected album" : "Nie udało się wczytać wybranego albumu",
"Remove Album" : "Usuń album",
"Are you sure you want to permanently remove album \"{name}\"?" : "Czy na pewno chcesz permanentnie usunąć album \"{name}\"?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this album" : "Tylko użytkownik \"{user}\" może usunąć ten album",
"Failed to delete {name}." : "Nie udało się usunąć {name}.",
"Name of the album" : "Nazwa albumu",
"Location of the album" : "Lokalizacja albumu",
"Go back to the previous view." : "Wróć do poprzedniego widoku.",
@ -62,8 +123,11 @@
"Back to the new album form." : "Powrót do nowej formy albumu.",
"Save" : "Zapisz",
"Create album" : "Utwórz album",
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Nieprawidłowa nazwa albumu; nie powinna zawierać ukośników.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Dodaj wybór do albumu {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Utwórz nowy album.",
"shared by {owner}" : "udostępniony przez {owner}",
"Share Album" : "Udostępnij album",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Zapisywanie współpracowników dla tego albumu.",
"Newest" : "Najnowsza",
"Year" : "Rok",
@ -73,38 +137,103 @@
"Hour" : "Godzina",
"Minute" : "Minuta",
"Oldest" : "Najstarsza",
"Invalid Date" : "Nieprawidłowa data",
"Newest date is older than oldest date" : "Nowsza data jest starsza niż starsza data",
"Title" : "Tytuł",
"Description" : "Opis",
"Label" : "Etykieta",
"Camera Make" : "Producent aparatu",
"Camera Model" : "Model aparatu",
"Lens Model" : "Model soczewki",
"Copyright" : "Prawa autorskie",
"Empty" : "Pusty",
"Unchanged" : "Brak zmian",
"Reset" : "Resetuj",
"Remove location" : "Usuń lokalizację",
"Search location / landmark" : "Wyszukaj lokalizację / punkt",
"Failed to search for location with Nominatim." : "Nie udało się znaleźć lokalizacji za pomocą Nominatim.",
"Date / Time" : "Data / Czas",
"Collaborative Tags" : "Wspólne tagi",
"EXIF Fields" : "Pola EXIF",
"Geolocation" : "Geolokalizacja",
"Failed to load metadata for {n} photos." : "Nie udało się wczytać metadanych dla {n} zdjęć.",
"{n} photos cannot be edited (permissions error)." : "{n} zdjęć nie może być edytowanych (brak uprawnień).",
"Remove person" : "Usuń osobę",
"Are you sure you want to remove {name}?" : "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć {name}?",
"Only user \"{user}\" can delete this person" : "Tylko użytkownik \"{user}\" może usunąć tą osobę",
"Rename person" : "Zmień nazwę osoby",
"Name" : "Nazwa",
"Update" : "Aktualizuj",
"Failed to rename {oldName} to {name}." : "Nie udało się zmienić nazwy {oldName} na {name}.",
"Search" : "Szukaj",
"Loading …" : "Wczytywanie…",
"Enter name of the new face" : "Wprowadź nazwę nowej twarzy",
"Failed to create face" : "Nie udało się utworzyć twarzy",
"Merge {name} with person" : "Scal {name} z osobą",
"Are you sure you want to merge {name} with {newName}?" : "Czy na pewno chcesz scalić {name} z {newName}?",
"Too many failures, aborting" : "Zbyt wiele niepowodzeń, przerywanie",
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Błędy w trakcie przenoszenie {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Nie udało się usunąć {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Przenieś wybrane zdjęcia do osoby",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Przenieść wybrane zdjęcia do {target}?",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Pojawił się błąd podczas przenoszenia zdjęć z {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Wybierz katalog",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["Przeniesiono obiekt do katalogu","{n} obiektów przeniesiono do katalogu","{n} obiektów przeniesiono do katalogu","{n} obiektów przeniesiono do katalogu"],
"Remove" : "Usuń",
"Add Path" : "Dodaj ścieżkę",
"Add a root to your timeline" : "Dodaj ścieżkę źródłową do swojej osi czasu",
"Link Sharing" : "Udostępnianie linkiem",
"You cannot share the root folder" : "Nie możesz udostępnić katalogu źródłowego.",
"Public link shares are available to people outside Nextcloud." : "Linki publiczne są dostępne dla ludzi spoza Nextcloud.",
"You may create or update permissions on public links using the sidebar." : "Możesz stworzyć lub zaktualizować uprawnienia publicznych linków w panelu bocznym.",
"Click a link to copy to clipboard." : "Kliknij link aby skopiować do schowka.",
"Share link" : "Udostępnij link",
"Create Link" : "Utwórz link",
"Refresh" : "Odśwież",
"Password protected" : "Zabezpieczone hasłem",
"Expires" : "Wygasa",
