--- server: address: 'tcp://:9091' tls: certificate: /pki/public.backend.crt key: /pki/private.backend.pem log: level: debug jwt_secret: unsecure_secret authentication_backend: file: path: /config/users.yml session: secret: unsecure_session_secret cookies: - domain: 'example.com' authelia_url: 'https://login.example.com:8080' expiration: 3600 # 1 hour inactivity: 300 # 5 minutes remember_me: 1y # We use redis here to keep the users authenticated when Authelia restarts # It eases development. redis: host: redis port: 6379 storage: encryption_key: a_not_so_secure_encryption_key local: path: /config/db.sqlite access_control: default_policy: deny rules: - domain: "home.example.com" policy: bypass - domain: "public.example.com" policy: bypass - domain: "admin.example.com" policy: two_factor - domain: "secure.example.com" policy: two_factor - domain: "singlefactor.example.com" policy: one_factor - domain: "oidc.example.com" policy: two_factor - domain: "oidc-public.example.com" policy: bypass notifier: smtp: address: 'smtp://smtp:1025' sender: admin@example.com disable_require_tls: true identity_providers: oidc: enable_client_debug_messages: true hmac_secret: IVPWBkAdJHje3uz7LtFTDU2pFUfh39Xm clients: - id: oidc-tester-app secret: foobar authorization_policy: two_factor redirect_uris: - https://oidc.example.com:8080/oauth2/callback # This client is used for testing purpose. As of now, the app must be protected by ACLs # otherwise it won't work properly. - id: oidc-tester-app-public secret: foobar authorization_policy: one_factor redirect_uris: - https://oidc-public.example.com:8080/oauth2/callback ...