package templates import ( "crypto/sha1" //nolint:gosec "crypto/sha256" "crypto/sha512" "encoding/base32" "encoding/base64" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "hash" "net/url" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "reflect" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" ) // FuncMap returns the template FuncMap commonly used in several templates. func FuncMap() map[string]any { return map[string]any{ "iterate": FuncIterate, "fileContent": FuncFileContent, "env": FuncGetEnv, "expandenv": FuncExpandEnv, "split": FuncStringSplit, "splitList": FuncStringSplitList, "join": FuncElemsJoin, "contains": FuncStringContains, "hasPrefix": FuncStringHasPrefix, "hasSuffix": FuncStringHasSuffix, "lower": strings.ToLower, "keys": FuncKeys, "sortAlpha": FuncSortAlpha, "upper": strings.ToUpper, "title": strings.ToTitle, "trim": strings.TrimSpace, "trimAll": FuncStringTrimAll, "trimSuffix": FuncStringTrimSuffix, "trimPrefix": FuncStringTrimPrefix, "replace": FuncStringReplace, "quote": FuncStringQuote, "sha1sum": FuncHashSum(sha1.New), "sha256sum": FuncHashSum(sha256.New), "sha512sum": FuncHashSum(sha512.New), "squote": FuncStringSQuote, "now": time.Now, "b64enc": FuncB64Enc, "b64dec": FuncB64Dec, "b32enc": FuncB32Enc, "b32dec": FuncB32Dec, "list": FuncList, "dict": FuncDict, "get": FuncGet, "set": FuncSet, "isAbs": path.IsAbs, "base": path.Base, "dir": path.Dir, "ext": path.Ext, "clean": path.Clean, "osBase": filepath.Base, "osClean": filepath.Clean, "osDir": filepath.Dir, "osExt": filepath.Ext, "osIsAbs": filepath.IsAbs, "deepEqual": reflect.DeepEqual, "typeOf": FuncTypeOf, "typeIs": FuncTypeIs, "typeIsLike": FuncTypeIsLike, "kindOf": FuncKindOf, "kindIs": FuncKindIs, "default": FuncDefault, "empty": FuncEmpty, "indent": FuncIndent, "nindent": FuncNewlineIndent, "uuidv4": FuncUUIDv4, "urlquery": url.QueryEscape, "urlunquery": url.QueryUnescape, } } // FuncB64Enc is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm b64enc func. func FuncB64Enc(input string) string { return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(input)) } // FuncB64Dec is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm b64dec func. func FuncB64Dec(input string) (string, error) { data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(input) if err != nil { return "", err } return string(data), nil } // FuncB32Enc is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm b32enc func. func FuncB32Enc(input string) string { return base32.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(input)) } // FuncB32Dec is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm b32dec func. func FuncB32Dec(input string) (string, error) { data, err := base32.StdEncoding.DecodeString(input) if err != nil { return "", err } return string(data), nil } // FuncExpandEnv is a special version of os.ExpandEnv that excludes secret keys. func FuncExpandEnv(s string) string { return os.Expand(s, FuncGetEnv) } // FuncGetEnv is a special version of os.GetEnv that excludes secret keys. func FuncGetEnv(key string) string { if isSecretEnvKey(key) { return "" } return os.Getenv(key) } // FuncHashSum is a helper function that provides similar functionality to helm sum funcs. func FuncHashSum(new func() hash.Hash) func(data string) string { hasher := new() return func(data string) string { sum := hasher.Sum([]byte(data)) return hex.EncodeToString(sum) } } // FuncKeys is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm keys func. func FuncKeys(maps[string]any) []string { var keys []string for _, m := range maps { for k := range m { keys = append(keys, k) } } return keys } // FuncSortAlpha is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm sortAlpha func. func FuncSortAlpha(slice any) []string { kind := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(slice)).Kind() switch kind { case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: unsorted := strslice(slice) sorted := sort.StringSlice(unsorted) sorted.Sort() return sorted } return []string{strval(slice)} } // FuncStringReplace is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm replace func. func FuncStringReplace(old, new, s string) string { return strings.ReplaceAll(s, old, new) } // FuncStringContains is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm contains func. func FuncStringContains(substr string, s string) bool { return strings.Contains(s, substr) } // FuncStringHasPrefix is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm hasPrefix func. func FuncStringHasPrefix(prefix string, s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) } // FuncStringHasSuffix is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm hasSuffix func. func FuncStringHasSuffix(suffix string, s string) bool { return strings.HasSuffix(s, suffix) } // FuncStringTrimAll is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm trimAll func. func FuncStringTrimAll(cutset, s string) string { return strings.Trim(s, cutset) } // FuncStringTrimSuffix is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm trimSuffix func. func FuncStringTrimSuffix(suffix, s string) string { return strings.TrimSuffix(s, suffix) } // FuncStringTrimPrefix is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm trimPrefix func. func FuncStringTrimPrefix(prefix, s string) string { return strings.TrimPrefix(s, prefix) } // FuncElemsJoin