"Editable" : "Edytowalny",
"Read only" : "Tylko do odczytu",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Link skopiowany do schowka",
"Share File" : "Udostępnij plik",
"Reduced Size" : "Zmniejszony rozmiar",
"Share a lower resolution image preview" : "Udostępnij podgląd w mniejszej rozdzielczości",
"High Resolution" : "Wysoka rozdzielczość",
"Share the video as a high quality MOV" : "Udostępnij film w wysokiej jakości MOV",
"Share the image as a high quality JPEG" : "Udostępnij zdjęcie w wysokiej jakości JPEG",
"Original File" : "Oryginalny plik",
"Share the original image / video file" : "Udostępnij oryginalny plik z obrazem / filmem",
"Public Link" : "Link publiczny",
"Share an external Nextcloud link" : "Udostępnij zewnętrzny link Nextcloud",
"Failed to download file" : "Nie udało się pobrać plik",
"Cannot share this type of data" : "Nie można udostępnić tego typu danych",
"Sort by date" : "Sortuj według daty",
"Sort by name" : "Sortuj według nazwy",
"Share album" : "Udostępnij album",
"Download album" : "Pobierz album",
"Delete album" : "Usuń album",
"Nothing to show here" : "Nie ma nic do pokazania",
"Unassigned faces" : "Nieprzypisane twarze",
"Merge with different person" : "Połącz z inną osobą",
"Mark person in preview" : "Zaznacz osobę w podglądzie",
"Folder View" : "Widok katalogu",
"Timeline View" : "Widok osi czasu",
"Share folder" : "Udostępnij katalog",
"Move left" : "Przenieś w lewo",
"Move right" : "Przenieś w prawo",
"Image saved successfully" : "Obraz zapisany pomyślnie",
"Error saving image" : "Błąd podczas zapisywania obrazu",
"Unsaved changes" : "Niezapisane zmiany",
"Drop changes" : "Odrzuć zmiany",
"Share" : "Udostępnij",
"Play Live Photo" : "Odtwórz Live Photo",
"Download Video" : "Pobierz film",
"Slideshow" : "Pokaz slajdów",
"Previous" : "Poprzednie",
"Next" : "Następna",
"Editing is currently disabled for Live Photos" : "Edytowanie Live Photo jest obecnie niedostępne",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Nie udało się usunąć zdjęcia",
"Save as" : "Zapisz jako",
"All changes will be lost." : "Wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz kontynuować?",
@ -190,12 +319,30 @@
"Fit size" : "Dopasuj rozmiar",
"Direct" : "Bezpośredni",
"Auto" : "Automatycznie",
"Shared Folder" : "Udostępniony katalog",
"Shared Album" : "Udostępniony album",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "Nie udało się utworzyć {albumName}.",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "Nie udało się zmienić nazwy {currentAlbumName} na {newAlbumName}.",
"General Failure" : "Ogólna awaria",
"Error: {msg}" : "Błąd: {msg}",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "Nie udało się usunąć {fileName}.",
"Failed to move files." : "Nie udało się przenieść plików.",
"Could not move {fileName}, target exists." : "Nie udało się przenieść {fileName}, docelowa ścieżka już istnieje.",
"Failed to move {fileName}." : "Nie udało się przenieść {fileName}.",
"Failed to download files" : "Nie udało się pobrać plików",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Nie udało się znaleźć ulubionych plików.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Nie udało się dodać do ulubionych {fileName}."
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Nie udało się dodać kilku plików do ulubionych.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Nie udało się dodać do ulubionych {fileName}.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Wgraj kilka zdjęć i upewnij się, że ścieżka osi czasu jest ustawiona",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Oznacz zdjęcia jako ulubione, aby łatwo je znaleźć",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "Wspomnienia z przeszłych lat pojawią się tutaj",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Wkrótce znajdziesz swoich przyjaciół. Proszę bądź cierpliwy.",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Twoje filmy pojawią się tutaj",
"No photos in this album yet" : "W tym albumie nie ma zdjęć",
"Create an album to get started" : "Aby rozpocząć utwórz album",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Archiwizuj zdjęcia, których nie chcesz widzieć na swojej osi czasu",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Oznacz zdjęcia, aby łatwo je odnajdywać",
"Recognize is still working on your photos" : "Aplikacja Rozpoznaj wciąż pracuje nad twoimi zdjęciami",
"Places you have been to will appear here" : "Odwiedzone miejsca pokażą się tutaj"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);"

