Feature: User and groups headers are correctly forwarded to backend @need-authenticated-user-john Scenario: Custom-Forwarded-User and Custom-Forwarded-Groups are correctly forwarded to protected backend When I visit "https://public.test.local:8080/headers" Then I see header "Custom-Forwarded-User" set to "john" Then I see header "Custom-Forwarded-Groups" set to "dev,admin" Scenario: Custom-Forwarded-User and Custom-Forwarded-Groups are correctly forwarded to protected backend when basic auth is used When I request "https://single_factor.test.local:8080/headers" with username "john" and password "password" using basic authentication Then I received header "Custom-Forwarded-User" set to "john" And I received header "Custom-Forwarded-Groups" set to "dev,admin"