--- title: "OpenID Connect" description: "OpenID Connect Configuration" lead: "Authelia can operate as an OpenID Connect 1.0 Provider. This section describes how to configure this." date: 2022-06-15T17:51:47+10:00 draft: false images: [] menu: configuration: parent: "identity-providers" weight: 190200 toc: true aliases: - /c/oidc - /docs/configuration/identity-providers/oidc.html --- __Authelia__ currently supports the [OpenID Connect 1.0] Provider role as an open [__beta__](../../roadmap/active/openid-connect.md) feature. We currently do not support the [OpenID Connect 1.0] Relying Party role. This means other applications that implement the [OpenID Connect 1.0] Relying Party role can use Authelia as an [OpenID Connect 1.0] Provider similar to how you may use social media or development platforms for login. The [OpenID Connect 1.0] Relying Party role is the role which allows an application to use GitHub, Google, or other [OpenID Connect 1.0] Providers for authentication and authorization. We do not intend to support this functionality at this moment in time. More information about the beta can be found in the [roadmap](../../roadmap/active/openid-connect.md). ## Configuration The following snippet provides a sample-configuration for the OIDC identity provider explaining each field in detail. ```yaml identity_providers: oidc: hmac_secret: this_is_a_secret_abc123abc123abc issuer_certificate_chain: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC5jCCAc6gAwIBAgIRAK4Sj7FiN6PXo/urPfO4E7owDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw EzERMA8GA1UEChMIQXV0aGVsaWEwHhcNNzAwMTAxMDAwMDAwWhcNNzEwMTAxMDAw MDAwWjATMREwDwYDVQQKEwhBdXRoZWxpYTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEP ADCCAQoCggEBAPKv3pSyP4ozGEiVLJ14dIWFCEGEgq7WUMI0SZZqQA2ID0L59U/Q /Usyy7uC9gfMUzODTpANtkOjFQcQAsxlR1FOjVBrX5QgjSvXwbQn3DtwMA7XWSl6 LuYx2rBYSlMSN5UZQm/RxMtXfLK2b51WgEEYDFi+nECSqKzR4R54eOPkBEWRfvuY 91AMjlhpivg8e4JWkq4LVQUKbmiFYwIdK8XQiN4blY9WwXwJFYs5sQ/UYMwBFi0H kWOh7GEjfxgoUOPauIueZSMSlQp7zqAH39N0ZSYb6cS0Npj57QoWZSY3ak87ebcR Nf4rCvZLby7LoN7qYCKxmCaDD3x2+NYpWH8CAwEAAaM1MDMwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQD AgWgMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMBMAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwDQYJKoZIhvcN AQELBQADggEBAHSITqIQSNzonFl3DzxHPEzr2hp6peo45buAAtu8FZHoA+U7Icfh /ZXjPg7Xz+hgFwM/DTNGXkMWacQA/PaNWvZspgRJf2AXvNbMSs2UQODr7Tbv+Fb4 lyblmMUNYFMCFVAMU0eIxXAFq2qcwv8UMcQFT0Z/35s6PVOakYnAGGQjTfp5Ljuq wsdc/xWmM0cHWube6sdRRUD7SY20KU/kWzl8iFO0VbSSrDf1AlEhnLEkp1SPaxXg OdBnl98MeoramNiJ7NT6Jnyb3zZ578fjaWfThiBpagItI8GZmG4s4Ovh2JbheN8i ZsjNr9jqHTjhyLVbDRlmJzcqoj4JhbKs6/I^invalid DO NOT USE= -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDBDCCAeygAwIBAgIRALJsPg21kA0zY4F1wUCIuoMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw EzERMA8GA1UEChMIQXV0aGVsaWEwHhcNNzAwMTAxMDAwMDAwWhcNNzEwMTAxMDAw MDAwWjATMREwDwYDVQQKEwhBdXRoZWxpYTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEP ADCCAQoCggEBAMXHBvVxUzYk0u34/DINMSF+uiOekKOAjOrC6Mi9Ww8ytPVO7t2S zfTvM+XnEJqkFQFgimERfG/eGhjF9XIEY6LtnXe8ATvOK4nTwdufzBaoeQu3Gd50 5VXr6OHRo//ErrGvFXwP3g8xLePABsi/fkH3oDN+ztewOBMDzpd+KgTrk8ysv2ou kNRMKFZZqASvCgv0LD5KWvUCnL6wgf1oTXG7aztduA4oSkUP321GpOmBC5+5ElU7 ysoRzvD12o9QJ/IfEaulIX06w9yVMo60C/h6A3U6GdkT1SiyTIqR7v7KU/IWd/Qi Lfftcj91VhCmJ73Meff2e2S2PrpjdXbG5FMCAwEAAaNTMFEwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQD AgKkMA8GA1UdJQQIMAYGBFUdJQAwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU Z7AtA3mzFc0InSBA5fiMfeLXA3owDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAEE5hm1mtlk/ kviCoHH4evbpw7rxPxDftIQlqYTtvMM4eWY/6icFoSZ4fUHEWYyps8SsPu/8f2tf 71LGgZn0FdHi1QU2H8m0HHK7TFw+5Q6RLrLdSyk0PItJ71s9en7r8pX820nAFEHZ HkOSfJZ7B5hFgUDkMtVM6bardXAhoqcMk4YCU96e9d4PB4eI+xGc+mNuYvov3RbB D0s8ICyojeyPVLerz4wHjZu68Z5frAzhZ68YbzNs8j2fIBKKHkHyLG1iQyF+LJVj 2PjCP+auJsj6fQQpMGoyGtpLcSDh+ptcTngUD8JsWipzTCjmaNqdPHAOYmcgtf4b qocikt3WAdU^invalid DO NOT USE= -----END CERTIFICATE----- issuer_private_key: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEA8q/elLI/ijMYSJUsnXh0hYUIQYSCrtZQwjRJlmpADYgPQvn1 