l10n/pt_BR.js vendored
View File

@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Adicionar seleção ao álbum {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Criar um novo álbum.",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartilhado por {proprietário}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n item","%n itens","%n itens"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Compartilhar com %n usuário","Compartilhar com %n usuários","Compartilhar com %n usuários"],
"Share Album" : "Compartilhar álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Salve os colaboradores deste álbum.",
"Newest" : "O mais novo",
@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Erro ao mover {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Falha ao mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mover fotos selecionadas para pessoa",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Mover as fotos selecionadas para {target}?",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Ocorreu um erro ao mover fotos de {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Choose a folder",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} item moved to folder","{n} items moved to folder","{n} items moved to folder"],

l10n/pt_BR.json vendored
View File

@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Adicionar seleção ao álbum {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Criar um novo álbum.",
"shared by {owner}" : "compartilhado por {proprietário}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n item","%n itens","%n itens"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Compartilhar com %n usuário","Compartilhar com %n usuários","Compartilhar com %n usuários"],
"Share Album" : "Compartilhar álbum",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Salve os colaboradores deste álbum.",
"Newest" : "O mais novo",
@ -262,6 +262,7 @@
"Error while moving {basename}" : "Erro ao mover {basename}",
"Failed to move {name}." : "Falha ao mover {name}.",
"Move selected photos to person" : "Mover fotos selecionadas para pessoa",
"Move the selected photos to {target}?" : "Mover as fotos selecionadas para {target}?",
"An error occurred while moving photos from {name}." : "Ocorreu um erro ao mover fotos de {name}.",
"Choose a folder" : "Choose a folder",
"_{n} item moved to folder_::_{n} items moved to folder_" : ["{n} item moved to folder","{n} items moved to folder","{n} items moved to folder"],

l10n/ru.js vendored
View File

@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Download" : "Скачать",
"Memories" : "Воспоминания",
"Settings" : "Настройки",
"People (Recognize)" : "Люди (Распознавание)",
"People" : "Люди",
"People (Face Recognition)" : "Люди (Распознавание лиц)",
"Info" : "Информация",
"Timeline" : "История",
"Folders" : "Папки",
@ -16,8 +18,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Places" : "Места",
"Map" : "Карта",
"Tags" : "Метки",
"View all" : "Просмотреть все",
"Recognize" : "Распознавание",
"Face Recognition" : "Распознавание лиц",
"A better photos experience awaits you" : "Вас ждут лучшие фотографии",
"Choose the root folder of your timeline to begin" : "Для начала выберите корневую папку",
"Continue to Memories" : "Перейти к воспоминаниям",
"Choose again" : "Выберите еще раз",
"Click here to start" : "Нажмите здесь чтобы начать",
"You can always change this later in settings" : "Эти параметры могут быть позднее изменены в разделе «Настройки»",
"Edit" : "Редактировать",
@ -145,6 +152,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Previous" : "Назад",
"Next" : "Далее",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Не удалось удалить фотографию",
"Save as" : "Сохранить как",
"All changes will be lost." : "Изменения не будут сохранены.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Продолжить?",
@ -228,6 +236,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Обратите внимание, что выбранная область обрезки меньше примененного изменения размера, что может привести к снижению качества",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Фактический размер (100%)",
"Fit size" : "По размеру окна",
"Transcoding failed, check Nextcloud logs." : "Не удалось перекодировать, проверьте журналы Nextcloud.",
"Direct" : "Личное",
"Auto" : "Автоматически",
"Shared Folder" : "Опубликованная Папка",
@ -243,6 +252,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to download files" : "Не удалось скачать файлы",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Не удалось добавить файлы в избранное.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Некоторые файлы не удалось добавить в избранное ",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Не удалось добавить файл «{fileName}» в избранное."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Не удалось добавить файл «{fileName}» в избранное.",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Memories была обновлена до {version}. Перезагрузите, чтобы получить новую версию.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Загрузите несколько фотографий и убедитесь, что путь к временной шкале настроен",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Отмечайте фотографии как избранные, чтобы легко их находить",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "Здесь появятся воспоминания из прошлых лет",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Скоро вы найдете своих друзей. Пожалуйста, наберитесь терпения.",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Распознавание лиц отключено. Включите его в настройках для поиска своих друзей.",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Ваши видео появятся здесь",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Фотографий в этом альбоме пока нет",
"Create an album to get started" : "Создайте альбом, чтобы начать работу",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Архивируйте фотографии, которые вы не хотите видеть на своей временной шкале",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Помечайте фотографии тегами, чтобы легко их находить",
"Recognize is still working on your photos" : "Программа распознавания все еще работает с вашими фотографиями",
"Places you have been to will appear here" : "Места, где вы побывали, появятся здесь"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);");

