ALTER TABLE webauthn_devices DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS webauthn_devices_pkey, DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS webauthn_devices_pkey1; ALTER TABLE webauthn_devices RENAME TO _bkp_UP_V0003_webauthn_devices; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS webauthn_devices_kid_key; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS webauthn_devices_lookup_key; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS webauthn_devices ( id SERIAL CONSTRAINT webauthn_devices_pkey PRIMARY KEY, created_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, last_used_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NULL DEFAULT NULL, rpid TEXT, username VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Primary', kid VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL, public_key BYTEA NOT NULL, attestation_type VARCHAR(32), transport VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', aaguid CHAR(36) NOT NULL, sign_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0, clone_warning BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX webauthn_devices_kid_key ON webauthn_devices (kid); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX webauthn_devices_lookup_key ON webauthn_devices (username, description); INSERT INTO webauthn_devices (id, created_at, last_used_at, rpid, username, description, kid, public_key, attestation_type, transport, aaguid, sign_count, clone_warning) SELECT id, created_at, last_used_at, rpid, username, description, kid, public_key, attestation_type, transport, aaguid, sign_count, clone_warning FROM _bkp_UP_V0003_webauthn_devices; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _bkp_UP_V0003_webauthn_devices;