import * as assert from "assert"; import * as sinon from "sinon"; import nedb = require("nedb"); import * as express from "express"; import * as winston from "winston"; import * as speakeasy from "speakeasy"; import * as u2f from "authdog"; import { AppConfiguration, UserConfiguration } from "../../src/lib/Configuration"; import { GlobalDependencies, Nodemailer } from "../../src/lib/Dependencies"; import Server from "../../src/lib/Server"; describe("test server configuration", function () { let deps: GlobalDependencies; before(function () { const transporter = { sendMail: sinon.stub().yields() }; const nodemailer: Nodemailer = { createTransport: sinon.spy(function () { return transporter; }) }; deps = { nodemailer: nodemailer, speakeasy: speakeasy, u2f: u2f, nedb: nedb, winston: winston, ldapjs: { createClient: sinon.spy(function () { return { on: sinon.spy() }; }) }, session: sinon.spy(function () { return function (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { next(); }; }) }; }); it("should set cookie scope to domain set in the config", function () { const config = { session: { domain: "", secret: "secret" }, ldap: { url: "http://ldap", user: "user", password: "password" }, notifier: { gmail: { username: "", password: "password" } } } as UserConfiguration; const server = new Server(); server.start(config, deps); assert(deps.session.calledOnce); assert.equal(deps.session.getCall(0).args[0].cookie.domain, ""); }); });