language: go required: sudo go: - "1.13" services: - docker addons: chrome: stable apt: sources: - google-chrome packages: - google-chrome-stable install: - export PATH=$PATH:./cmd/authelia-scripts/:/tmp - source jobs: include: - stage: build & test before_script: - curl -o- | bash - nvm install v12 && nvm use v12 - go mod download script: - authelia-scripts --log-level debug ci # Run all suites in a dedicated container - &e2e-test stage: end-to-end suite tests env: - SUITE_NAME=BypassAll before_script: # Install chrome driver # TODO(c.michaud): this could be done in authelia-scripts instead for devs to not do the install themselves. # or even provide a docker image with a selenium server. - wget -N -P ~/ - unzip ~/ -d ~/ - rm ~/ - sudo mv -f ~/chromedriver /usr/bin/chromedriver - sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/chromedriver - sudo ln -s /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable /usr/bin/chromium-browser - go mod download script: # Run the suite - authelia-scripts --log-level debug suites test $SUITE_NAME --headless # TODO(c.michaud): check if all suites are listed based on `authelia-scripts suites list` command. - <<: *e2e-test env: - SUITE_NAME=Docker - <<: *e2e-test env: - SUITE_NAME=DuoPush - <<: *e2e-test env: - SUITE_NAME=HighAvailability - <<: *e2e-test env: - SUITE_NAME=Kubernetes - <<: *e2e-test env: - SUITE_NAME=LDAP - <<: *e2e-test env: - SUITE_NAME=Mariadb - <<: *e2e-test env: - SUITE_NAME=NetworkACL - <<: *e2e-test env: - SUITE_NAME=Postgres - <<: *e2e-test env: - SUITE_NAME=ShortTimeouts - <<: *e2e-test env: - SUITE_NAME=Standalone - <<: *e2e-test env: - SUITE_NAME=Traefik - &build-images stage: build images if: branch = "master" && type != "pull_request" || branch =~ /^v/ env: - ARCH=amd64 script: - while sleep 9m; do echo '===== Prevent build from terminating ====='; done & - authelia-scripts docker build --arch=$ARCH - kill %1 after_success: - authelia-scripts docker push-image --arch=$ARCH before_deploy: - docker create --name authelia-binary authelia/authelia:${TRAVIS_TAG:1}-$ARCH - docker cp authelia-binary:/usr/app/authelia ./authelia-linux-$ARCH - docker cp authelia-binary:/usr/app/public_html ./ - tar -czf authelia-linux-$ARCH.tar.gz authelia-linux-$ARCH public_html - sha256sum authelia-linux-$ARCH.tar.gz > authelia-linux-$ARCH.tar.gz.sha256 deploy: provider: releases api_key: "$GITHUB_API_KEY" file_glob: true file: "authelia-linux-$ARCH.tar.gz*" skip_cleanup: true on: tags: true - <<: *build-images env: - ARCH=arm32v7 - <<: *build-images env: - ARCH=arm64v8 - stage: deploy manifests if: branch = "master" && type != "pull_request" || branch =~ /^v/ env: - DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled script: - authelia-scripts docker push-manifest notifications: email: recipients: - on_success: change on_failure: always