#!/usr/bin/env node var { exec } = require('./utils/exec'); var fs = require('fs'); async function buildDockerImages() { console.log("[BOOTSTRAP] Building required Docker images..."); console.log('Build authelia-example-backend docker image.') await exec('docker build -t authelia-example-backend example/compose/nginx/backend'); console.log('Build authelia-duo-api docker image.') await exec('docker build -t authelia-duo-api example/compose/duo-api'); } async function checkHostsFile() { async function checkAndFixEntry(entries, domain, ip) { const foundEntry = entries.filter(l => l[1] == domain); if (foundEntry.length > 0) { if (foundEntry[0][0] == ip) { // The entry exists and is correct. return; } else { // We need to remove the entry and replace it. console.log(`Update entry for ${domain}.`); await exec(`cat /etc/hosts | grep -v "${domain}" | /usr/bin/sudo tee /etc/hosts > /dev/null`); await exec(`echo "${ip} ${domain}" | /usr/bin/sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null`); } } else { // We need to add the new entry. console.log(`Add entry for ${domain}.`); await exec(`echo "${ip} ${domain}" | /usr/bin/sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null`); } } console.log("[BOOTSTRAP] Checking if example.com domain is forwarded to your machine..."); const actualEntries = fs.readFileSync("/etc/hosts").toString("utf-8") .split("\n").filter(l => l !== '').map(l => l.split(" ").filter(w => w !== '')); await checkAndFixEntry(actualEntries, 'login.example.com', ''); await checkAndFixEntry(actualEntries, 'admin.example.com', ''); await checkAndFixEntry(actualEntries, 'singlefactor.example.com', ''); await checkAndFixEntry(actualEntries, 'dev.example.com', ''); await checkAndFixEntry(actualEntries, 'home.example.com', ''); await checkAndFixEntry(actualEntries, 'mx1.mail.example.com', ''); await checkAndFixEntry(actualEntries, 'mx2.mail.example.com', ''); await checkAndFixEntry(actualEntries, 'public.example.com', ''); await checkAndFixEntry(actualEntries, 'secure.example.com', ''); await checkAndFixEntry(actualEntries, 'mail.example.com', ''); await checkAndFixEntry(actualEntries, 'duo.example.com', ''); } async function checkKubernetesDependencies() { console.log("[BOOTSTRAP] Checking Kubernetes tools in /tmp to allow testing a Kube cluster... (no junk installed on host)"); if (!fs.existsSync('/tmp/kind')) { console.log('Install Kind for spawning a Kubernetes cluster.'); await exec('wget https://github.com/clems4ever/kind/releases/download/0.1.0-cmic1/kind-linux-amd64 -O /tmp/kind && chmod +x /tmp/kind'); } if (!fs.existsSync('/tmp/kubectl')) { console.log('Install Kubectl for interacting with Kubernetes.'); await exec('wget https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.13.0/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl -O /tmp/kubectl && chmod +x /tmp/kubectl'); } } async function main() { await checkHostsFile(); await buildDockerImages(); await checkKubernetesDependencies(); } main().catch((err) => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); })