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2023-02-05 21:43:25 +00:00
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2022 Varun Patil <>
* @author Varun Patil <>
* @license AGPL-3.0-or-later
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace OCA\Memories\ClustersBackend;
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use OCA\Memories\Db\TimelineQuery;
use OCA\Memories\Util;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder;
use OCP\IRequest;
class PlacesBackend extends Backend
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public function __construct(
protected TimelineQuery $tq,
protected IRequest $request,
) {}
public static function appName(): string
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return 'Places';
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public static function clusterType(): string
return 'places';
public function isEnabled(): bool
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return Util::placesGISType() > 0;
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public function transformDayQuery(IQueryBuilder &$query, bool $aggregate): void
$locationId = (int) $this->request->getParam('places');
$query->innerJoin('m', 'memories_places', 'mp', $query->expr()->andX(
$query->expr()->eq('mp.fileid', 'm.fileid'),
$query->expr()->eq('mp.osm_id', $query->createNamedParameter($locationId)),
public function getClustersInternal(int $fileid = 0): array
if ($fileid) {
throw new \Exception('PlacesBackend: fileid filter not implemented');
$inside = (int) $this->request->getParam('inside', 0);
$marked = (int) $this->request->getParam('mark', 1);
$query = $this->tq->getBuilder();
// SELECT location name and count of photos
$count = $query->func()->count($query->createFunction('DISTINCT m.fileid'), 'count');
$query->select('e.osm_id', $count)->from('memories_planet', 'e');
// WHERE these are not special clusters (e.g. timezone)
$query->where($query->expr()->gt('e.admin_level', $query->expr()->literal(0, \PDO::PARAM_INT)));
// WHERE there are items with this osm_id
$mpJoinOn = [$query->expr()->eq('mp.osm_id', 'e.osm_id')];
// AND these items are inside the requested place
if ($inside > 0) {
$sub = $this->tq->getBuilder();
$sub->select($query->expr()->literal(1))->from('memories_places', 'mp_sq')
->where($sub->expr()->eq('mp_sq.osm_id', $query->createNamedParameter($inside, \PDO::PARAM_INT)))
->andWhere($sub->expr()->eq('mp_sq.fileid', 'mp.fileid'))
$mpJoinOn[] = $query->createFunction("EXISTS ({$sub->getSQL()})");
// Add WHERE clauses to main query to filter out admin_levels
$sub = $this->tq->getBuilder();
->from('memories_planet', 'e_sq')
->where($sub->expr()->eq('e_sq.osm_id', $query->createNamedParameter($inside, \PDO::PARAM_INT)))
$adminSql = "({$sub->getSQL()})";
$query->andWhere($query->expr()->gt('e.admin_level', $query->createFunction($adminSql)))
->andWhere($query->expr()->lte('e.admin_level', $query->createFunction("{$adminSql} + 3")))
// Else if we are looking for countries
elseif (-1 === $inside) {
$query->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('e.admin_level', $query->expr()->literal(2, \PDO::PARAM_INT)));
// AND these items are marked (only if not inside)
elseif ($marked > 0) {
$mpJoinOn[] = $query->expr()->eq('mp.mark', $query->expr()->literal(1, \PDO::PARAM_INT));
// JOIN on memories_places
$query->innerJoin('e', 'memories_places', 'mp', $query->expr()->andX(...$mpJoinOn));
// WHERE these items are memories indexed photos
$query->innerJoin('mp', 'memories', 'm', $query->expr()->eq('m.fileid', 'mp.fileid'));
// WHERE these photos are in the user's requested folder recursively
$query = $this->tq->joinFilecache($query);
// GROUP and ORDER by tag name
// We use this as the subquery for the main query, where we also re-join with
// oc_memories_planet to the the names from the IDS
// If we just AGGREGATE+GROUP with the name in one query, then it can't use indexes
$sub = $query;
// Create new query and copy over parameters (and types)
$query = $this->tq->getBuilder();
$query->setParameters($sub->getParameters(), $sub->getParameterTypes());
// Create the subquery function for selecting from it
$sqf = $query->createFunction("({$sub->getSQL()})");
// SELECT osm_id
$query->select('sub.osm_id', 'sub.count', '', 'e.other_names')->from($sqf, 'sub');
// INNER JOIN back on the planet table to get the names
$query->innerJoin('sub', 'memories_planet', 'e', $query->expr()->eq('e.osm_id', 'sub.osm_id'));
// WHERE at least 3 photos if want marked clusters
if ($marked) {
$query->andWhere($query->expr()->gte('sub.count', $query->expr()->literal(3, \PDO::PARAM_INT)));
// ORDER BY name and osm_id
$query->orderBy($query->createFunction('sub.count'), 'DESC');
$query->addOrderBy('e.osm_id'); // tie-breaker
// FETCH all tags
$places = $this->tq->executeQueryWithCTEs($query)->fetchAll();
// Post process
$lang = Util::getUserLang();
foreach ($places as &$row) {
$row['osm_id'] = (int) $row['osm_id'];
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$row['count'] = (int) $row['count'];
$row['name'] = self::translateName($lang, $row['name'], $row['other_names']);
return $places;
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public static function getClusterId(array $cluster)
return $cluster['osm_id'];
public function getPhotos(string $name, ?int $limit = null): array
$query = $this->tq->getBuilder();
// SELECT all photos with this tag
$query->select('f.fileid', 'f.etag')->from('memories_places', 'mp')
->where($query->expr()->eq('mp.osm_id', $query->createNamedParameter((int) $name)))
// WHERE these items are memories indexed photos
$query->innerJoin('mp', 'memories', 'm', $query->expr()->eq('m.fileid', 'mp.fileid'));
// WHERE these photos are in the user's requested folder recursively
$query = $this->tq->joinFilecache($query);
// MAX number of photos
if (null !== $limit) {
// FETCH tag photos
return $this->tq->executeQueryWithCTEs($query)->fetchAll() ?: [];
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* Choose the best name for the place.
public static function translateName(string $lang, string $name, ?string $otherNames): string
if (empty($otherNames)) {
return $name;
try {
// Decode the other names
$json = json_decode($otherNames, true);
// Check if the language is available
if (\array_key_exists($lang, $json) && \is_string($json[$lang])) {
return $json[$lang];
} catch (\Error) {
// Ignore errors, just use original name
return $name;
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