import LoginAndRegisterTotp from "../../../helpers/LoginAndRegisterTotp"; import FullLogin from "../../../helpers/FullLogin"; import WithDriver from "../../../helpers/context/WithDriver"; import Logout from "../../../helpers/Logout"; import { composeFiles } from '../environment'; import DockerCompose from "../../../helpers/context/DockerCompose"; import sleep from "../../../helpers/utils/sleep"; export default function () { const dockerCompose = new DockerCompose(composeFiles); WithDriver(); it.only("should be able to login after mariadb restarts", async function () { this.timeout(30000); const secret = await LoginAndRegisterTotp(this.driver, "john", "password", true); await dockerCompose.restart('mariadb'); await sleep(2000); await Logout(this.driver); await FullLogin(this.driver, "john", secret, ""); }); }