76 lines
2.6 KiB
76 lines
2.6 KiB
lua-load /usr/local/etc/haproxy/auth-request.lua
log stdout format raw local0 debug
mode http
log global
option httplog
option forwardfor
frontend fe_api
bind *:8081 ssl crt /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem
stats enable
stats uri /api
stats refresh 10s
stats admin if LOCALHOST
frontend fe_http
bind *:8080 ssl crt /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem
acl host-authelia-portal hdr(host) -i login.example.com:8080
acl api-path path_beg -i /api
acl protected-frontends hdr(host) -m reg -i ^(admin|home|public|secure|singlefactor)\.example\.com
acl is_headers path -i -m end /headers
http-request set-var(req.scheme) str(https) if { ssl_fc }
http-request set-var(req.scheme) str(http) if !{ ssl_fc }
http-request set-var(req.questionmark) str(?) if { query -m found }
http-request set-header X-Real-IP %[src]
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto %[var(req.scheme)]
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(Host)]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Uri %[path]%[var(req.questionmark)]%[query]
# be_auth_request is used to make HAProxy do the TLS termination since the Lua script
# does not know how to handle it (see https://github.com/TimWolla/haproxy-auth-request/issues/12).
http-request lua.auth-request be_auth_request /api/verify if protected-frontends
http-request redirect location https://login.example.com:8080 if protected-frontends !{ var(txn.auth_response_successful) -m bool }
use_backend be_authelia if host-authelia-portal api-path
use_backend fe_authelia if host-authelia-portal !api-path
use_backend be_httpbin if protected-frontends is_headers
use_backend be_protected if protected-frontends
use_backend be_mail if { hdr(host) -i mail.example.com:8080 }
backend be_authelia
server authelia-backend authelia-backend:9091 ssl verify none
backend be_auth_request
mode http
server proxy
listen be_auth_request_proxy
mode http
server authelia-backend authelia-backend:9091 ssl verify none
backend fe_authelia
server authelia-frontend authelia-frontend:3000
backend be_mail
server smtp-backend smtp:1080
backend be_protected
server nginx-backend nginx-backend:80
backend be_httpbin
acl remote_user_exist var(txn.auth_user) -m found
acl remote_groups_exist var(txn.auth_groups) -m found
http-request set-header Remote-User %[var(txn.auth_user)] if remote_user_exist
http-request set-header Remote-Groups %[var(txn.auth_groups)] if remote_groups_exist
server httpbin-backend httpbin:8000 |