#! /bin/bash echo "Entrypoint starting." set -Eeuo pipefail trap "echo TRAPed signal" HUP INT QUIT TERM # configure nginx DNS settings to match host, why must we do that nginx? # this leads to a world of problems. ipv6 format being different, etc. # below is a collection of hacks contributed over the years. echo "-- resolv.conf:" cat /etc/resolv.conf echo "-- end resolv" # Podman adds a "%3" to the end of the last resolver? I don't get it. Strip it out. export RESOLVERS=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | sed -e 's/%3//g' | awk '$1 == "nameserver" {print ($2 ~ ":")? "["$2"]": $2}' ORS=' ' | sed 's/ *$//g') if [ "x$RESOLVERS" = "x" ]; then echo "Warning: unable to determine DNS resolvers for nginx" >&2 exit 66 fi echo "DEBUG, determined RESOLVERS from /etc/resolv.conf: '$RESOLVERS'" conf="" for ONE_RESOLVER in ${RESOLVERS}; do echo "Possible resolver: $ONE_RESOLVER" if [[ "a${DISABLE_IPV6}" == "atrue" ]]; then conf="resolver $ONE_RESOLVER ipv6=off; " else conf="resolver $ONE_RESOLVER; " fi done echo "Final chosen resolver: $conf" confpath=/etc/nginx/resolvers.conf if [ ! -e $confpath ] then echo "Using auto-determined resolver '$conf' via '$confpath'" echo "$conf" > $confpath else echo "Not using resolver config, keep existing '$confpath' -- mounted by user?" fi # The list of SAN (Subject Alternative Names) for which we will create a TLS certificate. ALLDOMAINS="" # Interceptions map, which are the hosts that will be handled by the caching part. # It should list exactly the same hosts we have created certificates for -- if not, Docker will get TLS errors, of course. echo -n "" > /etc/nginx/docker.intercept.map # Some hosts/registries are always needed, but others can be configured in env var REGISTRIES for ONEREGISTRYIN in docker.caching.proxy.internal registry-1.docker.io auth.docker.io ${REGISTRIES}; do ONEREGISTRY=$(echo ${ONEREGISTRYIN} | xargs) # Remove whitespace echo "Adding certificate for registry: $ONEREGISTRY" ALLDOMAINS="${ALLDOMAINS},DNS:${ONEREGISTRY}" echo "${ONEREGISTRY};" >> /etc/nginx/docker.intercept.map done # Clean the list and generate certificates. export ALLDOMAINS=${ALLDOMAINS:1} # remove the first comma and export /create_ca_cert.sh # This uses ALLDOMAINS to generate the certificates. # Target host interception. Empty by default. Used to intercept outgoing requests # from the proxy to the registries. echo -n "" > /etc/nginx/docker.targetHost.map # Now handle the auth part. echo -n "" > /etc/nginx/docker.auth.map # Only configure auth registries if the env var contains values if [ "$AUTH_REGISTRIES" ]; then # Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47633817/219530 AUTH_REGISTRIES_DELIMITER=${AUTH_REGISTRIES_DELIMITER:-" "} s=$AUTH_REGISTRIES$AUTH_REGISTRIES_DELIMITER auth_array=(); while [[ $s ]]; do auth_array+=( "${s%%"$AUTH_REGISTRIES_DELIMITER"*}" ); s=${s#*"$AUTH_REGISTRIES_DELIMITER"}; done AUTH_REGISTRY_DELIMITER=${AUTH_REGISTRY_DELIMITER:-":"} for ONEREGISTRY in "${auth_array[@]}"; do s=$ONEREGISTRY$AUTH_REGISTRY_DELIMITER registry_array=(); while [[ $s ]]; do registry_array+=( "${s%%"$AUTH_REGISTRY_DELIMITER"*}" ); s=${s#*"$AUTH_REGISTRY_DELIMITER"}; done AUTH_HOST="${registry_array[0]}" AUTH_USER="${registry_array[1]}" AUTH_PASS="${registry_array[2]}" AUTH_BASE64=$(echo -n ${AUTH_USER}:${AUTH_PASS} | base64 -w0 | xargs) echo "Adding Auth for registry '${AUTH_HOST}' with user '${AUTH_USER}'." echo "\"${AUTH_HOST}\" \"${AUTH_BASE64}\";" >> /etc/nginx/docker.auth.map done fi # create default config for the caching layer to listen on 443. echo " listen 443 ssl default_server;" > /etc/nginx/caching.layer.listen echo "error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;" > /etc/nginx/error.log.debug.warn # Set Docker Registry cache size, by default, 32 GB ('32g') CACHE_MAX_SIZE=${CACHE_MAX_SIZE:-32g} # The cache directory. This can get huge. Better to use a Docker volume pointing here! # Set to 32gb which should be enough echo "proxy_cache_path /docker_mirror_cache levels=1:2 max_size=$CACHE_MAX_SIZE inactive=60d keys_zone=cache:10m use_temp_path=off;" > /etc/nginx/conf.d/cache_max_size.conf # Manifest caching configuration. We generate config based on the environment vars. echo -n "" >/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.caching.config.conf [[ "a${ENABLE_MANIFEST_CACHE}" == "atrue" ]] && [[ "a${MANIFEST_CACHE_PRIMARY_REGEX}" != "a" ]] && cat <>/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.caching.config.conf # First tier caching of manifests; configure via MANIFEST_CACHE_PRIMARY_REGEX and MANIFEST_CACHE_PRIMARY_TIME location ~ ^/v2/(.*)/manifests/${MANIFEST_CACHE_PRIMARY_REGEX} { set \$docker_proxy_request_type "manifest-primary"; proxy_cache_valid ${MANIFEST_CACHE_PRIMARY_TIME}; include "/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.stale.conf"; } EOD [[ "a${ENABLE_MANIFEST_CACHE}" == "atrue" ]] && [[ "a${MANIFEST_CACHE_SECONDARY_REGEX}" != "a" ]] && cat <>/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.caching.config.conf # Secondary tier caching of manifests; configure via MANIFEST_CACHE_SECONDARY_REGEX and MANIFEST_CACHE_SECONDARY_TIME location ~ ^/v2/(.*)/manifests/${MANIFEST_CACHE_SECONDARY_REGEX} { set \$docker_proxy_request_type "manifest-secondary"; proxy_cache_valid ${MANIFEST_CACHE_SECONDARY_TIME}; include "/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.stale.conf"; } EOD [[ "a${ENABLE_MANIFEST_CACHE}" == "atrue" ]] && cat <>/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.caching.config.conf # Default tier caching for manifests. Caches for ${MANIFEST_CACHE_DEFAULT_TIME} (from MANIFEST_CACHE_DEFAULT_TIME) location ~ ^/v2/(.*)/manifests/ { set \$docker_proxy_request_type "manifest-default"; proxy_cache_valid ${MANIFEST_CACHE_DEFAULT_TIME}; include "/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.stale.conf"; } EOD [[ "a${ENABLE_MANIFEST_CACHE}" != "atrue" ]] && cat <>/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.caching.config.conf # Manifest caching is disabled. Enable it with ENABLE_MANIFEST_CACHE=true location ~ ^/v2/(.*)/manifests/ { set \$docker_proxy_request_type "manifest-default-disabled"; proxy_cache_valid 0s; include "/etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.stale.conf"; } EOD echo -e "\nManifest caching config: ---\n" cat /etc/nginx/nginx.manifest.caching.config.conf echo "---" if [[ "a${ALLOW_PUSH}" == "atrue" ]]; then cat < /etc/nginx/conf.d/allowed.methods.conf # allow to upload big layers client_max_body_size 0; # only cache GET requests proxy_cache_methods GET; EOF else cat << 'EOF' > /etc/nginx/conf.d/allowed.methods.conf # Block POST/PUT/DELETE. Don't use this proxy for pushing. if ($request_method = POST) { return 405 "POST method is not allowed"; } if ($request_method = PUT) { return 405 "PUT method is not allowed"; } if ($request_method = DELETE) { return 405 "DELETE method is not allowed"; } EOF fi # normally use non-debug version of nginx NGINX_BIN="/usr/sbin/nginx" if [[ "a${DEBUG}" == "atrue" ]]; then if [[ ! -f /usr/bin/mitmweb ]]; then echo "To debug, you need the -debug version of this image, eg: :latest-debug" exit 3 fi # in debug mode, change caching layer to listen on 444, so that mitmproxy can sit in the middle. echo " listen 444 ssl default_server;" > /etc/nginx/caching.layer.listen echo "Starting in DEBUG MODE (mitmproxy)." >&2 echo "Run mitmproxy with reverse