T9D9SzLLu4L2B8xTM4NOkA22Q6MVBxACzGVHUU6NUGtflCCNK9fBtCfcO3AwDtdZ KXou5jHasFhKUxI3lRlCb9HEy1d8srZvnVaAQRgMWL6cQJKorNHhHnh44+QERZF+ +5j3UAyOWGmK+Dx7glaSrgtVBQpuaIVjAh0rxdCI3huVj1bBfAkVizmxD9RgzAEW LQeRY6HsYSN/GChQ49q4i55lIxKVCnvOoAff03RlJhvpxLQ2mPntChZlJjdqTzt5 txE1/isK9ktvLsug3upgIrGYJoMPfHb41ilYfwIDAQABAoIBAQDTOdFf2JjHH1um aPgRAvNf9v7Nj5jytaRKs5nM6iNf46ls4QPreXnMhqSeSwj6lpNgBYxOgzC9Q+cc Y4ob/paJJPaIJTxmP8K/gyWcOQlNToL1l+eJ20eQoZm23NGr5fIsunSBwLEpTrdB ENqqtcwhW937K8Pxy/Q1nuLyU2bc6Tn/ivLozc8n27dpQWWKh8537VY7ancIaACr LJJLYxKqhQpjtBWAyCDvZQirnAOm9KnvIHaGXIswCZ4Xbsu0Y9NL+woARPyRVQvG jfxy4EmO9s1s6y7OObSukwKDSNihAKHx/VIbvVWx8g2Lv5fGOa+J2Y7o9Qurs8t5 BQwMTt0BAoGBAPUw5Z32EszNepAeV3E2mPFUc5CLiqAxagZJuNDO2pKtyN29ETTR Ma4O1cWtGb6RqcNNN/Iukfkdk27Q5nC9VJSUUPYelOLc1WYOoUf6oKRzE72dkMQV R4bf6TkjD+OVR17fAfkswkGahZ5XA7j48KIQ+YC4jbnYKSxZTYyKPjH/AoGBAP1i tqXt36OVlP+y84wWqZSjMelBIVa9phDVGJmmhz3i1cMni8eLpJzWecA3pfnG6Tm9 ze5M4whASleEt+M00gEvNaU9ND+z0wBfi+/DwJYIbv8PQdGrBiZFrPhTPjGQUldR lXccV2meeLZv7TagVxSi3DO6dSJfSEHyemd5j9mBAoGAX8Hv+0gOQZQCSOTAq8Nx 6dZcp9gHlNaXnMsP9eTDckOSzh636JPGvj6m+GPJSSbkURUIQ3oyokMNwFqvlNos fTaLhAOfjBZI9WnDTTQxpugWjphJ4HqbC67JC/qIiw5S6FdaEvGLEEoD4zoChywZ 9oGAn+fz2d/0/JAH/FpFPgsCgYEAp/ipZgPzziiZ9ov1wbdAQcWRj7RaWnssPFpX jXwEiXT3CgEMO4MJ4+KWIWOChrti3qFBg6i6lDyyS6Qyls7sLFbUdC7HlTcrOEMe rBoTcCI1GqZNlqWOVQ65ZIEiaI7o1vPBZo2GMQEZuq8mDKFsOMThvvTrM5cAep84 n6HJR4ECgYABWcbsSnr0MKvVth/inxjbKapbZnp2HUCuw87Ie5zK2Of/tbC20wwk yKw3vrGoE3O1t1g2m2tn8UGGASeZ842jZWjIODdSi5+icysQGuULKt86h/woz2SQ 27GoE2i5mh6Yez6VAYbUuns3FcwIsMyWLq043Tu2DNkx9ijOOAuQzw^invalid.. DO NOT USE== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- access_token_lifespan: 1h authorize_code_lifespan: 1m id_token_lifespan: 1h refresh_token_lifespan: 90m enable_client_debug_messages: false enforce_pkce: public_clients_only cors: endpoints: - authorization - token - revocation - introspection allowed_origins: - https://example.com allowed_origins_from_client_redirect_uris: false clients: - id: myapp description: My Application secret: '$pbkdf2-sha512$310000$c8p78n7pUMln0jzvd4aK4Q$JNRBzwAo0ek5qKn50cFzzvE9RXV88h1wJn5KGiHrD0YKtZaR/nCb2CJPOsKaPK0hjf.9yHxzQGZziziccp6Yng' # The digest of 'insecure_secret'. sector_identifier: '' public: false authorization_policy: two_factor consent_mode: explicit pre_configured_consent_duration: 1w audience: [] scopes: - openid - groups - email - profile redirect_uris: - https://oidc.example.com:8080/oauth2/callback grant_types: - refresh_token - authorization_code response_types: - code response_modes: - form_post - query - fragment userinfo_signing_algorithm: none ``` ## Options ### hmac_secret {{< confkey type="string" required="yes" >}} *__Important Note:__ This can also be defined using a [secret](../methods/secrets.md) which is __strongly recommended__ especially for containerized deployments.* The HMAC secret used to sign the [JWT]'s. The provided string is hashed to a SHA256 ([RFC6234]) byte string for the purpose of meeting the required format. It's __strongly recommended__ this is a [Random Alphanumeric String](../../reference/guides/generating-secure-values.md#generating-a-random-alphanumeric-string) with 64 or more characters. ### issuer_certificate_chain {{< confkey type="string" required="no" >}} The certificate chain/bundle to be used with the [issuer_private_key](#issuer_private_key) DER base64 ([RFC4648]) encoded PEM format used to sign/encrypt the [OpenID Connect 1.0] [JWT]'s. When configured it enables the [x5c] and [x5t] JSON key's in the JWKs [Discoverable Endpoint](../../integration/openid-connect/introduction.md#discoverable-endpoints) as per [RFC7517]. [RFC7517]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7517 [x5c]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7517#section-4.7 [x5t]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7517#section-4.8 The first certificate in the chain must have the public key for the [issuer_private_key](#issuerprivatekey), each certificate in the chain must be valid for the current date, and each certificate in the chain should be signed by the certificate immediately following it if present. ### issuer_private_key {{< confkey type="string" required="yes" >}} *__Important Note:__ This can also be defined using a [secret](../methods/secrets.md) which is __strongly recommended__ especially for containerized deployments.