# We start from my nginx fork which includes the proxy-connect module from tEngine # Source is available at https://github.com/rpardini/nginx-proxy-connect-stable-alpine FROM rpardini/nginx-proxy-connect-stable-alpine:nginx-1.14.0-alpine-3.8 # Add openssl, bash and ca-certificates, then clean apk cache -- yeah complain all you want. # Also added deps for mitmproxy. RUN apk add --update openssl bash ca-certificates su-exec git g++ libffi libffi-dev libstdc++ openssl openssl-dev python3 python3-dev RUN LDFLAGS=-L/lib pip3 install mitmproxy RUN apk del --purge git g++ libffi-dev openssl-dev python3-dev && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && rm -rf ~/.cache/pip # Required for mitmproxy ENV LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # Check the installed mitmproxy version RUN mitmproxy --version # Create the cache directory and CA directory RUN mkdir -p /docker_mirror_cache /ca # Expose it as a volume, so cache can be kept external to the Docker image VOLUME /docker_mirror_cache # Expose /ca as a volume. Users are supposed to volume mount this, as to preserve it across restarts. # Actually, its required; if not, then docker clients will reject the CA certificate when the proxy is run the second time VOLUME /ca # Add our configuration ADD nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf # Add our very hackish entrypoint and ca-building scripts, make them executable ADD entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh ADD create_ca_cert.sh /create_ca_cert.sh RUN chmod +x /create_ca_cert.sh /entrypoint.sh # Clients should only use 3128, not anything else. EXPOSE 3128 # In debug mode, 8081 exposes the mitmweb interface. EXPOSE 8081 ## Default envs. # A space delimited list of registries we should proxy and cache; this is in addition to the central DockerHub. ENV REGISTRIES="k8s.gcr.io gcr.io quay.io" # A space delimited list of registry:user:password to inject authentication for ENV AUTH_REGISTRIES="some.authenticated.registry:oneuser:onepassword another.registry:user:password" # Should we verify upstream's certificates? Default to true. ENV VERIFY_SSL="true" # Enable debugging mode; this inserts mitmproxy/mitmweb between the CONNECT proxy and the caching layer ENV DEBUG="true" # Did you want a shell? Sorry. This only does one job; use exec /bin/bash if you wanna inspect stuff ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]