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package utils
import (
const (
// RFC3339Zero is the default value for time.Time.Unix().
RFC3339Zero = int64(-62135596800)
clean = "clean"
tagged = "tagged"
unknown = "unknown"
const (
period = "."
https = "https"
wss = "wss"
// X.509 consts.
const (
BlockTypeRSAPrivateKey = "RSA PRIVATE KEY"
BlockTypeRSAPublicKey = "RSA PUBLIC KEY"
BlockTypeECDSAPrivateKey = "EC PRIVATE KEY"
BlockTypePKCS8PrivateKey = "PRIVATE KEY"
BlockTypePKIXPublicKey = "PUBLIC KEY"
BlockTypeCertificate = "CERTIFICATE"
BlockTypeCertificateRequest = "CERTIFICATE REQUEST"
BlockTypeX509CRL = "X509 CRL"
KeyAlgorithmRSA = "RSA"
KeyAlgorithmECDSA = "ECDSA"
KeyAlgorithmEd25519 = "ED25519"
HashAlgorithmSHA1 = "SHA1"
HashAlgorithmSHA256 = "SHA256"
HashAlgorithmSHA384 = "SHA384"
HashAlgorithmSHA512 = "SHA512"
EllipticCurveP224 = "P224"
EllipticCurveP256 = "P256"
EllipticCurveP384 = "P384"
EllipticCurveP521 = "P521"
EllipticCurveAltP224 = "P-224"
EllipticCurveAltP256 = "P-256"
EllipticCurveAltP384 = "P-384"
EllipticCurveAltP521 = "P-521"
const (
// Hour is an int based representation of the time unit.
Hour = time.Minute * 60
// Day is an int based representation of the time unit.
Day = Hour * 24
// Week is an int based representation of the time unit.
Week = Day * 7
// Year is an int based representation of the time unit.
Year = Day * 365
// Month is an int based representation of the time unit.
Month = Year / 12
var (
// StandardTimeLayouts is the set of standard time layouts used with ParseTimeString.
StandardTimeLayouts = []string{
"Jan 2 15:04:05 2006",
standardDurationUnits = []string{"ns", "us", "µs", "μs", "ms", "s", "m", "h"}
reOnlyNumeric = regexp.MustCompile(`^\d+$`)
reDurationStandard = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<Duration>[1-9]\d*?)(?P<Unit>[^\d\s]+)`)
reNumeric = regexp.MustCompile(`\d+`)
// Duration unit types.
const (
DurationUnitDays = "d"
DurationUnitWeeks = "w"
DurationUnitMonths = "M"
DurationUnitYears = "y"
// Number of hours in particular measurements of time.
const (
HoursInDay = 24
HoursInWeek = HoursInDay * 7
HoursInMonth = HoursInDay * 30
HoursInYear = HoursInDay * 365
const (
// timeUnixEpochAsMicrosoftNTEpoch represents the unix epoch as a Microsoft NT Epoch.
// The Microsoft NT Epoch is ticks since Jan 1, 1601 (1 tick is 100ns).
timeUnixEpochAsMicrosoftNTEpoch uint64 = 116444736000000000
var htmlEscaper = strings.NewReplacer(
"&", "&amp;",
"<", "&lt;",
">", "&gt;",
`"`, "&#34;",
"'", "&#39;",
// ErrTimeoutReached error thrown when a timeout is reached.
var ErrTimeoutReached = errors.New("timeout reached")
const (
windows = "windows"
errFmtLinuxNotFound = "%s %%s: no such file or directory"
errFmtWindowsNotFound = "%s %%s: The system cannot find the %s specified."
strStat = "stat"
strOpen = "open"
strFile = "file"
strPath = "path"
strIsDir = "isdir"
strPathNotFound = "pathnotfound"
strFileNotFound = "filenotfound"