* The private key used to sign/encrypt the [OpenID Connect 1.0] issued [JWT]'s. The key must be generated by the administrator and can be done by following the [Generating an RSA Keypair](../../reference/guides/generating-secure-values.md#generating-an-rsa-keypair) guide. The private key *__MUST__*: * Be a PEM block encoded in the DER base64 format ([RFC4648]). * Be an RSA Key. * Have a key size of at least 2048 bits. If the [issuer_certificate_chain](#issuercertificatechain) is provided the private key must include matching public key data for the first certificate in the chain. ### access_token_lifespan {{< confkey type="duration" default="1h" required="no" >}} The maximum lifetime of an access token. It's generally recommended keeping this short similar to the default. For more information read these docs about [token lifespan]. ### authorize_code_lifespan {{< confkey type="duration" default="1m" required="no" >}} The maximum lifetime of an authorize code. This can be rather short, as the authorize code should only be needed to obtain the other token types. For more information read these docs about [token lifespan]. ### id_token_lifespan {{< confkey type="duration" default="1h" required="no" >}} The maximum lifetime of an ID token. For more information read these docs about [token lifespan]. ### refresh_token_lifespan {{< confkey type="string" default="90m" required="no" >}} The maximum lifetime of a refresh token. The refresh token can be used to obtain new refresh tokens as well as access tokens or id tokens with an up-to-date expiration. For more information read these docs about [token lifespan]. A good starting point is 50% more or 30 minutes more (which ever is less) time than the highest lifespan out of the [access token lifespan](#access_token_lifespan), the [authorize code lifespan](#authorize_code_lifespan), and the [id token lifespan](#id_token_lifespan). For instance the default for all of these is 60 minutes, so the default refresh token lifespan is 90 minutes. ### enable_client_debug_messages {{< confkey type="boolean" default="false" required="no" >}} Allows additional debug messages to be sent to the clients. ### minimum_parameter_entropy {{< confkey type="integer" default="8" required="no" >}} This controls the minimum length of the `nonce` and `state` parameters. *__Security Notice:__* Changing this value is generally discouraged, reducing it from the default can theoretically make certain scenarios less secure. It is highly encouraged that if your OpenID Connect RP does not send these parameters or sends parameters with a lower length than the default that they implement a change rather than changing this value. ### enforce_pkce {{< confkey type="string" default="public_clients_only" required="no" >}} [Proof Key for Code Exchange](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636) enforcement policy: if specified, must be either `never`, `public_clients_only` or `always`. If set to `public_clients_only` (default), [PKCE] will be required for public clients using the [Authorization Code Flow]. When set to `always`, [PKCE] will be required for all clients using the Authorization Code flow. *__Security Notice:__* Changing this value to `never` is generally discouraged, reducing it from the default can theoretically make certain client-side applications (mobile applications, SPA) vulnerable to CSRF and authorization code interception attacks. ### enable_pkce_plain_challenge {{< confkey type="boolean" default="false" required="no" >}} Allows [PKCE] `plain` challenges when set to `true`. *__Security Notice:__* Changing this value is generally discouraged. Applications should use the `S256` [PKCE] challenge method instead. ### cors Some [OpenID Connect 1.0] Endpoints need to allow cross-origin resource sharing, however some are optional. This section