docs: improve home page
Signed-off-by: Varun Patil <>pull/653/head
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path: .cache
- run: cp docs/
- run: pip install mkdocs-material
- run: pip install mkdocs-material
- run: mkdocs gh-deploy --force
- run: mkdocs gh-deploy --force
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# Overview
# Configuration
Starting with v5.0.0, you can fully configure memories using the admin panel. With an admin account in Nextcloud, go to `Settings -> Memories`. Memories runs a background indexing job to extract EXIF metadata from photos and videos, as well as immediately on every upload.
Starting with v5.0.0, you can fully configure memories using the admin panel. With an admin account in Nextcloud, go to `Settings -> Memories`. Memories runs a background indexing job to extract EXIF metadata from photos and videos, as well as immediately on every upload.
@ -1,58 +1,78 @@
# Frequently Asked Questions
# Support and FAQ
- **How is it different from the default Nextcloud Photos app?**
## Getting Help
You can find a full comparison [here](../memories-vs-photos).
- **What apps does Memories compete against?**
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at
Commercial cloud photo services. The target is to be better than `X` service provider that you pay $$$ for, and be usable by grandma.
- **Is it production ready?**
- [Discord community]( (any questions, feedback, suggestions, etc.)
- [GitHub issues]( (bugs and feature requests)
- **Does it support multiple users and external sharing?**
## FAQ
- **Why is it tied to Nextcloud? Isn't this a lot of overhead? Isn't PHP slow?**
**How is it different from the default Nextcloud Photos app?**
1. Reinventing the wheel is pointless. If Memories was a dedicated app, that would mean re-implementing everything from automatic file upload to multi-user support and auth integrations. The maintenance overhead of such a codebase increases exponentially, all while completely unnecessary since someone else is maintaining the exact same things in another piece of software. Integrating with Nextcloud is what makes Memories sustainable.
You can find a full comparison [here](../memories-vs-photos).
1. PHP and Nextcloud have become very fast over the last few years, and running both is very minimal overhead. Functions such as upgrading Nextcloud
**What apps does Memories compete against?**
Commercial cloud photo services. The target is to be better than `X` service provider that you pay $$$ for, and be usable by grandma.
**Is it production ready?**
**Does it support multiple users and external sharing?**
**Why is it tied to Nextcloud? Isn't this a lot of overhead? Isn't PHP slow?**
1. Reinventing the wheel is pointless. If Memories was a dedicated app, that would mean re-implementing everything from automatic file upload to multi-user support and auth integrations. The maintenance overhead of such a codebase increases exponentially, all while completely unnecessary since someone else is maintaining the exact same things in another piece of software. Integrating with Nextcloud is what makes Memories sustainable.
1. PHP and Nextcloud have become very fast over the last few years, and running both is very minimal overhead. Functions such as upgrading Nextcloud
to newer versions is seamless especially when using Docker.
to newer versions is seamless especially when using Docker.
1. The power of Memories is integration: the Nextcloud ecosystem provides tons of other apps for extending functionality.
1. The power of Memories is integration: the Nextcloud ecosystem provides tons of other apps for extending functionality.
- **Why doesn't it support `<some-feature>` such as XMP tags and advanced metadata editing?**
**Why doesn't it support `<some-feature>` such as XMP tags and advanced metadata editing?**
The target user of Memories is not a tech-savvy self-hoster. Most commonly used / available features will be given priority over advanced features, e.g. most useful for professionals / photographers / data hoarders. That doesn't mean to say these features will necessarily not be implemented.
- **Does Memories support a folder structure for storage?**
The target user of Memories is not a tech-savvy self-hoster. Most commonly used / available features will be given priority over advanced features, e.g. most useful for professionals / photographers / data hoarders. That doesn't mean to say these features will necessarily not be implemented.
Yes. All photos are stored in a folder structure, and only displayed as a flat timeline. This means you can swap out Memories for any other photo app if you want (no lock-in). You can also view the photos in the folder structure if you desire.