is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm join func. func FuncElemsJoin(sep string, elems any) string { return strings.Join(strslice(elems), sep) } // FuncStringSQuote is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm squote func. func FuncStringSQuote(in ...any) string { out := make([]string, 0, len(in)) for _, s := range in { if s != nil { out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf("'%s'", strval(s))) } } return strings.Join(out, " ") } // FuncStringQuote is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm quote func. func FuncStringQuote(in ...any) string { out := make([]string, 0, len(in)) for _, s := range in { if s != nil { out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf("%q", strval(s))) } } return strings.Join(out, " ") } // FuncIterate is a template function which takes a single uint returning a slice of units from 0 up to that number. func FuncIterate(count *uint) (out []uint) { var i uint for i = 0; i < (*count); i++ { out = append(out, i) } return } // FuncStringSplit is a template function which takes sep and value, splitting the value by the sep into a slice. func FuncStringSplit(sep, value string) map[string]string { parts := strings.Split(value, sep) res := make(map[string]string, len(parts)) for i, v := range parts { res["_"+strconv.Itoa(i)] = v } return res } // FuncStringSplitList is a special split func that reverses the inputs to match helm templates. func FuncStringSplitList(sep, s string) []string { return strings.Split(s, sep) } // FuncStringJoinX takes a list of string elements, joins them by the sep string, before every int n characters are // written it writes string p. This is useful for line breaks mostly. func FuncStringJoinX(elems []string, sep string, n int, p string) string { buf := strings.Builder{} c := 0 e := len(elems) - 1 for i := 0; i <= e; i++ { if c+len(elems[i])+1 > n { c = 0 buf.WriteString(p) } c += len(elems[i]) + 1 buf.WriteString(elems[i]) if i < e { buf.WriteString(sep) } } return buf.String() } // FuncTypeIs is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm typeIs func. func FuncTypeIs(is string, v any) bool { return is == FuncTypeOf(v) } // FuncTypeIsLike is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm typeIsLike func. func FuncTypeIsLike(is string, v any) bool { t := FuncTypeOf(v) return is == t || "*"+is == t } // FuncTypeOf is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm typeOf func. func FuncTypeOf(v any) string { return reflect.ValueOf(v).Type().String() } // FuncKindIs is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm kindIs func. func FuncKindIs(is string, v any) bool { return is == FuncKindOf(v) } // FuncKindOf is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm kindOf func. func FuncKindOf(v any) string { return reflect.ValueOf(v).Kind().String() } // FuncList is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm list func. func FuncList(items ...any) []any { return items } // FuncDict is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm dict func. func FuncDict(pairs ...any) map[string]any { m := map[string]any{} p := len(pairs) for i := 0; i < p; i += 2 { key := strval(pairs[i]) if i+1 >= p { m[key] = "" continue } m[key] = pairs[i+1] } return m } // FuncGet is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm get func. func FuncGet(m map[string]any, key string) any { if val, ok := m[key]; ok { return val } return "" } // FuncSet is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm set func. func FuncSet(m map[string]any, key string, value any) map[string]any { m[key] = value return m } // FuncDefault is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm default func. func FuncDefault(d any, vals ...any) any { if FuncEmpty(vals) || FuncEmpty(vals[0]) { return d } return vals[0] } // FuncEmpty is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm empty func. func FuncEmpty(v any) bool { rv := reflect.ValueOf(v) if !rv.IsValid() { return true } switch rv.Kind() { default: return rv.IsNil() case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.String: return rv.Len() == 0 case reflect.Bool: return !rv.Bool() case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128: return rv.Complex() == 0 case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: return rv.Int() == 0 case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: return rv.Uint() == 0 case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: return rv.Float() == 0 case reflect.Struct: return false } } // FuncIndent is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm indent func. func FuncIndent(indent int, value string) string { padding := strings.Repeat(" ", indent) return padding + strings.ReplaceAll(value, "\n", "\n"+padding) } // FuncNewlineIndent is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm nindent func. func FuncNewlineIndent(indent int, value string) string { return "\n" + FuncIndent(indent, value) } // FuncUUIDv4 is a helper function that provides similar functionality to the helm uuidv4 func. func FuncUUIDv4() string { return uuid.New().String() } // FuncFileContent returns the file content. func FuncFileContent(path string) (data string, err error) { var raw []byte if raw, err = os.ReadFile(path); err != nil { return "", err } return string(raw), nil }