allows you to configure the optional parts. We reply with CORS headers when the request includes the Origin header. #### endpoints {{< confkey type="list(string)" required="no" >}} A list of endpoints to configure with cross-origin resource sharing headers. It is recommended that the `userinfo` option is at least in this list. The potential endpoints which this can be enabled on are as follows: * authorization * token * revocation * introspection * userinfo #### allowed_origins {{< confkey type="list(string)" required="no" >}} A list of permitted origins. Any origin with https is permitted unless this option is configured or the [allowed_origins_from_client_redirect_uris](#allowed_origins_from_client_redirect_uris) option is enabled. This means you must configure this option manually if you want http endpoints to be permitted to make cross-origin requests to the [OpenID Connect 1.0] endpoints, however this is not recommended. Origins must only have the scheme, hostname and port, they may not have a trailing slash or path. In addition to an Origin URI, you may specify the wildcard origin in the allowed_origins. It MUST be specified by itself and the [allowed_origins_from_client_redirect_uris](#allowedoriginsfromclientredirecturis) MUST NOT be enabled. The wildcard origin is denoted as `*`. Examples: ```yaml identity_providers: oidc: cors: allowed_origins: "*" ``` ```yaml identity_providers: oidc: cors: allowed_origins: - "*" ``` #### allowed_origins_from_client_redirect_uris {{< confkey type="boolean" default="false" required="no" >}} Automatically adds the origin portion of all redirect URI's on all clients to the list of [allowed_origins](#allowed_origins), provided they have the scheme http or https and do not have the hostname of localhost. ### clients {{< confkey type="list" required="yes" >}} A list of clients to configure. The options for each client are described below. #### id {{< confkey type="string" required="yes" >}} The Client ID for this client. It must exactly match the Client ID configured in the application consuming this client. #### description {{< confkey type="string" default="*same as id*" required="no" >}} A friendly description for this client shown in the UI. This defaults to the same as the ID. #### secret {{< confkey type="string" required="situational" >}} The shared secret between Authelia and the application consuming this client. This secret must match the secret configured in the application. This secret must be generated by the administrator and can be done by following the [Generating Client Secrets](../../integration/openid-connect/specific-information.md#generating-client-secrets) guide. This must be provided when the client is a confidential client type, and must be blank when using the public client type. To set the client type to public see the [public](#public) configuration option. #### sector_identifier {{< confkey type="string" required="no" >}} *__Important Note:__ because adjusting this option will inevitably change the `sub` claim of all tokens generated for the specified client, changing this should cause the relying party to detect all future authorizations as completely new users.* Must be an empty string or the host component of a URL. This is commonly just the domain name, but may also include a port. Authelia utilizes UUID version 4 subject identifiers. By default the public [Subject Identifier Type] is utilized for all clients. This means the subject identifiers will be the same for all clients. This configuration option enables [Pairwise Identifier Algorithm] for this client, and configures the sector identifier utilized for both the storage and the lookup of the subject identifier. 1. All clients who do not have this configured will generate the same subject identifier for a particular user regardless of which client obtains the ID token. 2. All clients which have the same sector identifier will: 1. have the same subject identifier for a particular user when compared to clients with the same sector identifier. 