
96 lines
5.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{ "translations": {
"Memories" : "Memoriak",
"Yet another photo management app" : "Beste argazki kudeatze aplikazio bat",
"Timeline" : "Denbora-lerroa",
"Folders" : "Karpetak",
"Favorites" : "Gogokoak",
"Videos" : "Bideoak",
"Albums" : "Albumak",
"People" : "Jendea",
"Archive" : "Artxibatu",
"On this day" : "Egun honetan",
"Tags" : "Etiketak",
"Maps" : "Mapak",
"Settings" : "Ezarpenak",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Delete" : "Ezabatu",
"Download" : "Deskargatu",
"Favorite" : "Egin gogoko",
"Unarchive" : "Ez artxibatu",
"Edit Date/Time" : "Editatu data/ordua",
"View in folder" : "Ikusi karpetan",
"Add to album" : "Gehitu albumera",
"Remove from person" : "Kendu pertsonatik",
"You are about to download a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Fitxategi asko deskargatuko dituzu. Ziur zaude?",
"You are about to delete a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Fitxategi asko ezabatuko dituzu. Ziur zaude?",
"You are about to touch a large number of files. Are you sure?" : "Fitxategi asko ukituko dituzu. Ziur zaude?",
"_{n} selected_::_{n} selected_" : ["{n} hautatuta","{n} hautatuta"],
"Timeline Path" : "Denbora-lerroa",
"Show hidden folders" : "Erakutsi ezkutuko karpetak",
"Your Timeline" : "Zure denbora-lerroa",
"Failed to load some photos" : "Argazki batzuk kargatzeak huts egin du",
"Processing … {n}/{m}" : "Prozesatzen ... {n}/{m}",
"Search for collaborators" : "Bilatu kolaboratzaileak",
"Search people or groups" : "Bilatu erabiltzaile edo taldeak",
"Add {collaboratorLabel} to the collaborators list" : "Gehitu {collaboratorLabel} kolaboratzaile zerrendara",
"No collaborators available" : "Ez dago kolaboratzailerik eskuragarri",
"Remove {collaboratorLabel} from the collaborators list" : "Kendu {collaboratorLabel} kolaboratzaile zerrendatik",
"Copy the public link" : "Kopiatu esteka publikoa",
"Delete the public link" : "Ezabatu esteka publikoa",
"Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Gehitu zure albuma editatu dezaketen pertsona edo taldeak",
"Public link copied!" : "Esteka publikoa kopiatuta!",
"Copy public link" : "Kopiatu esteka publikoa",
"Share via public link" : "Partekatu esteka publiko bidez",
"Failed to fetch collaborators list." : "Ezin izan da kolaboratzaile zerrenda lortu.",
"Public link" : "Esteka publikoa",
"Failed to fetch album." : "Ezin izan da albuma lortu.",
"Failed to update album." : "Ezin izan da albuma eguneratu.",
"New album" : "Album berria",
"Create new album" : "Sortu album berria",
"Edit album details" : "Editatu albumaren xehetasunak",
"Failed to delete {name}." : "{name} ezabatzeak huts egin du.",
"Name of the album" : "Albumaren izena",
"Location of the album" : "Albumaren kokapena",
"Go back to the previous view." : "Itzuli aurreko ikuspegira.",
"Go to the add collaborators view." : "Joan kolaboratzaileak gehitzeko ikuspegira.",
"Save." : "Gorde.",
"Create the album." : "Sortu albuma.",
"Back to the new album form." : "Itzuli album berrien formulariora",
"Back" : "Atzera",
"Add collaborators" : "Gehitu kolaboratzaileak",
"Create a new album." : "Sortu album berria.",
"Save collaborators for this album." : "Gorde album honen kolaboratzaileak.",
"Save" : "Gorde",
"Year" : "Urtea",
"Month" : "Hilabetea",
"Day" : "Eguna",
"Time" : "Noiz",
"Hour" : "Ordua",
"Minute" : "Minutu",
"Update Exif" : "Eguneratu Exif",
"Newest" : "Berrienak",
"Oldest" : "Zaharrenak",
"This feature modifies files in your storage to update Exif data." : "Ezaugarri honek zure biltegiko fitxategiak aldatzen ditu Exif datuak eguneratzeko.",
"Exercise caution and make sure you have backups." : "Kontuz ibili eta ziurtatu babeskopiak dituzula.",
"Loading data … {n}/{m}" : "Datuak kargatzen … {n}/{m}",
"Remove person" : "Kendu pertsona",
"Name" : "Izena",
"Rename person" : "Berridatzi pertsonaren izena",
"Update" : "Eguneratu",
"Loading …" : "Kargatzen …",
"Failed to move {name}." : "{name} mugitzeak huts egin du.",
"Refresh" : "Freskatu",
"Delete album" : "Ezabatu albuma",
"Merge with different person" : "Bateratu beste pertsona batekin",
"Share folder" : "Partekatu karpeta",
"Cannot find this photo anymore!" : "Ezin da argazki hau dagoeneko aurkitu!",
"Failed to create {albumName}." : "Ezin izan da {albumName} sortu.",
"Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "Ezin izan da {currentAlbumName} berrizendatu {newAlbumName} gisa.",
"General Failure" : "Hutsegite orokorra",
"Error: {msg}" : "Errorea: {msg}",
"Failed to delete files." : "Fitxategiak ezabatzeak huts egin du.",
"Failed to delete {fileName}." : "{fileName} ezabatzeak huts egin du.",
"Failed to favorite files." : "Fitxategiak gogoko egiteak huts egin du.",
"Failed to favorite {fileName}." : "Ezin izan da {fileName} gogoko egin."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"