pointing to the same certs..." mitmweb --no-web-open-browser --set web_host= --set confdir=~/.mitmproxy-incoming \ --set termlog_verbosity=error --set stream_large_bodies=128k --web-port 8081 \ --set keep_host_header=true --set ssl_insecure=true \ --mode reverse: --listen-host \ --listen-port 443 --certs /certs/fullchain_with_key.pem & echo "Access mitmweb via " fi if [[ "a${DEBUG_HUB}" == "atrue" ]]; then if [[ ! -f /usr/bin/mitmweb ]]; then echo "To debug, you need the -debug version of this image, eg: :latest-debug" exit 3 fi # in debug hub mode, we remap targetHost to point to mitmproxy below echo "\"registry-1.docker.io\" \"\";" > /etc/nginx/docker.targetHost.map echo "Debugging outgoing DockerHub connections via mitmproxy on 8082." >&2 # this one has keep_host_header=false so we don't need to modify nginx config mitmweb --no-web-open-browser --set web_host= --set confdir=~/.mitmproxy-outgoing-hub \ --set termlog_verbosity=error --set stream_large_bodies=128k --web-port 8082 \ --set keep_host_header=false --set ssl_insecure=true \ --mode reverse:https://registry-1.docker.io --listen-host \ --listen-port 445 --certs /certs/fullchain_with_key.pem & echo "Warning, DockerHub outgoing debugging disables upstream SSL verification for all upstreams." >&2 VERIFY_SSL=false echo "Access mitmweb for outgoing DockerHub requests via " fi if [[ "a${DEBUG_NGINX}" == "atrue" ]]; then if [[ ! -f /usr/sbin/nginx-debug ]]; then echo "To debug, you need the -debug version of this image, eg: :latest-debug" exit 4 fi echo "Starting in DEBUG MODE (nginx)." echo "error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log debug;" > /etc/nginx/error.log.debug.warn # use debug binary NGINX_BIN="/usr/sbin/nginx-debug" fi # Timeout configurations echo "" > /etc/nginx/nginx.timeouts.config.conf cat <>/etc/nginx/nginx.timeouts.config.conf # Timeouts # ngx_http_core_module keepalive_timeout ${KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT}; send_timeout ${SEND_TIMEOUT}; client_body_timeout ${CLIENT_BODY_TIMEOUT}; client_header_timeout ${CLIENT_HEADER_TIMEOUT}; # ngx_http_proxy_module proxy_read_timeout ${PROXY_READ_TIMEOUT}; proxy_connect_timeout ${PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}; proxy_send_timeout ${PROXY_SEND_TIMEOUT}; # ngx_http_proxy_connect_module - external module proxy_connect_read_timeout ${PROXY_CONNECT_READ_TIMEOUT}; proxy_connect_connect_timeout ${PROXY_CONNECT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}; proxy_connect_send_timeout ${PROXY_CONNECT_SEND_TIMEOUT}; EOD echo -e "\nTimeout configs: ---" cat /etc/nginx/nginx.timeouts.config.conf echo -e "---\n" # Request buffering echo "" > /etc/nginx/proxy.request.buffering.conf if [[ "a${PROXY_REQUEST_BUFFERING}" == "afalse" ]]; then cat << EOD > /etc/nginx/proxy.request.buffering.conf proxy_max_temp_file_size 0; proxy_request_buffering off; proxy_http_version 1.1; EOD fi echo -e "\nRequest buffering: ---" cat /etc/nginx/proxy.request.buffering.conf echo -e "---\n" # Upstream SSL verification. echo "" > /etc/nginx/docker.verify.ssl.conf if [[ "a${VERIFY_SSL}" == "atrue" ]]; then cat << EOD > /etc/nginx/docker.verify.ssl.conf # We actually wanna be secure and avoid mitm attacks. # Fitting, since this whole thing is a mitm... # We'll accept any cert signed by a CA trusted by Mozilla (ca-certificates-bundle in alpine) proxy_ssl_verify on; proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt; proxy_ssl_verify_depth 2; EOD echo "Upstream SSL certificate verification enabled." else echo "Upstream SSL certificate verification is DISABLED." fi echo "Testing nginx config..." ${NGINX_BIN} -t echo "Starting nginx! Have a nice day." ${NGINX_BIN} -g "daemon off;"