2. have a completely different subject identifier for a particular user whe compared to: 1. any client with the public subject identifier type. 2. any client with a differing sector identifier. In specific but limited scenarios this option is beneficial for privacy reasons. In particular this is useful when the party utilizing the *Authelia* [OpenID Connect 1.0] Authorization Server is foreign and not controlled by the user. It would prevent the third party utilizing the subject identifier with another third party in order to track the user. Keep in mind depending on the other claims they may still be able to perform this tracking and it is not a silver bullet. There are very few benefits when utilizing this in a homelab or business where no third party is utilizing the server. #### public {{< confkey type="bool" default="false" required="no" >}} This enables the public client type for this client. This is for clients that are not capable of maintaining confidentiality of credentials, you can read more about client types in [RFC6749 Section 2.1]. This is particularly useful for SPA's and CLI tools. This option requires setting the [client secret](#secret) to a blank string. #### redirect_uris {{< confkey type="list(string)" required="yes" >}} A list of valid callback URIs this client will redirect to. All other callbacks will be considered unsafe. The URIs are case-sensitive and they differ from application to application - the community has provided [a list of URLĀ“s for common applications](../../integration/openid-connect/introduction.md). Some restrictions that have been placed on clients and their redirect URIs are as follows: 1. If a client attempts to authorize with Authelia and its redirect URI is not listed in the client configuration the attempt to authorize will fail and an error will be generated. 2. The redirect URIs are case-sensitive. 3. The URI must include a scheme and that scheme must be one of `http` or `https`. #### audience {{< confkey type="list(string)" required="no" >}} A list of audiences this client is allowed to request. #### scopes {{< confkey type="list(string)" default="openid, groups, profile, email" required="no" >}} A list of scopes to allow this client to consume. See [scope definitions](../../integration/openid-connect/introduction.md#scope-definitions) for more information. The documentation for the application you are trying to configure [OpenID Connect 1.0] for will likely have a list of scopes or claims required which can be matched with the above guide. #### grant_types {{< confkey type="list(string)" default="refresh_token, authorization_code" required="no" >}} *__Important Note:__ It is recommended that this isn't configured at this time unless you know what you're doing.* The list of grant types this client is permitted to use in order to obtain access to the relevant tokens. See the [Grant Types](../../integration/openid-connect/introduction.md#grant-types) section of the [OpenID Connect 1.0 Integration Guide](../../integration/openid-connect/introduction.md#grant-types) for more information. #### response_types {{< confkey type="list(string)" default="code" required="no" >}} *__Important Note:__ It is recommended that this isn't configured at this time unless you know what you're doing.* A list of response types this client supports. See the [Response Types](../../integration/openid-connect/introduction.md#response-types) section of the [OpenID Connect 1.0 Integration Guide](../../integration/openid-connect/introduction.md#response-types) for more information. #### response_modes {{< confkey type="list(string)" default="form_post, query, fragment" required="no" >}} *__Important Note:__ It is recommended that this isn't configured at this time unless you know what you're doing.