package validator import ( "errors" "fmt" "net/url" "strings" "" ) //nolint:gocyclo // TODO: Consider refactoring/simplifying, time permitting func validateFileAuthenticationBackend(configuration *schema.FileAuthenticationBackendConfiguration, validator *schema.StructValidator) { if configuration.Path == "" { validator.Push(errors.New("Please provide a `path` for the users database in `authentication_backend`")) } if configuration.Password == nil { configuration.Password = &schema.DefaultPasswordConfiguration } else { if configuration.Password.Algorithm == "" { configuration.Password.Algorithm = schema.DefaultPasswordConfiguration.Algorithm } else { configuration.Password.Algorithm = strings.ToLower(configuration.Password.Algorithm) if configuration.Password.Algorithm != argon2id && configuration.Password.Algorithm != sha512 { validator.Push(fmt.Errorf("Unknown hashing algorithm supplied, valid values are argon2id and sha512, you configured '%s'", configuration.Password.Algorithm)) } } // Iterations (time) if configuration.Password.Iterations == 0 { if configuration.Password.Algorithm == argon2id { configuration.Password.Iterations = schema.DefaultPasswordConfiguration.Iterations } else { configuration.Password.Iterations = schema.DefaultPasswordSHA512Configuration.Iterations } } else if configuration.Password.Iterations < 1 { validator.Push(fmt.Errorf("The number of iterations specified is invalid, must be 1 or more, you configured %d", configuration.Password.Iterations)) } //Salt Length if configuration.Password.SaltLength == 0 { configuration.Password.SaltLength = schema.DefaultPasswordConfiguration.SaltLength } else if configuration.Password.SaltLength < 2 { validator.Push(fmt.Errorf("The salt length must be 2 or more, you configured %d", configuration.Password.SaltLength)) } else if configuration.Password.SaltLength > 16 { validator.Push(fmt.Errorf("The salt length must be 16 or less, you configured %d", configuration.Password.SaltLength)) } if configuration.Password.Algorithm == argon2id { // Parallelism if configuration.Password.Parallelism == 0 { configuration.Password.Parallelism = schema.DefaultPasswordConfiguration.Parallelism } else if configuration.Password.Parallelism < 1 { validator.Push(fmt.Errorf("Parallelism for argon2id must be 1 or more, you configured %d", configuration.Password.Parallelism)) } // Memory if configuration.Password.Memory == 0 { configuration.Password.Memory = schema.DefaultPasswordConfiguration.Memory } else if configuration.Password.Memory < configuration.Password.Parallelism*8 { validator.Push(fmt.Errorf("Memory for argon2id must be %d or more (parallelism * 8), you configured memory as %d and parallelism as %d", configuration.Password.Parallelism*8, configuration.Password.Memory, configuration.Password.Parallelism)) } // Key Length if configuration.Password.KeyLength == 0 { configuration.Password.KeyLength = schema.DefaultPasswordConfiguration.KeyLength } else if configuration.Password.KeyLength < 16 { validator.Push(fmt.Errorf("Key length for argon2id must be 16, you configured %d", configuration.Password.KeyLength)) } } } } func validateLdapURL(ldapURL string, validator *schema.StructValidator) string { u, err := url.Parse(ldapURL) if err != nil { validator.Push(errors.New("Unable to parse URL to ldap server. The scheme is probably missing: ldap:// or ldaps://")) return "" } if !(u.Scheme == schemeLDAP || u.Scheme == schemeLDAPS) { validator.Push(errors.New("Unknown scheme for ldap url, should be ldap:// or ldaps://")) return "" } if u.Scheme == schemeLDAP && u.Port() == "" { u.Host += ":389" } else if u.Scheme == schemeLDAPS && u.Port() == "" { u.Host += ":636" } if !u.IsAbs() { validator.Push(fmt.Errorf("URL to LDAP %s is still not absolute, it should be something like ldap://", u.String())) } return u.String() } //nolint:gocyclo // TODO: Consider refactoring/simplifying, time permitting func validateLdapAuthenticationBackend(configuration *schema.LDAPAuthenticationBackendConfiguration, validator *schema.StructValidator) { if configuration.URL == "" { validator.Push(errors.New("Please provide a URL to the LDAP server")) } else { configuration.URL = validateLdapURL(configuration.URL, validator) } // TODO: see if it's possible to disable this check if disable_reset_password is set and when anonymous/user binding is supported (#101 and #387) if configuration.User == "" { validator.Push(errors.New("Please provide a user name to connect to the LDAP server")) } // TODO: see if it's possible to disable this check if disable_reset_password is set and when anonymous/user binding is supported (#101 and #387) if configuration.Password == "" { validator.Push(errors.New("Please provide a password to connect to the LDAP server")) } if configuration.BaseDN == "" { validator.Push(errors.New("Please provide a base DN to connect to the LDAP server")) } if configuration.UsersFilter == "" { validator.Push(errors.New("Please provide a users filter with `users_filter` attribute")) } else { if !strings.HasPrefix(configuration.UsersFilter, "(") || !strings.HasSuffix(configuration.UsersFilter, ")") { validator.Push(errors.New("The users filter should contain enclosing parenthesis. For instance uid={input} should be (uid={input})")) } // This test helps the user know that users_filter is broken after the breaking change induced by this commit. if !strings.Contains(configuration.UsersFilter, "{0}") && !strings.Contains(configuration.UsersFilter, "{input}") { validator.Push(errors.New("Unable to detect {input} placeholder in users_filter, your configuration might be broken. " + "Please review configuration options listed at")) } } if configuration.GroupsFilter == "" { validator.Push(errors.New("Please provide a groups filter with `groups_filter` attribute")) } else { if !strings.HasPrefix(configuration.GroupsFilter, "(") || !strings.HasSuffix(configuration.GroupsFilter, ")") { validator.Push(errors.New("The groups filter should contain enclosing parenthesis. For instance cn={input} should be (cn={input})")) } } if configuration.UsernameAttribute == "" { validator.Push(errors.New("Please provide a username attribute with `username_attribute`")) } if configuration.GroupNameAttribute == "" { configuration.GroupNameAttribute = "cn" } if configuration.MailAttribute == "" { configuration.MailAttribute = "mail" } } // ValidateAuthenticationBackend validates and update authentication backend configuration. func ValidateAuthenticationBackend(configuration *schema.AuthenticationBackendConfiguration, validator *schema.StructValidator) { if configuration.Ldap == nil && configuration.File == nil { validator.Push(errors.New("Please provide `ldap` or `file` object in `authentication_backend`")) } if configuration.Ldap != nil && configuration.File != nil { validator.Push(errors.New("You cannot provide both `ldap` and `file` objects in `authentication_backend`")) } if configuration.File != nil { validateFileAuthenticationBackend(configuration.File, validator) } else if configuration.Ldap != nil { validateLdapAuthenticationBackend(configuration.Ldap, validator) } }