#!/usr/bin/env bash set -u DIVERGED=$(git merge-base --fork-point origin/master > /dev/null; echo $?) if [[ "${DIVERGED}" == 0 ]]; then if [[ "${BUILDKITE_TAG}" == "" ]]; then if [[ "${BUILDKITE_BRANCH}" == "master" ]]; then CI_BYPASS=$(git diff --name-only HEAD~1 | sed -rn '/^(CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md|CONTRIBUTING.md|README.md|SECURITY.md|\.all-contributorsrc|\.github\/.*|docs\/.*|examples\/.*)/!{q1}' && echo true || echo false) else CI_BYPASS=$(git diff --name-only `git merge-base --fork-point origin/master` | sed -rn '/^(CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md|CONTRIBUTING.md|README.md|SECURITY.md|\.all-contributorsrc|\.github\/.*|docs\/.*|examples\/.*)/!{q1}' && echo true || echo false) fi if [[ $CI_BYPASS == "true" ]]; then cat .buildkite/annotations/bypass | buildkite-agent annotate --style "info" --context "ctx-info" fi else CI_BYPASS="false" fi else CI_BYPASS="false" fi cat << EOF env: CI_BYPASS: ${CI_BYPASS} steps: - label: ":service_dog: Linting" command: "reviewdog -reporter=github-check -filter-mode=nofilter -fail-on-error" retry: automatic: true if: build.branch !~ /^(v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)$\$/ - label: ":hammer_and_wrench: Unit Test" command: "authelia-scripts --log-level debug ci --buildkite" agents: build: "unit-test" artifact_paths: - "authelia-public_html.tar.gz" - "authelia-public_html.tar.gz.sha256" key: "unit-test" if: build.env("CI_BYPASS") != "true" - wait: if: build.env("CI_BYPASS") != "true" - label: ":docker: Image Builds" command: ".buildkite/steps/buildimages.sh | buildkite-agent pipeline upload" concurrency: 3 concurrency_group: "builds" depends_on: ~ if: build.env("CI_BYPASS") != "true" - label: ":debian: Package Builds" command: ".buildkite/steps/debpackages.sh | buildkite-agent pipeline upload" depends_on: ~ if: build.branch !~ /^(dependabot|renovate)\/.*/ && build.env("CI_BYPASS") != "true" - wait: if: build.env("CI_BYPASS") != "true" - label: ":vertical_traffic_light: Build Concurrency Gate" command: "echo End of concurrency gate" concurrency: 3 concurrency_group: "builds" if: build.env("CI_BYPASS") != "true" - wait: if: build.branch !~ /^(v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)$\$/ && build.env("CI_BYPASS") != "true" - label: ":chrome: Integration Tests" command: ".buildkite/steps/e2etests.sh | buildkite-agent pipeline upload" concurrency: 3 concurrency_group: "tests" depends_on: - "build-docker-linux-coverage" if: build.branch !~ /^(v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)$\$/ && build.env("CI_BYPASS") != "true" - wait: if: build.env("CI_BYPASS") != "true" - label: ":vertical_traffic_light: Test Concurrency Gate" command: "echo End of concurrency gate" concurrency: 3 concurrency_group: "tests" if: build.env("CI_BYPASS") != "true" EOF