* A list of response modes this client supports. See the [Response Modes](../../integration/openid-connect/introduction.md#response-modes) section of the [OpenID Connect 1.0 Integration Guide](../../integration/openid-connect/introduction.md#response-modes) for more information. #### authorization_policy {{< confkey type="string" default="two_factor" required="no" >}} The authorization policy for this client: either `one_factor` or `two_factor`. #### enforce_pkce {{< confkey type="bool" default="false" required="no" >}} This setting enforces the use of [PKCE] for this individual client. To enforce it for all clients see the global [enforce_pkce](#enforcepkce) setting. #### pkce_challenge_method {{< confkey type="string" default="" required="no" >}} This setting enforces the use of the specified [PKCE] challenge method for this individual client. This setting also effectively enables the [enforce_pkce](#enforcepkce-1) option for this client. Valid values are an empty string, `plain`, or `S256`. It should be noted that `S256` is strongly recommended if the relying party supports it. #### userinfo_signing_algorithm {{< confkey type="string" default="none" required="no" >}} The algorithm used to sign the userinfo endpoint responses. This can either be `none` or `RS256`. See the [integration guide](../../integration/openid-connect/introduction.md#user-information-signing-algorithm) for more information. #### consent_mode {{< confkey type="string" default="auto" required="no" >}} *__Important Note:__ the `implicit` consent mode is not technically part of the specification. It theoretically could be misused in certain conditions specifically with the public client type or when the client credentials (i.e. client secret) has been exposed to an attacker. For these reasons this mode is discouraged.* Configures the consent mode. The following table describes the different modes: | Value | Description | |:--------------:|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | auto | Automatically determined (default). Uses `explicit` unless [pre_configured_consent_duration] is specified in which case uses `pre-configured`. | | explicit | Requires the user provide unique explicit consent for every authorization. | | implicit | Automatically assumes consent for every authorization, never asking the user if they wish to give consent. | | pre-configured | Allows the end-user to remember their consent for the [pre_configured_consent_duration]. | [pre_configured_consent_duration]: #preconfiguredconsentduration #### pre_configured_consent_duration {{< confkey type="duration" default="1w" required="no" >}} *__Note:__ This setting uses the [duration notation format](../prologue/common.md#duration-notation-format). Please see the [common options](../prologue/common.md#duration-notation-format) documentation for information on this format.* Specifying this in the configuration without a consent [consent_mode] enables the `pre-configured` mode. If this is specified as well as the [consent_mode] then it only has an effect if the [consent_mode] is `pre-configured` or `auto`. The period of time dictates how long a users choice to remember the pre-configured consent lasts. Pre-configured consents are only valid if the subject, client id are exactly the same and the requested scopes/audience match exactly with the granted scopes/audience. [consent_mode]: #consentmode ## Integration To integrate Authelia's [OpenID Connect 1.0] implementation with a relying party please see the [integration docs](../../integration/openid-connect/introduction.md). [token lifespan]: https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/antipatterns/oauth-long-expiration [OpenID Connect 1.0]: https://openid.net/connect/ [JWT]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519 [RFC6234]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6234 [RFC4648]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4648 [RFC7468]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7468 [RFC6749 Section 2.1]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-2.1 [PKCE]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636 [Authorization Code Flow]: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#CodeFlowAuth [Subject Identifier Type]: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#SubjectIDTypes [Pairwise Identifier Algorithm]: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#PairwiseAlg