import assert = require("assert"); import VerifyGet = require("../../../../src/server/lib/routes/verify/get"); import AuthenticationSession = require("../../../../src/server/lib/AuthenticationSession"); import sinon = require("sinon"); import winston = require("winston"); import BluebirdPromise = require("bluebird"); import express = require("express"); import ExpressMock = require("../../mocks/express"); import AccessControllerMock = require("../../mocks/AccessController"); import ServerVariablesMock = require("../../mocks/ServerVariablesMock"); describe("test authentication token verification", function () { let req: ExpressMock.RequestMock; let res: ExpressMock.ResponseMock; let accessController: AccessControllerMock.AccessControllerMock; beforeEach(function () { accessController = AccessControllerMock.AccessControllerMock(); accessController.isDomainAllowedForUser.returns(true); req = ExpressMock.RequestMock(); res = ExpressMock.ResponseMock(); req.headers = {}; = ""; const mocks = ServerVariablesMock.mock(; mocks.config = {}; mocks.logger = winston; mocks.accessController = accessController; }); it("should be already authenticated", function (done) { req.session = {}; AuthenticationSession.reset(req as any); const authSession = AuthenticationSession.get(req as any); authSession.first_factor = true; authSession.second_factor = true; authSession.userid = "myuser"; res.send = sinon.spy(function () { assert.equal(204, res.status.getCall(0).args[0]); done(); }); VerifyGet.default(req as express.Request, res as any); }); describe("given different cases of session", function () { function test_session(auth_session: AuthenticationSession.AuthenticationSession, status_code: number) { return new BluebirdPromise(function (resolve, reject) { req.session = {}; req.session.auth_session = auth_session; res.send = sinon.spy(function () { assert.equal(status_code, res.status.getCall(0).args[0]); resolve(); }); VerifyGet.default(req as express.Request, res as any); }); } function test_unauthorized(auth_session: AuthenticationSession.AuthenticationSession) { return test_session(auth_session, 401); } function test_authorized(auth_session: AuthenticationSession.AuthenticationSession) { return test_session(auth_session, 204); } it("should not be authenticated when second factor is missing", function () { return test_unauthorized({ userid: "user", first_factor: true, second_factor: false, email: undefined, groups: [], }); }); it("should not be authenticated when first factor is missing", function () { return test_unauthorized({ userid: "user", first_factor: false, second_factor: true, email: undefined, groups: [], }); }); it("should not be authenticated when userid is missing", function () { return test_unauthorized({ userid: undefined, first_factor: true, second_factor: false, email: undefined, groups: [], }); }); it("should not be authenticated when first and second factor are missing", function () { return test_unauthorized({ userid: "user", first_factor: false, second_factor: false, email: undefined, groups: [], }); }); it("should not be authenticated when session has not be initiated", function () { return test_unauthorized(undefined); }); it("should not be authenticated when domain is not allowed for user", function () { = ""; accessController.isDomainAllowedForUser.returns(false); accessController.isDomainAllowedForUser.withArgs("", "user", ["group1", "group2"]).returns(true); return test_unauthorized({ first_factor: true, second_factor: true, userid: "user", groups: ["group1", "group2"], email: undefined }); }); }); });