l10n/ru.json vendored
View File

@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
"Download" : "Скачать",
"Memories" : "Воспоминания",
"Settings" : "Настройки",
"People (Recognize)" : "Люди (Распознавание)",
"People" : "Люди",
"People (Face Recognition)" : "Люди (Распознавание лиц)",
"Info" : "Информация",
"Timeline" : "История",
"Folders" : "Папки",
@ -14,8 +16,13 @@
"Places" : "Места",
"Map" : "Карта",
"Tags" : "Метки",
"View all" : "Просмотреть все",
"Recognize" : "Распознавание",
"Face Recognition" : "Распознавание лиц",
"A better photos experience awaits you" : "Вас ждут лучшие фотографии",
"Choose the root folder of your timeline to begin" : "Для начала выберите корневую папку",
"Continue to Memories" : "Перейти к воспоминаниям",
"Choose again" : "Выберите еще раз",
"Click here to start" : "Нажмите здесь чтобы начать",
"You can always change this later in settings" : "Эти параметры могут быть позднее изменены в разделе «Настройки»",
"Edit" : "Редактировать",
@ -143,6 +150,7 @@
"Previous" : "Назад",
"Next" : "Далее",
"Are you sure you want to delete?" : "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить?",
"Failed to delete photo" : "Не удалось удалить фотографию",
"Save as" : "Сохранить как",
"All changes will be lost." : "Изменения не будут сохранены.",
"Are you sure you want to continue?" : "Продолжить?",
@ -226,6 +234,7 @@
"Note that the selected crop area is lower than the applied resize which might cause quality decrease" : "Обратите внимание, что выбранная область обрезки меньше примененного изменения размера, что может привести к снижению качества",
"Actual size (100%)" : "Фактический размер (100%)",
"Fit size" : "По размеру окна",
"Transcoding failed, check Nextcloud logs." : "Не удалось перекодировать, проверьте журналы Nextcloud.",
"Direct" : "Личное",
"Auto" : "Автоматически",
"Shared Folder" : "Опубликованная Папка",
@ -241,6 +250,19 @@
"Failed to download files" : "Не удалось скачать файлы",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Не удалось добавить файлы в избранное.",
"Failed to favorite some files." : "Некоторые файлы не удалось добавить в избранное ",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Не удалось добавить файл «{fileName}» в избранное."
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Не удалось добавить файл «{fileName}» в избранное.",
"Memories has been updated to {version}. Reload to get the new version." : "Memories была обновлена до {version}. Перезагрузите, чтобы получить новую версию.",
"Upload some photos and make sure the timeline path is configured" : "Загрузите несколько фотографий и убедитесь, что путь к временной шкале настроен",
"Mark photos as favorite to find them easily" : "Отмечайте фотографии как избранные, чтобы легко их находить",
"Memories from past years will appear here" : "Здесь появятся воспоминания из прошлых лет",
"You will find your friends soon. Please be patient" : "Скоро вы найдете своих друзей. Пожалуйста, наберитесь терпения.",
"Face Recognition is disabled. Enable in settings to find your friends" : "Распознавание лиц отключено. Включите его в настройках для поиска своих друзей.",
"Your videos will appear here" : "Ваши видео появятся здесь",
"No photos in this album yet" : "Фотографий в этом альбоме пока нет",
"Create an album to get started" : "Создайте альбом, чтобы начать работу",
"Archive photos you don't want to see in your timeline" : "Архивируйте фотографии, которые вы не хотите видеть на своей временной шкале",
"Tag photos to find them easily" : "Помечайте фотографии тегами, чтобы легко их находить",
"Recognize is still working on your photos" : "Программа распознавания все еще работает с вашими фотографиями",
"Places you have been to will appear here" : "Места, где вы побывали, появятся здесь"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);"