- **Does it have a mobile app?**
**Does Memories support a folder structure for storage?**
Not yet. The web app is very responsive on mobile. You can use the official Nextcloud app to auto-upload photos and videos from your device.
- **How is it better than the `Y` FOSS photo manager?**
Yes. All photos are stored in a folder structure, and only displayed as a flat timeline. This means you can swap out Memories for any other photo app if you want (no lock-in). You can also view the photos in the folder structure if you desire.
UX and performance. The devil is in the details.
- **It's slow or doesn't work**
**Does it have a mobile app?**
Make sure you follow the [configuration steps](../config). Unless you have hundreds of thousands of photos on a Raspberry Pi, Memories should be very fast. File an issue otherwise.
- **Will it run on my system?**
Not yet. The web app is very responsive on mobile. You can use the official Nextcloud app to auto-upload photos and videos from your device.
In general, if you can run Nextcloud, you should be able to run Memories. File an issue if you run into problems.
- **How to completely remove Memories? Maybe to reinstall after errors?**
**How is it better than the `Y` FOSS photo manager?**
Uninstall Memories from the app store, then run the following SQL on your database.
UX and performance. The devil is in the details.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_memories_livephoto;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_memories_mapclusters;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_memories_places;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_memories_planet;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS memories_planet_geometry;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS memories_parent_mimetype ON oc_filecache;
DELETE FROM oc_migrations WHERE app='memories';
On Postgres, the syntax for dropping the index is:
**It's slow or doesn't work**
Make sure you follow the [configuration steps](../config). Unless you have hundreds of thousands of photos on a Raspberry Pi, Memories should be very fast. File an issue otherwise.
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS memories_parent_mimetype;
**Will it run on my system?**
In general, if you can run Nextcloud, you should be able to run Memories. File an issue if you run into problems.
**How to completely remove Memories? Maybe to reinstall after errors?**
Uninstall Memories from the app store, then run the following SQL on your database.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_memories_livephoto;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_memories_mapclusters;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_memories_places;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS oc_memories_planet;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS memories_planet_geometry;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS memories_parent_mimetype ON oc_filecache;
DELETE FROM oc_migrations WHERE app='memories';
On Postgres, the syntax for dropping the index is:
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS memories_parent_mimetype;
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title: Memories
template: home.html
- navigation
- navigation
- toc
- toc
# Memories Documentation
!!! warning "This page is still under construction."
This is the documentation for the [Memories]( app.
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margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 30px;
.md-footer-meta__inner {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: space-between;
margin-top: 1.0rem;
.md-footer-social {
padding-top: 20px;
img.shadow {
filter: drop-shadow(5px 5px 5px #222);
<!-- Main site Entry button descriptions -->
<section class="tx-container">
<div class="md-grid md-typeset">
<div class="tx-hero">
<div class="tx-hero__image">
<img class="shadow" src="assets/mockup.webp" draggable="false">
<div class="tx-hero__content">
<img class="memories-title" src="assets/memories-title.svg" draggable="false">
<p> Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite. <br/> Free and open source Nextcloud app. </p>
<a href="{{ page.next_page.url | url }}" title="{{ page.next_page.title | striptags }}" class="md-button md-button--primary">
<a href="{{ config.demo_url }}" class="md-button">
<!-- Main site box descriptions -->
<div class="top-hr">
<div class="feature-item">
Timeline View
Trying to find something from <i>that day</i>?
Memories shows your photos in a familiar timeline view, which lets you quickly
jump to any point of time in your photo library.
<div class="top-hr">
<div class="hr">
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% block footer %}{% endblock %}
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
site_name: Memories
site_name: Memories
repo_name: pulsejet/memories
repo_name: pulsejet/memories
name: material
name: material
@ -12,15 +13,17 @@ theme:
primary: blue
primary: blue
logo: material/camera
logo: material/camera
custom_dir: docs/overrides
- Home: ''
- Home: ''
- Configuration:
- Getting started:
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- FAQ:
- Support:
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
Reference in New Issue