layout: default
title: Notifier
parent: Configuration
nav_order: 8
has_children: true
# Notifier
**Authelia** sometimes needs to send messages to users in order to
verify their identity.
## Configuration
disable_startup_check: false
filesystem: {}
smtp: {}
## Options
### disable_startup_check
type: boolean
{: .label .label-config .label-purple }
default: false
{: .label .label-config .label-blue }
required: no
{: .label .label-config .label-green }
The notifier has a startup check which validates the specified provider
configuration is correct and will be able to send emails. This can be
disabled with the `disable_startup_check` option:
### filesystem
The [filesystem](filesystem.md) provider.
### smtp
The [smtp](smtp.md) provider.