l10n/sl.js vendored
View File

@ -66,8 +66,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Video (ffmpeg)",
"Performance" : "Delovanje",
"Unknown" : "Neznano",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Omogoči prehodiranje",
"ffmpeg path" : "pot do ffmpeg",
"ffprobe path" : "pot do ffprobe",
"External Link" : "Zunanja povezava",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Omogoči pospeševanje z VA-API",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Dodaj osebe in skupine, ki lahko urejajo album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Iskanje sodelujočih",
"Search people or groups" : "Iskanje oseb in skupin",
@ -148,6 +151,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Editable" : "Uredljivo",
"Read only" : "Le za branje",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Povezava je kopirana v odložišče",
"Reduced Size" : "Zmanjšaj velikost",
"High Resolution" : "Visoka ločljivost",
"Original File" : "Izvorna datoteka",
"Public Link" : "Javna povezava",
@ -156,7 +160,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sort by name" : "Razvrsti po imenu",
"Download album" : "Prejmi album",
"Delete album" : "Izbriši album",
"Nothing to show here" : "Ni vsebine za prikaz",
"Merge with different person" : "Združi z obstoječo osebo",
"Mark person in preview" : "Označi osebo v predogledu",
"Folder View" : "Pogled mape",
"Timeline View" : "Pogled časovnice",
"Share folder" : "Omogoči souporabo mape",

l10n/sl.json vendored
View File

@ -64,8 +64,11 @@
"Videos (ffmpeg)" : "Video (ffmpeg)",
"Performance" : "Delovanje",
"Unknown" : "Neznano",
"Enable Transcoding" : "Omogoči prehodiranje",
"ffmpeg path" : "pot do ffmpeg",
"ffprobe path" : "pot do ffprobe",
"External Link" : "Zunanja povezava",
"Enable acceleration with VA-API" : "Omogoči pospeševanje z VA-API",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Dodaj osebe in skupine, ki lahko urejajo album",
"Search for collaborators" : "Iskanje sodelujočih",
"Search people or groups" : "Iskanje oseb in skupin",
@ -146,6 +149,7 @@
"Editable" : "Uredljivo",
"Read only" : "Le za branje",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Povezava je kopirana v odložišče",
"Reduced Size" : "Zmanjšaj velikost",
"High Resolution" : "Visoka ločljivost",
"Original File" : "Izvorna datoteka",
"Public Link" : "Javna povezava",
@ -154,7 +158,9 @@
"Sort by name" : "Razvrsti po imenu",
"Download album" : "Prejmi album",
"Delete album" : "Izbriši album",
"Nothing to show here" : "Ni vsebine za prikaz",
"Merge with different person" : "Združi z obstoječo osebo",
"Mark person in preview" : "Označi osebo v predogledu",
"Folder View" : "Pogled mape",
"Timeline View" : "Pogled časovnice",
"Share folder" : "Omogoči souporabo mape",

l10n/sr.js vendored
View File

@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Неисправно име албума; не сме да садржи косе црте.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Додај изабрано у албум {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Креирање новог албума.",
"shared by {owner}" : "дели {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n ставка","%n ставке","%n ставки"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Подели са %n корисником","Подели са %n корисника","Подели са %n корисника"],
"Share Album" : "Дели албум",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Сачувај сараднике на овом албуму",
"Newest" : "Најновије",

l10n/sr.json vendored
View File

@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Неисправно име албума; не сме да садржи косе црте.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Додај изабрано у албум {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Креирање новог албума.",
"shared by {owner}" : "дели {owner}",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n ставка","%n ставке","%n ставки"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Подели са %n корисником","Подели са %n корисника","Подели са %n корисника"],
"Share Album" : "Дели албум",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Сачувај сараднике на овом албуму",
"Newest" : "Најновије",

