# How to use docker-registry-proxy with kops ## Install docker-registry-proxy For running docker-registry-proxy with kops you will need to run it outside the cluster you want to configure, you can either use and EC2 instance and run: ```bash docker run --rm --name docker_registry_proxy -it \ -p -e ENABLE_MANIFEST_CACHE=true \ -v $(pwd)/docker_mirror_cache:/docker_mirror_cache \ -v $(pwd)/docker_mirror_certs:/ca \ rpardini/docker-registry-proxy:0.6.0 ``` or you can run it from another cluster, maybe a management/observability one with provided yaml, in this case, you will need to change the following lines: ``` annotations: external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: docker-registry-proxy. service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-internal: "true" ``` with the correct domain name, so then you can reference the proxy as `http://docker-registry-proxy.:3128` ## Test the connection to the proxy A simple curl should return: ``` ❯ curl docker-registry-proxy.:3128 docker-registry-proxy: The docker caching proxy is working!% ``` ## Configure kops to use the proxy Kops has the option to configure a cluster wide proxy, as explained [here](https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/blob/master/docs/http_proxy.md) but this wont work, as nodeup will fail to download the images, what you need is to use `additionalUserData`, which is part of the instance groups configuration. So consider a node configuration like this one: ``` apiVersion: kops.k8s.io/v1alpha2 kind: InstanceGroup metadata: labels: kops.k8s.io/cluster: spot.k8s.local name: spotgroup spec: image: 099720109477/ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-server-20200528 machineType: c3.xlarge maxSize: 15 minSize: 2 mixedInstancesPolicy: instances: - c3.xlarge - c4.xlarge - c5.xlarge - c5a.xlarge onDemandAboveBase: 0 onDemandBase: 0 spotAllocationStrategy: capacity-optimized nodeLabels: kops.k8s.io/instancegroup: spotgroup role: Node subnets: - us-east-1a - us-east-1b - us-east-1c ``` you will need to add the following: ``` additionalUserData: - name: docker-registry-proxy.sh type: text/x-shellscript content: | #!/bin/sh # Add environment vars pointing Docker to use the proxy # https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/systemd/#httphttps-proxy mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d cat << EOD > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf [Service] Environment="HTTP_PROXY=http://docker-registry-proxy.:3128/" Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=http://docker-registry-proxy.:3128/" EOD # Get the CA certificate from the proxy and make it a trusted root. curl http://docker-registry-proxy.:3128/ca.crt > /usr/share/ca-certificates/docker_registry_proxy.crt echo "docker_registry_proxy.crt" >> /etc/ca-certificates.conf update-ca-certificates --fresh # Reload systemd systemctl daemon-reload # Restart dockerd systemctl restart docker.service ``` so the final InstanceGroup will look like this: ``` apiVersion: kops.k8s.io/v1alpha2 kind: InstanceGroup metadata: labels: kops.k8s.io/cluster: spot.k8s.local name: spotgroup spec: additionalUserData: - name: docker-registry-proxy.sh type: text/x-shellscript content: | #!/bin/sh # Add environment vars pointing Docker to use the proxy # https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/systemd/#httphttps-proxy mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d cat << EOD > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf [Service] Environment="HTTP_PROXY=http://docker-registry-proxy.:3128/" Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=http://docker-registry-proxy.:3128/" EOD # Get the CA certificate from the proxy and make it a trusted root. curl http://docker-registry-proxy.:3128/ca.crt > /usr/share/ca-certificates/docker_registry_proxy.crt echo "docker_registry_proxy.crt" >> /etc/ca-certificates.conf update-ca-certificates --fresh # Reload systemd systemctl daemon-reload # Restart dockerd systemctl restart docker.service image: 099720109477/ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-server-20200528 machineType: c3.xlarge maxSize: 15 minSize: 2 mixedInstancesPolicy: instances: - c3.xlarge - c4.xlarge - c5.xlarge - c5a.xlarge onDemandAboveBase: 0 onDemandBase: 0 spotAllocationStrategy: capacity-optimized nodeLabels: kops.k8s.io/instancegroup: spotgroup role: Node subnets: - us-east-1a - us-east-1b - us-east-1c ``` Now all you need is to upgrade your cluster and do a rolling-update of the nodes, all images will be cached from now on.