l10n/sv.js vendored
View File

@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Create album" : "Skapa album",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Lägg till urval för {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Skapa ett nytt album.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Dela med en användare","Dela med %n användare"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Spara medlemmar för det här albumet.",
"Year" : "År",
"Month" : "Månad",

l10n/sv.json vendored
View File

@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"Create album" : "Skapa album",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Lägg till urval för {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "Skapa ett nytt album.",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Dela med en användare","Dela med %n användare"],
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Spara medlemmar för det här albumet.",
"Year" : "År",
"Month" : "Månad",

l10n/th.js vendored
View File

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Save" : "บันทึก",
"Create album" : "สร้างอัลบั้ม",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "เพิ่มรายการที่เลือกไปยังอัลบั้ม {albumName}",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["แชร์กับผู้ใช้ %n คน"],
"Month" : "เดือน",
"Day" : "วัน",
"Time" : "เวลา",

l10n/th.json vendored
View File

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
"Save" : "บันทึก",
"Create album" : "สร้างอัลบั้ม",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "เพิ่มรายการที่เลือกไปยังอัลบั้ม {albumName}",
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["แชร์กับผู้ใช้ %n คน"],
"Month" : "เดือน",
"Day" : "วัน",
"Time" : "เวลา",

l10n/tr.js vendored
View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Geometri tablosu oluşturulmamış.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Gezegen verileri eksik gibi görünüyor.",
"Reverse geocoding has not been configured ({status})." : "Ters coğrafi kodlama yapılandırılmamış ({status}).",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "Anılar, MySQL ya da Postgres üzerinde OpenStreetMaps verilerini kullanarak çevrimdışı ters coğrafi kodlamayı destekler.",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "Anılar, MySQL ya da Postgres üzerinde OpenStreetMaps verilerini kullanarak çevrim dışı ters coğrafi kodlamayı destekler.",
"You need to download the planet data into your database. This is highly recommended and has low overhead." : "Gezegen verilerini veri tabanınıza indirmeniz gerekiyor. Bunu yapmanız önemle önerilir ve oluşturacağı yük küçüktür.",
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Gezegen verilerini içe aktarmak için aşağıdaki düğme çalışmıyorsa, şu komutu kullanın:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Not: Geometri verileri, herhangi bir ön ek olmadan, memory_planet_geometry tablosunda tutulur.",
@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Albüm adı geçersiz. Albüm adında bölü (/) karakteri bulunamaz.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Seçilmişleri {albumName} albümüne ekle",
"Create a new album." : "Yeni bir albüm ekler.",
"shared by {owner}" : "{owner} tarafından paylaşıldı",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n öge","%n öge"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["%n kullanıcı ile paylaş","%n kullanıcı ile paylaş"],
"Share Album" : "Albümü paylaş",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Bu albümün katılımcılarını kaydet.",
"Newest" : "En yeni",

l10n/tr.json vendored
View File

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
"Geometry table has not been created." : "Geometri tablosu oluşturulmamış.",
"Looks like the planet data is incomplete." : "Gezegen verileri eksik gibi görünüyor.",
"Reverse geocoding has not been configured ({status})." : "Ters coğrafi kodlama yapılandırılmamış ({status}).",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "Anılar, MySQL ya da Postgres üzerinde OpenStreetMaps verilerini kullanarak çevrimdışı ters coğrafi kodlamayı destekler.",
"Memories supports offline reverse geocoding using the OpenStreetMaps data on MySQL and Postgres." : "Anılar, MySQL ya da Postgres üzerinde OpenStreetMaps verilerini kullanarak çevrim dışı ters coğrafi kodlamayı destekler.",
"You need to download the planet data into your database. This is highly recommended and has low overhead." : "Gezegen verilerini veri tabanınıza indirmeniz gerekiyor. Bunu yapmanız önemle önerilir ve oluşturacağı yük küçüktür.",
"If the button below does not work for importing the planet data, use the following command:" : "Gezegen verilerini içe aktarmak için aşağıdaki düğme çalışmıyorsa, şu komutu kullanın:",
"Note: the geometry data is stored in the memories_planet_geometry table, with no prefix." : "Not: Geometri verileri, herhangi bir ön ek olmadan, memory_planet_geometry tablosunda tutulur.",
@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "Albüm adı geçersiz. Albüm adında bölü (/) karakteri bulunamaz.",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Seçilmişleri {albumName} albümüne ekle",
"Create a new album." : "Yeni bir albüm ekler.",
"shared by {owner}" : "{owner} tarafından paylaşıldı",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n öge","%n öge"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["%n kullanıcı ile paylaş","%n kullanıcı ile paylaş"],
"Share Album" : "Albümü paylaş",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Bu albümün katılımcılarını kaydet.",
"Newest" : "En yeni",

l10n/uk.js vendored
View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copyright" : "Права на копіюівння",
"Empty" : "Порожньо",
"Reset" : "Скидання",
"Collaborative Tags" : "Мітки для співпраці",
"Remove person" : "Вилучити особу",
"Rename person" : "Перейменувати особу",
"Name" : "Назва",
@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sort by date" : "Впорядкувати за датою",
"Sort by name" : "Впорядкувати за ім’ям",
"Delete album" : "Вилучити альбом",
"Unassigned faces" : "Неідентифіковані обличчя",
"Merge with different person" : "Злитися з іншою людиною",
"Share folder" : "Спільний доступ для каталогу",
"Error saving image" : "Помилка збереження зображення",

l10n/uk.json vendored
View File

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
"Copyright" : "Права на копіюівння",
"Empty" : "Порожньо",
"Reset" : "Скидання",
"Collaborative Tags" : "Мітки для співпраці",
"Remove person" : "Вилучити особу",
"Rename person" : "Перейменувати особу",
"Name" : "Назва",
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@
"Sort by date" : "Впорядкувати за датою",
"Sort by name" : "Впорядкувати за ім’ям",
"Delete album" : "Вилучити альбом",
"Unassigned faces" : "Неідентифіковані обличчя",
"Merge with different person" : "Злитися з іншою людиною",
"Share folder" : "Спільний доступ для каталогу",
"Error saving image" : "Помилка збереження зображення",

l10n/zh_CN.js vendored
View File

@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "将所选项加入相册 {ablumName}",
"Create a new album." : "创建新相册。",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n 个项目"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["与%n个用户分享"],
"Share Album" : "分享相册",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "保存此相册的协作者。",
"Newest" : "最新",

l10n/zh_CN.json vendored
View File

@ -213,7 +213,6 @@
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "将所选项加入相册 {ablumName}",
"Create a new album." : "创建新相册。",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n 个项目"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["与%n个用户分享"],
"Share Album" : "分享相册",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "保存此相册的协作者。",
"Newest" : "最新",

l10n/zh_HK.js vendored
View File

@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "相簿名稱無效; 不應包含任何斜線。",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "將選擇添加至相簿 {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "創建新相簿。",
"shared by {owner}" : "由 {owner} 分享",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n 個項目"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["與 %n 個用戶分享"],
"Share Album" : "分享相簿",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "保存此相簿的協作者。",
"Newest" : "最新",

l10n/zh_HK.json vendored
View File

@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "相簿名稱無效; 不應包含任何斜線。",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "將選擇添加至相簿 {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "創建新相簿。",
"shared by {owner}" : "由 {owner} 分享",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n 個項目"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["與 %n 個用戶分享"],
"Share Album" : "分享相簿",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "保存此相簿的協作者。",
"Newest" : "最新",

l10n/zh_TW.js vendored
View File

@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "無效的相簿名稱;不應包含任何斜線。",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "新增選取範圍至相簿 {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "建立新相簿。",
"shared by {owner}" : "由 {owner} 分享",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n 個項目"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["與 %n 個使用者分享"],
"Share Album" : "分享相簿",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "儲存此相簿的協作者。",
"Newest" : "最新",

l10n/zh_TW.json vendored
View File

@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
"Invalid album name; should not contain any slashes." : "無效的相簿名稱;不應包含任何斜線。",
"Add selection to album {albumName}" : "新增選取範圍至相簿 {albumName}",
"Create a new album." : "建立新相簿。",
"shared by {owner}" : "由 {owner} 分享",
"_%n item_::_%n items_" : ["%n 個項目"],
"_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["與 %n 個使用者分享"],
"Share Album" : "分享相簿",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "儲存此相簿的協作者。",
"Newest" : "最新",